The Perfect Golf Swing – Prepare To Release The Golf Club

In this video, I explain how to release the golf club and demonstrate a simple method which is guaranteed to improve your golf swing. Knowing how the hands and wrists affect the release of the club is really important and also how the club wants to react to the natural forces which are present in the golf swing. Learning to release the golf club correctly can be very rewarding.

The single most important element is how you prepare your wrists in the backswing. If you don’t have any loading of your wrists when you make your backswing, then you will have nothing to unload and release back to the golf ball. Remember, when you’re hitting small chip shots or even when you are putting, there is no need to set your wrists during the takeaway or backswing as there is no need for additional power. But as soon as you require more power then there must be a pre-loading of the hands and wrists in readiness to unload this force back down and through the golf ball.

Practice this regularly and I am sure your golf game will improve. As ever, let me know you you get on with this. Regards Ian.

#golf #golfswing #golfer

Hi everyone in here today I want to try and really explain and hopefully get the point across to you the viewer as to how the club releases back down and through the golf ball now I’ve done a few videos on this you can check them out on my channel but

I wanted to try and give you a really simplified version of how the hands and the wrists and the arms work or should work as we go back and through and the function and the feeling that I want to try and give to you so you can go and

Practice it hopefully bring it into your game on the golf course and overall hopefully help you improve your golf game so if we look purely at the release now as I’m sure you know if I I just kept the club of my hands and arms in this position and I

Did a little swing little bit like a putting motion then you could pretty much agree with me there that there’s no release there’s no release here it’s just a hands arms and shoulder movement so there’s actually no release involved there now we only want to understand or

We want to try and implement release of the golf club if we’ve prepared for that as we go into our back swing so if I’m doing this motion there really would be no reason for me to try to release now because it would be in the wrong position I didn’t prepare anything here

So if I haven’t prepared anything going back into my back swing then there’s nothing to if you like unprepared back so there’s nothing set back to unset back to the ball now if I add a little bit of wrist action here nothing fancy just a little bit then I can now have a

Little bit of release back to the ball because I prepared for it in my back swing so the first thing for you to try to understand is if you’re going to try to create more power which is basically I’m going to release the club nicely maybe a little bit with a little bit

More power to hit the ball further then I need to prepare my back swing in order to do that as I come back to the ball so this one I’ve already decided I don’t need to release the club there’s no need I’m only hitting a 20 yard shot or

Whatever it might be just a little shot but bit more power then I’m going to add some setting of my hands wrists and arms here so I can unset that back to the ball so the first point is to create a good position as you go back this will be premeditated

Because you now want to hit the ball with a bit more Venom bit more power so you would prepare it and then release it back so one of the examples I use in a lot of the uh videos I do on YouTube is pretending that the ball’s up

On a high teg now if I do the same motion that I did here if I do that motion here no wrists just a little bit of movement that’s fine for putting and chipping now I’m going to set my wrists Club level to the ground that’s where it should be that’s

On plane I can maybe set them a little bit more now I’ve loaded more power here there’s more for me to actually release back to the ball if I had just a little bit of wrist the release back would be softer less anxious if you like now I’m

Going to really set it so now I feel fully loaded to be able to release that back and all the release is is an undoing of what you prepared in the back swing that’s all it is if I was to do this one I’ve got to undo all of that

Convoluted movement that I did going back which makes it very unnatural and very inconsistent and very difficult to get back to the ball with any repetition so here again mini back swing set the wrists set them fully I can’t do them any more than that and from here I

Undo what I prepared in my back swing so what I want you to try and do if we put that together good setup as ever around about 2 ft back into the back swing just dead nothing happening stop here fully load the wrists add just a

Little bit of shoulders now not much and then release didn’t quite catch that one one not bad though you’ll see from the video it’s quite a small back swing yeah and look quite tidy quite pleased with that and this will also give you a a better uh feeling for

Rhythm and timing because it’s small it tests you because oh it’s a small back swing and I’ve got to rush back to the ball so it helps with a bit of patience just that little little bit of patience in the swing now likewise if I do the

Same again 2T stop fully hinge bit more shoulders release got that one a little bit clean but pretty straight 124 yards again from quite a small action now I could have released that a little bit better I could have timed that just a little bit better again confidence practice etc etc

Will help not just me but also yourself so go and give this a try and bear in mind that it’s what you prepare going back as to how you will release back down and through the ball and as ever if you like the content like subscribe

Share and all of that stuff and until next time thanks very much for watching

1 Comment

  1. An excellent primer Ian on how to release the golf club. I am always working on the release you are demonstrating in this video. The cocking and uncocking of the wrists at the appropriate time. I liked the emphasis you placed on the 12 inch straight back before any thought of a wrist cock! Well Done Ian!

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