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Instant Reaction: EA Sports releases NCAA 25 teaser + CFB Blue Bloods | SNAPS College Football

Aaron Murray and T-Bob Hebert react to EA Sports dropping their trailer to the highly anticipated NCAA Football 2025 video game. There has not been a college football video game since 2014, and the guys are PUMPED to play the game. Aaron and T-Bob then rank the BEST programs in college football, as well as discuss some players to watch out for in the 2024 season.

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Yeah dude [ __ ] yeah dude you love to see it just got on the YouTube to bring up the chat 14.5k boys that’s what I’m talking about nice numby there pitch it to 15 welcome into snaps your favorite daily college or your favorite college football podcast YouTube channel what have you um

I’m tbar he’s a Murray very excited for today we had some breaking news this morning EA Sports officially releases an NCAA 25 Twitter so we kind of threw out everything and we’re g a lot to talk about uh with the game and what we’re expecting and like who maybe be in the

99 club for next year it’s gonna be a ton of fun um I agree Lo cessie in chat Twitter is such a happy place today uh due to this news um uh but but yeah again y’all look volum sta you help with the show like subscribe

All that helps a ton pleas the algorithmic gods that rule our existence a what’s up man how we feeling there I missed you on Tuesday glad to be back sorry that I took off for Fat Tuesday everyone had to go uh go have some fun

Marty Gro no no listen we had the the the the shave down F boy version of with Brooks Austin thought that was a fun show so make sure you guys go check that out if you missed it but you were missed uh one quick piece of something I just

Have to say a little little something sad before we get into all the the joys of college football and the game um just prayers up for Kansas City man like I spent two and a half years there and it’s incredible Town incredible fans and to wake up this morning because I missed

For some reason I just didn’t see the news yesterday my wife told me first thing this morning um just the kids too man just oh as as as a parent to wake up to that just really really sad news for Kansas City so uh prayers is up for that

City yeah it’s always you know I’ve done this job a long time and it’s always weird to figure out how to you know go from and like even just now when I said oh what a happy place Twitter’s been today then in the back of my head I was

Like well not really actually it’s been very depressing a lot of ways but then I didn’t want to get into it but I think you’re right I mean we should yes it’s I guess acknowledging it does some but it’s just [ __ ] heartbreaking man you’re robbing you’re robbing everybody

Of and I don’t know if this was like I don’t know whatever I don’t think we know the motives yet at least not when I looked this morning before the show but like it just robs everyone of their joy and of their Peace of Mind parents kids robs kids of their innocence it’s

[ __ ] awful so I agree prayers for everybody um affected uh in whatever way you were so now um we will do the impossible pivot where uh you go from talking about something that actually matters or something that doesn’t but as I say many times in these situations even though it’s cold comfort for

Anybody who’s been actually affected as I said um I do think uh in life kind of how we get through a lot of uh the tougher sides is by engaging in frivolous [ __ ] that doesn’t really matter and um what else is are shows like these but just a great opportunity

To turn your brain off and have some fun and talk rather [ __ ] doesn’t matter because you would lose your mind and be ground down to a nub if we uh just you know like Neil Gaiman um an American Gods has these fascinating chapters on like basically like trying

To write like a firsthand view of being a slave in the Atlantic slave trade and it’s it’s really stuck me it’s crazy but in that at some point he talks about almost like as human beings like a natural defense mechanism we almost have to create these islands for oursel

Emotionally and mentally because if we didn’t and you did engag with everything that’s going on in the world 247 you just yeah you just be worn down so um sorry now I’m rambling thoughts of press let’s talk college football uh we’ll use our guy Shephard Ducks as a um as a

Bridge here to get incaa $ five Super Chat thank you Seer says can’t wait to drop a hundred on ug’s head for what Kirby did to my boy bear Dan last year um wait I’m confused what did Kirby do to Dan what am I missing yeah I’m I’m I’m a

Little bit also is that a Pooky bear reference that [ __ ] Georgia douchebag I keep seeing on Twitter him and his wife looking good Pooky has that come across your algorithm oh my God that’s my like one of my Sharon’s friends she’s like it’s [ __ ] crazy yes that’s one

Of Sharon’s friends I can’t believe I still have not seen it but it’s one of Sharon’s like close to that girl she’s like oh my God one of my friends went crazy viral and now going on like talk shows about this whole Pooky thing my first thing that’s the first time I’ve

Ever gone into a post and been like don’t show me any more of this I I had the uh the uninterested or whatever it is button to where hopefully my algorithm will not be showing me any more Pooky well look they seem like great people shout out uh Sharon’s friend you know

Um uh yeah look but but but okay here’s the big point which shepher Ducks um is that oh wait George be the [ __ ] out of Oregon two years ago right two years ago yeah okay okay that’s talking about yes yes yes but um but with Cher duct is getting

Is true right that’s one of the greatest points of ea uh or what are we are we gonna say by its official name EA College EA Sports college football it’s very unwieldy whatever that’s one of the best parts about NCAA are living out your fantasies right be it in like the

Player mode the dynasty mode but like yes you want to get some measure of Revenge on the Bulldogs for embarrassing you to start that season two years ago well you can now or you will be able to do that this summer yeah no I I always

Enjoyed my my favorite part of the game was getting the really like I wouldn’t say like the the worst teams in a conference but getting like your your your middle the- pack team so my brother when I was really playing this game hardcore back in like Middle School

Committed to play BAS at Maryland I knew nothing about Maryland football nothing but I was like you know what I’m a fan of Maryland football now because my brother’s going to go play baseball at Maryland yeah and they were a middle of the pack AC I think they’re ACC team

Then too ACC team yeah now now they’re big 10 team um and I was like I’m gonna play with Maryland I’m gonna be the turps and it was really fun building them from like a a essentially what would be a six and six five- seven bow

Team to like the greatest team and the my three-year Dynasty in back to back Champions like that is the fun part of of of the game and I think why a lot of people are excited to to bring it back because if you are a fan of these teams

That aren’t the powerhouses you can turn them into a Powerhouse you have a pretty damn good time doing it too well I’m excited to play uh I’m excited to play online too um I want to get online League going uh and and and okay and here’s the deal

I I know this is going to be controversial okay and I am not someone who has really played a FIFA recently very seriously at all online or anything I’ve not played Madden very seriously in years and so the point is I don’t actually have much experience with Ultimate

Team I think I’m actually excited about NCAA Ultimate Team I am a [ __ ] sucker for card packs love him just love open card packs of any sort I’ll watch card pack you know I’ll watch card cracken videos when I have like no skin like that I know nothing about it right

Whatever I just love it um and so and and I know that people will tell me that it is ruined those other games uh because it’s pay to win it’s unfair um but here’s my here’s my view on it I am I am not opposed to pay to win as

Long as we all understand what we’re getting in to right uh like it just is what it is and you have to find whatever Joy you can within that system where I think things like Ultimate Team and maybe they’ve done this in FIFA and in Madden I’m not sure but where it becomes

A problem for me is is if like are you now [ __ ] up the design of the overall game just because you’re throwing all your eggs into the money-making basket which makes some sense from a business standpoint which is why it’s so dangerous right so what I hope like you

Know that the fear would be getting some sort of strip down Dynasty mode right where there is no like good nil system or there is no this or that and instead they just put all their money into like more and more um work on the Ultimate

Team mode so I agree that’s where it could go sideways for you but as someone who covers all of college football it’s going to be pretty [ __ ] cool to like crack a card pack and maybe have like uh like jayen milro or something right or or or I mean uh like

A Luther burden so yeah I I I don’t know I I I kind of I understand that a lot of people are gonna hate it but I I’m excited for Ultimate Team mode uh Shephard ducks in another chat Super Chat they got to add the JT Daniels Road

To Glory mode got to transfer to 1020 schools in the 10 years you’re in college asking for Max nil deal I mean this is going to be that the unique part of this game that we were not used to a decade ago when when the last uh one

Came out with the nil the transfer portal how how much money are I mean are are they going to base each school on their guesstimate of like how much money that they their their nil Collective could raise is there going to be a collective is there going to be a salary

Like that’s really fascinating me because it is gonna be a part of it but I mean if I’m at Texas A&M do I get you know $10 million or if I’m at you know I would spot a little bit less have to do with yes no yes I think there should be

I think there should be um to nil money for each un there should be yes there should be like differing resources or differing resource caps uh but ideally at least in my opinion I think it’s just like any other part of Dynasty where there are things that you can do now how

Exactly you design those things you go a ton of different ways are they narrative Adventures where you’re like choosing an answer but there should be things that you can do to raise those resources right so like I played a lot of games like like like FTL and stuff yeah

Winning winning would be an element of yes but if you wanted to go like really narrative like uh FTL is a game where you’ll have like random space encounters and it’ll be like um I don’t know like uh like this person stops you wants to

Trade with you what do you do right and then it’s kind of obfuscated exactly what the answer should be but if you answer correctly you’ll get a bonus if you don’t you don’t so maybe even have like fun things like that in between so yeah there should be definit like the

Schools that have the most resource like Ohio State should have as many as any but if I take over um a South Carolina I would love to be able to build it up over time to where I too can have those High you winning will help but I I I

Will say this like some of those you have to be realistic too like South Carolina I don’t care if you win national championship I don’t know if the resources will ever be to that of an Ohio State so like you have to still set a bar of you’re going to run into that

Ceiling at some point it just doesn’t become infinite with the money you win if you continue win championships um well no I mean like no you you you can you don’t want it to be infinite to the point where you have more than anybody else but you should be

Able to get anybody to the top uh you should be able to get anybody why that’s it’s a why what’s the [ __ ] point you want me be kneecapped because I’m playing with yeah I do want be KNE you think South Carina will ever get to the point where they’ll be able to e

They win two champ okay but that’s the problem but then you’re ignoring the fact that that’s you’re ignoring the fact that that’s what people do in Dynasty mode that’s what do with the team in dynast mode so it doesn’t matter if you do it on the resource side as

Well no I think you’re [ __ ] crazy no you don’t actually believe that you just talked about taking Maryland to the top and how much that meant yeah but doesn’t mean all resources doesn’t mean I deserve all the resources that that’s unrealistic for me to be able to for for

South Carolina or Maryland to ever have a $15 million War chest that’s just never going to happen um it would if they were winning natties you know that’d be the best way to make it happen bro look at all miss you think they always had that war chest why do they

Have it now two I think I think it’s like I think it’s like major league baseball the Rays won not with money they and them winning a World Series or making the playoffs didn’t bring more money in they continue to play by the model of we’re gonna underpay guys and

We’re gonna play uh Money Ball type stuff and that’s who we are and that’s what we’re doing the game too I you know I I I I that’s that’s a not an awful argument by I will say that it’s maybe not as clear-cut as I was making it out

To be um I still think you should be able to raise them but whatever I don’t even know like who even knows what the resource management will be right back in the day what you had like a lotted hours right and you could commit those

Hours do you have hours and money now um is it all just one in the same is it just like a general do you take like those kind of terms out and it is just like a general amount of points that you get to assign to certain tasks and are

You doing things like fundraising glad handing press um you’re doing everything but playing games how about that the true the true life of a coach nowadays you’re doing everything but coaching the new n football game you’re GNA be doing everything but playing games but that’s why it’s so great is because you also

Get to play the games in this version of right um you’ll spending more time doing everything else besides playing actual games which I kind of found myself at times too in previous games doing that as well like I was more fascinated with building the roster roster management

The training aspect of it the recruiting aspect of it and then the games were kind of like the the reward at the end you know I much time you know it’s a dirty secret um I was never really into that in fact I have never actually done a dynasty

Mode damn I am um very excited to stream it this summer and do my kind of first one live because I just always played the games I just always played Seasons excuse me I’ve done um like yeah I just always played Seasons right I remember manually

Putting in all the LSU players back in the day but I mean again I’m older I probably maxed out at like like I I really played the [ __ ] out of NCAA six uh and and and and so like I I only played Madden in college during the height of Co when it

First started I got the Madden and I that’s why I started getting back into gaming a little bit more and I was all about the free agency and everything else more than actually playing the game um Chris Tran in our producer chat might be right Madden is for playing the

Game NCAA is for everything but playing the game I mean there’s it’s definitely more fun the management aspect of NCAA is definitely more fun than whatever man has R but no so I’m I’m excited man because like my my experience with 14 is actually just watching my brother who is

A true true expert at it Play Endless amount of of hours like that’s where I saw the recruiting stuff that’s where I saw like he got to the point where he would put it on all Heisman mode and he would take a shitty school and he would only be the defensive coordinator he

Would only play defense would do any offense or special teams and he would he would have to go win the national championship over a couple of years so like he I used to watch him for hours and hours but I’m excited to uh dive into myself

Actually um but yeah I guess now that we’re like talking this out loud yeah like the last one I seriously dove into was 06 damn near 20 years um all right let’s watch the actual teaser how about that so today on the EA Sports college football Twitter uh they dropped the

First ever teaser for the new game Let’s watch it or break it Down got something special for y’all little update for our fans from the big house to the Bayou from Carolina to California yeah it’s about college football we know you love it us too the rivalries comebacks the traditions and superstitions built by Generations there’s nothing like it turns out we’ve been building

Too you know look at that so let’s address the big ow in the room yeah good line we’ve seen the posts the predictions the doubts we get it it’s been a minute let’s just say this ain’t the only Jersey we’ve been working on the game this sport deserves cuz pretty

Soon this place will be full again until then cter Crow noise yeah it’s really happening coming this Summer full reveal this may um so look that that feels like and and and you know maybe this is just a function of having a very good marketing department because EA track record can be

Spotty but that feels like a commercial or company that understands the magnitude of what they’re releasing yeah um a big deal I the I’m more a college football I’m more of a if you had to give me the two games and maybe this because I’m I’m more of a college guy

But even even back in the day when I loved NFL and I still love NFL I thought the college the the NCA game was better than the NFL game I did I I think it’s be more Dynamic now too with I mean running the option was always tight right mad never

Had the option I used to love to run the option in NCAA but I don’t know when I was I guess but is that CU you were playing in the NFL because when I was in college I like to play Madden because I felt like I was doing College [ __ ] like all the

Time um okay once again like I think like Chris said in our chat mad for playing the game n say is more about everything else and I I personally enjoy the management to go along with it as well um but yeah but getting back to the

Teaser again I I think that line the game this sport deserves uh you better [ __ ] live up to that right you’re showing me that you understand how the unique nature and how crazy college football is and how passionate it is uh you’re saying you understand what the

Fans feel about the long absence of such a beloved friend franchise uh but again the only question is like will EA can they land the plane and I’m not saying it’s easy because I think it’s almost near impossible to make video games but um the game the sports

Deserves I like them meeting the doubt headon with yeah it’s really happening and showing all the tweets of people being like this game’s never coming out push back blah blah blah blah and then go and say no we’re having um that you know it’s coming out this summer uh and

Then I think having this teaser which is highly produced in over a minute long um in which we got just a tantalizing glimpse of some of the assets right the gator head the play Like A Champion animation uh Big Al uh but having this teaser here in middle of February

Teasing the full May reveal into a summer release that feels confident to me yes um they are not hiding this light under a bushel and they’re putting a lot of money into the marketing and into the uh the the the um what’s what does a plane take off on the runway they’re

Building they’re building a lot of track a lot of Runway ahead of this thing and that that that does me have feeling me uh me feeling pretty bullish all right you want to see who’s a uh who who would be your 99 Club who’s in your 99 Club who’s gonna get that

That precious um also wa real quick real quick the whole line of uh let’s let’s address the Big Al in the room I thought that was an excellent line very good um because yeah Big Al the alep um no there’s no way Andrew Cooper there’s no

He asked do they punt in the nil p and Dynasty mode there’s just no way there is absolutely no way it’d be silly to you have you have to lean into the portal do you have to lean into the portal you have to lean into nil those

Are the two most hostile topics in college football right now you’d be silly not to just Dive Right into that so Prime Time 21 says interesting they didn’t show any types of modes um so again this is a teaser that teases the full reveal in May that I would say that

Also probably speaks to them knowing they have to have all these different elements in there I if you’re talking about a full reveal in which you’ll get into the different modes um how they’re going to replicate stadiums because also that’s the other thing right with college football as opposed to the NFL

Is it’s not uh just the off the- field management it’s the off the field Ambiance that separates with the crowds and the cheers and that’s something they were always very ahead of the curve on I felt um they they you know they already had the bespoke like each school had

Their famous cheers and obviously fight songs and everything else but continuing to try to capture that I think is going to be very interesting and I think the full reveal in May will be a very long probably 15 30 minute even maybe presentation about all that I would hope

So I think the next big thing we have to decide on is are we going Xbox or Playstation St um well I only have a PS5 so I have a PC though um actually no what am I talking about I’m gonna have to get I’m going to get on PC because

I’m gonna be streaming off of um this computer likely so but uh crossplay is a thing now so I I uh so if I’m playing on my monitor too what do I need uh well you could hook up a console to your monitor um I’m not the best person to

Ask but but crossplay I’m I’m sure it’s going to be crossplay which has become more and more the norm now which does sound crazy if you’re our age you would have never fathom it back in the day but like yeah now you can play between Xbox

PS5 um maybe in a couple inist but definitely like PC and the consoles uh bini NCAA on PC feels wrong yeah I kind of I mean I don’t it’s it’s gonna feel Charles console I haven’t played I haven’t played a video game since 2021 what was the last video game that Aaron Murray

Played lot of Madden during Co lot have you ever played a non-sports video game I mean I was big Bond back in the day on the Nintendo yeah wait wait wait wait wait to find the last non sports video game that you’ve played you have to go back to Golden Eye on the

64 and then why did you say it like such a Jewish mother oh I used to love that b on the Nintendo oh that Nintendo it was so much fun growing up Jes James Bond with golden eye baby golden ey that that was that was so much fun um yeah that’s

Crazy dude that’s that’s a lot that’s a long [ __ ] that was like the 90s that was late 90s guys what video game should we make Aaron play that because that would be fun to stream as well um I mean if I I wonder how gold and I would even play

Nowadays I know they’ve re-released in a few different ways but like playing a single stick firstperson shooter sounds awful sounds really a uh but it was fun yeah you can’t use odjob obviously right we hold these Tres to be self-evident get the [ __ ] out of here we used to

Always play licens to kill mode where everything was a one bullet one karate chop one hit kill anything uh wait so yeah you never even played like a Mario Kart since I played Mario Kart we we would play a little Mario Kart back in the day in college what about like Double Dash

Himself a bear on YouTube how how old are you [ __ ] younger than you you old [ __ ] um I know Brandon I want to make Aaron play balers Gate 3 I would love to do balers gate three that’s probably too much for commitment um we’ll figure out something for you to

Play I I mean I’m I’m the dumbass that’s still playing wow classic now and season of Discovery so I’m an idiot oh I used to love WCW andw Revenge all right uh George M I’m so old Mike Tyson punch out the last game I played bro that’s it’s

That original it’s that original uh NES a long time ago uh AAR on YouTube he’s almost 30 there you go all right let’s get into it the 99 Club who should be in the 99 Club I think first off uh no quarterbacks get at the rank of 99 we

Have done the math we have looked it out um no quarterback so the question then becomes Aaron who should be the highest ranked I think the only person to me that if you like 100% 100% this person deserves the ranking of 99 um because it’s hard like I don’t

Know if that many guys uh deserve it at all which is why our list is initially pretty small Travis Hunter Colorado Travis Hunter I think he’s a a freak athlete the best DB by far would be the top DB in the draft by the country in

The country by far is that true by far yes okay yes and then can play both ways probably play special teams too so Travis Hunter M for sure luck if there’s gonna be a 99 guy is gonna go to him uh the one that jumped into my head was

Caleb DS um at safety uh for what he did last year at Alabama now obviously gonna be at Ohio State and then the other one that was like because look I I did some digging to find some other names that actually could be but some of these are

Going to feel like deep cuts which should a 99 feel like a deep cut or is that just like a function of college football where we you know we pay attention to our conference and been you know we we whatever um but one guy who did jump in right after Caleb DS was

Olly Gordon from uh from Oklahoma State last year uh I think he’s easily the best returning running back in the entire country probably like am Marian Hampton from UNC is one of the only other ones um but even as a sophomore last year Oly Gordon had claimed to

Maybe already being the best running back in the entire country so if you’re going to tell me that then yeah I I I would say I would Grant you the rank of 99 if you’re coming back and you maybe already were did I say what did I did I not say Oklahoma

State oh oh oh he said J okay said jins at Ohio State yeah J jins will be high I don’t know J not 99 bro JS gonna hold olly Gordon’s jock last year J majority of the year last year yeah but they also had really very Oli Gordon just [ __ ]

Willed Oklahoma State into being actually good on his own put the team on his back I I’m not talking NFL hold on I’m not talking NFL prospect you cannot get away with Judkins over goly Gord on the college level all right uh two things one another person that’s gonna

Be highly ranked I don’t know if you consider him 99 or not but Luther Burton receiver for Missouri probably the best returning receiver in the country um Dynamic the screen as well yeah yeah he’s someone that could be in that 99 or or flirting should be no I think he

Should yeah if not he’s gonna be like a 98 yeah he’ll be right there uh and then Charles Clark in the chat says who is the top ranked QB I’m going with Quinn yers at Texas is my top QB ranking wise I’m thinking uh yeah I mean because he’s returning but I

Mean Dylan Gabriel honestly smashed both Beck and ERS last year stats-wise and he’s going to a very the if he like the only reason why Gabriel’s maybe not like Choice take into account NFL Talent though too like where does this guy project Next Level attributes because you have you

Can’t just put Dylan Gabriel as like a 95% arm strength when we all clearly know that that’s on his game yeah yeah I mean I guess I I guess that’s fair so when you look at maybe NFL potential so what what would you have like Quinn is like a Quinn is like a

97 ah I don’t want to put any quarterbacks over 95 I think all the quarterbacks should be kind of 95 95 Beck 95 um Gabriel 93 okay 92 what do you do with a guy like Kaden Salter oh yeah 99 Perkins Harold Perkins what uh no you not after last year you

Can’t Harold Perkins got to be now remember with online balancing like we will see 99s get created during the year next year so if you’re Harold perkus some these guys you can have a chance to get back there but no you can’t have perk as a 99 I mean perk should be like

A 94 maybe um I would think uh Salters um I don’t know like I mean he has to be no he has to be at least a 90 bro the stats that he put up are absolutely silly Liberty though liberty liberty liberty uh I don’t care though I mean it’s

College football you got to respect balling out against your peers um other quarterbacks that would be 90s we have Gabriel ERS Beck Salter Jaylen milro definitely gonna be like a 99 speed but you think he checking what like an 88 yeah I think he checking not even a 90

No um gr many so many more 99s last year does not make the list if anything I’d be tempted to put Brady cook and Noah faf in there but I think they’re high 80s Jackson dart’s gonna be high 80s I think he’ll be up there oh yeah he

Should be up there as well he’ll be up there okay OB Graham Merz Graham Merz obviously will be you know high if we’re not putting if we’re not put if we’re grading hard and we’re not putting Salter in the 90s yeah then I agree I’m

Not going to put um mil or excuse me if we’re not putting milro in the 90s I’m not going to put Salter in the 90s so are we saying that ERS backck and Gabriel should be the only quarterbacks in the 90s yes I think I would throw Jaylen milro

In as the fourth at 90 and have Suter at like an 88 faf 86 cook 87 um getting all horny just thinking about it uh okay other names other names to look out for here um a name that I think SEC fans are going to get more and more

Familiar with and is Nick scorton uh I don’t know if I’m saying that correctly but um he just transferred to texum from Purdue last year at Purdue as a sophomore Aaron he had a 91 pass rush grade from PFF that was third amongst all power five Edge rushers so already

Incredible as a sophomore he had 10 sacks 15 Tiff 42 pressures led the Big 10 in all three of those categories as a sophomore and now he’s going to be with Mike El at Texas A&M I don’t know if they give him pre-season 99 but that’s a guy that

I would expect to be up there by the end of the year I agree um I wonder if they’re gonna do the same thing that they do with Madden you know if you reach that 99 spot they kind of go to you and like give you like this I

Think hope for sure yeah yeah well mad you get like a chain and [ __ ] I’m pretty sure well I thought what Madden does too it’s really cool like every single week they update rankings like they’ll let like they’ll do they’ll they’ll essentially put out like a trailer not a

Trailer but a video saying like this person based on their play yeah oo did it you like you would announce like certain players would go up or down during the week I thought was pretty cool yeah so that’s what I’m saying like if you’re Harold Perkins you will be

Able to climb back up tonight Walter Nolan Sports guy did come up a couple times in our conversation in terms of who would be a 99 on the interior line um how about this thing I got one more deep cut and then we’ll get into questions uh uh taroa tet Ty Roa

McMillan he’s the receiver from Arizona last year that became he was third team All-American he’s one that dominated Oklahoma in the Alamo Bowl 10 for 160 but then I started looking up his numbers on the year again only a sophomore he had 90 catches for 1,400

Yards and 10 TS now I’m worried about losing Jed fish but he will be he will be one of the highest ranked he’ll be right behind Luther Burton I think umre ranking wise all right look we’ll continue this uh can freshman be in the 90s no freshman cannot be in the 90s in

My opinion it’s like rookies can’t be 90s in the NFL they all start like high 70s low 80s like Dylan riola should come in as like an 83 is that fair because you’re kind of sucking his dick anyway if you give him 83 right am I is that too

Much 80 yeah I mean what is the cap I would say like 82 83 for a freshman yeah that’s what I mean yeah like should be the highest one and then you see where it goes goes from there um Hilton Carrol says Ryan Williams has me an 85 feels a

Little feels a little put in the cart before the horse but I do agree he probably needs to be higher than Rola because well it’s GNA be harder to play quarterback um T Bob is about to be on a golf course doing lines off a cart

Girl’s ass uh for those in chat that may not know what that’s about um I’m going to my brother’s bachor party this weekend uh leaving tomorrow morning we’re going to Florida but actually we’re not doing golf We’re Just Fishing the whole time so we’re just doing lines off gonna be [Laughter]

Super oh man yeah yeah uh Jeremiah Smith 85 I could I could see like an 84 for Jeremiah Smith for sure um but no I I don’t no freshman should start in the 90s like Aaron said you want to update rankings and put them in

There yes uh go for it all right let’s get into to some snaps mailbag uh do it every Thursday uh we do every Tuesday but this week we’re doing Thursday yeah whatever know what are you gonna do I’m I’m all distracted uh question from Lori H pregame superstitions as a player or

Fan have I have I told my weird one where I don’t I don’t uh touch people with my right hand during game day no I’ve never heard that so I had I I never ever ever ever this actually started freshman year would Shake anyone’s hand

During game day or like give him a high five with my right hand it’ always be the left hand and people felt like I was disrespecting him but my freshman year first game so I went to like we do everything right-handed in that regard I

Went to DAP up one of the receivers and he like because you know a lot of guys want they want to look good they want to GL they want to look like their muscles are popping so they put like oil on their arms or like Vaseline so need an

Old like lineman cheat so that you can’t be grabbed but yes so I went to give him a high five or something like smack them and all of a sudden all oil all my hand just just dripping oil right before I have to go throw a football so boy

Didn’t want to be ashy dude he was just moisturized so from there on out no more everything was left hand fist bump Left Hand high five dude who get so pissed like why you disrespecting me man I’m like I’m not disrespecting you I’m just not going to touch your greasy ass hands

Before I have to go out there and do my job I’m sorry I mean it’s it’s a little extra it’s a little qb1 Primadonna but that’s only with the left hand still only with the left hand still that’s such a high pressure job that you have to do that um

I’ll allow it I get it because also when you do grease up the hand we all know it’s like it is a little hard hard to get off well I guess you grease up your hand to get off but it’s a little hard to remove like the lotion or oil or

Whatever it is like it never quite goes away uh so I okay I could see it although I don’t know I snam the ball I never had a problem with it probably because it wasn’t a little [ __ ] though um my only pregame Superstition was I would uh pretend like I was putting on

Um I would pretend like I was putting on a suit of armor and so like you know like with all your different like pad pieces and everything and the final thing after CQ exchange and we would come back in for a little bit before going back out the final part was

Putting on the war paint and that’s when I would just take the black face paint and give a good one of these just downbow cheeks and at that point it was like let’s [ __ ] go dude like here it is game time and then the other thing is

Actually kind of in line with you Aaron um so maybe I was a little [ __ ] I would I would wear a bunch of like swaggy stuff of my right arm right like a random like AI shooting sleeve basically like elbow pad type deal that I didn’t

Really need I’d get my right wrist all like spatted and taped up all crazy um I would keep my left arm naked save for a snapping glove because even when I was playing guard just because that was like my my snapping hand and so I liked this

One feeling all kind of Juiced up with a shield and stuff but my sword hand was free and ready to [ __ ] go at all times see I would I would change wrist I had eight pairs of wristbands actually maybe more eight total wristbands maybe 10 I would change I’d have wristbands

For pregame warm-up the first pregame warm-up the main pregame warm-up first half second half so I went through a total of eight um that was a sweaty sweaty dude so I need I mean also those you know changing those things out makes sense I

Used to keep a towel on my ass for the quarterback and then you’re right I forgot about that I would always have a big uh wristband on my right hand as well but again none on the uh on the left um oh by the way if you want to ask

Uh uh if you want to ask us any questions um go ahead and put them in the chat and uh we’ll get into it tab definitely thought himself as a knight in armor in the dammo line I mean you know me dude there’s there’s I I cannot

Escape the medieval uh metaphors when it comes to explaining how I felt playing college football and how it felt running out with all those people going crazy and the Exotic sights and sounds and smells and colors and songs like what is it but a grand tournament uh back in

Medieval times I mean we even got like the flags and everything um did you did did uh did Ben Jones used to rock a towel on the ass for you Aaron not on the ass but he didn’t have a sweaty ass and I always had a towel so

Didn’t need him too Ben would walk around the entire Stadium barefoot before every game oh really like get connected with the Earth do matter like cold hot rainy soggy whatever like Ben would take his shoes off and just walk for about 30 minut that’s that’s a country bow right

There huh has to be in the snow he would do it too I’m saying is that is that a is he from the Country Ridge like is from like middle Bumble [ __ ] yeah that’s what I’m saying that’s a man who loves being in the woods and he had and he

Needs to get connected with that Earth before he does B I respect it not me but I respect it t Bob and Aaron what would your college football ratings in the game be if y’all played today I’m just gonna say like my last was a 95 back in

The day 95 I think my last one was a 93 um you do beat but uh today uh 42 be a solid 42 I’d be 70 because I I got the brain like I could I could put the team in the right position this [ __ ] don’t ask me don’t ask me

To like go out there you just talked about how you threw a football the other day and it was just utter [ __ ] yeah because I was throwing it like 40 yards like you know I want to be Manning in his last year in Denver could barely

Throw the ball 35 but he’ get him in the right play get get him the right play that’s true check it away like my smarts now I would outsmart those little colge [ __ ] I put the team in the right spot we go have success I’d throw the ball

Maybe eight times a game 10 times a game JJ McCarthy it I’d be good IQ 99 yeah I mean I just couldn’t really hang in the trenches anymore bro when I was on the senior ball I’m like these [ __ ] is Big um M as big as I

Used to be unfortunately uh not as strong God it was so tight when I could binge 450 pounds dud just felt like a [ __ ] meat tank uh greatest opposing Center t-b ever faced greatest uh college quarterback Murray ever faced um certainly the pouncy Bros were pretty

Badass back in the day I can’t remember which one played center but give me the pouncy Bros for my answer best quarterback that I remember going against uh Connor Shaw South Carolina are you trying to be a hipster no Conor Shaw was a beast man you and

Zack murger dueled in Athens now [ __ ] yeah but Connor and I duel it three two or three times against each other Conor was Conor was really damn good never got to go against Manzel we I miss Manzel both years tring think like who the top SEC quarterbacks were oh I mean um your

Boy the Lefty from Boise State Kell oh Kell Mo Kell Mo Kell Moore oh yeah they beat yall right yeah that’s crazy um yeah well he was 50 50 and three as a starter so uh there’s not many he didn’t lose many dude um Flowery Branch hi grad Connor Shaw I didn’t know

That um shout out Flower Branch I guess cam new did play the same time too my bad cam newon it’s the CTE boys it’s catching up uh yeah also you’re not well I guess actually quarterback you are going against the opposing quarterback I’m not really ever going against the

Opposing Center so they were also pretty nameless and faceless for the most part uh B Molinari uh what features do you want to see in the game talking about college football obviously alternate uni Stadium noise and Rumble Dynasty mode um I I do love a little haptic feedback I

Know Rumble may be cheesy to some but I like when the crowd gets rocking they used to do the kind of screen shaking and and and and and Rumble effect in the controller um I really want I want a I want mascot mode but instead of all of the team

Being one uh mascot I want to be able to choose like I If you go player to player that probably too confusing but I’d like to choose like um I want my line to be this mascot my quarterback to be this one but that’s not GNA happen that’s a

Weird one but I want mascot mode yeah definitely mascot mode to me as long as everything is up to date with what’s going on in college football I’ll be happy and transfer portal coaches getting fired three weeks before the end of the season uh things like that small

Touches the small touches we got a touch on Georgia State right after this uh ad from DraftKings get in on the action with the DraftKings sports book an official sports betting partner of the NBA check this out guys if you’re a new customer use the promo code T-Bob TBO

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$11,000 if your first bet loses only on draftking Sportsbook with code T-Bob the crown is yours uh b n say is it naggie I don’t think we had a mascot team yall should just have that would actually be hilarious a bunch of the [ __ ] dogs or just like Yell Leaders just the Yell

Leaders in their white would also actually that’s funnier I think I would want a team of generic White Guy Yell Le that are just the exact same uh all across the board just a bunch of just blonde dudes with a bunch of f f boy Fades just running around out there yeah those

Military crew cuts dude uh somebody said uh that they just better oh Professor X 420 Professor Flex 420 that’s a screen name boys they better emphasize the Rivalry aspect of college football yes um I don’t exactly know how but but again I think that’s like that’s the

Stuff I feel like NCAA was always pretty good at capturing the pageantry the Ambiance and now they’ve just had um years and much better technology to explore so I I think they’ll I think they’ll hit on that um we’ll see uh should they add a blitz should they add a blitz version where

You can see when you injure people and fight at halftime uh of course this was the this was not the arcade Blitz the console Blitz which I never played but but no look I love arcade football and I would love an arcade football Blitz version like I wish they still had a

Choice like that it’s like how I like arcade hockey but I also like Sim hockey and I like Sim football and so you have to kind of keep them in separate silos in my opinion um chance Babin will y all talk college baseball this year no uh no

Because Aaron’s a little [ __ ] but opening day tomorrow boys if you’re a real one hit the Thumbs Up Button uh W’s in the chat for college baseball open it back up tomorrow I really can’t wait I was supposed to do my morning show from there but I’m going to be missing it go

On his party uh are are is like is Georgia gonna be any good this year I don’t ask me that question I have no idea you know I’m not a true Georgia fan I don’t care about anything Georgia related unless it’s football PG says uh we can rap whenever and Aaron’s clearly

Reached the point of the show where he’s just trying to be quiet so that I end the show but look we got questions roll in N no what about brackets when March rolls around uh yeah we’ll do some brackets we’ll do some for college basketball um uh I want to Road to Glory

Be Like NBA 2K where there’s a story mode uh but one for each position o that’d be tough to do but maybe so I mean right so they gotta have like do you still have to have a basic season mode nowadays because okay you got to

Probably have like a a be a pro Road to Glory whatever mode where you’re single player and you’re gr go the high school ranks up to the college yeah yeah uh you got to have the dining mode the full feature dining mode um you got to have

Online who’s on the cover I think that’s a good question who’s gonna be on the cover sa I think Nick Savin dude I thinking insane if it’s not Nick sa like that was brought up this morning and I kind of got pushed back from the room and I was just shocked I’m like

Y’all think some random ass player is a better fit than Nick [ __ ] Sabin on the football like could not be more perfect I mean literally the perfect moment for for them to just roll out with the big punches to have the greatest coach of all time on the cover

Of the game that has been gone for a decade Nick s been 100% needs to be on the cover of college football Dave here says aren’t they usually players yes yes yes they are but again this is uh this is the complete op like this is not a

Normal situation this is like when you put Madden on the cover of like Madden 25 or whatever it was you are like the greatest coach in the sports history just retired at the time when you’re re-releasing the game with enough Runway to make whatever changes you have

To make to put them on the cover that would a big move by Alabama too to just completely put away uh jd5 from being on the cover yeah I know [ __ ] brutal dude Sabin football 25 ISS Justin W uh will they have it to that your group of five head coach

Leaves to watch uh leaves to wash Kirby or toor’s car during the season for double the salary yes so uh Georgia state’s head coach left here now in the middle of spring to go be what South Carolina’s tight ends coach I believe that’s wild because it’s not

Even like you’re joining an Uber stable situation at South Carolina no like Beamer took a step back this year I mean I get it it’s really hard what he’s having operate under but like he took a step back and like who knows how secure

That job is but I guess I mean look more money is more money money more being a part of the SEC are big 10 that’s that’s we’ve talked about that before like you all roads are heading in those directions they already there I mean they’re not even heading there like we

Are there we’re at the point right now where it’s SEC Big 10 like you want to be a part of it you want to be part of the uh the the transition into the new phase of college football now I don’t think this is as true maybe on the

Georgia state level though maybe it is and I’m ignorant um but as we said yeah the because uh bo says head coaches leading for coordinator positions become more common uh certainly with the Chip Kelly news right but but yeah like we said if you’re a major college football

Head coach it has never been less about the football it is way more about organizational management and Leadership and um what’s a a delegation uh than it has ever been before uh Graham from Michigan deserves be a 99 best offensive lineman in the country um I I’m I’ll cite my own

Ignorance there uh in terms of not knowing um much about him otherwise that seems like a good call Mr goblue all right that’ll do it another great episode to snaps Yeah so basically CEO but yeah exactly uh thank you so much to everybody for hanging out with us today

Um I’m T bab he’s Aon Murray we love doing the show slaps please y’all hit the like button sub if you’re into it share with your friends I know a lot of y’all listen on Spotify massive thank you if you’re ready to review it on there that helps same thing on Apple

And a huge thank you to Pat Gunther Danny cardz Chris Tran whole team the volume and uh we love you we’ll see you back look remember content every day on the YouTube channel we’ll back live on Monday see you then uh have a great weekend later y’all


  1. Travis Hunter is the most overrated player in college football. Dude got cooked for 200 yards in 1 game to some no name guy last year. He’s a good receiver, but mediocre DB

  2. How in the Hell Murray did you forgot to rank Bowers? You should be flogged with a wet noodle!!!! Oh, oh, why are you ducking our boy Brooks from the QB passing challenge. So a prior college and NFL QB has to prepare against a novice? I don't know? Sorry sir had to poke the bear. God bless you and your family. Go Dawgs!!!@

  3. Jesus loves you guys so much and all he wants is a relationship with you. Please choose him today and stop following satan and the things of this world.

  4. I hope they give the option to start out as a OC/DC. I alway started like that at a big school then took over at a EMU or CSU as a head coach. The game knew USC was gonna suck for a decade after the sanctions so I would rebuild them after 10-15 years somewhere else.

  5. Im heading that EA sports college football 25 will not be on Xbox one or playstation 4 that's a let down right there

  6. Fellas I’m a trucker , can’t bring my PS on the road is the Switch any good?? Hope cfb25 lives up to its lineage!! Big shoes big feet

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