Golf Players

Martin Devlin – It’s Only Sport Best Of | February 20

It’s Only Sport host Martin Devlin jam-packs a variety of sports into today’s podcast, including the likes of test cricket, the NBA All-Star weekend and NASCAR. First off, NBC NASCAR reporter Nate Ryan discusses Kiwi Shane van Gisbergen competing in the Xfinity series at the Daytona 500.

Plus, veteran American sports writer Bob Ryan shares his disgust at the 2024 NBA All-Star game, Devlin lists what he’s looking forward to about Super Rugby Pacific kicking off, talkSPORT’s Jon Norman shares his thoughts on Kane Williamson and whether he’s overtaken the rest of the ‘fab four’ in test cricket, and Mark Watson chats Lewis Clareburt and Erika Fairweather’s medal-clinching efforts at the World Swimming Championships. All that and much more!

Want to hear all the best bits from It’s Only Sport? Click here to catch highlights from every show hosted by Martin Devlin, Monday to Friday. Available on all major podcasting websites.

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Diin unamed five 4 3 2 1 the platform welcome to the podcast people M de Lock And War iOS it’s only sport the only independent daily Sports Radio Show in New Zealand we air live on the platform you got to download the app the platform NZ app 124 to listen to us

Live otherwise sit back and enjoy the highlights of today’s show talking NBA yesterday’s Allstar fast what a load of pony starts with an A and rhymes with pass Bob Ryan from the Boston Globe all over that the English collapse in the third test versus India is this the

Beginning of the end of baz ball looks great when you’re winning however you look like the South African G team that t here when not John Norman talk sport cricket editor out of England SVG in his first full-time NASCAR stt and we go to Daytona to find out how he is traveling

The ATM podcast episode 71 what so much to talk about including Louis clber and Erica Fairweather and their prospects in the pool at the Olympics also topics to talk about the football FS qualifying for the Olympics after beting the Solomon Islands 11 for1 it sounds like a

Cricket score it was and Shane Rose cleared by review after wearing his man Kenny so he can now concentrate on qualifying for the Olympics as opposed to getting in trouble for wearing that revealing kit We Begin the show as always tablets and hand I say gather my

Flock it is time for a sermon you NBA players that played in that game yesterday give yourselves a collective uppercut let’s go to the mountain top we live in an amazing amazing world and it’s wasted on the craftiest generation of just spoiled idiots what a fast an utter embarrassment yesterday’s NBA Allstar

Game was a disgrace to the game and brought shame on every poser and Pretender playing it 211 to 186 397 points scored what a sham a glorified dunon with players attempting three quarter court shots and aling to themselves and behind the back bollocks Harem Globe Tred to Showtime basketball

There was everything except competitive which is what the game is meant to be which is what the players sign up to and get paid for which is what the NBA commissioner Adam Silva beged the players before the so-called match to do play competitive so what did they do

Well they stuck the big defensive hand fair in his face unlike anything they did on actual court and played a sham Fest joke that has now been roundly condemned by anyone and everyone who thinks they actually love the sport and yes I’m just another old guy howling at

The moon and no I don’t understand the new 2k generation they want to watch NBA basketball in 10c posterizing memes the same generation different countries different sport that would rather watch cricket as a hit and giggle slugfest than the roller coaster and physical mental exertion of a 5-day test the

Players will always try and Sher they’ll always try and do less for more money that’s human nature every sport that’s why our All Blacks don’t play Super Rugby it’s not glamorous enough doesn’t pay enough too hard too intense too physical every week they’d rather risk and rotate and only play when it’s

Deemed to be of the most importance achieving legendary status leaving a legacy behind winning the ultimate trophies none of that is as important as earning millions of dollars and having an equal number of Instagram followers it’s the same mentality behind why some of Europe’s best footballers have now

Quit their competitive leagues to go play in Saudi Arabia it’s easier to play an exhibition than it is to knuckle down and play serious competition and it totally sucks for an oldtime sports fan who wants to watch the best players playing hard it sucks the allstar game

Needs a bullet It’s Over Now kill it off kill it off once and for all because yesterday was a fast it was embarrassing and an excuse for what you’d call anything competitive in terms of basketball D what do you want we want information information you won’t get it

The platform 50501 the tech Locker we have headlines what are they sport um big news big rugby news and sad news this is too very sad news uh the Crusaders have been dealt a crushing blow a matter of days before their Super Rugby Pacific Campaign kicks off against

The Chiefs in Hamilton uh star outside back will Jordan Will undergo surgery on an existing shoulder injury and is set to be sideline for 6 months pre-existing this injury is apparently so it’s not that vertigo SL concussion sort of issue he had last year it’s totally different

All Blacks great so John Kerwin isn’t a fan of Joe Schmid being the new Wes coach he was on the breakdown I think last night on Sky board saying he was disappointed to see the appointment okay didn’t like is it Monday nights now have they changed it well there’s a story

Around the break I mean I saw it when I was fcking through some channels last night on sky sport I saw it there and then there’s a story out about stuff that John K said so I guess it’s Monday Sunday Monday prob we’re desperate for rugby news

People excuse me uh the New Zealand open the golf open will proceed without the nation’s Premier golfer after Ryan Fox announced he’ll skip the annual tournament which is uh at queenstown’s milbrook later this month he wants to focus more on the PGA tour he’s got a full season on the PGA tour

Ahead um now this is not really a great story but it’s kind of nice but it’s also not at the same time the football FS have booked their spot at the Paris Olympics that’s good they’ll beat the Paris Olympics mhm this is courtesy of a 111 victory over the Solomon Islands

Open in the second test doesn’t it what are the yies 11 for one that’s not a great start is it yeah what do we get 600 okay sure I mean look I know that we have to play the Oceania teams and good on the football FS you’ve qualified in

That but you know take nothing from this you’re playing against a bunch of women who aren’t even in amate teams no you know it is actually shoo and fly what fish in the backet yeah yeah we won okay yeah great sure uh Premier League the morning there was one game between

Everton and Crystal Palace a one all draw in the end amadu Onana uh scoring an equalizer for Everton and it pulls them out of the Drop Zone they’re now 17th ever they should be on uh 24 30 points they should be in um 11th or 12th ion

But they’re not which is a bit of a shame obviously because of their points deduction um speaking of Crystal Palace they have appointed former on Trak Frankfurt boss Oliver glasner as the new manager uh the 49-year-old Austrian replacing Roy Hudson who stepped down um due to an illness he had yeah training

Last week apparently yeah collaps he was taking 76 or 77 and he looks older with all due respect well he’s been a football manager for a long time it does AG you yeah um so that man oler Glazer the new manager Manchester City boss P Guardiola has apologized to Kelvin

Phillips for saying that the midfielder was overweight on his return from the qar World Cup well he wasn’t wrong you know he’s out of shape anyway uh NBA news just quickly a day after the NBA Allstar Weekend wrapped up um the Brooklyn Nets have this is a bit of a

Surprising move for any NBA fans out there I I was surprised the Brooklyn Nets have five their coach jacqu Vaughn the team has a 21- 33 record uh though the big thing about the new uh excuse me not the New Jersey Nets that’s a while ago the Brooklyn Nets has uh

Since trading away their three big stars of Kevin Durant krie Irving and James hard and they really haven’t had much talent to work with so it’s bit harsh to really suck a coach but anyway that’s just my opinion all right Martin that’s what’s making news oh my goodness me the platform

N you’ve been to nasar NASCAR they call it Rolling Thunder they call it Rolling Thunder for a reason it is just so loud and so violent Carnage and crashes today at the Daytona 500 Nate Ryan is our NBC Sports correspondent covering NASCAR and indicar uh talk a little bit about that

But as important for us kiwi Motorsports fans SVG and this is his first run round the track and the Xfinity series and the truck side of the nas car here’s Nate watching out of the corner of my eye here uh the Daytona 500 M cars Carnage chaos crashes all over the

Shop I think you described the current state of the dayon 500 accurately uh it’s it’s mainly waiting around for about three hours to see who who’s going to be in the wreck how many cars get eliminated and who’s left to win and uh tonight it was William Byron of Hendrick

Motorsports after a 23 car crash that he actually helped start with uh 20 laps to go he uh he emerged unscathed and got the victory look looking at the pictures and the coverage is fantastic isn’t it um and especially the incar cams and then when you play it in real time you

Don’t have any time at all to react to any of that stuff yeah and what see more amazing about Martin is those drivers you can sort of see it in those incar cameras and I agree with you like they’ve installed these newer type High death cams where you can see inside the

Driver’s you know visors you can see their eyes and of course this was a rain delayed race so a lot of it took place at night so when you see their eyes just darting all over the place during these wrecks uh underneath the lights that they car National Speedway it’s it’s

Really remarkable to watch those razor sharp reactions and reflexes but I don’t know if it really shows like how confined those cockpits are like their line of sight their their visibility uh there was a driver I think it was Joey lagano was talking about this week that he watches those replays and what

Doesn’t come through for him is how tight a space that is and how little he actually can see I mean when we’re watching it’s look like oh yeah you can just make this move or that Mo I mean at 200 miles an hour it’s it’s really really difficult especially with the

Cars inches apart look uh a guy called John Brink used to do this brilliant thing on ESPN where he kind of break down Sport Science I’d love somebody to explain that just in minute detail about the how many of fractions of a second you get to look to react to do I mean

You know essentially what can you do in a in a t car crash on an nirar oval yeah you can’t I and that’s unfortunately the bargain that a lot of these guys have to make uh knowing that this is the biggest race of the year uh

They go into it with the knowledge that it’s like it’s probably better than even odds that they’re probably going to be in a crash if they’re going to run up front and try to win this race and and Brad kazlowski a former champion of the

Cup series uh he is now 0 for 16 the Daytona 500 and it’s not for a lack of ability uh he was he had he was right at the front tonight he was actually the the guy who got turned uh that started that 23 car crash tonight and it it

Wasn’t koslowski’s fault it’s it’s the way you have to race at this track and in this race because of the way that the cars are all bunched up because they restrict the airf flow to the engine so everybody’s running about the same speed because they don’t want the cars to go

Airborne uh which they would do if their engines were running unrestricted but it it creates these really tight huge packs that even if you make every right move the way Brad kazlowski has done many times in the last 15 years you can still wrecked out it’s it’s a tremendous

Feeling of frustration but it’s it’s also quite enthralling and like you said the pitches uh quite amazing from a lot of the race tonight okay so this is the cup series and now we’ve got starting in about 10 minutes the exfinity series and that’s where our man SVG is about to

Race so so just essentially describe so what is the difference between the the the two series uh xandy series is like the junior circuit Martin of of NASCAR it’s like one notch below the cup series uh the cars are very similar um but there there are some specification differences

In terms of the chais uh and and they race a little bit differently um and obviously the the biggest difference though between cup xandy is the level of driver experience and Shane Van gisbergen will be racing against um drivers who are not of the caliber that just completed the Daytona 500 that’s

Obviously what he’s trying to get to but the drivers he’ll be facing and the teams he’ll be facing he’s with a very good team he’s with a an established winning expand Series team uh but many of the teams that he’ll be racing against in this field won’t be uh of

That caliber I appreciate your time enormously one quick question before we let you go and Nate so in terms of uh how he’s going to to go tonight what is a good result for him in terms of where he finishes and also how long does it

Take then to get out of Xfinity and into the big Downs uh it I I would say anything in the top 10 or the top 15 would would be a solid uh result for him Martin but I think the big result for for SBG is just

Not crashing um he ran another race uh as like a warm-up for this race the arer race that was uh on Friday night and unfortunately finished 50 plus laps down uh in 29th because he got caught in one of those wrecks like in the first 10

Laps and so I I think just finishing the race is is probably the goal for SVG and trying to get all those laps and experience under his belt then your other question was what was it when will this race start no no no so how long you

Know how how long if he performs really well at this before he gets to go to the Big Show ah I got you well you know if if he has a really strong 2024 season Martin like if he wins races an Infinity if he shows he can make the playoffs and be a

Championship Contender right um the team he’s with in in the cup series track house wants to expand um they’ve got a driver who’s in a contract year um who possibly could lose his ride and if SVG has a breakout year I I wouldn’t put it past him advancing to 2025 but I would

Say probably more likely he he spends a year or two in expanding and then maybe Cup in 2026 the top I’m going to make it seven best things about Super Rugby seven reasons where I’m excited you’re struggling with numbers two minute drill you’re doing a top five but it’s actually a top

Seven and and you you you can give these you know a tick or a get if I agree what’s the measure of my number seven something to watch at the pub this Friday night well at least till the N Roll starts anyway I mean s um we get to

See who the next or black number 10 will be Al that that could easily turn out to be something not as exciting really quickly though could be a bloke in Japan after the Andre at home especially if it can combine a holiday to fij with a home

Fixture uh who wouldn’t want that time frame laps ter make wew back to one gametim we thought the best thing to do for a variety reasons was to take week mate um we get to stick it up the Aussies every weekend and in sport I mean that’s got to be right up there

Like heckling David Warner isn’t it tomorrow night at the C who doesn’t want a little bit of that H we can watch New Zealand Rugby sides win for a change and know that they’re going to win Lan because when you follow the All Blacks like I do after a lifetime of loving the

All Blacks 14 test defeats in the last four years and then you combine that with the semi-final loss the year before that to England in the World Cup it hasn’t been great has it um at least this competition or for New Zealand Rugby is fit for

Purpose yeah yeah cuz the he didn’t say it wasn’t well the NPC isn’t so one of them has to be and finally top seven reasons why we’re excited about because the blues give everyone south of the Bombay another reason to hate Oakland and the Crusaders give everyone outside canterbary another

Reason to call your inbred twin head cornfed and sleep in your mother’s bed the allstar fast sport at its most idiotic ridiculous inan and insulting as well huge reaction to the 21 versus 186 score line yesterday in a game where even the NBA commissioner Adam Sil urged the players to at least

Try and play and be competitive three fouls five from the free throw line it was just sported its absolute worst Bob Bryan from the Boston Globe he explains why we should hate it and dump on them for it Bob thank you so much for your tweets yesterday where you absolutely took it

To the allstar game uh describing it as a disgraceful fast and saying these NBA stars are showing no respect for the game almost 400 points scored I don’t know how more ludic or ridiculous a supposed gamer sport could get let me give you a number that that even further identifies this and these

Players as as well athletic criminals and that is three that is the number of personal fouls in the game three there were five free throws attempted based on three personal fouls which means that no one made any semblance of pretense of guarding anyone at any point in the

Game so what is the answer here now um is it the players are just not interested in playing this are they so paranoid about being injured that of course they don’t want any physical contact or is this a statement from them that says hey unless you’re prepared to

Pay us even more money we we’re really just going to turn this into a joke well I don’t have the definitive answer uh at all I I I I don’t i i in that regard uh I don’t think it’s the injury thing I don’t think that I

Don’t think it it it’s some there um concept I guess the modern player this crop the concept of what uh the All-Star games can and should be and and and we were in such a three-point Mania era uh and so there was an extraordinary number of three-point shots taken uh and and U

And some lay s which were basically uncontested layups on fast breaks and minimal amount of of what we call mid-range jump shots uh anyway they they aren’t interested in playing a real game and and and you would think that they would have a sense of personal Pride as previous generations of basketball

Players going back to the first All-Star Game in 1951 had always demonstrated and that is we’re playing against the best players in the world we we we want to compete and and for personal Pride I don’t care if it’s a for a dime let alone you know

However much money but they don’t seem to have that and here’s the thing that is very very disturbing now this is really serious now forget about my Rants and waves and and all that they were uh in an atmosphere yesterday during the day in which the commissioner of the

League Adam Silver uh was urging them to be competitive to put on a real basketball game and no less than figured than Larry Bird who was course is was there beaming in with Indiana Pride having grown up in the state of Indiana and having been the coach and and a

General manager of the Indiana Pacers um he specifically said he really was hoping for a good game a real game and wanted called upon the players to put on a good basketball game and basically they laughed at the world at him at Silver at you at me anybody who cares

About the Dignity of the game by putting on that disgraceful performance last night people paying money for this do you think the spectators well is the is the audience now so 30C attention span that all they care about is a a glory Duncan and and and and you know sort of some

Behind the back Harlem Globe TR of stuff or do you think the people that paid their money wanted to see competitiveness well I mean we can’t speak for each and every Patron but I do think there’s an age Gap I think it’s pretty clear that the younger generation

Is relatively okay with this because they got to see uh the game that they have grown up with now the the three-point shot has been in professional basketball uh and since the well it goes back to a minor league called the eastern league in 1961 or the American basketball league and then uh

And then in 1976 66 the ABA American Basketball Association came to being with the three-point shot and it was introduced into the NBA in 1979 so do the math on that that’s 45 years ago so you would have to a whole whole lot of people have

Grown up knowing this aspect of the game and and it’s gotten taken on more and more prominence so uh I think that you can whatever door line at age 40 or 45 or whatever uh it’s a pretty much certain that over that age people are disdainful what we saw last night and

Under they might actually be okay with it but uh uh I don’t know the exact numbers but I do think somewhere in there there is an age Gap Bob Ryan is with us from the Boston Globe I’ve read a lot um scaring websites today it just seems that every commentator every pter

Every every pit is sharing the same overall disappointment some more scathing than others and if Adam Silva himself you know begs the players to actually show some pride and show some respect and they don’t do that what is it actually saying now the player power

Has got to the stage where you know he had to bring in rules and regulations to stop them resting all the time because they don’t want to play 82 regular regular season games CU they all want to be playing in their 40s and still earning hundreds of millions of

Um you know they’ve brought in this um in in uh league tournament in Vegas of course to raise more money they’re talking about taking the league over to to China to everywhere else that they go is that where it’s going or do you think the handbrake can be pulled up and it

Can be brought back to Hey listen you’re actually athletes you’re actually meant to be competing is what you’re meant to be doing and you’re meant to be doing it on a daily basis well um I let’s see if there’s any reaction on their part to the rather

Large backlash that that is going on here in in the states uh because as you pointed out I am hardly alone in in condemning what we saw last night and um maybe they’ll they be awakened by it and stung by it and and say okay maybe we’re

Wrong and and and and and maybe they’ll see it better we’ll see what happens we may have to wait a year now to find out you know how they feel about it actually I I it’s it’s frustrating to me to me it shouldn’t even be a conversation it

Should be such a given that that there should be an enormous amount of pride I mean can you imagine the likes of Larry Bird and Magic Johnson and and Michael Jordan of all I mean as Fierce a competitor as the game has ever known uh Allan Iverson who was a tough-minded

Player I can go on naming names and Charles Barkley uh on and on and and and and Bill Russell God knows so why why this generation doesn’t share that sense of pride and respect for the game uh and and and and and get a joy out of

Competing at the highest level uh in this regard I don’t know I remember I mean I have covered some really really good Allstar games in in the 70s and 80s and and and early 90s it’s possible and you know interesting that some of the reaction that I’ve gotten uh via email

And and Twitter or X I say is that uh uh oh El not all Allstar games are are terrible no they weren’t always terrible they were some very good ones overtime games games competitive so and and and imagine with that the skill level is enormous if they put them if if they

Applied their defensive ability to to the game and and and played a full basketball game we would we would possibly have a sensational game but they don’t seem to care about producing that and I don’t I do not understand why to hear the full interview download the

Platform at the App Store via platform plus you can go back and listen to the whole show and all of the interviews in full the tight five five fa sporting topics roughly a minute or so on each as we discuss we will be reminded when that

Minute is up and when that happens we move on quickly to the next topic oh Jord is out for the Super Rugby season this means he won’t be playing for the All Blacks in those opening test matches okay let’s just make that point perfectly clear because the way that it

Has been reported he’s out for the Super Rugby season that means he’s pretty much out for most of the all black season maybe maybe the end of year tour the football ferns qualify for the Olympics Yahoo kind of embarrassing that tournament though the allstar fast athletic criminals is what Bob Ryan

Called them on the show The esteemed Bob Ryan from the Boston Globe athletic criminals has basball run its course would you like to see New Zealand play like that against Australia for example next week laand just tossing wickets away because that’s how you play you play you

Toss all Jane Rose and got a great text in from Brenda here who uh says we need to talk and presume you mean this we need to talk about the man K we need to talk uh Brenda is saying that banning him for wearing a man Kenny I’d pay

Money to see that what you’d pay money to see him banned or you you wouldn’t be paying money to see him in the man Keeny would you have you seen the photos of the guy the guy’s 50 well hold up think about it no I don’t want to think about

It like I don’t want to think I don’t want to talk about it if it was a woman and a man Kenan it’s a different thing mate exactly the woman the female form is there to be admired but there’s some woman who like the male form for some reason

Who God your weird you woman you’re totally and utterly weird um LeBron’s can we do LeBron’s retirement do we have to talk about that no no I don’t I’m not talking I don’t want to talk about that I’m sick of you LeBron already mate I’m not really I

Love you LeBron but I’m just just please can you just retire and go away or you going to have to drag it out like Kobe did for 9 years is that disrespectful zobe did not do it for n years made every game he went to there’s another Jersey he’s bitter than LeBron let’s

Start with Will Jordan then out for the Super Rugby season it’s a shoulder injury apparently he’s been carrying this for a while well he looked pretty damn good at the World Cup didn’t look as though he was plaguing him then okay can I can I I just hope okay for the

Man’s sake that this has got nothing to do with the post concussion in AA vertigo headaches whatever it was that was never really explained or defined to us I didn’t think medically like I wanted it to be last year would that you know rugby will always try its very best to avoid using

The word concussion when it comes to their players being injured I’m not suggesting for a second that will Jordan is still suffering from that but I’m saying I’m just hoping it is and Rugby’s not doing another coverup job here because it seems unusual that all of a

Sudden he’s got a shoulder injury which we never knew anything about right it was never mentioned at all during the World Cup it was never mentioned that he was holding it carrying it that it was affecting him since then he hasn’t played any rugby I have a vague the vaguest of

Memories that there was something mentioned about a separate injury but it was never serious enough but I could be wrong all right who plays 15 for the All Blacks then because it ain’t him look he may come back for the end of year tour but you got to remember this is a guy

That’s had no rugby at all then we got England here we got Fiji over in San Diego we got the oh God what’s it called we’ve got the two tests against the spring B oh we’ve got the um Argentina matches first he’s not going to be

Drafted in for those okay he’s going to have to play some rugby before that and he’s not going to play NPC because the old blacks don’t play NPC so hopefully by the end of the year he’s back on that t so who no he will be part of that

Rugby Championship Squad if he’s healthy you kidding me well what rugby he played before well look who the coaches for starters Razer yeah good point and this is pit rabbit all right well let’s hope let P rabbit pit rabbit I want will Jordan to be 15 for the I think

Argentina is more than I want on the right ring can we establish that no he’s not he’s a fullback he’s playing fullback when he’s healthy when he’s healthy but while he’s not healthy who’s playing fullback pereda no no yes no you don’t like him why are you don’t want

Fate since today cuz you can’t name any others yeah um who’s the no not the Hurricanes Josh not not Josh M Shan Stevenson Dam McKenzie one of those I prefer McKenzie at 15 than 10 but then we going to find at 10 okay I thought you going say Stevenson i’ prefer

Stevenson purely on his height purely on that yeah I don’t mind him I don’t think you can have a little little fullback no you can’t which is why Pera can’t be the fullback football fans qualify for the Olympics look great news for the for the football fans but this tournament is all

About pumping up a seriously bad set of stats remember last year how many goals did they score five five that’s right five in about 15 matches okay uh y’s record as coach is just abysmal it really is so we go to the Olympic qualifying tournament the ofc qualifying tournament and we

Play all the Pacific island countries and it’s embarrassing I don’t know if you’ve seen any footage any of these it’s actually embarrassing the and no disrespect to the women who are playing for those countries but they wouldn’t even be even be playing third division Club football in an Orland no they

Wouldn’t they wouldn’t and most of them it looks as though the kit they’re wearing isn’t even theirs it’s Miss it does you know I’m saying that we’re playing a bunch of less than amate so if we’re not [ __ ] them or whatever the female equivalent is by 11 goals you

Know what I mean has b ball Run course mate and would you like to see us playing Betty bat bat bat bat against the Aussies next week or would you rather see that we actually knuckled down and tried to win a test match well hold up England have won test matches

And they’ve thrown them away they’ve thrown a few away they’ve won more than they’ve thrown sure but they’ve crucially thrown away test matches like the ashes one at Lords inexcusable this one against India the other day inexcusable is that what you get with Betty hold up hold up so when we’re

Talking about be ball or Betty B B it’s this just high octane intense it’s push for runs early in your Innings right it’s Allstar basketball mate it’s just throw the bat at everything so that being said can we blame Bas ball for England’s supposedly poor bowling performance or Fielding performance that

Led to India getting 400 or something runs in the second Innings what about that yeah is that bear Ball’s fault abely how’s that bear Ball’s fault because it’s bear ball yeah no cuz you just don’t like bearb I don’t like bearb uh but I’d agree with I mean I mean if

You’re going to I mean look they were chasing 557 against India in India were 224 for two chasing a a first Innings total of 420 or 30 or something like that they were poised and primed and they threw their wickets away what get the fs 420

Or 30 or some of that well okay you’re not poised from I mean yeah you’re still 200 runs off they they lost six wickets for 30 runs and then they got bowled out by for 100 in their second Innings okay so no Bas versus australi I don’t like

No no I don’t like the style at all I dumb it’s ertic it’s not um it’s not measured at all um and it’s really like it’s predictable it’s it’s like look I’m not the smartest Cricket person out there at all but I would think that if you’ve got this

Intense style and that’s your focus do you have much room for maneuver to implore some other or employ some other St what my criticism of it is okay and so when you’re doing it and you go oh a boss bears bears it’s not working can we

Just rain in the ball bit through just this is how we play we’re going to lose I don’t care the allstar fast Bob Ryan calling them athletic criminals you love your NBA basketball it’s great phrase isn’t it you you love NBA basketball even you must have been embarrassed at I

I watch why don’t you watch it cuz it’s a fast isn’t it it’s when I got home and I did a little bit of work in my room I put it on and I just after 5 minutes or something no not interested why not because it is a bunch of blocks like why

Like part of why I love sport in general is the intense physical and I guess mental competition between athletes in good shape excelling you know as human beings and putting their bodies to the limit in some sort of incredible way that doing athletic things I can’t do so

When I’m watching the NBA I like to see all these wonderful plays that they do and these different offensive Styles and defensive plays and structures and whatnot and players doing wonderful dunks and the intensity of it in NBA games that is nonexistent in Allstar games because guys aren’t pushing hard

No guys aren’t defending uh guys aren’t sitting screens so there’s no players on offense it’s all isolation basketball they are jogging up the court and the guys defending those guys are not doing anything three three yeah in a whole game of basket yeah Adam Silva the NBA commissioner appealing to those players

Larry Bird you know this is what I just think is is most disgraceful of all a guy like Larry Bird half of those players care that’s that’s what that’s why I hate you players I don’t I hate you the issue is not so much I’m going

To buy fly there next year and I’m going to buy a ticket to stand on the side of the court and yell abuse and David Warner them that’s what I’m going to do next year Ked out um but half the issue isn’t it’s like part of it the plays but

I get why the plays don’t go hard out it’s a it it doesn’t matter the game doesn’t matter at all in terms of the NBA season or the championship all they care about is the playoffs and being in good shape for that and Prime for that

While they put their bodies on the line for a meaningless game I’m going to talk to W in a second about our chances in the pool with Lewis and Erica we’re allowed to call them by their first names aren’t we finish on Shane Rose has been cleared by review after wearing his

Man Keeny in a show jumping event at Sydney on the weekend and can now focus on qualification for the horsey horsey at the Olympics I love the story I love everything about the story I love the fact that Brenda you like the idea of a

Man and a man Keeny you see us men find it absolutely appalling that’s why we do it we do it and it’s when it’s a 50-year-old man and a 50-year-old hairy man and a 50-year-old fat hary yeah with freckles and there’s only one rule of qualification for a man to wear a man

Key and what is that Lan I don’t know the beach now you got to be packing lunch M’s I don’t know what you’re talking about there’s only one so sit around and conversations about with my friend you better believe it the platform Kane Williamson Can 32 test

Centries the best of the big four at the moment that is root that is Coy that’s Smith that’s Kane hitting test runs like doing it for fun so proud of this man he just is extraordinary in his achievements the statistics he’s piling up can he do it against Australia though and will that

Actually Define what he has recently achieved or even Define his test career John Norman talk sport cricket editor out of London with his thoughts on it Kane Williamson the big four Steve Smith Coy himself and Joe root seven centuries and seven tests now is this guy the best

In the the world right now holding a cricket bat uh a I I’ll tell you in three weeks time after Australia of course that’s the test isn’t it yeah I think so I’ve loved watching Kan Williamson for many many years he undeniably a class act as

A human being as a captain and as a batter um across all three formats he’s come so close to winning a World Cup he of won the world test Championship he’s won a lot of games of cricket he’s won a lot of Hearts but his record against

Australia is not brilliant and you know just like England we kind of that’s kind of what matters amongst everything else Joe Roots never scored a century in Australia do you know that um K Williamson has um but he’s only scored one test Century in England and he’s only scored two test centuries in

Australia uh all three were the best part of a decade ago and he played what four test Series against Australia I mean he should have played more it’s a bit of a scandal that he hasn’t but I wouldn’t say that he’s performed to his levels in

Three of them um and against England I don’t think he’s performed to his levels in any of those series either maybe B one 2015 possibly so whilst that is the case um that’ll always be there you know so yeah if he scores a century and wins

A test match for New Zealand at the Basin and then scores a century and saves a test match at Christ Church and corrects that wrong and wins a series for New Zealand and puts him in a very very good position in the world test Championship um then yeah we can be

Talking about the best batter in the world right now um but yeah yeah is that does that answer the question question I’m not sure I probably answered a different question but there you go to hear the full interview download the platform at the App Store via platform

Plus you can go back and listen to the whole show and all of the interviews in full it’s time we need to talk to play not not there to play we need to talk a game we need to talk called what is more CH happening well it’s called what is more

CH of happening but I add the lockl to it because I ask you I present two scenarios you tell me what is more are happening and we run the sporting gamut here over everything anything that is happening in the big wide wonderful world of what is more chance happening

New Zealand beat Australia in the first T20 tomorrow at the ceton or SVG finishes top five in his first race in x infinity what’s more chance we beat Australia in the first T20 that’s it he’s running 15th at the moment you don’t give him I do I just actually

Think we’ve got a good shot at winning the series really good shot against Australia yeah I think so we’re the weakened team it’s not our test team mate no I no it’s Australia I think I think we could pick up a win or two why

Not win the first one why not what do more chance happen we beat Australia in the first T20 starting tomorrow in Wellington or the Fox Sport commentary team out of Australia pronounce every name correctly in the opening round of NRL we beat Australia we beat Australia ladies and gentlemen because you know

That’s not going to happen why isn’t it going to happen do you think that they will take any notice of what swt Gallagher is has put his heart and soul into um I would hope so well there there’s a couple of things to it one

It’s actually hard to learn all the I I I do think it’s hard to learn all of these names and to be able to remember them accurately and then say them very bloody job mate no but say them very quickly it is hard to say quickly a lot

Of poian names we a lot of us tongue tie and trip over and that’s just because we’re not used to to saying it I think the more you say it the more you get used to it it’s just different V sound and these commentators look they don’t

Get given the same team every week they get they they call it a variety of games it’s honest if they’ve got like the Warriors and are getting used to a couple of names then they can perfect them the next week and then they’re fine after a couple however in your

Preparation would you not be going through the team list and going that game hope yeah you’d hope so I tell you who’s not doing that the uh color commentators who are the former players who have been Brad and not because they have any skills but because they are former players now not being

Disrespectful just there’s a reason they’re there and it’s not because of the commentary skill set includes the likes of okay let’s go to big Tino again F Malawi see it’s not easy is it no I don’t even know if that’s right you say that quickly okay so okay so here’s

The bit of commentary you got to do for me here big Tino gets the ball charges up hard I’m not not a dancing monkey I’m not a dancing monyo flips off and then he scoops around and gets the pass again so big Tino gets the ball twice in 3

Seconds go I’m not I’m not your dancing I’m not do it’s not that’s and look and we all feel a little bit like this because we don’t want to do it you do it then no I that’s one name that as soon as I I get nervous and start

Hyperventilating over but I think it’s important what is more important though is this game we’re playing right now what is more chance of happening New Zealand beat Australia in the first T20 or Erica Fairweather and LS clber both medal at the Olympics both medal okay they’ got a both medal

At the Olympics they’ll have a number of different events I would say there’s more chance that the BL caps won the first T20 who’s got more chance of medling out of the two of them do you think see I fear for Erica and her specialist event because once Lei gets

Into the pool if she’s fit she’s focused she’s winning the goal swimming you can’t or seconds and if and there’s more of the top wom who aren’t competing than the top men I think yep but then again I’m not I’m not the most uh I’m not the smartest person when it comes to

Swimming at the Olympics so um I’d say they’ve got as much chance as each other actually I’ll say Lewis because he was damn close at the last Olympics what I like though is the fact that they’ve both had a taste of winning at that level now so they shouldn’t be

Intimidated by it and sure there’s different caps in the pool and different bodies in the pool and that but once You’ won a World Championship medal it must give you so much confidence to now think okay sure you weren’t here then but what’s how I did beat you on the day

Cuz it’s not about the great thing about the Olympics is you don’t have to win with the world record you know I watch win you just have to win next what is more chance of happening the black caps go one up in the T20 series tomorrow or

Man united storm pass Villa and Spurs and make top four at the end of the Premier League season and more chance of black hips when the opening just get off mate we’re playing Australia yeah you guys have six points to make up now we got three on spars and five on Villa H

Five Points then well it could be top five this year but I said top four but okay Champions League spot which could be top five could be top five 13 games to go 39 points on the table the one thing in our favor is that all three of

Us Racing for this we’re not racing for the title but the three teams that are involved in this particular race and it could actually extend because all of us could trip over we are all going to trip over Tottenham and Villa are not winning out from here nether of course I think I

Think both both Tottenham and Villa have to play Liverpool Arsenal and City there you go so and with 13 games to go I think out of the three teams that if you win eight or nine of those games you’re probably going that’s probably going to be enough I’m not talking about

Challenging for the title because if out of the 13 games no it’s a three three horse R you guys are going to have to win 11 or 12 of those we’ve got an easier um we’ve got an easier run home than Arsenal and City though well I think we

Do I love that there’s nothing better than a Liverpool fan full of confidence who thinks they’ve got an easy run the easy game B last year you dicted us 70 what was that easy game you played after that how many games we lost this year I don’t care mate I’m talking about last

Year I live in the past L you beat us seven what is more CHS of happening you guys are r on for the Champions League then if you living in last year in front of a well what could be a record crowd certainly since 2015 and Wellington

Tomorrow for the cricket New Zealand I’m going to call it an upset against Australia because they are the defending T20 no they’re not England are defending T20 world champions AR they but they did Australia beat us in the 2021 final those had Innings where Kane got 85 and we’re like here we

Go they chased down and did it quite easy um so we beat Australia tomorrow night or the breakers beat the kings in the first round of the playoffs Breakers beat the Kings it’s weaken a bit away if you’ve dislocated your shoulder can you come

Back and we no you can’t mate no no no he’s out for the season yeah I think with him and lamb fit I would agree with you without those two guys well what’s got more well you got to think like both the black caps and the breakers are underdogs who is a bigger

Underdog I think the black caps for that first game well there only a couple of the a couple of questions ago you were saying that you think we’re favorites for this game no I didn’t say we’re favorites I said we’ve got a good chance at winning a

Couple of these but did I say favorites what is more chance of happening that we do beat Australia then or that David Warner doesn’t cop it from the crowd uh more chance that we uh oh yeah no we bet austral we go look if you were going

There tomorrow night what are you going to do if you’re if if he’s close to you on the boundary I’m wearing an outfit made out of sandpaper for starters look I don’t you know I’m not into the abuse thing because most of it is just it’s rank I tell it’s just full of

I’m gonna have a face mask on and the face isny Bill Sunny B see that’s what I see I think that’s funny I still think that’s funny and out of all those South African fans that did that and during that test series hundreds of them went

Along with sunny Bill M if you don’t know the story SNY Bill used to date David Warner’s wife for an hour at a pub One Night in the bathroom and S what is more chance of happening Davey Dum Dums Aussie get up and beat us in the first one day I

Thought he retired what’s he doing here or the allar NBA game still exists this time next year what is NBA Allstar game still exists this time next year well what are they going to do with it though it was called athletic criminals is they what those players were described by by

Bryan to down until Adam Silva says something like that it’s probably just going to stay the way it is it’s been rubbish for years and they’ve made little adjustments to it and it’s not really improved it at all wonder how much it cost to get a ticket to that

Quite a lot to go to the cuz you’d have to buy the allar weekend wouldn’t you you couldn’t just isolate no you could do probably single days I’d think um I remember a couple of years ago was the only way to stop this people is to boycott this completely to for the

Television ratings to go through the floor and for nobody to go nobody to buy it and turn up jez was that a burp I think it was but they know that’s the only way to get through to these players that no one cares about your half court

Around dun they’ve got to put something writing on it the NBA they’ve got to make it more I don’t know vital or important for the play to I think that the easiest thing to do is do what they do in MLB and make it that whoever wins

Out of those conferences gets home court advantage in the NBA Finals put that on it now let’s say that it is 2016 Golden State Warriors are 73 and9 the Cavs who made the finals were 53 and 29 I think that was the record that year excuse me 5725 easn conference WI a 16

Game difference easn Conference win I’m talking about trying to make 16 game Difference game meaningful and because a couple of players on the west didn’t care as much as the Warriors players in the allstar game and lost to the east that means that the Warriors don’t get home court advantage who plays the

Allstar game only the best players right so those players more than likely there’s 15 players on a team mate but there’s going to be a number of those players probably yeah but those guys are going to be competing for a CHP so that means that they’ve got something riding

On the only other thing to put on it is money they don’t need money these guys you’re not going to give them an amount of money that they care about because they earn so much Goddamn money anyway you know what you do so what else do you

Do you get rid of it dump it all together dump it allp it and maybe move the inseason tournament to that point of the year what is more CHS happening New Zealand beat Australia in the first T20 tomorrow or Lebron Lebron bron bron refuses to have a farewell tour alak

Kobe did every single game of the NBA season where just stop it LeBron please don’t you know he’s going to that way in actual fact I think he’s going to double up on Double Down on Kobe I think he’s going to do two years Lin he’s going to

Have a farewell turn next year then he’s going to have another one when his son starts playing in the league and do it all again One Last Time son I think his son’s eligible to be drafted after this year so who you selling to make room for

Him Lakers fans cuz you know he’s coming don’t you well no no he’s not no no no he’s not no no no no I follow the Lakers and I follow um the reporters and the beat reporters and whatnot the the the Rumblings out of the organization of the Lakers are in no

Way going to be mortgaging their future uh not mortgaging the future the opposite of that uh selling their current roster essentially to get draft books so they can draft because we have no draft capital for the next when you say the Lakers I’m sorry so who is in

The upper echelons of the office who is more power than LeBron again so who was that shut up shut it’s a called it’s a BL there’s a bloke called Rob pinka and there is the owner whose name is jie bus here the thing if the Lakers if the Lakers ownership and their General

Management say they’re going to do something I would like to think that one player who was a spe on the history of NBA history who is not the be all and end all of the league that guy can’t then influence the organization should be with your head so firmly up his

Backside M I can’t us at the time I want to pul George and us to trade for Anthony Davis the next year what is more chance of happening black caps do it tomorrow night and Wellington or The Warriors finish top four again and don’t take your stupid Brisbane head off and think sensitively

No I am thinking sensitively hey let’s get a couple of things straight let get a couple of things straight here last year last year I prors you did not you lying Sly you stuck it to us all year you giggled you laughed you cackled no I didn’t what I

Did was I offered plenty of PR ra to Andrew Webster and I’ve said many times to my friends and on here on and off the Record or whatnot that I would probably rather him Coach my Broncos than Kevin Walter I think he’s one of the two or

Three best coaches in the game I’m a huge Angie Webster guy I look the NRL is a competition that every year there’s about two to three it could even be more than that as I said this yesterday I don’t know the exact numbers but there are at least two or three teams new

Teams in the finals right the there’s never been backtack years off the top of my head at least in the last 10 to 15 years there has not been back toback years where you’ve had the exact same top four maybe even in a different order but the exact same one it hasn’t

Happened so all I’m saying all I’m saying is that sure the Warriors have a brilliant chance of making the top four based on last year and they haven’t lost much talent and I don’t think there’s anyone else in the comp who finished below them that have improved so mly

That they deserve to be he War more chance of happening but it’s a hard competition to chance of happening there’s more chance that the V kepts wi the first drill ATM the apologize to me podcast episode 71 today Mark Watson as always on the program International broadcaster of much Acclaim covered so

Many Olympic Games and our expert on especially the Olympic sports that we only get to see every few years one of those being swimming well the world championships in Doha two new zealanders top of the day is leis clber and Erica Fairweather how are they going to fear though when it comes

To Paris at the Olympics in July Mark Watson apologize to me kicking it off with CLA Bert who moved to ockland of course because he couldn’t find a lane to swim in and in pulled down in Wellington he wins a world championship medal a gold to go along with Erica

Fairweather who’s collected a couple at these World Champ and I love what he said yesterday mate where he said look history remembers not who wasn’t in the race history remembers who was in the race so we know that some of the best swimmers in the world weren’t at these

At these particular World Champs and a couple of things I find it a little weird that an Olympic year which is the world Champs you have a world Champs but I suppose that all the swimmers want some competition and and just to see where they’re at but can clber and

Fairweather repeat these performances at the Olympics or even just get on the podium yeah interesting one look I agree with Lois and I think I said it last week when it came to Erica um you know look Eric feel where they had the three big names missing as we discussed last

Week summer minint um Ariana titmas and the great Katie Lei I think at the Olympic Games her best chance is probably an outside bronze medal I think she potentially do what Paul Kingsman did back in 1988 um Anthony Moss has done um I can’t see her changing the M of a nation and

You know at the highest level and winning gold or even silver leis Cleber I agree with his quote completely no one remembers um who wasn’t there not to similar to when Kane Williamson and 10 years now the 300 City School in two tests against South Africa no one’s

Going to remember the standard of the South African team leis cir has a big race temperament which is sometimes half the battle for a lot of athletes actually been able to deal with the occasion 2018 won of bronze at the Commonwealth Games in Australia what was a really disappointing Commonwealth

Games for New Zealand F iing no one really knew him but he found a way to get a bronze and a very good field and then we’ve seen him pick up bronze at will championships made the Olympic Games Final in Tokyo probably didn’t quite have his best day and now World

Championship so look I think Lewis is definitely probably more of a middle favorite Prospect than perhaps Erica fear with good enough to win gold I mean he went a 409 he’s probably going to need to swim and he’s gone quicker but he needs to probably swim a

406 is HE capable of that um when you get to that Elite level you know finding a tenth of a second half a second is a big deal littleone having to try and find two or three but look a lot of time these races aren’t always one in Record

Times uh um in fact I think if he had a one personal best or had a one close to his personal best in Tokyo it would have been actually good enough for the silver medal so look I think maybe maybe for the first time since Daniel loer back in

96 we might have a New Zealand athlete pick up an Olympic medal in swimming and um you know and to be honest about time you know we’ve had a number of athletes over the years uh finished fourth um and yeah it would be just nice to sort of

Yeah see some of our stormers do well they do train hard it’s just yeah they do train hard they train really hard in this country I’m just not sure we got the model right in terms of the way we develop our forers at a young age and

How we do bring them through that’s our podcast for today thank you so much for listening if you want to listen to the entire show one till four Monday to Friday download the platform app and Via platform plus you can go back and listen to whatever shows over however many

Weeks at your leisure at your listening pleasure platform plus first thing to do though is download the platform app dlin unbelievable incredible the platform

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