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Tim Hardaway JOINS! Caitlin Clark Breaking Records & NBA All-Star Weekend | Run it Back

On today’s episode of ‘Run It Back’ on FanDuel TV LIVE co-hosts Michelle Beadle, Shams Charania, Lou Williams, and Chandler Parsons are joined by legend Tim Hardaway. They talk about Caitlin Clarke recording breaking performance, recent games around the league, and MORE!

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Back back good morning our first Friday run it back uh everyone but Lou is sick as a dog these days I don’t know what lose immune system is the best one but we’re going to get through it Shams is not here because of course he’s on his way to Indianapolis for Allstar festivities

Um but we did have a couple of games last night boy did we have a couple of games last night and I can’t wait to get into both of them uh Warriors you’re up first you beat the Jazz 140 137 the big story in this one Klay Thompson coming

Off of the bench first time doing that since 2012 he had 35 points Draymond 2355 and four steals Curry only had to do 16 points y’all there you go sexon with 35 and N but the Klay Thompson part of the story is really where we want to

Focus um he had a great night and this is the night we were hoping to see from him for such a long time now is this angry clay because he was benched like what why do we interpret this particular night for Klay Thompson Chandler he’s definitely not happy but a

Lot of guys they go through this at the end of their career now am I going to sit here and say he had 35 because he came off the bench to prove Kerr like he still has some left in the tank I don’t think that’s the case I still think he

Has something in the tank and I still think he can still provide nights like this where he can get hot and he can shoot you know very very effective from the three he’s still tall he still moves off screens pretty well he’s just not the same player he once was but that’s

Okay but it is it’s looking like a good move now because angry or not this is the best game he’s had in a long time so kudos to CER for basically being at Rock Bottom changing up you know pretty much everything and now this is kind of the

Last move like okay clay and and big respect for him too because he could have went in the Shell he could have been pissed off he could have been passive I seen guys come off the bench turn down open shots act like an not you know not play their normal game

He did the opposite you know he got hot early and he continued to ride that and he’s a huge part of why they won this game so uh I don’t think it’s going to change I think he’s gonna stay there now and and and they listen they got a win

Which barely because John Collins had a horrible turnover at the end of the game they still could have lost this game but this was a huge step for Klay Thompson his progression to show everybody put everyone on notice like look I’m still capable yeah I don’t I don’t know what

To make of this because you know it’s it’s weird they were playing well they were in a good position playing the better basketball that they have been um throughout the course of this season and you know you you put Clay on the bench and he and he comes out with one of his

Best games of the season so I don’t know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing what I do know is Klay shot the hell out of the ball last night and this is the first time we’ve seen a glimpse of him looking like the Klay Thomson of

Old that we’ve got accustomed to seeing on the basketball court so I don’t like this move uh but it worked and so I I really don’t know what to make of it so I I guess we just keep our our minds open and see what happens you don’t okay

So let’s let’s hold on to that thought because you don’t like the move but because clay of course was asked about coming off the bench here he is afterwards um found out this morning me and Steve had a good talk about it and uh you know you could do two things you

Can pout or you can go out there and respond and I thought I did the ladder very well tonight um especially no turnovers and missed a few box house so but more importantly uh I realized I’m going to play a ton of minutes so you just got to let the ego

Go when you think of coming off the bench and all that so I mean I thought about Mono joli that guy has four rings and gold medal and he came off the bench his whole career and I don’t think anyone looks down on his Hall of Fame

Candidacy he’s uh one of the greats and I thought I I mean I embraced it that before tip and uh I mean I deserved it really I didn’t didn’t respond to not playing at the end of the game well last night I kind of took it out on the assistant

Coaches and I apologize to those guys before the game and I think that let my guard down and let me just be myself out there I do love a long Clay Thompson sound bite that’s uh he’s very honest so Lou there’s his take on the assignment

Um and you already said that you don’t love it so why not if it works if it works it works but listen after after hearing his response give him credit this is this is very professional very mature very much clay like so I’m happy that he’s embracing

Everything the good the bad the ugly he realized he isn’t playing his best basketball he’s not in favor of the decision but at the end of the day he’s trusting his coaching he’s trusting his organization to put him in a position to be successful and give them the best

Opportunity that’s needed for them to give themselves another opportunity to make a playoff run and so this was the very mature very professional response that we would expect out of Klay Thompson and at the same time he’s expressed his frustration you know he’s saying it’s not perfect this is not

Ideal for me but I’m going to embrace it I’m going to make the best out of it and you know he drew inspiration from Manu job and he’s he’s very right you know nobody has frowned upon the career that Manu job has been able to put together

For himself but you know Clay this is only game one for you you know this is this is a this is only game one you know you got a lot you got a lot more um it’s going to get different you know I don’t I don’t know if he’s going to come off

The bench and have 35s every night he’s going to have his ups and downs but you know the the hardest part of that journey is going to be him embracing that position and trying to make the best of it and it seems like he’s off to

A good start with that you think he was the one that brought up Manu or you think Steve cerr brought up Manu in the talk they had that’s that definitely was a coach thing that definitely was a coach thing you know one of those one of

Those coach isms to get you to one of those coach isms to get you to buy in and and give you a great example you know it’s it’s a lot of guys that he can make that example that it didn’t go their way so to pull Manu jov out of the

Blue I think this is a Steve Kerr thing I kind of love that Chandler you liked it you you were uh clappity clap claps well I just think that was quite possibly the best thing he could say whether he means it or not that was a classy classy mature move like Lou said

He said all the right things he got his point across that yeah he’s not happy but at the same time he doesn’t deserve to you know to start right now and by the way this doesn’t Grant him the the guarantee to even play at the end of

Games every night but he just it doesn’t matter it’s Steve Kerr is now in a box with this team and he’s got to try different things it would be Psycho for him to keep doing the same thing over and over again just riding these older guys because of their resume and not

Because the production that they’re given this year so I think it’s an allaround good move and Lou just said it too is he GNA do this every single night like I doubt it but it’s is a great start I bet he feels a lot better this

Morning after you know 35 and a win then playing awful and being benched at the end of the game so this this is a great start to kind of his second life and look what this did to Russell Westbrook look you know Melo had to go a lot of

Hall of Fame type guys have to make this transition at some point so he seemed to be handling it with the utmost class he’s got a couple days off to just chill um you mentioned the John Collins pass the errant pass somebody take me through what exactly happens here how does this happen

I mean I think I think he just he just kind of got pressed a little bit it’s he he was double triple team first of all he had a great offensive rebound even keep the possession alive here he probably should have kicked it out to se

In there you know early but uh I love what Colin seon did here too you know the guy’s had an up and down career but he goes right up to him he supports him he puts his chin up um and that’s what a great teammate should do but you can’t

Fault John Collins for this CU without his offensive rebound they’re not even in this situation but yeah I bet he wants that pass I bet he wants that pass back just to get a look to possibly win the game L why you laughing it’s a it’s a bad you know

Because it’s it’s one of those it’s it’s one of those things time and score if you look at that clip you show it shows when he gets that ball he has his head down I’m sure he feels pressure he’s listening he can hear the crowd he can

Hear the anxiety going up he probably doesn’t know where that clock is it looked like he just panicked and threw a bad pass uh all right well we’ll leave him alone for that we’ll move on to another team that I don’t know what’s going on here bucks Grizzlies yikes the Grizzlies

Massive upset this one Bucks were 14-point favorites and The Grizzlies win this uh they have five of their starters missing and I don’t know what to say about this this Bucks team right now but is this is this rock bottom for this team Lou no it’s it’s not Rock Bottom there’s

A lot of basketball to be played but man they got to they got to figure it out I I actually watched this game last night and I looked over to my friend and and it was about seven minutes left and I I looked at him I said the way this game

Is going the Bucks are going to win this game because they’re going to they’re going to turn into who they are and the Memphis Grizzlies going to turn into who they are and I was and I was wrong on both ends the Memphis Grizzlies they played like the more hungry better

Basketball team um and and the Bucks kind of look disheveled they didn’t know what to do on the offensive end and defensively there still struggling you know Memphis was scoring at will doing whatever they wanted to do on the offensive end and I think that hurt the

Bucks coming down the stretch of that stretch of that game now on the flip side of that what we’re also seeing is we’re seeing a young basketball team giving the guys an opportunity to play that they’re playing with house money there’s no pressure on them to be successful they’re expected to lose a

Lot of these games so they’re going out there they’re playing free they’re playing relax and those are the most dangerous teams you can play when you’re playing against a Carefree team when they don’t care about turnovers they don’t care about doing the right things they don’t care about shot selection

You’re going to run into a you’re going to run into a wall because those are the most dangerous type of guys to play against and Milwaukee experienced that last night I think they took took their opponent a little bit lightly um and they paid the cost it’s crazy to me that

They’ be taking anybody lightly cuz uh in case you’re not keeping track the Bucks are three and seven since they made the big coaching change so Chandler I don’t know is this a Doc Rivers problem is this a moment where maybe they’re making they’re having regrets about changing coaches where where

Should the Bucs be right now I think it’s just kind of a collective thing here where the guys aren’t playing very well Doc’s not making the adjustments as quick as they’d like but the worst thing that could happen here is that doubt sneaks in right like now the players

should we have fired Griffin do we like Doc is he the right guy was it our fault so is a loss like this the end of the world no like Lou said this is this is a team with no pressure against the team with all the pressure and this is

The biggest Trap game of the year every game I ever played in the before Allstar Weekend I was mentally gone right like I was plane was booked I would my crew was ready we were going straight from the game to playing to Cabo like it this so

This game was a trap game but but yeah it’s it’s not how they started I think allar weekend’s coming at the perfect time for them let them get away from a little bit let doc get his feet wet let him get comfortable and I don’t think

It’s time to panic quite yet but this isn’t exactly the start that they were hoping for with that much talent and this much you know you know change that quick after that small amount of games you don’t want to see three and seven on your first 10 games no and it does suck

To have chanler let me let me ask you this though because again Allstar break is coming this is a great opportunity for Doc to kind of sit down with his coaches get an opportunity to get like you said get his feet under him start putting in some of his system stuff but he’s

Coaching the All-Star game so he has responsibilities as well so so when do they get an opportunity to try to get on the same page well thankful for him allar weekend’s a lot longer now it’s like eight days long or something ridiculous but yeah you’re right and that alone I

Feel like he feels silly he’s already commented on that like maybe he’ll send his staff someone else need to do it because that that’s probably the funkiest thing I’ve ever seen in the NBA this doesn’t even make sense and especially now with how it looks after 10 games uh that he’s the coach

But again like this is It’s it’s coming at the perfect time because this team just needs to take a deep breath realize that they have enough for what it takes things aren’t going their way just like the Clippers when they made a big adjustment they made a big trade so

There’s light at the end of the tunnel but yeah it’s you’re right that that that’s sucks he’s on a plane to Indiana right now instead of bunkering down there and figuring some out I’m okay so you guys touched on the fact that it’s a trap game and people are

Mentally there so I want to play the Doc Rivers sound here but really I want your reaction on the other side about how it hits with players cuz it’s one thing to think you’ve already mentally checked out it’s another thing for your coach to say it here’s

Doc uh first play we we gamble for the 50th time in the corner guy drives uh we have to help leads to a three we come back in this uh on our Set uh two guys forget what we’re running uh then we missed a shot and then nobody gets back

That’s how we start out the third quarter that tells you all you need to know about where our heads were all um you know um we had some guys here we had some guys in Cabo does that bother anyone or they just like yep he’s right no no this is

The this is the norm this is like Chandler just mentioned if you’re not an Allstar guy jets are booked flights are booked hotels are booked you’ve been planning for this for weeks now and you’re 2 and 1/2 hours away from freedom for the next seven days to go find some

Sun go do whatever it is that you want to do and and and just take your mini vacation and then this is this is one of those games it takes great leadership usually one of your leaders is going to come in and say hey for 2 and a half

Hours Let’s lock in let’s do the work and then we can go on about our business and everybody go their separate ways and go have a hell of a time but for the next 2 and a half hours Let’s lock in leadership was supposed to check that

Before this game because this is a trap game especially on the road I guarantee you half of those guys that can afford it they they flew directly from Memphis to wherever they were going they didn’t get back on that plane to Milwaukee to go to vacation they’re leaving from

Memphis Tennessee so they had these plans already and you get excited guys start talking this is natural you get in the locker room hey where you going what you got plan this and that so half of your mind half of your mentality is somewhere else this is natural and this

Is human nature so somebody was supposed to check that in the locker room and it looked like it didn’t happen yeah and you’re right because this this is an older team this is a maturity this isn’t the Thunder we’re talking about this is This falls on Dame This falls on Giannis

This falls on you know Brook Lopez Jay Crowder everyone on that team that’s a critical piece of that team has been in multiple of these games so you’re right as much as it does fall on Doc to make the proper adjustments this is a this is a extremely irresponsible let down from

This entire team and Doc’s not just saying that at the press conference he definitely said that in the locker room after the game he definitely was emphasizing that during the game so I don’t think the team just caught astray by doc saying that but this is this is a

This is a problem because lose right this is this is just a maturity thing you can you can focus for three hours and then go to Cabo for six days like handle your business first and they didn’t and in this league it doesn’t matter like Memphis banged up what those

Kids are still talented enough to go and get a win against a good team that’s exactly what happened it’s an exciting win for them look the Bucs are only a game and a half up on the Knicks right now we’ve been saying I don’t know about

This in the East uh are they the third best team in the East Lou I still think they’re in the top four Talent wins basketball games in the league they have a ton of talent I still think they’re one of the top teams I still think they get out of this have

Going into the playoffs with homecourt Advantage they’re trying to figure it out right now they’re on a little slide but still stand P at three so we can’t really panic I don’t think they’ve hit rock bottom I think they figured this out I shared the locker room with a lot

Of these guys they just added uh Danilo galinari who’s going to be a great addition to them uh when healthy went on the floor they got a ton of guys out there that know how to play the game of basketball and they’re going to flip the switch on I’m not really concerned about

This I think they still put themselves in a great position coming out of the break yeah I think I can’t take them I can’t take the Cavs over them in a series I can’t take the Knicks over them you know what I mean so I still think they’re the second best team with

Everything that’s happened so when we’re talking the the small sample size this last 10 games yeah they look brutal I would take anybody over them but when you look at the the rest of the season there’s still 30 or so games you know they still have this guys on their

Team they still have two All Stars they still have a deep team they still have the potential I still have not taken any of those teams over them in a seven game series I just I can’t not yet not yet uh can we talk Grizzlies for one second cuz

They are playing with a bunch of guys that I would would assume most people have never heard of and yet they come out and have a win like this how how valuable is it sometimes to be on a team that really just has absolutely nothing to lose Chandler it’s huge these guys are

Playing for contracts they’re playing for food like they’re playing to stick around in the NBA and this is a awesome opportunity for guys like Williams and El dama uh Goodwin you’re right I GG Jackson he had 27 points I’ve heard about him one other time but this season

When he went off against somebody I think the Warriors so uh this is a this they’re auditioning every single night and sometimes this is a great the door opens when you have all these guys out and these young kids are going to find themsel on the Grizzlies next year or

Somewhere else but it’s because of these games it’s because they’re playing hard it’s because they’re playing good it’s because the opportunity that they’re given right now so you know Jenkins the coach he’s not saying look guys wins losses we’re trying to make the play they’re not even saying that they’re

Just going out there and they’re saying play hard as hell play unselfish and do what you do and that’s exactly what they’re doing and that alone is going to translate to some wins in this league and you can just see on paper they have no business winning this game so I’m

Happy for them because these kids are getting an opportunity to showcase that a lot of guys don’t ever get and end up in Europe and end up retired end up doing something else so this is a great opportunity for these kids good for them that was a big win

And you can tell by the way they were uh celebrating afterwards shall we take a look around the league um cuz we had some history that was being made last night Caitlyn Clark of course breaking the NCAA Women’s Hoops record scoring uh 3528 that’s 3528 points um a career high

49 I think she only needed eight when the game started to grab the record but why go for eight when you can get 49 she also had a record-breaking three-pointer from the logo um how impressive is she guys seriously like let’s talk about this for a second Lou you

First best college basketball player in the game men’s and women um she’s she’s just the best she’s she’s proven it year after year hadn’t hadn’t won that big game she’s ran into some walls there but individually she’s one of the most impressive women’s basketball players I’ve I’ve ever seen and um it’s just

Amazing to watch it’s amazing to uh to just be a be a fan of her and and as a coach of uh women’s basketball and I know how much my girls look up to her I know how much they watch her play and so for her to be said these type of

Examples and and being this inspirational it it does wonders for my for my girls in women’s basketball as a as a whole yeah I’ll tell you this for people that don’t watch a lot of women’s basketball Caitlyn Clark has has put them on notice I get the same feeling

That I do watching Steph Curry that I get watching Caitlyn CLK it’s insane the way she can shoot the ball the way she creates space um the range she has it is it it is truly is a special special talent and watching that game last night

Of course she hits a 35f footer from the logo to to to break Kelsey’s record here but she’s so impressive and she’s gonna continue to do great things and she’s literally putting women’s basketball more on the map than it’s ever been because she is awesome to watch so

Whether she stays or goes to the WNBA do we think she’s going to dominate WNBA let’s just fast forward to her professional years no no oh okay good not dominate no she’s she’s she’s going to be a really good Pro um she’s going to hold her own

And she’s going to be a 20 point plus average U type of professional when we say dominate you got to understand there’s women in that League that’s been dominating they they’re still Asia Wilsons of the world there’s they’re still very very good players Sabrina aano you know there’s going to be a lot

Of women that’s going to have something to say when when you talk about dominating she she will be a very very good Pro Allstar level uh perennial All-Star level but when you talk about dominate that’s going to take some time it’s been some women there that that’s had similar impacts in college

Basketball that she’s had and had the same impact at the professional level as well and it took some time and so with those examples being set I see her being a really good Pro but dominate I don’t see that happening you know it’s crazy like I love the idea of the Sabrina

Thing and the stuff them shooting yeah I I’ll probably watch I’m tune in if kitlin Clark was in that I’m 1,00% watching and and I don’t know she has on me I don’t know if if I just really enjoy watching her play because Sabrina has a crazy game too but I wish

They would throw her in there too because she can shoot that pill it is crazy that’s crazy that that would be a bigger draw interesting well maybe next season we’ll get to see that uh we’re gonna take a quick break when we come back five-time Allstar Tim Hardaway

Senior joins the show when run it back returns Tim the killer crossover that was brilliant of put that in your highlight Hall of Fame that’s right he is a Hall of Famer five time Allstar 13-year vet Tim Hardway senior joining us now I I know

You are in Indie you just told us that I no I’m not cheating here um and you you’ve done a ton of All-Star games in your career do you have a favorite memory that stands out as we get things kicked off yeah you know um one year I

Suppose had started and um and Magic had retired because of um you know the situation that he was going through and um I was on a starting team and Magic was able to play and they said yeah he he can play an All-Star game and I said

I I would give starting job to him and he went out there and got MVP he took my MVP so yeah that was in Orlando so yeah that that’s that’s one of my moments that I had at the All-Star gang that seems about right and every time I see magic every

Time I see M he always thank me he say thank you man I appreciate that I say yeah that’s Yeah Tim in five of those Allstar games you played with or against Michael Jordan and one of those games he had a triple double which is kind of crazy in

Allar game what was the most impressive thing you saw him do during those those allar games was it the triple double or was it something else well you know we played against Michael you know at least five six times during the course of the season when I was with Miami Heat so um

And I played against him during the summer in Chicago too so you know nothing amazes me about Michael because I played against him so many times during the course of my career and you you know coming out of Chicago too um but uh it’s just the every day of him

Coming in no matter what is if it’s Pi pick up basketball um he’s gonna play hard he’s gonna go out there and give it to you and um he’s gonna go out there and compete and that you know and that’s that’s every game I remember we was in

The playoffs against um Chicago Bulls he went out um that day and shot 36 holes of golf came in to the game that night and almost won it for him he was like six or eight for like 30 something like that but he almost made the two jump shots

They crawled in and out of the basket and they almost won that game game three so yeah uh yeah I I tell you this he he’s a phenomenal player um you know when if if when you was on the court you was always amazed because he was always

Prepared 36 holes and then do that all right so there’s a there’s a moment when he had 50 against you when you were in Miami and the legend is that you said something in a paper like in the newspaper do you remember this is this what

Happened did I say something no no no no that was for Sean Leonard that said something what what was said because I feel like you don’t say anything about Michael um but Sean Leonard said something we don’t know what he said but o think o think I know Michael

Told uh Pat was contribute this ass kicking because of him the Sean Leonard and that’s all that’s all that was said that’s all that was said and we was like what and we come to find out that he was kind of chirping in his ear he

Wasn’t loud with he was just chirping in his ear and um yeah that’s that’s what that was it wasn’t me that said anything triping in his ear talking to him he didn’t know he didn’t know what was what what what was that like trying to trying to guard him trying to stay in

Front of him at that at that time you know obviously the rules have changed from you know that time period until now but at at that time what was it like trying to guard him well he never took me outside the post he always because he

Knew if he dribbled in front of me I would take it from him I was good at at at at stealing the ball from him because I count his dribbles and I saw you know that he didn’t get down all the way but he always posted me up and his footwork

Was uh incredible his footwork with the right pivot foot or the left pivot foot you could tell that he worked on that for hours and and and years and his footwork was impeccable and he have spin moves he have you know uh jump shots spin shot all type of stuff but um his

Will to just put the ball in the basket was incredible man just incredible it seemed like any shot that he took it was going in I mean if you had your hand up right in his face it didn’t matter you know and and like I I tell people today

They say how how um can you see the basket I said most guys when they shoot they don’t see the basket because people are in front of them and jumping in front of them it’s all repetition it’s all them hundreds and thousands and millions of shots that you have taken

And repetition each every time you out there um um working on your game so you know where the rim is at if you shooting threes uh you know a thousand times you know chanon you know Lou you close your eyes and you can shoot the ball and you

Know that it’s going in because you didn’t shot that same shot at that same spot thousands and thousands of times so that’s the way he was if you you you tried to guard him if he missed that was a win for you Tim this weekend there’s a lot of

Buzz around the dunk contest simply because Jaylen Brown is in it and he’s the first All-Star to participate in the dun contest since 2017 do you think he’ll kind of Kickstart other star players doing this like they did in the 80s and 90s like I tell you this he better come with

Some stuff if he don’t come with some stuff then other Allstar are not going to dunk cont so he better I hope he and Lou you you know what I’m saying Lou you better I mean if you going to dunk in a dunk contest like like for instance uh

Uh you know you you had Trace McGrady or you had Vince Carter that was in the allstar game they was and started in the All-Star Game and he went out there and put on the show for the dunk contest that’s what they want to see so Jaylen

Brown my advice to you is you better put on the show because if you don’t guys gonna be like you know what that’s why I save my leg I I need to rest that’s why I’m not in DK contest yes he better put on the show

But I wish him well God that’s what I’m worried about that’s why we’re that’s why we’re saluting them yeah that’s why we’re saluting them because we want guys to listen put all of the the fear aside put on a show for the fans even if it’s

Not going to be your best outing the fans at the end of the day they sign up for Allstar Weekend they want to see the best of the best do the best things possible they want to see him shoot threes and dunk and do all of those

Things you know no disrespect to none of the other guys it’s well well deserved um we love to see the Matt mcls of the world in in the toppings and all of these guys dunk but we’re there to see our All Star be the best athletes in the

World and so they just got to put some of that pride aside and just sign up for it it’s making me nervous now I agree with you I agree with you now I’m excited yeah I hope they don’t get scared because this is a step in the

Right direction uh Tim so we got to talk Run TMC obviously um is that are those years is that your favorite time I know the shirt’s awesome is it your favorite time playing basketball and if you guys had stayed together longer what do you think the ceiling would have

Been I had first of all I had great times in Golden State and with the Miami Heat uh but starting off with Golden State Warriors Chris Mullen Mitch Richmond Ron TMC we got the Bay Area rocking we rolling um only thing we we had Alton liser when he we we got him a

Free agent from Seattle he came in and the first game of the preseason he TOS Achilles so that kind of hurt us and put us took us back a little bit and then you know we went to the uh playoffs and played against the Los Angeles Lakers we

Was underman because we had to have uh Mitch Richmond guard vah devach and we had to gimmick and all this and all that so I mean but the the time there was was great we had a great Buzz the uh you you know we we had a future there if we

Would have kept Mitch Richmond um and um you know Don Nelson finally said that his worst mistake of his coaching career was trading Mitch Richmond um we had a nucleus there and the only thing we needed was some pieces for us to fulfill and we would

Have went far I think we could have contended for a championship myself but um and I know Chris and Mitch they think so too if we would have stayed together but we had something fantastic there and um you know it it was like when when Mitch got traded it was

The beginning to the end and um that hurt us because we we we had a great nucleus and we we we had fun playing we knew we where each other was you know I’m Mitch scoring 25 Chris Mullin scoring 26 I’m scoring 22 and having 10

Dimes a game or 11 dimes a game I mean it it was just remarkable basketball and we knew you know how to use our other teammates to get involved and make them happy too so we just knew how to play and we had fun playing with each

Other Yeah Tim you mentioned both of them Don Nelson Pat Riley both legendary coaches did one of those guys have more of an impact on you on and off the court than the other or they both were just awesome to play for both was awesome play for both was awesome are awesome

Guys on and off the court um you’re talking about X’s and O’s uh defensive wise a lot of people don’t think that Don Nelson is a defensive strategist he is a defensive strategist he just he likes to gimmick he likes to do this he likes to do that uh but he he

Understands that uh if you play the defense the way you want that he wants you to play he you can win games all right d uh Pat rally is like in your face we gonna play D you gonna get over picks we gonna Blitz the uh uh the pick

And roll um there’s no switching none of that stuff but in today’s game I think um they they they they couldn’t adapt to today’s game because young players are totally different now and you know when you grow up the way we grew up and how the game was played at at that

Particular time tough rugged beat you up uh knock you down being so physical you know uh uh today’s game they they be like you know I I I don’t understand that because that’s the way they played too you got to understand Pat Ry and Don Nelson played the same way so when we

Playing play the same way but man those two they innovators they understand the game in and out um they always paid attention to details and um that’s what make them great great coaches now you know when we break out the basketball dictionary and we look up the word crossover your picture is going

To be right there as the example of who Champion the crossover I got to know how did you perfect that and who was who was one of your favorite victims that you C with that crossover well you know it wasn’t a favorite victim it was just I just like

To go out there and compete and like to go out there and play it it didn’t matter who you were uh where you were if we was in a pickup game and I didn’t know you from Adam um I’m still going to uh go at you the way I go at anybody

Else and that’s the way I was brought up that’s where I made up and um I used to practice in a in a basement my basement I had um finished basement my parents did and we had two beams you know like probably about 5 feet apart seven feet

Apart and I used to um uh imagine it that I’m playing in front of some guys that I wanted to play against in high school um or in college and this what I do to them so uh I’d be down there for about what an hour to an hour and 15

Minutes just dribbling the basketball in and out moves crossover mov between the legs spin moves and just perfecting you know just the craft of dribbling and so when I got out on the court whatever I did it wasn’t new to me I just did it in general so if I come

Across you over come in and out and put it behind my back that’s what I was practicing and that’s what made me confident to go out there and do it against you so uh you know I I didn’t know I had a move like that I just went

Out there and just played and competed and when I needed it I I just did it and I G to tell you this I didn’t know that I was doing it I was just out there just hooping and trying to get myself open get to the rim uh make a play because

Back then like I said before we played in the playgrounds it’s a bunch of it’s a lot of physical activity out there hands pushing shoving grabbing holding and in the pars you can’t cough out all the time so you have to get through that

And you have to div a move to get your body around people in a box not out the box we was always in this little box type box and we used our shoulders to get past you to make a play so that’s how I was taught and um it just took me

To the next level looking around the looking around the league with that said who do you who do you think got the best handle right now who do you really like oh you know krie irvan no question krie irvan you know my my son plays for the Dallas

Mavericks and I get to watch all their games and some of the stuff that um that did you see what he did first of all to uh to woma yamba did you see here we go when he went Baseline and he kind of shot it over his head and I mean over a

Seven foot4 7 foot five guy that you know that that’s difficult to do that’s very difficult to do so but I you know krie Irving is you know one of the best right now you know you got of course you got to put Steph curry in there you know

Of course uh but yeah uh you know I I just think right now Kyrie Irving if you if you on an island with him um by yourself um it’s gonna be danger for you it’s gonna be danger you gonna be like you gonna be calling for help for sure I’m glad you mentioned

Your son um 11 Seasons I feel like time has flown on that one but was there a moment you know I think when you’re a great basketball player son wants to do the same thing is there a moment where you’re worried that ah he’s not going to

Have the right stuff did you know when he did uh yes I was [Laughter] worried yes I was worried and I was like uh you know what he may not have it he may not have it uh but it was an instance where he wanted to come out of

College after his sophomore year and I told him no you’re not ready he was upset with me for telling him the truth and he said what do I need to work on and I told him what he need to work on and he went back and worked on it and he

Got himself better and um the next year after they lost to in the finals to uh Louisville he said um by the way they got cheated that game the referee cheat that G I just want to let you all know that but um he a week a week later or

Two weeks later he said Dad I’m ready I said yes you are son yes you are and um and he he you know he just fulfilled all the is dribbling passing shooting the ball being a a captain out there uh being under control um uh being a leader

Understanding that uh who to get the ball to he’s very unselfish sometimes I wish he had just shoot the ball and be selfish selfish but he’s very unselfish if he see you open he gonna pass you the ball and say shoot the ball and make the

Shot that’s the way he is that’s the way he always going to be and um I think that that um um the Dallas Mavericks I I I want them to run some more catch and shoots for him some you know some floppy Just Like You Luke you know a scorer a jump shot

Shooter needs to get that ball they need to have uh uh offense ran for them so they go out there and feel like they in the game you know him just being in the corner just sitting there that’s not him he needs to be in the game he needs to

Be moving and I wish they run more and more more move movement for him floppies uh you know couple of staggers for him and just move him a little bit more to get him in the floorida game so um but you know he’s he’s out there he’s having

Fun he’s enjoying himself and he’s doing what um that he that I want him to do and he wants to do and I I’m very happy for him I I love just watching him play I have a joy every time I’m there watching him in person I’m I’m I’m just

In a um another world earlier this year he earlier this year he actually passed you on the alltime three-point leaderboard what what was that moment like obviously as a father to see that happen I’m gonna tell you this if we shot threes like they shoot threes today he would have never caught

Me he would have never caught me but uh you know uh if if if you want somebody to break your records you want wanted to be your son you know you wanted to be your son to go out there and break your records and but but the thing is is

Hardway Tim Hardway junior or senior is still in the in the books that’s all that matters perfect that’s fire man that’s so that’s so fire Tim Jr he’s he’s one of the favorites to be in the sixthman of the Year conversation while we on the

Show make a case for why he should have it why well you know he’s come he comes off the bench he’s a lethal Factor on their team at times when they when definitely when they need a boost they go to him they run offense for him and he makees shots

And he make plays um you know it it just like you Lou when you came off the bench you could see the game and you understood what you need to do and how you need to do it you know what we not getting to the free throw line I gotta

Get to the free throw line you know what they not guard they not coming off they not getting over the screen they let they going under the screen so I I get my rhythm shooting at three uh and you always had that little uh what you call

It one or two dribble going left and hitting your guy and shooting and shooting um and getting a foul which I was like that’s not a foul L but anyway but the refs call it for you because you because because you you you worked on

That and the refs gave it to you and we knew is it’s just like d d Curry don’t let him drop don’t let him dribble one left if he dribble that left hand one time it’s going in so make him go right so yeah we knew that but yeah he he um

His his case is uh I want them to run more offense for him um when he runs when they run more offense for him it it helps them as a team be a better team but it helps him to uh be involved and more stuff that that they saying that

His team needs and they they don’t have to rely on Luca and Kyrie for everything on offense last question in y’all’s Prime I know y’all games in the styles are are are you have some similarities obviously that’s your son but you guys play different in y’all Prime 101 who doing

What oh I’m killing him I’m killing I’m killing I’m G I’m I’m gonna make him move them feet I’m gonna make him tape them ankles up I’m gonna make him move I’m I’m gonna have him touching the moon come on Lou come on Lou that’s what I wanted that’s what I

Wanted to get that’s what I wanted to hear that’s all I wanted yeah I’m gonna bag him up you know and use all my back and jump hook him to death all that stuff yeah poor guy poor guy Tim Hardway Senor this has been a pleasure thank you so much for

The time enjoy Allstar Weekend uh we will all be watching slam contest come on Stars we’ll be back with y’all doing a great job keep up great work keep giving people information about everything and um thanks for having me on I appreciate you all thank you thank you so muching on we

Appreciate that we’ll be right back yes sir like a running back she know all over the map cuz she make CL all right Allstar Weekend bets we’re just going to go around our Three-Point Contest picks Chandler should I should I remind everyone who’s in it Damen Lillard Halle Burton Trey young Malik

Beasley Jaylen Brunson Carl Anthony towns Mark and in and Donovan Mitchell go I got to go Damen Lillard I I think he’s the best shooter in this contest I think it’s just a walk in the park for him just another day I think he’s straight cash give me him and a plus 390

Really good odds could be better odds I’m yeah I’m rolling I’m rolling Malik Beasley Malik Beasley he he he petitioned to get himself in this this is something that he wanted so he’s motivated and he’s shooting the highest percentage give me Malik Beasley I thought I was being cute when I picked

Malik Beasley I was like oh I’m going to get and then Lou had already done it so I’m like all right I have Malik Beasley as well I think he’s just going to be a surprise for some people so there you go the odds on that moving on to the

Three-Point Contest oh no I’m sorry the Sabrina and Steph three-point challenge Chandler I’m actually more excited about this than the other one I I got to go Steph it’s the best shooter of all time now if it was her against some of these other cats in the Three-Point Contest

Maybe my answer would be different but we’re talking the of shooting the best shooter of all time I’m not not picking Steph Curry oh yeah I wanted I wanted to pick Sabrina so bad and be controversial and and and go that way however Steph Curry is the best shooter we’ve ever seen in

Our entire lives uh let’s be realistic here it’s a reason he’s he’s -230 in odds Steph Curry well as the only woman here I feel like the ass because I also am picking Steph Curry only because I think he’s angry and frustrated and he’s coming out on fire by the

Season oh I’m a bad feminist this is about this is about good vers great not men verse women look I hope we’re wrong I’ll put it that way all right the slam dunk contest you guys know the uh the entrance there are Mt McClung Jaylen Brown haime hakz and and Mr toen

Chandler who you got yeah I can’t unsee what I saw last year and so I got to go I gotta go with a friend of the show so I gotta go mck mclung this is what he’s put on Earth to do he’s not playing in the NBA he’s not

Dunking an NBA game so I think he’s got a whole deep bag of things calling we’ve never seen the this kid’s about to do and we want to see him do it again why are you laughing you just always take it too far CH always Tak it too far we’ve seen Jaylen

Brown Dunk we’ve seen haime hawz we haven’t seen much of the top and dude but like this guy he’s he’s a he’s got something that we’ve never seen I mean it’s a good argument I think I picked CL let’s keep moving I got oh you don’t have a bunch of poetry

You want to put with it like Chandler did okay you you don’t want to say a riddle you don’t want to say a riddle it’s an angel put on Earth to dunk like okay fine all right I’m doing Jaylen Brown simply because I’m trying to manifest the Stars moving forward so

That’s really where my my guts are going with this one but I don’t know all right skills competition this is going to be a fun one you know the Gill it’s uh wait how does it break down again it’s the number one picks team Indiana and what’s the third one All

Star just random Allstar okay Team all star yeah yeah I’m going with the home cooking here I think there’s going to be obviously more Pacer fans in that Arena than other fans I think they have the chemistry they play every day together these other guys the rookies the

Allstars they don’t play together simple logic give me the Pacers at plus 190 man Lou and I are going to be so right across the are we keeping track of these we better be keeping track of these yeah the the the last I checked the skills competition there’s no

Teamwork everybody goes on their own thing then they add all the points up so so so that logic doesn’t help doesn’t help at all so I’m going with team number one picks I’m going with wimy banero and at Edwards to win this uh this skills competition same those names

Alone just just for sheer entertainment I am taking the top pick so there you go Lou and I are on the same page but when last but not least it right here the actual game itself East versus West Chandler who you got okay um I I picked the East and I picked Yiannis

I feel like every year when I watch an All-Star Game Yannis is the only dude playing hard as he’s going transition he’s like crashing the offensive glass no one boxes out so I feel like Giannis is going to put up 30 40 points so give me the East I think

They’re going to win the game Giannis takes home the MVP just because he cares more I think he wants it no one else cares okay okay if if memory serves me correct and Anthony Edwards was a snub last year and he was pissed off he’s in

The game this year and Edwards for MVP even though he’s he’s coming off the bench and at work Point MVP uh I’m going east and I’m going Hometown love halberton for for Allstar this is good at least we finally have one where we all disagree on the uh on the MVP side

Of things good luck to us all we have uh we have a schedule change for next week we’re an hour later each and every day Monday through Friday things are changing in our worlds guys enjoy your weekend enjoy the All-Star Chandler hydrate


  1. Pearl Monroe was at junior college with no competition, Catilin Clark is Division 1, sorry but Pearl's points dont count for the record, cant people understand that?

  2. If the Bucks don't at least make the NBA Finals this season. Giannis is gone and will ask for a trade this summer. Will be on a new Team next season.

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