Overcoming Common Golf Swing FAULTS and their FIXES

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In this video, Adam Bazalgette guides you through essential steps to overcome the most common golf swing faults. From detailed video analysis to on-range demonstrations, Adam shares expert techniques and strategies to help you fix those common swing issues. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned golfer, this episode is a valuable resource for refining your skills.

✅ 4-Time SW Florida PGA teacher of the year winner!
✅ 27-year Class A PGA Member
✅ Former director at David Leadbetter Golf Academy for 13 years
✅ Hosted corporate outings worldwide
✅ Regular Golf Channel appearances
✅ Coached players on PGA, LPGA, PGA Champions Tour, and Canadian Tour






Adam basil jet here founder of scratch Golf Academy today overcoming common golf swing faults and their fixes we’re going to pick two of the most common that’s kind of a bad takeaway where the club Gets behind you and the dreaded over the top simple usable Keys hope

These will help you so number one let’s look at a good takeaway or what I would consider a good takeaway Adam Scott here a little bit close up if we look at the design of the club you don’t want to nitpick it too much but you’d like the

Club to travel relatively up that plane line so many golfers getting the club way back here behind them we’ll have a look at that also you’ll notice as you look at him I’ve done a close-up here because I want you to see his chest and his abs and his arms not rigidly but

Everything’s really working together there giving him a very repeatable start to the back swing and a good start to the back swing makes the whole thing a lot easier okay key number one you have to engage your core a little bit as you start back we’re not talking about lots

Of movement or turn just trying to turn on this axis but picture if I had a heavy bucket a bucket a full bucket of range Balls by the handle and I had to move it I’d feel some engagement here if you don’t get engaged and move a bit

Your right arm’s going to fold too much and the club’s going to go inside your Trail arm so engage a little bit as you get started key number two this is a lot more natural and easy than you might think I’m telling you other great players couldn’t do it all these

Hundreds of great players couldn’t do it if it wasn’t try this little trick put your hands together leave your glove or lead hand there and with a little engagement here just pull back to about rib cage High here like you were going to smack that hand or smack something on

That hand and you’ll feel how there’s a natural Arc a natural movement that in conjunction with your body it doesn’t have to be complicated there’s another one let’s have a close-up look Okay the third thing is this Trail wrist really trips people up people that take the club inside either typically bend it

Back too much and create a a lot of angle here you don’t see that with the top players we talked about your core and the club staying in front of you initially or they roll it too much that sort of thing so here’s what I would

Want you to feel I’ve got a mini club here you can do it without a club or put a pencil or something in your hand the basic job of the wrist is to hinge up and down it’s not quite going to work like that though because as you start to

Have a bit of an arc here and as this elbow begins to fold a little bit it will bend this wrist will bend back on itself just a little bit it’s basically as I turn breaking up and down but with a little backward Bend you’ll see some

Creases in the skin in the back of your wrist put the pencil in your hand I’ve got a little Club here again if I was going to whack this glove hand no break there starting to feel a little pressure but not this way not quite up but just a

Little bit of pressure back in that wrist there like so and you’ll start to find that plane nicely so our next Vault coming over the top what does that mean exactly that’s Justin Rose on the left that’s an everyday golfer on the right they’re both on a pretty good plane

Going back you’ll see Justin as he completes his back swing his hands rise a bit but he returns very much into that same angle the yellow line into that same plane and many golfers including this one come what we call over the top of that plane that is to say the club

Comes out this way and you could characterize that very frequently with the tendency to take the arms and club and go directly out towards the golf ball rather than that beautiful downward swinging onto the plane before coming towards the back of the ball okay here’s the surprise you may

Find people that come over the top typically have too much body motion now I know you’re saying to yourself wait a second I’ve always heard on these golf that you’re supposed to lead with your body on the down swing that’s true but what happens to people they get too much

Lunging at the ball especially with their upper body and chest where their arms are connected and what happens is the body pulls the club forward so what are you trying to do with your body you’re trying to use it I’ll show you in just a moment to deliver speed to

Transfer energy from you out to the club P head sooner than what you’re probably doing if you’re coming over the top starts with a good mental picture of impact let with a quick look at that then we’ll show you how to get this transfer of energy from you to the club

So the mental picture it may seem obvious enough we’re trying to put pressure on the back of the ball so that it goes forward there’s Loft built into the club obviously so it goes in the air we are not just trying to hit or hit down at the ball take your putter this

Is what I recommend for you and get somewhat of a golf set up it’ll sit back on its heel so the toes up a bit but just make some small swings and in your mind’s eye how would you hit this ball if you had to move it 50 yards along a

Gigantic green I promise you most people instinctively with no coaching wouldn’t come down and get the ball bouncing like that they just wouldn’t do it so the clear mental picture is the golf club needs to come from the side of your body along the ground to the back of the ball

Now we’re ready to really work on it so now that you’ve got a reasonable mental picture here’s what you’re trying to achieve if I have this impact bag or whatever you want to picture there like that if I had to take this stick and pop that thing like that which is

Effectively what I’m trying to do to the ball I certainly wouldn’t do that that’s for sure I need to start with this I need to engage that like skipping a rock there but that’s a little bump of movement and that energy should go right to that golf club and you’ll find it so

Much easier to stay on plane you start musling it and doing all this number one you’ll get off plane number two you won’t create that much speed so if I throw that aside for just a second here get yourself a short iron I’ve got an e IR

Here let’s get in here make a small back swing I’m not trying to kill it but I’m trying to feel that nice little engagement and tightening there and the pop of the golf club that’s the sort of feel we’re looking for now there’s a big Pitfall that robs

People of being able to master this look at that in the final segment coming just up but let’s have a quick look from here now if you haven’t done this before one of the sensations in addition to this movement and this would involve some weight transfer certainly and some

Rotation but it’s mostly engagement here to get to one of the sensations you’ll find is that your Trail arm though nice and bent and athletic here will snap straighter than what you’re used to most of the time over the Toppers arms are bent body’s too active look all crumpled

Up through the ball so let’s pop that out of the way and when you hit these little shots and you’re working on this make sure that’s out of your way there you should start to notice two things that happen number one your arms get past your legs they don’t come in here behind

You or this way and number two they’ll get nice and long as you go through there that’s cuz energy is transferring out there let’s get straight in front of the camera that’s the sort of feeling you want get that energy there you’ll really really find this easy let’s look at that

Pitfall if you like this video by the way I hope you’ll consider subscribing to this channel hit the Bell there also you’d be notified when we have fresh videos coming your way okay what’s the big Pitfall that is this golfers that come over the top generally are not very

Good at squaring the face it’s part of that package when they come this way the face is open the ball tends to curve to the right they’ll pull it once in a while but not that often and if you start swinging with some speed and some

Energy in here and you’re not good at squaring the face you may hit it harder but you’ll hit it worse that Ball’s going to go over there too much and it’s a natural override that people have to get the ball online and in front of them

And again if you’re not good at squaring the face you’ll just start coming over the top again to help yourself so check your grip for sure not going to get into that in a lot of detail here we have several grip videos at this channel if

You want to look those up but suffice it to say the lead hand needs to be down in the the fingers enough and wrapped over enough that you can tilt the face pretty easily and here’s the other thing you have got to tilt that face what I mean

By tilt the face close the face you have got to do that sooner than what you’re used to so as you’re coming down I’m talking back here you have to start to feel that thing shutting down a little bit it could be done with within the pop

With energy but it has to happen soon it has to happen a lot I’m going to recommend to you if you’re working on this if because you’re probably still going to come slightly over the top for a we while if 80% of your misses aren’t

Over to the left you need to really work on that club face okay so if you can get that club face square and you can transfer the energy I’m telling you you can lick this over the top thing you can do it I want to encourage you thanks for watching

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