WHAT’S IN MY BAG TO START THE 2024 SEASON!!! (Casey White ~ Team Discmania)

Here is what will be in my bag entering the 2024 season! Every year I get so excited to throw in some freshies, as well as keep on throwing my tried and true discs. Ready for the new season to kick off this weekend!

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And I own so many discs that mean so much to me so for a disc to make my bag it has to mean so much to me so these discs have passed the trials and tribulations and they are locked in for the year what is up guys welcome back to the

Vlog I am here at Cliff Stevens Park in Clearwater Florida the invitationals coming up quick The Season’s about to kick off right here in Florida a little bit north in Brooksville but I figured what a better time than ever than right now to film my official building the bag for 2024

Obviously discs rotate in and out of the bag as the year goes on you lose some they beat up you know you need to replace one because it’s not overstable anymore but every single year I like to Showcase what I’ll be working with what you might be seeing in the bag at some

Point for a specific course or a specific whole specific situation that I might find myself in as the year goes on so without further Ado let’s get right into it starting with the putters I’m still putting with my Old Faithful not the first ever pair that I used but my

Pine p2s I’ve been using these ones since about August 2022 full-time they had been in and out before that just trying to get the Reps in but then they finally beat up to just be laser beam straight and uh I’m more confident than ever with this pair right now I love the

Stiffness I love the slickness there’s just something about a pair when they’re right in that money stage of beat up that they’re not too flippy not too overstable they’re just laser straight got to love it and to match the putting pair I have the exact same Pine P2 as a

Throwing putter shout out to Caleb Bruce I got this one off of him slightly used I’m still trying to beat it up more and more as time goes on last year in 2022 I was putting or I was throwing my old putting putter the baby blue bar stamp

With the Huck lab but unfortunately I lost it at The Crush on the Concho just playing a fun doubles round with Trevon I tried to go for a eagle and it didn’t even feel that Reckless but I lost it and I haven’t been able to find

Something that flips as much as that one did cuz it had like a huge chunk taken out of it this one will work its way it’s just a matter of playing more courses where it can get beat up one of my new favorite discs in the bag Kyle

Klein Cosmic Fury the Lux Vapor logic a lot of people have been asking for the Lux Vapor logic to come out and man did I was I in for a treat this thing flies like an md1 but in my opinion it’s just a little bit more predictable it doesn’t

Seem to drift too far right or or even left or an md1 it seems like if I were to miss the angle it could get away from me a little bit easier whereas the cosmic Fury since it’s only a putter it might get away from me a little bit but

The penalty isn’t as large but I throw this thing power grip Hiser hard and it just flips up to dead straight and I have an ace with this back home in Massachusetts already next up this is no shock to anybody as much as I love the

P3x this is the manite one that I got from my red mystery box and I don’t even throw orange discs but this disc the orange on orange it was too pretty I could not resist it had to go in the bag and the p3x is the perfect compliment to

The cosmic Fury where the cosmic Fury is the heer flip to Flat this is the flat to Heiser Putter and I can put a little Annie on it get it to drift right where like the cosmic Fury will want to turn over this one just kind of pans out

Cosmic Fury and p3x great combo the next great combo of approach disc in my bag is the EXO hard tactic and the Seine tactic now a lot of my fans who have been following me for years would know that the exos soft tactic has always been my bread and butter but to

Complement the sealine tactic the exos soft would beat up to be puddle toop but it would be overstable with no Glide this is overstable with no Glide so I want straighter with more Glide to complement it where the soft I I always found myself either it depended on what course I was

Playing I would either only throw the sea line and not even touch my EXO tactic or I would only throw my EXO soft and not touch the sea line where these two are completely different flights this is an anti Flex forehand and this is a heer flip to straight forehand the

Hole that I think of the most when I think of the EXO soft T the EXO hard tactic and what it means to my bag is hole eight at brazzo’s East Adam hamus aced it the final round last year it’s just a Heiser flip and you just want it

To scoot up to the basket and not dump all the way right down the hill very very rarely backhand either one of these um but for a sidearm disc I I can’t ask for anything more than what I have here in my bag all right moving on to the

Mid-ranges but this first one is not typically used as a mid-range it is typically used as a putter that is my baby blue dline MD this is going on three and a half years in the bag ever since my first one broke and man do I love discs that make

It that long in the bag this thing is a just a laser beam it’s everything that a putter does except I can throw it farther so when I’m 120 ft and I want a jump putt a P2 that’s a little risky where the MD it’s just a little bit of

Little bit of snap and it has so much more Glide but it’s like a Hiser flip putter it’s kind of weird but jump putts this thing is lethal from Deep now next up is a new addition to the bag I got this from Mike Carmen another dline MD

But this one just feels a little bit different it’s got a little bit different wear pattern this was used as a thrower by Mike and actually Colton Montgomery so this is a a thirdhand disc for me but dline MD it’s just power grip Hiser flip late Drifter or a little fan

Grip dead straight shot that doesn’t require much speed or spin to get it to go straight the dline MD is just like I mean I’ve always loved it a lot of people know that I’ve always loved it but the one thing for me is I always want to have like a base plastic

Mid-range in my bag just in case a rain round sound happens and maybe it’s unexpected maybe I didn’t have an umbrella rainfly whatever you got to have like a putter plastic disc that if all goes wrong you can at least rely on something with a good grip to have it in

The bag so definitely happy to have this one this year now this disc is one of the newer additions to my bag for the 2024 season the first run sine fiend also known as the md2 I was looking for basically an md3 that didn’t fade or

An md1 that didn’t turn as much and I have found it the sine Fiend I think was the most like slept on disc for me as far as me being very very well versed in the dis Mania lineup I tried to stay away from the discs that I was scared

That I couldn’t get more of the second run FD but once I got one I I became obsessed and wanted to get more first run sine p3x I didn’t want to get attached to one then I threw them and I’m like wow what a great disc and the

Next one in that c category is the sine fiend however I have friends that have more and I’ve acquired some from some other friends shout out to grd Shu and Paul cran this disc is my just like gentle turn mid-range like I like that I

Can throw it on a gentle fan grip Heiser and it’ll just just barely drift left I can throw it on a gentle Annie with some decent Spin and it’ll just barely drift right it won’t turn more or heer more it’ll just move in that Direction and

Something about the hand feel for me it just feels right and it’s very very torque resistant and I am very happy about that this disc makes me so happy the Seine method this is the perfect compliment to the fiend because this is torque resistant overstable I could throw it on

Annie and it holds but it flattens out I could throw it on Heiser and it’ll hold the higher the Seine method is what I have been asking for for a very long time if you saw my Stafford Woods video I had my ice clear one I lost that unfortunately

So I’m back to this red one this one’s a 173 but I found that I think I actually like the 173 better because if I want it to be overstable all I have to do is dip it down on a little bit of Hiser angle where my clear one was so overstable

That if I didn’t get it on Annie there was like no chance I could get to go straight one of the most requested discs in the dis Mania lineup for me the SE line method I’m very very excited to take it out on tour and see what I can

Do at some of these courses with a nice beaded overstable mid-range of my bag and that’s not knocking the Neo method it’s just I don’t know or the Lux Vapor method I just never found those ones to feel right in my hand now I have the

Seine method so I don’t got to worry about it this next disc was featured I think in my last year in the bag I wish that I could find something comparable to this in the current plastic but this is the original color glow Seine md5 and

The reason that I have this one is because it is basically warped like it was mutated in the factory to the point that it has this weird like puddle toop dip but it makes it so torque resistant and so overstable that it is just unmatched by any other md5 that we have

Made not to say that the MD FS we make are all Dy but none of them are puddle toop and something about my sidearm it just like they don’t come out of my hand right if there’s if the shoulder doesn’t dip down and it dips up you know this is

A very reliable disc for me I used it so much last year and it’s just like it it has made me too much money in too many crucial situations for me to take it out of the bag when I feel like I truly do need it so Seine md5 the beaded version

Still in the bag getting into the Fairway drivers my favorite category of discs to throw starting with one of my favorite Fairway drivers I’ve ever thrown the color glow Seine FD the night strike one man and when we get to play in the woods does this disc just do amazing

Things for me it’s higher flip dream that late late late flip got some great Aces with a night strike one my old Huck laab died one and uh yeah it’s got perfect amount of Glide perfect amount of turn and it’s flippy enough for me to turn it into a roller but also torque

Resistant enough for me to get like a heer flip sidearm like a big germ style same thing as the md5 it has made me so much money in my career that I cannot argue even trying to take out of the bag so night strike one still going strong

For another year in the bag this is probably going to be a real shock to people I have two Skywalkers in my bag this one is beat up I’ve been throwing this one since September when they released and this one is relatively new it’s been in the bag for about a month

Uh I like to have one that’s dead straight it actually replaced my night strike 2 in my bag the beat up Skywalker slot and this one is straight to stable that’s all I’m going to say this is straight to turn straight to stable The Perfect combo all the Glide in the world

And the Skywalker is just an amazing disc I know that a lot of dis Maniacs know that they’ve got to experience it for themselves they bought 20 a piece and they sold out so just once again thank you to all my dis Mania fans for

Loving the Skywalker as much as I do it is an incredible disc it is so glidey it is so versatile sidearm backhand you name it Skywalker was an absolute home run for me first signature series of my career and I’m excited for the future see what see what we can make next two

Skywalkers in the bag and the perfect compliment to the Skywalker is a max weight Seine fd1 this disc is the wind fighter Skywalker the Skywalker is a great disc don’t get me wrong but when it’s a little bit of headwind this is what I need Skywalker is really good

Flipping up and pushing straight you know it might it might flip up to like that that slight Hiser but it’ll be going more straight than it is left whereas the Seine fd1 will just come up a bit shorter less Glide more overstable it just it makes sense and you kind of

Need this sea line to complement it and that’s what makes the perfect combo this one is an old trusty as well shout out to Greg barsby for giving me this first run Seine cd2 2014 usdc stamp if you saw me on coverage at ledstone at Northwood black

This was a Workhorse Seine cd2 is the disc for me at Northwood black I mean I I have I have a couple other discs but that it was like they designed the course after this disc this is a longer version of my night strike one it is the

Same flight I throw it on Hiser flip to turn I throw it on side arm flip UPS maybe a little bit of turn and it just goes a little bit farther than the FD that’s really all it is it’s a fairway driver that has sneaky distance that goes almost as far as a

Distance driver and I cannot recommend a cd2 now known as a cd1 enough to any player of any skill type just a allaround home run now this disc is brand new to my bag this one in particular not the mold is the Kyle Klein special edition Vanguard I was

Bagging a light blue with a black stamp until yesterday I threw it on whole 18 at Olympus and the wind decided to take after a perfect Hiser flip going all the way down the hill it lifted and turned it and it went straight into the pond so

This one is brand new in the bag today but I actually did throw a really good shot or two with it so this green on green I got this one from disc golf 978 I couldn’t say no I had to buy it and now it’s in the bag oh a little bit more

About the Vanguard though I used to throw a beat up lone how one and the Vanguard is like the perfect answer to that call because it flies like a be beat up lone how one without having to beat it up so shout out to Kyle for putting two discs in my bag immediately

The cosmic Fury and the Vanguard got a couple of fd3s this one you’ll recognize if you’ve seen any of my in the bags I’ve ever had because it’s been in my bag for four years now color glow sealine fd3 this is the forehand Workhorse for me in the woods if I need

Something fast and Skippy all I have to do is flick the wrist and it does what I need it’s just like with the amount of wear that this disc has I have thrown every single tree hit with this disc so I just know it so well and I can just

Manipulate it better than almost any other disc in my bag and that is why I need it so much because it is a scramble machine and I can just do so many different things with it that I I don’t know I could never see it coming out of

My bag as long as I still own it and don’t lose it but what every single beat up fd3 needs is a super super beefy fd3 this is a doom bird 4 died by Jesse p and Magna dies with a little Spider-Man action and I didn’t think I was going to

Like the doombird 4 because I don’t typically like to sidearm discs that have like that shoulder the doombird 4 has like that shoulder compared to my color glow is board flat if not puddle top but the difference being that this even though it’s overstable it has way

More Glide than my flat fd3s and I was watching Gavin Babcock throw his doombird for sidearm on so many holes last year that my flat top color glows couldn’t get to um so I decided to give it a shot and I’ve liked it ever since it’s kind of like overstable PD slot for

Back hands cuz I don’t bag a PD right now and that might change but for now it’s just where I’m at and for sidearms I can still get like that overstable flex and you know I just had to kind of give it a shot and ended up liking it

Moving on to to the most used disc on the disc off Pro Tour which is the distance drivers and I have probably my second favorite mold in the dis Mania lineup right now the dd1 I have three DD ones in my bag two Horizon one sline and just like

The Skywalkers I have a beat up Skywalker beat up dd1 a kind of not is beat up dd1 same thing as my white and blue Skywalker and then I have an sine to complement it all so it’s like this blue one is a happy little trees die that I

Throw super vertical Tiger Woods my old Tiger Woods dd1 Shout at the Tiger Woods my old black and yellow rim or black rim yellow middle Horizon dd1 that I was ripping up North with black with that’s kind of the shot shape that I get out of

This but this is just put on hold until I go back to to north of black and then Tiger Woods is going to come right back out to shine and like I said this one is just a little bit more this is one’s a little heavier and the black rims seem

To be a little bit more overstable so this one’s basically just dead straight and then the sine ones I’m sure if you’ve tried them you know that the S lines are a little bit more overstable than the horizons the horizons I would argue have more Glide but these ones are

Just a little bit more dependable and I also prefer the sine for sidearm more than the Horizon no real reason there just kind of like instinctual feel thing blue is flippy black rim is straight white is stable to overstable is not nothing ridiculous though one of my sidearm favorites and Heiser flip

Backhand favorites I’m working on it is the 2022 Creator series Cloud Breer these were never the most overstable Cloud breaker but kind of the same thing like the Vanguard it was like everything that I was getting or looking for in my distance drivers without having to beat

It up without losing it so this one actually is a little bit beat up I got this from Jeremy Bley shout out team buff member Jeremy binley back home he gave it to me the morning of a Team Challenge match I just didn’t have that that right slot of like Heiser flip to

Straight and he was like yeah if you like it you can keep it and I have bagged it ever since and it is an absolute Workhorse for me I’m throwing sidearms heer flip maybe a little bit of ter I just feel like I’m just whipping them harder than I ever have before in

My life and it’s like I don’t know if it’s the disc or if it’s just me but this disc has been making me very happy very confident and you know I I also really like that I can replace it easily cuz I have a solid stack of about 10 of

These Creator series Cloud Breakers all right enough funny business you know what it is just send it and just send it again no better combo in the world four years strong 2 and 1/2 years strong in The Bag Man do these go far I filmed a video

Today at Cliff Stevens Noah five as and you’ll just have to check it out because I threw one of the farthest shots in my career with this disc right here and I don’t know it’s just something about the they’re the most doy d3s I’ve ever seen yep max weight and I’ve been throwing

Some gas sidearms with them same thing gas sidearms heer flip backand the difference between just send it one and just send it two is just send it one is like a Hiser flip and maybe like it’ll it’ll just Drift But the just send it again is like I could torque it

Over and it’s just going to pan all the way but because they’re so Dy it’s like they never fall out of the sky they’ll just hold and then once they get there flat it’ll just hold up at the same height and just come all the way back

And I can’t say enough good things about these discs once again another disc in the bag that I can just say these discs have made me so much money in my career that I I don’t know I I I I love how passionate I am for my disc but I hate

How terrifying it is to think that I could potentially lose them one day and I always told myself that I will retire this disc before I lose it but there are certain scenarios where this disc can make her break a tournament for me and she does her best so still going strong

Another year in the bag for the just send it now a little bit more of a modern era just send it this is a r air run of the 2022 Creator series cloudbreaker because it is kind of shaped like I just send it it’s just pop

Top stiff this right now is the Step Up For just send it again it’s overstable but not like pd2 Max maximum amount of overstable it’s just like that perfect amount of workable overstable where it’s going to fight the wind and fade hard but it has that Dome so that the Glide

Even though it’s so overstable or or just more overstable it’s still still gets the distance because it’s doy enough to keep the Glide but shout out to Kyle Klein he gave me this one slightly seasoned which as you might know is like my preferred way to receive

Discs from friends and whatnot is a slightly seasoned disc feels like it’s already been loved last two in the bag is going on two years strong first run Seine pd2 got this from Beast stank which he believes used to belong to Simon at one point this is the

Sidearm Workhorse it is my forehand flexer in the woods it is my backhand Skipper when I don’t need the Glide of a dd3 but I still want like the speed and the skip this pd2 is an absolute Workhorse for me I cannot say good enough good things about it and you know

It doesn’t go as far as a dd3 or maybe even a dd1 but just the slot that it fills is a one of aind thing super super used and beat up pd2 so it’s not uncontrollably overstable it’s perfect amount of workable overstable and man this is another one I cannot lose that

Disc or else I will be hurting this should be no shocker to anybody because this disc rocks the brand new sine pd2 the sky Stone from the mystery box super doy you know it and super overstable but it still goes far like I can throw these

Almost 500 ft if I just get the angle right and get the right win like I’m throwing one shot on whole 16 here at that I’m going down the left side jack knife Annie but it has so much Dome that it like I said it’s like with

Ad just send it it doesn’t lose the height with the extreme angle it’ll just flatten out and it’ll stay keep the same height come back for a big Skip and if you don’t have the arm for a sky Stone pd2 you know it might just act kind of

More like closer to a tilt for you but everybody needs a super overstable disc that’s like a nice like heavy amount of skip around around the corner you know it it can fill a purpose it’s not like you need to throw x amount of distance in order to bag this disc like every

Disc is usable it’s just a matter of you as a player finding your use for it and for me this is my Emporia Country Club 40 mph headwind no fear just throwing it as hard as I can this disc is the one the bag is full guys this is what I am

Going to be playing the Invitational with my bag but this is just the first event so I wanted to go through another small stack here same thing I did last year of just disc that in a specific scenario you might see it come in the bag in and out like one

Specific hole one specific course that’s just the player I am I have so many different ways to manipulate my discs that I feel like every single disc has its own purpose and some specific shot shapes just call for an exact right mold Glide speed anything starting with my

Other set of Putters these are the Prototype Flex 2 rain makers anytime that the temperature drops below about 55° got to go with the Flex 2 the dline so I’m switching from Pine to dline when it gets cold out now I finished the winter putting with these and if you saw

My Stafford Woods Vlog you’ll know that these were hot when they came out of the bag so you know we’ve been to Waco in Texas the last couple years and it drops to 30° 40° 30 mph winds my hands get cold easy I need a little bit extra grip

The Flex 2 rain maker answers the call next up we have a couple of fds I have an sine FD and a night strike 2 now I said that my beat up black and blue Skywalker took out my night strike too however there is a very specific call if a

Whole I like to throw my Hiser flip FD sidearm that doesn’t fade or turn my night strike one typically will turn after it flips up to flat and the Skywalker will still get that fade so if I’m ever in a scenario where a t-shot calls for that the night strike 2 will

Make it back in the bag and then this sine FD I gave that a shadow stamp myself at the warehouse I love to do that shout out to DJ cookson he taught me how to and this is a I mean you could say it’s a backup for my night strike

One it’s the same flight but it has a little bit more of a flatter profile so it’s better for rollers I like to roll flatter discs because it’s less chance that the wind will try and like mess with it but you know it was a solid flyer I threw it all winter

I know it very well um it’s just not in the bag right now because the night strike one is just kind of like my preferred shot but it doesn’t mean it won’t make it into the bag eventually speaking of that late flip we have the

Zeta moon now this is a disc that I can tell you right now as soon as we go to Northwood black for Champions Cup The Zeta Moon will go straight in the bag I just need something that flips without having to be beat up for months so this

Is the flipp earier run of the new cd1 this is the sine cd1 and North black just asks for that nine-speed disc that can Heiser flip down the Fairway and right about at 300 ft it’ll either drift or it’ll turn and my cd2 drifts but this

One will turn a little bit more kind of similar to an Essence I prefer the Z moon it’s a little bit flatter than an Essence it’s a better hand feel and it’s a little bit stiffer so that is why I choose the Zam Moon Over The Essence but

Just a specific shot anytime that I need something farther than an FD but more understable than the cd2 I have in my bag you’ll see the Zeta Moon another one back in action for the season Boom the Full Tilt I have already thrown this in tournament twice upside down on hole 16

At Tom Brown Park at the open at Tallahassee last weekend and first time I threw it I almost aced it I’m just going to say that first throw with a tilt in Tournament of the year I almost skip aced and I still have not aced with the Tilt although I am so

So determined to do so but I am getting really really good at throwing this thing upside down and you know for me the Tilt is just so much fun and it like inspires me to throw a good shot and as a professional you know we go all over

The country and we play courses we might not want to play We Play Holes we might not want to throw but if I’m ever faced with an opportunity that I’m like ooh I could really do something special if I threw the Tilt here it just like it

Clicks something in my brain that I get so determined to throw a good shot that it’s like I don’t know it’s uh it’s just good motivation you might never need it but you’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it that’s all

I’m going to say tilt baby another one that it’s just a special occasion if that wind is wild and weird things are happening I have my sky Stone pd2 this metal flick Seine pd2 is probably the exact same stability it’s just super flat so I can’t think of an exact

Example right now but if there’s a scenario where I’m worried about the Dom and the Glide of the sky Stone kind of getting away from me this disc is closer to a tilt where it’s super flat so it’s going to do the flight but it might not

Like carry super far left or sidearms I’d probably rather like chop this one over than the sky Stone so the sealine metal flake pd2 it’s an acquired taste I can’t really tell you exactly what I’m going to use I’m just saying that there is definitely a chance that I’m going to

Put it back in the bag at some point this year and once again I got this pd2 from ESOP POA Nicholas Ana okay we got three left first one it’s just my roller dd3 I got this one from Austin W down at the warehouse in 2021 he said it was

Super Flippy and I was throwing at high altitude for the first time in my career so I just needed something that flew and this flew and then I went to se level and played OTB open the next weekend and it rolled so it just became my go-to

Roller because it’s not too uh doy and it’s flippy enough to roll and this thing just I don’t know it’s great distance roller disc that’s all I can really say about it this is Old Faithful right here the first ever Cloud breaker 2 that ever made it in my bag and right

Now it’s not in the bag I don’t know why but it doesn’t mean it’s not going to come back in and that’s why I wanted to feature it in this video still has kind of like an honorable mention because this disc I know it like the back of my

Hand I haven’t thrown it since the usdgc but that doesn’t mean that I can’t throw it tomorrow and it’ll fly like it never left the bag definitely have feared losing it and that’s why if I just don’t really feel right now oh I have to have

That disc in my bag right now I’m just going to let it um just keep the bench warm and this just means a lot to me so if it means that I come come to a point that I don’t need it anymore I’m just going to retire it the last one the the

Holy Grail of the new discmania lineup the golden horizon cloudbreaker this is a black bar stamp so it’s like a blackon black and I have thrown these a couple times and it’s kind of the exact same flight and feel of these pink ones this one is just brand new and I just think

That the black and gold looks badass so when the pink one gets a little more beat up and I need to start working one in that’s overstable and glidey the golden horizon cloudbreaker is going to come right in and I’m sure that it’ll be very very reliable and you know we have

So many tournaments on tour that it’s like a distance driver on every single hole and sometimes it feels like it’s a headwind on every hole and that is when you’re going to need this disc so it’s just a matter of time you never know but that is all

Folks 2024 in the bag bill building the bag but one last thing I wanted to shout out is my chalk bag I cannot play around a disc golf nowadays without my chalk and shout out to Gerald Brown he makes disc dust and Braden sides is the other

Person I know that uses this brand but he’s based out of Augusta Georgia at Escape Outdoors which is like an outdoor shop and Kyle Klein actually got me the hookup with him because Kyle went and shopped there at Champions Cup in 2022 and then he wanted to send us a care

Package and I tried to chalk bag out and ended up falling in love but shout out to Gerald if you guys are interested in checking out the disc dust chalk bags using the same chalk bags as me I’m going to put a link in the description

Below and you can go check out those bags maybe try one for yourself I can’t vouch enough for it he uses the highest quality chalk that he could possibly find in the market I just happened to stumble upon it and it worked perfectly for me and I never looked back 2024

Season this is year five for me on the road and you know there’s nothing to say other than let’s get things started let’s let’s grind it out 9 months and all the way through October these are going to be the discs that I am going to be chucking out there and everybody

Knows me I know uh they know that I value my disc so much and I own so many disc that mean so much to me so for a disc to make my bag it has to mean so much to me so these discs have passed the trials and tribulations and they are

Locked in for the year thank you once again for watching thank you to dis Mania for making these incredible discs thank you to disc golf 978 one of my sponsors check out them if you’re a local Massachusetts resident they got great dis Mania selection still got some

Skywalkers available I bet but uh shout out to pound this is my signature octo Thorp if you’re interested in getting this color combination with the white Cambo in the black bottom I’m going to put a link in the description for that as well for pound disc this bag has been used for over a year now and you know you would think that a white bag would see more wear and tear but I I mean I play a th000 rounds of disc golf a year it feels like and for this bag to be this white I mean you

Know you you would You’ probably think that this bag was pretty new considering that it’s white but no it’s over a year old and it’s still going strong and no signs of slowing down here we go guys Invitational this week Brooksville Florida if you’re in the

Area I hope that you guys buy tickets it’s going to be a very exciting start to the year first year ever starting in Florida not in Las Vegas for me so it’s going to be a little bit new it’s going to be a little bit different but we’re

EXC as excited as ever and once again guys thank you for watching like subscribe and we’ll see you next time


  1. i totally agree with your liking for the c line plastic at the method. i was waiting a long time for a kind of buzzz os stability disc in the discmania setup. the neo and the lux vapor methods aren't stable enough. but the c line comes near to it.😊

  2. The collecting, trading, and testing of discs is what makes this sport so special. Looks like an awesome lineup, best of luck out on tour!

  3. What mini are you going to use? Nobody ever includes those videos. Those discs look awesome in your bag!

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