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Which Premier League manager would Petr Cech LOVE to play for? 👀 | Fan Q&A

Jamie Carragher sits down with Petr Cech for a Q&A, we put your questions and Petr answered. From who his most feared player to which PL manager he’d love to play for.

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I’m joined by Chelsea Legend pet Czech had some great battles uh over the years didn’t we he normally came out on top as you would expect but today we’ve been asking the Sky Sports followers to uh provide with some questions so that okay yeah that’s okay who are your top three

Greatest goalkeepers of all time that’s already a first question tough question but um definitely I put gig bu on there definitely noer will be in there and um it’s always difficult to you know to leave so many great ones out but uh Peter Michel will will be my choice

There as well and and in that order be number one noo number two schichel number three yeah Pro I would say you know there are two World Cup winners so maybe they they just get the on what are the main differences between being a goalkeeper in football and ice hockey well there

Are a lot of similarities which is uh you know the way you play the game the pressure you have on on your shoulders but um the angle the positioning it’s it’s the same uh principle you have to be in the right place in the right time but then obviously the biggest

Difference is the is the ice you wear first you you wear 20 kilos of equipment so already physically you need to you need to you know work on that but uh it’s mainly the skating the skating the the movement on the ice uh that’s that’s obviously the the biggest challenge but

In terms of the princip of goalkeeping you know closing the Angles and concentration and all this is quite simple toughest Striker you played against was there some of your feed when you saw the opposition team she come in and think oh well I never like to play

Against Rooney no why because he was so unpredictable and as well he’s he’s one of those players who first he’s intelligent secondly he can score in any moment he can chip you from halfway line and he press he runs so every back pass you know is coming he will not he will

Not leave anybody uh on his own so yeah that’s that’s one of those you always know you know be careful when he’s on the pitch two the biggest managers you played for I think are Jose Mourinho Chelsea arson Wenger or Arsenal completely different styles of play I

Mean how was that for you was a goalkeeper what were the main differences well the main difference obviously is the structure because uh Arsenal ways more about playing with the ball technical football and obviously you play with the defensive structure but uh is not as tight as with Jose so

You know obviously I enjoyed playing in in the team that was uh really you know their mind was on okay doing the defensive job well but uh but I enjoyed playing for both I have to say there although they are really like the approach is different one thing they

Have in common they are bad losers I have to say both of them are they in terms of that which which manager or system sued you best I really enjoyed um the the two years with Carlo andelot because it was a good balance between playing really good football and but

Being well organized okay for a top Premier League goalkeeper what are the essential things you need mental strength the ability to concentrate and accept that the mistakes are part of the you know of the of the process and I would say breeding of the game because it

Makes a huge difference if you can be on time in the right place at the right time that uh that’s a big uh that’s already a big win for you those qualities you talking about you’ll know them more than anyone being one of the best goalkeepers the Premier League’s

Ever seen who right now encapsulates all those qualities that you’re talking about in the Prem Allison is doing really well and it’s it’s the guy for for Liverpool ederson it’s not as visible and everybody talks about his obviously distribution but he makes important saves he doesn’t have to do

Much but he makes important interventions and is very you know important in the team and um you know the other two the other two obvious ones and obviously we had we had you know we seen the change in in Arsenal but Emmy Martinez is another one

When you look at Emmy the the the way he you know since he left Arsenal and started playing for Aon became number one in Argentina World Champion obviously he he really went to the right direction and he’s doing really well which current Premier League manager would you love to play for I

Think um pep is obviously pep guarda is is an obvious choice uran Club is another obvious choice and if I take um if I take the the the rest of the managers I think um you know when you see uh the the current to Tottenham manager you know

Then you an actually he seems like a really interesting character to play for right you you’ve got the clean sheet record in the Premier League is there any goal K you think could take that I mean how close is Edison and Allison do you look at things like that are you worried about

That I don’t worry about that I think this month I don’t have to worry for some time but it’s a it’s a long it’s a long journey to get to 202 it’s a really long consistent journey and it’s becoming harder and harder so I think uh

It’s going to be a huge effort from anyone first the goalkeeper will have to come quite early into the Premier League because I started when I was 22 and I left and I finished when I was 37 so it takes some time as well to to build up

The games and my ratio was almost clinching every other game it’s very close to clinchy to every other game so it makes some it makes some I’m doing too so you know you need to have both of these uh together to to to get there and consistency staying fit and uh it’s it’s

Not an easy task how do you think goalkeeping has evolved since you so you came to the Premier League as you said the 22 you finish at 37 it must have evolved then and you look at it now and what clubs are wanting certainly in terms of goalkeepers playing with the

Fees well football evolves so as the as football evolves the goalkeeper role changes too and um you know in in the in in the past like most of the times you had you had teams who wanted to play direct and and the role of the goalkeeper was to to start the the game

By really good long kick you know you find a striker you find a Winger you find someone and then and you get on from there and obviously main role was okay catch as many balls as you can and make make as many saves you can but if

You look like uh when I when I was a kid first time Time I Saw edin V derar in Ajax they started playing with him and everybody was like oh wow and and then you look and you think actually there will be a day where it’s going to be

Used but now I think we reaching the point where it’s overused that I I see in many teams in many teams I see that the the defender can make the same pass and they just like easily throw it to the goalkeeper and and then they have to

Deal with it but um so you’re saying you think we’ve gone actually too far the other way where now team would juding go goalkeepers face the or BS with the feet and then turn with the saves or the catches it’s if you look at it like uh

Good example is the Man City Champions League final when they won when they won against inter yeah so it was not the best game uh ederson played with his feet he had SLE couple of passes he went even out of the it was unusual for him

But he made four big saves and it made them win so in the end of the day I think the goalkeeper needs to make those saves and they should be the priority and of course when you play you know from the back you need to be

You know able to do that you need to be able to do that but it should not be your priority it should not be just about that can you play okay you and go no you should be can you safe yes can you help us with the possession you are

In the right place right final question best save of your career and why well the best save of my career is not the one which is particularly the nicest but it was the Champions League final uh penalty save any the extra time cuz you you know this one goes in the game’s

Over so obviously the meaning of that save is probably the biggest uh you know save of of my career okay it’s not the nicest save with half with my backside but there nobody cares I was I was at the game I was there watching I was devastated when you saved

That I was happy that that’s all that matters


  1. Haven’t watched the video yet but I already know he won’t say Ten Hag. Because why would he want to play for the worst manager in the league? 😂

  2. I still cant believe Ancelotti was sacked by chelsea after winning them the Premier league in the first season and got them 2nd place in the 2nd season overall winning 3 trophies

  3. “ already ! , first question , daft question ! 💀
    Jamie probably picked that question and thought oh yea that will be a gooden. Then got told it was daft 😂😂
    Made Jamie feel like he was in school and answered a question wrong. 🥹😂😂
    Cech your self before you wreck your self. 🔥

    Edit. Ignore all of the above great interview Jamie 😂😂

  4. With the scouse accent, Carra is actually pronouncing “Cech” almost perfectly🤣 with most people saying “check” but him saying “che-kh”

  5. I was hoping he’d mention Vicario. He has settled into life in the Premier League so well. Insane saves too.

  6. Petr Cech can become a politician if he wants because he is good at not answering or avoid giving a straight answer to questions which will cause him a problem. 😂

  7. Ederson is closest current player, 30 years old and 95 clean sheets away. Petr holds this for a long long time

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