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Cowboys fall to Packers in playoffs: Dak 2 INTs, Love 3 TDs & Skip sounds off! | NFL | UNDISPUTED

Skip Bayless, Michael Irvin and Keyshawn Johnson discuss the Green Bay Packers win over the Dallas Cowboys in the Super Wild Card Weekend round of the NFL Playoffs.

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Cowboys fall to Packers in playoffs: Dak 2 INTs, Love 3 TDs & Skip sounds off! | NFL | UNDISPUTED


Yeah easy for you to say Wayne it’s a great morning for you because you sat right here at this desk on Friday and you all be guaranteed your Packers would win easily at my Cowboys and you were so right and I was so wrong to even remotely trust my Mike

McCarthy and Dak Prescott is seven and a half Point favorites at Jerry world where they had only won 16 straight games yesterday the Dallas Cowboys got exposed as gutless heartless leaderless playoff frauds flaud frauds that was by far the most shocking and devastating and humiliating playoff loss in Dallas Cowboy history my lowest

Moment ever as a lifelong DieHard Cowboy fan not your typical fall on your face this was all time all time I threw all my cowboy gear in the trash last night and it will stay there Mike McCarthy has to go today his replacement has to be to me

Jim harbon not Bill belich we’ll get into that in just a few minutes and there is no way Dak Prescott deserves a big contract extension now not after throwing two first half interceptions one a pick six that led to Green Bay 27 to nothing before half time before

Halftime not after Dak Prescott got into it early with CD and somehow made him mad I didn’t see that coming Jordan love is so much better than Dak I’d love to see if Trey Lance can turn into Jordan love now would you believe I hope defensive coord coordinator Dan Quinn

Gets a head coaching job now I’m not so sure he will because how do you sell 27 to nothing how do you sell 48- 16 with 6 minutes left in the game Michel Parson he’s so overrated he had the worst pass rush game of his entire career yesterday

Only one pressure zero sacks zero tackles for loss one solo tackle and one assist are you kidding me January 14th 2024 a day that will live in cowboy infamy okay but enough for me let’s see what Michael irin and Richard Sherman think Michael please you first can you

Talk me off the ledge what in the name of Jimmy Johnson happened to our Cowboys yesterday you listen this was hard this this this was a hard one this was a hard one even watching it and I I I would have to sum it up first

And say this was a coaching spanking on both sides of the ball I mean Mike mccarthur took a coaching spanking Dan Quinn took a coaching spanking there is no getting around it there’s no getting around it I I I look at this and I said wow you had four

Teams defending their home turf this weekend Houston said to Cleveland who everybody had favored not in our house not in our house not on our watch no not in our city Kansas City stood up and said I know what we went through all year but

Not in our house not in our house we’re not dropping one pass not in our city no not on our watch Detroit who a lot of people had the Rams including me going in and beating Detroit they said not in our house not on our watch not in our city prach and then

Dallas the most Recognizable the best franchise in the world the most valuable franchise in the world and I get a head coach that says we were not ready to play unacceptable at that place at that moment right then right there they we were not ready to play is unacceptable you cannot say how H how

Are you not ready to play in this game with everything on the line you got HomeField Advantage you want 16 straight games at home and you show up and do that that was all out coaching started out with you get an off size that turns into a touchdown now could had a field

Goal stop to a field goal but it turns into a touchdown you come back on a special team blunder we get a pass interference with the fair catch it’s like then we catch a pun in the five or six yard line what is going on all of

This is discipline stuff all of this says you’re not ready to play a football game that there’s nowhere in the world you should not have been ready to play that’s why this is so disappointing to go in there and I I skip I told you guys

I said I was I’m worried about this if this team jumps out early it’s Armageddon and that’s exactly what happened once they jumped out they turned around and hand to that ball off and there was nothing you can do what irks me to death I I can take you losing a

Game I cannot take you have three people in the National Football League I mean I didn’t see anybody around these three guys M grave down the sideline there was nobody in sights like everybody left the it it was it was it was you you see dos running wide open wide open these are

Designed plays that they have studied your defense and come up with just just and dominated it they they hit those areas and they dominated and this there was no answer for anything when they ran the football skip there were gaping holes these were not somebody squeezed through somebody ran over

Somebody and made hard yards there were gaping holes it was it it it and you I walked away saying there’s no way you reto there’s no way you do this again there’s no way you do this again there something has to happen here I can’t believe that

The Dallas Cowboys took that game and play that way at that time that’s unacceptable skip Irv I hate to be the one all year I was called a hater Cowboy hater Sher you’re just a hater you just hate the Cowboys you hate the Cowboys and I told you I was just being

Realistic I was trying to save you and your fans from this kind of disappointment because the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and over but expecting a different result skip for the last 28 years they have done this this team has done this

So but they’ve done this but not that well well skip well you you you asked for a historic season you asked for a historic ending skip that’s what you asked for and they gave you a historic ending they gave you the most points ever given up in the history of this

Franchise they gave you the first team in the history of the National Football League to lose to a seven seed so you ask for history and that is what you what you received and I tried to tell you and unfortunately this team this team hurts you worse than your worst

Enemies ever could skip cuz they took you to the top of the Mountaintop they said hey at home at least at home we are unbeatable we’re going to convince our fans that we cannot lose at home so if we get home games our fans are going to

Have no doubt whatsoever we’re going to win this game and then they took you to the top of Mount Everest and then they dropped you on a bed of nails and that’s unfortunately what they did but throughout the season they have shown the propensity to do this they have they

Have disappointed in just about every big game that they faced where where the expectations were high where there there was something on the line there was a winning team on the other side outside of the Philadelphia Eagles game at home and the and the Seattle Seahawks game at

Home y they have disappointed really and and this game it showed every one of their flaws your big time players didn’t show up in Big Time moments people always ask what makes great players great it’s the playoffs right there it’s the playoffs unless they don’t get there

You know I mean some teams some players never get to the playoffs so they never get to show that but in the playoffs that’s what separates the really good players from the greats the elites the the gold jacket wearing Michael Irvings of the world y it’s when you get to the

Playoffs do you show up in a big game in a big way and your defense if you want to be number one in the world you’re number one in those playoffs and you make the plays that you have made all season during those moments to get your

Team where they need to go and they didn’t winners focus on win winning they consistently focus on winning they focus on what they can do better they focus on what what how they their team can improve losers though they focus on winners and throughout this season your

Team has focused on the winners they they focused on the Philadelphia Eagles who went to the Super Bowl last year you hear Jerry Jones Philadelphia Eagles where I’m watching the Philadelphia Eagles game against this I sure do hope the Philadelphia Eagles man I’m I’m watching San Francisco and I sure did

Like how that looked but you’re not focused on the food on your no and that’s where you where they need to get back to so everybody else can get the blame but Jerry Jones is just as distracted and like IR said they were out coached on both sides of the ball give Matt

Lefl and Joe Barry a ton of credit they came up with Incredible game plans and in the first touchdown the Dallas Cowboys got in the first half I mean it was a false start that should have been wiped off the board immediately it was so we tried to prepare you skip I did

Not see lamb having a rough first half like he did and he and Dak Prescott being off in the way they were I don’t even understand that that seems like something more off the field i i i ER can speak to this but anytime you and

Your quarterback I I think that CD lamb has some of the best demeanor for a receiver that I’ve seen in National Football League he’s he’s calm he’s even killed things going great he’s the same things going bad he’s the same he doesn’t he doesn’t get super

Demonstrative give me the ball yada y y y he may ask for it later on after the game behind closed doors but he never shows his quarterback up his coach up he does a great job and in this game you saw a little bit of the body language

You saw a little bit of the like what are we doing what what are you doing Dak like why why what how how do you miss that you know where he’s looking at him and he’s kind of like what what are we doing and I’ve never seen that then you

Hear Dak kind of having those conversations with him so I hope somebody really explores that later on and it gets to the bottom of what happened there because I didn’t understand that but the bad thing skip is next year no matter what happens you can fire the whole staff you can do

Whatever you want you’re going to get worse because you’re losing Tyron Smith you’re losing botes you got to pay CD lamb 30 plus million you got to pay Michael Parson’s 30 plus million you got to have to pay de 50 plus million we don’t want to hear it we’re we’re I’m

Just saying I’m we’re we’re reeling Richard we’re Reeling I I can’t even let my mind go there I’m like Jerry after the game he he couldn’t even think about tomorrow because he said he was so fixated on next Sunday’s home game game that’s where I was that’s kind of where

I still am I can’t get out of it because remember this is the first time in NFL history a team has gone 12 and five three straight years and not made it to an NFC Championship game as you point out Richard it’s the first time a seven

Seed has ever won a playoff game it’s the first time a two seed ever lost in the Wild Card round and they didn’t just lose it was 48-6 with 6 minutes to go in the game and what tears my guts out this morning is just remember

Richard you were down on CD early and then CD said okay Richard watch this I’m not a fringey number one I’m the guy I’m I’m number one and over the last 12 games there was no more lethal combination than Dak to CD and remember going into yesterday we had the number

One offense in the league and remember going into yesterday we had the fifth best defense in the league that led the league and quarterback pressures that got next to none yesterday and didn’t sack Jordan love one time just remember we had the best special teams we had the

Best kicker the best punter the best returner and we were a nightmare yesterday we looked like an uncoached wreck yesterday from the start and back to Michael’s first point could we please show this is remember we get it down to Third and and five and we have a chance

On their opening drive they took the ball they they won the toss and God bless them they just said watch this and as Jordan love said after the game we came here with the mindset to dominate and they did they took the ball and ran it and threw it right down our throats

But it’s third and five third and goal at the five and all of a sudden I’m thinking we got to CH if we just hold him to three here maybe we can to stop the bleeding and and maybe get our our legs back underneath us and our leader

On defense our our most veteran player on defense Demarcus Lawrence if we could see it jumps offside it’s like this is what you don’t want to see because it says we’re not ready it says we’re poorly coached because remember the Dallas Cowboys also led the league in another category penalties they are the

Most penalized team and as Michael said they turn it right around and on the the next punt they go down and and create commit such a stupid penalty on the punt and you’re saying you’re just not ready to play Sam Williams yeah Sam Williams like Sam Williams what are you doing

Okay that’s the the touchdown early and this is the false start here’s the false start on Tyler Smith who by the way was the most penalized player in all of college football his last year at Tulsa and he has been a mistake maker but he’s a great player Michael he made first

Team All Pro voted by the players so did Zach Martin and where were they I I don’t know I don’t know right but but listen I can take some of Tyler holding because I like how Tyler plays it’s all them other Jokers that making penalties that they making all pro you see what

I’m saying I’ll Take It All Pro and his penalties because he’s all pro but them other Jokers come on man and I my whole thing sh is how at this moment do you show up at that game in that mentality with that mentality I CD lamb has been everything to this

Offense when they took him out they’re like they had nowhere to go no understanding of what to do and if more people are on CD lamb which it was somebody else should be open and if they can’t get open then I need a court I need a coach to scheme something to help

Them get open and none of that happened none of that happened so it’s not you came in you were not ready you couldn’t make any adjustments to get you going then what are we doing here yeah what are we doing here because obviously this is not the

Situation no no it’s not the situation and and it’s Killer Instinct it’s Killer Instinct that’s what it comes down to in these playoffs it’s the Green Bay Packers were so young and so so oblivious to the situation that everything is just routine for them I’m

Sure FL talked to him like that he got his young guys hyped up he said hey it’s just another game go out there and do what you’ve done all season catch the ball we’ll we’ll get you open passes defensively let’s get some stops Jer Alexander fought to play in this game

Made huge plays Darnell Savage they saw how predictable this Texas Coast offense is it’s incredibly predictable and I knew that in the playoffs it would it would bite you in the butt how many times have you seen CD lamb line up in the slot it’s a 3×1 formation and they

Run all Slants on second and two third and two third and three third and four it’s the same play over and over out of the same position same formation and you get away with it during the regular season but in the playoffs when coaches got nothing else to study no but your

Tape and what you do you have to find another way to beat them you have to find creative ways to get to the things you love to do you can’t do them in the same routine ways and if you can then that just shows how dominant you are

Because some teams can some teams know what you ay you know what shers they don’t have those guys they don’t that that’s how we want you don’t have those players that’s why I need someone to make a design to help these guys get open we would run a five route Sher I

Don’t care if you knew we were running it we’re running 17 back to 15 Jay would tell him Michael’s running a five route you can’t stop it don’t matter doesn’t matter Troy’s going to throw it I’m going to catch it we’re going to run they don’t have this so now I need you

To come up with something else and that’s why I say it was a coaching spanking that’s the reality of what happened I I I Stell Savage he Ed Reed Troy Palam Maru he baited DC on that interception did you see he rode with the he roll with the first slant and

Then jumped to the second that was nothing but a bait he was waiting on it because he had watched the the body language and the actions of CD lamb all day he knew they wanted to get him the football right there I can’t put that play in any

Kind of a Harm’s Way because I know they know we’re trying to get our guy the football they’re looking at the body language that was an easy pickup in a read I was like come on man give me a better play this is the play I Want You Rolling outside don’t throw garbage

Inside this is too crucial of a drive and too crucial of a moment for us to be Happ you you needed a better coaching Drive than that but but sometimes it’s the jimmies and Joe’s like I understand coaching can be better no question about it you can

Call better plays but sometimes it comes down to the jimmies and Joe’s when we were in Seattle playing defense you knew what we was running we were running either man three or if it’s third down and we’re running loose two if it’s third and long we’re running loose too

We’re running about three or four coverages that’s it it’s on tape we’re not really trying to disguise it that much but we know when you come into town you know exactly what we doing but we’re better than you we’re better than you in every way Chris Clemens Michael Bennett

Cliff AAL the front Brandon meang the linebackers Bobby Wagner KJ Wright all World players and then you got cam Earl myself uh Brandon Browner freaking jery L you got so many players that show up that are killers in their own individual right and you guys just don’t have real

Killers your best player is michah Parsons and he is not a killer and he’s not a killer and he hasn’t been not a killer never been a killer right got to be that promise made one man to the other each man is for the other I’m going to get my job

Even and and we don’t have that commitment made to each other to even be on the football field but but but I keep hearing comparisons to LT from from this from everybody Pat this kid on the back and he deserved a lot of it first team

Off Pro first two years but in these big moments against San Francisco last year this year first round you know you didn’t even get to the divisional I didn’t even get to do my dance and say divisional and done now I got to come come up with a whole another song with way

And and you know and all this other like I was supposed to be in studio when y lost yeah Richard even you thought we would win that game yesterday you told us so all Year be careful be careful but you thought we’d beat Green Bay because I’m pretty sure you picked Dallas to

Beat Green Bay right yeah I I I said I said the same thing IR said if they get ahead on you earlier and I said the same thing on my podcast that’s their only chance if they get ahead early and they put the plant the seed of doubt in your

Head then you know Dak Prescott has only been put out of the playoffs by a couple teams and one of them is the Green Bay Packers and Aaron Rogers the other is a San Francisco 49ers so I knew if they got ahead early they would plant that

Seed of doubt and have your boys panicking and potentially have a chance to walk away with the win I did not see them blowing you out I thought you would your guys would show up in a bigger way but who saw that I could maybe Jordan

Love I don’t know right Ju Just remember this was the alltime case of America’s team turning into America’s tease as in teasing us taking us right to the brink where it looked like it was meant to be Michael and I kept saying the Jimmy curse is broken I don’t know maybe

There’s a Jerry curse I don’t know because we had it in the palms of our hands we had backto back home playoff games that we should have won whoever would come next week you know whoever it would be we could beat them at home we could beat Green Bay we could beat

Detroit we could beat Tampa if they win and finally we’d at least get back to our first NFC Championship game in 28 years Philadelphia collapsed right on time to hand us the division we had it we had it and and then we didn’t have it because this wasn’t the typical Cowboys

Are an accident waiting to happen this wasn’t the typical Cowboys do cow booys things this was 27 to nothing before halftime I’m I’m in shock Jerry’s in shock Jerry said I’m floored I was on the floor last night in the first half saying what the hell was this I’ve never

Seen it’s such a disgrace that nobody saw coming go ahead skip that trash can at your house in your kitchen played better defense on you than your defense did on the Green Bay Packers skip at least got a few stops you know that was

One take last night and I did not miss I fired every piece of my cowboy paraphernalia I didn’t miss and it’s only about this big around and I just went swish swish swish because I was on fire about how they weren’t on fire okay well po poor Ernestine poor

Ernestine she did it she did it again way to go she’s a trooper That’s it man okay this is what we got to get to next if fact Mike McCarthy is gone Jerry Jones should hire dot dot dot who who mer thanks for watching Undisputed fans do you want more highlights from the

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  1. Omg Skip admits he is wrong 😂😅 finally😂😅 and ty cowfags u never disappoint 😂😅😂 hey skip how about them cowponies 😅😂

  2. As I was watching that bad man from Green Bay Jordan Love clowning on Dem boys from Dallas I got to thinking what are the playmaker and skip thinking about Dem boys going down for the count

  3. Dak "MVP" candidate?
    Beat the redskins 2x (32 in defense)
    Beat The Lions (Cause of the Refs)
    Beat the Jets (no Rodgers)
    Beat the pats (LOL)
    Beat the SDC (24th in defense)
    Beat the eagles (30th in defense)
    Beat the NYG 2x (26th in defense)
    Beat the Seahawks (25th in defense)
    Beat the Rams (19th in defense)
    Beat the Panthers (What!?)

    Y so serious 😈🥃🃏

  4. Cowboys of the present are reaping the benefits of the Cowboys of the past. Talent only gets you so far. You gotta put in the work. Cowboys ain’t putting in that work. 29 years and counting. Where’s the pride?

  5. Most shocking and humiliating? Yes. Most devastating? No, I don't think so. The Ice Bowl was physically and emotionally brutal, and it took the Cowboys two years to recover from that game.
    IMO if Dallas had hung on and won that game, they may well have won 4 or 5 straight Super Bowls. They were the most talented team in football and they had Roger Staubach waiting in the wings.

  6. Just imagine folks if the cowchokes would win a Super Bowl? The arrogance would never end thanks cowchokes 29 years and counting

  7. I don't watch undisputed Anymore Because of skips He will make you sick 🤢🤢🤢 by his ways Can't wait till he is Off Aire For good . But I love When so called Americas Team Gets whipped 🤪🤪🤪🤪.

  8. imho, Dak has had more than enough chances to prove himself, and he falls short every time. He’s been given more chances than he should get but for some reason I bet jj is gonna keep him. So next year will be the same. Then the next and the next… until they draft a championship qb, or maybe give Trey Lance a shot

  9. McCarthy is the problem just look at his record in the playoffs. 1 Superbowl and many playoff exits with the amazing Rodgers

  10. How is skip gonna say Micah is overrated when HE is the one who is driving his bandwagon calling him the next Lawrence Taylor and calling him 11 from heaven‼️‼️

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