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RACING a 5k after a year of MARATHONS

Racing my first track race back after a year of marathoning! Let’s just say it didn’t go to plan. Racing over a minute slower than my fastest 5k stung. Even though I literally say in the video that this race was just to see where I was at, I really did believe I could do something GREAT. That’s alright though I am just out of shape and it’s time to stop messing around. ALSO MICA SUB 16:00mins, first real track race back. She is in for an awesome season! Her video drops on SUNDAY.

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Atlantis by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.

My fastest 5K is 14 flat. one I ran that back in 2021 when I was running D1 track and field for one of the best distance programs in the nation fast forward a bit and last year I ran in and trained for four marathons and honestly had a

Mixed bag of results my fastest marathon being 218 and my worst performance being a dnf at Mile 13 trying to train for four marathons and work at 9 to5 was honestly just way too much for me so this year I’m going to be a little bit smart run a little less marathons and

I’m actually going to go back to the track this week I racing my first track race in nearly 2 years in Boston Massachusetts my wife M who is also a runner she is going to try and run a fast time there I myself am just using

This race as an opportunity to see where I’m at and you know hopefully have a decent race and so in this video I’m going to show you my travel trip how I prepare for race and obviously the 5K and how it all goes for me your TR

Tables and carry on items and the C welcome for to Boston okay guys we are here after a long travel day flight was about 5 hours we’re here M’s got to do some strides I’m also going to do some strides cuz I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get on the track tomorrow I race in 2 days on

Saturday she races it tomorrow tomor so kind of the focus is on her she’ll choose what we eat tonight she’ll choose all that good stuff and kind of what we’re doing but yeah track looks different in person it looks better in person better than I could have ever

Imagined in my wildest dreams I’m going to jog around a couple laps and then do some strides So Okay ShakeOut run done went five miles filming pretty good now it’s around lunchtime so we’re going to go pick up some food Pro tip whenever you’re traveling for a meat you don’t want to be eating out all the time just cuz no matter how healthy of eating out food

That you eat it’s not going to be that good so we try and keep things similar to what we eat throughout the week so we’re going to go to the grocery store bring back some stuff to our hotel room we got a fridge and a microwave so yeah

We like to keep it simple Welcome To Paradise what I’m going to run you guys through my whole thought process what we do so basically what we’re really going to focus on you guys is my lunch tomorrow I’m just going to make it in the hotel so we’re going with stuff that I’m normally do back secured got some

Electrolytes some protein bars a sandwich and some other lunch stuff so good haul so far Hi thanks yes you have 40 to go you better be kicking yeah Dude he guys it’s race day I kind of forgot I’m supposed to be vlogging on this trip so you guys didn’t miss much I woke up got some breakfast I’m going out with some friends here to get some lunch yeah we’ll check back in once it gets closer to race

Time I’m just doing terrible for this race day Vlog you’re not missing a whole lot so for those of you who don’t already know M ran 1553 last night so she got under 16 so that was really good for her I’m glad we’re not racing on the same day because there’s this like

Theory of you know if you’re a running couple there’s only so much race day magic in the air and and so she obviously took up a lot of race day magic yesterday so if I was racing after her I’d have been screwed you know I

Should have plenty to take if I want to but so let me explain when we got here I did some strides on the track and I saw my form cuz we took a video and I saw my form and that is not the atom that I

Grew up knowing that’s not my form I was just looking a little stiff cuz I was a steeple Chaser and so we do l7s which is like a certain type of hurdle stretch so my hips have gotten tight cuz I haven’t done them in a while this marathoning

Stuff so I’m just going to be doing l7s until my race starts you do l7s before your race well you know what they say the the best time to try something new is the day of the race so I realized that I have not talked about like this

Race at all in this Vlog or my goals or anything like that so I’ll just give you guys a quick run down I wouldn’t even be racing this weekend if it wasn’t for M she was like the priority she uh you know was trying to compete for Peru

Internationally so we had to get a good fast one in for her you know I’m here so I thought might as well race Ready or Not training’s been in a good spot you know I’ve been slowly getting my legs leg back it’s kind of fun cuz I I don’t

Really have necessarily a goal a time goal I just want to like get out there and kind of compete and just practice being on the track again could be 1340 could be 1440 no not 1440 not 1440 no but it just could be anywhere and uh you know that’s

Kind of it’s kind of fun racing like that cuz basically I’m just like focused on racing and uh it’s scary though haven’t been on a track in like two years so I’m I’m trying to just make this like a fun experience and uh you know the Big Goal obviously is going to

Be sub4 um sometime later this year when I’ve had a little bit more track stuff it’s going to be a good one is what I’m trying to say whatever happens happens I’m Excited all right feel good yeah feel good warm good so everything have you confirmed if there’s a Pacer near me I haven’t Adam asked me like three weeks ago can I run a 5k at Buu M’s going to be there anyways I said yeah but let’s just like have low

Expectations and go use it as a workout and have some fun so here we are The Vibes are high M ran a personal best I don’t think Adam’s due for one of those but we’re due for a great time the goal is to run first half of the race kind of

Like you’re running a 10K and then turn on that 5K race mentality the second half so hopefully he can stay super relaxed and then eat hunt get after it the last half and and just get a really good workout stimulus and you know just test himself because he’s running a 10K

Uh later next month so this is kind of like groundwork for that because we’re four weeks into training so we’ll see what happens should be Fun and we’re off the final race of the we’ll bring it back walk back walk back take your time [Applause] go 1 2 3 let’s go Adam dude that was I’m going to have like nightmares about that for the hor okay guys I’m going to keep this short sweet and

Simple um that was tough out there you know it happens it it’s been happening a lot to me definitely not what I wanted it’s just stuff’s not translating right like I just like I know what it’s like to feel fit I know what it’s like to

Feel fast I know how I’m supposed to feel in a race I know I know you know and I felt loose Before the Race I felt excited and happy I I thought that you know I was going to do something fun something something just do something

Better than that it’s like I’m in love with running but running isn’t in love with me back so I got to go to couple’s counseling with running or some or something something like that yeah we’re going to figure it out we’re going to figure it out that’s all I have to say

This is what someone needs to hear that’s going through this we’ll get through it together yeah if you’re in a place with your running where you’re not progressing and you don’t know why I’ll tell you what I’m right there with you just keep showing up we’ll get through

It that’s all I really got to say and this was not as short as I wanted it to be so all right guys we are a few days removed from the Boston race I’m back in Utah I’m training since I’m a few days removed my head is a little bit more

Clear good advice that I got from my coaches was you’re allowed to be upset for a day after that you kind of got to move on I really think that’s holding true here today you know I was being way dramatic but emotions were running high like they normally do after races

Frustrations were running High because I pour my heart and soul into this um and I really want to be good at running every time I step on the track I want to do something great so it’s like just dramatic but I wanted to show you guys that because that’s like authentically

How I was feeling that’s my mindset after things and I really got to work on like not catastrophizing things I was catastrophizing things I was like I’m going to quit social media I’m going to just go dark I’m going to just train in and I’m not going to do anything else

Besides training the way I was feeling and acting after that race you would have thought that I spent months and months of preparation for that one race when in reality I hopped in that race last second I mean let’s just take a look at what my trainings looked like

Okay so after cim in December I you know slowly started to built up got sick you know before Boston I only had 3 weeks of mileage that were above 70 m per week so um so with all that being said I can’t look too much into this race besides

Yeah I’m out of shape which is kind of to be expected when looking back at my training so I don’t want to race again until I’m for sure ready until I have some confidence built up till I have some workouts and weeks stacked upon each other where I’m like okay yeah I

Feel good I feel like I’m ready to rip one I’m not trying to rush anything I’m just going to let the fitness come back to me let the speed come back to my legs and we’ll go from there I have to take a little bit of a step back from social

Media I’m still hoping to drop weekly YouTube videos obviously because that’s something I really enjoy doing I’m not going to be able to be as attentive to the comments there’s going to be less Instagram and Tik Tok stuff just cuz uh I don’t have enough time to get quality

Training in spend time with M and also get school and work done speaking of M holy crap she ran great it’s so inspiring I mean literally watching her you know break that barrier and improve the way that she did she’s doing exactly what I want to do she’s working she’s

Doing her social media stuff and she’s pring super proud of her her YouTube vide is going to be dropp in here probably on Sunday stay tuned for that because this was a big one for her we appreciate all the support that you guys give us cuz seriously it helps us go out

There and it helps us race it helps us train it helps us do all these things so thank you guys for supporting myself and her thank you guys for watching and uh I’ll see you guys next week I want to give you guys a Happy

Story so bad I want to like I want to give myself a happy story you know I’m tired of making all these like depressing race videos but we’ll figure it out I’m confident we’ll figure it out Right


  1. Hey, you're doing great. You're being real and authentic, unlike other youtubers who just try to artificialize what they're presenting and shi

  2. I get that athletics in general are very dependent of experience, time training, and genetics, but its hilarious to me listening to you talk like a 15:15 is the slowest 5k time to ever exist, meanwhile me breaking 17:00 was one of my greatest athletic accomplishments. But then again I bet if I tried to max on bench and hit only 295 instead of like 335 I would be speaking similar to you speaking on your 15:15.. Point is, there are levels to all walks of life my friend and you are young having plenty of time to continue training and come back stronger and more fit.

  3. Be patient. Long terms gains from the aerobic fitness and strength of marathon training may take months (if not years) to pay off for the 5km-10km-half. When I qualified for the Olympic Trials in college (in a few marathon attempts) the following 12 months after that I had my best xc season ever (8km-10km) and then later that year ran PRs in everything from the 800m to the 10km on the track. It just takes time to recover from an actual marathon race and build that speed efficiency back sometimes. Stay healthy, positive and have fun!

  4. Bro, wtf. 15 minutes is literally my dream 5k time and yet he's crying over running that after not training for one for 2 years

  5. My goal to become more lean and cardiovascular, you should film more of your eating and nutrition food the ones you inspire.

  6. Keep Grinding Bro! it will come back. "you don't lose if you get knocked down. You lose if you stay down" – Muhammed Ali

  7. Thanks for such authentic content. It’s a huge head game most of the time so just keep at it with positivity and ride the ups and the downs. Keep it fun!

  8. It looks like you will make about $250 from each video. Take that money from each one, and get those tattoos removed before any more people see them.

    I can't believe anybody in SLC would ever want tattoos. You are a good-looking guy with a great-looking wife, don't ruin it with revolting tattoos.

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