Using Moe Normans 5* RATED DRILL will leave your golf buddies SPEECHLESS

This is helping so many golfers right now!!! You need to listen up this Moe Norman release drill will make you at least one club longer and will 100% keep the clubface square down to the golf ball. The best part about it is that it takes just 15 SECONDS!! The release is something that I have struggled with in the past and know that a lot of my golf clients have too. In this short and simple golf lesson here on YouTube Top 50 coach Alex Elliott PGA teaches you the secret to releasing the golf club on the downswing JUST like Moe Norman did using his 15 second release drill. No longer be scared or misled on how to release the golf club, this is something the best ball stickers do, Jack Nicklaus and Earnie Els, creating a better strike, pressure and compression on the golf ball. We need a drill that is going to work ALL THE TIME because releasing the golf club means we add distance, we drop shots, we strike the golf ball longer, straighter, reduce our handicap…. the benefits are endless.

This drill has helped so many golfers of all different abilities, I have had so many different questions on the channel about release in the golf downswing, wrists in the golf swing, downswing tips, improving ball strike and compression, downswing tips with driver, downswing tips with irons, Moe Norman secrets, Striking tips, downswing Moe Norman, the secret to ball striking. Golf tips for beginners driving, golf tips driving straight, connection in the golf swing… you get the gist!!

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So many of you I know are scared of releasing the golf club and probably don’t actually know how to and I’ve seen a lot of questions here on the channel about it now I know this 15 second tip from the start of your rehearsal into striking the golf ball from Mo Norman is

Going to seriously show you how you release the golf club and I know you can implement this on the course right away now the way I’m going to show you is just going to take you 15 seconds it’s really easy to follow in five simple steps and when on the golf course you’re

Going to get that feelings that I’ve had recently where you know what now I feel like I’m putting so much more pressure down the golf ball and the strike and the distance more importantly has gone like six or seven yards longer which is nearly a club so instead of me hitting

Like a seven9 now I’m now hitting an eight ir and then instead of hitting a 69 I’m hit a 7even ey and naturally your scores will lower doing this so what we’re trying to focus on here is that release where we can finish like this now look at my golf glove it’s almost

Facing you and it’s almost like I could put the flag in the hole and that’s what Moorman said we want to be in a finished position like this where we can drop the flag in the hole okay we don’t certainly want to be like this again we can’t put

The flag in the hole equally we also don’t want to be too much like this again we can’t put the flag in the hole it’s really focusing on that now you might be thinking Alex I have not seen too much of this before well Ernie El’s does this Bryson the Shambo

Jack Nicholas top golfers of past and present all make this move stage one we’re just going to put some lines on a glove now grab an old glove don’t be using a new one right where I’m just going to put a little line on that knuckle there and a little line on that

Knuckle there so the first two do it when you sort of fist is clenched now these are just going to act as a marker so you know if you’re doing it right you know if you’re implementing the drill right I don’t want you guessing stage one just get your glove ready I’m going

To show you this from a few different angles but this is now stage two stage two and it fits really nicely I want you just to put your Club in your left hand just to let you know it’s important that we got that finger grip okay not it’s

Not a grip video but just make sure it’s in your fingers what we’re looking for is this imagine we’ve swung up we’ve come down at this last parallel position I want you to be able to see the two dots on your GL GL okay so if you look

At this on player cam I can see two dots on my glove really important okay now into the next stage stage number three impact I want you to be able to see one line on my glove okay or one dot whatever you sort of decide to draw on

There so you can see for me to do that I’ve gone from there to there okay stage three done and dusted let’s now move on to stage four I mean you might be thinking Alex blow me neck you’re going through this quickly well I told you it

Just takes 15 seconds and then on the way through I want you to see no dots and your logo of your glove almost feel like it’s pointing to the sky or pointing sort of to Target here now when I’m actually practicing it that’s what I feel in reality when I’m hitting shots

I’m sort of somewhere like bit flatter I’m not sort of all the way over okay this is quite an aggressive way in order to implement it into your stroke so if we bring in stage two to four together here what we’re looking for is just

This if I do that towards you show you a few different angles okay I’m allowing myself to get forward shaffle pressure on the golf ball and release now everyone says to me the first time they do this it feels really aggressive well it does because

If we look at 90% of golfers we tend to leave the face open we tend to chicken wing and lift this we’re getting the opposite to happen where we’re releasing that club through this space and that is what we’re after now I mentioned three key names at the start well four

Actually if we include Mo Norman who was an absolute genius by the way but three key names Ernie Els Bryson dambo and Jack Nicholas have a look at all these pictures in this finishing position and know where their glove is poting okay it’s pointing out this way it’s

Pointing almost towards the camber isn’t it it’s always working under and round here well that’s how we release the pressure on the club it’s that action and this is what we’re trying to get so stage number five just before we hit a few away I want you to make a few

Practice swings all now onehanded bringing it all together really focusing on those positions we work to now if at some stage you might go Alex I don’t really get that we’ll go back to two three and four bring it all together then when you’re feeling comfortable obviously I can only hit in One

Direction here but we’re going to stand here and really get the idea of going two one none two one none and look at this strike look a little effort I’m going going to hit it soft to begin with just to give me a chance of getting it right

Cuz I’m still working on it in my game I’m going to turn to you look where I’ve just finished now have a look at this here very little effort 159 carry 169 total 115 ball speed and that is with a seven iron so you’ve got to use the idea

Of the release to get rid of the chicken wing to get rid of that Scoopy and to really feel as though you’re putting pressure on that go ball this is what I’m going to leave you with here have a look at this impact position right now

This is where you’re going to get look at my wrist and look at my follow through that’s where we want to get to because then we can practice hitting little half shots going right okay can I put the flag back in the hole so just hit some shots away

From me where you just go softly flag back in the hole as easy as that to really integrate this into your swing


  1. Wow alex I struggle with this so much thankyou when u explain the chicken wing lol u right I feel I push through and leave the face open

  2. Hadn't thought about the follow through . I have a in out swing and my club is open so my balls are all right … Its like you know my issues 👍

  3. The problem with what Mo said and thought he did was not what he actually did, for instance, hesaid he stood square to target didn't he stood closed, he didn't swing in a straight line it was as circular, as most do.

    Your tutorial here is correct, but rather than "what mo said he did show what he actually did.

    In fact, Mo thought he continued his follow through straight to target, he did not, he dd what you show us to do

  4. misunderstood instructions, threw the club onto the green.

    kidding, of course. going to be improving my iron play this season.

  5. Bro!! I just did this in my yard with wiffle golf balls, and it really feels good. Wow. I think we may he onto something here, mate. 😂

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