Make A Great Training Aid For A perfect Golf Grip

Use a golf glove and a Sharpie to make a great training aid for your golf grip. Having a perfect golf grip will help improve your golf swing. The left hand in the golf grip controls the golf club face. I hope this helps you fix your golf grip.

#golf #golflesson #golfbasics #golfinstruction #perfectgolfgrip #golfclubface #pgaprofessional

Well hey there everybody and today I want to talk to you about the most important thing that you need to do before you hit any golf shot and that’s get your hands on the golf club correctly now we’re talking about the grip today but I really want to focus on

The top hand that’s for us right-handed players that’s our left hand if you left-handed players that’s your right hand if we don’t get that Top Hand on the golf club correctly we have a difficult time of controlling the club face and if you can’t control the club

Face you can’t control the golf ball now I find with my students that they just have difficulty sometimes getting that hand on the club correctly I had a student Saturday we were out here and that’s what made me think about how to do this video because this is something

That was taught to me a long time ago when I first started teaching and I still use it today if you have trouble with that leftand grip I’m going to show you how to use two things a golf glove and a Sharpie to make sure that you put

Your hand on the golf club correctly so stick with me here and find out how to make this a really great training aid if you need golf instruction if you are looking for tips that are going to help you play your best golf while you’ve

Come to the right channel so do me a favor hit that subscribe button because that’s all I do here is I put out information to teach you and help you play better golf now let me show you how to make this glove worth a whole bunch

More money so the first thing that we need to do with the left hand is we’ve got to make sure that we’re gripping that Golf Club down in our fingers okay we do not want it up in our Palm we get it down in our fingers and

We want then want this heel pad right here to be up on top of the grip so here’s how you’re going to use this Sharpie so there would be my hand I’m just going to open it up and I’m going to draw a little line right on the bottom

And top of the grip now I’m going to write in here the word side and I’m now going to use that we have to approach this club putting that part right on the side of the grip okay now I’m going to draw a circle right up here and I’m going to write the

Word top so I first thing I do is I put my glove that on the side of the grip then I put that part right on top of the grip now I want you to be very mindful when you’re putting that left hand on the grip in this first two stages that

You are coming at the golf club from the side let me spin around this way don’t get this hand and put it under the grip so you can see it because then if we do that I now have effectively put the club up in my pal more so I really like my

Students to just hold the golf club with their right hand kind of on the steel so they can put their right their left hand on the club right up here so again I’m putting that the word where I just wrote right on the side of the

Grip okay let me turn this way right on the side of the grip then I’m taking that word the top and I’m putting it right on top now the next thing that we want to do after I’ve put my hand on the side and put that heel pad on top is I

Want to make sure that my thumb is slightly right of Center and that I have no gap between these two Knuckles right here here so I’m now going to take my Sharpie and I’m going to draw a little arrow there and I’m going to draw a little

Arrow there and I want those two arrows touching one another I’m then going to take my Sharpie let me turn around this way and I’m going to color in the first two Knuckles of that glove and I want to make sure that when I look

Down I can see those two Knuckles on my hand okay if I can’t see those two Knuckles that’s going to mean my left hand is on the golf club to week I want to make sure that I can see those two Knuckles so here we are in the process

So far I come at that grip from the side I put the word top right on top of the grip thumb slightly right of center with no gap between those two Knuckles and I need to be able to see those two knuckles now the last thing that I’ve done here

Is I have taken this V that I created by keeping those Knuckles together and just drawn an arrow straight up and I put two letters RS that stands for right shoulder so why did I put RS there for right shoulder is because I need that V pointing to my right

Shoulder so now I have turned my regular golf glove into a great training aid to teach me how to put my left hand on the golf club and if I use this and go about it diligently and take my time I’m gonna have a perfect leftand grip every single

Time so here we go I’m going to take my hand put the word side right on the side of the grip the word top right on the top of the grip thumb slightly right of center with those two Knuckles facing one another I can see those two Knuckles looking down

And the V is pointing to my right shoulder well I want to thank you for coming in and watching the video today and if you person that struggles with your grip and especially that top hand grip I really hope this helps you out because you got to get that hand on the club

Correctly if this helps you please do me a favor hit that subscribe button and let’s keep watching videos so that we can get you guys playing some better golf let’s see if I can hit one okay on the side on the top left hand looks great straight as an arrow I’ll see

Y’all in the next video


  1. If we write this on our glove is it still legal in competition play..
    I cannot find anything in rules which says it isn't. But please clarify.

  2. Teach us how to use the tool and we wont need grip lessons anymore.
    Nobody has to explain how to grip a hammer because its obvious how to use the tool.

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