Senior Golfer! Strong Lead Hand = 15 Plus yards | Wisdom in Golf | Golf WRX |

Senior Golfer! Strong Lead Hand = 15 Plus yards | Wisdom in Golf | Golf WRX |

Golf Tips • Golf Instruction • Golf Lessons • With Shawn Clement ☞ | |

00:00 Shawn Introduces the golf lesson
01:13 How the lead hand setups with a strong grip for your golf swing
03:58 How Sav setups with a strong grip for her golf swing
0:600 Shawn demonstrates how the grip helps you compress for longer distances
07:45 Sav demonstrates her driver swing with the strong grip
08:23 Shawn demonstrates the performance of the strong grip
09:15 Shawn completes the golf lesson


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Shawn Clement Director of Development at The Royal Quebec Golf Club as well as top 40 Golf Channel Academy Instructor and full contributing instruction editor with Golf WRX.

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Don’t hurt yourself  now so look who’s back now I’ve always been jealous of this one’s swing and  it’s only getting better every day I have to catch up I just had this amazing  breakthrough last Sunday copying this girl’s grip and I figured how to instill 

The right task to benefit from that grip and I can’t wait to show you it gave me  15 more yards throughout the bag my blade seven iron which is at 172 is now  185 stock less effort and my swing looks more compact on top of that yeah and now 

I’m over 300 yards carry with the driver and I’ll because of her it was a good  good move I made there so before we get into the juicy details please take the  SUBSCRIBE! time to subscribe to the channel and 

Take the time to comment or question down below when we’re done give us a  nice thumbs up it really we we we would love to get that help in the channel we  really appreciate it so without further How the lead hand setups with a  

Strong grip for your golf swing Ado notice I have uh this was set up by  a student of mine and here’s what I feel as a lefty because I my left-handed  swing has been two to three miles an hour faster than my right-handed swing 

Lately and I also have to have a slightly stronger grip from the  left-handed side and we’ve been talking about how a kinetic chain from a human  being you can’t push on a chain and my dominant hand is my right hand and I had 

A tendency so consciously to push a little too much with my trail hand so  going and taking a page out of Savannah’s book I get into a position  here with my lead arm and this is is what it feels like when I want to tag a 

Nail so I’m going to tag that nail through the door frame here and notice  how strong that grip needs to be let me show you something that’s really going  to wake you up as far as strong grips are concerned by the way 150 out of the 

200 top players in the world have a strong grip so it’s worth listening to  so if I’m going to hammer down notice how the bones of my forearm the radius  and ulna are stacked on on top of each other for 

Compression now when I want to go that way I’m not going to turn the hammer  this way with my neutral grip and try to hammer the nail like this imagine I had  to go back and Hammer that first nail now see how crazy that looks so this is 

Not the strongest and most efficient position to be in to really compress so  now I turn it this way and now it feels feels like I can  really tag it so what I did is I reverse engineered that and turned it over 

Right-handed so I got my hammer right hand did the same thing so if I put the  club in my hands now and what I’m trying to do is I am imagine that I’m going to  hit this shot with just my lead arm on it and where would I need to be with the 

Grip in order to feel like I can square up the club without the help of my trail  hand so if start to neutral and the Hand leads that’s way too open now I’m going  to have to bow the wrist now I’m going to have to do a little body English to 

Get this sucker to really square up whereas if I start in a position here  where all I got to do is just let it fall now it feels like it can square up  on its own have a look at Sav real quick Sav 

Notice with that lead hand right now you How Sav setups with a strong   grip for her golf swing could easily square up the club this is  how Sav needs to be there’s her grip now put the other hand 

On and that’s why you see that the hands you got a forward shaft lean here in our  setup because it’s exactly the same thing as if you take a hammer here you  do it right now get ready to hammer that 

Way yes notice when you get ready to hammer this way the hand leads the  hammer so if you’re going to hammer down this way the hand would lead the hammer  y now when you go that way it’s doing the same thing right yeah fantastic so 

When you deliver with weight so I’m using the weight of my arm Hammer unit  to deliver so now if I do it this way from my left-handed  swing that feels like I can really tag it so I do the same thing  right-handed get in there 

And now it feels like I’m really using momentum to pound through it feels a  little more Awkward because it’s not my dominant hand but man is it effective so  watch us hit a few shots right now you’ll see what I 

Mean so sa’s got a six iron here at 185 and look at that perfect little thin  on that one and you hit that thin yeah so imagine that a six iron that was  carrying 180 and that was thin yeah very cool there oh 

Yeah now you’re talking look at that had to close the face a bit just close the  face a little more that was compressed that was almost 200 yards so you carried  that one 187 right now you had crept up to my 

Distance he yeah and I am now feeling like I can breathe a little easier now  so this is my blade seven iron that I used to my stock distance with this was  172 okay so now I’m taking that super strong grip of yours and I’m feeling 

Like I’m going to be able to square it up with just that lead hand and I put  the trail hand on now I’m going to do is feel the weight of my arm Hammer  unit and deliver through with the heft of that 

Hammer and look at that so I’ll uh I’ll hit a second one too  there Sav all right 183 carry and that was a little thin mhm seven iron yeah  like I’m blown away because that was my beefier seven iron from last year 

Because technically you should be a club longer than me well okay Jesus now you  put it now you brought me back to earth right so I’m feeling the weight of that  arm Hammer unit I’m going to give it a little bit of 

A see that momentum that I’m using now I’m feeling the weight of that  arm Hammer unit I’m going to use that and look at  that a shot look at that right yeah let’s see  what we got with the Sav demonstrates her driver   swing with the strong grip driver 

Oo look at this one stretch out oh my  goodness Sav  holy do holy look at  that man I got to chase that that’s crazy this 293  carry that was absolutely gorgeous don’t hurt yourself  now so Savannah says don’t hurt yourself trying to chase after that one I’m going 

To try my best to maintain my composure Shawn demonstrates the   performance of the strong grip here and just use momentum to deliver my  task in that direction C I’m going to hit a little fade down  the left side and bring it back to that Center Line here we 

Go that’s good yeah that’s real  good yeah you got me oh man as you should  though what’s sap That’s so exciting your swing is a lot more assertive now  isn’t it yeah like that was 313 carry I can’t remember the last time I did that 

On even on these machines I know and you’ve been consistently doing that the  past we week and a bit so like I’m super thrilled and I  hope that that analogy really helps you Shawn completes the golf lesson  out for all of you who tend to force with that trail hand it’s actually 

Sabotaging your swing because you get up here and you force it all you’re doing  is imploding the the accordion but if you keep the the focus here on that lead  arm with that like that hammer  gather and feel like the kinetic chain is pulling this through and you’re not 

Pushing and sabotaging with that trail hand Magic’s going to happen and stay  tuned we’re going to have a nice little series on that on our premium channel to  really help you out wisdom in golf so stay tuned with that and  I can’t wait it’s so exciting


  1. Not sure if you've touched on this, but do you have any issue with a 10 finger grip (even if I'm someone built pretty large similar to Mu)? I'm a former baseball player so it feels super natural to me, but I know most common golf instruction always suggests against this.

  2. Shawn, watch a few Bobby Jones videos. He said he got in trouble when his right hand became active in his swing. So you just revisited the secret of the great master.

  3. Hey Shawn, I have switched to this grip recently and find that it just feels right… however, I can’t seem to open the face enough to hit fades any more. Could you help me if I’ve gotten used to hitting draws and now can’t “see” how to hit the fades? It feels like my grip, stance, ball position, and use of momentum are all jacked up and uncomfortable over the ball for the fade. Do any of your students experience this problem? And best suggestions on how to fix? Much love!

  4. Been watching you for years,I'm sure you've shown the hammer style grip before,used it last year and gained at least 20 yards on wedges to 5 and hybrid, not so much with 3 wood and driver but shots are more consistent.

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