Golf Players

2024 MEXICO OPEN, DraftKings Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

2024 MEXICO OPEN, DraftKings Plays | Fantasy Golf Degenerates

Kenny Kim and Tyler Tamboline preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Mexico Open picks. The guys give their fantasy golf picks and best bets for the event at Vidanta Vallarta

Episode “358” | Tony… Not to Tony?

#MexicoOpenatVidanta #FantasyGolf #PGATour

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Intro 0:00
Recap 2:27
Story Time 11:39
Listener League Recap 20:38
Course Preview 23:26
DFS Strat 26:21
Tiers 28:41
Bets 48:38
Outro 50:46


Tyler Tamboline Twitter:
Kenny Kim Twitter:
Fantasy Golf Degenerates Twitter:

I’ been getting dirty money Jordan Bing Penny STS while I’m flipping these birding on what’s going on DJ Nation Kenny Kim here bringing you another fantasy golf generous podcast this week for the Mexico open as usual I am here with everybody’s favorite Canadian Tyler tamboline Tyler we missed you last week

What is up my friend what’s going on KY thank you appreciate bar off stepping in as always as he usually does just crushes it so I appreciate that like your hat we’ll get to that in a minute we’ll get to the Genesis open shout out Dey amazing finish everything went on

There we’ll get to all that and more before we get into it I want to remind everyone very quickly off the top this show is brought to you and presented by shipit you guys didn’t know last week was the big news so didn’t get to fully bring it across but the merger

With degenerate 75 bringing him over his entire Community all now Under One Roof at shiing truly excited about that and some ni things are just meant to be incredible week for the entire community over $500,000 in wins hoop had a bunch I had a bunch but the members

Really just absolutely cross Showdown streets main slates everything MMA all the other sports so if you guys want to check it out go to shipit now eight major sports throughout the season with projections ownership tools content rankings Etc you can use D gen 15 gets

You 15% off anything you have as long as you have it Kenny you finally got the Hat my friend maybe you had it and I just didn’t know it but I I I saw it on X now I see it in the flesh what’s going

On yeah War last week and of course uh not only did your people over it uh ship and Nation have a good week we both of us had a really good week uh Mr Tambo over here finishing third in the Millie maker uh he had a little little bad luck

With Bo Hustler uh in the final round that probably could have made him a million dollars uh so coming in third in the mil maker what was a $ 4,444 entry uh for Mr Mr tamboline over here and my betting card had first place and second place and I bet the

Second place each way as well for Willie Z had the outright in the each way for a decky big week I won like 1,00 bucks it’s not that’s probably more than I usually win uh when I um hit an outright just because I had both out both each

Ways for both of those guys too so strong week uh for the fantasy gol genat this is what you get occasionally we get [ __ ] right uh so what you think so the event itself I loved it it was it was good golf you know what I’m saying like even though my

Guys weren’t even in really In Contention uh until Sunday I mean willly z was up there but you know Dey did his thing like crazy shooting 62 or 61 on on Sunday to go in and win I thought the event was great I thought the golf was

Really good it was the leaderboard was great you had like the top guys you wanted to have up near the top couple of other guys you know just trying to battle their way through uh I thoroughly enjoyed the event of course is amazing uh really really liked it the

Weather didn’t cause an issue uh I thoroughly enjoyed it what you think of the event yeah bucket list event for sure I got to get out to this one just every time I watch it on TV every year I’ve said it anyone who followed me for

A long time knows I always class this one in I always say this one of my favorites favorite events I know it’s kind of like right after football ends but all all the stuff I say when I’m talking about Golf Course is what I enjoy watching has nothing to do with

The Sweat Equity like yeah I was chasing down trying to win a Millie yesterday had nothing to do with that always have liked this event any of the other ones the same way sometimes I’m winning and don’t like the eventss up losing money and do like it this is a course I’ll

Always love the Dey round was incredible I know after he was trying to say something with his translator there but how he thought he shot a plus three it’s like no buddy you literally just about shot the the course record balonus even called him on it was like what are you

Talking about Dey come on now so I mean basically basically that’s the equivalent the verbal equivalent of Hideki one handing an approach that he hits to8 feet basically that what else do you expect from Mr ADI Manama the classic Dei too the perfect shot into the Fairway you see it you’re watching

Him like a little sweat on them you’re like oh damn it must suck lands to like five feet you’re like oh okay then so that that is the verbal defition he had four approaches on Sunday that were within 18 inches yeah four birdie putts I’m sorry four bir some some were par

Threes where he got there in two but he had four birdie putts inside 18 inches yesterday wasn’t like the um the Bri the WGC when he won it stone or whatever yeah same type of thing I think that Sunday was like a 62 or like when he

Gets like nuclear he gets like nuclear like you know what I’m saying like it’s awesome to watch that’s why even the side like yeah the cool part the uh the playoff from Tory Pines a couple years ago Willie Z and Luke list were the guys

That ended up in second but it was like hadwin was up there Spen and a couple Canadians you had the the guys Cat Land X who by the way they were getting called out early on for the slow play on that I know people and the PG tour tried

To like try to like underhanded by telling him that like they were inside the time and like the people that were playing in front of them were just playing quickly that was the excuse to PGA togate during the middle of the show yesterday and I call [ __ ] on that

[ __ ] I call because they know they’re not gonna call the [ __ ] [ __ ] right they know they’re not gonna call any penalties Jim N is the one that brought it up I bet you PJ like what the [ __ ] Jim why are you bring this [ __ ] up you know our asses aren’t going to

[ __ ] you know deduct the penalty for these low ass [ __ ] why would you say [ __ ] like that and get the whole [ __ ] crowd ramped up now we’re got to make some [ __ ] excuse which is exactly what they did made some [ __ ] excuse about how why they weren’t being

Penalized total hor [ __ ] uh but go keep going keep going I was gonna say you said it good segue speaking of being penalized how about the Jordan Speed DQ got gotta get your your take on that not talking about Dairy Queen either this was uh you know pretty interesting spot

I saw some really good lineups out there that had speed in it that if they had who knows you know was he was in there for the weekend I heard other golfers talk on it I heard Michael I know Michael Kim posted about it on X nice

Thread about how he probably saw going down and what is your take on that one Kenny I was interest well I was sort of [ __ ] up because what happened was something was going around uh sickness and illness you know tiger had the flu cellay was over 100 degree temperature coming into his round

On Sunday you had Tom Kim running from a from a late poop to try and just make his tea time uh on Sunday you know what I’m saying like something was going on uh in that area so what happened to George is what I what I found out is he

Signed his card but he had the [ __ ] like he had the [ __ ] [ __ ] he he was in pain something was wrong he was sick okay and so he quickly just filled out his assign it went to the [ __ ] okay came back like you’re DQ [ __ ]

Okay so and here’s the thing like I get why people that hate this rule right you have people that making a score in this situation even worse because like he had to take a [ __ ] and like the only reason he he got DQ is because he had the [ __ ]

Like if he just stayed there double checked his his score like he normally would do he probably would have figured it out fixed it signed it and been fine right but he had the poop and he came back and like ah too late you’re [ __ ]

And so I know there was like a big talk about we need to get rid of this rule blah BL I understand your point of view it makes complete sense in our day and age but here’s the reason why I think we should keep this rule all right so golf golf has changed

A [ __ ] ton yeah you know since you know the first Scottish man hit a [ __ ] ball with a stick you know 500 600 years ago whatever even in the last hundred years the changes in golf have been incredible the one thing that doesn’t change about the game of golf and what

Makes the game of golf so different than other sports is the Integrity of the game the honor that that you have for yourself and towards the game of golf there’s no other sport in the world where you could be playing by yourself a single out there playing golf and you

Know you can move your little [ __ ] out of the divot in the Fairway you can do a little kick wedge to help your your game but you don’t you know why because this game is a game of Integrity this game is a game of Honor okay that that’s that’s

That’s really a huge selling point in the game of golf a lot of fathers when they when they when they are young and they have their sons they want their kids to play this game uh because it not only teaches them about competitive this it not only teaches them about empathy

It not only teaches them how to lose how to win it teaches them honor it teaches them Integrity it teaches them honesty right this this is this is what the game of golf and why the game of golf is so [ __ ] great okay now what the now the

One thing even though the game is here you don’t see the Integrity you don’t see the honesty in professional golf like in amateur golf or when you’re play with your boys sure you know what I’m saying like you go out there you play by the rules you know your boys are

Watching you know you want to be oh honest and not cheat and [ __ ] like that right but like on the PGA tour the only time you hear about integrity and honesty is when someone breaks the rules right that’s really the only time you hear about it nowadays is when somebody

Breaks the rules and that’s not golf you know what I’m saying there’s people out there on the PGA tour who don’t because of the cameras because of everything they can’t cheat anymore right there’s just no way to do it uh with the cameras and everything on you and the fans so

The one what why people signed their scorecards in the beginning was to avoid cheating right because you’re putting your name to something you’re putting your name on that score you’re putting your honor you’re putting your integrity on that scorecard on and you’re being honest this is my score 100% legit right

And you signed it and you send really in professional golf this is the last Bastion of Integrity that you can physically see uh now you don’t physically see it but you know is happening every single round right this is the only thing that really cers back to the origins of golf honesty Integrity

All those characteristics that you want so in my opinion I want to keep that just to have something that connects you to how the game started and what the game truly means to a lot of people around the world um I know this is like

Sort of a law winded way of saying that I I like the way that they this is I think they should keep the scorecard signing I think if you if you miss on a scorecard it’s not cheating it’s a mistake we all know that that happen but

I still think you should get dced just because this is the one instance in the professional game at this current moment where we can really talk about integrity and honesty and it shows and it’s apparent um and it’s a part of the game outside of the scorecard

Signing I mean no one’s really going to cheat no more you’re sort of forced to be honest forced Integrity right because you know unless you’re Patrick greed unless you’re you know whoever right um but that’s my take on it that’s why I want and I give you I’ll give you

Another example uh how important the game of golf can be can mean to people um and how that honesty and integrity that you realize can really affect how you live um you know in my lifetime as a lot of you know I mean I haven’t been you know especially when I was younger

Um and stuff like that I haven’t been the most honest I haven’t been uh I haven’t had the most Integrity a lot of it had to do with certain situations when I was young a lot of drug use alcohol use stuff like that you know I

Wasn’t really a good guy in my mid 20s right uh in my mid to late 20s um lots of drugs lots of problems L of alcohol now I did play a lot of golf back then too right and um the one thing

I was living in r o and I had a guy a friend of mine his name was Bill car salesman older guy right um really great guy one of the best guys I know and he would give you your shirt off your back right always ready with a beer and a

Line right okay he was he was one of those type of guys right um I loved him to death um and so we would play golf allten we were playing at hang rock down in Rono this was in 2009 all right and um and we’re playing for like $5 a whole

Whatever whatever and you know I have like this really shitty lie or something like that you know I look around and I don’t think I don’t see him and I you know sort of fluff it up and I find out he’s right behind me um he he’s like

Kenny what the [ __ ] are you doing right I was like and like and like a lot of times when you play with boys and like you do something like that you know your boys you know they don’t care but like this is the first time I he’d ever seen

Me like you know do something like this and like cheat when we’re playing money playing for money and like he wasn’t angry at me he was just like super disappointed and like you know that’s like sometimes can be worse than when somebody is angry at you right if somebody you respect gets disappointed

Based on something you do that sort of makes you feel worse than if someone’s just yelling at you like berading you over something because in that point you feel sort of you have to defend yourself right but like when the guy is just disappointed and you just shake said man

Had Kenny I can’t believe you would do something like this you know what I’m saying especially a guy you respect I mean that [ __ ] hurts right it makes you sort of think about things a little bit more so like after that round you know I mean like it would really bother me like

Oh my God like have I become the type of person that would cheat in golf on a $ five a whole [ __ ] game like is this who I am right now and at that point in my life that’s who I was I was not a good person person right and so what

Ended up happening after that is I felt bad and we still friends it was cool but like that sort of stuck in my mind for the longest time um six months later I moved out of ronoke a and ronoke was a problem for me that’s

Where I had to get the [ __ ] out of there right and and you I knew that for years but I finally did it six months later and I’m not saying the reason why was because of that round of golf was because I thought the way I did and I

Needed to change what I was going through in my life at that point in time but I’m sure it had something to do with it right I mean it to happen that close and me finally saying okay I’m going to get out of here right and and make my

Life better and prove who I am um it had something to do with it right and that’s how important the game of golf is um that you know to some people and that and that honor and that integrity and that Baseline characteristics that you have in a game of golf is so important

Um and I think again the signing of the scorecard is like the last semblance that you can see uh you know from a pro that you know that happens every year that that that has that honor that has that Integrity I sign my name on the

Card this is this is for me you know this is 100% truthful I’m being honest here that’s my take on I know it’s long-winded I know you know it’s it’s very very nostalgic right old school train of thought but that’s just the way I feel uh about the speed situation I

Think if you’re signing in CK scorecard you get dqd uh and I know it’s not cheating nowadays it’s just clerical error but still you’re signing your name onto something and that means something in a game golf yeah I would say first off the title of the show Kenny cheats

At golf we’re gonna make that the title so yeah people know now that you’re a cheater that’s good we got that out there I definitely cheated back then it was like the the worst feeling in the world like I’ve literally felt horrible I felt worse at that point in time like

The times I’ve been arrested in my life we we believe you you just told us we we got it the the first takeaway is John ROM was right they need porta potties on more holes so that Jordan could take his [ __ ] before he has to sign a scorecard

So he doesn’t [ __ ] it up back to your point there the second one I actually saw it on on X people talking about it within the threads and people posting it it was all the most serious golfers so I respect that like it’s all the most serious golfers that said what you

They’re like we should change the rule I agree I understand the point they were saying kind of like a lot of people said what you said it’s like it’s your one spot that you can leave it left that people can sign it and they they because that’s how it’s always been they believe

In it what the other side of it was though that I saw that just goes against everything you just said is that it’s the only there is going to be no matter what you sign somebody there to say gotcha so you can’t cheat there’s no way

Like you can’t cheat if you put the wrong score someone has the actual score that is going to say got you and now you are disqualified which is the only Counterpoint well it is integrity and you’re signing for something and I get it it really to my instance can only be

A mistake when Patrick Reed is sneaking stand out behind his shot that’s cheating and you should get [ __ ] up for that when you sign the card and it’s clearly a mistake because you had to go take a [ __ ] or something like that should there be a penalty for your

Cleric ER and for making a mistake and not taking it serious yes but are they cheating 99.99999% no because they know someone’s there to give them the exact score anyway so then there is it is what it is you made a mistake by the way dude you

Signed the wrong scorecard by just like Rah de W the memorial by the way we did see you fluff the B up two strokes you still win by two but it wouldn’t have been Dustin Johnson loses a major maybe over it and by the way you were in a

Bunker and that was in the rules since before the tournament started you lose some you know that’s the legitimacy of it so I get it I’m not even against what you just said I’m just saying when there is going to be someone there to say gotcha not really gotcha just the rule

The gotcha is the DQ but when someone is going to say this is the real score you didn’t put it you’re out I think it was Xander who said it was like probably a little bit of a harsh penalty when it can only really be a mistake you can’t

Really cheat that so maybe it’s a two-stroke penalty and move on with your weekend and you and the cool part is that’s like a we always talk about how much we love the PGA and the Underdog Story and the comeback now it’s Jordan Speed it’s not going to be an Underdog

Story but the point of and that’s after he had a two-stroke penalty the other day to then battle his way back in and get to the top on Sunday and win the tournament cool story to go with a cool tournament and win and all that like it

It really would be versus he’s DQ by the way he took it pretty well he uh he tweeted out after the round on Sunday hey Hideki congrats make sure you turn in your scorecard and sign it correctly he still had a little light-hearted fun with it on his own account that was

Funny that was funny but I mean for for the rest of it it is what it is and to the point of people kept saying this if it wasn’t Jordan Speed we wouldn’t talk about it it it’s all the time I think this one truly was yes it was Amplified

Because it’s Jordan spe and the weekend and the way it is right now in the world of golf with ratings and all this [ __ ] I get it but I honestly think it just people are tired of that kind of stuff like it could be anybody is their

Point and getting DED is a little bit much for a spot you really can’t cheat like you would never get away with it so why would you ever sign it wrong in in that everything everything you say makes sense everything he says makes 100% sense I’m just being the nostalgic guy

Here I don’t hate it yeah I like that you go ahead my bad my bad go ahead oh my God anything else from last week you want to talk about before we move on to blist League yeah okay A little epilogue for the story I just I just told so 6 months

After I moved back here I get a call from a couple of friends down the road and my best friend was shot and murdered um in his car or in a car uh going out um you know father of six uh it was Sean gild my best friend down there basically

He can’t drive so he had a ride from somebody he was sitting in your back seat luckily the people in the front uh didn’t get shot it was a case of mistaken identity uh these these gang bangers thought my boy was somebody else uh that they had beef with and they just

Got out of the car and just unloaded um and so basically I would have been driving that car because I drove him everywhere I was basically his escort because he doesn’t drive and back then I barely worked uh you know what I’m saying so I was always

Free uh so you know you know in in a in a in a somewhat of a sense golf maybe saved my life maybe I wouldn’t have been there if I didn’t cheat that in that and I didn’t move away uh from the bad situation I was in but uh you know

That’s enough of that uh I just I love that that that part of the game really resonates with me um and that’s the only reason why I want to keep that rule uh let’s move on let’s get up to first off um we had uh for our listener League our

Fiveman our fan last week did the guy who was in the uh YouTube win yeah first YouTube winner to get their way first YouTube winner so who was it I forget a I think it was abone 918 or something abone 12 abone that’s right we added they’re in they’re happy but they they

They got the job done and they’re into the uh Tournament of Champions now based on that way so abone is definitely in our Tournament of Champions all he had to do was pick the winner uh in our comment section of the YouTube page we do this every single week and we have a

Winner this week uh nobody picked decky uh but we did ask somebody if I can find it we did have somebody pick Willie Z who came in second uh his name is murf 23 84 so murf 2384 you will be going against Tambo myself and DLo

8889 who won our the League this past week so DLo which is my nickname for my college roomate back in the day everything every time I hear dowlo I think dowlo Brown and that walk that dowlo used to do back in that pimp walk he used to do anyways dowlo

8889 uh was the winner he almost had the nuts uh he was you know Xander finished fourth 12% uh Cay finished fourth 25% Burns finished 10th um eight uh you know uh 25% Willie Z 25% finished second decky 14% Finish First of course and Luke list 7% finish second that probably

Would have won gbps right oh yeah would have won the milly maker I know that yeah so hell AA would you T yeah well you don’t see it very often I mean position placement points very very critical at events like this but one T2

T2 T4 T4 and T10 that’s a hell of a lineup like you said and just to sort of blow out the field you see it bomber 78 was in second with 614 versus 6 38505 I should say and but and after that it’s 583 581 drop off to 569 nice

Like you see this stuff where this is just a complete outlier score so sh shout out to DLo 8889 I think you got to put some numbers Kenny after your name like we talked about aone 18 or whatever it was you got 8889 we got bomber 78

Samson 24 Uli 27 the leaderboard just littered with guys and girls with numbers after their screen name but yeah dple 89 we will see you in the Forman this week and maybe you can uh take it down and get in there but you’re in the Tournament of Champions either way we’ll

See if uh the winner of the Willie Z pick can get in there this week all right so let’s get to this week PJ the PJ door heads to Mexico for the Mexico open from Vante vataa uh VV I want to call it that it’s a 7500 yard

Par 71 with four par fivs five par five par threes and a drivable Par Four this Greg Norman design course should be a scoring Paradise as long as the wind doesn’t get too bad two years ago even on a day with 30 m per hour gust a

Couple of golf for shot 63 uh locals say locals say the win picks up daily around 2: to 300 p.m. could be some useful info especially for firstr leader bets this week um if the win is light expect the winning score to be in the low low 20s

Minus 20s the win picks up winning score should still be in the High Teens that’s what we’ve seen so far uh the tour recently played plays another uh Norman course every year at TPC San Antonio this course bit different than that course even though both are Norman

Designs from what I’ve seen courses that could compare uh corales Co CO Beach uh the big question of last year was to Ram or not to ram in that situation I played as much RAM as I could due to his game being like Head and Shoulders above

Everybody else this year of course it’s whether the fale or not fale in my opinion I’m sure Tam’s G to give his take here in a minute but in my opinion fal’s not in the level wrong so like if you wanted to fade in cash gpps I don’t

Think it would be a horrible play especially he going to be 40 45% owned um you know if I’m wrong about this ownership number and he’s like 20 to 25 well then you might have to rethink this but I do not think that is going to be

The case this week uh now let’s get to the course Al te golfers is going to see large wide open Fairways without that much trouble surrounding them outside of water uh this in the length of the course should lead to being this being at bobber’s Paradise two years ago we

Saw seven golfers in the top 10 that were high up in driving distance for the week last year nine of the top 10 were very high in driving distance for the week on approach shots golfers are going to see above average size greens with water and sand surrounding deg greens uh

There is a good amount of water on this course even though it’s on the ocean there’s not many ocean front courses it’s all like Inland Lakes and little ponds and stuff like that green regulation will be decided by the wind if the wind is light golfers are going

To have Target brecks U onto these slow pass pound greens 11 or less on the stim meter which normally which aren’t normally hard rock hard at all now if it’s windy maybe up your around the green play in your model a little bit but of course

The weather is going to be uh the main defense of this course uh basically in my opinion what you need to look at for in for golfers uh length off the te solid long iron play as there are more shots over 200 yards here than any other

Course on tour putting usually evens out on pass pal between good and bad Putters so FAL striking legs birdie makers that’s what I’m looking for this week that’s how I’m going about it t what are you looking for in golfers everything said pretty much the um you know the

Stuff I will say though is we’re going to look at this from a different perspective I think there will be a little bit of a layoff after last week at the Genesis DFS players coming over to this event where you’ve got guys like emilano Grio at 11,100 and eventually

It’s just going to get down to I’ll play this guy Tony’s already going to be 40% or 35% and up whatever it ends up being so uh one note I will say Kenny that ties into this I was trying to tie like some sort of nugget into it you know the

Setup here I’m not sure if you saw very Dynamic pricing this week they brought in the 5K range so you can see and it’s also the least amount of 7K golfers I’ve ever seen only 18 for the entire week considering the field size and then other angle of it that we’ll talk more

When we get into the tiers in a second but Tony fow is the reason they brought it in this way he’s down to 5 to one in some places I know it started higher and all that but like you mentioned so they didn’t actually well they brought in the

Low end to make that make sense they didn’t actually bump the high end beyond what we normally see we’ll see 11,800 plenty of weeks they kept Tony at 12 it’s not like they made him 125 or 13 to make this make sense so that is another interesting just nugget I am taking into

Consideration because I think that’s just going to be a natural sense that people are like oh [ __ ] I can play 5K and 6K guy like a lot of 5K and upper 5K guys or really low 6K guys because that forced better players into that range and you may not even need that here

Because we get away with it all the time playing Sheffer at 118 and all 7K low 7K guys you can do that you can leave money on the table like there’s a ton of different ways to attack it so I like it better that they brought this in I’ve

Been lobbying this for a little while now I just thought it was funny they didn’t actually attach the front end piece to it that kind of makes it all make sense they just left Tony at similar standard pricing and dropped it down from there and gave us the bottom

Range so uh everything you talked about with the stats is fine obviously knowing it’s a two-year sample size was the other thing I was going to say at this course so I think like again phow Patrick Rogers cam champ Brandon woo boom build your lineups you got those

Four guys they they do well here every year but it’s two years oh you know Brandon woo does really well here yeah he’s played here twice and he did well both those times doesn’t mean [ __ ] for year three so we’ll see how it goes it’s awesome it’s helpful but it’s two-year

Sample size so just keep that in mind as well all right let’s skip to these tiers why don’t you go and start the in this 10K and up range how are you playing Fe now you playing Fe now if not how are you going about it I like this actually

Because I found it out right now you made me think of it earlier today I did the first look on the shipit nation YouTube station with degenerate 75 and with a million Grio at 111 if you turn the L’s and the O’s in a Milano Grio into numbers ones and zeros you can

Spell his price tag of 11,100 but you just gave me another one because you said to Tony or not to Tony and in fow you said but if you take the word Tony and just scramble it up multiple ways Tony not to Tony is right

There in his name so we got to make a decision here like you said but I will say this with Tony feno at 12,000 easily playable his ownership will get out of hand to where people say it’s an easy fade because now it’s there’s no like

It’s a cut event he like his his putting lately his toe put all this different stuff people are going to talk about it’s really hard if he’s 35 to say I want to lock him or play 80% because I just think there is other guys there’s a chance balance builds could get there

Are different angles of approach like I talked about with roster construction but there’s also because of this Dynamic pricing a ton of ways that you can play Tony Fe now around the field 30 to 40% and just build all those lineups completely different than the rest of

The field there’s a ton of ways more than usual to get different with a 40% own golfer if you even have him at that so I would not cross him off completely obviously crushes here it’s not just here in this course and This Ti any thing to do with that it’s also the

Field strike he’s just better than a lot of these guys in the field does it mean it will happen every year no I’m just saying that is people never really classify this as a thing and we’ll talk about it more throughout I think that’s part of the edge at events like this is

Knowing what guys what in certain strength of fields and this is obviously one of the weakest Fields we’ll see and so yeah Tony is Head and Shoulders above when you get four rounds at a course like this so Tony’s in I think hogard gets some love at 107 because I don’t

Think people are very happy about Grio at 11100 they’re not going to want to go there probably even though he came fifth here last year so maybe later in the week people get to that you usually like thunderbear so I’ll let you talk about him and then uh dietre uh is kind of

Interesting too at 10-1 where even if you started with him just said he’s the guy to beat the guys up top you could build a nice structured balanced lineup even though you’re still starting with a five- fig guy with a guy like d you could do with olon too go ahead so yeah

I mean I’m thinking of f Tony I’m thinking of not using him this week uh just because I don’t think he’s he’s not ROM the difference in skill level between ROM and the rest of the field last year made me want to play as much

ROM as possible I do not see that that type of gap between Tony and the rest of the field um yeah Tony’s great he is the best golfer in this field but that Gap is not as big if he’s off by a smitch it um he could he could miss the [ __ ]

Cut at this event right uh and you don’t you wouldn’t see you wouldn’t think that from wrong but you think that’s definitely still on the table for Tony uh at least that’s the way I think uh when it comes down to him so uh for me

If he’s 40 45% own probably not if he’s under 30% own that maybe I think about right because then he could be 50% Tony and be double the field and you still have 50% of your lineups to play in another stop uh but I I do like Thor bej any guy uh

You know I’ve definitely been as [ __ ] up as he has but I’ve never pissed in the middle of playing but like that’s my type of guy right I mean any guy who gets that [ __ ] face and he you know pulls out his knob and just pees on a

Stewardess you know I mean not the best thing to happen but I can’t like you know say I’ve never done real stupid [ __ ] while I drinking before in my life either uh but he took that he took the punishment uh he was uh suspended from

The DP World Tour he came back got his [ __ ] together and in his last appearance you know in the last appearance on the DP World Tour last month he got a W uh in his last three appearances over there has been 8th 21st and 1 the big thing about thunder bearers the biggest

Strength that he has is his long irons he you know he has he second in this field in proximity from 20 plus and he does have 50 plus rounds um you know on the PGA tour where you know these numbers numbers are available uh so I do

Like him he is the best long iron hitter um in this field uh or either TK range and like if you include 175 to 200 since you know he is not like short off the te uh you know uh he’s the best long Ron player of

Anybody in the TK range including Tony F uh so I think he’s going to be single digit own I don’t see people play a 10,000 whatever Thor B olison uh I think he could make a nice pivot Play I Like Him in GP PS all right so let’s move on

To this 9k R I got a couple of my cash game Corner Stones here first I’m gonna go joerger uh long off the te high ball flight played well year in the past always mied the cut you know he had his best finish like a few couple times out

He finally got a top five he finished third so that’s sort of what I what I was waiting for give me I always talk [ __ ] about Jer because he had on the top five finally got one you could see the games there this course should suit

Perfect for him I like him as my first cash game Cornerstone my second cash game Cornerstone is going to be Mr pendrith your Canadian Brethren Tambo uh just underneath him at $9,600 again low high ball flight comes in what is he second in my model approach game

Strong really really good on Long par Force long off the te uh long iron great love pendrith uh this week if you’re going to go uh different in this range I don’t know I like hubard and I like uh Fox hubard doeses not sort of imitate the golfers that

People are going to be looking for this week so in that mold I hope that his ownership is down uh because we saw that he could he could play on Long coures doesn’t really affect him even though he’s short a couple weeks ago at the farmers at Tor the longest course on the

PGA tour he finished 20th with a way better field than what we’re seeing now uh also he’s a proficient birdie maker uh I like hubard and I like Ryan Fox again long off the te uh yeah long off the te lots of birdies he get a ton of

Birdies well above average with his long iron play really really good on Long par fors Tama yeah we’re gonna see some uh course history versus recent Forum battles here right because obviously we talk about the guys I was just teasing about earlier but uh you you mentioned a

Couple of them like if you go Brandon woo he’s coming in off a miss cut a 47th and a miscut but he’s come second and third here the last two years so so which is it right we’re going to see that one Patrick Rogers pretty good

Results here top 10 the last two years but then you see him coming in off a 79th and a miscut so interesting to see where the field goes but I I mean the guys up top for sure Mitchell and Jagger those two stood out to me you mentioned

My Canadian guy hendrith I think those were three that stood out right away Rio we’ve been talking about this guy at multiple events and last event he got in as the last guy on likee the last day right before the tournament started so we couldn’t play him until Showdown uh

He’s a guy that you could go to here he end up missing the cut at that event but just looking back now he you know talent-wise I think he’s fine and I actually like your mark hubard call so that was the one I wanted to talk about

I mean again 18th here last year I don’t know if people just think he doesn’t fit it or what but I don’t mind him in this field I like that he’s not priced uh at a price that people would you like if he was 8 8100 more people would be talking

About him then when he’s at 99k and because of that I think that’s an option there also Kenny I think from a roster construction for perspective more people will land on Mitchell Jagger Rogers pendri the guys up top versus these guys down low so you mentioned like Ryan fox

Or something like that you do want to go different in this 9k range I think it is with these guys at the Bottom t but why don’t we go to the 8K range for you if that’s all you said I should have just kept it rolling but my bad I thought I

Thought you were saying something else okay uh first off Davis Thompson and I I brought this up earlier today too I will use it now to noted Mayo is away on vacation still so this Wednesday myself and degenerate 75 will will be doing our normal the in studio show just not in

Studio so we’ll go through it we’re going to build a Mayo special and it will most certainly include Davis Thompson because that’s his boy so Davis Thompson here stands out right off the top uh shout out to our guy barov again for filling in last week his boy Jake

Nap is here at 8700 I even bet him I saw I think he bet him at 35 to1 so obviously feeling pretty good about him I think that’s just a Telltale side of the talent level that a guy like him has the course setup what could fit so don’t

Hate the Jake nap call going down know it’s guys at the bottom Michael Kim will make the Mayo special obviously if you guys didn’t check that out go to the Mayo right here on the Mayo media Network you can find that show that they did together it was really insightful

From Michael Kim actually just letting it all out and talking through sort of everything that goes on on tour different courses putting greens all the stuff that these Pros think about so I thought it was really solid uh he’ll be in there McNeely just 8100 but these

Guys at the bottom Kenny it’s hard to sort through them but they can make birdies like you could see Justin s wouldn’t surprise me McNeely ecro those guys so I’ll see where it shakes out as the week goes on but just early on um you know some of these guys up top like

Nap gim Michael Kim those are the guys s of shooting off the page at first first clance third cash game cornerstones Davis Thompson um what is he like 12th in his field in proximity for 200 plus uh top five and birdies are better gained inside the top 35 in driving

Distance a Strokes gain par three Par Four efficiency for 450 the 500 yards first uh and then what is he 16th in Tia green second in Strokes game total give me Davis Thompson as my third cash game Cornerstone um Jake knp seems like he’s getting a lot of push um if he becomes

Super high owned I could definitely see fading him this week if he’s like 15 to 20% uh you know in the top five highest own in the field I could be like you know in this type of field anybody who’s not in the elite golfer near the top who

Is top five top 10 o has a valid valid reason to be uh faded and I think that he might be one one of them for me just because from what I’ve seen so far not the best of part 3s not the best with those long irons again we haven’t seen

Him that much I know that he’s super talented he 10 top 10 on the corn fairy tour last year the guy’s going to be [ __ ] good uh but a disappoint in his career I know he’s been playing well but if he’s gonna have a [ __ ] ton of

Ownership I could see getting off of him uh this week my favorite gpp plays Justin Su uh here down in this area again long iron promise tons of birdies second if birdies are better gained in this field in the last 5050 rounds um he’s not short off the te crushes par

Theses really putts his ass off uh so I’m a big fan of Saw uh this week he is my favorite GTV play in that AK range other guys I look at EO champ gim I’ll look at him not sure what I’m play but I’m definitely playing Justin so let’s

Go to this 7K range uh my final cash quarter still is going to be out on the bottom it’s going to be Sam Stevens and 7 $100 anytime like you for some reason sa Stevens driver every course I feel like he’s a must play uh so if he’s

Going to be a must play at that cheap to fill out the rest of my lineup that’s how I’m going to go about it I like Sam Stevens he has a top 10 and a top 20 here when they played this course on the corn fery tour prior to this being a PGA

Tour event so I am a fan of uh Mr Stevens uh he is going to be my final casc Cornerstone again tons of birdies uh pretty good from over 200 yards Tia green is strong long Par Four is top 10 in this field in proximity from 450 to

500 yards so my Cascade cornerstones this week they are going to be stepen Jagger at $9,800 uh penrith at 9600 Davis Thomas at $ 8,900 Sam Stevens 7100 I think it should leave like 147 148 to fill out the rest of your lineup other guys that do like Jonathan Vegas I

Think he’s a little bit too cheap he’s been playing pretty well at least from the ey test when we’ve actually seen him he’s been on some uh featured groups on ESPN plus and stuff like that uh from the ey test I think his game looks

Pretty [ __ ] good uh I like him I like his price you know he’s long enough off the te um so you know I like him Vince Norman another guy who won uh you know a few months ago long off the te uh then I can get behind uh at this rate also good

From like U uh not only long but good from like 175 to 200 above average from 200 plus really good on Long power fors just like Jonathan Vegas uh those are the guys that Nate Lashley he’s going to be the stat guy when it comes down to it

In the 7K range what 13th appr proximity from 200 plus tons of birdies really good from 175 to 200 really good on par 3es remember there’s five par 3es uh at this course uh so I I could play a little bit of Lashley too Tampa what

About you yeah a lot of guys in this range and it’s crazy because it’s only 18 guys but it just depends on what you’re doing with the ones up above and if like I said if you’re going Tony or some of those big dogs you’re sort of

Skipping over that 9k range and dropping down and I’ll probably end up there more so I think I’ll be just be in this range but uh sh Kim right off the top at 7900 I think he fits it well you look back and you know look at the long irons

Lately anything birdies are better all that stuff he’s actually been doing quite well so 7900 hosty 20 you know right here at 7,800 I could go to him uh Johnny Vegas who you mentioned another guy that’ll make the Mayo special for sure is the play at 7,400 Carson young

Right there so the the good C young they’ll say some some might say Carson young can get in on the action there and then don’t hate your Sam Stevens call down at the bottom either I think the interesting range is like the sort of bork stalling spawn Sig gdup any of

Those guys stand out for you there Noak and Lashley would be uh two others that I could see here but was there anybody in those other dudes that I mentioned that you liked Novak’s definitely got yeah Novak’s definitely somebody I’ll be taking a peek at this week uh you know

He came what didn’t he finish like top 10 last time he was out any guy finished top 10 in the field like that uh you know I’m gonna look at it $7,000 no doubt about yeah any anybody bork Stallings spawn Sig or G up that range just looks

Overlooked here yeah I mean stales looks like somebody I can get behind but I mean yeah we’ll see how I end up doing it I if I’m GNA Play Somebody I want to play uh Novak and Stevens those and spawn um and stalles let’s go spawn that

Long is fallings you like yes yeah that Long Island prowess I think you can get behind all right all right 6K rign I mean there’s a couple up here uh that we talk I mean Joseph bramin played well here last year hits the ball high hits

The ball long what he sort of want Samy valami another guy who’s you know not the longest guy but he’s above average uh you know well above average with his legs above average with his long iron I just like saying his name so I’ll play

Him this he go another long guy as you can play out here lits the ball gives it a good poke a pretty solid T green play Davis Riley played well last year I didn’t realize how long Riley was he’s actually like not as short as I thought

Uh he gets a lot of birdies I think he can make a play at him at 6,500 uh beron is a kindy of guy that I would play again over his career we haven’t seen much of him here recently but throughout his career I remember watching him in 2015 uh the one thing

He’s always been good at was his longer irons so so you can throw Bon down there uh what about you T who do you see in the 6K range not a lot that I love out loud just because I will say this is where it first starts to show for me

Like what I talked about earlier you’re getting okay let me just check this while we’re on here live let’s go through it real quick there is 89 guys from 6,900 down to 5,000 and there’s a chance you don’t need any of them there’s a chance you need them I’m not

Saying that but my point is more I was talking about this earlier today where people oh I got to get 3% of Alami I heard a good thing about him heo if he gets hot man he could do it give me 3% of that guy oh uh you know Parker cudy

Or Del Solair like these guys they’ll start to make their stands and they won’t actually make any stands they’ll just mix and match pieces of all of these which while they’re not going to be high enough owned for you or me or anybody else to care what I’m saying is

You’re taking a majority of roster construction and moving it over to more stars and scrubs because people have tons of names down here they can get behind it’ll help them to fit Tony and then those build come into play you can get different by going to multiple 9ks

Or even use some of those 10K guys but I think there is a chance here too Kenny you could just see like a balance build in that upper six where I’m about to go to that upper top range and just not need to go below this so if you want to

Talk about guys I like here you mentioned it but Tyler Duncan uh is one I saw you mentioned bramlet I like Harry hall right there at 6,800 stands out and then Mayo’s guy heo does stand out a little bit if you want to take a shot him can make some birdies probably

Better Showdown play but just to note it so that’s sort of where I’m at after that you can make cases for different guys but like there’s nobody in 6,400 down to 6,000 that I have high conviction on or care that much that I’m like well you got to get him maybe maybe

Carl Juan Carl Yan however you want to say his name but makes birdies and bunches we’ve seen it happen so he would be somewhat interesting at 6200 but that’d be a guy I’d be taking a stand on after that I got nobody here really that

Stands out to me got three guys in a 5k range first one it’s going to be uh MJ Duffy over at $800 long good long irons makes a ton of birdies at that price I will take the risk uh next it’s going to be um hen ter uh at uh what 6600 again

Long off the te uh really good with his long irons top 10 in Par Four efficiency from 450 to 500 yards he’s actually 12th in strok Game T to Green in this field and he’s you know in the last 50 rounds uh so yeah I’m going to play C Tero if

He’s 12th in his field it TRS G to Green and he’s $5,600 uh yeah give me give me some hit uh I know he’s 10 like wealth and py but whatever uh and then my last guy probably going to be uh I don’t even know Ben Taylor if I have to go down

Down low uh with the top 10 last year that’s good enough for me 5100 if I GNA play anybody down this slow I don’t even know if I oh I’m about to sneeze go ahead tampo yeah just that that’s the line you said that’s what made it funny

It’s like you know if I have to choose someone you don’t that’s the good news I know you know you’re just saying that but my point is that’s where I think people struggle a little bit they sit there and say well oh but if I go to

This guy I can make all this work but you you still need six things to go your way so I’m not saying don’t do it just saying why I think it’s a little bit interesting that sort of the pricing forces these thoughts and will definitely Force some of those builds I

Will say the standard Troy Meritt flowchart is definitely an effect is Troy Meritt in the field yes is he extremely cheap in this case the cheapest I’ve ever seen him 5900 and is it probably going to be a birdie Fest most likely yes so there you go Troy

Merritt would be be in play at 5,900 after that Panda Norman Jong he he’s down there at 5800 you’re a boy he can bomb it out there he’s been doing things lately though he’s been showing up on leaderboards winning on the corn tour before coming over all that stuff CT pan

Uh David lipsky at least there is a couple names down here Calum Taran who you mentioned that would sort of round it out though and again not saying I’m going to all those but that’s like four or five guys if I was considering this range or that portion of my builds

That’s where I would be headed with those guys that I know feel a little bit better about and then go from there there may be a few others that swap in or swap out but we’ll have you covered for all that more over on the ma show on

Wednesday as well yeah about go for your bets brother I got nothing I did not bet anything yet what I was waiting on was tea times I do want to see like you said one thing for sure the uh the first round leader and also too because I

Don’t think much is going to change like Tony is the favorite whoever People BET yeah they’re going to get bet down some but it’s not like I love those numbers I wasn’t rushing this morning just put it this way shout out to my guy bar off

Last time but I wasn’t rushing to bet Jake knap at 35 to1 with him I get it but it just wasn’t for me so uh like you said if his ownership gets up there hash blame bar off we can start that hashtag out there and get it rolling but I’m not

As in on that I’m going to wait and see I’m going to bet some first round leaders like you said the wi does pick up typically around lunchtime in Mexico so I think that’s fine at this course so you can do that but I have nothing as

Far as that what do you got pedri 33 to1 five places Davis Thompson 35 to1 five places um Vegas 66 to1 five places I aleandro toasty I forgot to mention him earlier I do like toasty a lot another guy long off the tea really good with

His L irons really good on Long par fivs long par fours 450 to 500 and a [ __ ] ton of those this week so I will be using him I’ll also be betting him at 16 to one with five places each way um Carson young there one eight PL five

Places each way so those are what I got so far Vegas toasty Young hendrith Davis THS uh wanted done for me will be joerger and I’ll just use Fina I’m gonna use finina and my American and international one too so yes I’m just not gonna overthink it like again it’s

Not I’m not saying it’s gonna come first or second it’s two results all that I’m saying I’m just gonna take the you know what should be I think he’s actually uh I think you make more if you bet on him to miss the cut than you do for him to

Win like it it’s just get him through see what he does over the weekend and go there that that’s kind of how I’m guessing it’s going to go we’ll see though how it plays out but uh so far one and done not great uh Le I did not

Have anything last week I had a miscut so how are you doing one andone so far not great but last I think I think the best yeah not great not great uh anything else we good to go no I was gonna say PO papao is just crushing me

Right now last I checked he was in like 200th place so um you know that that’s the way it goes though man it’s fun it it’s definitely the best and it’s not over or anything we’re just getting started so it’s not a big deal I’m just

Saying it is crazy uh how it goes and funny like the quick papao story he had Colin morawa the week where he was all I think he was first- round leader almost first- round leader and then missed the cut with Mora this past week he had hom

And hom was sucking on day one sh like a 73 like God it sucks I looked at it’s over and then home ends up finishing t16 in a field with a better like a decent prize pool so it’s still solid money so just the way it goes on these one andun

But it’s a lot of fun throughout the season man it’s the best value really that you can get for the money just play it play it all season long have a yets at 80 grand us I mean that that’s a lot I’m Canadian 80 80 us that’s a lot of

Money 100K plus L money yeah all right well you can find me on Twitter on X kov VT you can find my article every week on gbsc they’ve been killing it over there uh they got the new interface on the tools and all it looks great the

Site looks amazing super easy to use use promo code Kenny save yourself 30% on a sub to gups corter he buy me on X at toag Ando the tidbits are back post them on Wednesdays those are free just go on there and get that and then of course

Shipin sponsor of the show just had the merger last week with degenerate 75 his entire Community huge week you can go check it out on X at shipping Nation free to go over there check that out uh the pinned post at the top shows over 500,000 winnings for the

Community hoop had some I had some but a lot of members within that thread you’ll see get over there now you can use the promo code d gen5 d gn15 gets you 15% off any package that you choose and that discount stays with you it’s not first

Payment and only get all eight of the major sports that we cover projections ownership tools rankings content Discord Community all of that check it out D gen5 is the code sounds good we’re in Mexico let’s hope and pray that all of our golfers don’t drink the water let’s win some [ __ ] money

Nation Jordan billing Penny STS while I’m flipping these birds sing on S Rock trip up with the words I the m and I think be my third



    Intro 0:00

    Recap 2:27

    Story Time 11:39

    Listener League Recap 20:38

    Course Preview 23:26

    DFS Strat 26:21

    Tiers 28:41

    Bets 48:38

    Outro 50:46

    Episode “358” | Tony… Not to Tony?

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  2. Always great stuff. Tony clearly above this Field but also theres a couple others that I believe are to. Mitchell, and its early in His career but N. Hojgaard. Is likely going to be a elite World Class throughout His Career (on the Pga, if He sticks around) I like Stevens for a bomb!

  3. Wow, really nice monologue there from Kenny – both the cheating/scorecard stuff and the personal story. I appreciate that one, related a lot. Thanks

  4. Lost a lot of respect on that score card take… literally means jack shit… fine them and move on your way… or don't track the scores electronically… and make it a honest man's game… chose your path… I didn't have speith… couldn't give a rats ass what happened to him but from the outside looking in… dumbest thing ever

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