Jeff goes over the CHIPP GOLF CO golf gloves. He goes over fit, feel, price, designs and much more. Check out this new-ish golf brand at:

Not a sponsored review.

Hey guys looking for a golf clove with a little more character than the traditional boring White Glove but you want something that’s different than the norm check out chip golf um these guys started this company about I want to say a year or two ago um in two newer

Golfers newish golfers into the market um and just want to give you a real quick review of what I think of these gloves so let’s pick on the hot hand here the other one that I have um is the Texas holdom want to go over kind of the

Fit the feel the quality um everything that I like so packaging as you guys saw they also come in these plastic bags very cool these are mediums in case anybody’s asking I don’t know if they make Cadets I don’t think they do um just kind of standard small medium I

Think medium large large extra large um so let me take my watch off here cuz this will give you guys a better idea what I like about chip when I first tested these um was the length so if you’re a guy like me and I can’t get my

Glove tight enough um I I like the extra material here to pull I like their subtle branding here I like the rubber patching here I like the style of the they’re not screaming uh a bunch of different Wild colors but still have a little bit of character to them overall

I really like the feel it feels like a high quality glove um my one knock if it’s a knock is I think anybody who makes golf gloves if it’s Chip whoever it is um you got to be able to make them in cadetes because you know you can see

There’s a little long on my fingers um i’ I’ve tried the other one I brought it to the range a few times I really like it I really like the feel super beautiful uh cabretta leather feels good smells good um and these guys have done a really really nice job with

Uh moisture management my again my only knock would be the length of the fingers and it’s not awful I mean you guys can see just my one ring finger um on my left hand is bad and it’s the same on my right to be fair playing sports when I

Was younger I broke these fingers multiple times and these fingers playing football and basketball so maybe my fingers are just shorter because they’ve been jammed and broken in so many times but overall all I really like these gloves um they would definitely be in a running for some of our best gloves for

The year but if you haven’t checked out chip chipp golf gloves they’re great um again this is not paid this is an honest review um but like I said I really like it let me show you the other colors and one of the things I really like about

What these guys have done besides the quality is look at the details like the two different colors um to match kind of the the theme Here just a really neat great feeling glove let me show you the other one here as [Applause] well same type of thing and I I’ll put

Some other pictures up of their other gloves they have some really fun themes some lucky for leaf clover um and I’ll show you how this one fits as well so we’re not um but I do again they’re one of the few um that actually has a really

Long um but overall really really really good golf gloves um and you can see I’ve I’ve hit 400 balls with this glove and there’s literally almost no weere on this um so it’s done well we’ll see over time how these do but uh if again if you

Have any questions let me know but definitely check out the website Chi PP golf chip golf um just some really really great high-end gloves I believe the price points $24 a glove I could be wrong I’ll double check and probably correct myself when I edit this but if you have any questions

Let me know but I really like I said really really like them they’ll definitely be um some of the gloves that make our finals here at the end of the year for the best golf glov so so anything you guys want to see let us know we will see you soon thanks guys

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