Fitted for Driver for the FIRST TIME! @2ndswing

No more buying drivers off the rack and PRAYING they’ll work for me. I finally decided to get fitted for driver and have detailed the entire process in this video. Shout out to Jim Acee and everyone at 2nd Swing Golf in Wilmington Delaware. He was incredible!

Since this is the first time I was ever fitted, I’m not sure if they all go this well but I couldn’t have been any more pleased with how my fitting went.

I’m even more excited with the driver that I wound up being fitted for. I can’t wait to game it in 2024.

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All right what’s going on bad golfers I’m doing it finally doing it I’ve been talking about it for a long time I always say I need to go and get fitted so today I’m actually going to take advantage and go and get fitted now I’m going to Second Swing Golf they have a

Bunch of locations throughout the country um but I I chose second swing because one I’ve used them before online I used their online services and I’ve never had a problem with second swing I really like uh trading in clubs with them but I’ve never actually been to a

Physical store there so this is the first time I’m going there so I traded in a bunch of clubs already you probably already saw that I’m probably showing you this right now shipped them out had them sent to second swing I got a credit already so now I’m just going to go and

Get properly fitted for a driver now almost backed out a couple times a couple times I said you know let me just go and buy a driver online uh you know I I’ll just buy one on second I’ll just do what I’ve done before uh

But this time I said you know what I I said I want to be be better in 2024 so go ahead and be better in 2024 do what you’re supposed to do go and get fitted for a driver you need a driver I just broke my driver from last year so go and

Get fitted for a driver a driver that fits you even if even if it’s a secondhand one I I don’t care as long as they can tell me hey you can swing this pretty well Joe you personally then I’ll be EST static I don’t care if it’s a

2024 model in fact I have my eyes on a TSR two I believe that they have on their website so I would like to get my hands on that and see if it’s a match uh but if not put me in something so I’m trying to do it the right way let’s get

On the road and let’s get down to second swing which is out in Wilmington Delaware so it’s about an hour and 20 minute ride for me let’s go so I finally made it here at second swing and I’m about to go in I can’t

Wait to go and get fitted I mean I’m a little nervous I mean I’ve never done this before never done this before i’ I’ve been and tried clubs out at the store and then I just W up buying them but I didn’t have any shafts change I

Didn’t have a real full fitting so I’m really looking forward to this this is what I need to do to be playing my best golf or play better golf uh it’s one of the things I need to do I need to do a lot of things but this is one of them so

I’m really excited I’m looking forward to getting the second swing I’m looking forward to have them looking my bad uh 30 handicap swing and see if we can find a driver that fits what I do and uh help me to do something better so let’s go let’s go inside I’m excited let’s get

This thing going So you tell me what you want me to do so what I’ll just have you do to get started is just go ahead and grab iron wedge whatever you feel comfortable just kind of get warmed up with I want you take like 10 or 12 swings yep yep yep 10

Or 12 swings just to get started all right um I don’t really care what these numbers have to say to be honest with you right again this is just a warm up to get you loose so I don’t break your back on the first couple of Swings with

Driver app apprciate it and then what we’ll do is uh I’ll go grab us the driver to start off with okay okay all right thanks when it comes to driver like which if I had a driver in mind would you bring that out like is that

Course okay y now it is one of those things that like let’s say someone comes in and they go hey I really want to hit that that Q I10 from tailor made I’m just throwing something out there right well we have three different models we can throw in your hands from there okay

Sure you might have in a Qi 10 right right might be the max version it might be the core model it might be the l s version but that’s where we figured that out for you right yeah that’s what I’m so I you know I saw the dark speed and I’m like wow

That’s a beautiful looking driver y but I also saw you had this this I think it’s older it’s a tsr2 y on your site mhm and so I was going to do what I normally do just buy it yeah not get fitted not not tested and I said you

Know what it’s only an hour and a half away just drive there and see so you had a driver at one point I had a g g430 Max okay and I I could have just got a new shaft that’s what I was thinking all I broke was the shaft okay

But I said you know what let me just cuz I like I said I went to dicks and um the guy just let me hit around in the back yeah and I I was hitting it okay okay so I just bought it um but I said you know

What let me just take the opportunity now now that I broke the Sha let me so I traded it into you guys I already sent it in um and I’m like you know what let me just I don’t I didn’t really like the looks of the g430 max anyway cool so I’m

Like you know what let me just go and trade it in and get something that I like and that actually will fit my horrible swing with driver what did you normally see with it did you miss one way versus the other did you hit it high or low

Okay so any probably just cuz I never I’ve never even had a lesson before it’s fine um but a lot of times what I’m doing is so I have the driver teed up and I notice that I I guess I’m hitting down on it because I’ll see like ground up here

Gets the ball will hit like right here or something and I’m like why do I keep doing that so I don’t know if that’s considered topping or I don’t know what that’s considered but we look at it easy to figure out that’s what I’ve done I got everything to my fingertips on here

So that’s what I’ve done a lot of lately just sweet bad shots see if I can get one to the flag while you’re hitting a few more I’m just going to go grab us a driver to start with okay and you can hit as many as you need here okay whenever you feel

Good yeah I’m good we’re good go Prett good yeah I feel okay yeah hit two or three more okay oh boy maybe I’m not I’m also playing irons that I shouldn’t be playing okay it’s all right so you can see I’m playing these uh MBS 620 MBS yeah they’re beautiful I’ll tell you

That they are and that’s that’s why I bought them I said you know I’ll I’ll learn I’ll learn to use them and uh that hasn’t I mean actually I’ve been hitting them better yeah yeah hit the center of the face you know yeah exactly I was really tempted in getting

A set myself yeah but I don’t know I bought these used I just just love the look of them cool I’m just going to adjust our track man quick and then we’ll uh we get and hit some of these guys sounds good so you may adjust that te height

There one thing I will warn you of is that te will probably get a little raised as we go on just from brushing the bottom of it I will keep an eye on that for you in case we get anything crazy going on with that

All right um with this I just need to see a few swings you know roughly like three to four Swings with this get an idea kind of what you do a driver so again we can talk a little bit about it from this side of things I’ll even pop

It out here so maybe we can see some of these numbers coming onto this okay so um let’s give you this guy here all right tus TS tsr2 tensi blue shaft this is about about as neutral of a driver as I can give you right at 10° right again

I don’t really mind what this is just to start off but it gives me an idea where to go from here okay so three four swings it’s all I need to really see and then uh we’ll talk about it okay good excellent good start really good start not bad it’s a

Stiff shaft that’s stiff yeah okay we’ll have that conversation too okay cuz it feels feels lighter than I think I had a I had a 65 G was it the gold shaft it was that Chrome tour yeah ah there we go that’s that’s what I normally do would the Miss normally be

Left for you uh lately it has been left cool yeah lately it has been left I don’t just been hooking it crazy y That’s All Right two more swings okay good you got a lot of good things going on oh I hope so you aren’t hitting down

On the ball I’ll tell you that right off the bat I’m not you’re not not which is very very very good let me tell you when I get out there that’s what I do I I think I I rush it so now I’m trying to slow it down yeah um that’s what I’m

Trying to do in 2024 slow it down good perfect I was looking for one of those too all right so we can talk a little bit about that one because looking at couple of these things in here that’s where we can start distance-wise flightwise I know it went right yeah

Start living as we dial in one of these drivers okay so let’s quickly I’ll pop these out on the screen out here getting hot let’s talk a little bit about you okay so we had that driver at 10° 55 G tensy blue stiff okay again just started

Off with something just take a peek at it all right I like to break it down with 13 numbers here at the bottom there are some other numbers that I’ll be taking a look at kind of as we go throughout this and I’ll kind of show

You as we go on but this is a good idea just to kind of get a representation of a couple things okay so you do a great job of swinging the club from the inside you’re about 3° out to the right on club path excellent that means obviously

We’re going to hit a tiny draw right face gets too shut as we can see with this about 5 de 5 and a half degre shut of where our path was okay that Ball’s going to fall a little bit left on us right this ball here where you’re about

1 and A2 degrees from the inside face was pretty Square hit went pretty dang straight okay so we can get curvature obviously coming from a combination of club path and face angle you know face get it’s left too far open we might hit one right right but again with this

Today is I’m going to be paying attention to how we can obviously manage the M hits but also what are the good ones still right cuz I got to get you something obviously the good ones look good but if we get the one where the bad

Ones also look good great right I get a lot of those we can also get curvature from gear effect are you aware of what gear effect is no never heard of it so all drivers hybrids Fairway Woods Etc have bulge to their faces so bulge and

Roll okay when we have that curvature of the face you don’t get this effect on irons or anything okay when we start to get that curvature on the face we can get a lot of deflection One Way versus the other if we strike it on one side of

The face okay so where I can see that you’re hitting this golf ball if anything probably more out towards the toe side of the club face right I saw that on my face mapping up there I’ll pull that up here in a minute right but what can happen there is that that when

That club actually deflects even if we left the face open it tilts the spin access to the left which can accentuate the left side for you okay so that’s one thing I’m going to be paying attention to is if we start to hit it off the toe

If gear effect really is affecting some of our ball flight that’s where we need to get stability going that way okay so mainly club path and face angle but a little bit of strike okay so that’s one thing I’ll be looking at one thing I also know you have a flatter delivery so

Your hands are a little bit lower I will probably put something in your hands that does sit a little bit flatter if not in a flatter setting okay that will help a little bit with the left side also flatter okay y yeah that’s fine no that’s that’s not there’s no right or

Wrong when it comes just whatever I do right okay also makes like I said a little bit more fade bias now if we start to lose everything right that’s fine but a lot of these drivers obviously it’s as simple as a tweak as if you started to not hit the ball left

And it started to move right that’s something you can pull right out okay Club head speed wise you picked it up as you went on so you started 83 you started to pick it up towards 88 we’re kind of in a like I’ll say Middle Ground between

Regular and stiff okay now if you start to pick it up over 90 M hour 92 miles hour is where I’m going to go yep we’re probably going to Sticky in stiff but as of right now when I talk about golf shaft think of it as a timing device

Okay it’s the part of the golf club that you actually swing and it helps you provide consistency in your swing don’t necessarily think of it as oh it’s going to help me a whole lot with launch and spin there is some truth to kick Point okay from what I’ve seen it’s more about

How it manipulates the way that you’re actually delivering the golf club if I give you something that can’t keep up with you we get bad results if I give you something that you can’t keep up with we get bad results I can go faster but F I’m trying to slow Golf Course

Swing that’s all I want to see is Golf Course s to try slow so yeah maybe I leave some room with something maybe fractionally stiffer right if we say Hey you know that profile works great and regular let’s try it into stiff and you hit it kind of close to the same maybe

We go stiff right I always want to leave room for improvement too especially if people are working on things okay that being said Club head speed to me I’m not going to say is irrelevant right because it is relevant but it’s the least of my worries because everybody’s different

I’ve seen it all right with the driver I’ve seen like as low as like 45 or 50 mph I’ve seen guys up there above 130 okay which is really really really fast okay that’s why I tell people ball speed is king put as much po possible ball

Speed as you possibly can for the swing that you deliver okay and that’s where we get Smash Factor so that’s just ball speed divided by Club head speed we can’t move the the club basically one and a half time or so sorry the ball can’t come off one and a half times

Faster than we’re moving the golf club okay so that’s where smash Factor comes into play we’d see a 1.5 now we did achieve that one so we got up to that 128 ball speed right which got right there that5 smash Factor Great okay yeah that one went a little bit left but we

Did compress the ball appropriately okay okay I’m going to start talking a little bit about this this one that went up the middle the first swing you made okay so you do swing up on the ball as far as an average goes you’re about three and a

Half up great that’s exactly where we need to be and you apply a pretty good amount of dynamic Loft so just how much loft you actually deliver at impact where we’re living at about 15° right that’s a combination of all of these Dynamic loft’s going to also help us a

Little bit with launch and spin same thing with attack angle okay so when we start to flip the club face left that’s one way we’re going to take Loft off this is where we delivered basically how much loft was on that driver at about 10° okay okay when we leave the club

Face open we delivered 19 degrees of Loft okay so our launch obviously came up we hit that higher and obviously it went right that’s okay right this one that went down the middle we’ also delivered 19 degrees of dynamic Loft and that was a good spot to be okay now as

Someone starts to pick up more and more speed the less Loft they generally need to deliver all right but all that doesn’t mean that a high speed guy needs to play 9 degre of Loft right A lot of people don’t realize that John ROM and Dustin Johnson they both have 12 half

Degrees of Loft on their driver really and it’s for the way they actually deliver the golf club they have that really Bode wrist their hands get forward they dof the golf club right or we say apply less Loft than most PGA Tour Pros would be at which allows them

To you know 12 and a half degrees they get to appropriate launch and spin Rory delivers a ton of Loft hence why he has 7 degrees of Loft on his driver okay and he hits it 140 50 ft in the air yeah ridiculous so with these two numbers

Think of launch and spin as like a pulley system okay we could be high on launch and low on spin we can be in the Middle With both or we can be low on launch and high on spin we do not want High spin we do not want low launch High

Spin okay you do too many things right for me to have to give that to you okay if anything I want us in the middle or I want us kind of the ladder I want us you know right there at that high launch low spin sort of thing okay now Middle’s

Good because it makes things controllable so for you roughly somewhere 15ish launch right there at about 23 2500 spin is going to get us a good result now if you launch it at 16 or 17 and you spin it at 2,000 or 1900 we get more distance but it’s a little

Bit harder to control okay so you’re going to be on the lower side of spin because you do swing up on the golf ball and you strike it out of the toe a little bit fine right this one little bit of a misread from the ital size

Numbers that’s okay right but as I look at this right this got us to a much better spot here I don’t care that this was 200 starts it was your first swing but we could see where this one actually had less ball speed right but we actually got to this much better spot

Because that spin was low if we start to get this to shift over here distance comes with it right that’s more like 235 240 right okay so we are in a very good spot I am going to consider TSR it was the first couple of swings but I’m going

To grab us a tailor made I’m going to grab us a Callaway going grab a cobra let’s compare those let’s see where the heads are going to be are you aware of the different type of like models when it actually comes to um uh drivers itself like kind of the

Three different kinds of drivers that you can put in your hands oh yeah right so low spin right draw bias and then kind of your high Moi forgiving drivers the high Moi stuff does not mean that it’s for the better or worse player right it just means it’s the middle

Ground you are probably going to be more towards the middle ground I had the max last year and that’s probably where you’re going to die tsr2 right going to be right there prob closer to that standard or the max version from Tor the X model from Cobra right or the max

Model okay let me go grab those few okay we’ll start off there what I will say is we have two routes we can go about this today everybody’s product is out right now um I have a little bit of a selection here as of right this second obviously with things rolling in there’s

Going to be more as time goes on if we end up with the perfect combination it’s something we have to order does not cost you a dime more unless there was is an upch charge shaft which generally I don’t put people’s hands unless they ask

Me to or a grip you want to throw in there that could cost you anywhere from you know $4 to $10 right right but that gets in your hands in about 2 three weeks okay um it will come here first because I have to make sure everything’s

Good we can always ship it out so you don’t have to from here so you don’t have take another hour and a half Drive y um let me go grab those few things I’m going to grab sha that’s pretty similar and we’ll go from there all right thank

You all right all right so all these have the same exact golf shaft that we started off with okay great okay um this is the only different one but it’s basically the same profile very very close in the Kylie Blue tensei what did you say that first one

Was tensei blue tensei blue or tensei pronounced it different ways right but basically the same exact golf shaft throughout these okay um I’m going to hand you the Cobra first CU I want to see what this does yeah and then we’ll jump into some of these other ones same

Exact idea about four or five Swings with each one thing I want you to let me know cuz keep in mind all these guys are competitors to one another yeah right I’m not going to say they’re trying to make the same exact golf club right but

They’re trying to make a golf club that obviously beats the other okay yep but they feature a lot of close Tech to one another all right right now everyone has their little nuances of what they do differently also everybody has their little nuances of what they maybe exceed

At over another manufacturer okay um but everybody makes a good driver I’m a firm believer that there is a driver out there for everybody right that’s why you come in and test this stuff okay so one thing I want you to pay attention to look sound and feel look numbers wise is

One thing right right but if we get down to two of these that are basically the same exact numbers across the board I want you to choose the one that you like better okay okay cool sounds good to me M by the way I’m not doing any funky

Settings to these yet okay okay I just want to test them how they are okay good swing highest ball speed of the day right there good swing that best ball of the day right there excellent so what I what I would also benefit from is

A lesson a lesson or two I’ve never had you do a lot of good things in your golf swing thank you uh a lot of YouTube a lot of YouTube believe it or not believe me I need to go get a lesson I’m planning on it right in the

Beginning of the season are you yep good for a little block not bad no that actually was good so that’s a little gear effect there but that’s a high launch low spin one launch came up spin came down right but for one that did not hit our 132 ball speed we got

Away with that and this is a great example of this right 16 launch 1700 spin right which is a little low but for a Miss it’s okay it’s a good sign of things got us about 200 yards to carry at 232 total okay good well this ball

Was hit 6 mph faster wow but that one launched at 11 and spun at 25 and got us the same result now how do we meet in the middle with those two yeah right but that’s a good sign we saw both sides of things and got us a very similar result

Excellent and then I hit that last one off the toe the last one was slightly out of the toe toe that’s okay it felt but efficiency wasn’t bad okay I just I’m I’m glad that I actually felt it yeah all right let’s see let’s get this one right good Swing Man excellent

Thanks oh fade no that’s okay yeah you basically put those three balls on top of each other yeah it’s good though I already like this driver I like it better than TSR right off the bat well good I tested this I only took five swings over at uh I went to dicks a

Couple weeks ago but whenever it came out and the five swings I took I liked it awesome this is the uh dark speed uh I think he let me try the X that’s exactly what this is okay yep yeah okay first Miss right but let’s pay attention to what this does okay that’s

All right fine what I will say is right it’s one swing we had two swings one went left one went right right okay directionally I try to do as much as I possibly can to help somebody right but right off the bat if we take those two swings

Out we’re just looking at the average of these three numbers okay I don’t want you to worry about strike any of that things any of those things yet right okay face was a little open we got a little bit of gear effect great we kept

Our launch at 14 average of 23 204 carry 234 total okay we can make this ball go further okay but right off the bat I like what we what we did without doing anything to the driver itself and I don’t care about I mean a further would

Be nice but if I could just hit Fairways man that’s what I care about too I’d be so happy there you go let’s try Taylor Made out so this is the max all right from tailor made Okay the reason I’m doing this is it does a really good job

Of launch okay So eventually I’m also keeping this at 10 and A2 but what I’ve noticed from this driver so far is I can crank it down a little bit and Loft okay which will then help you a little bit more with the left side barely down a

Loft I’m talking 3/4 a degree or so that being the case it also launch it just launches really high so I just want to see how this changes things up if we have to switch to the core model we will okay good nice high launch there yeah okay

Excellent I used to play a stealth good I’ve played a lot of drivers never got fitted for them that felt likeit bottom yeah little bottom heel that’s all right yep still in play I want don’t you take one last swing for this with me okay um I’m going

To put actually put that core model in your hands I want to see what that does instead okay cuz the two swings that I that one that first one was a good representation of where we need to switch some things okay okay let’s actually do that real quick really quickly let’s take three

Swings with the core model standard model whatever everybody wants to call it this is the qi1 yeah okay oh boy which which with qway what’ you say I have noticed with qi1 this is really really really good yeah really good Taylor man made some big improvements with this one okay yeah

I never tried not the self was bad I never tried I think with them trying to fix some things mhm durability wise whatever this is this has been very very very good okay all right so just standard model and then we’ll take some Swings with the Callaway okay

Highest ball speed of the day okay just a little open face it’s all right yeah not bad for a Miss it’s manageable I could find it I just want to be able to find the ball ah it’s all right felt that one oh yeah just that little open face right

Now yeah it’s okay if we can’t feel it with this driver that’s fine give me one and then we’ll put the we’ll put the Callaway in your hands which I’m actually quite excited about okay this is the one of ones I’d have my eye on for you smoke or Paradigm the smoke oh

Y swing there all right so we’re getting to touch high and spin something tells me a little bit of strike that’s okay but again I I like what the Cobra did right off the bat yeah me too if I’m looking at what Cobra did for us it’s the best

Of the day we’ve got a solid option yeah let’s give one more shot okay smoke hello smoke once we get through the head portion that’s the easy part we start talking about goall shaft gotcha good there’s another key thing I’m going to do for you here in a second

Okay oh boy all right what I’m going to do really quickly for you sure let me see if I can find one don’t have one in my drawer here let me check this one nothing you’re doing wrong just one thing I want to change so most manufacturers build their

Drivers somewhere between 45 and A2 and 45 and 3/4 it’s too long for you hitting out of the heel now okay let’s get you something slightly shorter now when we tested the one one thing I just didn’t mention cuz you did well with it in Titleist and with the Cobra at 45 okay

45 Ines I took a/ inch or 3/4 of an inch off got I’m going to give you this back just stay below that rubber band stay below the rubber band okay that makes sense unfortunately callway didn’t send us any 45 in Dolf shots so we compromise

With it and I usually like if all my clubs are like midsize grips yep yep that makes a difference too yeah we’ll talk about that also yeah slow it down a little bit better yeah I got I got to slow down more I just I have to cuz I don’t have

The control to to go fast but I want you to take Just One Last swing the one thing that I’m noticing throughout all of this right yeah and we’ll even make this fair by throwing all the numbers back into these okay mhm like if we’re purely just looking at one significant

Number in here you have slowly picked up your Club speed with the exception of this one in every single one of these golf clubs okay okay from where we started today right but as I’m looking at this you put 130 mph of ball speed through that um the dark speed swinging

88 milph at a 147 smash good is that good right okay if we’re strictly looking at smash Factor 13940 140 14741 right we’re going to go for the 147 right off the bat yeah the one that you got the most ball speed that’s the first number I’m looking at you’re the

Most efficient with that Golf Club okay spin wise right these last couple of ones we’ve gained a little bit more that’s cuz face is open that’s okay again this is kind of our preim testing right but where I’m just looking at the consistency of where we were in that

Dark speed I’m probably going to end up staying there yeah we’re going to jump into some shafts into that one okay you said hit another one yeah just hit one more for me okay cool let’s stick with that for now boy and then we’ll go from there I thought

That was a decent shot look your path is still great your path is still I’m looking at this right yeah you started at 3 degrees you went in a degree and a half you were right down the line you were degree left a degree left so you

Started to get a little bit more left but a degree left I’m not going to worry about right that’s pretty we’re talking about a degree right okay the only thing that’s changed is you went from shutting the face to opening the face right so that’s one thing I may have you keep

Doing when we’re looking at this Cobra right look I had no intention saying that this was going to end up being our winner because frankly a lot of times I have stuff that I think is going to work yeah but I didn’t know and I think all

Of these would have been good options right great you walked in with the one that you had in mind and it ended up working out the best either TSR too that’s that’s what I had in my brain let’s stay with that for now right let’s put some shafts in there let’s make some

Tweaks if we need to move some weight around move some settings around if we need to okay all right but for right now best result okay but since we got along with that I’m going to put the link blue in your hands link okay okay dark oh is

That what it’s called link Q I’ve seen it’s like l n yeah I’ve seen it I just like to call it the link but it’s made by us and they have a red they have a blue and they have a white generally red indicates higher launch White indicates

Lower launch and then Blue’s kind of in the middle again when I talked about gol shaft there’s some truth to kick Point Etc what that does again I want to see kind of from uh what helps you square up to the center of the face what helps you

Make your best swings what help helps you hit it straight yeah I saw a link Q before I didn’t know how to pronounce it good I lost control of it a little bit he yeah it’s okay I felt it boy so what I want you to just try for

Me real quick on this next swing feel like you can hit the ball left with the face all right feel like you can roll the face over and hit that try to hit that ball left I don’t care if it goes left right but we’re getting in this

This repetition of right side I want to see if we can change that just by flipping face over okay right idea right idea oh it’s okay the tricky part of asking that right yeah is then telling someone not to swing left either right feeling like the

Path can still be going down the line but the face turns that’s the tricky part don’t worry about it too much if that’s the case right but yeah tried to swing more left that’s the thing try not to swing more left feel like the face is

Going to go left face is going to there you go right idea got to go straight okay nice and straight right really high launch really straight now one thing I will ask you is when you were hitting your ping or your stealth did you hit it high or did you hit it

Low low okay always hit it low good yeah always go and make one or two more Swings with that I’m going to change that up I’m going to try hit low drives good you’re getting it now now all I’m going to really quickly do is because you’re doing a lot of good

Things now we’re back to accuracy again you’ve been fading the golf ball very very good okay one last swing with that all right okay let say that changes anything I felt it slip it’s okay good all right sweet now what I’ll say is right right off the bat when we

Started feel that a little bit more I would say where you started to get that face nice and square in here mhm from a straight aspect awesome yeah our ball speed went down a fraction cuz it started to get a little high in the head that’s why I raised that te height just

A fraction but our spin still stayed low cuz it was fractionally high in the head and we started to kind of we kept a lot of launch a lot of height but we weren’t necessarily killed by this now our original results were still the best of

The day right so we might end up going back to that golf shaft but I want to try one of these just to see how you react to it in my mind I don’t know how much you’re going to get along with this one okay but I have to try it okay all

Right just watching you swing I’m going BBE it is a cool looking shaft with this head I’ll put it that way I’m like which one is that hazardous oh hazardous but they put a new logo on it for Cobra so it’s like all black instead of having the white logo in

There looks pretty sweet I’ll hand you this here yeah it does look nice oh black out this one is oh this is the max no this x no still the X I haven’t changed anything about the head still like the head okay and I’m going to explain as to

Why I probably I I like that head over like a low spin version or the max or anything like that okay cuz I think the adjustability in that over time especially makes sense okay there you go you’re back to it again good oh that indicated either fractionally

Low in the face or fractionally heel side something tells me low in the face yeah but good oh boy rust it rust it for sure now what I’ll ask you I’m going to ask you a question after you make one last swing let me know if that feels too

Firm okay too the shaft correct oh but what I’m watching you with this shaft okay you’re trying too hard yeah you’re trying too hard to get to the golf club to where it needs to go okay so I’m going to go back to our Kylie and I’m going to make a slightly slightly

Different change to this head to see how it changes things okay okay now you came in here telling me this right off the bat this is why I interview and ask you these questions where you’re like hey you know I play off this handicap I have these inconsistencies look every person that

There’s very few people that walk through any fitters door unless they work for you know a manufacturer or whatever and these guys are sponsored that are really really highlevel amateur players right you know I don’t know if you’ve ever seen that list of like if

You break 80 or you break 70 only a percentage 2% ever break 80 only about like8 ever break 70 okay right think about how that equates to right the golfers throughout the world yeah okay that doesn’t mean that people aren’t going to get there eventually right with

Hard work and practice but right you have to think about for you know if you took 100 people that walk in this door only two or three of them would be be there Elite level players right or high level players I’m I start to look at that right there’s two things that I’m

Looking at when it comes to this okay I want a driver that obviously has longevity right right now you seem you like you love golf equipment and things may change eventually right and that’s fine by me but as I look at this if things do change a little bit in the

Golf swing it doesn’t mean that they can’t be adjusted in the actual driver itself okay okay now are you aware of what happens when you start to take Loft off or add Loft to a driver uh and that’s any driver out there except for Titus it’s very very minimal in this no

Not not really so if you took a n Dee head you boosted it to 10 and a half right okay for every manufacturer except Titus that’s going to shut the face 3° okay okay so it’s a it’s a it’s for every I’ll say sorry for every degree I

Move right right it shuts the face 2° okay okay or if I take a loft off it opens the face 2° okay so for somebody let’s say they came in here and they had a wicked hook I’d probably take like a 12 Dee because they’re not going to hit

It high if they have a wicked hook right right but I’m going to take a 12 degree lofted driver take it down to 10 and 1 12 or 10° open that face wide open put some some weight in the toe and let them block it out right so they can maintain

Their distance right right cuz in their case a Block’s better than this got now let’s say you get somebody in here they hit it left or right okay well I don’t want to give them lower Loft by opening the club face up it’s going to accentuate the right side so I’d

Probably take a lower lofted Club head Loft it up so that it shuts the face and their start line is more left so that they fade it back to Middle okay now that’s also somebody in here that comes in and says I’m not working on my game

Right I’m not doing any of this stuff I’m not trying to get any better right I just go out I go I just want to go out and have fun maybe drink a couple beers out on the golf course fine right that’s not me that is somebody that you know

Anybody who takes the game semi-seriously right my opinion on this is let a driver sit pretty neutral okay for you I’ve seen a couple left I’ve seen a couple right I’ve seen a couple down the middle great okay I try to do as much as I possibly can to manage that

But the more neutral the driver sits without me taking adding loft or taking Loft off okay the more you know here’s the mistake I made and I know I can adjust it this way gotta personally I don’t want my driver sitting anywhere but neutral yeah because I do have a

Two-way Miss okay and I know that if I’m blocking it right that day I just need to shut the face I can’t blame it on oh the face was open 3° now I really feel like I have to shut it yeah and I can make a simple adjustment

Right now when you told me you hit it pretty low out on the golf course yeah we’ve seen a couple that are pretty dang high right now we’ve taken quite a bit of swings right your body starts to slow down eventually right right you don’t Slow Down Speed wise but fundamental

Slow down a little bit slow down after N9 holes so I’m going to keep us at 10 and 1 12 deg cuz even the ones that were really good that launched super high we still got good results out of it you know what I didn’t mention my so the

Driver I just broke that I had last year that was a n° yes and so for you right anybody with a left Miss generally needs Loft anybody with a right Miss they don’t okay right but the ones that went straight we’re kind of right in the

Numbers that we want to see at 10 and a half okay so yeah sure the right one’s going to come up short and the left one’s going to come up short yeah but these ones that especially are hitting down the middle okay those two the last

Round were a fraction high they came in and they landed a little bit soft so we didn’t get as much roll out but it wasn’t a bad result those ones that we started off with with the perfect height and everything awesome now all I did here just to see what happens is moved

The little weight forward in the head instead of back we move weight in the back makes the golf club more stable helps launch a little bit higher maybe add a little bit of spin I’m going to take this and move the weight forward just to see what happens to launch and

Spin for you this is something that obviously can be tweaked over time because it’s as simple as just reversing the two we’re going right back to that Kylie shaft that we started off with today okay let’s just hit a few with this okay got it if you hit a few more

Anywhere like you did before this is the driver that I like okay and we just talked for a minute so it might take you a second just get back in the swing thanks inconsistencies there you go 132 ball 16 launch so oh wow yeah that was bombed

Right that was 247 yards okay right yeah at a good height good Peak height of about 70 feet in the air right you didn’t even hit it to your maximum efficiency no but we dip down to 1600 spin if I see a couple no if I see a

Couple more that do that we got to keep that weight in the back okay because by moving that weight forward that helps cut that spin down and we don’t need to cut spin down if you’re hitting it like that the dice and straight and it’s spinning at600 got right what that is

Equating to is just basically a knuckle ball that’s just going to fall right out of the air yeah rolls a mile but any sort of wet day gotcha yeah it’s just going to go 21 I’m learning yeah it’s education right here Mhm Center punched face open 230 in the rough that’s okay oh it’s okay let’s see Rush that one no oh okay wow it’s all right the last three swings you’ve made even from a Mis perspective have been better yeah okay now I still might reverse that weight back okay but where I’m looking

At this and going you still put this really good one with the exception of the low spin right there up there with our other ones and you look the most in control with this golf shaft this head everything yeah I don’t really want to switch much away from this this is

Really good I don’t either first driver that I bought first myself my wife bought me a set like years ago and I just never used it yeah I wasn’t interested in golf until 2019 uh but the first driver I bought myself was a cobra

F9 which is a great driver so I got the Cobra bag and I still got the bag but I did like that driver I don’t know why I sold it little open face again good ball speed oo I definitely rushed that one felt it it’s okay we’ve taken 45 swings

Now okay and 35 of them have been with driver it’s a lot yeah it’s a lot of swings maybe not with irons but especially with driver it is right oo that’s how we know we’re getting tired you can make one or two more what I’m going to go take a peek at

Is to see what I have here okay all right so we can have this conversation we’ll break down some more numbers but I feel pretty confident that this driver is going to be pretty dang okay okay I’ll be right back all right thanks that was the worst shot of the

Day come on oh not bad That’s the one that’s the swing right there oh maybe not bottom I keep going right right right right right right I’ve got two different options for you here okay okay and this is where I do have a conversation as a fitter with people for two different

Reasons sure um I have the head here I have a shaft here that obviously matches this is is slightly used right from a shaft perspective Arrow jet well I have the dark that I can put this shaft in this right but the shaft is slightly used gotcha my two biggest things when

It comes to this would be and I’m just going to measure this out because I’m pretty sure this was slightly shorter correct this is 45 two things I was thinking about this for you okay because the two key things you mentioned to me one would be I have it you can

Walk out with it today right but I want to snip it down half an inch and obviously you’re going to want to throw a different grip on there that being said that’s going to change a little bit about the driver itself right so it’s going to make it physically lighter and

It’s also going to make it swing weight lighter okay so you’re going to feel less head weight if I were to order this from Cobra okay this is the one thing to give it some thought about was to order this straight from Cobra when they build

It to length with the shaft and the grip that you want on there those weights that go in the bottom they’re going to swing weight it so that obviously it feels appropriate from that way I just don’t want it to feel too light to you then again dispersion gets crazy so my

Opinion would be know because we have to cut it down and throw a different grip on there ordering it it’s not a bad idea you might wait a couple weeks to get it in your hands but it will be built right right this kind of the easy way out but

You know I’ll kind of leave that up to you oh yeah I don’t want to go to easy route okay let’s do let’s do the order then yeah I think that’s the way to go here I’ll get take your mic back I didn’t come this far just to come this far

Okay so obviously going through the fitting helps us get to the the point where we’re going that usually doesn’t happen but it’s something at least that we do to make sure that you know people are happy and you know happy and and make sure they get something in their

Hands that makes sense it doesn’t look like uh Cobra offers iomic that’s okay another grip that you would want to throw on there any any midsize grip honestly any midsize yeah it doesn’t even have to be but whatever whatever comes standard it doesn’t matter cool

We’ll do it we’ll just do a tour velvet M size so you can always change it in the future if you have to yeah it’s not a big deal okay so I’m going to send you this information too so you have it I’m going

To clean some of it up so you might get it at the end of the day today okay um I usually sometimes when I get jammed up back to back to back I make sure that I make sure that I at least get it out to

Somebody by the end of the day right just so you have it always you can take a look at it next time you get fit anything like that you can always look at this stuff okay but just from looking at this today Cobra was definitely by

Far the best thing I put in your hands yeah and the least expensive of all the drivers which is just awesome that does help we’ve got dark speed X I want the heavyweight in the back heavy weight in the back okay which is going to come

Stock like that so you don’t have to worry about anything gotta Kylie Blue 60 stiff gotcha Golf Pride tour velvet 360 midsize great and then I made it 45 in like we were testing 45 all right standard length has not anything to do with height it’s about how you square up

Okay and standard length is getting so close to Long Drive territory it’s so hard to find the center of the club face look 45 in driver people are going to swing fast enough right but the reason they do this as manufacturers why they’ve been pushing the limits of like

Longer and longer and longer and longer is so people swing it faster and they hit it out of the center of the face they get more ball speed yeah right but they hit it all over the place and then there’s I might get there one day I know

I’m not there now like I know I’m just I have so many inconsistencies thank you yeah like I I just need to focus on just hitting straight as much as possible finding Fairways that’s the key that’s what I’m worried about this year all Fairways take your time I’m going to get

Your folder set up up there with my all my information in it I have another appointment coming in I’ll make sure that they get everything take your time Gathering everything up I’ll you right up front all right thanks I just finished my first ever full Driver F

Fitting and I did it over here at second and I got to say it it was an awesome experience one of the reasons I chose second swing even though it’s 90 minutes from my house the reason I chose second swing is because I’ve used them before online I’ve never had a problem

Shipping stuff to them but I needed to go get fitted and I wanted to do it right so that’s why I came here and this guy that helped me Jim oh he was awesome I got to write a Google review for him he was awesome he took his time he

Checked out my swing great recommendations great tips he didn’t steer me in any direction and we wind up even choosing the driver that I thought that I had in my mind wind up actually being the driver that I walked away with I walked away with the Cobra dark speed

X uh blue Kylie shaft I got the full specs right here let me just get let me just read them off to you okay had the driver fitting Cobra dark speed X driver Mitsubishi Kylie Blue 60 stiff 10 and 1 12 degre right-handed I am right-handed

Shaft I got the Golf Pride tour velvet 360 midsize grip uh took a half half of an inch off so I’m playing a 45 uh inch shaft and that’s it one wrap and it’s a wrap can’t wait can’t wait to swing that thing boy but it’s going to be custom

Ordered so it’s coming in about 2 or 3 weeks and I I couldn’t have been happier with what happened here my first ever driver fitting so hopefully I play some better golf it’s going to take me a little bit of time to get adjusted to

The to the new uh driver but hey this is a first step this is a first step in me actually taking my game serious ly not just buying something off the rack and praying that it works this time it’s going to work I’m just going to keep

Getting better keep working at my game and this is one step of it maybe next time I can afford to get my irons uh as well but for now driver is set and I’m bringing that new driver into 2024 we’re going to have a great time anyway second can’t recommend them anymore

Great job great service loved it had a great time I highly recommend you coming here and of course you guys know what to do have fun playing golf look good while you do it and play bad I’ll catch you guys in the next play Bad golf

Video all right while I’m here at second swing I just got fitted I’m about to step into peach cobbler Factory all right I’m going to let y’all know I heard it’s real good someone out here told me it’s real good so I’m going to step in here

It’s right next door it’s right next door to Second so you got to check it out if you come to second swing for your golf come in here and check out the peach CER Factory M said just away


  1. Great video!!! Loved hearing all the discussion. I did the same thing and ended up with the Cobra AeroJet Max, same shaft. I’m going to play with my loft now… but I gotta be honest, it’s my swing that needs work 😂 – keep them coming. Love your videos.

  2. I benefitted from a fitting at a 2nd Swing in Columbia, MD. These guys are good at providing a lot of information at the right time to make it digestable. Great video. Thanks for sharing.

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