Golf Players

Former Flame Kieran Vincent shares his journey as a LIV GOLF PRO! 🏌🏼‍♂️⛳️ | Flames Central

On Flames Central, Emily Austen gets an exclusive one-on-one interview with LIV Golf’s newest member and former Flame Kieran Vincent to talk about:

0:00 Kieran has had an “adventurous” journey so far
0:40 LIV Golf Playoffs
1:29 Joining Legion13
2:30 Playing on tour with Jon Rahm + brother
3:00 What has God taught you on this journey so far?

And now let’s catch up with the former flame Kieran it’s been an eventful year and a half since you left the mountain what’s one word you would use to describe your journey so far I would say adventurous I’ve gone to so many different destinations so many different places experienced so many

Cool people you know travel the world and just had a blast while doing it and so it’s been adventurous to say the least yeah it’s been so fun to try and keep up with what country you’re in but let’s go back to this past December you

Had to win a spot in a playoff at the live golf promotions event what was the pressure like in that situation it was actually kind of surreal because it made the that chapter so important um it was good to kind of be able to go through the long tiredness of that whole

Tournament um to be able to kind of reap the rewards of playing for this year and so it was it it was a long day um it was a hard day um it was a grueling test both mentally and physically um and yeah obviously going about it and playing

That 36 holes in that final day um you know coming down to the last couple of shots it it was it was nocking to say the least but I guess you can say the pressure paid off because then you found yourself on John ROM’s Legion 13 team

How did you guys meet or get connected did Yes actually the the first time I actually ever met John is we had um a photo shoot for the live golf um teams and events um and so I got the call that I was on John’s team on that Monday when

I was down in in Miami for the photo shoot and about 2 hours later John came in and so that was the first time I met him super nice guy from the GetGo um very warm very welcoming and I just knew like wow like this is this is really

Cool like not only is an awesome opportunity but like this guy is just so down to earth such such a nice guy obviously the addition of the other two guys in our team Terell Hatton and Caleb it was just it’s just been such a a great time

Because we’re all new to live golf new wish to live golf and we’re all new to like each other and so we learning each other we’re learning like the ropes um and so yeah it’s just been a been an awesome like time and obviously John’s just been a great part of that because

He’s you know he’s just such a nice guy both on and off the golf course and your brother Scott has been playing with Liv since 2022 how has it been playing on tour with him great um he is an awesome guy and we’ve just obviously missed each other um being you

Know from 5 years apart be it high school or be it college golf or be it you know the beginning of his professional golf like we never really spend a whole lot of time together and then I finally make it on to agent Tor and he’s playing live golf and then I

Was like man like we just kind of missed each other so much that is so special okay last question what has God taught you on this journey so far yeah there’s H he’s taught me so much um I think patience has been the big thing it’s not

Necessarily my time or my like course basically yeah once I was done after college in 5 years I thought I’d had a decent season and and the world would unravel in front of me um and it didn’t and so I’m scrambling around trying to figure out what to do and Coach

Graciously you know had me back for another year and then you know you look at how the season unfolded I I go and play in PJ toour Canada thinking I’m going to stick around in in North America because I’m accustomed like I’m I’m used to this I don’t necessarily

Want to go over to Asia like it’s it’s a great spot but it’s not good for me and now all of a sudden I find myself playing a full year out there like meeting some awesome people and I’m like you know what this is actually enjoyable

And so it’s just been a world wind of like emotions from like hey I think this is this is something that I want to do and God’s like actually like I got you know bigger and better plans for for you and so it’s basically just kind of understanding like hey like I’m like

He’s in control you know his timing is perfect and so I’ve kind of been very very fortunate with that that he’s he’s you know had my had my back every step of the way and he’s definitely you know been there with me every step of the way

And so it’s definitely been more of a realization as I as I look back and I look at how the years have kind of unfolded of like man like like it’s definitely his timing like let’s just believe in that and Trust in that Karen you have such an amazing testimony

Thanks so much for your time hey don’t get too big time for us here on the mountain no I’ll be back sooner probably than you even think obviously Leber’s being such a core place for me I’ve grown and shaped the person that I am today so the college the coaches the the

Everybody that’s kind of being there for me all right well we’ll continue to be your biggest fans best of luck on the rest of the live tour

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