Golf Players

A Biathlon Direct Line: Pros answer Juniors Questions Part 1

As the IBU Youth and Junior World Championships of Otepaeae are coming closer, juniors are receiving some great tips from their favourite athletes! From how to keep the motivation to how does it feel like to ski in front of a full stadium!

In order:
Daniel Gilfillan (CAN) to Simon Eder (AUT)
Emilija Mincevic (LTU) to Sturla Holm Laegreid (NOR)
Anna Berger (GBR) to Ingrid Landmark Tandrevold (NOR)
Tadej Repnik (SLO) to Anton Vidmar (SLO)

#biathlon #protips

Uh I think I’d ask Simon AER how he still does it at his age to be honest because I feel like that’s such a long time to be in the sport and I’m pretty impressed um yeah thanks by the way but I think the secret was yeah in the in

The past from year to year and now um I say from months to months or from day day by day in noov um it’s the secret is just always I think not to to think too much in the future and yeah solve the problems that you have at the moment and

Then time flies I think I’d ask TLA how he is staying so strong tough question uh I’m not sure I have the right answer but uh I think the the clue is to always be motivated to have things you enjoy in the sport and you can look forward to and work with so

For me it’s a never ending process of just trying to become the best bylet uh or my best version of being a bylet uh if it’s improving my skiing or shooting doesn’t matter it’s always something that I can uh try improve and uh yeah work with so it gives me

Motivation um maybe I would ask ing T um how does it like how it feels to just race in a full stadium in the world cup with all the like the really nice atmosphere and the people cheering for you well uh like here in noov it it just

Gives you the extra energy and uh the extra power maybe uh you need to do the best race I think I perform much better when people are cheering for me than like in covid when it was uh like a ghost town so she has to come to the World Cup and experience

It andon rmar how can you stay so focused in the shooting range sometimes it’s easier the other times is a little bit harder but it’s just uh the main focus has to be on yourself and don’t care about what the others are doing or thinking and just focus on yourself that’s easy


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