“Mahomes Rules” Is Slick Marketing by Antonio Pierce l BEN MALLER SHOW

BEN MALLER SHOW – Ben Maller talks about the recent comments made by Antonio Pierce regarding a certain game plan to stop Patrick Mahomes. Ben also touches on a Russell Wilson being a backup and Jimmy G going to the Steelers.

0:00-#antoniopierce with slick marketing when it comes to #patrickmahomes
6:34- #russellwilson should NOT be a backup
9:51-#jimmygaroppolo to the Steelers?

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The new head coach of the Raiders has big plans big plans and he’s going bold he is going bold now if you didn’t see this possibly not uh the commentary from Antonio Pierce Antonio Pierce was named the full-time Raider coach congratulations so he recently did a podcast interview he was talking about

The 1980s NBA the Detroit Pistons who were in the same division as the Chicago Bulls and he talked about how the Pistons had this thing called the Jordan rules was a book written by a guy named Sam Smith Chicago writer uh years ago many years ago 30 years ago probably

Over 30 years he wrote this book The Jordan Ru and he said Antonio Pierce of the the Bulls he used the analogy of the Jordan rules to try to slow down Michael Jordan obviously and the Bulls he said as long as he’s coaching in Vegas the Raiders are going to have the

Patrick Mahomes rules is the way that he phrased it say what here’s the quote from the Raiders coach he said you remember when Jordan was going through it with the Pistons all those guys in the 80s before he became Air Jordan the Pistons used to whip his behind anytime

He came to the whole elbows feeling him love Taps were in his head mentally physically emotionally spiritually close quote from Antonio Pierce and certainly the implication is that that is what the plan is for the Raiders so let us discuss the question Antonio Pierce says the Raiders

Plan to use a version of the Jordan rules that is inspiration to slow Patrick momes and the chief’s Dynasty can you unravel what exactly he’s getting at here so I’ve got large wooden spoon voodoo doll and rent a wreck and we will combine all of these things

Together and we are going to make some Pastrami and potatoes is what we’re going to that sounds pretty good Pastrami and potatoes all right so a the the Raiders are planning to bring in the goons doesn’t that sound like Antonio Pierce is getting at that like

That’s what it sounds like to me I don’t know how else you can interpret that he’s talking about the way the Pistons played Michael Jordan in the NBA and if you play that style you are going to be physically trying to beat up mahes which I’m not against you know who’s against

It the NFL’s against it that’s who’s against it right the physicality everyone’s got their own Kryptonite even Patrick Mahomes and Antonio Pierce referenced the Christmas Day game where Mahomes was not only a quarterback he was lousy and the Raiders beat Kansas City and Mahomes held them to 14 points

Mahomes was just ineffective that day against the Raider defense and he indicated Antonio Pierce that that is the beginning of the momes rules the Patrick Mahomes rules so while we do agree everyone’s got their own Kryptonite we get that when you take a couple of steps back and you look at

At the landscape in the NFL and what this implies from Antonio Pierce right now we’re sitting here in mid to late February so this I file this one right now in this moment in time from Antonio pierce the momes rules I file this as silky slick marketing that’s where I

Have this one because Antonio Pierce is selling a vision I have a vision and that’s his vision he’s using a large wooden spoon which actually serves a couple of purposes he’s stirring the pot of the pirate ship for the Raiders the Autumn Wind is a raer so he’s going down that road and

Then in addition not only do you take that wooden spoon and stir right you stir the pot there but also you can use that large wooden spoon as a weapon to spank Patrick Mahomes so double your pleasure double your fun why not what the hell uh and Antonio Pierce just

Advertising the plan now if you’ve ever read the book by sunzoo The Art of War it’s less than 100 pages I think it’s like almost exactly 100 Pages uh and he he that book is still use he goes over the details of competition and he would recommend sunzo to not promote the fact

That you’ve got the momes rules because really what you’re doing is putting a giant bullseye on the uh the Raiders defense but I’m here for it right until the NFL of course puts the kabash on all of this which you and I both know is going to happen I remember

The Pistons and the Jordan rules against Chicago and they had Joe Dumars and Dennis robman and those guys Hall of Fame players were both primarily used as the first line of defense against Michael Jordan and then after that you had the second line which was John Sally and Bill lamb beer and

McNasty you had Rick Mahorn and those that was the second wave but it is interesting to note that the Jordan Rules book came out in late 1991 after the Pistons had gone Belly Up and the Bad Boys had had been broken up they traded away Vinnie Johnson James

Edwards known as Buddha they got rid of him and so it was only after that that the book came out chronicling the Jordan rules because there were no more Jordan rules because the Pistons had been broken up period stop uh so momes it’s good for us because now when the Raiders

And Chiefs play it’ll be a big storyline will momes be able to overcome the Antonio Pierce momes rule and creates a little juice I’m all for juice I like the juice all right now page down uh headline headline from speculation land speculation land former Jets GM Mike

Tannon bomb who is now a talking head he wears makeup for a living Mike tanon bomb I’m told he’s retired I think that’s because no one will hire him so Mike tanon bomb went on a recent rant he is an outside the box what’s in the box

I don’t know I’m outside the box so he’s outside the box he’s got a plan for what’s in the bo no it’s outside the box no it’s outside the box so what is the plan for Broncos quarterback Russell Wilson who has yet to be fired the Broncos are going to

Fire him at some point they’re not doing it yet they’re GNA get rid of him he’s gone so Mike tannin bom said that Russell Wilson should sign for $1 million to be the back up with the Jets to back up Aaron roders now keep in mind that I don’t

Even know if that’s a allowed based on the the veteran minimum and the length of service that Russell Wilson has had in the NFL but assuming that is allowed tanon bomb made the argument that if you go back a generation in the late 90s that Vinnie testy who was in his mid-30s

Signed a contract with the Jets and he had great success with the Jets Jets but that that’s a long time ago in a different a different era so let’s discuss uh the the former Jets GM saying that Russell Wilson should sign a deal to back up Aaron

Rodgers How likely is this to happen so we’re going to open up the malor sports book the odds on Russell Wilson getting Let Go by the Broncos and then signing for $1 million with the Jets zero 0 Z to infinity and beyond uh Russell Wilson is not in this world going to

Caddy for Aaron Rodgers right what is this whole claim to fame I’m Mr unlimited he’s Mr unlimited and that’s his his MMO right that’s that’s his his operation and so he if he signed with the Jets he would have to go onto Amazon and buy a case of

Voodoo dolls to mess with Aaron Rodgers right get some bad iasa maybe he’ll miss a game and I can start it’s not happening and Russell Wilson has an Ace in the Hole and the Ace in the Hole is a supply chain shortage of quarterbacks if you look

Around and you you say the teams that are likely going to add a veteran quarterback this off season that list of teams includes the Falcons the Colts the Raiders the commanders the Bears the Steelers the Vikings and the Titans and I’m probably missing somebody as well but those teams all will be in

The market to add a quarterback now maybe they will be temporary Band-Aid quarterbacks and not the full-time starter but all of those teams depending on what happens with Kirk Cousins if he leaves Minnesota uh the Steelers the Bears they need someone temporarily likely to start because they’re going to

Get rid of Justin Fields all right last we speaking of the Steelers Pittsburgh PA we go to Pittsburgh PA now we’re hearing a lot of no that the Steelers are among the teams that is planning to pursue Jimmy garoo woohoo now Garoppo’s expected to be fired by

The Raiders if you missed it over the weekend we were away Garoppolo is going to have supposedly have limited options why well you see uh he’s going to be on the open market because he has a two game suspension hanging over his head for taking peeds Jimmy Gro you think he did that

For football reasons or for those porn starlets that he’s dating I don’t know but either way he got dinged and so he’s out for the first couple games of next season of course the way garoo operates he’d miss those games anyway with injury and so the this reporting is that garoo

Is going to have limited options and the Steelers May wind up as where garoo ends up that Garoppolo will end up in Pittsburgh so let us discuss is Jimmy Garoppolo a legitimate candidate to join the Steelers so after a seconds long malor investigation I’m nodding my head yes I

Am nodding my head yes that this makes sense and here’s why it’s on brand for the yingers what are the yingers they got the Terrible Towel they got that they put the fries on top of the sandwich that’s a Yin or move and as breadman who calls the show occasionally

One of the original breadman can testify from his man cave in the Greater Pittsburgh area this is the kind of move the Steelers do they operate an NFL version of Rent A Wreck they they’ve always done this my entire life they bring in these guys that are it’s like

An automobile junkyard players that are beaten and broken and they got they got dents and they’re battered and they got issues and what not the fender all crumpled up the door smashed in the upholstery looks terrible it smells like dog urine those are the guys they bring in that’s

Jimmy garoo he’s got a bunch of dents at this point although the ladies still like him but he’s got he’s got a bunch of dents he’s got the he’s got the paints scraping scraped off it’s Rusty it’s it’s a mess he’s he’s 32 but he plays like he’s

52 garoo at this particular point and there’s not a lot of upside it’s not a long-term situation in Pittsburgh garola it’s not it’s not long-term answer but he’s a seasoned veteran he’s a is he a good locker room guy I don’t even know if you can say that about garoo

1 Comment

  1. So Pierce's Rules is hope for Mahomes to have an off day and depend on two fluke turnovers within 7 seconds…… great plan.

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