EASY Wrist Move That TRANSFORMS Your Golf Swing

Its very true, there are loads of different golf swings out there but absolutely all great golfers make this magic move!
Quickly learn how to improve your irons strike, stop heavy shots for shot and gain FREE distance by better “compressing” the golf ball.

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A key move that can separate an okay iron player to a really good iron player is the handle at impact now we should have our hands ahead of the golf club and we call that sharling so we’re taking some Loft off the golf club now

When we take some Loft off the golf club it’s going to help us one hit the ball further two it’s going to help us get that ball then Turf strike and it’s often referred to as compressing the golf ball compressing the ball we’re just taking some Loft off because of

This movement now what good really good iron players get at impact is the handle forwards with a mid Iron by about 10 degrees it will vary with different clubs so the further forward the ball goes with a longer Club we’re not going to create as much sharling right but

Good golfers that we tend to see have the handle forwards by about 10° at impact now they’re not actually taking 10° a loft off the golf club but they are taking about five or so so they’re turning a seven into a six a six iron

Into a five iron what I often see with golfers who struggle with their iron strike is they handle more level impact sometimes even back and actually adding some Loft to the golf club so today’s video is all going to be about how do we get our handle forwards and I’m going to

Share with you two amazing drills real simple stuff you can do at home or on the Range to de develop this movement into your golf swings let’s start with number one an alignment stick up the side of the club now I’ve actually got one here that’s onto the top of the grip

Just makes it a little bit easier but just alignment stick up the side of the golf club so it’s going to go underneath our lead armpit that’s our one closest to the Target and just then grip as well as we can if you are holding alignment

Stick maybe even just tape it to the grip itself to make it a little bit easier and I want you to do some little quarter swings and what we’re looking for is this cane here to hit me but it’s actually going to be hitting me just after impact so I don’t want it

To be hitting me at impact here I want to try and develop a position where my handle is more forwards at impact again this is going to flick and it is going to hit you and I’d start with some little sort of half swings Punchy swings let me just demonstrate this

First of all so this one won’t fly all the way to the green I’ve gone down a club and I’m only going to be doing a half swing but let’s just try and work on a delivery position where the cane doesn’t hit me until post impact okay it’s a little Punchy half swing

Here and the cane hit me definitely but it felt like it hit me around here a good couple of foot after impact into this movement and it is key that as we make that move we allow our body to rotate and start to extend through the

Golf ball as well we’re not staying down and stuck and still so handle forward just a simple exercise to develop it now you could even do some practice swings where you grip way down the shaft okay onto the steel or the graphite of the shaft leave the grip sticking out the

Top here and just at how make some practice swings sensing that this is pointing ahead of my lead side into impact so again it’s developing this type of position here that we’re really looking for not this type of movement now what is a downside well if I push my

Hands further forwards and I don’t change anything else we may end up leaving that club face open so for me as a right-handed golfer aiming more out to the right of the target so when we’re actually getting our handle forwards we do need to make sure that we’re starting

To get this movement also happening through impact can you see that this forearm here is starting to rotate this way my glove logo is starting to feel like it’s pointing towards the target so I’m going to show you an exercise just using a driving range T that’s going to

Go down my glove here so I have got here a tea Peg sticking out my glove now that could just be a normal tea but it makes it a little bit clearer perhaps for a video showing a big driving range te and if you’re on the Range there’ll probably be some

Rubber golf teas hanging around that you could just pinch one to to practice with so hands forwards great but it hands forwards alone can you start to see where that’s pointing right high right of Target so what I want to try and get is this movement into impact where not

Only have my handle forwards but I’m starting to actually get the teg pointing a little bit more down my target line by the time I come into impact now I may actually just do that with this I’m sort of multitasking for a second so I’ve got

The S cane up the side of the club and the TEEG in the end of the glove and again the cane hit me but it hit me late and again got that sense that my forearm and wrist was starting to rotate and that finish position tells me a lot

So if I get to this quarter finish position here and I’m actually getting the toe of the golf club pretty well straight up in the air that’s a great position to start to be in so we’re not looking for handle forwards and the club face here very open we’re looking for

Some rotation now that’s not just hands that is hands and body in that release position working together to to close that club face down so the club face is opening the hole of the back swing closing the hole of the down swing we want it to be square by impact but just

Shoving our hands forwards may have the effect as I said of meaning you got a little less time to square that club face and that’s why I then do some exercises just working with the TEEG so let’s see if I can feel that in a fuller move so getting my handle forwards and

Starting to feel like I can rotate that teg to point a little bit more down the target line actually I’m just going to do like a sort of half three quter swing punch it yeah that felt great so it’s not going to get to the green not a million miles off to be

Fair but again just starting with some small movements to develop that feel of handle more forwards and that teg starting to rotate if you’re someone who’s struggling with weak high right shots for right-handed golfer losing some distance not hitting your irons as far as your mates this

Could well be the reason now the other thing this is going to help is that ball Turf interaction that we’re looking for so if you are someone struggling with heavy strikes you are not delivering the hands far enough forwards it’s likely it impact you all this way and adding on

Some Loft so working on this movement is really going to help get that ball Turf strike that we’re looking for so let’s go into a full one here I’m just going to keep the team more as a a sense perhaps in my practice see if I can hit the

Green oh well it felt solid enough got to be straight down my target line just onto the front edge here plays a little uphill this hole so what FL that 155 it’s one playing 160 is it’s sort of five yards or so uphill so good strike straight down my target line

Really got the sense of handle being a little bit more ahead into impact and that teg starting to rotate so I do love this as an exercise and they work hand inand just shoving the handle forwards may not work for you you’ll strike it better but you may end up pushing a lot

Of shots so start to work here and we can actually get our handle forwards and the forearms starting to rotate correctly to square that club face and that’s a very powerful combination if that video has helped make sure you smash the like button and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel for more

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  1. Well Done Jon in describing and demonstrating a wrist move that assists in the golf swing. I like this extended alignment stick drill whereas the handle of the club does not touch the left side of the body on the follow through. I also like the idea of the forearm rotation of the left arm to assure that the club is squaring up at impact.

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