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DISRESPECTFUL TO BASKETBALL 🗣️ Perk and Austin Rivers RIP the All-Star Game | NBA Today

Chiney Ogwumike, Kendrick Perkins and Austin Rivers tear the NBA All-Star Game apart after the East scored 211 PTS in their outing vs. the West.

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But all jok aside the allar game is truly falling below expectations you know Austin I want to give you the floor here hey par let’s get him cuz this cuz Hey listen I’m listen I first off that that this All-Star Weekend had some high moments the Sabrina step was great but

We talk about the bread and butter of the All-Star game it’s always the dunk contest and the game itself right which this past weekend was a tough watch it was a tough watch when we talk about the allstar game listen I’m not expecting guys to be game seven dive on the floor

Give you know give everything you got but there’s a fine line between not playing hard and even what they did last night 211 points bro Scott Van Pelt said it better than anybody if they don’t care why should we Kobe even said it man like listen guys play harder in pickup

Games in the summer guys are going to play one on1 tomorrow when they go back to their respective cities and get after it more than they did last night so I don’t want to hear the whole injury thing again I’m not expecting these guys to play you know the greatest defense

There’s going to be some freeola in the All-Star Game there’s going to be some you know circus acts it’s an allar game but when that third and fourth quarter come around that’s when you we we we we like to see these guys compete this is the greatest pickup game in the world I

Want to see the best players get after it that felt Pro bowlish last night I felt like I was watching a football pro bowl like flag football that was flag basketball they trying to tweak the Pro Bowl so that it’s more entertaining for the and then they got rid of it yeah man

Perk to be honest it was embarrassing and it was it was disrespectful to the game of bask basetball to the NBA to so many guys that used to like the the NBA Allstar you is to be an NBA Allstar it’s an honor it’s an honor like I played 14

Years and never made an allstar game I was close to making it one time and Al Horford Bea me out by one coach’s vote do you know how it would have felt to be in the allstar game Russell Westbrook won backto back F uh Allstar MVPs one of

The times he came came off the bench cuz he was playing so hard that’s how much he cared and at the end of the day players won’t say it publicly but in order to move the needle in order to get an allstar game where they’re actually competing you know what’s going to have

To happen the NBA is going to have to increase the incentives meaning put a bank roll in front of their faces to make them go out there and and play hey you know what if this team wins each player get an ADD 500,000 we saw the results and we saw

What happened with the N seon tournament guys was scrapping like crazy taking charges we saw a playoff version of LeBron James but again man you you go back and you watch you watch Jordan you watch uh Shaq you watch Cole you watch all these guys that was in the all even

Russell Westbrook like it was a badge of honor to represent and be a rep a guy that represented the allstar game and if I was Adam Silva I would have been pissed as hell like he was last night because it was an embarrassment all across the board so let’s talk about how

We got here okay because this is the first weekend the NBA has the stage all to itself Super Bowl’s over everybody’s got this is the NBA’s big showcase and instead of us having the the three Marquee games on ABC the three big leadin all the way through on TNT and

Then ABC and then we have the allstar Saturday night and we have the All-Star Game and this is what when the nation turns its attention from football to basketball this is what the NBA is putting on display how did we get here football added a week so we have week 17

To the Super Bowls one week later the trade deadline is now before the All-Star Game it used to be after and so the All-Star Game you saw the I think the Boogie Cousins trade is the one that kind of changed things where right after the All-Star game Boogie gets traded and

People are scrambling to find him in the locker room and tell him and get reaction that changed everything because it kind of it just made the whole weekend kind of awkward for everybody so they moved the All-Star game after the trade deadline they also made the

All-Star Game a break so it’s longer and they had to find a spot for it on the calendar but I think the calendar just needs to change like the calendar has changed in in a way such that this isn’t what the NBA wants to be putting its

Best this is not the best foot forward for the NBA now I can come up with all these ways to change the game I like World versus USA I know you think you don’t like that but but in hockey it works I think there’s enough great players all around the world what if

There’s not see that’s the thing though if the calendar changes you might still have the guys approach the game the same way and they don’t care and to me I think perk hinted to it my solution is pay the guys a million we saw we saw a

Million I think the winning uh Team the players got 500,000 right from the n Season tournament we were talking about how how game changing that W that money was and I think no matter how high you are on the Spectrum in the NBA like that money matters to you and how you can

Transform lives and so pay them the same way we saw the them reap the benefits of the inseason tournament pay the guys who win the All-Star Game game a little bit more but if it’s the calendar here and for me it’s paying them what’s also the Optics though of like these are Allstars

Making $50 million no but that’s but that’s why it shouldn’t be half a million be a million I don’t care how much money you got a million dollar is a million dollar they tried the charity they tried the charity giving you know giving money to charity and I think now

Like it didn’t really yield much so Austin what would you say is what’s the actual fit I think you could first off a million per player is a lot of money even if you’re a guy making $40 $50 million a year a million dollar that’s free cash man that’s that’s money you

Can give to your family your friends your charity do whatever you want with it but that’s a lot of money so that’s one thing secondly each Allstar player gets a ring right why don’t the winning team get a totally different type of ring we’re talking about Super Bowl

Looking type of ring an iced out uh All-Star ring the losing team gets maybe like a smaller ring with like a you know Jewel on it I don’t know try to make it more so where these guys take it personal and compete but at the end of

The day man it starts at the top we need the top dogs and the young guys competing it’s not LeBron james’ responsibility or Steph Curry they’ve done their time I want Devin Booker and Anthony Edwards to compete against each other I want Jason Tatum and Anthony Edwards to compete against each other I

Want the Young Dudes to go out there and compete what they doing out there just chilling and walking what what one second per what did you make of Anthony Edwards Anthony Edwards comment saying like that was so strange for me because he is such the opposite of that he is

Such a competitor for him to say I’m going to Allstar break and that’s my boy so I I love it but I hate the fact that he’s G like oh nobody wants to come to allstar game and compete why not you going against the best players in the

World this the greatest pickup game in the world you compete in the summertime versus Average Joe in a gym in Atlanta but you’re not going to compete against Deon Booker the greatest two guard in the NBA right now or or Jason Tatum like these are guys that you need to go

Compete against do you remember the time when when Jordan was ging magic right and then you remember the time when Kobe was ging Jordan and LeBron was J G and Kobe do you remember the breakup of Kobe and Shaq and Shaq and coob was going at it they had tension during that allstar

Game like we got to get back to this point and you’re you’re so right when you nailed it because let me tell you you this if you’re a young guy if you’re Anthony Edwards you should not say oh I’m going to be shooting left-handed shots in the allstar game your mindset

Should be I want to come out here and actually win the allstar MVP don’t take that for granted of putting that Accolade up under your resume so at the end of the day we could we could come with all these hypotheticals and and what can move the needle the number one

Thing that’s going to get these guys to compete is a bank roll you’re going to have to I think the money help but you guys are right I do Think


  1. Pay them… That is an awful take, I wonder if she has kids and how many. At some point you can’t continue to say incentive incentive incentive. You may want to consider taking things away, going in the other direction. I offer my kids incentives to do chores, that last only so long. What ends up working better is taking things away. They owe a better product to the fans.

  2. If a $50 million salary is not enough of an incentive to do your job well, then one more million won't matter.

    Past stars played much harder for way much less.

  3. Don’t understand why these guys need money to make it interesting. MLB didn’t pay anyone more they made it so the winner of the all star game gets home field advantage in the World Series. That seems to of worked. If all u do is throw money at them they will never have enough and u will always be paying for more and more.

  4. The day you have to pay millionaires more money to compete is sad. Play for the love of the game. This is just crazy to me that you have to make incentives for players to play somewhat competitively at the ASG is just sad

  5. Time to make the ASG, International born players vs American born players…national pride at stake. Winning team gets a $1 mill to their donation of choice.

  6. Maybe starting next season if a person don’t try/ play defense in the all star game they should be banned for the following 5 years from making it again

  7. All-star game is like watching the Lebum system in steroids; all players on the court on offense, zero effort on defense. 😄 Boring. You guys rate points on top of all stats when looking if someone is great, overlooking effort on defense. Now you have a heavy dose off all-star defense aka Lebum's system. 😁 Excitement peaks in competition not found in an all-star game. Nothing but disrespect on the MVP trophy named after Kobe.

  8. “Pay them”? That’s your solution?

    The all star games is different than the IST. IST is a team reward. Allstar games are already full of people who is earning supermax

  9. ⁠that’s the Lebron effect. Prima Donna’s everywhere. That’s how he was treated coming into the league. I get that he’s a generational talent but look how he turned out. A complete narcissist with zero self awareness. A classic example is the televised “the decision” of 2010. Can’t get anymore narcissistic than that #lebronshouldretire

  10. More money? To represent your craft? How low can you go? It's disrespectful to the fan.NBA no longer exist. It's a joke. NFL King. MLB Prince. NBA garbage. Jah is the highlight reel that can take that next step.

  11. Incentizing them is the worst idea because then it not only takes the honor position out of the equation but you’d end up having to raise that money up year after year!! Terrible idea. Go the other way, punish these guys. Take away money from them for not giving us the product that we’ve come to expect. Dock them pay dock them games whatever you have to do to send a message as a league that it’s not acceptable and won’t be tolerated going forward.

  12. After Lebron retires the NBA is done. I thought guys like Giannis and Luka would take it to another level in the future. But it’s obvious no one cares so why should we smh

  13. Ramona begins to bring up the real issue—that the nba is broken if you have to offer more money to guys making $50mil/year and it shows that the players are a bunch of entitled babies who don’t belong in the same room as Jordan, Larry, magic, Kobe, even Westbrook—and the three others steamroll the point, taking it back to money. The players showed their true colors this past weekend and it couldn’t be more disappointing to a lifetime fan.

  14. Replace the All-Star Game with an All-Star tournament. The starters from each conference form two teams, then you get five players from each division to make six more teams and you play single elim, game 30. This allows for more players to be highlighted and increase the competitive fervor.

    You also make it mandatory for the other events during the weekend to be filled ONLY with players who made an all-star/rising star team.

  15. I didn’t like and haven’t liked it for some time. BUT it wasn’t disrespectful. Fans still got watch half court makes and logo threes and dunks.

  16. incentives for what? these spoiled athletes. they should fine 10 million to the losing team… i bet they play hard then

  17. MLB had a similar issue with their all star game and so they decided to make home field advantage on the line. They could do that for the NBA finals. I don’t watch baseball until the playoffs so I don’t know what baseball fans and players think about the all star game tho

  18. Always comes down to money.. and that’s fine. So if we’re going to give them higher incentives, do it in private and don’t let the public know. Id rather watch them play hard without knowing they’re just doing it for money. We don’t need to know everything

  19. Why so much shade towards the dunk contest?! I mean McClung is as worthy a winner as anyone in the past. The guy is working his a.. off to be in the league and he's up there with the best dunkers for sure. So what if the big names don't want to compete. GIVE MCCLUNG THE CREDIT HE DESERVES!

  20. All those people who argue against the idea that the NBA players are less competitive now than they used to be, well here’s your proof. This is the result of all those excuses you let the players have while still paying them money. They’re putting in base effort for maximum pay because they’ve been allowed to. Everyone always complains about CEOs making money while not taking into account how much they work but everyone’s been ok with ball players making this kind of money

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