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ADVANCED CARVING TIPS | How To Ski More Dynamically

Have you always looked at great skiers and wondered ‘how can I ski like that’? Tom Waddington is here with three simple drills that can help any skier move from good to great.

Making the leap from good to great skiing isn’t straightforward; it’s all about controlling your balance and edging throughout a turn.

Tom teamed up with Carv’s Logistics Lead Ben to help him hone these skills. The key? Focus on your weight as you initiate a turn and build your edging progressively.

Will Ben break through to the next level? Watch the video to check out his progress and grab some of Tom’s advice and drills that could help you do the same.

Ben and Tom are using Carv to get accurate feedback on their skiing.

With Carv you know objectively how you’re doing at each turn, and can see exactly where you need to focus to improve in your next run.

0:00 Intro
1:00 Progressive Edge Build
1:32 Meet Ben
1:57 Diagnosis
3:06 Drill 1 | Straight Hips
5:24 Drill 2 | No Poles Edge Rolls
8:10 Monitor Mode
10:09 Drill 3 | Teacup Drill
11:27 Final Run
12:08 Conclusion


[Music] hello everybody my name is Tom Waddington  welcome to my hometown of verier Switzerland   I’ve been a ski coach for 17 years and today  we’re here with Carv we’re going to work on   some really Advanced carving techniques to help  you achieve that Grim Ripper status and see how  

We can improve Dynamic carving this video  is for anyone who feels like they get down   any run but have reached a plateau in their  skiing if you’re a Carv user probably around   a ski IQ of 140 but you’re you’re struggling  to break into the Grim Ripper Staters of 150  

If you’re not a Carv user you’re going to  get a lot from this video anyway so keep watching the biggest problem people have with  getting over 150 plus ski IQ is that often they’re  

Good at putting the ski on an edge but they can  get stuck on that edge we call that Park and Ride   cares come up with this awesome new metric called  Progressive Edge build developed with Ted ligy  

And it helps us measure how well you can build  an edge throughout the turn it’s what Ted does   really really well it’s why he’s got the highest  Ski:IQ in Carv and it’s what we’re going to teach  

You today [Music] we’ve recruited Ben from the  Carv team and he’s going to help us explore that   new metric hello Ben hi guys I’m Ben from car I’m  part of the operations team I’m super excited to  

Be skiing with Tom today I’m currently a mountain  master so I’m super Keen to learn how I can ski a   little bit more dynamically and uh hit room for  status this [Music] weekend okay so Ben one of  

The things that I’m wanting to work on with you  is building The Edge from the top of the turn   Okay so one it’s early Edge but number two it’s  where we start to progressively build that edge

Angle what I see immediately is he rushes the top  of the turn and moves his hip over quite quickly   so that would mean that he’s not being that  Progressive so especially Ben’s quite a tall   guy so if he moves very quickly with his hip  the weight’s going to go onto the inside quite  

Quickly that’s my initial what I see first of all  it’s giving me a ski IQ of 137 quite far out my   target area there’s a few things but mainly you  rush in the start of the turn okay which means  

That the the start of the turn is quite straight  so if we can shape more of the turn from the top   of the turn so early edging yeah and Progressive  EDG Edge build okay then that means that we can  

Have a rounder more controlled turn so we can  work on that with a bit of a drill [Music] okay   all right so we’ve just popped our skis off bed  and I just want to show you something something  

Common fault I see in your skiing and a lot of  other skiers at your level is that you’re moving   too quickly at the top of the turn in with the  hip okay so you move M too quickly in with a hip  

Without staying balanced on your outside ski  and this is a great little thing you can do   at home against the door frame or anything solid  we’ve got a post right now okay so first of all  

I’m going to show you what you’re doing okay and  so what you’re doing is you’re setting up at the   top of the turn and you’re moving very quickly  you’re rush it across with the hip so what that  

Does you Center of MK goes inside too quickly  so you see what that does to my knee I’ve got a   bit of an airframe going on there and right now I  can really feel all that pressure is on my inside  

Ski so what I want you to do is stay stronger  in this hip joint when you feel balance on the   outside ski then we can move the hip inside and  automatically I’m on this outside ski and I can  

Pick my inside leg up I’m on the outside and  that’s where you’re going to get a better ski IQ let’s go let’s do [Music] it [Music] 141 I’ve had car come in over my  headphones it’s told me I need to work on  

Midterm balance and really think about where  my balance is as I go from the mid turn into   the end of the turn that would make perfect  sense because what I see is that you move   very quickly with the hip into the turn which  can often mean you don’t stay balanced on the  

Outside ski so that’s a really good link there  between what you’ve been told and what we can   work on to to get [Music] better now we’re  going to go and do a little bit of a drill  

It’s really good to ski without pulse okay  and what I want you to do is just hands on   the hips okay being nice and strong in the hips  so it’s Square to the skis okay and build in the  

Turn progressively with your lower joints first  of all and we’re just going to do some nicely   edged carved railroad tracks on really nice  flat Turin and I want you to feel where your   hip is yeah all right and make sure that you  feel that you’re balanced on your outside ski  

And you’re rolling onto an edge first before you  then move your hip in I’m going to demonstrate   first I want you to feel where your hip is and  make sure that you feel that you’re balanced   on your outside ski and you’re rolling onto  an edge first before you then move your hip

In what I’m looking out for is that he is  strong from his feet upwards so he’s using   his lower joints to create a angle first as  opposed to moving in with his hip already   he’s doing much better job and he’s a lot  stronger in his hip he’s not twisting that

Hip already we can see even though we’re doing  a drill and without without PS and it’s it can   be quite tricky hands on the hips all right  we’ve improved our balance score already so   that’s that’s super well done nice all right  Ben so now we’re going to grab our poles and  

We’re going to do a full-on carving run and see  if after doing the drills we can take that into   our full skiing and and see if we can improve  our score okay great here we [Music] go [Music]

[Music] woo got my best SK of the day really  focusing on talking about 144 yeah I watched   from the top yeah and honestly that what we  talked about at the top of the turn yeah you   know you’re rolling much better so you you’re  creating better edge angle from the lower joint  

Yeah so therefore you’re shaping your turns  much better it felt so much smoother as well   it felt nice that was awesome yeah sometimes  in skiing it’s not all about drills we’ve got   to just listen to feedback and so now we’re  going to turn on the monitor mode and we’re  

Going to monitor your Progressive Edge  building score as you know it’s going to   talk to you in your ear and as we go down just  want to see if we can improve that score 160 65 59 75 72 88

75 woo how was it Ben exhausting but really  good so I was really trying to build it up   as I uh kind of went through the turns I got  a high of 88 I think a few in the high 17 um  

So yeah I could really feel it as I tried to  focus on the length of my legs and then it   was almost powering me through the turn as I was  increasing the edging amazing amazing so now that   we’ve worked on monitor mode and improved our  Progressive Edge build score we’re going to go  

Into free ski mode put it all together and see if  we can improve our ski IQ let’s do it let’s do it man wo 147 oh good work man good work let’s  have a little look at what we’ve improved  

On so you can see already you’re edging  you’ve got a higher score which is which   is really good okay aggressive Edge build  up to 74% so that’s exactly what we’re   after right which is helping you to get  a higher score so Ben I’m really happy  

With your improvement so far but I’ve  got one more drill that I think will help what’s great from this morning is you’re  improving your Progressive Edge scores you are   losing balance from the midpoint of the turn  to the end of the turn and that’s because  

You’re bringing the arm around the upper body is  following too much the skis y so we’re going to   have our hand on our outside hip making sure  it’s nice and strong and then we’re bringing   the outside arm from the midpoint of the turn  we’re starting to bring it it across the chest  

So we get a little bit of Separation in the upper  body as we finish the turn Okay okay so looking   for belly button here 45° but the hip is nice  and strong following the skis this is good for  

Rotary separation at the end of the turn this will  help you with outside ski balance and balance in general if you’re a Carv user check your  outside ski pressure and balance goes to   check you’re doing it right it’s looking  much better with your upper body separation  

Outside ski balance I think let’s go and  put it into our into our skiing and see   if we can get a better ski IQ let’s do it all  right yeah make the first turn count [Music] 149 yeah yes man that look really good I just  had a quick look behind yeah it’s a it’s a big   Improvement like you’re separating better at  the end of the turn you building that edge   more you’re more balanced through the turn  fantastic and now it’s just a question of a  

Bit more practice a bit more time you’ve got  the ingredients there you will get that Grim   ripper in no time yeah well I am certainly still  gunning for it thank you so much for all of your  

Help and all of your tips I I will certainly  be messaging you when I when I make the 150   yes mate brilliant awesome thanks so much thank  you thank you very much for watching everyone   well done Ben great work it’s been a great day  some good improvements especially on Progressive  

Edge build we’ve been working on the edging a lot  today I can see that in your skiing if you’ve got   any questions please leave them in the comments  and we’ll see you on the mountain and [Music] soon [Music]


  1. its all about the patience you need to have between tipping your skis on their edge, and the moment you start using your knees and shin to push forward into the boot. the hip actually comes last, schifahren ist kniefahren

  2. I would expect a top level ski instructor to have a ski IQ of 150-160. While Ben is certainly a good skier, there is still an A frame, which is holding him back. Are there examples of different ski IQ´s and the actual skiing to reach this ski IQ in a dema video? What ski IQ does Ted Ligety have then? Must be over 200 🙂

  3. If Ben is on 150 ish and Ted is mid 160s, then there should be a hell of a lot of skiers inbetween, just on observing Bens current technique. If only 88 people are acheiving above 160 then the number in reality between 150 and 160 should be significant.
    Therefore, if the medium ski IQ of carv users is only 100, statistically your customer base is mostly lower intermediates vs actual dynamic or semi decent carvers.

  4. Love it! So good to film this natural progression and use the data from CARV to improve Ben’s skiing! Top work Ben and CARV 💪⛷️

  5. I'm going to say this…
    Initial thoughts on Bens first couple of turns…forget CARV mate. Go get yourself some good Instruction before too many bad habits get ingrained into your skiing. CARV isn't bad, but CARV comments aren't easily taken in or action actioned by the skier alone without a physical demonstration and direct comparison to what the skier is doing compared to what are skier should be doing to improve. Actually, this is exactly what this video proves. CARV doesn't see what a good Instructor does. ( I'm not a ski Instructor!)

  6. I'm sorry, there's no way in hell that is an accurate ski IQ. I'm not an expert or advanced skier but I've been using carv for years now and am stuck in the 130s and its much better than this skiing. He's skidding down the slope.

  7. I've learned ski carving on skis that previously had no shape (late 1990's) on rock hard snow in the USA midwest. The conditions in the video would have been a "powder day" in the general location. Regardless, I really never put that much pressure on the inside leg of the turn. The times I have, I get thrown off balance. Like wheels on a car, the inside wheel has to turn tighter than the outside to make a corner. Skis have fixed radius sidecut, the outside edge will make the largest radius while the inside won't follow the same line, requiring some scuffing of the arc. I always saw the two-edge carving awkward because it's too easy to lack appropriate pressure distribution between both legs.

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