2024-02-16 Reagan J (25 yo) Part 2 – Woosh Stick

#Kwonified #KGRANDIOSE #TWU #Kinesiology #Biomechanics

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So this one has a holes here it’s almost broken it so when you swing don’t try to hit the ground okay so swing here let me also show you this so swing about around here no not touching the ground so that way you will be able to make the plane a

Bit flatter and also you need to uh make this whoosh sound here okay so and then let’s use this Tri the so the trial motion swinging this way about this side here and then using this you have active and this is one use Arm here wait

Wait wait but look at this you have to use the body here turn the shoulder and then turn the shoulder activity this and then and then do not go down there Do not sit down hey here try to keep your wait wait keep your legs straightened and then narrow narrow your

Stance a little bit narrow narrow and there from there when you swing you have to use a little bit of uh D flexing extension but to not in any circumstance in any circumstances you do not sit down okay I’m water you’re always you’re you’re always going up here up here up

Here up is there of sitting down and then let’s let’s yeah then let’s do this so here watch how smooth my motion is so this is called the stage three of Two Step strance but here and then make the wish sound all the way go back go back stay in the middle

Go back a little bit go back back back back back back back back no no not yeah yeah that way stay in the middle of the mat and aim that the Tor in that dire let’s make the the plane a bit flatter again that still that still too so but

Still you have to use good shoulder turn shoulder turn is coming from the leg actions pelvis motion leg actions again your your part is too rigid too rig and my stand is two y so when you when you stand easy easy easy you’re standing on your legs here so you can do

Whatever you want here so the legs are supporting your body here and then the key in the rhythmic motion is you only use the muscles at the right time there’s no reason true and that will build more good sequence yeah so when you have good Rhythm then you your body knows when to

Fire the muscles mm again that’s good that’s that’s really good awesome and don’t ever try trying to relax try to don’t ever try to abandon your knees like this and then going down down here yeah I got to stop that no question so uh this time you didn’t take enough

Time in the transition yes so and I felt like I took I I I felt like I took it back too slow and then I tried to compensate FAS when you have a faster motion automatically you have a longer transition time okay so the trigger the

Main purpose of trigger is to give a good active ah that is not that fast not yeah it wasn’t fast I tried I was trying to slow down the transition you have to give me good wish sound here in the back swing the motion should be fast wait

Wait wait wait in the back the motion should be fast but you have more time in the transition okay it’s not slow motion when I say give more time in the transition that doesn’t mean slow motion should be still fast but you have more time in the transition yes

Okay very good very good I almost feel like I need to build myself something like this and then record a couple and you know how they have a metronome you’ll have a metronome yeah and then in in your imagy you are basically turning around your spine exis here this main ex rotation so

O no need to go like it so now the motion L simple yes I it feel that feels get faster motion while there’s less going on so your goal is to move that the the ball white ball fast it’s not about exaggerate body motion okay

And then when you that was good so in the back swing from the trigger motion to back this is also transition that means you don’t rush so have a using the body here and then keep enough time so this is completed and then you have active vac

Here okay enough time you need the transition time in the TR really trying to watch my Fe this is so different from what I’ve always done so it’s taking me a while but your body’s already I mean I can already feel the amount of force yeah you’re already getting used to this new

Rhythm so uh it’s matter of just repeating this again and again yes that motion is less simpler now it felt like there was a lot less going on so all you need to do is have active using the trigger motion here buture Tri trigger motion and then active back by turning the shoulders

Actively right and what I’m doing this Dr Quan is there anything specific other than how I’m setting my feet and how I’m setting my lower body do I need to press do you think I should press my arms in a little bit like that don’t do that just to

Focus on the floor okay you got it this is dynamic motion so you should have a good the acceleration deceleration right so the flow is really important and then good Rhythm yes that that was probably a little too slow the way back but the that motion is really simple

Now awesome all you need to do this is then increase the speed and then give a higher buo sound high pitch whoo sound yes you see there we go now with the fing your TOS will be becomes a lot more active so really active down swing should come from active back swing

Instead of your muscular effort on the way down again that was really so when you have a FAS Ving and create good wind up and then you will be able to separate the shoulders and hips well with that speed and then let it go in the down go

Go back slightly go back slightly stay no no the yeah yeah stay there and then aim the the far team yeah with this now with this kind of motion with that swing plane you’re not jumping you’re turning around is this way here yeah well that’s progress yeah stay in the middle of the

Plat yeah and then aim between the two te relax relax yes yes that that flow is a l better now let me record this give me three Cycles okay you got it when I say go and they give me three Cycles okay ready ready go mhm feel the rhythm two more feel the

Rhythm that time uh this time the is slow slow so you have you have to use your muscles on the way down one more yes uh let’s see this PO is all about flow you know to use your body be not to use your body bar is all about flow

Go mhm fill the Rhythm two more feel the rhythm that time this time the p is a slow slow so you had you had to use your muscles on the way down one more yes this it the the first one just see yeah have two more here the second

One t me was slow and that’s the one that you can see the going on transition too and then the third one here a still is a slow but the to me to me you initial position is a bit more uh should be more comfortable here yes it

Is so you try to stand like this so you cannot start this right away when you are standing here still you have a little bit of B motion here always your body moves rhythmically here then you can easily start also this is also easier but if you about you’re worrying about the the

Pressure here it’s hard to start so let this time let’s do this so from here Swing Swing Swing Swing only about this much okay and you are swinging here using the legs so try to rotate the whole upper body now not using the arms here using turn the whole upper body by

Using the legs here not you have to shift you have to shift yes yes like that but this motion will be too big so small motion here small motion okay let me try that a few times you tell me what your so initially small motion is giving you your body Rhythm on

The uh at the setup position yeah so try to develop good image of the Swing plane you want to use by using the small motions here and then execute the main motion but always your body has to develop natural Rhythm yeah that kind of motion is really good

For you to develop the Rhythm I can feel how much better it isot yeah so never start the swing motion from the station position here your body has to always have a little bit stepping like action always move here and then start so use the legs use the legs and

Then good Rhythm intern Rhythm now let’s go back to stage three so trigger and active backing uh the back swing can be even faster so put a lot of effort in the back swing okay using the right leg kick the ground with the right leg so when you use the right leg more

Actively then the back SC is active and then now now you are you are a movie star you a Jedi actually you are uh you know on Star Wars movie okay you are a Jedi but you’re holding is a lightsaber and then when the lightsaber moves it makes sound when wing wing wing

Right now image this wing wing wing so if you just have a sleppy motion w w w here but if you connect the back to thousand w w it needs I need to stop thinking of it as you know it’s got I picture one pie yeah

The the whole thing is a one motion yeah the whole thing is one motion uh can be faster also in the that felt smoother to me though yeah and the backing make make backing bigger yes yes yes that felt I felt like I had a lot more extension on that

Extension it feel feels like I’ve got less so when you have large enough instead of stopping there you could have bend the elbow be more yeah more realistically so this is here then you should be able to see this on the left side okay so when you have a larger back

String naturally you have more time and also you have a longer runway for acceleration and probably so when you try to stop it here then always you you you are you know hesitating here but when you keep large enough backing you’ll have you’ll be able to use a full speed

There yes yes yes okay and then with this motion you are not really particularly kicking the ground and try to jump out I can feel you’re just roting Yes again so this is called the stage three of Two Step swing DRS okay yes yes that probably wasn’t as fast as

I could have gone but I feel like the sequencing was so this is the idea this is the idea to always work on the floor yeah and then because the main motion is along the plane here all you do is reverse the direction and let it go so

You don’t have to worry about any Motion in this direction and then with this fast the motion and then let Letting Go you eliminate all the unnecessary motion and then you are now keeping the legs more extended here and the don’t never sit down okay in the C and then don’t

Ever move the hip backward too much right it’s always this always standing standing on the right side standing on the left side standing on the right side left side you can feel how much more power more after and then you will feel bu loading here

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