Golf Babe

Lunch ‘n’ Listen – Episode 3 – When will golf return!!

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Morning soor it’s not morning is it it’s afternoon look this chose I’ve been into work today so I even got me work yard on how bad’s that this is me wellbe Champion don’t need that anymore um anyway hello how we doing how the devil are we let put this somewhere I’m not

Going to lose it um oh my God there we go don’t put in my bag then next time I’m in the office I won’t take it with me and I’ll forget and then I’ll be shot because I won’t get to get on the office and then I’ll get told off

And don’t get to off anyway hello hi Lisa how you doing I think you should stick to your other account definitely diamond girl you’re definitely scared Kent off anyway well done did he he put working but for not not for long and then he saw you say say

Hi Kent from diamond girl and you run away going bless bless him how are we Lisa how are you doing let me just put myself on to do not disturb oh dear lord anyway who have we got who have we got oh was for music live stream I I see

But you still are diamond girl Lisa hello Ali oh was half turn for you isn’t it of course hey pimmy Mr hay how we doing Peter Colston look at you all coming to say hello I’m trying to put myself on do not disturb you and wait one second appear

Away that’ll do getting warm now I’m over hot do um anyway yeah I’m all right thanks Lisa I’m I’m good I’m I’ve been to the office this morning that’s why it’s an hour later today uh because I had to go to the office this morning for

My um one to one or as we call them connect conversations quarter one yeah so I had to go for that this morning and then I turned up and my boss um came online I’m like he’s not in the office why is he not in the office why

Is he online I messaged him you not in the office today and he’s like oh no uh my wife’s not very well so I’m dog sitting and playing nurse and and he was like oh I forgot we were doing a face to face one to one I was like yes we were

He says I sure I should have told you not to bother going in thank you very much so iway I did my half day in the office for this month that’s it done finished so yeah there we go that’s why we’re an hour late anyway so but we’re

Here now that’s all that matters and it’s a bit warm today we’ve got um this black clouds out which means it’s probably absolutely tip it down so no golf tomorrow um and it’s also St at the same time so I dare say we’re going to uh yeah stupid weather stupid weather

Where’s the nice weather ready for golfing we got the golf course I’m getting depressed no golf anyway uh so Gary NAA just got back from the gym tell you Gary gy been bad for you don’t do it do not do it Kent’s still here he’s still here Kent you still there

Working what have you what how many days have you got left now now are we on proper countdown yet how we doing Peter half day for you Lisa jealous golf at noon oh mate so have you got some decent weather over there then for golfing Lisa it just seems

Here we have a bit of dry weather during the week and then it rains just in time time for the weekend so that the course is too wet to open and it’s just uh we did play B last week that our new club um which was it’s easier now

I’m a member there I can just kind of go and play so did we did go and play there on Sunday last week and I think we were on about 14 temps maybe it’s a bit less than that but we’re on at least half the course was on temporary greens um but at

Least we’re out and I felt like I was playing a little bit better last week which is a massive Improvement the week before played like an absolute tool the week before last so yeah happy days but we I think we are booked on on Sunday actually as

Well at borry so hopefully even if it is a bit soggy um because Bor drains quite well so at least we should be able to get out and play even if it’s on Temporaries good being too St overweight is worse I mean no no no Gary Gary Gary you you’re mistaken

Anytime of of gym is bad don’t do it honestly we we we’ve been on Slimming World again since the 1 of January and we’re both lost about 10 or 11 pounds so far each so um I think Neil’s got about half Stone left to lose and I’ve got about a

Stone left to lose so but we’re so Neil’s well over halfway and I’m about halfway so it’s fine and I don’t go to the gym at all I hate it hate any form of exercise it really gets me down I’m like I can’t be H I tried running once

Well I’ve run more than once but we tried doing some Park runs and um all the way around there so like 5K all the way around went hate this freaking hate this I hate this I hate this bad job give us up as a bad job so coting you are golfing tomorrow

Castle [ __ ] oh fancy any anywhere that starts with a castle when you’re golfing sounds a bit bit uh bit fancy wouldn’t it so it’s a bit damp in carile we’ll keep keep the rain over there Peter CU we don’t want it but it looks like it’s heading it way over

Unfortunately about 15 degrees today today Le so that’s quite warm actually I think it’s it’s still quite mild outside I think we’ve got about um about 13 degrees outside so it’s not cold it’s just we can’t sh get shut of the rain it’s hor I don’t I don’t mind golfing when

It’s um when it’s a bit soggy but I hate coming off and you’ve got muddy trousers your shoes are muddy your golf trol is Muddy I just hate all the mud that comes with it but at least we’re out Che the positives suppose so Pimm’s home to play Sunday

Before you go back to work well I hope you get on P I hope the rain stays away for you to do that um afternoon Chris how is everything what have you missed I don’t know really not a great deal if I’m honest I think you to General chit chat um shut up

Neil back to work Neil he’s horrible to me is he absolutely horrible to me and it of course it was our um wedding anniversary two days ago 11 years we’ve been married we’ve been together for 17 years this year it’s a scary thought isn’t he is cheeky py you’re right he’s such a

Mean mean man um should be playing Sunday night rain light and light winds oh light winds I can coope with rain no how many of us then here’s the question how many of us because we are that dedicated to golf would either a You Got A and B option here oh sorry A

B and C option A if it’s raining as long as it’s not hard raining it’s still raining would you still get your clobber out and go out golfing when it’s raining or B would you um stay on the course um bye Neil would you stay on the

Course um and then if it rains while you’re on the course carry on or would you see if it rains while you’re on the course pack up and go home I’m probably a b unless it got absolutely torrential I would still Tri waterproofs on carry on and finish the

Round I say unless if it’s absolutely battering it down and it doesn’t look like it’s going to pass anytime soon then I would definitely go but generally I’m a b person I think I definitely wouldn’t set everything up when it’s actually raining and go out when it’s start golfing when it’s

Raining but would would you actually if it’s raining when you go out to play Lisa would you actually physically set up and go out in the rain or would you look out and say it’s actually raining I’ll not I’ll not go out until he stops um Ali’s playing whatever weather as

Long as it’s not too hot and sunny oh that’s the other one isn’t it how many people does the sun put people off I do quite like um golfing the Sun PR Fair it’s just golfing it’s getting out there’s a band next door and so decided to let me know about

It so I need a medal you do I do need a medal P especially when when he speak to me like that horrible man horrible horrible man um so you’ve not played the big course is that what you’re playing this weekend P the big course I don’t blame you Lisa

Yeah don’t blame you at all if it’s pooring leave it’s no fun is it we started raining with playing yes but if it should get down and play tiger WS on the Xbox nothing wrong with that Chris you want to be getting that 2K 21 he probably 2K 23 now actually and that’s

Quite a good um we have it for PlayStation I quite enjoy playing that that was a that was a lockdown thing I got the uh Playstation subscription I used to play with people in fact I think I played pimmy actually we were on the headsets um chatting we

P I know I was with Robbie a couple of times I played with Robbie um we were both linked up on the PlayStations obviously him at home and I was here and we on the headsets chatting which quite quite we weird I think we were with pimmy because Pim

Was very very quiet it was just like yes no answers and I was like you okay P oh dear am it’s not heavy it’s got to really light yeah exactly I get that Gary if it’s really really light rain yeah I could I could probably go with that nope never stop because of

Snow generally if we’re going to get snow it’s going to cause issues it tends to drop overnight so we don’t really get actually physically again go out in it um you’ve gone out when it’s raining but yeah yeah it’s not no fun being soggy and horrible is it not at all so we

Still haven’t moved yet Lisa Lisa haven’t moved it’s taking forever so um I spoke to Willie M Brown estate agent on Monday Tuesday Tuesday and they said that they’d got everything back from our vendor and sorry the solicitors got everything back from our vendor and then

We’re waiting for a few more bits of paperwork I think from the council for planning permissions and stuff U so I was like okay fair enough and there was a few queries um on our vendors vendor still waiting so I said that’s fine can you just keep me updated got to yesterday

Obviously I not in two days but I thought I just give a bit give a nudge and see what’s happening so they said all we’re going to chase and see what’s happening because it’s been five weeks today that um the inquiries were sent to the solicitors five weeks is a long time and

It’s ridiculous so we were kind of hoping to all be get you know get moved by the end of the month end of February it been like five months nearly four months maybe five months actually so yeah it’s just taking forever but I am hoping least at the end of the

Month hopefully hopefully but I will keep posted um yes Gary see this is how long you’ve been away for and Chris see so obviously you have missed something so last year I decided I want to sell the house because why not um in fact it was it was actually up for sale

While we were doing the golf day I think I put it up for sale first first week in June end of May June anyway it’s sold in October yeah October and uh I bought we I say I we have bought a bungalow somewhere that you may be familiar um Gary it is

Finly got BNG not Finly ARF Finly area proper Finly so yeah um we’re moving there got a bungalow Bungalow future proofing for Neil see that’s what that’s what I keep telling him W belong me before he’s getting too old to walk upstairs get him a bungalow love

Bungalows no it’s not Root Road it’s on um Elm just off Route Road don’t tell me that’s you that’s where you lived diamond girl is Lisa Lisa’s other account signing with wrong account where are we where are we so yes you’re at work Kent you’re not actually working but you’re at

Work um A and B not bothered fair play you tend to walk of course when you can’t get CL well do you not wear um uh do you wear gloves Colston when you’re playing golf so do you not get winter gloves sorry wet weather gloves because wetter they get the more grippier they

Get I tend to keep wet weather gloves in my bank just in case and then winter gloves oh do you still live there then Gary no way we’re literally G be around the corner from your mom and dad how bizarre let look map now see where about

On Root Road that is yes so yeah El Drive yeah literally around the corner where’s my Google Maps where’s Google Maps when I want them let’s open up a thing have a look sorry guys I need to look now uh no gloves for coulston why not because Kent

You don’t wear gloves either do you Kent I think I go through phases sometimes I wear them sometimes I don’t Maps finno oh this is exciting Gary in fact I’ve still got your um nearest pin Prize or not newest pin second yeah nearest pin I’ve got your prizes from the golf day anyway

Still fin I’ve got Root Road I’m on it oh I see where that is yeah yeah so that road that there down the on the side of um oh you move the door now oh okay yeah so that Chapo Lane we did first one of the first house we looked

At was actually on Harvey close just around the back of there and um we were going to CU that’s when we first sort looked in finely then we ended up looking elsewhere then come back finally funny enough but the one that on hary close it was just needed too much work doing on

It way too much work so it was like nah let’s not do that how spooky would that been if would have bought that house is it a bongalow as well it is a bungalow that’s a nice looking bungal that G but no it’s not that one how weird the front door Gary

They’ve got Breeze block on the front door they blocked the front door up well they have on this picture on Google Maps looks like they’re doing some work to it when this were taking June 2021 need to be a shop next door by looks for it as well um anyway so yeah so

Um you’ll know where to come then Gary when you come and get your uh your Holy One prizes next time you come to come to area so then got any new clubs got new Drive matching three and five W so what clubs have you got Chris you kept losing gloves when you

Took them off for put you’re one of them are you you find gloves dotted around the golf course how you getting on with your um clubs Colson because they’re fairly know aren’t they are you are you enjoying them are you have you taken to them all right or rather are they improving your

Performance or you still having to have a good Stone word with yourself that’s more the point no where is it all Chris yeah just drop me a drop me a message at some point I did see a message other day thank you very much I just hav’t got

Around to replying to anything because I’ve just been so super busy super busy at work um and then at night time I’ve been collapsing there’s lot been going on oh I’ve got some exciting news to tell you actually about work um yeah have a read second hand are this are they the

Ones with a square head Chris I Cas qes they’re bit weird looking aren’t they with there big Square heads not get much distance but dispersion dispersion is better yes all INRI is aart as opposed to some of them what have you got Gary what what did you go for irons and

Driver I saw a very nice one on um as we watching golf last night I saw a very nice looking um driver actually it was a uh Paradigm something or other but it’s got dis it’s got sweet spots all over the face I was like oh I could do with

That it basically reens it even if you hit it out the heel or the toe he’s still going to hit The Sweet Spot I’m like like the sound of that I could use that I tend to hit driver is not too bad to be fair but if I’m going to hit

Anything I hit things out the um at the heel my clubs it’s not good oh You’ got the Paradigm have you uh you got the GPX 923 is oh I’ve got the 921s I think aren’t it apx 921s one of the loudest drivers ever I mean Mine mine’s horrible I don’t think

Mine’s necessarily loud Ken mine’s just got a horrible noise to it a horrible not even a ping it’s a big bean in it sounds horrific I do keep every now and again thinking is it worth having a look but then you think drivers are are not cheap and if I like that

Paradigm I suppose if I look at normal Paradigm now the new ones come out you might get the old one a bit cheaper but I had also looked whether it’s worth going for a um looking at a Whatchamacallit what’s Neil got go on pxg because a couple of times I hit is I

Absolutely creamed that driver and then I hit it like an absolute tool so then I can’t but on the few times I’ve caught it really well oh super herb Willie though Coulson Willie he’s he’s just bought me a very nice watch so I don’t think he’ll buy me a a new golf

Club me me there we go that nice it’s got on on the on the face of it it’s got some like diamanty things on the side and on the actual face where the um where the the markers are there their little diamonds there we go so thanks Mr Binks because I’m worth

It it’s Kent working exactly for me it’s it’s an anomaly well you he might do call thing to be fair if I ask him really nicely no to be he has said on a couple occasions about going for a pxg fitting but I’ve just never bothered he’s like

Go on go on go on so yeah I am very lucky aren’t Lisa I keep saying that Neil is lucky to have me to be able to Lavish me with these sorts of gifts because so I mean it’ll probably tell you tomorrow night if anyone’s on

But last week because I’ve got a um what have I got I’ve got a Citizen Eco Drive watch a fancy watch um and when you have them so long this the the capacitors start um deteriorating so they don’t hold the battery the battery line very long and

Because I’ve not worn it for a while I had sort of sit in the daylight to kind of start charging up and then as I were using it it would it would keep going but then it started losing time again I’ve had it about 10 years so I was last

Friday night I was looking about midnight my phone it watches sort watch could I go for next time I think I need a new fancy watch but we’re going out Valentine’s Day so I need a new fancy watch so he was like what are you doing

Nothing nothing to see move on so what you looking at I said just watches just to replace my my fancy one all right okay I say there’s a nice one Samuel there’s a really nice one at Chappelle as well he’s like all right okay anyway Saturday we’re going to be

Moms and I said to her I says is there anything else you want to do while we’re out he went no not really you I was like no not really he went have a look up Chappelle if you want I says yeah we could do he says I know what you’ve done I

Know you you’re doing it all you planted a seed and you’re going go to Chappelle because You’ be looking at watches and don’t think I’m stupid I know exactly what you doing so yeah I it’s nice to play the game though isn’t it to make it think

Like it’s your idea but it’s actually mine pled you know he know he knows the game and he moans he moans he moans bless um so Neil is always after something Peter oh you going in March yeah pop in Gary I’ll I’ll drop your line I mean I’d

Like to S with move by then yes Lisa we are on tomorrow yeah tomorrow night is Saturday Night Live night um so I’m sure you’ll have Neil moaning and whining about my Antics last week Mr Ray how we doing Mr Ray oh so anyway my work news um top and

Bottom is I I wasn’t very happy at work for a while because of some political crap going on and not being promoted I should be anyway um I passed my project manager qualification last year yesterday still didn’t get my promotion annoyed this week I got um I put I put

My application in for the a full member of the association of project management which um passed this week so I have now got my mapm um professional body membership which I can put the next after your name so that’s a box ticked um so I’ve done

That I did actually have a job offer from another company on the on the golf on the the golf on the table on Monday went to work told them this then told them I got my mapm uh status I’ve now got my promotion at work

Finally so now from the 1 of March I will be uh not just assistant project manager I will be a project manager and degrade and I’m also moving into a different sector so I’m moving out this current role finishing up on this current project so in May I’ll be moving into another sector

Um potentially well the department I’m I’m moving into APD which is advisory which is fully project management orientated C customer customer facing project man manager stuff um you fine Mr Ray bye for now see you later Hopey see the weekend um yes so I’ve got my mapm I’ve

Got my project manager job and moving departments into either um I think the second going to is defense and energy so I’m probably going to do 18 months or so in um in uh Whatchamacallit in energy in the energy sector it’ be nuclear energy in the north so there’s a chance I could

Be going to the uh the place that Bas works at some point could be interesting and then I might end up moving over to um to into defense SE defense sector because there’s lots of lot of work so wooo thanks Lisa finally got me uh me promotion because I’m worth it yes I

Am it’s a shame that I took um having another job on the table to get it and on all this rubbish but we’re here now this the main thing that’s unfortunately Chris that’s what happens in some places and you just have to be prepared to make the move if

You’re going to make the threat you need to be prepared to uh uh uh make that step and move away which I was prepared to leave if I had to but no got me a promotion but yes hopefully we we’ll see you on tomorrow night Lee so you’re

Working tomorrow night what you doing tomorrow night Kent you don’t work if you’re still there or if you come back um you you just turn up to work you don’t actually work I believe works you not so much yes Kent new Tik Tok new pretty Tik Tok it’s one of them

Um is it belover which actually bover um the brand is part of Citizen we were told so yeah every day is a school day so Kent’s at work coulson’s at work getting ready to go back to the airport nice thanks p L is it middle of the day oh yeah it

Will be W it Lisa you four hours behind are you Lisa or five hours five hours aren’t you how they doing the offices up Ling Gary nice so are you working at home when you’re at the gym as well I always work from home I don’t go

To the office unless I really really have to really really have to which is not very often to be fair and then when I do go and boss doesn’t turn up so Jim’s lunchtime is the gym close to you then five hours behind I see yeah so tomorrow night will be your

Your uh middle of the day yeah yeah I forget about that I think I think Lisa I’ve just always having my head you know when we did all this in lockdown and we were doing cocktail of the week and you were still with us get having your cocktail of the week midaf

Afternoon oh happy times happy times can you can you believe that to be four years ago four years ago that that was happening how mad is that yep catch you tomorrow night Coulson hope hopefully yes the Bingo that was hilarious so funny three minutes walk ah

I see not too bad then Gary that’ be my that be my gym time walk to there and back again that’s it and done you can’t work from home pimmy unless you can drive your truck remotely from home something for you to think about um so other minute Ali I am

Keeping crook Hill going temporarily um essentially I want to keep it going until at least the golf day and then once the golf day is happened it depends as well because um my treasury jobs up up this this month next month and I said I wasn’t going to do it but because it’s

A threeyear term this time and I said well I might um I might go in for it again just for this one year because I thought we’d have to do a threeyear term but we changed the Constitution partway through our term so because we’re in

Post when it changed we have to do the two years anyone knew qu do three years so I said I was prepared to do three years so I will do one more year um and then give it up so wor I am actually Lady Captain at our place this year as

Well which not many people know yet so I’ll probably just let the cat completely out the bag anyway Lady Captain uh so I’m doing treasury job this year as well so I will stay at cro for this year but then just keep uh B going because all the while I’m

Treasurer we get me green fees paid for so it don’t really cost me anything and Neil’s paid for bought from year yeah so it’s it’s going to be another busy year again but after this year the golf day is likely to be sh will be shift well should it should SL

Will be shifting to B Tre because we’ve got the facilities on site for the draw the driving range and accommodation all on site the downside to next year on the actual golf side of things is there might only be like 15 holes open potentially because they’re doing things on the different course

Works I’m hoping that might end up being like a reduced fee for us if we hav got a full course open but that’s what I’m hoping for it all to be there next year um so it’s it’s five it’s six six minutes six it’s about seven minutes Drive Gary from new house to

Borry which is all right all right so we’re looking for we going going up there quite a lot to play golf and kind of get used to the course and whatever so um yeah next year is going to be quite quite a good year quite a good year I think busy

Year no I can’t walk I can’t walk if I walk it’s it’s like miles and miles and then I got to walk around the golf course which is a long course and then walk home again yet not happen not happen um thanks Allie yeah it was it was a bit

Of a last minute thing to be honest um one of other girls was going to do it well other ladies she didn’t really want to do it but she said about and I said oh because I was borry hasn’t got a lady section so I I’ll not be able to get a

Chance to be a lady Captain over there Um away so yeah it is about two miles but it’s it’s too far too far to walk so yeah so being at cro Hill is the only chance I’m going I have I think to be Lady Captain so I said you know what it’s our 50th year this year as well the

Club’s 50th year so it’ be quite nice to be Lady Captain in 50th year and then B so um how many people can stay at the new course next year what do you mean Chris how many can people stay at the new course next sure

You’re not sure but in terms of how many people can stay over so you haven’t really got a driving range anymore um but they’re building a new one that’s a bit like Top Golf so it’ll all be ready by end of this year I think um so there was

Um there was a Ladi section but I think a lot of ladies left and there’s probably only about six or seven ladies there so they just it kind of got abandoned the l section to be honest but it’s really weird all the club competitions all the majors anyone

Can enter there’s not ladies comps and gents comps it’s anyone can enter any comps which I quite like that to be honest um there is discussion about possibly me starting up a lady section again but it just means that the ladies will have to start paying their um union fees because

At the minute a lot of them don’t pay I think only m one pays union fees the rest don’t pay so there there is possibility to to maybe start one up uh but I think because it’s more inclusive um in terms of anyone can do anything it’s not specific gents and

Ladies apart from if if apart from inter clubs ladies probably can’t play the inter Club matches because they’re all gents matches but yeah that’s uh something that I could look into uh once I kind of get over there properly and get cill bin off yeah there is Gary there’s quite

Quite a lot of combination but if you go to the B Golf Club website Gary or anyone for that matter you’ll see what the what the building because there’s like um artists in architect Impressions on there and it’s going to be quite a corporate place I think but there the

Hotel facilities are massive absolutely huge um I dare say there’ll be could be a couple of hundred hotel rooms uh but there’s going to be um Spa facilities as well um so two a two-tier driving range in clubhouse so upstairs will be for members and then downstairs will be pay and

Play if yeah it’s there’s a lot of things on the website on the um B Golf Club website it’s looking really really good now a lot of the roads are in all time acting in they’re doing the the last bit of the glazing now I

Think so you use you’re going to use a spar py nice um actually to be fair Ally the lady Captain do you know where my parking space is you got and mine’s the third one in you’ve got the um CL Captain Club Captain yeah got Club captains secretaries Treasurer and then lady

Captains other side of mine so actually mine my treasur one’s still closer to the steps but I never thought actually I’ve got means I’ve got two car two car parking spaces I maybe let my um my vice have the lady Captain’s base if I’m still treasurer you’d use a spar I’m sure you

Would pmy what be a little Budgy Smuggler yeah it’s huge Gary it’s absolutely huge it’s it’s a massive facility it’s going to be immense when it’s finished I mean say it’s I I’ll take some pictures R out the weekend and I’ll send you over on Insta but there’s some honestly it’s

Massive what they’re doing it’s going to be fantastic this is what I mean you see by the time we get there and we can get the golf day over there it’ll just be easier for entertainment and for having everyone staying on site and if there’s a lot of people going to

Be booking rooms it means it gives me a bit of Leverage to try and get some discounted rates for everyone um because we probably stay on S I know we only live down the road but we’d probably stay on site as well because at least then we’re with everyone for

Entertainments and you know nighttime Shenanigans and stuff so it just makes sense for us to kind of stop with everyone else really and then Neil can get battered and I’m not got to try and drag him home at the minute it is Gary so it’s I think

It’s 880 pound 800 and something pound I paid or Neil paid for me he pays direct debit he paid mine outright um but it just means that when it’s all done if the do decide to bump the membership up or put a um a joining feedback on we’re already in you see so

We don’t have to worry about that and that’s why we join now while it’s all in construction phase method in the madness you see method in the madness and I know it’s going to be probably go downhill not downhill but the course is probably going to dip a

Bit before it gets better because they’re going to put a big lake in where the old Clubhouse was and you know there’s a lot of things that happening around there some houses being built at the side of the 18 so they’re going to reconfigure around there and um which is

Why I think a few holes might be closed next year while they’re doing some course works but if they can reduce the cost for us I don’t think anyone will mind and playing 15 hes it makes it a quicker round as well so yeah anyway I think I’ve got to

Run as well Lisa but no any any anything else you need Lisa um drop me a line and I’ll see if I can help you out anymore um so yeah happy days it’s all starting to come together I’ve not done a great deal on the golf day this year yet

Because I kind of want to get moved because I can’t be sending things out for me begging letters for asking for raffle prizes because they’re going to start sending them here I don’t want to send them here I want to send to the new house so I need to get

Moved so I can start all that stuff and it’s I feel like everything’s a bit it’s not last but it feels a bit last minute because I’ve already you know I’ve nor got a lot of things in process by now but I have sent a letter

Off to American go our local once about sponsorship so I’ve done a little bit and I sent emails out to everyone so anyway I’ve got a run it’s qu 20 to2 and I need to go get some work done so there’s a few things starting to hit the

Fan a little bit which need to attention before the weekend so um I will see that um I’ll see you tomorrow night we’ll be on 8 o’cl UK time so um have a good rest of your day everyone and we’ll see you tomorrow night I don’t forget us over on

The drinks drinks with the rink channel so uh yeah take care have a good weekend anytime Pizza always welcome and we’ll see you tomorrow have a good one

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