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S23 – E19 | 2023 X-TRIAL VENDÉE 🇫🇷 | ROUND 1

Season 23 – Episode 19 | 2023 X-TRIAL VENDÉE 🇫🇷 | ROUND 1

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The ex trial world championship trophy tonight will he be lifting the ex trial vonde trophy 2 all will be revealed over the course of the next 3 hours two rounds of six sectors plus the final for the Uninitiated first round will consist between five and eight sections tonight it will be six sections five sections sorry there are six sections in total the first round will not go through that middle section there on your screen nine participants will tackle each of the sections one by one with a maximum time

Of one minute for each Section second round will be another five of the six section which each of the nine Riders will tackle one by one with the lowest ranked ryer from the first round going first the points from the opening round will carry over into the second round the overall totals for each Rider will

Determine the three qualifiers for the final again time limit one minute per section final round will be the three top Riders and they will take part in section one by one an F Observer will award Riders penalties based on their performances keeping an eye on two particular infractions footing which is using any

Part of the body on the section or floor and leaning which is touching any part of the bike other than the tires on the section there are two major penalties there the Fiasco then was a five Mark score which be awarded if rer falls or Dismount or exceeds the boundaries of the

Section three or more times or for any section which isn’t completed within the time limit each Riders first two runs are scored cumulatively and the points are reset for the final three and Championship points are awarded based on the classification at the end of the Night we’ll begin now then with Hugo def free the freeze the home Rider here in front he uh finished six in the fim trial 2 world championship with a competition best position of third he makes his debut tonight here then in ex trial and he is underway he has five minutes to get

Through the five sections we’re starting then in the v blocks section five penalty already ACC cluded for that footing early On and he’s through that section with 20 seconds to spare into the next section then Here you get the penalties AC per section here we go Then and he is able to hold [Applause] no no points for that Section who played Five Points and Five Points don’t forget like golf scoring the more points you get the worse you are and that’s a five-point penalty there as well for Hugo def FR on his debut the first three sections are not going to plan for the Frenchmen he does however have three

Minutes now to get through which is this section he going to move on to Nextal PL of Applause though for the [Applause] Youngster Here we go then into going to head into section four now this mechanical section and he’s up and over there well that’s the footing that’s one point here but he is still in play here on this penultimate section section four or five on round One worth noting with footing once your foot’s down you can keep it down there’s no rule that says you have to get back up again until you move [Applause] on he’s doing well here maintain his balance well a little shaky start holding out well now is H

Def last obstacle in this section and he’s through two points picked up [Applause] there 17 points in total then for Hugo def final section now then B concrete blocks he’s up onto that first jump well and he’s on a roll now he’s gained his confidence has Hugo [Applause]

The it must be nerve-wracking it’s the outdoor tryp And this indoor in the arena in front of the fans are two different Beast he’s getting his confid and that’s a shame that’s a real shame as is Miner rallies up the crowd cheer on there home Rider not the start he’d have wanted not the debut he’d have

Wanted 22 points then for Hugo the pH He heads back to the pdock hear a few words from him [Applause] First and you got a feel for him the youngster it’s not the debut he’ have wanted by any means here in v in front of his Fans 20 years of age he’s got a promising career ahead of him one of the top three riders in France like I say he made his International debut just 12 years 84 days in the 125 CC Category moving on then P from Leo 25 years of age he has made his debut on this his first run out in trial this Season was Bo for opponent move to Beta [Applause] 2019 made five total Appearances and uh his debut was quite an upset actually final round of the 2018 next trial season in four marks away from an upset Seventh Place finish on the night was Luca patella let’s see what he can achieve tonight that is Alan and a puing so he through that vond electric spctor

Effectively section one gaining three points Wow that’s a shame for Section [Applause] to he has go there couldn’t get through it eight points in total so far after these first two sections that uh first section though for him it’s got to be a boost of confidence onto section three then adidon onto these metal

Blocked there’s not a lot there for the bike to take a hold Of he goes up and he almost loses it he does manage to keep it in play though one point for the putting there as he tries to get up over this block on the angle here and he does he manages to bounce it over on the wheelie now this

Is going to be the tough hit he has to clear this [Applause] Gap getting from the first half of the section to the other that’s a lean there on the base plate and he could be in bother now there is the gerder there though to balance

Oni not want to take the jump he goes onto the G you can just see the Precision and balance here as he needs to get up and that’s out section three Fasco for Luca patelli 133 points so far then 2 and 1 half minutes to get through these last

Two sections and that’s a shame because he was doing well on section three and that could have cost him valuable time as he picked up Five Points he was 2/3 of the way through it but it was that g that Gap get over he starts well then on sture four and

That’s a that’s a five points for the Ball then and that’s not what we want because that’s where the got through well Fifth and final section then up onto this first concrete block now it’s very difficult this section they’re spaced out and there’s a mix of heights and angles LCA Petrella then on his

2023 debut and that’s a fall there so he dropped into oh and that was a nasty fall let’s hope he’s okay fall the same spot ug the froze did but he was back on his feet and he looks okay being pulled out there his mind to start the p as he

Tried to keep a hold of the bike 23 points then puts him bottom of the Pack [Applause] LC not start the night he have wanted either Ben B then up Next on his fth ex trial season Bening best result so far this season was in Andor he took a fifth place 26-year-olds worst result so far was last in Pamplona he is just three points a drift of anniel jel so uh sure kider could find himself climbing the table on this last

Night of the season lean to start with then as he heads into the first section and this is as far as we’ve seen anyone get three section one one penalty so far for Ben looking at how we’re going to get him over this large cable Bob in here

Then he marks the distance and that’s beautifully done by the Frenchman Pap there’s our host oh he takes a wobble there but he’s all right he’s recovered it has been CED through section one a minute down takes him a minute for the section and that was brilliantly

Done by baz in front of his home crowd the first Rider to get through that first section and picking up just a point on the way sorry my mistake LCA Pella also got through that first section three points on the way no good for section two onto section three then and this is

Where we saw Luca Pell get pretty far on and that’s putting and he’s going to he manages to hold it three penalty points though there and that’s it that’s the Fiasco accumulation of five then C two sections no good he’ll be riding on that first section just the one point there

Just under 3 minutes to get through the final two sections here then the Frenchman he got a good start he needs to consolidate that Now and that’s beautifully done into this Tex three he manages to hold [Applause] [Applause] it well done just one point that up now he has to get through this Digger scoop the bucket and that’s a footing two points for baz on section four he needs to get out of here he’s going to struggle he does so well and he can’t hold it point for the footing

As he gets through this ultimate section if he can get through here without picking further Point solidify him at the top of the score sheet that’s well done three points then in section four the final section then for being we’ll see him at the top of the

Standings so far for round one well done here now this is the bit that’s caught out LCA Petrella and Hugo listen to these fans teering on their home Rider up and over the top he’s got a minute and 3 seconds to spare and it’s difficult because it’s

High and you have to go up and over there’s that Pinnacle he need to it’s like a double tap to get over just like that the base plate Touches at the top he’ll take the penalty point because he is pretty much home clear now that’ll be a second I

Imagine just the one they count just the one base plate touch and retouch final bit here at this mounting section one and that’s brilliantly done by Ben w c picking up just one point in the final section but on 15 in total he’s got to be happy with that you can

See it by the look on his face he takes to the top of the standings Then 15 points in round one it’s a very very good Effort really really well done by Bening car [Applause] he can go back to the padic very happy with that the Sho Rider in front of the French Fans because he has set a very very high Benchmark for anel jelbert to get through here anel jel bard younger brother of Mikel jelbert the world number five just made the one appearance in ex trial which was grenado in 2019 where he finished seventh since then with better in

2023 he’s taken a season best fourth in Andor six last time out in Madrid he is three points ahead of Ben baz in the standings but has set the standard very very high for anel jeler to try and maintain that distance brilliantly done through this first sector takes a wobble there though

Okay final part of section one then for anel [Applause] jber up and over and excellently done by anniel jel section one cleared with time to spare intersection two then this is what CAU out feo baz just the one point for jell a point there then as the Bas plate

Touched the top of that wooden block going up and over he could be the first Rider to clear this section second point now for the lean there let’s see if he can gets through this wooden block section [Applause] thenly done brilliantly done now he’s got to clear this Gap now this is far

From Easy he’s going to get a lot of lift on here he also needs to clear the distance his minder is setting him up to hit that small B on the top there anel yell bird he’s turning through valuable time here as we heading to the 3 minute Mark

And that’s brilliantly done he’ll take a third penalty point for that the lean there at the top but he is up and over three points then the first rer to clear section two very very well done by anniel jelbert Four Points in total 2 minutes 40 seconds to get through the remaining

Three sections then will be the first Rider to get through section three Adon these metal [Applause] boxes again they’re Just they’re just metal bars that are hold these boxes together there’s not a lot for the bikes to grip onto he is going for the G rather than the jump then the balance and this is what caught out Luca prella although jel looks take a little bit more control if you remember

Petrella went too far forward on this Gera didn’t leave him space to this man and that’s unfortunate for an old jell bird because he burned through a lot of time there trying to get through this third section he’ll take the Five Points though nine points so far as he heads

Into section four a minute 45 Fair he’s going to have to get a move on if he’s going to maintain the lead over Ben Waz the Frenchman did a great job on his first run of the night jber riding through this with some speed and ferocity one point so far through

Section four this is well done he’ll take a a footing there absolutely flying through this fourth section he will leave himself around a minute five to get through the fifth and final section of round one shake with the hand there that was tough going that was really well done by jelbert [Applause]

11 points in total so far just two points there that last section he can get through this final section he will at the very worst full even With you can get through here without dropping more than a couple of points on 15 so if you can just drop the three four points and he’ll be jumping up the standings for tonight this is what’s caught everybody else out he’ll take the butting there see part of

The plan 20 seconds left then he needs to get through this final B up and over this box here and that almost caught him out you can hear the fans they won their home hero Ben wad B Gaz to remain at the top of the table for tonight I believe

That was two points there to that final section which will put him in first place with 13 in total we’ll find out final scoring it was three points for 14 in total puts him at the top of the standings brilliantly done by anniel jelbert he takes provisional

Lead great for the fans he can be happy with that can an jber maintains his lead over benad first Rider to get through that second section of the night here we go then Toby Martin the Brit riding for Montesa in the standings Toby Martin he’s got the bar set pretty high for him 14 points in total by anniel don’t forget the Riders must try to finish they must show intent to finish they have to try and get through all five sections time is tight we’ve seen that a minute per

Section seems near on Impossible the fim put this course together with their wealth of experience this is really well done through section one for Martin T Martin making this look easy this mountain from that large electrical wire bobing now this is the tricky part his mind that marks the height he

Need got to go up and over currently 45 seconds in brilliantly done by Toby Mar a fantastic display for the brick picking up just one point through section one that puts him level with both anniel jelbert and Ben now this second section wooden blocks we’ve seen how difficult these

Can be there’s one for the the lean he Dismount he’s going to have another go and that’s going to cost him valuable time coming up for a minute and a half in and he’s only just getting started on section two now and that’s a fall no point well Five Points sorry for section

Two joins Hugo thez LC Petrella and Beno baz as Riders un aable to get through section two so far tonight onto section three then the metal box is am Anon Toby Martin gets off to a good start up and over no time lost there no points [Applause] either

Now he’s going to go down onto that gerder which has caught out so many before him he could be the first Rider to get through section three tonight could Toby Martin it’s a very difficult section indeed placement beautifully done it it’s going to be a big jump and he’s

Nailed it with the footing he’ll take the point he’ll take the point Toby Martin he can be very happy with that indeed the 23y old br’s top ex trial former best so far was a podium last time out in Madrid bumped him up the standings and he becomes the first rer

To complete section three Tonight very well done indeed by Toby Martin three points for section three puts nine in total he does have however only have a minute and a half to get through the last two sections he’s going to have to get a lick on here we saw anel jber get through this one very fast

Indeed T Martin seems have a similar idea he takes the point there for footing another point forting no no no it was on the clutch Le just a single point then there brilliantly done that’s the best score we’ve seen so far through the penultimate section 10 points for Toby Martin

If you can get through this final section in the next 53 seconds could remain top of the classification so far don’t forget in a tiebreak situation we do go to the time rer gets through fastest and that’s a fall and that’s really unfortunate it’s that section that part of the

Section that’s CGH out so many riders before him it looked like quite a difficult for he’s back on his feet though and that’s 15 points which put him tied on points with Ben w b in third place it’s okay Ben taking wow the lead oral second the good

Section yeah not too bad you know just shaking a little but hopefully difficult final section then C out various Riders ahead of him Toby Martin then third place for the brick the most experienced most veteran Rider of the night Tak to The Arena floor Adam frer 41 years of

Age the Frenchman fighting for trss uh trrs sorry time starts once he heads into this first section and he takes a lead there getting up onto that first electrical Bob Adam rer could be in for a Championship Podium spot tonight he has 18 points to drift of

Gabrielle marceli it would would have to be a disaster of a night for Gabrielle marceli for Adam rager to make that jump he has a season best second place in Bordeaux he also took a podium in Austria last time out in Madrid he took a [Applause]

P5 we’ll be looking to bounce back from that tonight Adam rager of course these first two rounds for these Riders as to get them qualified and that’s a fall no good section one for Adam rager and that took him a minute 15 seconds he’s have to get a lick on now

Through the remaining four sections certainly for these Riders it’s it’s them trying to get into the final three because you could scrape your way in there and then take a victory on the night in that last round take a lean there and he had to really work hard to rebalance the bite He looks to become the second ride of the night to get through this wooden box section two that there to make this jump now and we’ve seen it’s not easy it was anel jelbert the only Rider so far through this section that made the jump Adam rager then two and a half

Minutes in halfway through the time allotted he’s got a lot of work ahead of him as the Frenchman the Spaniard St up and over the top and he almost took a wobble there that was almost disaster for Adam rager but he gets off [Applause] cleanly here comes the second rer of the night to get through section two and so far the best scoring Rider two points one less than anel jel but he does have less than two minutes now to get through the remaining three sections up into this metal box section three to Martin

The only Rider to have gotten through this so far Adam rag quick threw that first bit which has caught various out now onto the gerder and it’s all about balance and placement here Toby Martin showed us how it’s done could Adam rager become the second Rider of the night to get through

This third amiton metal box section down onto the gerder he’s going back up a little bit that’s this is it this the placement here which is key because you have to get enough lift on the bike and enough traction from that rear wheel to get up and over he’ll take the lean one

Point for the base plate touch there he’s going to rebalance it a minute to go for Adam rager final jump perfectly done through there and that’s really well done Adam Mora one point through section three eight points in total he’s got to get through this last section in about

45 seconds we’ve seen it done both Toby Martin and anel jeler licked through this penultimate Section take a foot there one point for Adam rager beautifully there Though little bucket here and that’s well done just one point through section four and I don’t see how he’s going to finish section five he’ll take the fall 5 Seconds spare there 14 [Applause] points for Adam rager he finds himself level on point with anel jel I think in terms of time

You’ll see him second in the dival standing now welcome Gabrielle Marceli Adam rager doesn’t hang about and it will indeed Adam Mar un able to finish that final section so he takes the full five minutes for on timing we will see him in second position behind anniel jelbert who remains provisionally on top so Far Gabriel mareli then theard took second place last time out four podiums to his name after to places in Madrid Pampa and [Applause] Barcelona he wants second place overall he’s fighting to take the runner up spot and make it R Sal Montesa one two Well done here through this first section by Gabriel marceli scor his first podium in 2018 ex trial Budapest where uh took his debut in ex trial Gabriel marceli was 18 years of age progressed fairly consistently through this sport 23 years of age noward he made that first section looked relatively easy

Considering the Riders it’s caught out so far just one point through section one 3 minutes 45 to go interception to the wooden [Applause] boxes that was really really Well Done by Gabrielle marceli up over this box and he will try and Propel himself I’d imagine through

To the next section well done there not picking up a single point here Gabrielle melli Tony B watches on wow it’s brilliantly done now this is the gap to clear little blue sticker you see there on that little box means you have to make the touch two minutes down then for Gabrielle

Mareli as he tries to become the third Rider to get through section two currently picking up no points hear rev in that bike needs to get a lot of lift to get up there he’ll take the point for the lean and he’ll shimmy himself over the top of that box and

We’ll get confirmation from our observer in just a minute but that is y just the one point through section two and he’s really showing what he’s doing in these Podium standings he doesn’t make it through section three Five Points there for the fall this is really really nicely

Done switch of Water 2 minutes to go more than enough to get through these final two sections melli then lines himself up for section four the mechanics section with the Digger buckets and scoops and the concrete blocks so far all but l Pella G him through this section Toby

Martin picking up solitary points on the way let’s see if Gabrielle mareli can Ace it although he can afford to pick up points so far just a seven two sections to go a minute 20 and he flies through that absolutely perfectly done acing section four seven points as he heads into the final

Section and minute to get through it pressure is on now but at the very worst he would take provisional top with 13 points don’t forget of course he is wanting to get ahead of Haim Buo who uh currently has 11 points more than him it would have to be a disaster of night for buer as well for Gabrielle mareli to take second place but it’s not impossible he needs to get through this and he needs to do it quickly 20 seconds to

Spare when he gets up and over he’ll take the point for the lead 15 seconds now to get through the remainder of this section he needs to get up and over the top of here if he’s going to make it 10 seconds it’s going

To be tight he’s going to do it though I think the jump here 5 Seconds to spare just to one point that was incredible by Gabrielle marelli brilliantly brilliantly done one point section five eight points in total absolutely fantastic by Gabrielle marceli to take top of the provisional

Standings by a long way Five Points clear sorry my M are terrible points C current top so far tonight anel J brilliantly brilliantly done by Gabrielle and this is the man that needs to have a good enough night to retain the runnerup position gas gas 25y old his current run this season saw him taking the top step in Austria P2 in Andor and three p3s in bordo pona and Barcelona last time I hit it fourth

Which was his worst result so far this season [Applause] around a year ago in Andor caused upset he took his career second Victory ahead of Tony Bo edging him out in the final three that was brilliantly done through section one by Tom Into section two then with 7 Seconds to spare just a Sol point in section one h b so far level with Gabrielle marelli section two one point there for the lean as he gets up and over that box which is got various out and you can see

By the chipped Edge on the wood where the base plates have made contact now this is the uh the tricky part jumping the Gap he’s brilliant time Here get up and onto that little box there And he does so well up and over and brilliantly done two for two is K with time to spare could we see the first rer to complete all five sections so far tonight he currently stands level then with Gabrielle marelli just one point picked up on the

First two each of the first two sections Wow that was nice to watch incredible now he needs to get down onto this Gera and it’s all about the alignment and the placing in order to get up over that last box 2 minutes 33 then to get through the remainder of this Section be the third Rider of the night to get through section three now we know that section four needs just about 45 seconds to get through five similar so the timing is doing really well here timey bu though and he’s going to take the call here

Yeah they just need to work on the Dismount and so five points for section three ham bu he needs to get through the last two sections dropping a solitary point he’s got a chance at remaining level with Gabrielle marceli one point there play touching the top of that

Concrete blocks that is the point he can drop minute and a half to go through the final two Sections the one point there minute 15 to get through the final section brilliantly done by Hy bu pressure is on though he is feeling the pressure Spaniard but it is a great run by the gas gas Rider out so many just three Riders so far through this final

Section and he goes up and over I’m not sure if there’s a Bas PL there or not can’t see that’s a Bas play Touch no doubt about it 29 seconds to get through this final bit one point then he did pick up the one point that put him in original second place nine

Points for ha did have time to Spare points SE him go P2 behind his closest rival Gabrielle mareli if theight were to end now though he would still see him second in the championship standing so he can be happy with that of course none of these Riders are happy enough for championship standings they all want glory and victory here Tonight here he is then the goat the legend 17 time ex trial world champion sealing the deal last time out in Madrid with the round PA Tony Bo away for the crowd 5 minutes on the clock can he become the first Rider to get through all five sections impossible is nothing for Tony [Applause] Bo one point entering into section one up and over Tony very nicely done this is the trick bit he needs to get enough traction off this in here to get open over there wow he made that easy all of the Riders so far have gone

Rear wheel front wheel Tony B just went rear whe rear wheel bounced over the top of it like nothing and up and over the top one point then through section one Kony Bo puts in level so far with Ben baz anel Toby Martin Gabriel marelli and Kimo he does however

Do it with time to spare 4 minutes 10 then as he heads into sector two and that’s brilliantly done entering into the second Section Tony B doing what Tony B does his worst result so far in this seon was in Austria when he took second [Applause] we know what he does Tony he’s looking for his sixth win this season 34 World titles across indoor and outdoor trial and that was incredible 3 minutes 13 as he heads into section three two for two here’s Tony Bo picking up just the one point he’s the first Rider to a section [Applause] two a victory tonight would be his 78 in the indoor bislin in in the 105 events that he’s participated in since 2005 of those 105 taken 92 podiums the numbers are just nothing short of incredible 15 on the clock and that is incredible takes a point for the slide

Leads him to a lead he’s going to use that to adjust his positioning brilliant to watch made that look Easy through section three then 1 minute 50 to get through the next two sections we’ve seen the next two sections done in less than a minute and a half Tony Bo two points for from three sections so Far first Rider to go three for three Adam rer falling at se sexual one Gabel Mari and W falling on section Three no points through section four he made that look incredibly easy and 13 absolutely whizzed through that out here another level really is class of his own let see how he gets up over here then as he chases his victory of the season and quite frankly don’t think there’s a Le there no

There’s not now this is a similar position that H buo was in and he ended up getting a touch over the top K Tony Bo avoid that heat incredible Tony B just two points in round [Applause] one and Tony Bo just makes it look so incredibly easy two points then Tony

Bo through round one puts him clearly at the top of the table and short of a disaster in round two in the final three we thank the fans here that have turned out to watch this spectacle Tony B then ends round one in P1 just two points ahead of Gabrielle

Marceli with eight points and the difference is just short it’s just incredible eight points then for Gabriel mareli buo third position with nine points anel jelbert 14 Adam rager also on 14 Ben wobin C 15 Toby Martin 15 in seventh Hugo D on his debut is in

Eighth after round one and Luca Pella with 23 points rounds out our top nine on round one of X trial stay with us because after a short break we’ll be back for round two as we look to end the season on a high here in Von France


  1. Future Trials competitions gonna be set on top of a crane with no fall supports. These obstacles are getting super high.

  2. Unbelievable ride by Toni, very nearly made it on 1 mark. Shouldn't really be surprised at this point 🐐

  3. Toni Bou only took 16 seconds to clean Section 4 by the looks of it – that's probably the fastest section clearance in years.

  4. Fuel pissing out Gelaberts Beta, same as Harry Hemingway had at the DL12. Shit standard fuel cap apparently. Announcer needs to stop with the fiasco nonsense and call it a 5

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