Golf Players


In this video we’re back in Scottsdale, Arizona as I bring you along with me to a PGA Tour Practice Round. We’re going to walk through how I go about preparing for a competitive round of golf and hear from others on how they approach the game!

Watch my WM OPEN video here:




Special thanks to GhostBeatz for the music!

Music code: YCHMVJFH4XF4N5MK

Guys today is going to be a special day we are doing a PJ tour qualifier practice round so everything from A to Z how we prepare for the course mentally and how I get our bodies ready to shoot our lowest round ever let’s get to work crazy cuz people don’t really

Understand how low you have to to go in these qualifiers like for example there was seven pre-qualifiers here in Scottsdale and I believe six under got a spot at the pre-qualifier like that’s crazy and then how many advance from each qualifier like two or three two in

Ties holy cow so two and ties make it to Monday and then Monday you just got to go Hammer Hammer every pin and balls to the wall and try to go at least you know 10 under so uh shoot right now I’m going to set the goal we’re going to set the

Goal at 6 under under um for Tom alls around and then just see where the chips fall so I feel you yeah first three hold right is your friend yeah so essentially I take you know practice rounds just like film study when I did when I played division

One football so when I come out here I’m really trying to see where’s the best spots to make it both on The Fairway both on the green um pretty much taking myself through like a film study session like this is my opponent this course is

My opponent how in the world am I going to dominate it tomorrow so that’s basically what I’m writing down here and my yardage book and everything in between so that’s kind of how I think about it and probably a lot of you guys can think the same thing if you’re you

Know related with with other sports so yeah thank you all right this is a great example of you know playing a practice round where is this best spot to miss it so obviously Fairway is probably 30 to 40 yards left of where my ball ended up but

This is actually a great spot to be we have a direct line to the flag if I miss it left I’d be in the water so in my mind I play a cut off the te but actually overcut it almost sliced it actually I did slice it but we still

Have a good line to the green and just got to set yourself up for Success cuz golf is a game of Misses we missed it right right here and um now we got a good shot and maybe knock it on for equal simmer great I got 235 to a back pin I

Have four iron I’m going to try to L this on the front edge and try to scoot it back there so perfect line to this part five here we go Ben High 20 fet from 235 Boys Hey s to say these irons are making a move this week I got you

Why that was pretty bad sometimes in golf this stuff happens and it’s uh up to you to try to limit the amount of times lies like this happen but if they do happen you just got to be athletic enough to get out what I like to do is

Like just be athletic in these movements so if you’re not athletic enough um my my thought press is here is limit the damage as low as possible so I’m going to try to get double bogey out of the play and just try to pop it out and

Make at least make bogey so um you just want to get the big number out of play and hopefully it comes out of the bunker I don’t know if it will but I’m going just try to stab him baby run good shot thank you oh shoot we got a shot at Park

Run that’s not too bad play had it it’s kind of crazy because for the most part I’ve been literally striping it and nuking it off the te and off the Fairway but the one part I’m struggling the most is my putting so how do I judge speeds of these greens how do

I get balls to roll in more so what you see here is I’m going to put a te down and we’re going to pretty much go 10t below the hole with uphill Putt and 10 ft down the hill for a downhill putt what I’ll do is basically get a nice

Pace of how far a 10-footer will go that’s downhill and then that’s uphill so for the 10-footer right here I’m just going to hit a nice smooth roll and figure out how far a 10 foot downhill part would go so dude I hit that so right there that tells me these greens

Are flying so that’s about 3T farther when I think so I would I would make that adjustment in the okay so now we got a 10 footer up the hill so usually uphill on better absolutely perfect so what I’ll do is I’ll take these two and I’ll come

More to the downhill butt so that’s the one I that’s the one I struggle with the most so here I try to get the speed as close to the T as I can wow we’re still past the hole so that just shows you how quick these grades are

You barely have to tap it wow and that’s the perfect speed right there so that’s basically how I’ll gauge the speed of every grade and pretty much how I can go about making these birdies either up a on a downhill or on a uphill slope so when I

When I come to a hole like this I’ll judge it uphill downhill and then really go back to that pace that I did previously and pretty much try to make that birdie I think one of the best things about playing with these boys in practice rounds is being able to see everyone’s

Game and seeing how you stack up with players that are you know you’re competing against and learning from each other that’s the biggest thing is you know I don’t feel like I’m very experienced when it comes to competive golf this is my fourth year and watching

These guys play it really helps me out learn kind of my game their game and what I need to do to get to the next level so I mean Harry what are you hitting here six iron got seven little downwind try to fly back there greens

Are nice and firm so try to get it back but that’s a great example of he just walked us through what shot he’s going to hit and that one actually might go in I mean that’s a great example he’s going to walk you through it they got

Their laun Mars out here and they’re really uh they’re really trying to go low trying to go another cool part like what you’re saying is like you get to see not only just your shot into the green but you get to see how four balls react and like where they spin yeah

That’s huge I mean if you can learn from other people that’s what I say is the biggest way to get better is just learning from people that are likewise or better and um Sho that’s how I got to where I’m at now and just continue to

Build on that and it’s just a domino effect you just keep getting better so yes sir no me to me that’s called ultimate focus you need that for professional gol this guy’s got it dude camera on me ball coming in hot ball just rolled over the

Flag hey so that’s a great point on the T box these guys hit I think probably the same iron as me but I saw their balls kind of tail right so I kind of put more of a draw spin on that t- shot and look what happened four feet away

Birdie and uh it was cool to learn from from them and and now you guys are two up and now we’re twoo up so let’s go going let’s go so we press uhoh big press going he just won we’re playing a little we’re playing a little Twan game we’re two up through

Seven holes and they’re now pressing so uh time to go deep Yeah tomorrow’s going to be a Dandy one I mean two spots 70 players for a pre-qualifier there’s eight pre-qualifiers this week and only two people get in two people and ties get into Monday and then Monday is where the

Big dogs are a lot of people on the PJ tour Fairy 2 all over that have status will be at Monday so these all I’m thinking about is just firing just fire away pars are not going to get it done have to go at least 5 to seven under

Tomorrow so I’m looking forward to the challenge I love competing and this is this is going to be so fun so let’s get to work oh no oh yes look at this guy went in let’s go wow that was as drippy as you could possibly

Get wow that was Tiger moment that was a tiger moment let’s go yeah see that’s exactly oh just took a massive it’s good effort just read hey you guys do me a favor leave in the comments what you guys want to see more of you know what kind of content

Either with Pros with qualf fires with me playing whatever it is leave it in the comments and this is what I’ll do if you comment and you subscribe and you like the video one of you will be winning a brand new Wilson Club so go ahead and leave a comment subscribe by

This video who knows you could be winning a club yeah good ball all we’re coming up here on hole 18 my finishing hole tomorrow so I’m really going to lock in on this one and try to picture myself in the moment grinding out another birdie

Par five in so I’m super excited to uh finish on a great hole so let’s get it dude I’m so excited to play tomorrow like look at this view right now over here in Arizona Scottdale my first time in Arizona God is God is so good like giving us these

Opportunities and I’m I’m so pumped and I’m so grateful for you guys to support and uh to watch me just play golf like literally all I do is hit this little white ball all I do is hit this little white ball all around God’s green earth and kind of

Be more happy and be more blessed so let’s go ahead and make this birish o that was yummy oh that was yummy so here’s a little insight of how I read greens what I do is I get over the balll and I make Strokes like this

And see how far left or right this putt would miss and then I play it the opposite way way no break no break tap in bird move on qualify for Waste Management baby girl all right that’s it for our practice round I really appreciate you guys thank you so much

For watching as always thank you so much for the support make sure you like make sure subscribe cuz we have so much stuff and so many athletes that are going to be on the channel and I’m super excited to have share with you guys and just document the process hey until tomorrow

We are one more sleep away for the waste management qualifier I’ll see you guys later peace


  1. Finishing out the pre-qualification process strong. Way to keep moving that little white ball forward. Shoot low tomorrow bro.

  2. Best of luck to you, you put me on to playing golf it’s really the most underrated sport ever

  3. Love your vids man. As a junior golfer myself aspiring to be like you I would love to see more videos like this on advice and insight for playing better golf.

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