Straight drives result in more distance. This video explains two key areas of importance within the golf driver swing. The post impact position will ensure you have a great swing plane and club face through impact resulting in longer and straighter tee shots. The second part of the video looks at a very important impact position that every golfer should achieve when hitting driver.
This video is your key to straight golf shots through the easiest driver swing on the planet.

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Right we’re on do you struggle with driver hardest Club in the bag today this video is a two-part video and it’s going to be the easiest driver swing you’ve ever experienced so let’s start hitting straight t-shots okay I think it’s about to start raining but let’s not worry about that straight t-shots

Hitting driver straight so as I say it’s a two-part video so both parts well the first part is post impact what happens after we hit the golf ball so we’re going to start in a post impact position and then rewind to an imp position so two things what happens post impact what

Happens at impact hit straight drives you know yourself if you hit the Fairway you’ve set the shot up you’ve set up the hole you’ve given yourself the best chance to make par or better and the opposite to that of course when we miss Fairway we’re always fighting we’re

Always golf is a game of recovery I think about that golf is a game of recovery we’re never going to hit every shot we want to hit so we’re always recovering from something par five here can I reach the green no have to recover from that second shot can I reach the

Green no have to recover from that so even from a perfect position to begin with we’re going to struggle so let’s give ourselves the best chance let’s try and hit Fairway to begin with then we’ve got the optimum chance to try and make the par so a post impact position where

Are you after impact so post impact when this club shaft gets to parallel to the ground there where is it where should it be it should be pointing down your target line or parallel to your target line if I was to take a cane take my address position it is raining I

Knew it was going to start raining the sun was out minutes ago dress position there now I’ve got this cane here in line with my feet I’ve not got my Eureka stance for this purely for this video check out uol unbelievable ball striking in there here we are there

Back through post impact position my club shaft should marry up with that cane when it’s parallel to the ground when it’s horizontal if I slice the golf ball and I’m in here when I’m parallel to the ground look at the club shaft look at the club face that’s different position than

There if I hook I’m too far out here there so I’m too far out in that direction look at the club face rolled over so if you slice perhaps that’s a position you should get into so we’ll finding this that one fault for one swing might be a cure for another so if

You’re a slicer you want to overdo it and become a hooker so I’ll move that cane up just for visual okay so this is post impact we’ve not got the impact yet post impact do you know I am going to open my stance Ura style it’s much

Better easier for me there there’s your post impact position there okay there Club face vertical Club shaft horizontal Maring up with the cane which which is your target line there so think about how do I get to that position I turn I turn and I am able to get to that

Position to straight golf shot I held it in position to try and feel the swing that was good now if you hook sorry if you slice so let’s say you come down and you are here with the face open and the shaft pointing out there but the shaft’s pointing out in the

Right hand side because you’ve held the handle first you’ve not got the release into the position we were after so try and do what a hooker would do somebody who hooks too much somebody who hooks too much is over here okay so they’re very much in out so

When the club gets the parallel the club shaft is pointing in the same direction as the slicer but the face is no longer open the face is more rolled over so try and get to that position I think the rain stopped so there try and get out

There so there’s where we’re trying to go so now all of a sudden if I was to move that cane to there I am trying to marry up with that as that face rolls back to its vertical position so there okay started just right it triy to

Come back let me do one more so this is the slicer trying to become more of a drawer of the golf ball there here we go right to left ball flight okay not the most pretty but it got away from the slice post impact position we’ve not talked about impact

Yet but the post impact position as I say if you slice create a hooking motion for me I’m kind of in between the two so you will balance there somewhere if you slice you leave that face open because of your posst impact position and you

Try to return that or or or flip that round to an into out position with the face closed over you’ll meet in the middle so if you’re normally there slice and I’m asking I go there hook you’ll probably meet somewhere in the middle nice and neutral that is how Golf Works

The feel V re when you feel to try and feel as though you’re really really out there you’ll probably be here because you’re so used to being there nice now impact position so impact position I still have my cane in place this and the impact position marry

Up okay both the same thing going on here they have to work together so we’ve talked and focused heavily about the post impact position there fantastic or there not here there as I’m doing that as I get to here my lead ear wait for this my lead ear so my

Left ear for a right-handed golfer should be behind the golf ball you heard that correctly your lead ear should be behind the golf ball so now we’re going to get into the correct post impact position if the leader is behind the golf ball therefore the lead shoulder is higher than the trail

Shoulder my angle of attack will be positive I’ll hit up because my Center is stayed behind the ball but without even trying there it is my leader stays behind I get into my post impact position oh yes that was good that was good now you can see I’m holding my follow through

Because I’m so focused on my post impact position so yes during this drill you’ll experience that as well well it’s hard to get here because I’ve really focused on that position trailer lead here sorry behind the golf ball into there from there wow these are good I’m not great with

Driver I am now though with this drill but it’s it’s getting to that post impact position so important to get to there it’s so important that you can see the lines mared up the Leading Edge is even mared up there’s your slice face open shaft to

The right there’s your draw shaft to the right face closed into out path and we’re trying to get a neutral point in between as we do that your leader so simple that isn’t it the lead ear stays behind the golf ball they are behind the golf

Ball this saw off follow through is good I might just maintain that feels a little bit more Punchy that’s all right can deal with [Applause] that there and the lead are staying behind of course look I’m there so the butt’s now tucked under butts more tucked under chest to the sky cuz

Leader’s behind leader getting ahead and slice that’s a problem that is a problem so yes I stand open my feet are open like Eureka allows the body to move open there and of course I’m in that post impact position lead here behind find a post impact position I’ve just hit like six Fairways

In a it’s good so I really hope that’s been of value to you if you want more value check out the membership side of the channel you’ll get more content that nobody else gets there lead here behind that’s class I’m there leader behind through impact that

Is possibly the best one yet guys I’ll see you in my next video thanks for watching


  1. “Driver is the most difficult” and yet many people suffer with three putts! Wish you had shown where your club was after the shots to prove your theory. Have you had feedback about the timer counting onscreen👎.

  2. Nice one Steve. Thank you. My slice was changed to a baby draw decades ago. However, I’m not as consistent as I’d like with shaping my driver shots. This could be helpful in achieving this. Will be trying it out this afternoon. 👍😎🇦🇺

  3. Again, this video makes perfect sense and gives me something to work on. I'm so apprehensive about hitting the ball in the first place. My drive is the weakest part of my game and it's holding me back right now.

  4. Post impact position with the club face……tried this today at the range. Took a few shots to get the body to adjust to it, but wow😮👍

  5. Stevie, love the vids but a few suggestions:

    You need to have a shot tracer. This isn't 10 years ago. This brings validity to what you're teaching as well as the Scottish accent.

    Maybe, try an indoor simulator.

    Great content.

  6. Great video Steve. Nice visual and feel with this. What sort of difference in distance did you notice with the shortened follow through?

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