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New Orleans Saints QB Derek Carr finally breaks silence on the criticism coming from teammate Michael Thomas

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But I got to ask you about about Michael Thomas cuz this happened just a few days ago he threw you under the bus on X ladies and gentlemen Derek Carr breaks his silence on Saints wide receiver Michael Thomas and he tells us what happened behind the scenes this past

Season plus the Saints have a new offensive coordinator and we have an update on John guden remember to like And subscribe for more NFL content from me WiFi Willie there was a moment when it seemed like it was inevitable that John guden would be the offensive coordinator for the New Orleans Saints

There were reports that John guden was talking to the New Orleans Saints according to Jeff Duncan of more specifically in week 17 of the regular season when the saints were traveling to Tampa Bay Florida to face the Buccaneers Mickey Lumis the GM of the New Orleans Saints met with John

Guden and John guden was at meetings with the coaching staff it seemed like this was sort of a preliminary interview for him to fully take over obviously John guden is way over qualified to be an offensive coordinator he should be a head coach but his connection to Derek

Carr made it seem like he would make an exception however John Gruden’s lawsuit is happening in the background they just had their hearings on whether or not the lawsuit against the NFL will go to arbitration and you had Jay Gruden former Washington head coach interviewed by the same people that said

That Gruden was being considered for a coaching position by the Saints well you had Jay guden say that JN has a lot going on right now the lawsuits in the background so it’s highly unlikely in a long shot that he would be the offensive coordinator of the Saints it makes sense

He’s saying that the NFL and goodel leaked the emails to ruin his career and that would really hurt his case if he was actively employed by the NFL while claiming that he’s blackballed by the NFL however you do have Brian Flores who is suing the NFL for racial discrimination and has been actively

Employed by the NFL while suing them but I think because guden is targeting the commissioner specifically it seems like it’s going to be hard for him to pull that off and now based on the news that happened just this week it seems like the dream is not going to happen John

Guden is not going to reunite with Derek Carr this year hopefully this means that guden is having some success against the NFL in his lawsuit but it does suck overall that John guden at 60 years old because the NFL selectively leaked his emails is going to have to wait to have

His return to the NFL happen for real the Saints have to move forward so they have now hired Clint kubak who is right now the San Francisco 49ers passing game coordinator his dad is Gary kubak who was the head coach of the Houston Texans Gary kubak the father did cross paths with

Quarterback Derek Carr’s Brother David Carr in 2006 David Carr was the QB that year and Gary kubak was the brand new head coach later on in 2019 and 2020 Gary kubak would be the offensive coordinator of the Minnesota Vikings and he would bring Clint with him and eventually when Gary retired in 2021

Clint replaced him as offensive coordinator and he did a great job with Kirk Cousins and Justin Jefferson you actually had David Carr being interviewed by the Minnesota Vikings talking about Gary kubak and the offense Kyle Shanahan same system I mean I was with G and Houston and Kyle Shanahan was

A wide receiver coach and we were all kind of sitting in the same room talking about ball it seems like this is a safe solid answer at the offensive coordinator position for the New Orleans Saints unfortunately because kubak is in the Super Bowl with the ners they’re

Going to have to wait until after the big game in order to officially hire him there has been a lot of stuff happening outside the game and off the field this year for the New Orleans Saints and it’s mainly been Michael Thomas being salty about his career right now and bashing

Derek Carr on social media we saw this happen in the middle of the Season around the time when he became injured he made posts while he was on the couch criticizing Derek Carr’s play saying that there’s receivers wide open and even went as far as to like certain

Tweets by fans obviously we know there’s a lot of degenerates on Twitter and Michael Thomas tends to interact with these people and he liked a tweet that said that Derek Carr was throwing him Hospital passes now Michael Thomas would occasionally deactivate his social media throughout the season but the

30-year-old would return here and there and continue to make cryptic posts on social media about Derek Carr about head coach Dennis Allen and he started up again recently this time explicitly saying that he would have had a th000 yards on the season had Derek car not thrown him a hospital ball this is

Coming from a guy who’s literally gone on each of the last four seasons and now he’s trying to act like Carr’s the reason why he’s injured lately even though the guy does not have a great track record with health as of late around this time you had car make a post

On Instagram saying if they aren’t for you they’re against you de Mario Davis said it was personal at the end so we made it that way so we stayed together and our team finished on a mission now time to come back better than ever this is really important though the fact that

The Saints offense was clicking and on fire when Michael Tom was no longer in the building no longer on the football field especially the final two games in the season the Saints ended up being one of the worst teams in the red zone and became number one after Carr made this

Post you had teammates on social media complimenting the guy backing him up you have Jan Johnson saying take him to church for Pete Werner the linebacker with some fire emojis along with Carl Granderson The Edge Defender saying my qb4 you also had Lyn Bowden Jr the wide receiver also dropping number four

Sending some supports Derek Carr so all of that was coming after the latest Michael Thomas tweets the crazy tweets when he was going off during the AFC Championship game and this guy is so delusional at this point he really does believe that he may become a Kansas City

Chief or join another team I don’t see how anybody would pick him up especially if he’s being a head case like this on the Saints but we finally have Derek Carr responding even though he’s been professional all year and has said nothing about Michael Thomas he was

Finally asked directly about this but I got to ask you about about Michael Thomas cuz this happened just a few days ago he threw you under the bus on X this was on a great podcast two G’s in a pod with Amber Theo Harris and also James Jones they’ve landed some great guests

Already like Devonte Adams and Derek Carr and I really encourage you guys to check out this full podcast there’s so much in there but the most notable is what he said about Michael Thomas did he ever call you and tell you like hey bro

Uh you set me up you know you screwed me the the rest of the season was shot because of you no well I I will answer that and know there was times during the season where he’d be frustrated or this or that and I wouldn’t you know tweet

About it I would just call him you know and I’d just be like look bro like this is what it is bro grow we’re grown men we could talk about anything and uh every time that you know I went on there and you know talked to him you there was

Times where I I you know went at him and confronted him about something and said something and he probably over time with all the frustration grew to not liking that maturity is an important Point Derek Carr is 32 years old about to be 33 Michael Thomas is about to be 31 and

The guy is not conducting himself like a 30-year-old I think car is right the way that Michael Thomas has been acting is like a middle schooler but I’ve always just tried to tell the truth in love and sometimes people don’t like it you know

But you know I I I hope Mike finds what he’s looking for I hope he gets everything he wants uh in life because I do love Mike but at that moment I didn’t really like it you know I was like you just just called me bro to say this to

Say all these things like I felt like it was like we’re doing like some Middle School thing man just talk rather than confronting someone directly you instead are going on social media you can go up to Derek Carr say hey I don’t like this hey I think you’re throwing Hospital passes but instead

You’re too afraid to have that confrontation in person looking right at the guy and you go to social media and I think what’s the saddest thing that Michael Thomas is doing is the fact that he’s talking to random fans and random Anonymous Twitter accounts these types of people who just troll random athletes

On social media I think that’s kind of sad like James Jones is saying and then you going on Twitter and these dudes is come on man like who you going back and forth with Ian you’re talking to a fan about it too I see you going back and

Forth with another receiver or something that played in the league like you’re talking to just a regular fan like come on bro and look here’s the thing and this is a fact at this point Michael Thomas has not had a productive year in almost half a decade he has not had more

Than a, yards in almost half a decade it seems like he’s trying to win a popularity contest on Twitter with all the saints trolls who constantly criticize the organization so he’s Burning Bridges with his team Burning Bridges with his quarterback right now since Michael Thomas is still technically under contract you’re doing

All this just to get likes from certain trolls just to get likes from certain people who aren’t going to be there and like any of your stuff anymore when you’re unemployed and when you no longer have a job in the NFL is it really worth it or does Michael Thomas know it’s done

Anyways and he doesn’t have a shot in hell to be in the NFL anymore so you might as well shade on some people on your way out to preserve your ego and act like it’s somebody else fault that you didn’t succeed Michael Thomas rocking number 13 if 13’s going to be

Free I think Hunter Renfro from the Raiders would look really good in number 13 for the New Orleans Saints and that would be something that I’m sure Derek Carr would love but the thing about Michael Thomas is the Saints have had to push his contract back and back

Restructure in certain ways cuz it was a huge chunk of money when he originally signed his big deal after his rookie contract so the Saints no matter what if they do a post June 1st trade or release regardless they’re going to be eting nearly $9 million a year in dead money

That means Michael Thomas is going to cost that much against the cap whether or not he’s on the team so in some ways yes you want to move on from this guy cuz he’s being a head case at the same time it is just as expensive to keep him

On the roster as it is to keep him off the roster so what do you think the Saints should do at this point should they just get rid of Michael Thomas and eat the money should they try to work it out with this guy see if he’s down to be

A fourth string wide receiver or maybe just stash him on IR so nobody could get him let me know your thoughts on in the comments below subscribe to this channel for more NFL content from me Wi-Fi wiie peace out and I hope you have a good one


  1. Hunter Renfrow looks just fine wearing #13 in Silver & Black! We do have to get him back in the game plan & get him off the milk carton but I don’t want to see him in nothing but a Raiders jersey!

  2. He's not Lying. Fact is you don't what Derek Carr you get from play to play. its like playing black jack. lol

  3. I mean it's not like Carr has any leadership ability. Allen can handle Diggs, but Carr has to publicly retaliate against an old MT? Butter soft.

  4. Im sorry im not sorry but Carr anit him!! It's time to draft a QB & start the rebuilding stage, Carr is not go get us to no type of super bowl hell the man been in the league goin his 11th season and only went to 1 playoff game and didn't win tht..but everybody want to talk bou Michael Thomas find him someone legit QB watch how tht boy shine. 💯

  5. Michael Thomas will never be a great receiver because he can't stay healthy. He's scared catching tuff passes. He will never be in that elite receiver core.

  6. All I can say is Carr is garbage. Always has an excuse for everything. Listen to his interviews. Sadly the Saints will extend him to save cap money. But it is what it is. A QB's record has a lot to say about themselves, and Carr's record as a starter isn't that good.

  7. As a hometown saints fan I have been begging for the saints to get rid of him. Just straight toxic, and the only reason he got the deal he has is because BREES made him look like a star, and he knows it

  8. Carr needed to be called out he needs to learn how to act like a professional. Carr is the one that was going around bumping head with his teammates on the field it’s strange how everyone on here seems to have forgotten about his field and sidelines tantrums and him playing poorly so I’m glad they called him out someone needs too

  9. I think Thomas is just handling frustration of loosing Brees and coach he just sees with his age and now on a mediocre team that won’t get better and he is mediocre and not handling it well

  10. Wait til the saints get a coach that doesn’t let them play defense in practice. Once he is coddled in practice again he will be back to his old self LFG!!!!

  11. AB is still too fresh for Thomas to be picked up by another team. No one wants a cry baby. Olave did fine. Rough year 1 for DC but always tough for a qb year 1 new team. Loved MT but he just ain’t it for like 5 years now

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