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Must Watch : Tiger Woods Golf Swing Drills with Butch Harmon | Golf | PGA

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Well really to I’ll let tiger explain it to you more than anything we’ve done a lot of work since you won the Masters three years ago from a swing that we thought worked pretty good then and we realized it wouldn’t work good for longevity and why don’t you take them

Through what you’ve done okay let’s see we’ve changed my left hand grip made it a little bit weaker we’ve uh what I call it narrowed my stance a little bit tried to get the club up a little earlier keep the club head in front of my hands a

Little longer going back higher right arm then from there round off the left arm make it a little flatter at the top left wrist that’s right left arm up a little higher then from there get the club down in front of me from here there

I can Arc it off with a little bit of a bow my left hand to a nice short follow through what does Arc it off mean you know this the swing plane is on an arc and what you want to do is have it come

Down on the same Arc as you it’s a little bit more inside as as versus your back swing but still you want to feel like you come down and it the bottom of the arc is right where the ball is not before before that or not after it a lot

Of the changes Peter the tiger made and he had to get stronger to make them and he really has he’s what do you what are you about 20 lounds heavier now than when you first came on the tour yeah I came on the tour at 158 now I’m 180 yeah

So he’s really worked out and got stronger and that’s allowed you to do the things in your we worked on go let’s take a setup here and we’ll talk a little bit about your takeaway we’re trying to get the club what you feel is a little earlier rist set and the key

Here is just to keep the right arm higher than the left so many people get this c as you did when you were younger tucked in on the inside and then when you go to the top of your swing probably the biggest change that Tiger’s made is

He’s really tried to get his hands in front of himself coming down in other words arms in front of the body where the club used to lay down somehow when your old swing when you used to get stuck no swing yes they go that’s the lay the shaft down 16th T Players

Championship right yeah and then that’s just because because of a product of being a junior golfer all Junior golfers fire the hips hard get the club stuck from the inside so they can flip it hit the ball long ways yeah hit the ball long way but it’s hard to control and

Under the gun make a lot of pressure on yourself it’s really hard to hit the ball specific distance with the correct shape on a normal swing now with your driver how much shorter do you feel you are than in 96 when you turn pro off the

Te um with a normal swing not trying to hit one really hard probably a good 10 to 12 15 yards yeah he’s probably to make the changes that he needed to make and to get more accurate as he told you in our last segment CU his goal is to

Lead the tour and in driving accuracy which would be an incredible feat is his length he’s had to give up some of the distance and giving up the distance doesn’t mean it’s still not in there because You’ still got that 30 or 40 yard if you need I can still hit about

At least a good 30 when I want to but the problem is I don’t hit the ball obviously as accurate when I really want to step on one I’ll probably increase it by about 20 yards how how tough was it to get the arm swing shorter and in sync

To where you really trusted it like you do now you know it’s we had so many golf balls what the the drill I abely could not stand and I still can’t stand let’s see it then is that take the club up to the top and stop and then come down and

Hit the shot and this is a drill that he made me do for hours upon hours and we’re out there sweating it’s 100° out there you were sweating we both working pretty hard but the thing is it’s just something I needed to do to feel where

He wanted me to put it and then from there let the arms fall down in front of you the whole key was to get the club in a position at the top where he just felt as he transferred his weight his arms would fall down in front of them now to

Get that feeling and and this is good for the average golfer who’s watching here’s a guy who’s the best player in the world who hits more balls than anybody on the planet and it’s taken him over a year to feel comfortable with that hitting thousands of balls where

The rec ational golfer takes one lesson for 30 minutes from their local PGA Pro and they just figure they’ve got it they’ve got it made by doing that and so it just tells you how hard you have to work at this game this man Works harder than anyone I’ve ever seen Greg Norman

When I worked with him was the hardest worker I’d ever seen until tiger came along and he works harder than even Greg did and to be good at any level you have to put in the time and you have to work as he said he hated that drill when we

Used to do that I goes oh no you’re not going to make me do that again I said yet we haven’t got it you’re going to do it until you get it gosh buty I hate you when you make me do this he say it’s such a frustrating drill cuz obviously

You don’t have the power but more than anything you can’t cheat and you can fake it in your real swing at the real speed but you can’t fake it at that speed when you you take it up to the top stop then go there’s no faking it when

You do the go is it you really working hard to allow the arms to fall down and leaving this feeling stable what for me I’ve always been a person who would come down and fire the hips so hard and so fast that obviously clubble lag behind me but

You wouldn’t tell most golfers this is to try and for me what I try and feel let my arms beat my body down I try and feel like my arms come down first and exit through the ball first my hips don’t move that’s for me that’s the

Feeling the feeling it doesn’t even come close to that obviously I’m more like this at impact but for me it it feels like obviously my arms are winning the race and my body is not popping out of the golf shop I used to have a problem

Of laying the club down like this then also popping out of it with my body and my spine angle will change and I chase my right hand that’s the shot I had and I still have it every once in a while a lot of people at home have that shot too

Well they don’t have it at 150 mph like he does that’s for sure well really now he tries to hold his hips and get his arms in front of his hip motion where if we told an average person that they do that all the time they’d be staying back

Here and just throwing their hands at it and never hit it and and like he says that’s a feeling and the one thing tiger and I talk about all the time is that feel and real are not the same thing what you feel you’re doing you’re very

Seldom doing very true kind of tension do you feel in your lower body as you set up to the ball how relaxed versus not is the feeling the athletic Readiness kind of a sense be honest with you Peter I just set up and I just go I

Mean I’m being that honest I don’t feel like I’m trying to put more weight on the balls of my feet more weight on the right side or left side I just get to a position where I feel comfortable and what ever shot I see that I want to play

Cuz I play a lot by feel when I’m out there sometimes I’ll feel uh certain days I like to try and hit a cut or I’ll close my stance that day which is completely opposite but that’s what I feel is going to work best that day so I

Put a lot of on on the the moment and then I just play by feel what my hands and my body are telling me in the dress position the thing we work on the most is really your spine angle posture that’s something we work on very hard is

Trying to keep my spine straight cuz I have a tendency of getting a little slumped over and from there i’ like to suck the club inside show them the difference take take a setup where you’re out of position where you get a little slumped in the the head’s down a

Little and what happens now he’s going to have to come up to hit this ball now go not only that I should take the club inside too he usually always goes inside now take your good posture you can see the chin gets up the the back is much straighter if we look

At this position right here you can see there’s a lot of room from his chin and his chest this just allows the turn the right shoulder to get underneath the chin but people don’t realize that and I work on this all the time especially when you’re in my studio in Vegas is

That so many things take place before you hit the ball that cause you to make bad swings and the average player never even thinks about that we’re always talking about posture ball position grip uh you name it it’s it has to do with just a set up and try to get aligned

When we come back from this break we’ve got some tape of tiger hitting wedges last year

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