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WATCH LIVE Hurley Pro Sunset Beach 2024 – Day 2
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Since it hosted the first Championship Tour event ever in 1976, Sunset Beach has long stood as an old-school test of power surfing. And while timeless rail-to-rail surfing still dominates, a new school of surfers is beginning to redefine the wave with a more modern approach. Who will win out, and who heads to colder waters on a hot streak?


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For for I for in for e for e for [Applause] [Applause] It is the samon morning update early Sunset Pro the anticipation in the air Griffin call up in the Kate Matson they’re going to be matched up in the first h of the day real waa is making sure he’s got the grip on ktie simmer Sawyer lindblad they made it on the

Scene as well checking out some big Sunset Janda Fe and her mom on the bike path speaking of bike path Adrian on Desa Leo fonti checking out water world yodora and his dad coach Leandro with a Keen Eye On The Water Baron Mia the 2022 champ he’s already out there for a

Warm-up surf it is another beautiful Hawaiian morning here on the North Shore of Oahu and uh lot of anticipation like I said welcome to the satam Kyper girl along with Felicity flick paler and flick how do you say big waves in Australian well good question really big

Big wife bombora bombora bombora we have not we have big waves today here and uh wow it’s uh it’s going to be a show today yeah it is um I was watching it earlier this morning and you know that swell is still really there obviously we had a swell that picked overnight and

Yeah no shortage of waves still looks a bit unruly but I think if anything yesterday was anything to go by it’s going to be exciting it sure will so buckle up uh we are going to have a big show for you at some big Sunset let’s

Take a look at our virtual eye the Hawaii islands eight main islands we’re here on Oahu the Gathering Place on the North Shore of Oahu at a legendary wave Sunset Beach pal Malo the pal Malo stream created this deep water Channel and this has been a wave for ages

There’s the different sections we’re going to be looking at not the point we’re going to be looking at bombing outside sunset today and the inside Sunset section will come into play West Northwest swells hit us straight on here but we’re open to North swells East swells a lot of focus happening at

Sunset Beach because of the two deep water channels on either side fast water moving through those channels make the waves rise up over the reef it’s a deep water break but it packs a punch because of those deep water canyons and we’re flying over the scene today for our first heat flick Griffin

Cola Pinto up against his good friend Cade Matson in a way a master and Apprentice setup here with Griffin who’s been a support squad for all the youngsters all s but now uh cage going to have to do do a will be dueling with probably one of his Heroes Griffin

Colapinto for sure I think straight off the straight off the rank this morning this hate is an absolute cracker obviously you’ve got to be thinking you know Griff qualified first sort of out those San Clemy kids um you know obviously had cloh before Griff but Kate has probably been looking up to Griff

Obviously they’re friends but Kate’s been looking up to Griff you know the last few years while he’s on tour saw Griff in that final five situation at the end of last year and probably idolizing him as well as being a mate and yeah this going to be a really

Exciting matchup um yeah sort of the the rookie takes on I guess Griff not a veteran I guess now yeah I would call Griffin kapino a a veteran six years on the championship tour uh best year last year finished number three in the world Kade Matson the rookie on the

Championship tour this is his first go around CT comp ition here at Sunset Kade just 21 years old but he’s got a big frame 63 Cade Matson Griffin Kendo 25 years old 511 you can see the skis are going to be a key factor today um flick in that we

Got full jet ski assist today for sure I mean I I think it’s even a little bit bigger than yesterday and I mean we saw that big swell sort of pushing um over last night you can really see there’s a lot of whitewash in the water there’s a

Lot of lump and bump and I think it might be the same sort of situation as yesterday that once that Sun starts to hit the lineup um you know it’s scientific fact I don’t know what happens but that that lineup’s going to start to get a lot clearer a lot cleaner

And um hopefully a little bit more groomed because you yeah you look at this shot right here and I mean it’s sort of almost storm at sea and um yeah the boys are going to have uh their work cut out for them today but obviously making a little bit easier with that jet

Ski assist yeah Griffin Kento a 3 CT event win for Cola Pinto um he’s been you know one of the most exciting Surfers on the championship tour 99 on the back of is his back his jersey number a former um jersey number of another Great Western Australia Surfer

Taj Taj burro so retired his jersey and Griffin picked that 99 right back up let’s get more information on today’s format and call let’s go to Travis Loi along with AJ McCord thanks so much kypo so Travis obviously men’s Heat number one in the water lot of surf Bo riding

We’re expecting today walk us through what we can expect to see yeah so we got men’s round of 32 followed by men’s round of 16 overlapping Heats all day so 24 Heats okay so 24 Heats and what are we seeing in the water how do we expect the forecast to change throughout the

Day yeah it’s pretty wild we had a new swell in come in overnight and it peaked early this morning but already in the last hour it’s already cleaned up a bunch um and it’s supposed to continue that Trend throughout the day so it should get just get better and better all day

So knowing what we want to try and get done today and what we still have to do to wrap up this Sunset competition what are you looking at for the longer range forecast through the back half of the window yeah well tomorrow we can’t run CU it’s President’s Day and our permit

Doesn’t allow us but Tuesday and Wednesday are looking like great options for the event so it’s lining up lastly all right so there we go kypo a lot of action today we’ll send it back to you in the booth to call it uh thank you AJ yeah so um overlapping Heats today

That’s why you see the clock at 36 minutes they 40-minute Heats first 20 minutes of those 40-minute Heats you’ll the Surfers will be in a non-priority heat where they will have to yield to the other two Surfers in the priority portion of their Heat final 20 minutes of your 40-minute heat you will

Be in the priority heat where you will have right away over the other two Surfers in the water of course man-on-man Heats means individual priority at play we just saw that paddle between Griffin colapinto Cade mats and we have not established priority as of yet in this heat flick yeah no we

Haven’t you can see even just by this shot that there is a lot of water moving out there right now here goes Cade first wave of the day remember he’s 63 so it gives you a little bit of an idea of the size of surf out there finds a little

Corner here and just some easy rail work for the rookie to start off uh wants to establish a number and he did just that complete ride so well done by Kade Madson yeah that that was a nice opening ride for Cade um couple of little carving Mane M there you can see he’s

Kicking pretty hard to get back out here but just one thing you can really see just even on the screen here right now is just there is water moving in every single direction as we have a look here this is Kate’s opening ride and just waiting for that section to sort of stand

Up goes to the carving maneuver and this section gives him a little bit more sort of gives a little bit more spray there on that second turn but yeah there there’s just so much water moving out there and I think a lot of the guys that came in from yesterday said you know

I’ve surfed Sunset 15 20 times since I’ve been here over the last month and it was nothing like what the conditions were like yesterday and a lot of them were coming in saying that W it’s just like a massive beach break just water breaking everywhere especially in those

Early morning Heats which is sort of similar to what we have now and if I think right now is probably even a bit more challenging than what yesterday was just with that little bit extra uh swell that peaked overnight yeah so uh we are expecting for things to T get more t

Through the throughout the day as the day presents itself but right now it’s Wild and Woolly out there still waiting for the first score for Kade Matson uh this wide pulled out shot you can really see the jumble out there but you can also see a lot of current like you said

FL coming out off of that channel Griffin with a nogo there just took a peek at that one yeah I think I think you know once you get out the back today and you sort of think you’re in position you’re going to have to be doing a lot of

Repositioning right like there’s not going to be much just sitting on your board and waiting I think just with just how much water is moving I mean even if you look out to the side there you got Camis over there and I’ve even seen waves breaking even further out on that

Outside Camy section like yesterday didn’t really see that so that Channel’s got a lot of water moving through it and uh yeah they these guys have definitely got their work cut out for them they’re going to be constantly moving and really just testing that watermanship skill and

Knowledge in bigger Surf and yeah more powerful surf yeah it it’s going to be interesting to see as the day plays out uh equipment choices um most Surfers riding around 64s to 66s or 63s to 66s yesterday we’ll see if the size got bumped up today with some of our

Competitors we got the first score in for Kade mastera 4.17 for the rookie yeah four 417 I mean even yesterday there was guys getting through with a 417 as their backup score you know I think that already are in my eyes I’m like okay that that can be a backup

Score let’s just try and work on getting you know the next one and building on that um so nice opener for Cade and no griffs out the back he’s got priority and 32 minutes to get something going well we know it’s Wild and Woolly out there and

Let’s go take a look at our Surfline cul forecast for Sunset Beach and we can see there’s the culprit right there on the satellite imagery big low up in the lucians dropping a swell down here this this one coming pretty close to the islands and so we have a shorter period

Swell but large in size for sure I think um since yesterday we saw that period still the same but that swell height picked up you can see this beautiful satellite image there and where that big low is that’s that’s the culprit for all this swell and uh what the good thing is

Is we can expect cleaner midsize SW further on in the week this is looking at today obviously 15 to 25t Bases sort of easing throughout the day um and we’ve got that side offshore wind 18 to 20 two knots I think the good thing is though looking forward in the forecast

We’ve got a lot of good um action to look forward to that Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I mean every single day there 8 to 12T and offshore winds it’s looking really good for the back end of this uh waiting period that’s right and that’s exactly why we are you know

Putting the pedal to the metal today and getting through some Heats we’re going to get through the round of 32 for the men as well as the round 16 so well the quarterfinals we said there we go the Bucking Bronco prone takeoff for Griffin colapinto now he activates carb into the

Channel aiming for the lip slams the lip and the lip slams him right back well that was just like riding a bucking B that wave just had so much energy to it you could see that when he went for that last turn I mean he was met with some

Serious sort of wonk and and backwash um you know those sort of this sort of here we go we’re looking at this last section here I mean this was pretty radical I mean there was no shortage of assertion there and aggression like sort of trying to meet that wave with the

Same sort of power but yeah really just gobbled Griff up uh that takeoff that Griff had that is not an easy takeoff to do I have severe avoidance to those whenever I surf because it’s so difficult I mean especially at a wave like Sunset where it has so much power

And the moment you feel that like you you have so much speed as well and to be able to match that and push up on your board while doing that white water takeoff is is super difficult to do it what of makes me laugh when I say the

Guys do it cuz I just know we both know how challenging that is yeah I mean cuz you’re bouncing up and down so you would think it’s easy just to get to your feet but because of that bounce and timing just pushing up on your board at the

Same time often times you’re trying to push up but the wave will push you back down and uh the one thing about Sunset is it it’s way harder out there in the water than it looks from the beach almost anything you do even just standing up

In a white water well I mean even all day yesterday I was like you know when I was on my break I would be watching it and I watched a few of the highlights from yesterday and I’m like wow I mean it it the guys make it look really good

And they make it look really easy it is so difficult like they especially surf like this I mean Sunset when it’s even really good and perfect and big and it you know it’s amazing on it on its Heyday is difficult so when it’s when it looks like this when it’s jumbled up

When it’s hard to read um obviously these are the best guys in the world and they’re doing a really good job at making it look easy I mean today even the fish are confused out there you you got they’re just swimming around in circles like going what’s going on what

Happened overnight no they didn’t sleep last night I don’t think no he had to find a a safe Cove so situation we got Griffin coino two-point ride for that one cut back Kate Matson with the early Advantage with a 4.17 and still plenty of time on the

Clock just under 29 minutes flying by here and the mix of swell is really obvious too we had Kevin Wallace from Surfline explain to us you know it’s a shorter period a mix of swells that’s what equals these jumbled conditions but with these jumbled conditions I think

That every once in a while you’re going to see some Glory out there you’re going to see some big waves when everything comes together uh we saw excellent scores yesterday I’m expecting another day day of excellent scores today for sure and I think yeah I’ve got to Echo

What you were saying and you know when there is such a jumbled short period Well you still can get those moments where you know sometimes you get those ones from more in the north at Sunset and they sort of have that little wedge cuz they connect with one you know

Further towards the west and and all of a sudden you’ve got this one that’s sort of growing as you’re surfing it down the line and I think we’ll definitely have moments like that um I’m really looking forward to that back end of the waiting period when we start to see that period

Jump up to about 18 19 seconds obviously we know that means it’s going to be very groomed got more sort of those corduroy classic lines coming into Sunset and that’s when it really comes into its power yeah and what there’s potential today like for really giant double UPS

Is what when they when these waves converge and come together and the swell lines match that’s when you’re going to get those really beasty double ups and when those come uh if you’re in the right place that is going to be an epic ride but right now it’s just like

Solving the the jigsaw puzzle this morning solving the crossword puzzle right now look at Red Bull jet ski is on the run right now yeah that that piece of foam went all the way from cam all the way through to Sunset so that was one continuous line and that’s why you

See the skis come in CU sometimes going out naturally you would think to punch it and and go for the Horizon but a lot of times when you’re operating a ski is sometimes best just to do a U-turn and head on closer to shore you know when in doubt do that

That’s exactly what these guys did 100% and uh you know they’re on the ski all day right they might come in for maybe a quick little break rotate with someone but you know is as fun as it is driving a ski it’s also really hard on the bod

And you know I always joke when my more ski you doing a bit of jet ski yoga you know trying to get in whatever stretch you can because your lower back definitely takes it and as fun as it is to launch over waves uh the safer and

Better option for the B is just to Dart in quickly do a U-turn and take it on when it when that SW dis in size a little bit but uh back to what you were saying before about those sort of double up waves that’s what John said in his

Poting uh POS heat interview with AJ yesterday was that uh he went out there looking for ways where he could do turns and all of a sudden just these double up nuggets just kept coming towards him and that’s how he found his two barrels which I was like wow that was a really

Amazing performance there was one thing about yesterday that I was like wow when I think about Sunset I think about turns and it was just a barrel Fest yesterday yeah yeah yeah that that nor least SW and we saw you know including a 9.33 by Jordy Smith you catch that on the replay

Of yesterday’s action at World surf but uh he traveled for about 3 4 seconds completely disappeared but yeah we had um a number of barrels throughout the day so hopefully when things clean up we’re going to see more of that right now like I said solving the crossword puzzle solving the J

Jigsaw puzzle out there of both Kade Matson and Griffin Cola Pinto look a little lost and and and rightfully so because it’s hard to find anything to line up right now as you’re dodging we saw the wash through set and now with when the calm period comes in

Between it’s kind of a cat Mouse game now it’s the time to kind of Dart in further over on the reef but that comes with some consequence if you do that at the wrong time for sure and I think you know on free surf days out here at

Sunset you obviously have you know a lot of local guys and they they’re taking they really big Boards out and they sit right out the back and they’re just stroking in taking a few free strokes and they’re in and easy entry right but then you’ve got the guys that are out

There you know they’re all warming up and and women for for the World Tour event and they’re on their you know shorer boards so you have to play that cat and mouse game if you want to be in position to get those really nice those nice waves right and also it’s a really

Hard task going and sitting right out the back and trying to paddle in on like a 66 right those other guys the local guys are all all on those bigger boards those 86 maybe sometimes s those ninos as fun as they are but um to Surf but

Yeah this is definitely a game of cat and mouse today we did just see that sort of big wash through set that sort of almost closed out that channel there we saw the skis having to Dart in so I think already my first thoughts on today

Is it’s a lot harder than yesterday and it’s a lot more jumbled up that uh swell that peaked overnight for sure yeah we can see the Surfers right now getting cleaned up we’re going to clean up this morning a little bit little sweeping around the set be right back after this

Short break Griffin colapinto Kade Matson Cano gashi Matthew mcgilvery also on their way out the hurly pro Sunset Beach is brought to you by Hurley official apparel partner of the hurly pro Sunset Beach by Lexus experience Amazing by chaso official sunscreen partner of of the WSL and by 805 beer properly Chill back at the hurle pro Sunset Beach Crosby Cola Pinto with a Keen Eye On The Water his brother Griffin out there matched up against good friend Kade Matson typ girl along with flick paler on the call here and today especially this morning um with these challenging jumbled conditions I feel that they’re

It it it just opens the door and it makes upsets really right for the picking I feel this morning in in harvesting through heat that’s a really good point and I think that’s definitely right I think that there is you know there’s a lot of variables when it comes

To surfing but today there’s a lot more and I think you can sometimes be in Rhythm and you can be out of rhythm get back to that as you see Griff Griff and colapinto wave number two little slash there highlight to some soup acid dropped to the flats and got bucked

Off I mean I I I think that’s just to speak right to your point there I mean obviously Griff would have identified okay this wave looked like it’s going to be okay obviously that’s why I’m going to go and it just turned out to be an absolute Burger there was so much

Whitewash on the face he sort of air dropped there for a second but yeah I think you’re right Kyo I think that you just see this way how hard was this to Surf I mean all of a sudden that bottom just dropped out Complete air drop there and just presses

The eject button but just that just speaks to how hard it is today that that moment right there I mean we’re going to I think you’re right like there’s just going to be so many Heats where it’s going to go one person’s way it’s not going to go the other person’s way you

Might be just in that right Rhythm maybe you didn’t play the cat and mouse game maybe maybe you were in that right rotation and when you paddled out was the perfect moment when that wave was coming through whereas when it’s a bit more controlled and and a little bit

Less you know when it’s smaller a bit more defined and lined up it’s way easier to control the situation here we go with Cade no this is the new heat Matthew McGill right at the start actually actually the I don’t think the clock has the clock has not started in the non in

The non priority heat there we hear the horn this is Kate Matson so little misfire by Matthew mcgil meanwhile Kate Matson taking it to Sunset right here in some difficult conditions with a strong stance gets a couple Maneuvers in there already has a 4.17 and he’s going to get

Another keeper score flip yeah that was interesting it was interesting to see M stand up pretty sure that it was before that was before the heat so be interesting to see what his thought process was there but uh Kade that was smart that was smart surfing I think for me he surfed that

Really well it was once again super hard wave to Surf and all these waves this morning have just proved how difficult it is um to be honest I actually haven’t seen a set come through yet that you know that I was seeing from that early morning free surf I did see a few

Moments in that free surf where guys uh were getting and the women were getting a couple of nice turns on those waves and the faces looked a little bit C up well our new matchup that is underway now non priority heat is kanoa igarashi up against Matthew mcgil igarashi 26

Years old out of Huntington Beach is eth year on the championship tour mcgil 26 years old out of Jeff Bay South Africa fourth season on the championship tour the clock is going non priority heat with 38 minutes 54 seconds priority heat Cade mass and Griffin colapinto with 18

Minutes we’re still waiting for the score for Kade Matson on his last ride and as we had in the discussion first ride for Matthew mcgil will not be scored he stood up before the start of his heat so uh but he’s got 38 minutes so plenty of time to

Make up for that yeah for sure it was actually a little bit of a bummer though for because that was like if he made that last turn it would have been a good score here we go with canor igarashi and igarashi looking together there nice couple of

Swoops for Cano and he kicks out on the channel he’s riding a much bigger board than he was yesterday here we go with Kinto Griffin Kinto now getting into Rhythm and that could be the turnaround wave for Griffin colapinto so put together there with a nice slash and

Nice off to top so we be waiting for both those scores both of those should be decent scores flip yeah for sure I think both of those are going to be probably in that the possibly that higher score of uh these opening two Heats uh I I liked Griff’s approach I

Mean you could really see how tall that wave was his first opening maneuver was timed really well and Canoa Canoa surfed that wave really well for what it was that wave was a really difficult wave to Surf so as we look here this is Canoa and this wave was really difficult to

Surf a lot of whitewash on that face cuts that turn a little bit short and this one here was really well timed just identifying that if he went up to hit that section probably was going to be really difficult so just throwing a layback and yeah cutting that carving

Maneuver a little bit short and here we have Griff this first opening turn I really liked section really allowed him to sort of put that board on rail there and go straight up to the lip for that second turn almost looked like he didn’t make it but yeah stomped that so those those

Two waves both Great Waves so judges are really just catching up right now this morning uh with the scores so Kate Matson clocks in a 5.5 that means Griffin Cola pitel needs a 7.67 to take uh Take the Lead p igarashi with his 73rd career CT event and

Igarashi um can feel pretty comfortable out here at Sunset Beach in that he’s had success he was a runner up in 2022 to uh Baron mamia here at Sunset Beach so already had some some good success I believe he had a he was a quarterfinalist last year so he’s been

Very consistent 78% Heat winning percentage for Kano gashi when we talk about his Heats at Sunset yeah they I mean obviously he’s got a lot of experience out here and getting that runner up play finished to Baron as we have Maddie the Gil of R fits in a turn

There and after you know having to kind almost prone in on that takeoff so good for him to get some speed projection after that late takeoff or that prone takeoff and get up into the lift to complete that maneuver so we’re going to be waiting for scores for both Cano

Gashi as well as Matthew mcgil in the non priority heat to set that heat yeah that that wasn’t an easy thing to do what mat just going straight from being like standing up at the bottom of the wave and then being out to project up and actually get that turn in so it’s

Pretty impressive as you see one of the skis coming in matd choosing to take that option A lot of surfers are going to be choosing to take that option today yeah so what the what these our Hawaiian water Patrol uh skis will do is they’ll take a surfer you want to come

Into a pickup zone so you want to come in further in where the ski can pick you off the ski will deposit you like that back into the channel and then you paddle into the peak now now in the case of broken boards we have inwater caddies you’re allowed one inwater caddy for

Each surfer in the case of a broken board what would happen the drill would be the caddy we’re going to get back to that drill cuz we got some surfing going on right now with Cade Matson and he’s just kicking out so the caddy would give the surfer his board

Like Jake there who’s going to get clean a little duck dive there and get the surfer his board then the caddy would get on the back of the ski the ski will take the surfer back to shore where the caddy can grab another board and then take the the caddy back

Out into the channel so basically full water world today yeah it’s really cool and I think that’s what makes Sunset Beach so unique uh it’s the only stop on tour that we have have this as you see Jake there and I’ve riding Griffin colapinto got a 4.67 on his last wave

He’s a five-point ride here to take the lead and that would have been really valuable for him to uh finish that one off wow it just looks for me right now just watching this it just looks so challenging for the guys I mean there is just con it’s just nonstop right now

It’s non-stop foam it’s non-stop sets there’s water everywhere there’s so much water moving and for me it just looks like it’s really easy to get out of position I mean even just looking at the last wave that uh Matt mcgil got I mean he was really deep on that one and just

Yeah having to stay in position and be in the right position for the kind of waves that they’re looking for today is going to be a really really difficult task um but yeah I love this event because of the fact that there’s Cades in the channel makes it so unique and

Obviously on the way back out CAD can have a you know the Caddy’s also a coach like Jake and Jake is doing double duty right now cuz Jake is the coach for Kade Matson he’s also Kor aashi’s coach so that’s why you see Jake he’s sitting on

One of the backup boards he’s got the other backup board Tethered to him so talk about multitasking first thing in the morning two-time Sunset champ Jake The Snake Patterson is out there multitasking yeah I hope he had a coffee this one for an early start for him but

If anyone’s going to do it it’s going to be Jake obviously he’s surfed so well out here and had wins and yes such an accomplished uh Surfer and and just like in heat strategy to I think his mind is is amazing and um yeah both those

Surfers there Cade the white and then p in the blue both utilizing Jake’s uh knowledge and experience so all the scores are in right now so priority heat the situation Kate Matson out in front Griffin kitto needs a fivepoint ride to turn the heat non priority heat Peno

Gashi with the advantage on that opening exchange igarashi 5.67 Matthew mcgil with a 3.5 rolling here oh nice looking wall for Keno gashi he had an early start on that he was able to take advantage of that with layback snap he’s going to get more opportunity here another beautiful snap

Comos it up right into the lip and that is why Kano igarashi has that high Heat winning percentage here at Sunset Beach identifying that wave and then being so patient in his approach that was really well surfed and the best wave of warning

So far in my eyes I think the way he was able to read that and also fit in that last turn was really impressive he went straight from that carving maneuver back up into the lip and got that extra turn was super impressive and even being able

To identify this was a whitewash takeoff and looking down the line to see that hey this is this is going to give opportunity here and yeah just places that first turn goes to that layback hack you almost think that this wave is done but he just stays with it gets

Around this section obviously could see that there was a little bit more to give but goes straight back up for that one that last turn there it was super tricky to do super hard so really great read here and this is what I’m talking about just able to transition so quickly

Identifies that okay there’s one more opportunity here for a few more points let’s get that board straight back up into the lip and comes out in front there’s two bits of converging White Water there and he does really well to just come out in front of it so that was

Really really well done by uh Canoa yeah I can’t wait to see that score and that’s really going to be a like you said best surfed wave so far this morning so I feel like when we’re setting the scale cuz these are the first two Heats of the morning essentially since we’re doing

Overlapping Heat this is the first heat of the morning so this is really going to be an indicator of where the numbers are going to go with today when the number drops for Cano gashi for sure and uh you know the other thing to know is

Like he did this in the in the non priority heat right now and I think we’re going to see opportunities happen like that because of the the fact that it’s really challenging out there today so people moving around a lot there’s going to be opportunities to get those

Ways in the non priority heat yeah and so a near excellent score for Canoa a 7.83 for igarashi and a big advantage in his match up against Matthew mcgil great point that you made flick in that you saw where he rolled in on that wave there were other competitors in the

Priority heat that could have took that wave off of him but they had there there’s no way for them to get into it yeah there was no entry point so that’s what I was kind of saying I mean there’s going to be opportunities even usually you know when it’s more defined and it’s

A better it’s it’s more less challenging than what it is today uh you usually got to think that priority heat would have had you know the peak of those waves as we see up and Runing again Kan just making Fast work of it finds a little shelter first thing in the morning wants

To get rid of a 5 67 but what I’m seeing right now with igarashi is that he’s certainly in Rhythm he’s the most in Rhythm Surfer out four in the lineup right now for sure sure yeah and back to what we were talking about before there

Was no entry point for either of those other Surfers in the water it was Griff uh sorry Cano was sitting so deep and that was the only entry point where that little bit of swell was and used it to his Advantage he could obviously see that down the line that wave was going

To stand up the way it did and it was really well done for uh here we go this is this moment here so you can see he just took sorry this is this is his uh last way where he just tries to go for that little Barrel so staying really

Active and snaps it up in the pocket there gets a little shampoo this morning and out he gets he making it look easy actually because you know just where he’s able to find like you said the these entry points on these waves uh Canoa doing a

Really good job that wave is not going to be part of his uh top two he’s still going to hang on to the 5.67 to 7.83 uh but he’s making some quick work of his heat he’s and he’s still got 27 minutes into the non priority heat yeah

It’s it’s awesome that he’s already got that 783 especially in the non priority heat he’s going to be feeling really good and really confident too you know once this heat clicks over and he’s in the priority heat with with Matt I mean then he’s going to have to pick of any

Wave he wants and I mean so good that he’s already got that 783 it’s super positive with that you know quick start or actually like a false start from Matthew mcgil do you think that’s affecting him at all mentally we we’ll get back to that conversation cuz here

We go with the priority heat and Griffin colapinto screeches off the bottom carves off the top remember he just needs a mid-range score he just needs a five he needs to finish this one off and he’ll probably get the number but he will not without that completion so that

Was a key moment for Griffin colapinto for sure definitely a key moment and that wave was just really difficult you could see that even how he was he was trying to go up to hit that last section but the angle of that wave just wasn’t really going with the way that he was

Flowing on that wave and it just you could see you know when we watch here I mean he sets this up and gets this first carving maneuver in but this is the section I mean had just this funky ankle on it he goes up to meet the section and

You can see he had to change his line there just gets absolutely bucked off his board that’s that moment where he had to change his line and comes down with that converging white water so definitely not the way he probably wanted that to pan out yeah I feel

Sometimes with this kind of maneuver and the conditions is to actually get out of there early because you have these converging wats and you can see the convergence of the two wall of the two angles of swell right there and they’re just going to Crunch them and so that’s

Going to be really difficult to ride out of now if you got out of that turn early I mean it is a little bit of safety surfing but you would be able to ride out in front before those Waters converged and likely have a completion so I’ve seen that that kind of Surfing

Here on the inside of sunset uh in the past and it seems like it’s it’s the trick for sure I think I think you’ve nailed nailed that right on the head um obviously you want to get up there as soon as possible maybe the other mindset

He was in was oh if I make this a bit more critical maybe I could get that score with that one turn I mean we saw yesterday uh Jack got a basically a 6.4 for one turn I think there was a hand of guys doing that but I I I do agree with

You that you know better to be safe than and get up there and make sure you do get that finishing maneuver I mean maybe that’s something you can entertain once you already have a score on the board yeah well Griffin cot Pinto now has uh under five minutes to score a five Kade

Matson with control he’s got priority over the whole lineup and he’s got the lead in his heat over colapinto so the rookie putting it together um in a difficult matchup and I’m sure neither of them are enjoying the friendly fire that they’re seeing so soon in the

Competition in the round of 32 already matched up against good friends but that’s just the way the draw works out sometimes for sure and I think as as much as they probably don’t want to match up this early it’s also what they sort of dream of because I think there

Was a piece uh during uh pipe where we got to hear Crosby talk about oh I think it was grief you know what are you most looking forward to about being on tour and it’s like hey I’m I’m looking forward to matching up against my brother and against my friends I mean

This is what I live for and this is this is what I’ve dedicated my life to to to have these sort of moments with friends um as hard as it is this early on uh it’s also you know sign of respect that you’re going to go at this as hard as

Possible and sort of take it to them because um yeah I think it’s I think it’s cool and and I also think you know to Echo your point earlier like you know if if Kate does get this job done you know there’s 3 minutes 30 on this clock

I mean that is going to be an upset this morning you got to think with Griff getting second out here last year he would definitely be a favorite I mean it’s definitely not over but things are looking a little bit Grim especially just with how I mean look at this shot

Right here I mean you just see how much white water there is how many lines of swell there are stack to that Horizon you even look at the Horizon just how bumpy it’s a really good sign when you look at that Horizon and you see just

Like how lumpy and bumpy it is cuz you know that there’s a lot of swell out there oh even whales are getting seasick today 3 minutes remaining uh but to Echo your point know Crosby kapino when when he qualified for the championship tour asked him what he was looking forward to

He said surfing against his brother who’s right here Griffin finds a barrel and comes out this may be the number for Griff gets up there early air drops into it and survives the explosion Griffin colapinto we talked about the master and The Apprentice perhaps a situation here

Looks like the master just was masterful in his execution and turned the heat in the final 3 minutes well Kade had priority then yeah and so Griff obviously he must and it could have been a positioning thing Kade might have been a little bit further out Griff just

Sitting that little bit underneath Kade of was like oh wow you’re not going to go this okay I’m going to roll the dice here let’s go and that that was pretty impressive once again super hard wave to read super hard wave to Surf and here we

Go this is the moment Kade having a look pulls back just like thank you very much much and straight into this tube section here gets covered up and this section here wow he read that well air drop to finish and just really holding on here for deal life knowing that hey if I’ve

Got a shot at this fiveo this fivepoint ride I’ve got to hang on I’ve got to make it this is it’s excellent in the in the conditions that we’re seeing that finish hanging on right there that’s excellent surfing he signals to the beach look at this in slow motion so

Good this was such a difficult wave to Surf and and to do it under priority when the pressure’s on and to make it count like I mean look at how hard this section is to read and just the read of going up and pulling that turn a little

Bit short just so that he can make sure he could ride out in front of that converging white wash poof wow and soort you can see the disappointment right there for K Wow disappointment Kate controlled this heat for 37 minutes until Griffin kipin like we said exit

Look at the scores look at the numbers that the judges Dro a nine-point ride for Griffin pointo and what a way to turn a heat you can just see that disappointment in uh Kate’s body language on that last wave just the Dismount the everything the kicking

Right now and he got to be kicking himself he literally gave that wave to Griff and I think if he he he could have been in position for that and I don’t know I mean my op it’s so easy for me to sit here and say this but I mean that

With such little time on the clock I I would have just done it this is Griff you know this is someone who made final five this is someone who’s currently third in the world like I finished last year third in the world and you know got

Second out here last year wow what a what a mistake that was and you know uh Kade this is this is his learning year right this is his rookie year this is when you you learn from those instances I guarantee he’s going to do a debrief

And he is going to really review himself and know that that tactical error caed them the heat there’s the crew I mean sanl crew they were going to win either way but what a brilliant comeback by Griffin Kinto yeah that was and to do it under pressure like that and to

Capitalize on that moment and make it all happen on a wave so difficult to serve I mean I take my hat off to Griff for performing like that in uh yes what could have been a stressing situation you know so that was that was really really well done wow so we started off

The day with a bang didn’t we well we got more actually I told you buckle up it’s going to be an exciting day at Sunset Beach for the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach will be back after This CL W cell one ocean our activation with sustainable coastlines Hawaii Kahuku beach park where chaso provided us protection and Liam O’Brien Sophie mullik provided us assistant as we sifted through the sands for microplastics it’s the scorge of the East Side the windward side of Hawaiian Islands where you have those

Microplastics come through thank you to sustainable coastlines Hawaii and mananalu and chaso for supporting that activation great stuff uh being done across the tour with wl1 ocean as we fly by speaking going a sand the beautiful sands of palalo Sunset Beach beautiful on land but a little

Scary out in the water cuz we got giant waves today second day of competition new hea in the water Leonardo fante up against Jacob wilcox’s Kyper girl along with Felicity paler your take on this heat that just got started oh another cracker an absolute cracker I cannot

Wait to see these two guys I mean Leo’s looking really fired up to me and I mean I just obviously Jacob as well coming from Western Australia just really probably feeling maybe a bit comfortable in these bigger waves as we look this happened this is a replay Jacob’s

Opening ride and just that one turn there he’s looking just he’s just going to make take this one through right to that inside probably utilized that jet ski to get back out hawaian water Patrol coming in there yeah Jacob Willcox 26 years old from Margaret River Australia rookie season on the championship tour

But he’s a sneaky rookie in that he’s had a great career not even being on tour he’s had 13 CT wild card starts that means either winning the trials or a sponsor a wild card into 13 times into Championship tour now he’s a full-time member of the 2024 Championship tour as

A rookie so there’s been a lot of anticipation for Jacob Willcox uh to be on the Big Show and I feel he’s really you know he’s fulfilling that he had a disappointing result over at pipa 17th Place but the actual surfing is some of the best that you’re going to see on

Tour from Jacob for sure I think uh what you know Cole uh winning the challenges Series last year Jacob I think finishing in that second position and wasap like like so low I was just going what the it took me like 20 seconds to ride out get out of it huh

Little moment with Tommy Whitaker and Griffin colino Tommy Griffin’s coach with the debrief Leo fante on his first wave in a non priority heat fante finds the section to slash right into the sup Channel wait for that score Jacob Wilcox who he’s up against opened up with a

3.83 yeah this matchup is going to be pretty interesting because I just feel like Leo Leo looks really fired up he looks like he’s ready to go this is his opening wave here smaller sort of way goes to that carving maneuver here gets another carve just really lays that

Board on rail so nice opener foro but but I mean coming up against Jacob I me it’s going to be we’ll get back to that just airing into that drop igarashi takes The High Line before a down carve setting up on this inside section the boil rears up igarashi straight up into

The lip again the timing and the execution just on point for Kor gashi he looking to improve upon a 5.67 kicks out with control in the channel and slides right onto the sled from Hawaiian water Patrol here we go that big air drop there Bo that carbon man you can just

See the wobble in the face of this Wave It’s so wobbly and his readed I just got to Echo what you said he’s just looking very on point he’s looking very connected I think today one of those days that you’re either going to be on or you’re not and I think the high

Chance that we’re going to see a few Heats where people are finding it really hard to uh get in that Rhythm and and feel connected let’s hear from Griffin colapinto ninepoint ride to start the day Griffin’s with AJ McCord yeah Kyo we’re going to talk about that ninepoint

Ride that you had to turn the heat get the win here Griffin in a minute but first it took a while for you to find your Rhythm out there how did you rely on your experience to just stay present stay focused knowing that the wave could

Come yeah it’s so hard out there I mean there’s like every different SW Direction in the water and it’s it’s huge it’s like almost as big as it gets and a lot of wash through and I I originally pil out on my 66 and then

Right away I was like Tommy have my 68 I’m like let’s switch I can’t even this feels like a little twig right now so was lucky to have the the 68 on that last wave and um yeah I just kept rolling the dice so it’s just like I

Wasn’t I wasn’t sticking anything and and then finally at the end it just came together yeah I want to talk about how it came together what did you see on that wave and as Kade sort of got out of the way and let you go how did you

Realize what you had in front of you uh just he he was like just a little bit above the wave and I was like underneath and and as it was coming through it was like a really big wave and it looked like a close out and it had a lot of

White water on it and but there was only like 3 minutes left so I think I was I was just kind of going like I have to go and I actually did that in my Heat yesterday on a similar kind of wave so I I kind of know that those waves have the

Opportunity to back off right there and like right when I took off I saw it like oh it’s kind of like sucking up and and um I was like okay let pull in and then pulled in came out and freaking just just I don’t even know what happened it

Was like the weirdest wave I’ve ever rode but made it work and it looked like you had to hold on for like 20 seconds to prove that you stuck that Landing what is going through your mind is that water is just all around you yeah it was

Weird I felt like I wrote out like three times like I was like okay I’m good wait no I’m not yep no yep and then claimed it so but um yeah it was hard to go up against Kade cuz he’s he’s like my brother you know like him he’s I think

Two three years three or four years younger than me but we’ve grown up in s Clan our whole lives and uh we’ve just like shared so much knowledge together and I remember I went to Portugal last year on The Challengers to like help coach him and stuff so like before the

Heat it was like really emotional like hard time like getting in the zone cuz I like have such a good connection with him and I want to see him re make the cut this year and so it’s just really hard but um yeah I believe he’ll be able

To pull it off in the next three well congratulations Griffin well served heat we’ll see you in the next round all right thanks so we had some waves go through we review those waves during that interview but uh Griffin colapinto you know Friendly Fire is never it is never easy and you

Can see kind of at the end of that interview uh the emotion you know like hey that’s that’s my friend that that I’ve supported as a surfer and and actually almost like as a almost part-time coach and you know to to have to match up so early in the round of 32

And know that either of them the 17th that you get with a loss in this round is not a keeper result that’s not going to keep you on tour so um that was a tough one for for both involved let’s go through some replays though starting

With MD mcgil here yeah we had some Great Waves um happen all in that H interview with uh Griff and this was Maddie kind of getting the ball rolling a bit more here three turns that first one to me really stands out this is Leo and this one right here was a beautiful

Looking wave snaps it up draws that to a little bit short there then straight back up into the lib sending that spray flying in the air so two really well Tim turns there for Leo and yeah I loved what I saw there so that that came in at

A 7.5 yeah the numbers are coming through this morning and we see the evolution and things getting a little bit more manageable and the performances getting up the 7.5 for Leo fante he takes the lead over Jacob Wilcox in the non priority heat back to the priority

Heat Matthew mcil a 6.6 kind of gets mat Matthew uh in the game against Kano igarashi for sure I mean now he’s only searching for for that 6 uh 91 but I I think you asked me that question just about if uh M you know that’s probably

Going to affect Matt’s head space when he took off on that wave earlier in the Heat and I mean 100% it could but it’s also can go one way or another and um obviously not he’s just dropped that 6.6 yeah well surprising when we look at head-to-head matchups between keno gashi

And Matthew McGill it’s been all mcgil three of the three times that they’ve matched up Matthew got him in 2020 three here at Sunset Beach in round the 16 2022 at Margaret River mcil also was victorious in the round the 32 and 2021 Once Again Margaret River mcgil topped

Kano gashi so coming into this heat on the numbers wise with the matchup history it favors mcgilla on the Heat winning percentage wise between Kano gashi and Maddie it favors kanoa so numbers are split as we go to the analytics between the two Surfers in the

Priority heat right now and right now it is Keno gashi on top with 8 and 1/2 minutes remaining yeah I think it’s going to be hard uh to to knock kind of Canoa off his perch right now because he’s looking very connected it’s sort of

He’s just got such a good read at the moment uh on this well and it and it is really really difficult it’s just absolute watermanship at its finest this morning um we are seeing it sort of start to clean up a little bit and it could have something to do with that sun

Sort of hitting the water maybe just like cleaning things up a bit uh but yeah it’s going to be hard right now for for MD 691 but good news is that he did probably just watch Griff do that in that last hit and drop a nine so those

Excellent scores are out there and it’s definitely achievable in that one way yeah it’s um as the day presents itself like like you said I I just we’re going to see numbers come through we’re going to see the performances get up and another thing that’s really impressive

Is that for the mere civilian Surfer this would be survival out there and these Surfers the best in the world are making it look high performance yeah on a normal you’d be happy just to make a drop and go straight today make a drop go straight aim for the channel did it

Yeah you’re on your you know 9ft Brewer and you’re just like okay you know I made a bottom turn cool for sure for sure and just to get a couple of waves out there today even just to be in the position to do so is

Hard work and as we look here a couple of paddles Maddie from behind gets a little roll in Banks off the White Water there he’s going to get more wall in front of him on the inside nice carve there for the South African right up on

The lip and put together a nice ride just a seven-point ride basically will give him the lead Western Australia’s Jacob Wilcox on the back snap star there riding the foam ball into the foam pit and gets gobbled up wow that was pretty difficult for Jacob

Sort of like he faded a little bit too much there and then lost all his speed and it was really difficult for him but uh Maddie just had such a good read on that last wave especially his last turn you could see him reposition his bottom

Turn just ever so slightly to just delay hitting that lip and it worked really well for him so looking forward to seeing where the judges go on that number uh for mat but yeah it was really difficult wave for Jacob to Surf just then and yeah looking really really challenging out

There so we’re still waiting for the score for mcgil as we take a look at his career at Sunset Beach a pretty good career quarterfinals last year where he was defeated by Janka and an equal nth Place finish in 2022 take another look for Matthew on this way we’re still waiting for this

Number yeah it just goes up there for that foam tap drives around this section gets a bit of open face and this is where he just delayed that bottom turn just there ever so slightly just so he could get up to that leap a little bit

Later so super uh great of him to just identify that he had to delay that bottom turn just that little bit longer and uh that was really really good surfing from Matt I think you know obviously we know that Matt’s a bit of a daredevil we know that he likes to jump

Off some Cliffs and do some cliff diving some crazy things and the other day uh he actually went out and uh got some runs on the board when the swell was Giant and uh uh W was breaking I know he went out there with Liam he went out

With Callum Robson and uh actually it was uh Grant tgy Baker that took them out that afternoon and obviously Grant being an absolute iconic big wave Legend so pretty cool to get some these guys are you know doubling in that world of sort of you know extra extra big waves

And you know you got to think maybe that’s sort of playing into his Advantage out here today just feeling bit more comfortable in these bigger conditions and probably surfed a really big board out there at y Maya and uh here we go he short board in now well

There was a score he needed a 6.91 coming in under the mark a 6.43 for Matthew Mill of R so he’s still trailing Keno gashi Cano with heat control priority and the lead and the clock is on Canoa side with 4 minutes remaining but we already saw the first first seat

Of the day that things can change really quickly out here that was pretty funny you just saw uh two different techniques just there um Matt just chose to bail his board and I think it was Canoa right next to him chose to duck dive and uh Matt’s bail technique

Actually proved to be slightly ever so better here’s another look at it yeah sometimes you know look around before you let the board go but there you go just sink to the bottom and actually didn’t lose as much ground as you pointed out flick as Cano who tried to

Duck dive that wave and was pushed way far back oh yeah I’m the biggest fan of a baale I love it I’m like let’s just do it let’s get underwater hey there’s a there’s a time and a place and especially if you if it’s done correctly you

Know so 3 minutes remaining igarashi in the lead mcil coming so close with that 6.43 but not enough so might be a little frustrating for Matthew Migel started this heat with a false start catching a wave before the horn and then you know we talk about Rhythm

It seems like in that matchup Cano’s been the surfer in Rhythm for the entire 40 minutes for sure and uh I think you know that 783 he did that in the non priority heat uh which was really impressive so sort of took the pressure off himself a little bit now that they

Are in this priority heat although I mean Matt had a good crack at uh almost breaking that score down when we saw that score drop there was actually one judge that did give him the score obviously the highest and the lowest get dro and we average out the the three but

I mean it’s interesting just to know you know that he is like he was on the money almost one guy did think it um so yeah Matt becoming really close to that number but yeah Canoa just looking like he has a very good read on these sort of

Warbly big conditions today as we look out to that Horizon and just see it just engulfed with foam so to do well today uh yeah it’s really testing those uh Wanship skills not to mention I mean just the physic and the endurance when you’re constantly paddling duck diving

Getting pounded you know just mountains of white water engulfing you and going over you and and our plan today is for you know Surfers to Surf twice we’re going to get this round the 32 and then into the round the 16 so it really is going to be physical fitness and

Endurance is going to come into play because 40 minutes out there in competition oh that’s taxing it is and I think uh you know I just think back to any time when I was competing that you know know even if you surf a half an

Hour heat you surf a 40 minute heat and honestly you put everything into it and it feels like you’ve surfed for 3 hours I mean that’s the best way to sort of explain it here’s Cano with priority takes off on this one stands up nicely and a trusty layback snap that

He’s been leaning on throughout this heat right into the channel for kanoa igarashi he may have just sewn up this heat but one minute and an opportunity for Matthew mcgil to come back yeah um back to that point before I think you know you still have those

Heats out here and it and it just absolutely taxes you it’s hard work on the body your arms are in a constant treadmill you can see these guys are not stop and paddling just repositioning constantly paddling out paddling in getting a wave on the head and um all

While doing it obviously they want to try and keep that heart rate low but in in conditions like this your heart rate’s higher than what you think it is and that’s obviously super taxing you come in and you think oh wow I’ve only set for 40 minutes why do I feel so

Tired but yeah it honestly feels like like uh the work of a 3-hour surf maybe even a 2hour surf let’s go there and yeah surfing twice today you know guys are going to definitely have to come in rest the arms and refu maybe a little nap if you can fit it

In well we’re down to 10 seconds flick and it looks like it is going to be Canoa and moving on into the round of 16 and Matthew mcil is going to bow out with an equal 17 stop number two here comes kenoa and let’s show you the

Numbers for the final score the heat totals between these two there they are 13.5 look at that 7.83 for canor igarashi uh that was really the Turning moment in this heat he did that in the non priority part he’s onto the round of 16 we’re onto a commercial break when we return gate

Medina Seth mon will be in the water facing off here at [Applause] Sunset that’s before each event there’s an electricity that builds having grown up in Hawaii I can feel it like the change of seasons everybody’s thinking about the surf Surfers are gathering and everyone else is getting ready for the madness Hawaii is a wild place and usually I’m traveling all over the

Islands this time of year seeing friends checking spots talking about the surf today tomorrow and what’s to come whether you’re catching a wave driving down the line or driving down the road it’s all about taste and style round of 32 continues with Gabriel Medina taking on Seth monice a

Three-time road champ and taking off on a local boy Seth monise from the island of aahu it’s had big results out here big search sessions at sunset he’s got his hands full though with one of the most decorated Surfers on tour Joe Trel Jesse Mendes Jesse you grew up probably

As a rival to Medina to poopo when you’re just young kids over there in sou Paulo and the guy hasn’t really slowed down at all in his career even on his back end out here at Sunset he’d be the favorite and the one to beat today yeah when when you’re talking about Gabriel

He’s always a favorite just because he’s so um he’s the best at adapting um even Kelly mentioned that before that he’s one of the best um competitors to ever put in a jersey um and today it’s just wild and unruly out there so whoever is

Able to adapt the best is going to take advantage of the situation some big moments already from the morning remember the nine from Griffin to beat his good buddy Kade Matson to kick off this round of 32 overlapping format really allows for a lot of different theories for positioning and heat

Strategy as Medina gets started the the three time Road champ what would you think would be the option having non priority with all this time on the clock Jesse um I think in my opinion today um obviously yesterday was the same way but today being even bigger I see um Seth up

And R in here Seth mon getting things going nice front side hook good Pace to go straight up in the lip and controls it well r two turn combination for the Hawaiian and trying to changed the theme around in one-on-one Heats against Medina in his career only with one win in five previous

Meetings and that was in 2021 in Margaret River where Seth got the jump in a very low-scoring heat so now an opportunity here is he’ll get a high five from Doug Silva in the channel yeah he’s fired up right there even more fired up than um Seth but um that was a

Great start for Seth under priority and just what I was going to mention like you you want to identify those big sections and hit as hard as you can this is what the judges are going to um like the most and maybe if you find a barrel

That’s even better but today a little bit um more unruly so identify those big sections and deliver it and that’s what Seth did in that first wave he’s probably going to get rewarded pretty nicely 6.67 for Seth Medina 3.33 on his start so monise felt the power of sunset

On the wall and did a great job to now take an early lead with 35 minutes on the clock Strider things are off and running things are off and running I mean you know the Cades out here Do’s out here and he’s telling me you know basically two turns you’re

Going to make it through those Heats all the big scores coming in with two big big hacks and we saw Griffin obviously with that barrel and a hack so you know two two Maneuvers going to get the bigger scores today it is radical out here it’s so hard to identify the right

Waves as they come through the lineup uh you know the fans wanted to see it well we’re letting you have it today let me tell you it’s on thank you Strider be safe out there I know you guys have already been cleaned up a few times Luke

Egan ran by me after that first set came through and he was just having to laugh he’s like Tommy wits Jake The Snake Patterson just got washed through to kick off the day that’s just uh such a tradition here at Sunset Caddy’s maybe the hardest job on the day today as we

Come off a wrapping cutback and and now a kick out to get things continuing through the round of 32 yeah that that W for Seth was a great example of how gnarly the the waves are that was like as basically as small as a wave we’re going to see

Someone riding today he started with a nice carve seems like everything was in control and all of a sudden a huge back watch just hit him and he hadu air drop and Leo here um first time we’re seeing this wave so let’s see what he delivers

To us yes got a little redirect on the open face how about that connection that was nice great ridden wave the good thing about Leo and we see Jacob a lot of waves ridden yeah so judges catching up to all these waves along with us as well Willcox riding a 66

Today and going under the hook but he goes straight down and also Medina on his 3.33 that he opened up with a little bit more of a foamy wave and yeah that second section you really want to hope that the wave is going to hold for you

And this is Seth waves his first um try right here nice rep and this is where all the money is going to come all the points are going to come from that was money turn right there just critical um when you’re hitting the lip at Sunset

There’s so much water coming down at you and hitting the bottom of your board that it’s very hard to control and he did that very very well that was very critical from Seth and he got rewarded a very good score to start the heat Seth manise 3.5 to back up the

6.67 Gabriel Medina 3.33 on his opener remember Gabriel Medina lost in this round at pipeline so really wants to get the ball rolling kind of had a similar slow start last year a lot of equal ninths in the first half of the season and ended up missing out on the

WSL finals in a dramatic way of losing the final to Jack Robinson at the end of the season yeah pretty much a surf right there and I was actually watching that that event um in Tahiti and he had that last chance in that last Barrel just stalling a little

Bit too much and getting caught in the fumble and couldn’t make it out so I’m sure he’s like took some time and thought thought about the whole year and coming back stronger it is a low start for Gabriel mostly a pipeline you expect him to be in the finals um what what he

Usually does but let’s see if he can come back here at Sensei as you can see there John here Mr Florence himself taking on David Silva in Heat number five it’s a rematch from pipeline just last week John looked uh very comfortable even though I mean he was looking for

Turns and he had to go to the barrel unfortunately for him right no problem adapting there for John as he’s up next number two on the rankings here at stop number two with now 11 minutes on the clock in the priority heat Leo fante and Jacob Willcox I saw uh Willcox preparing

A lot of boards we’ll stick with this now on the back end big wind up and the Australian connects nice flow off the bottom great tag there for Jacob lip on his heels that’ll end that ride but great connection on the backand whip from Jacob

Wilcox to try to get into this heat with the Italian yeah that was great effort for Jacob right there just loved how clean he looked throughout that wave just very sharp like using the rail the whole time every turn was very crisp um just typical um qualities of Jacob

Actually he’s just a very technical Surfer and as you see right here nice clean wave like medium size still pretty tall um right there just first turn a big crack in this one even a little bit more possessed in it just really pushing that back foot bringing the board all

The way around and yeah that was that was a beautiful wave from him right there and he’s he’s going to be stoked with that score solid way to approach that lip and he said noticing that there’s still a lot of north in the swell he said he

Didn’t have to ride a giant board 66 is what he rode yesterday as well yeah well that does Joe when it’s more northy um that was that was a critical turn that wave is going to be very healthy score he’s going to be looking see that’s what

I was talking about just always on rail he’s such a good Surfer um so Technical and right there there just pushing even a little bit more bringing that board all the way around that was beautiful but what that does with that more North swell the waves do stack up out the back

A lot they break out the back so they lose a little bit of power um when it’s very West you just have all that energy peeking in on like more on the inside and it’s just all the energy it’s only in one spot and you kind of need a

Bigger board to paddle around and all of that and even to Surf because there’s more room but yeah today in the north day you can ride a little bit on our board loving it we just came off a very tight battle 13 plus totals for both

Athletes it was Canoa getting the win as he’s with AJ yeah Canoa you told me coming in the conditions just really tricky out there how were you able to identify the waves that you thought you could find the scores on yeah I don’t think anyone’s going to come in today

Saying it was easy it was um you know you’re just out there you’re getting caught by waves from all directions I got caught by like a 10t left and then I got caught by like a 10t triangle on my head and you’re just trying to maintain position and it’s really hard to to

Control a heat when you know the ocean’s really just controlling you so I just uh you know my game plan was just to get going in the the non priority heat uh it was nice to just kind of have that sort of free range of um I mean since those

Other guys had priority I just felt like I wanted to catch as many waves I could and uh you know like some of the waves that I caught they didn’t even look that good but I just wanted to to get my heat going and they ended up being scored so

It’s just you know you just got to create Rhythm and and uh sort of control the heat and when we had the head-to-head graphic up it was Maddie who had had you 3 and 0 in heat so far you said you knew that did you think

About that as you were out there oh was freaking out I mean I just uh he just he always um I can recall every single heat that he’s beat me in and uh he always just uh does these crazy you know I give him an inch and he takes the foot so he

Uh he’s a really dangerous competitor and and even when I felt like I I had the heat kind of under WRA and um I was trying to control the heat he kept fighting back and he kept uh he was right there you know he could have

Turned the heat at any moment so um I did uh I I did my best and uh I’m glad to to get one back on him but you know I’m just uh you know at this point everyone’s so good you’re just trying to really you know no matter what the

Numbers are uh anyone can get a 10 at any moment so I’m just trying to uh do my thing and it worked today congratulations we’ll see you in the next round do you have anything you want to say to friends and family back in Japan yeah thanks

Um so first of all I want to say uh hi to all my friends back in California everyone back in Huntington I miss you guys so much uh it’s been such a I’ve been on a long run of uh of trips I haven’t been able to to come back to

Huntington that much I was there the other day but uh I can’t wait to spend some more time there this summer and then uh Congratulations thanks so much AJ Han Cano gashi moving on to that really fun match up with Griffin Cola pin so in the round of 16 remember Canó has finaled out here before but this day a lot bigger than the day he finaled on so he’s learned a lot knows how to hold his

Own and a wash through lineup and dealt with a lot of pressure against Matthew mcgil cuz he was a favorite what are these guys dealing with now Jesse yeah I like this image right here because it really shows there’s a borderline where how deep you can sit and position

Yourself in a day like today see they’re right on the corner of the whole whitewash um drama situation right there if you stay too deep most likely you’re just going to get swiped by the sets and get have to do the runaround or not the runaround the ski um is going to pick

You up and bring you to the channel so they kind of got to measure like when do I go deep when the sets um stop or when do I have to kind of paddle wide and sneak out and not get caught by the big sets or actually they still get caught

But on more of a safer place so it’s cool to see that image right there and see how they position and they’re right on the borderline of that white wash to the clean Waters yeah you’re lineup marker with the house that we’re sitting in now would that be helping you today

To yeah yeah definitely helps um it’s been a while that I’ve surfed there Joel it’s been a few years but um I the house is still there and the reef I think is still in the same place so it might be a good call so like Kevin forbid someone

Does a remodel right before your heat like where’ my lineup go sometimes that happens with the trees the Tre service crew on the NorthShore that could change your lineup so as we go to the replay last to Wilcox yeah and just um combo of two major Maneuvers on the critical section

And with flow that’s basically it no not much else to be explained right there just beautiful bottom turn on roo you could see both fins um on the screen right there that’s how much un ra he was in that bottom turn and it’s just excellent surfing and an excellent wave

For today so he got rewarded big turning point for willox in that heat an 8.4 massive number as best of the season and Leo fante a pick of mine to make the WSL final five this year now Under Pressure to perform with 350 to go Leo

Needs a 591 with priority and now we got a serious heat about to come to a close here and that’s what Jacob is famous for big Power hooks absolute charger from Western Australia loves surfing big open ocean waves and loves getting really barreled as well and I just have been noticing

How calm he’s been in the Red Bull athlete Zone doesn’t look like he’s scatterbrained at all or feeling the pressure of being a rookie on tour definitely ready for this moment yeah he he actually um was a kid that was in the spotlight a lot so he got a lot of

Chances to serf actually serf um War T event so that gives you a bit of experience and he’s up in right in again Willcox throwing his first turn away with three to go and Jesse wasn’t this a pro Junior Final in Manley Willcox Leo fante it was a bit

Different it was like one foot that day now they’re going right as we see a front side wrap there from pante nice clean power turn but he’s chasing a 591 maybe he needed a combo there yeah it’s something more sounded like um he might have needed a combo that was a

Beautiful turno from L like he opened up very nicely L made that turn look very big which is hard to do um kind of extended away from his board um getting every inch possible off that wall unfortunately for him the wave closed out like he most likely needed a little

Something more to put an exclamation point on that wave and really get close to the Sixpoint right but as you see right here check this out right there just extending like keeping his board away from him that’s very hard to do takes a lot of strength um mostly in a

Powerful wave like sens it is um that was a beautiful executed from him but yeah in my opinion needed a little more minute 55 on the clock for Leonardo numbers coming in just short 4.5 Willcox still leading and having priority an 84 and a 5.0 so yeah probably coming down to one

More turn and I mean that was a really strong number four five for one major move but Leo understands the formula and the criteria really well they’ll try to put himself in a position to make a comeback with 90 seconds to go meanwhile Seth in the driver’s seat of the heat with Gabriel

Medina and I always love your Insight Jesse cuz sometimes we get to meet these Surfers on land we see him in free surf situations people talk about the intimidation factor of battling with Medina we’ll get back to this up and out but what is the energy like how does it

Shift on a day when Medina actually paddles out against and how can he create so much intimidation even before the heat starts I think um the fact that you’re you it’s hard when you’re going against a guy like Gabriel for you not to be overthinking about what he’s doing

Because you know he can turn any meteor wave into a great score so you constantly want and not to think of his positioning or what he’s choosing to do but in the back of your mind you’re still doing it like it’s very hard for you to set free yourself and really

Focus on what like on what your strategy is on the heat so he’s just always keeping like himself in your mind you know like he plays that type of game and he’s not scared to put himself by you and like make you intimidated because he

Knows like he knows the fact that it’s a heavyweight type of battle you know like he’s he knows he’s going to um yeah it’s not going to be easy remember talking to AO Min about it once he said I played this heat so right got a great score sat out the back with

Prior he need to know what medino is doing on the inside he kept hearing eights popping in and he couldn’t believe that kind of domination as we’ve run out of time at Heat number three it is Jacob Wilcox the rookie from wa getting a crucial win over

Leiron with that big number in the Exon range 13.4 total and he’ll be into the round of 16 Leo will be now regrouping and heading back to Europe where he calls home and heading to Super tubos in pish to continue in the world title race take a quick break the Hurley Pro Sunset

Beach continues right after This e it’s a nice Sunday here on the NorthShore of Wahu Sunset Beach originally named palalo great to start round at 32 he number five goof vers regular Hawaii verse Brazil John John Florence taking on David Silva two of the nicest guys on tour a great Clash here where John’s

Going to be the favorite with his domination and big powerful waves but David Silva has provided some amazing moments in his long career through the Qs through the championship tour well this is his comeback to the top 34 after a big performance at ariser last year in the challengers series Joe Trel with

With Jesse Mendes Jesse loves competing in Portugal had an emotional win there in the past we’ll continue that story in the moment but when we have Kevin Wallace around I like hammering him with questions about when we’re going to get good waves when we’re going to score but

He specifically for this event Kevin thanks so much for being here on site and uh first off uh how are you liking how the day is playing out yeah good morning Joe well um I’m H hey I’m happy we’re running actually I’m I expected to

See it uh really big and washy and and we’re pretty much there but uh it it has been contestable this morning uh the swell peaked at about 4: this morning and and it’s you know it’s kind of chaos all around but this inside bow section is actually holding up pretty well so uh

That’s nice to see and I’m glad we’re under way as we know you do so much work to predict the future you know that’s what you do best uh when you see a day kind of in action in real time in your job do you are you always making notes

And seeing if everything matched up just the way you expect it yeah 100% um you know we like to say observations or gold uh for the forecast whether it’s a weather forecast or a surf forecast and any any forecaster worth their salt wants to see what’s actually going on and compare what what

Uh compare what it is to against a forecast what makes a predicting waves at Sunset interesting kind of in compared to what we had at pipeline what makes it so unique at this venue yeah I think you know Sunset is both more and less temperamental than than pipeline

You know for example there’s no way we’d be running an event at at pipe today given the swell Direction the conditions you know how washy it is the wind everything like that but it’s it’s really pretty doable at at sunset today we’re kind of in this you know protected

Corner of the inside Bowl uh particularly on the swell Direction where it’s you know outter reefs are popping off right now but um really pretty doable on the inside uh something about this North angled swell subsiding today can you speak to that further yeah so we you know we this looks like the

Swell peaked at about 4: this morning and has been subsiding a little bit through the morning and and becoming more manageable that Trend should continue for the rest of the day and and what that means is I don’t really expect where the where the Surfers are lining

Up on the inside bu to get that much smaller but what we should see is these big wash through sets slowly subside and and for uh for the waves to focus on that inside bowl a little bit more so I think that means you know generally better quality surf uh less wash

Throughs less work for the caddies and uh and Strider in the channel there not getting beat up as much and and just generally improving surf through the day oh thanks Kevin I didn’t see that rain in the forecast oh that was John he just threw down a big carve in the water

Right now and Heat number five Kevin Wallace thanks so much for being with us can’t wait to have you on later on today yeah cheers Joe Kevin’s the lead forecaster at Surf line he’s been there a very long time and learned so much from the late great Sean Collins and so

Always great to have Kevin representing surf line here for the world surf League Championship tour speaking that range John did get started connecting on his forehand he wanted to do turns yesterday he got one done today here as he gets things started with David Silva yeah for

Um for John I think I’m sure his strategy is just to catch waves in the first 20 minutes of the heat because um his level of confidence oh here we see Gabriel up and ring Gabriel Medina chasing the lead from s b kind of has to just Pace himself

Waiting for the wall patience paying off beautiful connection with the airdrop he does that all the time you can hang it up in the lip a while then just kind of jump off that lip into the flats as we see that Arc from Mr Florence yeah if you put himself in

Waves like he’s so comfortable hear in those conditions and his level of Surfing is so high that most likely he’s going to find Opportunities you know he doesn’t might have not even need the best way of the heat you get good scores and he’s just here right there just one

Carve that might have been an 60 70% off his effort into that and he already he’s just basically warming up and he already got a five-point ride and Gabriel on the other hand too was very smart surfing just solid had nothing pretty much on on his board yet so he

Was just knew he had to finish a wave and get himself on track and now trying to improve on that five-point R and get a big score because of this overlapping format and seting you get to enjoy John and Gabe in the water together however not competing you know you’re going to

Feel that energy lift Strider feeling it right now well definitely there’s a lot of action out here there’s just want to talk about water movement so you know we got so much water coming off these reefs and all this water pushing through the channel and you know trying to hold your

Line out there we heard Jesse kind of talking about where to sit on his on his markers well the reef doesn’t change the houses don’t change but the movement of the water is incredible so you know just sitting here right now we’re sweeping all the way to Camy these guys are

Battling to get back to the peak it’s coming from the Point all the way across they’re just trying to find their line and all of a sudden a reverse kernel happened we ended up right on the bowl having to paddle out of the way it was just radical so water is moving

Everywhere today because of that big swell overloading The Reef with water good man Strider wow incredible Insight on the type of day that we have here on Sunday all those Surfers that can Master a lineup they want to lean into that skill set to survive Jesse how would you

Prepare to compete on a day like today yeah like it’s it’s very hard I think you just got to be able to adapt everything and what Strider said like those things that he’s feeling we can’t see it on the camera and those are the things that I always like to mention

Like hey that turn that that guy did it’s so much harder to do it um actually on water then what do you see they make it look too easy because there’s so much going on right there that we cannot feel it that all those people that are in the

Water are feeling it so yeah I think for preparing right now today is just have a good mindset and know that any minute you can get the best wave of the heat so be positive the whole time and know that you’re in a game no matter what and just

Be ready to adapt because it’s going to throw at you so many different opportunities and so many different options there’s lots of days on the NorthShore when it’s really challenging and there looks to be no one out and JN kind of tricks people into thinking it’s really rippable You’ youve probably seen

That happen a lot where all of a sudden no one’s out John’s somewhere up on the NorthShore and putting together a highlight real and you kind of going oh W it looks fun and you get out there and you’re lost at sea wishing You’ made different plans so these are the type of

Days You’re Expecting Florence to to Really lead that charge yeah definitely he just feels comfortable it’s just another day for him how many times have you seen sunset like that how many times has he surfed Sunset um that way so it’s just a homec court advantage that’s

Basically what it is and you see that with a lot of um Surfers that are on their local spot you know the local knowledge really plays it often in conditions that are very tricky like Sunset is today um it’s even more of a Home Advantage so yeah and John is comfortable doing

That Surfers are using 75% of their seed from last year so all based on their performance from last year’s rankings or their Challenger Series ranking as we look at Johan roll in ton of speed lays down a tight Arc off the top mid-face bottom turn and track the down

Carve just looked like he was just enjoying his own Journey little roller coaster ride in total control as we roll in now with Seth little stumbl there but he’ll recover into a nice tight wrapping cut back and hops out Seth still in the lead over Medina Gabe just chasing a

5.18 we always like to talk about set’s down out here cuz this is one of Tony mony’s favorite venues when he competed on the championship tour Tony was also a Powerhouse when it came to just surfing big waves love big SE sessions at yeha competing in the

Edie Seth got to comp be an invite as well and also Josh his older brother back to Medina here on the wind up wow lip line float in a very dangerous Landing that he ejected from but we were talking about his famous backand float at Sunset yesterday almost thought he was going to

Turn in another version I know he felt like he was going to and he actually prepared himself for that like um he kind of wiped his speed off a little bit on that transition through the whitewash going around the whitewash and um I almost wish he actually came up a little

Earlier maybe play it a little safer because he doesn’t need the biggest score um but as you see right here nice wave selection ction for him tricky takeoff but straight into a nice clean turn right there very clear um Waters right there so it’s hard for him easy

For him to navigate and right here just delay himself a little bit to actually hit the lip line right there which is so tricky out here at Sunset and what that does as you check check it out right here he’s kind of going sideways and

Because he’s doing that in a way of is so Hollow he’s hitting the lip line and right here it’s going to Louch him into the flats and once you land without a transition it’s basically landing on flat ground like it’s just very solid so you don’t generate momentum forward and

All the weights coming on top of you and just very hard to land it if he landed would have been an amazing score but yeah just tricky to do it and Seth on the other hand here just kind of like a flat wave didn’t really give him much

Opportunity as we saw Seth just punched through that bit of a warble still is able to keep control for a final turn as he’ll use that last score a 353 as we focus in on Gabe vers Seth now into their sixth matchup on the championship tour 4-1 in favor of the three-time RO

Champ Gabriel Medina the one win for Seth 2021 at Margaret River main break in a very close decision so leading towards Gabriel with a lot of domination however this seat still led by Seth from the start as we come off the top with John Florence little slingshot wrap lines of that he’s taking

Are unpredictable today enjoy that yeah definitely that’s um uncharacteristic type of turn from John like really using his upper body and usually he’s a very calm um half upper body type of person type of surfer um I think he’s just being smart right now like he’s with some of the best wave

Catching Surfers in the world he has less priority so he’s just kind of keeping the rthm going and not just ping against the current riding waves and maybe he’s gonna he already has kind of a two backup scores like a five and a 437 so um now he’s just looking to keep

Himself warm and maybe find a opportunity under everyone Strider do you know what John might be riding today yeah he is riding a 64 ghost so by pisel and that board all the magic Ross Williams saying is in the tail lot of foam up front but in the back of that

Board nice and foiled out nice and pin he can turn as hard as he wants whenever he wants off the bottom off the top looks really good under his feet and you know not just these big waves but in smaller waves he’s been on fire calling World title Contender this year 100%

Looking solid looking strong inform thanks so much strer cool to see that 6’4 being utilized I think we’re kind of used to him saying 62 at the most in the last few seasons but yeah there’s been a trend for a lot of our competitors to to add a couple of inches

To their surfboards makes a lot of sense as we look at just kind of setup work for Gabriel Medina not finding what he was hoping for and still needs a 5.21 we remember last year him getting knocked out early from pipe and sunset you know in that

Equal 9th category now he has an equal 17th from pipe and if he goes down in this round to Seth it’ be a 17th as well which would be a crazy slow start for one of the best on to yeah and you don’t want to be in that situation your

Seating go down you start a match up against bigger names that usually guys that are actually in tune in the year you know they they’re already everything’s kind of working their way so yeah he really wants to get out of that zone right there um safo he’s seen him with a 667

1.67 higher score than Gabriel’s um B score so he has a a not a solid lead but a big advantage on having that big score by him and only with 4 minutes and 30 seconds now um it’s going to be a tricky one for Gabriel but if anyone can do it that’s the

Guy so there is incentive for winning your opening round heed as far as seatings concerned we saw John even just move up into the number two seed after his performance from yesterday that switched a couple things just changed his opponent for this round and also he avoided the first heat of the day

Not sure if you would have really minded being out there first but some Surfers like to watch a couple Heats go by and and see what’s working yeah I don’t really know anyone that loves being the first heat to tell you the truth it’s mostly in a day like

Today is just you don’t know how the SK is you’re the guinea pig you know like you’re going out there and everyone’s based on what you did and a lot of times and what you did wrong because the first heat is just that shaky one most times

And it kind of appeared that way you know with Kade and Griff this morning it’s all of a sudden the crowd’s gone they’re trying to find out what’s working and came down to the heroics of Griff to get the nine the barrel and a big hack and an airdrop which we’ll be enjoying

Throughout the day today 320 on the clock in heat 4 mentioned Tony monice is a great Hawaiian Powerhouse out here but the initials BK are synonymous with Sunset Beach Barry Kai was one of the best his style unmatched and it really made a statement kind of at the shortboard

Revolutioner you know that’s when BK just took over sunset with really controlling the lines he wanted to go instead of the bigger Longboards that you kind of just held on to your speed and tried to manage those big turns like almost like you had a

Tiller on the back of a boat it was all of a sudden BK saw so much opportunity to really show off some really high-fi type surfing of the era built a lot of great boards too uh for World Champs like rust DK Alana a lot of people are asking for equipment out here

It kind of defines the era as well there’s a lot of great Surfers that actually would shape their own boards to compete on yeah we had a few I think um Mark was one of them right and someone fing who’s that Gabe Gabe Medina up and out down to 2 minutes needs a

5.21 was more focused than ever on his training in the off seon devastated to miss out on fighting for a fourth world title last September losing in the final to Jack Robinson which cost him a spot in the world title race and also an Olympic qualification spot just went

Straight to the gym trained more than ever as we see a chip in now nice sweeping bottom turn Seth monice nails that the beautiful front side hack nice fading cut back on the shoulder and drills another one there his low score 353 before that wave he could be making

Some improvement there as we approach the final minute yeah Joe he’s going to he’s going to make Improvement for sure um that was an amazing turn for him right there and it was kind of like a defense offense type of situation and John just in and out really quick that

Was a beautiful turn from from Seth right there just on rail the whole time very critical a little smaller wave but still critical section and kept the speed throughout the whole turn that was a beautiful um turn for him Seth doesn’t proove 467 Gabe now needs a

635 now over the years we’ve broke down Medina in the first half of the Season where he has sometimes had some slower starts to to Really fire and at the halfway mark then he just completely takes over where even last year he ended up winning Margaret River and that was a

Big one for him cuz he didn’t typically make finals out there in the past and remember on the podium at that event last year he’s like okay I’ve got it I’m back in gear so might be feeling one of those moments where he’s really trying to switch on that competitive head space

Yeah and unfortunately it’s um not really working his way like I I feel like both of his Heats were like tricky um for waves here and um that that smaller back door there we had so unfortunately for him going down in early stages but Seth is looking good

And that back of the pickup truck is going to be very happy all supporting Seth monice on a very crucial win only his second victory in his career over Gabriel Medina as he moves into the round of 16 really well played for Seth throughout that heat even with his

Improvement on his final wave really Stellar decision making from the Hawaiian bonsoy Brew break time we’ll be right Back e hurly Pro Sunset Beach is stop number two of the world surf League Championship tour this he features a boy from Maui now a man now world number five IMI colani Deva taking on Miguel poop on a rematch from what they just haded pipeline at the season opener Emi

Won that matchup and went on the way to a quarterfinal finish almost a semifinal if he would have just not been picked up by the foam ball and flipped upside down he was that close a probably a 10-point ride but a great start for Emi Miguel

Poopo even though he lost in this round to Emi at pipe he looked great he looks comfortable and more prepared than ever for the top 34 yeah and I love this rematch back to back it’s awesome on the same um round as well it just keeps that

Fire building you know like it’s starts to be a little bit more dramatic and exciting for us to watch having a great look at a big takeoff from John John Florence and he’ll do the pin drop to try to go as deep as you can did someone else take

That on the head too Jesse Yeah looked like the photographer was getting work right there oh my goodness I wonder who that was but that just show how much into the channel the waves are moving sometimes you know this North swell um is just pushing all the water down and

Like the photographer just got smoked right there wow let’s give that guy a bonus today we should give him a break too let’s have another look Jesse um I think this might be a different way of maybe Emi on this one you’re right he might during the

Break just so much water moving right there see he couldn’t even engaged AO on that one and you see David on the other hand trying to find some lip really fading that bottom turn couldn’t find it as well like David in my opinion he should be looking

Almost for close outs because he his backside snap is so powerful and so Dynamic that if he finds one big section that’s basically all he needs to get in the me range to a good score so if I was him I’ll be looking for those maybe bigger waves that just kind of chunky

Have a lot of um wall in front of you so just do one big turn cuz he could be deadly with that backand snap what kind of wavs did David grow up on um just normal Beach breaks he actually from the same um Hometown as I am just opposite

Polar of the island I live on the kind of like West and he leaves on the East so um yeah he just normal Beach breaks um kind of chunky too actually mostly for the re for the region that we leave it’s kind of a chunky wave like a little bit

Heavier water type of surf a lot of backwashes so um he might be a little comfortable with the backwashes out here did he enter the spotlight really young he was always an amazing competitor maybe not in the spotlight but he was always amazing at what he did you know

Like amazing at finding waves very powerful Surfers since such a young age and he was actually grew up surfing against Philipi and they were battling Head to Head since they were 8 years old you know I’m a little older than them probably about 2 three years and I

Always watched them growing up competed with them obviously but they were going head-to-head growing up that’s why they have such a good friendship nowadays like they’ve been surfing forever together and just an amazing competitor David is um knows what he does does very well and sticks to his game very

Confident we’d be thinking some bigger boards would be ridden throughout the day David actually made a decision to downsize in this heat any theory on that Jesse just a thought to go a little shorter um actually I don’t think it looks um it looks great for him right

There like it seems like there’s enough nose in front um even though he he decided to I would actually say if he kept stick to the bigger one it probably might have been looking too long because that board looks great right there for how big the waves are and his foot

Positioning on top of the board so a great call for him right there um but yeah there’s Frozen cones always with the smaller board like a little bit less battle sometimes like if you go through bumps and maybe whitewashes it’s going to be a little slower and we see him up

And riding right now now rolling in here on the back end David Silva nice turn off the top second move a little bit more in the pocket great timing there on the back end for Silva chasing a 604 to take the lead off John yeah and that’s what I was

Saying you know like he’s lethal on that backand that wave did not give him much opportunity there was a lot of white watch but he still was able to find that vertical turn that he just did right there we saw on the screen and that was a Jan buckets and timing was perfect

Right on like that was money um as we see right here check this out probably a wave before it came and um made that wave a little bit more white washy as we see right here he’s going to enter that and what that does just makes it a little bit harder for

You to get crisp but still his ability he’s so good and Technical on that specific turn that he was able to get a good turn out of that um section and the Heat’s very wide open right now you see John he only has a couple of like his

Average is is smaller than a five so he’s not far out there he’s basically one turn away from being on the lead now big roll in and a bottom turn from Miguel as he’s up and out as he’s just getting started with Emi in the non-priority heat big performance we

Just witnessed from a surfer from wa Jacob Wilcox is with AJ Jacob congratulation a milestone heat wi for you here on the CT your first in man on man how did you get it done um yeah that was fun um I don’t know I kind of got pretty lucky actually to get that

Um eight at the end Leo was kind of looking at it and didn’t end up going so yeah I don’t know sometimes that kind of goes your way and I feel like the last SE had a PO that kind of stuff didn’t go my way so it’s funny how the sport works

And how the ocean works and competing but yeah I was happy to get through that heat it’s um that round’s so hard and um yeah I’m happy a lot of comparisons made to this wave at Sunset to the ones that you grew up riding in Margaret River how

Did that experience um help you today um yeah definitely some similarities how big kind of fat right um so I don’t know it’s it’s really hot out there right now there’s so many waves just like pushing down and just paddling the whole heat it’s just kind of looking for something

That’s kind of straight and coming back at you but yeah I was pretty I was actually kind of struggling out there to tell you the truth um I just got lucky and got that one good wave but yeah I’m happy um Leo is such a great competitor

And um we’ve had so many hits together as Juniors it was actually when we were paddling out he’s like oh this is like old times and I was like yeah it is it’s going to be a bit of fun but yeah I’m happy to get the win and um yeah

Congratulations to see you the next round cheers thank you Junior’s Final in Manley Beach it was one foot and will Cox and Leo they’re not small guys they’re you know pretty strong on their feet especially Jacob it’s really cool to see how agile they were as Juniors

And now looking him on the championship tour really solid performance there from Jacob Wilcox even though he said he was struggling out there and identifying a wave that Lao didn’t want ended up costing Lao the Heat and sometimes you think about that that Jesse I don’t know

What you did as a competitor can you really critique your wave selection in real time or is it always in hindsight as we see a little cave open up for John of course he gets the vision maybe his goal this year is to get barreled in every heat no matter

What the conditions look like cuz so far he’s accomplished that yes definitely um I actually think it was a little um hit mistake right there for him if I’m not mistaken he had priority um I was paying attention a little bit on the interview but I think you’re right yeah so yeah

Kind of a small wave I don’t know how big of a score that’s going to be he might improve a little bit cuz that was a nice nice Barrel but as you see right here the wave is quite smaller um quite quite a predictable Barrel you know like

You could tell that he was going to come out so that that’s usually keeps the score away and the waves just flatten out after that and he’s leaving the door open for for David see right here coming from behind just you know I mean as good

As you can do it obviously but smaller wave on the smaller side of things but let’s see how it comes out as we now see Emi Kanani in the non priority to heat just avoid the close out shutting down Emi said he loves Sunset Beach hasn’t had the result he’s hoping

For yet but he really enjoys this venue up and out is David Silva priority right back to John and will get a 5.6 for the barrel ride and now back that with his five so still out in front priority back so if it was a mistake for leaving Jesse he’s

Got the lead and and pull position again yeah he did improve I didn’t think that um score was going to come as high as it did but it was a tube rde which is not easy to find out there today so um judge is rewarding the barrel so that’s good

For other opponents um other athletes to actually um see that that and notice that but as much as I thought it might have been a mistake David just went on a wave that had no wall and he’s back in priority and he has the lead and

Increase so he’s sitting in a very good spot right now both like B scores of the heat so now um David is looking for not the biggest score ever but still like for today is not easy to find a 5.87 and migi is up and rting Miguel

Poo super St is in his approach and got a little off balance on that big backside vertical turn came into the Global Spotlight at a really young age there’s this event at lower trestles which might have been the defining moment of the Brazilian storm trying to ask people who said that first

Cuz it just whoever said Brazilian storm we’ve been running with it ever since and there was a finals day there’s a lot of Brazilians left in the draw you might have been in there too yeah I remember right Thiago cro and there’s quite a few semi-finals me and Thiago

Sorry me and Tanner Al L to Tanner oh that’s right L to migy there’s migy and Tanner gasis in the final that day and Miguel won on a very close decision it was a defining moment in his career and also for the Brazilian storm will continue that in just a moment because

We’ve got Seth monice standing by with AJ yeah we’re here with Seth mon coming in getting the win against Gabrielle Medina we talked before about what it’s like to go against Gabby but how is sunset this wave a great equalizer yeah man this you know doesn’t really matter who you have

In your heat out here especially on a day like this so just knew I had to find like two two good waves out there and you know I I got that first wave off the back and just allowed me to kind of just freely catch waves underneath the guys

But you know it’s hard I didn’t really have much as a backup the whole Heat until the end and so knowing that you needed a backup towards the end how did you stay calm and make sure that you were ready for when that opportunity came I mean I had plenty time to get

Like a backup store so I wasn’t too worried um the waves are just you know it’s tough out there having priority doesn’t necessarily mean much cuz you can get a lot of waves under the guys so yeah I just had to kind of stand my marks and position myself well how do

You get ready for the round of 16 now knowing you’re going to surf again today um yeah I think have a few hours so I’ll probably go home take a nap eat some breakfast have a coffee yeah go relax with the family perfect we’ll see you then congratulations thank

You Seth monise loves just hanging out with his family to really understand the the meaning of ohana you just have to hang out with the monice crew and they’ll teach you all about it they love each other so much look after each other and as we watch a roller coaster ride so

Far for David Silva getting through some serious lumps some bumps on the takeoff and he’s left searching yeah Dave um positioned himself on this heed mostly a little bit to the left towards the channel more so he’s getting those taller waves but they’re kind of getting fat and what

They do is just have a lot of backwash because there’s so much water moving in the channel which is unfortunately um for him I would have most likely seen him seated A Little Dipper and get those steeper waves even if it’s just one big one big section because he can beat that

On those and yeah just maybe a little bit of lack of experience out at sunet or something because you see the opponent seating way deeper even the ones with priority right now on the heat which is IMI and Niguel um but yeah um John on the other hand is just taking

Advantage of that because he knows his every inch of this lineup and he’s sitting in the right spot haven’t found a a proper wave yet cuz once he do he’s probably going to do some pretty critical turns oh certainly starting off number two in the world runner up in in

The final with Baron mamia at pipeline doesn’t want to leave the Hawai leg of the tour which is the home leg of the tour for himself without a major win he had a fun free surf as John would put it at WEA the other day when it was

Gigantic there was Whispers that the Eddie might be called on remember John won the Eddie back in 2016 so he was out there with his brothers there’s a couple classic ones that he rode with Ivan Billy keer I think Billy said he was in a Florence sandwich on a bomb it looked pretty

Scary that evening uh but that’s just in the middle of the waiting period at Sunset you know he’s grabbing big wave gum so John’s actually spending a lot of time on working on equipment uh for safety and performance in large waves as he’s kind of turned into his own boss

You know with his own company and his own Vision which makes a lot of sense for his personality and getting tangled up there Emi going down yeah that was crazy like just shows how much water is moving throughout those waves and how much backwash is going through that was like

Where else would that happen you know there’s not many spots that would happen but just as I mentioned I I’ve noticed David just kind of got closer to them um he’s actually sitting by John to um towards the channel a little bit more so you don’t want to be deeper um than the

Guy in priority because you might take off in a wave and he drops seen on you and then you’re going to ended up wasting time and losing priority you’re going to have to battle back out so he’s just making a move now maybe going a little deeper and Jon’s just letting him

Go and he’s like hey I’m going to sit here made make him do the decision first and then for me to decide if I want to take that wave or not down to 245 for Silva to try to create a giant upset which he’s done a few times in his

Career made one CT final that that was in Mexico and got back past some huge names uh like Medina in that event a couple years back but to beat John and any venue on the North Shore of Wahu would be headline news that’s the opportunity you

Have to really look forward to when you see the name of the draw next to you and know that if you end up on top that’s massive for your profile for your confidence David trying to see what he can do with this one needing a 58

And just no room for moves ends up right out the back again yeah just an another wave that it’s it was going out to see see John looked at he was like okay this wave has no potential whatsoever didn’t even paddle for um yeah I want to see

That I want to see him try and find that wave that really BS at him so he can explode and like do a solid turn Jon’s just playing very smart hean overall like you expect Jon to I mean come out of the gates with fireworks usually on this conditions but he’s just getting

The job done since the beginning like getting waves putting himself in Opportunities even though he didn’t find a great opportunity yet but he’s just being very smart and it seems like positioning has really been haunting David Silva at the first two stops of the Season yes and that’s sometimes lack

Of experience and John’s up and riding John big connection and you can’t hang on massive hack attempt it’s on a pretty wild powerful end section yeah this are this are not waves to position herself and um it’s very easy to get lost out there so like

Everyone said even Jacob buos he got an eight and a 5 point something and he still said that he was lost out there so it’s very easy for that to happen and here JN went through huge bump on the bottom turn and kind of made him lose

Balance still um regrouped and tried to hit that lift but just was kind of out of balance balance out of position just everywhere was happening at the same time John pel would be a great commentator it’s banter is amazing as we have Miguel poopo still looking for something off the lip little

Air under his board and he’s down you see the turbulence continues to affect our athletes today we’re already into the countdown with John and David and Silva does that PR priority that’s the type of wave a goofy footer wants to get you know like the wave that

Bends at you and you can get vertical and critical that was an amazing turn for migi right there um unfortunately he F on a second one but e might up been right in Emi will get this wave and set up just a kick out can s he

Just ran out of room on the critical section but good news for Emi and Miguel as they still have over about 1940 on the clock Heat’s just come to a close with John and David Silva and Florence will be sent to the round of 16 and

David Silva will start his work and prep for pish Portugal for the third stop of the Season John stays undefeated over Silva in his career as the day continues here at the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach we’ll bring in kbo and Felicity for the call right after This let’s check out the pulse get you caught up what’s happening today at Sun siage Friendly Fire between Kade Matson and Griffin colapinto Matson in control for most of the heat down to the final three minutes and Griffin colapinto finds this one nice Barrel here but watch this turn coming out of the

Barrel Griff hangs on for a nine-point ride he’s into the round of of 16 yeah karashi really really 7.83 for that a 5.67 backup igarashi disposes of Matthew mcgilla mcil is going to leave sunset with the equal 17 Leo fante would have been the favorite in his matchup against the

Rookie on tour Jacob Wilcox and Leo Came Out Swinging but Jacob on the back hand going BT explosive well done for the rookie Jacob Wilcox he’s going to be on to the round of 16 that’s the pulse for that you caught Up now back to live action here and another matchup out in the water here at the hurle pro Sunset Beach we got Jordy Smith up against Samuel poo KERO along with Felicity palman here flick we called it this morning we saw it coming upsets in the water today just

Because of the varying conditions the challenging conditions uh but I’ve been liking the seeing the surf that I’ve been seeing from uh from all the Surfers actually for sure I mean we’ve seen some big upsets we’ve seen just because today is such a test of your watermanship

Skills it’s just so big it’s lumpy it’s bumpy there’s a lot of white wash to contend with big sets a lot of playing cat and mouse trying to duck in to grab wave when you can and then you hope that you don’t get those sets on the head but

Yeah we’ve seen a couple of big uh upsets already obviously you know you got to think that layer was probably that favorite going into the heat with Jacob and uh Jacob getting it done with that eight-point ride there just at the end and uh in his posit interview I

Heard him say I kind of got a little bit lucky you know and and it’s s there is obviously you’ve got to make your own luck but on days like this there’s a high chance that a lot more luck goes into it there’s a lot more variables that you can’t control yeah there

There’s let’s just be clear there’s a luck Factor out there and looking to get lucky here IMI Kanani default and not able to pull that down he is trailing Miguel poopo in the priority heat Miguel’s younger brother Samy just started his Heat against Jordy Smith and

We can see Emi on the paddle back out here yeah I’m looking forward to seeing uh Jordi hit the water today I feel like he had just had a obviously had that really really big score yester today he had that 9.33 so I’m looking forward to

Seeing if he can sort of continue that momentum knowing that today is just that bit more challenging is he going to be able to yeah still continue with that momentum even from py as well yeah so Emi scratching right now looking to to get on top of Miguel poo

Like we said Sammy out in the water in his second season on the championship tour but Miguel poopo look at this it’s his H 100th career event and it’s been great to have Miggy around for so long we look back his best result 2022 and that one’s

Going to be one for the Records books over there at the out ofn Tahiti Pro he was a champ there he’s in the lead right now in the priority heat and we’ve been telling that story of Brothers we got two brothers not against each other but in the water at

The same time live action here with Miguel poopo fade off the bottom cuts through the boil there on the inside section and Miguel is going to get a nice backup right behind his brother younger brother Samuel just 23 years old in the Heat against Jordy Smith so Miguel poopo uh with that

Wave flick I think really is going to put a put a world of hurt on Emi colani the ball here we go Jordy Smith the Big South Africa with a layback slash Jordy Smith a former champ out here at Sunset Beach he won here in 2016 he had a tremendous opening round heat

Where he scored a 9.33 that was the wave of the day yesterday and he’s he’s you know always pretty reliable to put up big numbers here at Sunset Beach two-time World runner up flick but he’s on a great start this year already with a quarterfinal finish at pipe and he’s

Looking strong here at Sun for sure I’m I’m really interested to see if he can keep this momentum you can see just right there he’s got that booty just on that one foot so um during a surfer pipe uh in that first event of the year he

Actually cut his got a cut to his heel oh his right in the arch sorry so really I heard him talk about it yesterday um the stitches are out now but it’s in a really hard position it’s right in that Arch bar and uh he said you know

Obviously in a wave like Sunset you’re really pushing as hard as you can so it’s just in that sort of hard position uh but yeah yesterday he was on a tear I mean that Barrel he got that 9.33 it just sort of kept on coming and yeah it

Was super impressive to watch let’s hear from the last Heat winner John John Florence kypo John just reiterating what we’ve heard from competitors all morning long the conditions are tricky out there so for you having so much experience here how did you rely on that to pick

The waves you wanted um yeah I I don’t know I guess my experience just I just know I know it’s tough out there and I know it’s going to be hard to find waves and um when it’s like this there’s just when those sets start coming through

It’s just so much water washing through and it kind of messes up the whole lineup for a pretty long time and then so it takes a while for a good one to come through and so just and even picking waves out there is really hard right now cuz you

You’re all the water is like moving off the reef so by the time you stand up and you’re doing your first turn you’re already like getting pushed off the reef um but yeah I guess just living here and knowing that it was going to be that

Tough was a good one but uh I don’t know I think it’s like anyone’s game right now cuz there just it’s just non-stop waves coming through um and not very good waves so knowing that and that you’re going to surf again today in the round of 16 what do you take from this

Heat into that next round um yeah I think just knowing it’s tough and just kind of trying to keep a rhythm going out there and trying to catch uh be on good waves um it’s just uh I kind of got a little more of an idea for the lineup

For today um but I don’t know we’ll see how it changes afternoon hopefully the swell dies down a tiny bit all right well we see you then thanks thanks scratching into this one and it’s going to be Emi could be a comeback way for the Maui

Boy nice snap there to finish and that’s probably going to be his best score so far he needs a 5.67 to take the lead off of Miguel poo cuz Miguel just got a nice backup score of a three-point ride yeah it was a nice wave from IMI um

I actually got the chance to chat to Brick uh Brit Merck which is obviously shaping Channel Island surf boards and he said to me that uh IMI today was on a six seven Sunset rook and I thought that was pretty interesting because um as you can see Brit on screen there just uh

Taking it all in but yeah I had a chance to talk to him over the last couple of days and something interesting that I picked up was that uh Baron is actually well yesterday he was writing the exact same board that he won uh just down the

Road at pipeline so that was the pipe rook and yeah he’s obviously got Sunset Rooks but he chose you know what I’m just going to keep on the secret source of the board that’s winning but today he’s changed his still on a pipe Rook

But opted for a 64 today so going up a little bit in size yeah and just to expand on that um Baron just got a new quiver of those pipe Rooks that he likes and and built a scaled scaled versions of them from a 60 to a 66 so he just got

A whole brand new batch of that model and and of course when we’re talk about surfboards you know because of computer AED design and CNC uh uh cuts on these blanks is that you can go ahead and do that you find something something that works and you can replicate it fairly

Easy and scale them to different sizes uh talking about CI boards here’s a c in action with Emi yeah that that was that second section was a really difficult section to hit as we break it down here big carving maneuver there and straight up through that boil I mean going up

Through you could see that lump and bump on the face of the wave and underneath there there’s a bit of reef that’s making that water do that and very very difficult to go up and hit a section like that but that’s uh that 67 uh making easy work of it wise choice you

Know um to be to have a longer rail line just to get around some of these bumps you know and that 67 in today’s kind of professional surfing world is is a big board well I heard uh Griff say in his posted interview with AJ that originally

He went out on a 66 this morning and Court wav he was like oh wow I’ve got to change boards I need that 68 here we go with Jordy up into the lip Glides down there solid footing for Jordy Smith little bit more opportunity in front of him little snap into the

White water and Jordy uh just looking again reliable and he’s taking off with the early lead against Samuel poopo for sure I think also what was interesting to hear John say we’ve said I mean it’s really difficult today I mean those conditions are really hard

But you know you got to wait a long time once those sets start rolling through for that lineup to you know even itself out again to become calm enough for a wave to properly stand up on the reef you’ve got to wait quite a long time and

Sometimes as we break down this one here of Jordy this one I really liked is just able to go straight up into the lip there sort of a bit of a float little bit caught behind here just trying to get to this second section and finishes

Off with that carve but yeah I I liked what John was saying I mean sometimes you could wait wait for that ocean to sort of dissipate to become a bit more calm as we see Miguel they’re caught on the heels there for Miguel poo and you could see that

Just uh it was trouble from the start he will remain in the lead against emi colani devault emi 3.5 on his last wave Emi now needing a 4.18 to turn the heat and he’s got seven minutes to do so you can see this skip out on the heel yeah yeah I don’t think

This was an in intentional spot that he wanted to be in there’s no doubt about that that lip just broke right his back that wouldn’t have tickled that’s for sure maybe a trip to the chiropractor later today after that one I mean it’s just literally broke straight on his

Back almost on his neck I mean that’s in conditions like today I mean you come out of a surf and sometimes you you know it almost feels like you’ve got sort of like a whiplash on your neck the next day you try and turn your head and

You’re like wow okay it feels like I’ve almost been in a car accident I mean these waves are packing some serious power today and just with all that lump and bump as well I mean these guys especially surfing twice today I mean they’re really really going to be

Feeling it I mean right now I mean this one’s just closing out almost closing out that whole Channel these caddies are just absolutely cocking it right now yeah I can tell you right now that all the Surfers uh who are going to Sur a couple rounds today will be sore

Tomorrow there’s pretty much safe to say that oh for sure and I think you’ve just got to look too I mean look at how much white water there is there is so much water moving you can see it on that mid part of that screen that water water’s

Moving in all different types of directions right but um yeah it’s nonstop these guys are just paddling and paddling trying to reposition and yeah they’re on the TR today with their arms here we go with Jordy Smith foam on the face no problem tucks into a white

Barrel and Jordy not able to punch his way out of that previous score for Smith he didn’t prove upon his score line with a 4.83 so Jordy in the non priority heat staying nice and busy and slowly putting together numbers I I like the approach that Jordy Smith’s taking in this

Overlapping heat format for sure I think um he’s probably also noted that you know John that last hit that John ju I mean that was more of a lower scoring hit in originally when we when we started today we had a few big scores drop but in the last sort of hour things

Have gone a bit sleepy those score lines have been a little bit smaller and and 403 I mean that’s a great backup for today um yeah let’s take a look at yesterday Heat 11 of the opening round Jordy Smith was up against Miguel poopo and Sammy poopo in this heat and he

Found where’ he go there he is a 9.33 highest wave of the day what Mastery oh it’s it’s unbelievable how long he was in this Tu for and just how many sections he had to contend with there was so many many bits that just probably chandeliered in front

Of him and he just kept pushing through so yeah 933 massive score and just continuing with that momentum that he had at pipeline where he got that fifth place and to me it looks like he’s he’s also in sync in this heat um so it’s

Going to be H Samy’s he’s got a hard he’s sami’s got his work cut out for him coming up against Jordy that’s for sure yeah a confident Jordan Michael Smith and he’s been doing it for a long time 17 years on tour you take a look at

The events top scor so far Jordy Smith with the top list with that 9.33 we saw Griffin colapinto Escape out of the round the 32 in the last 3 minutes with that nine-point ride Jacob Wilcox we talked about that flick 8.4 to take down Leo fante and Matthew

Mcil that 8.33 it’s nice that made the list but it did not get Maddy out of that heat no it well the 8.33 was yesterday okay gotta yeah yeah yeah but I mean he would have loved that one today today yeah um but yeah yesterday he looked

Really in he still looked great today he was came up really short in his heat today but uh yeah I mean we’ve had some big scores but I think today’s kind of the day also you paddle out there you could get tens or you could get twos you

Know like I mean it’s going to be hard to get a 10 but I mean you’re going to get an excellent score if you can find that wave but I mean right now we’re seeing a very two very lows scoring Heats um and I think they actually right

Now around about now is when this well is uh actually supposed to sort of be at it yeah from about 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at its biggest so we’re sort of past that now so I think maybe to what John was saying we’re going to start to

See it decrease a little bit and hopefully become a little bit more manageable uh for these guys this afternoon yeah well you know something’s up when John John Florence wins this heat with two FS that’s just I mean we got to acknowledge the numbers that we putting down right now but maybe some

Greatness coming com up here Miguel poopo hooking it off the top gets air under his board right after that backhand re-entry that was a dynamic single turn for Miggy that that was a really really beautiful that was a beautiful turn and Visually it looked great he threw so much spray you can see

He’s really really fired up I even heard outside that someone was really getting excited about that so must have looked good in real life as well another look at it right here here we go taking off really tall wave really draws out this bottom turns straight up into the lip

There air drops down so yeah beautiful surfing from Miggy there and needing that he’s going to I’m going to say he’s probably going to increase his lead here that was a really beautiful turn and and going off yesterday you know guys getting big scores for just one turn and

Knowing how hard it is out there today just pivots and the timing of that was really well done just the one turn yeah runs out in front of that um converging bit of whitewash 6.33 is the number that he got for that big backhand Rio and migy poopo does extend his lead

Over e my default there’s all the judges numbers one judge went as high as a seven on the spread there let’s go to Strider out in the water Strider yeah just sitting here the Brazilians are psyching obviously uh that big Slam by Mickey poopo that was just ridiculous I

Mean the the timing the ision the air out of it uh you know the and the excitement and the energy that he held coming out of it you could tell he was feeling it everybody out here giving him the you know let’s go and and you know

Get back out with the lineup so really good energy out here in the channel set are coming it’s closing out again I mean it looks like a white out out here the 395 would be close for sure on your way to Mammoth there’s so much water moving 40 seconds remaining

And poo has got this one uh basically in a headlock because Emi needs a 7.5 and not a lot of breathing room for E colani The Vault right now needing that big number we haven’t seen um a number like that since Jacob Willcox heat so yeah it was quite some time ago that

One now uh but here we go up ring big wave and J Smith wisely yields to E I with priority in the priority heat leads to 7.5 needs to get busy does a nice snap there wave really tapering off so I don’t know if that wave had the number in it but at

Least he gave himself a chance yeah he had super passionate fan yeah of course he had to roll the dice however it was super small and you know needing a 75 I mean that’s a big score right now so definitely not going to be

It no does not get it at 2.8 so Emi does not get the number it is Miguel poopo onto the round of 16 now he can ride to the beach and cheer on his brother Samy uh who’s got his match up against Jord Smith still in the water there’s the

Numbers for you 6.33 4.67 did the trick for Miguel poopo and a ticket to the round the 16 we’ll be back with more action when we turn yodora and Rio waa out in the water McKey poo looking good on the back End in Sunset Beach where we’ve had competitive surfing since 1976 and it keeps on going Yago Zora up against Rio waa new heat in the water KERO phy paler on the call yeah contest going on here since 1976 Barry canop puni BK one of the pro classic trials back there one of my

Favorite Sunset Surfers Mark Warren another good friend won the smernoff pro 1976 pretty cool history pal Malu it’s um this wave is forever and this wave has hosted Generations upon generations of surfers to meet the challenge of the thunderous water here at Sunset Beach as you can

See on your screen right now oh yeah me That’s a classic shot of just how hard this is how much water there is to deal with I mean you’ve got three waves breaking right now you can sort of see where you just see cad is just in that

Bottom right hand corner of the screen and where the Surfers are right now currently trying to position and it actually looks like they might be getting mowed by this this first one but this second one maybe cing it on the head so you can see that boil in the

Face of that wave just there there’s just so much to contend with see if these guys are going to be here we go have a paddle on the paddle here stalling off the bottom and whacking it on the oncoming section that’s going to be the first well that’s

Actually going to be the third wave for Rio waa in the non priority heat up against against yagor so Rio looks like he’s he’s using um really the tactic that Jord Smith used in his he just off to a quick start even in a non priority situation Rio of course making history

As the first Indonesian Surfer on the championship tour and the 45 on the back of Rio’s Jersey represents 1945 where Indonesia earned its independence as a country so a proud Indonesian um in the way of Rio waa yeah it’s amazing to see him become that first Indonesian Surfer on tour because

Over the years obviously Indonesia’s so many lit with so many great waves it’s just a beautiful destination and um there’s been a lot of good surface to come out of there and you know those tube Specialists and just such perfect ways but to finally see one on the World

Tour on the world stage is great and I think last year you know it was awesome to see Rio just really dedicate his whole life to the tour and he was like you know what I I know that I have so much to learn learn uh this is my first

Year on tour and I’m I’m actually going to stay away the whole way on tour the whole time I’m not going to go home I’m just going to spend extended periods of time at these waves really try and get to know them put in the time and yeah

I’m I’m proud of him he’s he’s done really well this happened in the break flick this was a six-point ride for Samuel poopo yes so Sammy just wow that first turn just so crisp there really laying that board on rail two turns in succession here as he flies around there

But yeah those those turns were really beautifully done I mean a six-point ride is great is a great wave out for here for today that really tightened up the heat with Jordy Smith and Samuel poo right now so Samuel with priority just needs a 2.7 to take the lead off of

Jordy Smith so after you know the first half really Jordy dominating the heat in the non- priority section now that we’re in a priority section uh Samuel playing a smart game and you can see the contrast right now 6way waves written by Jordy Smith only two waves rid by Samuel

Poopo for sure two two maybe different tactics and it’s hard to say like if that was you know sami’s strategy or if he was being really selective but think I just think back to what John said and obviously John has spent so much time here he’s from here he grew up here and

Him admitting it just how hard it is here um goes to show with you know maybe it is pays to be selective to really wait for those waves got Miguel walking up the beach and we got Sammy surfing his heat so Brothers on the split screen there Samuel poopo

With a cautious approach there but actually a smart approach even though it was cautious because he has a fractional score in his score line he just has a 0.37 he knows the numbers he knows he just needs basically a three-point ride to turn the heat so it looks like you

Know a little bit of safety surfing maybe flick but smart surfing at the same time for sure and I think he would I’m wonder if he knows you know that his brother just got through that last Heat and his last wave 6.33 for one turn right so I mean he’s only got that

Fractional score of 0.37 he’s just trying to get rid of that the two a 2.7 you know you got to be thinking that’s that’s achievable in one turn I mean McKey just got that one uh one turn 6.33 so I think guys are definitely going to

Take note of what just happened in that last haen probably really try and focus on just those one big moves knowing that that could potentially be a backup score waves coming through here and yeah that wave um I don’t know if we’re going to see it again but that wave was pretty

Safely surfed and that may uh be the problem actually a 2.23 is what checked in for Sammy poopo so he did not get that 2.7 did not get that three-point ride that he needed so we talked about you know maybe it was smart maybe it wasn’t but here’s another look at it he

There was some restraint on this wave for sure I mean I think the wave itself sort of let him down a little bit as well I mean it was it really it kind of probably did what John was talking about but by the time he took off this wave

Had already pushed so far out into the channel and it’s it’s not really properly breaking on the reef so it didn’t really stand up didn’t really allow him to kind of get to those carving Maneuvers like what we saw in that six-point ride so yeah I mean it he definitely probably

Looked like he was safety surfing it but I think the wave itself was letting him down a little bit as well let’s hear from Miguel poopo he’s interested in what’s going on with Sammy right now but he’s won his heat prob in two mind frames right now AJ yeah kypo

Miguel can’t even keep his eyes off the water because of course sami’s out there right now so we’ll get this interview done so you can root him on I know that’s really important to you but here at Sunset is a way W that you’ve had

Some Su some success on one of your best results on tour last year how much confidence does that give you coming into this competition um yeah definitely it’s nice to make a heat you know um I know pipe is my best event and that was the event that I was probably counting

On to be my good result here and it didn’t happen so I I you know Shi my focus over here and I have I have a really good board so that helps a lot you know magic 66 from JS and after that I was just relaxed trying to keep my

Mind clear you know I’m I’m experienced guy so I have to use that as my advantage so I had to keep calm and just relax Surf and trying to find the waves and you certainly did that but today overlapping with Sammy out in the water yesterday you has to go against each

Other then you were his caddy what has it been like just seeing Sammy in the water so much this event uh yeah just trying to help you know after I want to see myself s success but after me it’s just Samy you know and uh yeah our heat

Was so hard he he made a few mistakes that I told him after the heat you know he gave up prior a few times and I got my best wave and uh right now after that we went to elimination round I was yelling at him trying to you know give

Give him some boost you know I was I was telling him just to make things click you know sometimes things don’t click so you got to make them click so I was just yelling at him all the time during the elimination round and I tried to yell at

Him right now but I couldn’t see him I was just getting sets on the head all the time so hope you can just send it through that brotherly connection uh before we let you go to go watch His we see you then thank you we just saw during that interview Jordy Smith uh on a pretty good wave maybe the best wave that he served so far in his heat and Jordy did this yeah th this looked really really nice to me it was a

Really tall wave you can see he’s waiting for this section here but wow just really show showcasing that power that Jordy has and why he has such a good relationship with this wave just three big beautiful carving Maneuvers and wow that score I think it’s got to

Be a big score I mean you can just see how much that rail is just buried right there there’s the score 7.33 he has just made that job so much harder for Sopo and uh I’m sure mig’s probably watching this like uh oh like was there maybe a mistake there that maybe Happ

Happened and um and so it was really interesting to hear migy speak about you know what that Dynamic was like in the water and I was telling him and I was trying to coach him but uh yeah I mean no wow this wave of Jordy 733 just beautifully surfed there and sort of

Showing that you know that back that booty of his and that back foot really isn’t phasing him no he he said you know because the the injured foot is on his back leg with his leash leg he’s able to cinch up that leash CU cuff over the

Booty so typically a lot of times what’s going to happen with booties is that the irritating thing is getting water flush through the booty the fact that it’s on his back leg he said now that he has his leash on there it hasn’t affected him at all that last wave two judges actually

Went eight on that last wave so two judges thought it was an excellent score but Jordy Smith continues as we talked about at the beginning of this heat being just very very reliable in his surfing out here at Sunset Beach oh for sure and I think you know Jordy being

One of the big the biggest guys on on tour I think he’s also the second oldest on tour Kelly being that first in that first oldest spot I mean jordy’s got so much experience so so so much experience and especially out here where he’s done so well before you know and he’s surfing

To me his his stature his you know physically he’s just sort of you know being able to match that powerful power and sort of being able to really muscle your way through sections on days like today where it really is testing you you got to be really strong on your board

It’s really playing into his wheelhouse for sure yeah and well we’re going to get some live action here as we have a Whitewater roll in and a nice top turn for Rio waa patient off the bottom nice carve off the top for the Indonesian Surfer so

You could see him on that pulled up when we had that drone angle that he was inside of everyone got a little Chip Shot into that thing non priority that’s some great execution right there by Rio waa yeah I I love those those couple of turns and that wave really stood up

Really nicely but it it was interesting it did stand up so much because it was quite a bit wider where he took off compared to everyone else you can see two guys out the back rear like okay this this I can go this wave they’re nowhere near it fades that bottom turn

And really just arcing through that first turn and gets one more in there too so looking pretty silky smooth is Rio right now usually on the menu at Sunset Beach you got those faded bottom turns and that’s been going on since Single Fin days I mentioned Barry can p

One of my favorite uh Sunset Beach Surfers Uncle Barry was a master at fading those bottom turns actually going left sometimes before committing to a rail that was a nice start for the wave for Rio waa he was rewarded with a 6.33 so nice start three-point ride 6.33

Yodora hasn’t answered in the non priority Heat against Real W yeah I I think just to talk about that fade of bottom turn a bit more you know wave like Sunset when you take off because of the raw power of this wave you automatically have so so so so much

Speed right power is on top you don’t have to create that yourself so if anything you’re trying to wipe a little bit of speed off that’s why they do that tiny little fade and yeah it’s just it’s really cool to watch the surface still today utilizing that maneuver it’s it’s pretty

Epic yeah and you know in the history of uh Sunset we have such a great on the men’s side we have such a great list of regular Footers that use that whole bottom turn now we’ll go through that list but right now we just want to acknowledge yodora still waiting for his

Score in his 48th Championship Tour event sixth year on the championship tour coming off Yago coming off of his best finish in those uh years number seven in the world at the end of 2023 coming into the season there was a lot a lot of talk about hey we talk

About the final five yoor has been in the conversation uh we’ll see if he fulfills some of that speculation it’s got a ninth at Pike so far it’s a nice start yeah it’s a nice start and you know he he was still in contention when

It came down to TTI last year I think it was Gabby Yago Leo were all still there in that conversation of hey like if if all the chip cards fall the right way like you could be in this final five picture and I think now with uh you know

Felipe over ly announcing that he’s taking this year off um that opens up the door for people like Yager who finished seventh in the world last year that you know it is this going to be his chance where he does get that crack at that final five and obviously you know

Watching Jack robber who you know um Yo’s dad is obviously coaching and uh watching Jack Robo get make it he’s probably even hungrier you know knowing um and being there supporting Jack and knowing what those emotions feel like speaking of yo here he comes aims the board around that section

Carves in the pocket there right around the corner wave goes into the channel so he’s going to lean on that single car for his opening wave score Sammy poo long downturn here aiming for the lip bounces off the lip and times it with a little bit of the

Reverb coming off the channel Sammy needs a 6.17 the celebration of the channel tells me that he thinks that he got about that number what do you think flick uh that angle was a bit hard to tell uh for me because we kind of were

Looking at it I think a little bit more straight a different angle I might be able to give more of my own opinion but I mean he obviously added that little claim at the end there just trying to squeeze whatever you can out of this score he’s feeling pretty good about it

Uh but I I don’t know I mean 617 here we go let’s have another look and taking off nice tall wave really waiting for this first turn goes to a carving maneuver here but this second turn was the one that was pretty well timed and

Comes down with that lip he likes it he thinks he’s definitely got the score this is sort of the angle that I wanted to see and see that first caring maneuver just wanted to see how critical that turn was and he really did hit the lip pretty hard there on that last turn

So you can understand why he got pretty excited about that I’m I’m I don’t know I’m not sure I don’t know where I sit for this one 6.17 no indication as of yet from the judges we’re down to a minute this one um may be decided on the sand we’re going to find

Out judg is taking a while to review tape before their final assignment of numbers here we’re under a minute and Jordy Smith will not know whether he needs to to respond or not because the news not going to is not going to come to him I think Jordy right now is going

To have to go under the assumption that he needs a score for sure in this situation I think you’ve just got to be thinking okay well he took off and you know he could potentially have gotten that score if there’s a wave comes I’ve got to go I mean why would you leave

That to chance I I doubt you know with 30 seconds on the clock Sammy isn’t going to get another roll of the dice so you can see Jordy sort of looking in and you know 22 seconds on the clock kind of looks like there’s a couple of lines

Coming through too so maybe we will get to see Jordi have one more roll of this dice here I mean this one might break on his head though definitely going to yeah so that’s going to be it for Smith and so it’s really going to lean on that

Last wave for Sammy poopo to decide you you can see him he’s trying he spun on that thing in the white water but he’s not going to have a chance to respond so it’s going to all come down to last score for Samuel poopo yeah you can really see Jody just

Trying to really get through that PR section but just super hard I don’t think that wave really eventuated into much anyway but you we’ll have to wait and see obviously they’re thinking about it yeah taking him a while and the number coming in under it’s going to be under it’s going to be

Jordy Smith onto the round of 16 um we can just do the math on that one doesn’t matter what judge two puts down there you go 5.33 so we’re on for Jordy Smith samel poopo equal 17th out of Sunset and sami’s going to have to get uh busy uh

On the next three stops he’s got two 17s coming out of Hawaii as real waa finishes up a wave there in the channel now switching into the priority portion of Rio and Yo’s Yo’s heat and Yago with another wave too now they’re in the priority phase of their

Heat jny Smith on through taking a break we’ll be back stick around Ethan Ying versus Kelly Slater when we Return the hurly pro Sunset Beach is brought to you by bons soy official milk of the WSL by Eventbrite on or off your board you’ve got plans with Eventbrite and by Pacifico live life anchors up we got another heat in the water at Sunset and it’s a big one Ethan Ying up

Against Kelly Slater in the non priority heat so the clock’s on between those two they got 36 minutes on the clock Hyer girl L see paler on the call so this is going to be a challenge for Kelly Slater uh Kelly has been very public in saying hey

Look this sunset’s not one of my favorite waves don’t like competing out there that much Ethan Ying on the other hand has a really good track record out here at sunset uh semi-finals in 2022 and a quarterfinal finish last year for Ethan Ying during the break it started

With this yeah little bely takeoff for Kelly here and swooping away that looks really groovy board looks really really good under his feet there goes to hit that that second section but just goes down and that wave coming through for Kelly 333 so Slater on Slater designs out the

Firewire Factory the collaboration for that board uh with Michael woo Mike woo designs out of Bali Indonesia uh Michael shaper that started his shaping career here on aahu but then moved over to Indonesia about 20 years ago and then Kelly’s been picking his brain and um

Getting some designs off of off of him here we go with Yago Dora Dora spotting a place in the lip just has to glide through there look at this rear up and Dora goes around that so just a lot of chatter on that wave unfortunately I was anticipating a

Big top turn for Yago but looked like he couldn’t find the place to place that turn for sure it kind of looked like he was in two minds about where to put that first turn and the I mean the w was really difficult to Surf him because he

Was in two mins by the time he got to where he wanted to place it the was already in the channel like the wave was already breaking off the wreath I mean anytime you see those caddies in the shot you know that they’re super wide and I mean yeah that wave really not

Standing up the way he want to I mean you really be able to see it here drops down the first section trying to find that spot to put this first turn gets down this section here it stands up a bit but as he gets around this section it’s already ran off the

Reef so you see that lumpy bumpy water cat’s right there wi water Patrol right there and yeah you instantly know that he’s really white on that Reef so yeah I think back to what you were saying I mean this this will be an interesting heat for Kelly um we we saw him

Yesterday speak pretty candidly about where his mindsets at and especially with his hip and the surgery he’s had and when you think about these kind of waves and conditions we’re presented with today and how challenging that is it’s going to be difficult I think a feeling outter wave there that was Ethan

Ying who’s up against Kelly yeah I mean but you know what we look at Slater what hasn’t he done okay 31 years on the championship tour 56 CT wins 84 finals he’s won 834 Heats his numbers are outstanding Rio waa here in the live action with the lead over yodora waa looking to

Better a 3.7 on this effort yeah that was that was a sort of smaller wave for Rio I’m wondering if he will better that 337 um but I’m liking the way he’s looking he is looking very connected and really good job finding that 633 in that

Uh when he was in that non priority heat but yeah I think there’s there’s a lot to be said about Kelly I mean I mean there’s and there’s also what hasn’t been said I mean here he is right now up and riding Slater just up and out so still fishing

For something out in the lineup and that’s been kind of the theme uh in a lot of these Heats especially in the non priority portion the first 20 minutes of your 40 minute heat 11 on the Jersey makes sense this he’s 11 time World Champ the absolute greatest of all time

It’s incredible youngest World Champ to win a world title on the men’s side and oldest person to win a world title on the men’s side so really great uh book ending of careers we talk take a look at the head-to-head matchups between Ethan ying and Kelly Slater and they’re pretty

Evenly matched up when we talk about Ethan and Kelly in those head-to-head matchups they’re right here Ethan beat Kelly uh this this year in the round of 32 at pipeline last year Ethan beat Kelly here at Sunset Beach in the round of 16 Kelly got the best of Ethan 2021

In the round of 32 at Pipeline and way back in 17 Ethan’s rookie season at Fiji that was in the second round at Cloud break so evenly matched is going to be the tiebreaker in this heat between these two yeah I it’s it’s it’s going to be really interesting because you know

Kelly did well yesterday I mean finding those couple of barrels we’ll get back to that in one second as we quick in and out there foro just that wave just shutting down in front of him but yeah Kelly did really well yesterday finding those couple of barrels and I mean on a

Day that yesterday was also very tricky and uh so I think you know obviously Kelly’s so amazing but he really did speak quite C to the yesterday and being honest about where he is in his mindset so it’ll be interesting to see how fired up he is in

This heat and and where he’s L at knowing that today is’s a bit more challenging than yesterday he he actually mentioned like yesterday he was pretty to your point that he’s like I don’t know how much longer I’m going to do this and we don’t we don’t hear that a lot

From Kelly Slater he seems just like ageless in his approach here we go waa heat leader in the priority heat did not better his score on the last wave we’ll see if he betters that 3.7 backup score on that last effort but it’s just staying busy prone takeoff

Here getting caught up and punching out the back is Ethan Ying thought he was going to pull into that little chunky section for a second yeah I feel just because that prone takeoff he just didn’t have the speed so yeah he had and now he’s going to have

To bail his board and my favorite swim for the bottom B it’s back up leash test there and looks like the leash held through so Ying still searching for just a start uh 30 second I mean 30 minutes excuse me 30 minutes still for Kelly Slater and

Ethan Ying out in the water so really have not got gotten going in their heat but still plenty of time Jordy Smith did it again he’s into the round of 16 AJ yeah he is kpo and this was a bit of a stressful heat for Jordy because because you said you came

All the way into the beach before confirming that you got the victory walk us through the last few minutes seeing Sammy take off on that wave and then learning that you have to win yeah it was um she saw I saw him paddle in and I

Was like oh it’s right on that cup it’s it’s so hard out there to get the the right wave um he he obviously surfed it kind of middle of the range uh and yeah you just you’re so far out there you don’t you can’t hear much um and then on

The watch when the next Heat takes over after the heat you you know it’s your heat done so you don’t know what’s happened and then it’s just super stressful paddling in not not knowing whether it’s kind of be stoked or to be bummed um locked into a

733 um took a lot of opportunities in that heat trying to find something that would kind of open up and let me do some turns that was the first wave I’ve had in the last kind of week that I could really kind of lay into and get some

Good turns um the conditions have just been really Wild and Woolly um so kind of been hard to find them but um St to found him right in the moment and with it being the first wave in about a week or so that you really felt like you

Could do those turns how much confidence does that give you not only you can find the wave your foot is good everything moving into the round of 16 yeah it’s a good it’s a good feeling um yeah to know that I’m kind of gaining momentum things are getting stronger and uh look the

Conditions are about as hard as they can get out there today um really lining up and trying to catch the right wave is so difficult um I think making it really hard to compete um yeah you can look into a good wave and get a barrel or you

Can find one or two good turns but um on a competitive standpoint it’s really difficult well you navigated it well we’ll see you in the round of 16 thank you Slater here stallin off the bottom little chatter on the face for Kelly and this wave goes wide into the

Channel once again so the the the interview coming out my take away with from jordy’s interview is that he’s confirming what we’ve been talking about flick is that there’s luck today official luck luck Luck’s going to be a factor out there in the lineup today um we’ve seen it with some of the

Upsets already um but everyone’s in the same playing field but it really is going to be about where where you are on this playing field yeah it is and I mean Jordi wasn’t Bing around the bush there it is really really really difficult and like he said it’s making it really hard

To compete um this is exactly what he said it’s as hard as it gets out there today and it’s big it’s stormy it’s wild I mean there’s big wash throughs coming through you think you know you’re trying to wait for those wash throughs to stop you’ve got to try and dart into position

And hope that while while there’s sort of a break in that set that there’s actually one that’s going to properly hit the wreath before that next set comes and I mean when you talk about strategy and competing that makes it really hard to even talk or think about

Strategy when it’s such a big playing field I mean it I mean you got to be so far away from your competitor at certain times just because of the nature of today so yeah it’s it’s really really tricky and like you said CS I think you know we’ve obviously already seen a

Couple of upsets and potentially more to come yeah and another takeaway is just you know you can’t give up out there uh because it’s it would be easy to kind of mentally get DEF beated with all the poundings not being able to find a way but we saw Griffin colapinto turn his

Heat in the final couple of minutes so um you just got to stay positive I feel as a competitor as we see Rio waa on his eighth wave surfing out there so Rio he’s in the lead over yodora and he’s given himself every chance uh in

The priority heat for sure sort of maybe you know taking a bit of that uh approach as as what Jordy had Jordi say I just kept rolling the dice and just hoping that something would event uate and I think what you’re saying K the other side of the coin is that because

It is so big and challenging there’s also opportunities and you never sort of counted out and like you said U you know you could be you know two minutes left in the heat you need a score but because of the nature of today there’s such a big playing field you have that

Separation from your competitor and I mean yo right now he only needs a 5.21 I mean we just saw Miguel get a 6.33 for one big backhand belt and we know that that’s completely within Yo’s wheelhouse I mean his backand up absolutely le as we see a little

Ttian we call them honu in Hawaii and they’re turtles in the channel there’s Ethan Ying on the face and slashing here nice layback hack there nice leverage in that turn from the surfer from North strad broke Ying sharp is always on the rails uh you know couple of false starts

Couple of fractional fractional scores to begin with but now he finally put it together on a wave for sure that first turn was very beautiful to watch just so swooping just that trademark style of his is just so nice to watch arguably probably one of the best styles on tour

As we break it down here and this Earth section just absolutely jamming it in the pocket there throws that back arm in the lip just so it’s like sort of that bit of variation that layback hack and even these couple of little cares on the inside here just really beautiful to

Watch but that right there that was a pretty hard maneuver to go for made it really really critical he probably identified that this wave was going to fatten out so quickly so he could put it all on the line here like hey okay I might have to get this one section

That’s that’s really go to town here and he absolutely did I mean he obviously got those two smaller cars afterwards but I mean knowing this wave was dissipating in size he was like okayy let’s just put it all in the line gets a 5.5 for this performance so mid-range

Score uh 5.5 just off of really Wai in on that one turn but but that’s enough to give him the lead in his matchup against Kelly Slater yeah that was beautiful surfing and uh I’m you know if he gets the opportunity to do two turns it’s going

To be pretty incredible career at Sunset you can see Ethan ying a semi-final finish uh going down to kanoa igarashi in 2020 and in 2023 just last year quarterfinal finish going down to Griffin colapinto Ethan Ying Ethan Ying at sunset with a Heat winning percentage

Of 70% he surfed 10 Heats here he’s won seven of the 10 so impressive numbers as we came into this into this heat uh with the matchup with Slater really giving Ethan Ying the advantage in that matchup and it’s so far playing out this way but

He can never count out an 11 time World Champ but we got to really turn our attention right now flick to the priority heat cuz it’s under 3 minutes remaining yodora like you said one turn will do it for yo for that 5.2 for sure one turn I mean one big backhand belt

One big section I mean time sticking down he’s got 2 minutes 30 on the clock and I mean obviously he’d love a wave with two opportunities on it but hey if that W’s going to offer you one big section you can put it all on the line

There I mean you’ve got to go for it right I mean 2 minutes 20 on the clock and it’ be really nice uh if Yago gets one more opportunity here I reckon he probably will get another opportunity be pretty exciting but bad news for him is that

Rio has priority but Ethan seemed to get away Ethan Ying picks off this one from under the pack and Ying just a nice series of cutbacks of the DHD always clean rail game this wave gives him a little extra section on the inside and Ying capitalizes on that right before it

He hits the channel so good heads up Surfing by Ethan Ying kind of cruising through the beginning and then a nice exclamation at the Finish yeah well it’s definitely going to improve on his5 and sort of just like you know those those uh guys in the priority heat or all that

Were sitting around him we’re like no no we don’t want this he’s like okay I’ll go definitely going to it’s going to improve on his5 so not a bad decision and uh do look at the boys at the back there yeah it’s down to 124 Yago up against

Rio yo in the blue jersey there and he’s got priority he’s got waves on the horizon so he’s going to have a chance flick but it’s going to come down to the very end of this heat for the decision yeah I mean you can see seeo is moving

Around in the water um Rio’s got that priority so right now it’s going to be a little bit hard for for Yago to make things happen but going to be hoping that there’s a couple of couple of WS in this set it kind of looks like there’s a

Few on the horizon with 44 seconds just whether or not they’re going to be there there in time and if they’re going to be too big and they’re going to break on their head or what’s going to happen here so hopefully we get to see another

Role of the dice both Surfers would be interesting I also want to I feel that at some point in the final two minutes that priority switched on Yago and and Rio so I did want to point that out that Yago had every chance but something must have happen out there on a paddle

Because the priority switched um so to your point that put him in a compromised situation because at 10 seconds now Rio all he has to do is do the block for sure I mean it’s super difficult there looks like there’s one wave here so we’ll see what

Happens and that’s going to be it so we’re going to lose yodora and Rio waa and there’s the there’s Yo’s Camp there his mom and his sister and his girlfriend um but rioa is going to be advancing into the round of 16 as we take a look here at a new heat

That has gotten underway this is Liam O’Brien he’s going to be matched up against Kyle eelli in the non-priority heat that heat just underway whoa and a frustration uh and you know right so and frustration in the water with Yago Dora there’s the numbers there 10-point heat total was enough for

Rio waa to move into the round of 16 we’ll move into a break we’ll be back Kye belly and Liam O’Brien in the water along with Ethan ying and Kelly Slater you know there’s those of us who really appreciate the history of surfing and like the roots and kind of like the way like I I love the way that the hierarchy worked in Hawaii you know when I was a kid growing up I was like okay I get it

Yeah like there’s those guys there’s I fit in here somewhere you know like okay like I could you know boom boom and it just was like you know you kind of had to like respect it and you had to respect those people and it kind of just

Everyone sort of like fell in the line and if you didn’t it was like I you know at the end of the day a respectful lineup you can’t with that starts with respect you have respect for the place you’re at the people you’re with and it’s better for everybody in the long

Run it’s the cold beer Surf Club gosh I could listen to Chris Malloy all day loving the cold beer Surf Club hanging out with Conor coffin Chris Malloy was so amazing to watch in his career still is today he got a amazing head on his shoulders just great family man cowboy uh really awesome uh Surfer

Coming out of California we actually spent a long time over here and Brett’s kind of taken a little leaf out of Chris’s book The Beard the hair’s growing out yeah the country boy Vibe exactly he’s he’s definitely more he lives up there in Ohio in that area I

Think so they’re they’re amongst it you know I’m I’m in Huntington so it’s it’s a little bit different but I just I just enjoy how much you know all the malloys really love their history you know they they really pay attention to it they like passing on all the knowledge down

To the Next Generation they like capturing it and their their amazing movies that they’ve uh shared with us over the years it’s uh so important for surf culture and I I think that’s something that makes our sport so special it’s like you always want to know about what came before you Jesse

Yeah and growing up watching them it was always an inspiration such a great Surfers I grew up in the generation that you’re watching all those tapes and Surf movies and back at home in Brazil you get maybe one a year cuz they’re all here in America and Australia so

Whenever my cousin would go go come over here travel bring it back and it’s just good to see them still um living with surfing and surfing every day and yeah Ethan Kelly priority heat Liam O’Brien KY belly just getting started and just feeding off uh Chris and Conor’s

Conversation about earning your spot in the lineup we’ll get back to that in a moment as lobby as they come Liam up and out getting started with 35 minutes too Brett you uh were aware of that traveling the world at a very young age you know you get any wave you wanted

Huntington probably uh but even now it’s tough drums forget about you quick but when you traveled the world you had to kind of work your way in even if you had a big event coming up you had to you know kind of follow those Unwritten

Rules for sure I think that’s in kind of what Connor and they were talking about is like it’s super important to respect the people that live there you go there and yeah you want to catch a lot of waves you want to learn the break but

You could still learn the break kind of just by being out there um oh Kelly go go Swan diving right there but um it’s important to um have that respect to to to gain respect as well you know and I think meeting the locals and it takes

Time you know it takes years to to navigate these breaks and try you know obviously there’s you might get a conflict here and there just cuz like you said we’re trying to catch waves we’re trying to practice we’re not trying to be bad people but it’s like

You really want to give it your all so it you know that’s the most important part traveling around the world and the surf culture it’s in it’s uh it’s a genuine deal there is people that live there you know and they live there you

Know day in and day out and we come in for 10 days 2 weeks at a time and really uh bring a lot of people with it so I think it’s great advice too moving to a new area if you move into a neighborhood that doesn’t give you a spot into the

Lineup uh yet you got to earned that as well as we see a wild one there from Kaa belli going down Liam O’Brien still still leading got the 467 early as their Heat’s just getting started I just love kyo’s connection with Sunset Beach since it had the championship tour return to

This venue in the last two seasons he’s been effective in making two back-to-back finals days yeah he’s um incredibly experienced out here and he’s very good at putting himself um in uncomfortable situations as we just saw right there he has an X Vector like he hits sections that are usually not

Hitable and he’s some like most times sticks them wasn’t the um the case scenario in this one but yeah you can’t you can’t really predict what Kyle’s going to do kyou belly the fifth place last year uh losing to to who ended up going all the way and then lost in the

Semifinals the year before and that was the year that bar mamia went all the way uh kyo’s kind of had this amazing run the last couple of years Brett as we’ve seen him forever but something changed when he thought was off tour Medina took half the year off and all of a sudden

The best results are happening now for Kyle what have you seen yeah I think that comes with like a little pressure off of obviously he’s confident you know he’s a very puts in the time whether he you know he kind of flies under the radar too so I think that helps with

With releasing the pressure but then also like he’s like he said his equipment’s good he he’s good in challenging waves and you know to start the year off in these venues I think that’s super important to have that and uh yeah it’s a it’s a bull riding Fest

Out there right now you look at Kelly went over the handlebars and then Kyle went over the handlebar so it’s a little bit of a rodeo showdown at sunset today yeah Ethan Ying had a 66 at pipeline but talking to Darren Hanley he has a 66 out there today but his Sunset quiver

Heavier actually more weight uh 300 G or a little more than half a pound as you see that wipe out from Kelly here it is and and you know Jesse and Joe like taking off a lot of times in the whitewash out here you can be get going

So fast and then right here he goes up into the lip fin ditch and then it’s just you know over the little bit leaning over the front foot and kind of down and those waves rock you too kind of like what Jesse was saying earlier these guys are making it look a lot

Easier than it really is out there there’s so much water moving a ton of energy going different directions as we have the goat up now Kelly big whip controls it stretches this one out in front Fades a cutting will try to chip away at the lead that Ethan has on top

Of him Celli turning 52 on February 11th born and raised in Coco Beach Florida but was on the road at very young age even coming to the NorthShore of Wahu when he was just a little kid and coming from Florida you know back then he was talking about being afraid

Of big waves uh there’s a story Walter cery told me the other day where it was gigantic out here and Elco was the only guy out there and Kelly and his brother Shawn were in the car going are you kidding me what are we doing today uh

Kelly just went from that and kind of looked at his fear and dealt with it and obviously became one of the best guys when the ocean really lights up from every venue around the world but talks about that process of showing up here on the NorthShore and going okay someday

I’m going to have to figure out how to enjoy this and then dominate it as well as we see last to Kelly Jesse yeah just clean surfing for him right there just um on rail the whole time unfortunately that wave didn’t give him that second steeper bow that you expect here at

Sunset and that’s going to keep the the score probably pretty short and here Kyle just one turn wander um kind of a short wave as well but yeah Kelly Kelly’s actually looking good like his board looks great um which usually for Sunset sometimes it’s a little skiy but

This board looks very solid in his foot he’s cutting through the water very nice it’s just matter of finding the right wave and he’s going to get a good score let’s catch up with Rio wa with AJ yeah Joe Rio coming in with the win here in

The round of 32 I have seen you in the water pretty much every opportunity the last few days here at Sunset after the comp yesterday before the comp today how did that help you uh of course uh I’m here in Hawaii so I have to take any

Opportunity to learn and get better so I think it’s been rough for me I think the pipe was I lost early round so as soon as I lost in that event I just serve Sunset every day even it’s small even it’s windy even it’s like no point to

Serve but I just be out there and then try to learn the lineup today is rough very hard condition but you know I trust what I I trust and I believe you know I put in the work so um you know I’m proud of myself and uh move forward I will

Keep get better and keep learning and one of the things that we talked about is the inspiration that you draw from Patrick Mahomes the Kansas City Chief’s quarterback how he prepares how he analyzes how much do you feel like you apply that to your surfing and it helps

You in a situation like this uh yeah of course I was a big fan of Kansas City and uh Patrick Mahomes you know I watched the Netflix and you know such in inspiration and then since last year I was I don’t know just big fan of him and

I was supporting him and then he won the Super Bowls I was stoked and got really excited and pumped to compete in this event and uh but you know it’s not only him but I have so many I watch so many documentaries and uh because I love

Sports you know that that that’s the thing so you know even if I wasn’t surfing I will you know compete at with other things I don’t know I just love competing I love sports so but yeah so so fun to watch you compete congratulations on making it to the next

Round do you have anything you want to say to friends and family back home yeah it just makes you want a book of flight to Indonesia hearing that it’s uh obviously Surfers Paradise where he comes from and Rio happy to be on tour fulltime representing such a special nation in

Our surfing world uh Rio’s such a awesome competitor I love where his heads space is at it kind of reminds me of you Brett I mean you love sports you know you found a lot of inspiration when when you were on tour looking at different disciplines yeah that really

Hit home just cuz that’s kind of how I was or am growing up you know Sports were my life so whether it was surfing or anything else here’s Kelly on a bomb Kelly now with some speed there there’s the wind up this clean wrap to get going

Speed shoving him down the line he’ll just chip one off the top quickly still chasing a 617 yeah so like any any any kind of sport or moment or that competition where I could draw like you know energy from or learn you know I think there’s there’s a lot of variables

In other sports that are similar to surfing and the ups and the downs and how you deal with that and I think like Rio said just following you know falling in love with my home and seeing how much he puts in and how much he cares about

His teammates and the uh the expectation in being able to you know calm the nerves and Kyo right here did just that beautiful tracks from Kyo Bley Jesse yeah what a way to find a sneaky wave under PR very clean and um also we see Kelly right here a little bit flatter

Wave unfortunately for him and hit that um like inside Bowl in a weird angle once again just not finding it um but he’s looking good but Kyle found a jam of a wave right there and really delivered he looked very good in that wave two big carbs look nice Brett what

Position did your dad play in the Nfl safety safety so defense awesome kind of defensive minded but it’s um yeah like I wasn’t born when he got to play but I got to watch a high lot of highlights and stuff and he had a great career you

Know it’s uh you’re just that kind of stuff and you always want to impress your your your dad and your mom and I think think that’s the cool part about competition is like carrying along your heritage you know I remember just uh how cool it was watching your family when

You went back to back with your US Open titles a special memory in your career as we look at five on the clock Ethan Ying 55 still leads over Kelly Slater Kelly needed the 617 it was interesting Jesse how Kelly was kind of alluding to the idea of just questioning competition

In his interview the other day obviously going through a pretty serious uh hip surgery around last September and slowly getting himself back in the water and even when we saw those early clips of him in that uh wave pool system overseas you know he said it was a lot really

Painful at the time just to get a couple waves so this recovery has been probably taken much longer than than Kelly would prefer yeah as I can only imagine you know like I’ve got hurt before a few times you guys probably got hurt a few

Times as well and it takes a lot to for you to recover and your mind as well to get over the injury when you’re 30s and he’s over 50 so he can take his time there’s no problem we’ll be waiting for him here hip replacements are very common in surfing it seems especially

From the older guard and sometimes it’s like a new lease on life when it goes well you know you’ll you’ll run into guys like BL and you know Daman Hardman and they’re surfing better than ever it just always depends how the recovery goes as we now check out Liam O’Brien

Stepping into gear there nice little smash on the top of that wave chasing a 3.61 representing Burley heads in Australia really cool cap when it comes to just chatting with him Brett but also what he can accomplish in the water as well what do you love about his

Performance he’s a bit old school he surfs anything he was out here the other day on like a 106 he surfed wiamea with Callum like I think that is is something special cuz a lot of guys were like ah probably not going to surf just wait it out and like

I think it’s great I think he’s he’s so well-rounded and he’s a quiet humble kid seems like a very smart kid I I thought I overheard everyone saying he’s going to doing college and stuff like that so um pretty darn cool to see he’s worked

His butt off to get here and now he’s he’s kind of proven himself which is rad really has and gone through some tough injuries as well he was about to make his rookie debut at pipe you know just a couple years back ends up hurting himself the morning of opening day and

Didn’t need to lean on you know Wild Card support ended up just putting himself back into 100% as quickly as he could attack the Challenger Series and earned every bit of his success to be right back here yeah I actually watched that wave live that morning it was a

Beautiful day um waves were pretty big and unfortunately for him because imagine just putting all the work like Brett said and just on the day on the big day on the first day ever that he was going to be officially on tour he’ get him hurt and just how he was able to

Bounce back and keep um his mind um just positive and work and keep grinding yeah he’s back here imagine that like the the the I don’t know if it’s frustration or the anger you would have just like being right there and and ready to go

And then that and then kind of you know not getting the upper opportunity right away to work your way back is uh there’s something special about that persistence to being strong like that in I guess that’s that kind of wise thing you don’t lose until you really give up so he he’s

He’s back and proud of him it’s pretty rad yeah had some success as well I by wild cards when we went to wum up or rottenest Island in wa it was able to make a big statement showing up without a ton of experience making final day working closely with Legends like Jay bottle

Thompson who had some great years on tour I think Jay even got a 10 when you’re on tour Brett at Jeff Bay with now one minute on the clock Kelly in trouble priority he’s got it but needs a 617 there’s kind of some similarities between Bots and and Liam just with

Their style and the the you know the knock KN stance I I mean Bots was a pretty big kid um but yeah both powerhouses really nice on the rail and Slater on the ropes 617 yeah big number for today with these challenging conditions he does have priority though it’s all about just

Getting into the right situation at the right time Kelly’s going to lean on this wave to try to turn this heat going for his carving three and he gets it that’s one of his signature moves that is incredibly challenging especially in these kind of waves get

The Val B but is it enough to show the judges he’s won this heed his girlfriend colani loves it we’ve seen him do that carving three big day at the US Open he got a 10 for it yeah one of the hardest moves to pull off and we’ll see how the judges react

Jesse I don’t even know how to digest that like as far as being Technical and how difficult that turn actually is to do mostly out here at sensit you got to go beyond vertical right there there and maintain your momentum throughout the whole turn in order for you not to get

Stuck or catch a rare or anything and lean forward too much I just really don’t know what they’re what the how the judges are going to Gest that one Brett your opinion on that carving three gosh I don’t know I’m just kind of obviously I’m just glad I guess in his

Kelly’s position when you’re out there with less than a minute you’re like just let me have a chance and he got the chance like and as a competitor that’s all you want and he did on that section it’s about as much as you could do I

Don’t know if there was enough pop on it like to you know sometimes he really whips that tail and like goes up and over which is is even way harder so uh pretty rad though yeah one of those moments where you just kind of take a step back because we haven’t seen a

Maneuver like that today you don’t see that maneuver sometimes all season it’s very rare he can execute it quite well but was it a big enough version of The Carving three to turn the heat on Ethan Ying the judge is still taking advantage of the replay but still fun just to

Watch some Slater magic you know on the buzzer and still performing for us yeah it’s impressive too um and he’s also over 50 like for him to be surfing the way he is right now and being that creative you know like everyone’s sticking to the same turns like carves

And snaps and he’s just so creative and always yeah making making the most of everything he gets opportunity and sticking that one hips look great he looked really good in that heat I thought I mean the waves kind of let him down few really nice carves that the way

He carves back into the bowl and bounces off it is like really smooth and he would if there was a moment where you can I mean that’s what everyone’s looking for that second turn if you could just if it’s there for you well Celly with a big smile breaking down the

Carving three and probably the decision to to go for that maneuver as he passes his longtime friend Shane Dorian scores coming in chasing a 6.17 doesn’t look like it’ll be close on the first two signs of a Score yeah Shane’s been up close and personal that maneuver for probably the last 30 years or more he’s had a couple himself too on the forehand I remember in some of the videos the backhand too oh yeah that’s right even some smaller lefts like hit and run by Taylor steel Dorian would

Throw that down remember that movie oh millions of time yes momentum all those things Kelly and Shane two big stars in the momentum generation they were solid rivals in the water too they used to talk about traveling just to compete against each other just them two on different slabs around the

World I think the other three might have fall asleep I’m just kidding they’re really thinking about it yeah I mean louy is the head judge if you’re ready put your score in if the other three judges need time he’ll give him more time so this clock is over for

Kelly and Ethan just a matter of the numbers still coming through it’s taking this long the judges are digesting that move just like we were just trying to place that in their scale 493 not enough Kelly Slater out in the round of 32 tough loss there to Ethan ying and

Ethan continues to be one of the favorites to win this contest at the herley pro Sunset Beach and probably a big sign of relief when the judges take that long pretty scary for the heat leader for Ethan he will move on with that silky smooth style into the round

Of 16 bringing Connor oer and Eli hanaman to the lineup right after this break Yeah You’re champion of the wallx US Open of Surfing presented by Pacifico friend everyone at home in L this is for you uh I know everyone’s watching sorry I haven’t got back to your messages all of them but uh I’m coming home 667 6675 hand 5 4 3 2 2 [Applause]

One check out the full edit of Eli haman’s run to the CT on Red Bull surfing YouTube channel as we follow Kye belly into the inside wall big connection off the lip line which gave him a lot of speed and looks like he’s going for a board

Change more waves on the way Li O’Brien in the prior to heat with KY belly nice wall that touch down there’s that cool style from the Australian throwing that clean Arc off the top good for one move and we’ve got some scores to wait for brand new heat just getting started

On a gorgeous Sunday Conor oir taking on Eli hanaman Eli the rookie on tour Connor oi vet these days former Rookie of the Year with big finals at Cloud break Connor is definitely incentivized in a lot of ways to get past the cut to get back to Cloud break once again Jesse

I know any goofy footer’s dream is to serve C break with no one out um and Conor is looking very good that’s probably his best start of the year since he’s been on tour and yeah he’s looking solid he’s got a great sense of humor when it comes to competing at

Sunset you can tell it’s not his favorite venue on tour but he has had a lot of success even a 943 when we just talk about individual uh wave scores in the P out here so he knows he can really almost max out the scale we’ll see if he can

Keep that sense of humor through some rounds at this event chipping in on this one Brett look at this beautiful he’s got one of the best back hands I think he’s he’s uh in attack mode most often and that’s when he’s doing his best surfing and he knows

That and even times we’ve chatted like through Heats I’m like hey just keep attacking cuz he and that’s what he does you know then here’s Eli right here both finding looking like nice little double UPS and he it’s the same for Eli surefooted and that’s you could see when

He went up and hit it perfect and his tail just started to fall away from him on the way down and it’s so hard to regain your balance yeah and I was with you on that Brett cuz he typically can stay over his board I mean being so good

In the air that benefits you when you’re you’re coming off an air drop from a big section as well totally because that’s just um comfortable on being in the air and having no engagement with the water is just such a weird and new feeling for people would haven’t done it so him

Being an air specialist since he was 10 years old doing back flips and all of that makes you more comfortable to do those so just right there in that situation just kind of Eli’s you know he’s smaller in stature but M does he surf big he go he goes for it you know

And I think I mean that’s pretty much what solidified a spot in Brazil at sakurama the waves were he really big solid waves and he was doing humongous turns um got his boy k into the on the tour by just kind of rolling through the draw and I think these waves are

Obviously it’s a right but similar to where you got to take those risk for the reward and I he’s he’s no stranger to going for it Eli also winning the US Open last year over Crosby kapino and kicked off that final with a crazy backand full rotation that just looked

Like he had glue on his feet there was no hesitation I think he knew he was channeling a big day in his career as soon as he kicked off finals day it just all came true that day in Southern California front of his friends and family and then finally solidified a

Spot on the championship tour where we always talk about the expectations that can be on you when you’re a superstar grommet Eli’s been managing that so well in his career when it comes to Sunset Eli was saying the other day how it you know it might be interesting as a surfer from

Hawaii like not having an instant connection with this wave but he’s kind of looking at that and putting in a lot of time to to really grow in this connection and hoping that it really comes into one of his favorite destinations on the North Shore Jesse Yeah impressive the scores too

That came here um that’s a very gnarly heat we have in our hands right now with Kion and Liam they’re just going back to back no stop getting good scores and let’s see how this is going to plan out well we just lost to Kelly Slater from the draw because Ethan Ying

Still in form Ying is with AJ Ethan we’ve heard about how challenging the conditions are you had a rematch that was also challenging going up against Kelly same way as you did at pipe walk me through what you had to do to get ready for today yeah it was uh as

Soon as I saw the rematch I was like I was pretty excited but also um super nervous cuz he’s he just pull stuff out of his his hat pretty easy and he’s uh yeah he’s a goat so super nerve-wracking but but um yeah just trying to deal with

Sunset that was one of the hardest sessions I’ve had out there so um yeah moving on now speaking of pulling things out of his hat carving 360 to end that heat what is going through your mind as you watch him pull that off come up the

Beach and are waiting for the score yeah they took a while with the score and I I wasn’t exactly sure what the score that they needed and I saw it from behind I was uh yeah super stressed out and uh he does that those sort of things so um

Yeah not surprised but um yeah I was happy to go off against him again he’s uh he’s a legend so yeah well and you are working on your own legacy here at Sunset what do you learn in this round of 32 carry it on to the round of 16 um

Yeah just low expectations there’s um you can get stuck out there looking for um the perfect way but there’s not many out there so yeah just just keep the ball rolling and yeah looking forward to the next round congratulations Ethan perfect thanks I Ethan understanding the opportunity of getting to surf for the

Go at this point of Kell’s career and his career what about you Jesse any big moments with Kelly in your your career on the CT or in any other events or did you guys avoid each other in the draw um on the CT we avoided each other um I

Don’t think I I don’t recall ever surfing against him but we did have a few events um that we served in Hawaii we had um an event in a heat in haliva and a heat out at Sunset as well um he’s usually looks like someone Liam o’ BR

Provided there we go Liam stepping in to gear beautiful speed right on the takeoff some foam on the face here but he will throw it in a tight Power Jam and that thing will gobble him up as he’s trying to ride away we got Connor right here too looks like a nice wave

Wow chisby connection for oi and now anticipating another big vert he will just show the judges he still had control riding out of that last vertical hack and and he’ll get rid of his n as that non priority heat is starting to build and Connor is building on his

Reputation on tour this is his 51st appearance at the championship tour level what about for you Brett first Kelly well jeez how’s this bomb setting up for Kyo up and out any memorable I had some great matches actually um I I beat him in Portugal it was the round

Two or three and I had a really good heat and he was it was the waves weren’t like pumping it was more like strategic like more ripping like turns and stuff and he was he did a couple big airs that just missed and I remember he was so

Pissed at me cuz I played the uh priority game really well and he was like what are you like you’re just you know he actually don’t take this offensive but he called me are you Brazilian now and I’m like I’m doing exactly like what you would tell me to

Do you know it was pretty classic it was almost like it rattled me for a while but I’m like I did everything right you know when you do everything right you’re like I felt great about my heat you know it sounds like a compliment to me I know

And that’s how I took it I’m like you know what screw it like I’m if he were my coach he would have told me to do the same darn thing so well he’s that competitive so I had my heating haliva and he beat me so he came and talked to

Me after and then I beat him here the next event at Sunset and I passed by him he didn’t even look at me he was so bummed that’s how competitive he is K now up through the roof and lands that airdrop out of the sky well played on

That opening turn into a wrap Styles his way through that kind of lean back shoulder drop put something extra on that endsection chasing a 661 to get the lead off Liam O’Brien is he going to come close BR so Liam took the lead 7 six 76 where

He had that finish right on the close out so that was I got to see it again I don’t like to I feel like you don’t want to you got to analyze the waves like if you’re a judge you’re probably you want to see it again but

Sometimes I think it’s got to be that natural gut instinct um first turn was big but then it to me it kind of went it like breathed the wave breathed when he did the turn and then it went pretty flat so judges throwing in some scores

Now for last of Kelly we’ll give you the update in a moment waiting for for last of Conor oi as well where Connor had a couple of nice backend turns still leading in the heat over Eli hanaman Eli so focused his house is kind of similar to the Red Bull athlete Zone

He’s got all some like ice bath sauna treatment can prepare himself really well for this venue he’s definitely lives the closest to Sunset Beach out of most people on tour and gosh putting in so many reps his caption game is really good too on Instagram tells a great story can kind

Of tell where his mind and his heart is at all times looking strong as Eli but this one’s going to shoulder off very quickly hoping for the inside track little bit of a grower there and a big fin throw talk about progression and some excitement on that endsection Jesse that

Was crazy board control right there it’s so hard to do that on the lip out here at sunet I know the wave was pretty small for what we got an option today but the board control and how critical that section is in the end you see most

People just trying to do floaters or just hitting it sideways and falling and he was able to actually put the boat all the way around get the fins disengage and connect again that was yeah that was an amazing turn from him awesome love the progression from Eli

Hanaman looking really solid on a finish section wasn’t gigantic but judges should should love that maneuver yeah no here’s the replay he he’s deeper underneath everyone non priority heat so wraps it back and then he kind of Fades right into the whitewash right here bottom turn and then Jesse said clicks

It up and over you could easily fall off the way the wave kind of goes flat there it feels like a 10t wave right there but it’s it looks a bit smaller but to kick the fins and like poke the nose yeah it’s that was pretty technical love that timing from Eli

Hanaman to earn every bit of that maneuver scores will be coming in from that last approach from Connor o as well Connor’s been waiting for his numbered update remember he had a0 n to get rid of so with all the action we’ve been having judges obviously their priorities

To watch each and every wave Situation’s been taking a while to update as Kyle just kicks out of his now 10th wave ridden in this match up Liam O’Brien so Jesse how does that work when you kind of know the judges have their hands full a lot of wave action lot of

Activity where you might not be able to rely on a situation update Yeah It’s tricky because sometimes it’s very important mostly like if you’re sitting in the situation where Kyo is right now um he’s losing and only got a minute and 20 left like you want to know exactly

What’s going on I think on their heat they already have the updates um in this situation but sometimes you just got to go with your guts and try and Surf and not think about what’s going around you and outside things that you don’t have control on and yeah that’s basically it

And in the final minute scores now in now Conor out front his last way the 55 leads over hanaman but the priority heat coming down to 55 seconds Kyo under priority of Liam and now that switches back to Kyo on that paddle abelly now chasing a 661 to keep his reputation solid at

Sunset making backto back finals days Kyle going after the score now wrapping cut back and he could tell he was hoping for a bit more on that one Brett yeah it looked like it might have that line but it’s uh it’s such a I mean they’re

Pretty far over into the bowl so it’s kind of every 15th wave’s good I feel like if you get a little bit deeper and try I I it’s risky because you can get steamrolled but there definitely there’s waves a little bit deeper that may allow them a turn or two more and that’s

What’s going to be the difference from a 4.3 to a 7.3 and I we saw Jordy get one like that where he was able to carve on the open face and clean well tough one for KY belli and a tough start for what he’s been enjoying the last two consecutive Seasons where

He’s had big big results in pipe and sunset he’ll have to recover in Portugal as he’s knocked out by Liam O’Brien O’Brien the 76 made that big lead change and ends up finding his way into the round of 16 well done now priority will be with Conor oer

And Eli hanaman we’ll also bring in Ryan kalinin and Brody S as the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach continues we’ll take a bon soy Brew break and we’ll be right Back e love opening up the WSL Vault we go back to 2002 this is when Andy Irons was able to win his very first world title back then Sunset was the second to last event of the Season leading into pipeline this time it was against Luke Eagan in the

Title race Luke was in the running after Andy got knocked out he had an interference call against Lee Winkler he had watch from the beach all stressed out Luke needed a seven something to keep the title race to pipe didn’t find it Andy crowned World Champ but a young

Surfer from the Gold Coast of Australia a future world champion Joel Parkinson was 21 at the time won his very first event of his career in Hawaii and that meant the world to him had a couple of big nines when he kicked off the day and

He kind of thought his luck would stop then but it just kept on going and this relationship with Joel and sunset would continue for decades one of the best of all time when it comes to competing in h leavea Sunset Pipeline and it was a big

Day he was very excited on the podium to say he was going to party with Andy that night he had a good reason to celebrate since he picked up a big win Joel had won the season open that year in 2002 so at 21 it was almost a year where he went

All the way to his first world title we always talk about prodigies and phenoms and Joel certainly was one of them back then and and now in a legend of the sport today yeah definitely um and one of the best out here ever like just the

Way he was connected to this wave and how his surfing um fit this wave so well just big big open um canvas and he was just one of the best R game Surfers in ever to stand up on a board that’s the best generation I don’t know I I’ve I

Just admired Joel Andy Mick Kelly that whole obviously Kelly was even a little bit before them but that time was just iconic like that’s all I really remember and like what he was doing out here was just it was like a he made it look like more of a playground taking off deep

Like that one wave it had that Northwest in it he already had chipped in and he kind of carved down and it just I don’t know the surfing was uh just iconic I miss it I mean not that it it it’s changed a little [Laughter]

Bit it’s good to be nostalgic but I I’m with you that era was gosh incredible I think you were at a good age for it too Brett where you really got to enjoy it I mean you were hot coming out of California there were some comparables

To like maybe a California answer to the Parco Style for yourself BR and I think uh all those big names all future world titles were were kind of at Bay because of the Andy domination you know and then the Kelly and then Mick got in the mix

With Joel later and Taj is in there as well just there were so many contenders back you know kind of when you focused on the 80s it only seemed like a few guys that were actually winning events consistently at that time and just surfing got better and better like it

Still is today Jesse Yeah yeah I’m I’m with you I grew up watching all those movies and um it’s nostalgic but still like it seems like he was the surfing that was done was just as good as anything that you see it out there today obviously way more progression today but

The ra game was impecable Taj was my favorite wow I feel like obviously he didn’t win a title but he’s like the he was the people’s champ you know and I think he uh he just was like the core like the core surf like even till today like he just wants to

Surf you know and like a lot of guys started training and he did even towards the back end but was just always like so surf focused and I think that was pretty rat about you know Taj and just seeing him around like he was always a big Idol

Of mine and just the way he surf so raw and like aggress had a lot of aggression in the surfing too oh so exciting as we watch live Eli hanaman into a fun looking wedge he’s actually trying to build more more speed to attack that oncoming section and he’ll step

Off down to the channel as he just kind of almost looked like he was shrugging going what do I need to do out here I think I think his approach on the wave is not bad like it’s he’s doing actually great that that turn that he got a 3.33

Was probably one of the most technical turns we’ve seen it but the problem is just the power and the size of wave it’s not matching what other athletes are actually um getting out there so he needs something chunkier something bigger to really do those turns and get an exclamation point and that’s that’s

Competitive surfing right there and especially at Sunset but it always comes down to like I don’t know I tell sometimes the groms I’m like you are a you are what you ride in a sense when it’s like super competitive like if you ride crappy waves you might get crappy

Scores you know so not necessarily like these are bad way I mean it’s just for what Connor has they’re doing comparisons and that’s what competitive surfing is this was the choice for Eli hitting that section and then kind of just looked at the channel and said what

About that one GI and he might still be kind of digesting that radical turn he did only being in that three range that might be kind of hard to to Really digest when it felt really good to him I’m sure it felt amazing but at the same

Time like he he’s competing his whole life he has an idea that why that score didn’t go that high cuz you question yourself oh is this going to be on the 5. 6o range and then when he comes at a 3.33 you’re like why was that

Score was that low and then you start to ask yourself and then he can probably realize the wave was smaller so just need to change the approach because the surfing is there 12 minutes on the clock I always love when AJ talks to goats

Take it away AJ Kelly what a cool way to watch you take on Sunset today I want to start with that carving 360 to end the heat how did you decide to do it how did feel give me everything no you know it it’s just really really tough out there

Had I not fallen on my first wave I probably would have won the heat um I got a nice sort of first turn and then I delayed my bottom turn so I was really trying to like hold and sustain that bottom turn and get a big carve by the

Time I got up there it was getting Steep and I realized that I was at too steep an angle to I needed to kind of glance off it when it was that Steep and um I knew that was a big mistake it was only the first two minutes maybe minute or

Two and um I would have had a great start then I could have been a lot more sort of selective and patient but I kept trying to get waves and they they wouldn’t line up and give me anything and um and uh you know I knew it would

Come down to one last wave and then I kind of kind of faked Ethan into priority but I would have gone the wave but he had to go and um then I said okay I got one minute to work with if it’s meant to be it’ll be and that wave

Popped up I’m like no way I got it like I got the chance you know and then um I came off the bottom it was kind of running off on me and I thought the only thing I can do I can’t really hit it from that angle I have to come around it

So anyways Shane heran always said the carving 3 was meant for Sunset Beach so that was an O to Shane there you go and what an honor to do it and pull it off the way you did big smile on your face today how was your heat just personally

Oh I’m actually just happy I don’t have to go back out there today um it’s it’s uh it’s really tough out there um good on anyone who who puts a good heat together out there because it’s hard to it’s hard to be selective because you got to got kind of take anything that

Really shows it face here and um if you can get two turns off you’ve mastered it a three turns today would be like a 10 basically um and uh It’s just tough yesterday you could you could see those barrels kind of setting up and today they don’t look like they’re doing it I

Think there’s been one or two but it’s yesterday was sort of obvious but all this energy today it’s kind of overwhelming Sunset especially with this East in the in the angle and um yeah I don’t know I was just uh I was just out there kind of just St trying to

St in the moment and go just hope and pray that you know something would come my way and the energy would turn around but didn’t go for me today it’s all good well the carving 360 was still pretty fun thanks Kelly all right thanks always great to hear from Kelly and great

Spirits and big shout out to Shane heran for that big carving three as we have the wind up from Ryan Kalan off the bottom again how was that transition vertical right on the money he felt that one 5.0 start for Ren looking like another great number Jesse yeah just the

Approached um the technical aspects that Ryan has um it kind of is going to dictate this score like he was beautiful wave Rhythm very critical on rail the whole time and just looks solid like no wbl nothing just clean great surfing 49th event for arcal two big finals has

Come close to winning a major event and he’s grown into such a powerful athlete Brett what did you see here I saw maybe a little backside advantage on this wave oh I like it I think um I don’t know front side if you would have got as

Major of a maneuver on that second turn on the bowl you can get up a little bit he did really good there carve down and then set it up and he goes vertical on the back end and I was just going to ask you Joe like what’s the how many goofy

Footers have one out here gosh great question I just I always wonder and even you Jesse like do you think I mean I don’t know if like consistently I I think there’s advantages to being backside everywhere just with the tightness that you can get but Sunset obviously it it’s so open like usually

Forehand seems good and especially for the barrel I think um I was mentioning actually yesterday that if there’s a good conditions for goofy Footers out here at sunet this is the condition when you have that Northeast bit that’s that is not really barreling you’re just able

To get vertical like that no way in your front side you’ll be able to get get that vertical and steep cuz you wouldn’t be able to bring your board under your feet again You’ just be kind of far from the board so right there is a huge

Advantage um and you just got to be smart with wave selection when you’re surfing your backand it’s a specific wave that you need to get and yeah he he took advantage of that section just going back in history you know this has been a CT upgrade again in 2022 but back

To the the World Cups that we’ve had CJ hobgood 2008 was able to get a win out here uh representing the goofy foot so even just looking at the history just in recent times 2008 it’s a long time ago Ryan k at 617 he’s got a pair of those

In first now over Brody sale you know Derek Ho had great WIS out here back in you know 1984 picked up a great title but yeah like you’re mentioning it is very rare you know for the back Siders to to really end up on top of this venue and

That’s kind of been going on since day one yeah it’s just I think once there’s barrels um it gets very tricky because there’s a lot of lump very irregular Barrel out here with the back washes but if it’s just strictly turns like you’re on on on your backand you’re able to

Pivot from your back foot a little bit more and get more vertical and that’s very critical you know so if you can take advantage of that and those those two Surfers that we’re seeing right now in different Heats they’re amazing at doing that like you said like Connor is

Very good at being critical Ro s from the Big Island first Wild Card call up and he’ll get a bit Tangled Up and into a nasty section for Brody sale as he’s trying to get in the heat with arcal he was happy to get on the glass yesterday big performance when you’re a

Wild card getting the call up turning into a win but he’s definitely familiar with wild sunset today probably one of the wildest that he’s had to deal with with a jersey on as will will now catch up with Liam O’Brien with AJ Liam onto the round of 16 but it took

Everything he had in the final minutes of this heat how did you keep your cool with Kyo in control of much of that and be ready for those final opportunities yeah yeah it was a bit of a stressful one Kai is such a good competitor he’s

You know he’s always going to put some good scores on the board so um I don’t know I just I actually couldn’t hear too much so I didn’t really know what was going on um I just knew I needed like a just a good looking wave really so I

Went and sat a little further out and just sort of tried to wait until one of those sorts of waves came and luckily yeah luckily one came through for me and walk me through your seven in particular as you’re taking off on the wave how are you reading what it’s offering next and

And figuring out how you can utilize it to the best of its abilities yeah I mean out here it’s pretty tricky to read the wave um I was pretty much just trying to hit each section pretty much like I was just like trying to attack the first

Section and then if there was another one then do the same and not worry too much about get getting down the line um but yeah that wave was a pretty good wave um I kind of like was a bit off balance but yeah managed to hang on and

And uh get the completion completion and on to the round of 16 which is coming up quick I know it’s a lot of paddling out there how do you get ready for the next round yeah I’ll probably just go and relax for a bit and um yeah come back

Down watch a few Heats and uh yeah hopefully it’s pretty similar and it’s a similar plan but yeah we’ll see what we get in the AO sounds good see you then cheers Liam moving on looking great here in Sunset big scores of the last Heat as

We fall off with Connor o there on the shoulder Conor still leading in the heat with Eli hanaman as they’re down to four minutes to go and K and leading over Brody S as we stand by for the numbers I was thinking about goofy Footers out here and then when I mentioned CJ

Winning I remember a final I think it’s when Zeke won in 2013 do you remember Damien he got Barrel going left do you guys remember that final at all yeah it was pretty radical and he kind of went off in the distance I don’t know if it

Was out of view but that was a very close one for for D cuz it was just so Random a left kind of taking him the other way as we check this wave out again Jesse Yeah and just as we mentioned right here see how easy is for him to

Actually bring the board under his um under his chest and that’s the advantage of backand has great turn right there for him very critical probably not going to better his score because he’s already sitting with two pretty decent scor a six and a 55 but yeah good effort there

For him so Conor still chipping away remember o had a huge start at pipeline the best of his career finishing in the semifinals got past Ethan Ying the morning of the finals when it was pretty serious out there had a 65 at back door but that thing was thick and especially

For a backend approach he locked into what looked like a dark cave uh we impressed with that start for knowing that he’s had some ups and downs of staying on tour definitely happy to get going in that top five scenario yeah for sure I mean and depending on what

Happens here he’s he’s looking good you know I think those that’s that’s a blessing of a start you know and he’s obviously performing and competing really well I think these you know sometimes you get in your head and you’re like oh I’m not having these crazy you know high-scoring Heats but a

Lot of the times to like get there you just have to compete well and make sure you’re in and in every heat cuz he had a couple really tight Heats at pipe and he came in and he was always a little bit down but those are the Heats that you

Get through and the next thing you know you’re you’re in that final five battle going in the back half of the year so I like his chances this year he seems confident and um he’s got a crazy backhand he can ride the barrel good on the forehand so it’s a good recipe on

Tour yeah you realize how long these guys have been at it as you see Connor’s D equal third with with Gentile losing in the semis at the first stopping pipe but he talks about the Juniors that he had to grow up with from Jake Sylvester Wade carmichel Matt Banting even arcal

Who’s in the water in the non-priority heat he he just he puts it in his words that he was just trying to keep up with those guys and sometimes it’s the people that are right behind the allstars end up just emerging and almost like a late bloomer were the ones that could

Continue on with a lot of longevity in their career yeah you named so many of those wa that was a sketchy wipe out from Ryan right there over the falls yeah but definitely there’s so many names one that comes up to my mind as well is ealo he was never really on

The spotlight you know he was always kind of grinding on the side no one would talk about him and all of a sudden in three months he fight the he was winning everything everything I was like down in Cabo one time and I’m like who is this kid do like spinning around

Round I’m next thing you know he’s on tour we at Kash Kai she’s floating 10t sections I’m like all right that was exactly way that wave of you guys was like holy crap just took over the world yeah we kind of were diving into the Brazilian storm and I think kind of what

You’re alluding to is like ITA wasn’t the name that was really popping out at the time jadson was telling us about him cuz he had a close relationship with him he kept saying hey I’ll telling me this guy eo’s coming but Jesse you were a part of that you know from that lowers

Final Miguel Tanner gdz but the round is 16 I think 12 were Brazilians at the time and it it definitely was the start of a big takeover now looking at all the world titles that we’ve had since Medina in 2014 now a three-time road champ then

To Felipe two-time Ro champ ealo get one Doza now a coach had one in 2015 as we have Eli riding this wave into a heavy section he’s forced to straighten out Eli really was motivated to perform here at the hurle pro Sunset Beach but it’s all about Connor oi hanging onto his

Lead out front in some wild conditions even tracking that last wave it sometimes you can’t even mind surf a line someone was in there there was someone in that I swear someone packed that thing I’m pretty sure yeah there was I think someone was in it we’ll find out

Who that was in just a moment got the vision all you’re looking for is probably Baron oh it was Baron there we go bright yellow Jersey world number one he’s already trying to kick off his heat with Fredo maras of course it was Baron yeah if there’s a barrel barrel Baron you find

Him in there exactly well Brett always fun talk and surf with you pleasure guys hope to see you again soon might have to take this on the road yeah you never know right I love surfing we can tell we love it we’re all benefiting from it

Thanks for being with us hly Pro Sunset Beach continues we’ll bring in kpo and flick for the call right after This look at back Lexus Pipe Pro Baron mamia look at this spit out of the Beast a 10-point ride not just a 10 a perfect 10 five judges unanimous for this what a barel free surf that would have been crazy in competition that’s insane flick oh it was incredible I kind of looked

Away for a second I was like w he’s way too deep on this thing I don’t think he’s coming out and then all of a sudden he flew out after the spirit which is just looks visually so good and yeah really really impressive stuff well now we got Baron mamia he survived the

Elimination round yesterday so that was a test for the yellow leader Jersey and he got into this round of 32 where he’s going to be face up against kikas for Roo maras the pride of cash Kai Portugal I’m Kyo Guerrero Felicity paler here uh in the set thank you for joining us it’s

A monster day today at the hurly pro Sunset Beach we were grated by just a big jumble ocean things are calming down right now at pal Malu at Sunset Beach and uh we’re going to look up for some increased performances here as we cut to kikas Frederico Mariah swooping through that cut back

And catches a rail unfortunately in the channel there yeah that was really really difficult wave to serve it kind of looked like that wave was going to stand up he was really going to be able to hit that last little section there but that bottom just dropped out from

Underneath him and yeah sort of just trying to tame that black and ball as that wave really was but it’s a great match up this one Baron V Fred yeah there you go finished six on the Challenger Series last year to qualify for this year 2024 tour Fredo

Has been on and off you know the championship tour so he’s had to battle back through those qualifying series a couple of times in his career to be here in his sixth season on the CT here’s the replay nearly takes off Baron’s feet right there yes that was cutting it real

Fine really just did that turn right over Baron’s feet goes straight up into that second section there and wow that was really close take that W and then straight off to this second section here you can just see just cannonballs out of that that bottom just dropped out from underneath him and he

Caught that rail on the way down so was a close call for Baron watch out mate Fred’s coming for you he’s coming for your feet yeah well surfing uh is actually supposed to be a non- contct sport we’ll keep it there the uh priority heat right now with Ryan Kalan

Brody sail Ryan Kalan in the lead over the Big Island the banan’s boy bro s here we got Baron mamia second career Championship tour win of course he won out here at sunset in 2022 as a wild card that was a great story there for mamia 88 on his jersey

Representing the 808 area code you can call that all day long you could get someone in the island somewhere but it was nice Baron you know having to get through um that elimination round in that elimination round as of note this almost like a rematch it was a three-man heat with uh

KY Lenny Fredo morias and baron but Baron beat Fredo in that elimination round heat so they’re rematched again here and so you would have to think that mentally Baron probably has the upper hand statistically statistically flick Baron does a 78% Heat winning percentage here at Sunset Beach he surfed nine Heats in

The LA uh so far as CTS here and has won seven of those nine Heats yeah I mean that’s an impressive start coming off the win um at pipeline as well just in such good form and then obviously he’s already W out here before in 2022 as a

Wild card so he’s got so much experience and yeah I you got to be thinking he’s the favorite 100% omto G Conor oi with a win and a ticket into the round of 16 AJ yeah Kaio a hard fought ticket to the round of 16 cuz

Connor you came in telling me it’s not just the winds it or the waves it’s the wind was a thrashing a little bit out there how’d you make it through yeah I think I spent most of my my time out there underwater but no it was It’s Tricky but

There’s definitely some Diamonds in the Rough and um you know for me it was all just about trying to find some clean clean water and and if I could do one great if I could do two that’s phenomenal so yeah that was kind of the

Game plan and um for me you know the size of the wave didn’t really matter it was more the the cleanliness of the wave face and yeah I was managed to to get to it the start um I feel like there was kind of a bit bit more of like a settled

Uh lineup out there at the start and and Liam and K were kind of catching waves as well so it was kind of easy for us to to get a few waves on the priority and yeah and then at the end it was pretty much just closeout sets for the rest of

Our priority so um good for me I guess get the work done early and for you how much time have you put in or how much has the time you put in here at sunet paid off in a in a situation like today yeah I feel like I’ve I’ve had such a

Mixed uh amount of results here you know I got last here last year and um when the triple CR was on I was kind of yeah the results were up and down but um I mean who we don’t really surf it like this very often you know big stormy you

Know short period and lumpy so um for me it was just more about just trying to adapt to the conditions and and keeping it really simple um I think last year you know I tried to over complicate a lot of things and try tried to to find a

Wave that I was never going to find in 30 minutes and yeah it’s just simplifying a lot um out there and it worked just then so that’s good I would say it did so we’ll see you in the round of 16 before we let you go is there

Anything you want to say to friends and fans in Japan yeah I mean and yeah fans at U thanks so much for the support always and um cheering us on and yelling at me uh behind the TV screen and um yeah I mean to the The Lure board rers guys at

Home um thanks e as well for all your support since I was a kid and yeah we keep going we keep uh grinding through and um keep my head down and moving forward thanks there you go three languages fro maras here carving through this inside section and up up and down

There for the pride of cash guys so nice wave there right behind him Baron Mia slashing on the open face there on the CI and showing control with that attempted foam climb but goes down so yeah kindor with three languages there it is mahina oelo hav Hawaiian Language

Month so I got a couple words like we’re going to start when one is kapakahi kapakahi is when things are mixed up a little bit like the swell today kapakahi and then the other word in Hawaiian is Kulu Kulu is like messy something that’s messy so ni we’re having a good time

Kulu Kulu yeah Kulu so uh we saw that exchange they were waiting for the scores for Baron mam Fredrico moras Ryan Kanan with the advantage over Brody we saw Brody s get a wave during that break and this is the wave again this was a five-point ride

Flip yeah you can tell he’s just definitely on that bigger board there but it’s looking really smooth just way he pivoted off that back foot as he came out of that first carving maneuver so two nice turns there for uh Brody and uh that wave coming in at a five-point ride

So definitely helping his course this was Fred Roo setting up this first turn and then really eyeing up this second one and that was a really difficult section to hit he timed it really well you can see and then out the back behind him I don’t think we saw this first turn

Or that there that was that first turn from Baron fades it back here looking for this second section kind of just lost control there as he tried to Pivot on that board at the bottom of the wave but you could see that that wave ran really quickly out

Into the channel went really deep went really lumpy and bumpy but uh yeah I mean right now you look at the screen that’s that’s the most Cal I’ve actually seen the ocean things are shaping up actually you know after we went through that Hawaiian language so things are shaping up the

Swell we’re on the back side of the swell the winds are are are are behaving themselves the scores are in for Baron mamia 2.93 for last for Baron that’s big lip Glide for Fredo moras earned him a 5.83 so advantage to Fredrico Fredo with priority in the non priority

Heat and he’s hearing the numbers right now from our on-site announce announcers there’s spread from all of our judges flick yeah three judges throwing a six there a couple of five FS obviously drop that high and low and you get up that 5.83 and I mean that’s serving Fred

Really really well right now he’s obviously out in the lead Baron’s only got a couple of twos under under his belt and uh I mean there’s still 28 minutes on the clock for these guys though they’re in the non priority heat but for Fred right now 5.83 in the non

Priority heat that’s a great score and you got to be thinking that that’s definitely going to be looking like a backup yeah it’s a nice start uh turning our attention to the priority heat uh the score bug on the top of your screen there Ryan count in the lead over Brody

S but Brody has reeled Ryan in just a little bit with that five-point ride bro needing a 7.34 to turn the heat at this point and I’m amazing with the amount of variety of numbers that five judges can throw that Ryan Kanan actually has two identical wave scores at a

6.17 and did it again but with completely different math yeah it’s funny how that works I mean if you look at the score spread you know it’s just two different ways to get that 617 but yeah Ryan’s backand just proving really strong and I think I think I was just

Listening to Jesse uh when uh and Joe and uh uh Brett when they were all talking about you know just a goofy foot foot approach today compared to the Natural foot approach and how today that could actually work in your favor being a goofy out here just really trying to

Identify those one big turn sections and being able to go more vertical uh than Maybe you know those certain sections that you can’t when you’re on your forehand out here yeah let’s talk about some goofy foots that have won out here Tom Carol’s won Barton Lynch a great goofy foot has

Won Derek hoes a goofy foot that that has won a couple times out here uh RE Michael raly raly won here in 1997 he also won the the triple cron I believe that year and the last goofy foot to win out here would be 2008 with CJ

Hobgood so there are a few goofies that H that have done it uh could we see a new trend this year maybe we got some goofies advancing through through their Heats for sure I mean I mean Conor just in that last Heat as well advancing through I mean his backand looking

Really strong I mean Jacob wox got through this morning as well against Leo he scored that I think it was an 8.4 in his earlier uh heat today so looking really really sharp and um yeah but it feels good for uh for jaob to win that

Hate this morning yeah I I I actually I I got to do this uh I also got to acknowledge 1976 Rory the dog Russell want out here I definitely definitely would uh got to got to acknowledge Uncle Rory Uncle dog right there one of the ogs of lightning

Bolt Jim Banks another goofy foot I just want to get one and all on the list that’s very did I get everyone yeah I think so so you didn’t get in trouble we want to acknowledge all of the people in the goofy foot Union that have tamed Sunset we’re goofies ourselves that’s of

Course apply named five minutes remaining with Ryan Kad he control he’s got priority he’s got the lead he just needs to hold Brody sail away for another 5 minutes and he will be on into the round of 16 nice thing about today consistency’s been there may maybe

Not quality sometimes but there has been a lot of waves H you can see that short period so how close these waves are actually together uh when the Surfers are talking about the jumbled mix of swell and the shorter period and that equals what you’re seeing right now a

Lot of duck diving oh for sure I mean Connor even made the joke you know I spent more time underwater in that heat than doing anything else as we see bro Here Comes Brody Fades that one but that wave does not offer any opportunity for the banion

Local yeah there’s a lot of motion in this ocean today you can see BR still needing that 7.34 and 4 minutes on the clock and Ryan’s got priority so definitely going to be a bit hard but we’ve seen it happen today we’ve seen people flip the

Heat in the last minute I mean I my I cast my thoughts back to that first heat in the morning you know Cade had Griff on the ropes and then all of a sudden you know Griff got that one underneath priority and turned into nine so today

Is the day that it is possible to do things like that just because there’s so much water moving there’s opportunities everywhere and it’s sort of not over until that horn really blows as you can see Ryan at the back with priority and Fred also but in that non priority hit so

He’s going to have to give way to Ryan here we go Fredo picks this one up layback back on the oncoming section so getting some work done in the non priority part of his heat and maybe stunning Baron Mia right now cuz when we looked at the

Numbers coming into the SE Baron would have been the favorite Here Comes arcal defending his lead nice long carve off the top for Ryan Kalan nice shorter arked snap winds up here lip Glide backand floater that was high risk and hopefully he gets rewarded for that one

That was the way to finish off a wave yeah that was really really well done and sort of to Connor’s point from that post head interview I mean but it’s not necessarily about the biggest wav today but if you can find a smaller wave with that cleaner face which is exactly what

Ryan did Fred got that first one Ryan was looking at it but obviously uh Fred had to uh Ryan didn’t let uh didn’t go so Fred took it that was the first wave of the set second one came through Ryan decided to go and it was much more clean

It was much more groomed and yeah put away three turns SO waiting for the score for Ryan count see if he increases his lead over Brody s sale with priority over the whole pack right now 2 minutes to go waves on the horizon opportunity for Brody s but he cannot feel comfortable

On what he needs that his requirement could go up when this next St drops for Ryan cman yeah it would be interesting to see where they go with this one um I personally really loved it that second turn the way he coiled up he was able to

Get it was really really well timed he threw a lot of spray and then the Third maneuver sort of giving that little bit of variation as well kind of going up almost for a snap but then changing his mind halfway through and ending up with a float floater maneuver as we see Brody

Having a look here comes bro sail picks his spot and oh no but not a good wave so he’s got 90 seconds to reset right now score still waiting for Ryan Kanan to set that heat down into just over a minute on the clock and a 5.7 comes in for Ryan count

And does not change the situation bro sail still needing a 7.34 his requirement did not change the time changed and priority change unfortunately for Brody so priority air for Brody cell taking that wave and not giving him a chance for sure for sure and I mean right now I mean I don’t see

That many sets coming through and it’s going to be pretty hard I mean with 56 seconds on the clock I mean you got to be thinking Ryan with so much experience right now he’s going to be coming right on down sitting really close to to brodan probably not going to give him an

Inch right now couple of little lines coming through here we go with Ryan arcal uses his priority and that will not change the situation 30 seconds remaining opportunity for Brody sail if he can find the wave here he goes bro s giv himself a chance and that wave does

Not give him the opportunity so the wild card will be eliminated from competition and Ryan Kalan will be moving on to the round of 16 we’ll see rcal again this afternoon in that round of 16 well served heat for C there’s the numbers 12.34 four there’s enough for

Ryan Kanan to move on to the round the 16 we got more on the way here at Sunset Beach coming up next hito Ferrera Crosby Cola Pinto will be matched up Ryan Kalan backand got him into the round of 16 I let’s get caught up it’s the pulse some of the key moments from today we start off this morning Friendly Fire for the S Clemen Squad Kate Matson the rookie on tour had Griffin colino up against the ropes for the majority of their matchup this morning in big messy Sunset but

Then Griffin found this under priority a nine-point ride a barrel and then this turn to finish off talk about a strong stance Griffin Kinto on to the round of 16 nail fante matched up against the rookie Jacob Wilcox fante in the driver’s seat controlling the heat with

7.5 on his second way but then Western Australia’s Jacob Willcox Unleashed on the backand 8.5 and willox onto round the 16 this was a match up here Ethan Ying vicious lethal on rail there a low scoring Affair between Ethan ying and 11 time World Champ Kelly Slater Slater goes

With the carving 360 right at the end of the Heat score wasn’t enough for Slater it’s going to be Ethan Ying moving on into the round of 16 now you’re caught off with the pulse back to live action here at the hurly pro Sunset Beach where

We have another match up in the water a goofy versus regular matchup this time 2019 World Champ ealo Ferrera coming up against a San clementy rookie Crosby col Pinto heat 14 of this round of 32 typer girl along with Felicity Paul Mater on the call here I like this one yeah so do

I I feel like both of these guys are super fired up too Ito I I like that we’re going to have the contrast we’re going to have the goofy V the regular foot and I mean it’s so hard to say I mean who who would have the advantage

Obviously go with Ido with more experience and a world title but from what I saw with uh Crosby at pipe to me I I feel like he’s just really enjoying himself he put in a pretty good show at pipe had a couple of really beautiful moments and right now it’s it’s just

Going to be a full test of uh who can be in the right position when those sort of cleaner face wave come waves come through yeah this is going to be our second look at Crosby uh surfing uh at sunset in a CT in his opening round he

Got second place to advance into this round of 32 behind Jack Robinson um so yeah it’s kind of new eyes and new expectations oh under the lip takeoff there and that looked like that was Italo Ferrera going down in the non priority heat yeah that was a really really

Awkward takeoff looked like it was just way too far underneath it just got caught and kind of was under there for a while looking a bit frustrated I think actually to tell the truth yeah Ito Ferrera Bravo he he used to have painted on the bottom of his board and that’s like

Kind of like the slang for like you’re the boss you’re a bad man you’re not to be messed with and he’s not to be messed with he’s a 2019 World Champ 2021 finished third in the world 2022 he finished second in the world um so when you talk about final five contenders

Right at the beginning of the Season you got to talk about people like EO Ferrera however 17th at Pike he already has a throwaway result for sure um and going into the r i mean he and he he knows this as we we get back to to that point

In a second looks like Baron’s having a look Baron Mia emerges from the Whitewater into a carve steady on the bottom hacking on the top a little extra push on the tail there for mamia he’s trailing Fredrico maras he needs a seven-point ride to take the lead off of the Portuguese Surfer

Kikas going down the line searing carbs and Fredrico Marias that’s what he’s known to do he has that big front hand swoop that he’s able to turn to every single time we saw him you know in success making a final in jbay in 2017 using that turn right there Richard dog

Marsh giving him some instructions on the panle back out so another great wave for for rrio mariash yeah that last turn for me when I watched that that that felt really good that looked really good as we see Crosby Crosby Kinto just with a carve there to start off his Heat against Etho

Ferrera yeah that two turn combo from Fred that was really really nicely done first big swooping maneuver and then straight back up into lip I mean you couldn’t get any more critical than what he did and and vertical as well is sort of mixing up that approach just from

That carving maneuver straight into a vertical hit so just say that’s going to be pretty decent score as we take a look at Baron’s Baron’s wave first and that was look at that whitewash takeoff that’s super hard takeoff to do it’s that first sweeping maneuver a little

Bit of a fade jams it in the pocket with that little layback hack and he’s on out of there this is the wave that really impressed me and this big swooping carving maneuver he just threw so much spray and then this wave really stood up

And he was able to go straight up into that lip you can tell that he is so pumped up with that so you look at this W this angle from the water just see how critical that was from that shot there oh you can really dissect in slow

Motion flick yeah you can you can see how much he used his his uh back arm there really to Pivot really hard off the bottom that allowed him to get so tight there up into the lip and come straight on back down so really mixing things up not just that carving maneuver

But straight up into the lip and yeah he absolutely loves it I love to see the emotion obviously Baron coming into this heat number one seed and uh Fred obviously got a big task on his hand so this is Crosby just getting a little bit of work done here this is his opening

Wave and he’s up on and out of there because that way wasn’t probably what he expected was going to be so really to set the heat in our priority heat we’re still waiting for Fred Rico and his last score last score for Baron mamia that was a

5.5 so if Baron is a 5.5 you would expect for Fred Rico’s number to be north of that or more than that um and it’s pretty easy to predict it actually went excellent here we go a flat eight comes in for Fredrico maras so maras who would you thought would

Been the underdog and is the underdog in this heating reality I mean baren w out here is off to a great start right now yeah that is Sensational and uh I sort of mentioning that before I mean Baron’s the favorite in this ha obviously he’s wearing that yellow Jersey right now

He’s fresh off a win at pipe where he also got a 10 in the final he’s won out here before in 2022 he has grown up surfing this wave and knows it so well so I mean this is going to be feeling really good for Fred

Right now and uh I mean Baron sort of now chasing this 8.33 which is a big ask but it’s definitely within his wheelhouse it is within his wheelhouse uh let’s get to our last Heat winner Ryan Kalan with AJ mord yeah kpo Aral you came in and it was really door too

You figured out what you wanted to do you got some solid scores early how did you do that um yeah I mean It’s Tricky on your backside out there but I feel like if you can just find a steep face and kind of get a big turn in you know

They weren’t big scores but couple Sixers is pretty good on a challenging day like this so I just kind of had my plan to just start rolling and try and just get even get one turns and yeah I did that in the start then I just sat

For the rest of it and couldn’t better but uh it’s always good to get a heat wi I’ve always found it really challenging here and um I’ve been staying with Brody at the bong house for the last six weeks or so so to have a heat with him and his

First CT was pretty special to me that’s awesome and you talked about just how tricky it is here at sunset for you in particular already locked in your best result here at Sunset by moving on to the round of 16 how do you get ready for

It um yeah uh same prep I guess I’ve got Connor who’s in the same camp as me and one of my good friends so that’ll be a real fun heat it was actually out there it was me Connor and Fred all surfing together and we’re all part of dogs crew

So it was pretty pretty cool moment to have uh all those Heats Collide and can join and um yeah have dog in the channel yelling at us well you’ll get him yelling at you yet again we’ll see you then yeah awesome thank you yeah the dog’s getting a bath today he’s been out

There for a couple hours flick Richard dog Marsh yeah yep he’s definitely earning those dollars right now butan it’s hard work out there if you’re a caddy right now yeah but you know what when he comes to the beach he get some treats too yeah this redel athlete zone is very

Very good but uh there is there’s Richard there’s the mongrel right there yeah no he’s great guy and ton of experience a ton of knowledge and yeah like uh Ryan said really cool moment to have Connor himself and Fred sort of in that in the water all at the same time

With uh yeah yelling at them all and getting super passionate and involved so I’m sure he’s really fired up after that last number that just dropped uh for Fred yeah he’s a Wild coach he carries around these these these notebooks where he writes everything down in it he

Diaries like every moment of every heat when he’s on the beach of course he can’t do that in the water but I mean he’s one of the best in the biz check this out this is the eight-point ride for Fredrico Marias yeah this big carving maneuver here and just goes to

Set up that second turn there actually that’s a misc this this is a this is a a fivepoint backup that we’re just seeing again and the reaction from dog Marsh yes that one obviously not factoring into his top two but just really really good surfing and uh just

Demonstrating how much of a good read he has on this and and wave selection I mean that’s what it’s coming down to today to be able to identify you know those clean faed waves and the ones that are you’re going to let you get get some work

Done well for Baron mamia you can see the yellow Jersey there he wants to hang on to that yellow Jersey and he does not want to change his wardrobe he’s got priority he’s got a little over 7 minutes he needs a 8.33 it’s go time for the Young Hawaiian

Surfer for sure it is and I mean there’s pressure on his shoulders knowing that you know John has already advanced through and knowing if he doesn’t Advance through this then he’s you know going to lose this yellow Jersey right so I don’t know if he’s thinking about

This right now I think he’s probably just trying to stay as present as possible uh well I mean we both totally know that this is he’s more than capable of this uh there’s still 7 minutes on the clock he’s out there with priority he’s just

Got to sort of rely on the fact that he knows this wave so well trust in himself his instincts all the time that he spent out here and just hoping the ocean cooperates a little bit as we see sort of a break in the set and I mean right

Now this is what Connor was sort of mentioning uh in in his post interiew you got to kind of wait I think it was Connor uh you got to kind of wait for these moments like this and then hope I think it was actually John hope that in

This moment of quietness in the ocean that those ones are really going to stand up and hit the reef properly right now before that next set comes and washes you through right so letting the water have a chance to settle right now so that you can get a clean wave face uh

That’s what Baron mam is hoping for waves capping out the back there and it’s just one of those things you know with priority it can be a double-edged sword where you’re just you’re going to hang on maybe be too selective but I guess in this case like I mean it’s not a

Mid-range score you know there’s no reason to go at all unless it looks like a a a long wall and a lot of opportunity for sure for sure I think you really want one of those funs that’s definitely you know it’s definitely going to hit the reef and Baron’s more more than

Anyone going to be able to identify that right so almost looking for one of those ones that sort of doubled up a little bit to has a little bit more of a bowl to it so I mean an 833 is a big score for today and and the more this time tis

Down the the less opportunity he’s going to have to get it work this work done yeah and I and I would add that in a normal long period Sunset day where there’s the defined waves and and and defined sections for local knowledge to come into play that’s going to be really

Valuable today with this mix swell we talked about it earlier today there’s still that luck factor I mean we got 5 and a half minutes there may not have a wave that may not come in that has an aid on it yeah 100 100% And I mean there

Might be there might not be we don’t have that Crystal Ball but I mean it’s highly likely that they could just be sets coming through and stomping through that lineup cleaning them up I mean Connor said that he spent half the time of his heat underneath the water and you

Know he was and Ryan said as well you know in his post interview he was lucky he got that work done originally in his non priority heat because uh the rest of the heat was just kind of you know big Clos outs as we see on the inside here lining up

Up Crosby colapinto in the non priority heat Crosby under lip oh my goodness that was not pretty no that boy was like super close to his head too when he went down um that just wow really dropped out from underneath him but seems to look like

He oh he’s looks like he’s okay that was the trap door in the haunted house that’s exactly what that looked like he just strolling through a wave didn’t see that coming let’s look at this again yeah the the bottom of this wave just completely dropped out from

Underneath him and just sort of jumping of his board here deciding to eject out of that situation and oh wow lip Just Landing straight on his head there just two bits of converging whitew and that was his board just coming straight back down wow I mean that section on the

Inside there I mean you can get absolutely drilled I I’ve definitely spent my fair share time of under Fair share of time underwater there and it’ll rip you for a long time underwater too you’ll you’ll travel some sort of distance as well oh yeah I mean we’ve seen we’ve seen Surfers get their

Jerseys ripped off mid heat over here and just to show you the kind of the violent shaking that can Sunset can give you sometimes by the time the surfer comes up that that jerseyy is long gone it’s just a gift to the ocean and that usually happens in that section in there

Where where uh you know at that angle things can just bottom Out 3 minutes remaining for Baron mamia with needs the 8.33 he’s been patient out the back he’s been hoping and he actually needs pal Malu to give him a makana a gift at this time here he goes looking at that one

That one’s not going to do meanwhile EO says I’ll go I’m in non priority heat H even EO says is no that one just kind of sneaking through but maybe this second one might have a little bit more to it Baron’s definitely interested decides not to go that one

Yeah and down to 2 minutes and 30 seconds now he’s really only going to have one chance given you know the length of ride and the paddle back out is this it here he goes mamia is going to have to surface hard out goes in the barel travels through this one and no

Exit shocking Affair for Baron mamia and Brilliant surfing from Fredrico maras with that eight-point ride yeah I mean it was a good attempt and he had to go for it right with 2 minutes on the clock it actually does look like the ocean’s a little bit quiet right now too so sort

Of he had to roll the dice there pulled into that Barrel I actually thought for a second he might sneak out of that one just considering the hero heroics that were done just down the road at pipe but yeah that one just clamping on the end

There not giving him an exit at all but yeah Fred I mean Fred went to town he absolutely went to town and really capitalized on that eight-point ride served it so well and just showing variety too I mean that first move was that big carving maneuver on that eight-point ride and then really

Pivoting hard off the bottom and and making that second turn really tight and critical in the pocket well for the head-to-head matchups between Baron mamir and Fredrico moras if it continues the way it is right now they’re going to be even Baron beat Fredo in the round of

32 at Pipeline and this was a payback for Fredrico Moray if he is able to come out of this heat successful still got a minute on the clock and we got ealo Ferrera long carve cut back right into the pocket there Ferrera just a couple of carves on Timmy

Patterson surfboard in the non priority heat he’ll get his best wave score there he’s been pretty quiet uh from in the first half of of this heat as has Crosby Kinto been so EO Ferrera and Crosby Kinto they’re going to have a 20-minute heat we’re 35 minutes away at 35 seconds

I’m sorry away from Frederico Marias advancing into the round the 16 yeah as you can see this actually quite a big set starting to roll through the lineup kind of wonder where Baron is in relation to Fred Al cuz we know that Baron took off on that wave I wonder if

There’s a little bit of distance I just saw him duck dive that wave there yeah looks like it might be too far in maybe this one backs off and bar just yeah this yeah this is unfor this is not this is not 833 there’s nothing doing here so I’ll ride in for Baron

Lamia wow that that’s that’s really tough it’s really tough but I mean really really great surfing from Fred and awesome that he was able to capitalize on that and it’s going to feel amazing for him and confidence going forward uh knowing that he got the the win

There so a dejected Baron mamia on the pad Lin eliminated equal 17 from Sunset after a win at pipeline fro Marias went excellent with that eight-point ride maras on his way in and on his way to the round of 16 yeah the hurly pro Sunset Beach is brought to you by bons soy official milk of the WSL by Eventbrite honor off your board you’ve got plans with Eventbrite and by Pacifico live life anchors Up welcome back to the hurle pro Sunset Beach stop two on the world surf League Championship tour we’re in the men’s round of 32 another match up out on the water Ian gen up against San Diego’s Jake Marshall clock on and their 40 minute heat has started there in the

Non-priority portion of their heat tyo Guerrero along with the paler on the call here and in now switching into the priority heat with no big numbers up Crosby kapino up against ealo Ferrera they’re down to 17 minutes in their matchup yeah they they put 17 minute

Heat heat on their hands right now with no sort of substantial scores whatsoever so I mean you’ve got to be thinking that they want to they’re going to want to start getting moved moving pretty quickly I mean they’re obviously in this priority heat they’ve got the choice of waves but

Uh yeah I mean it’s it’s just been I mean the whole story for today is it’s been very very tough I mean everyone’s coming in and saying it it all these guys have been surfing sunset this whole week and or even the leader even before that and they said it’s been nothing

Like the last two days so sort of as we see Ito Ferrera delays that bomb turn tugs on the rail on the way up nice hook on the back hand for EO Ferrera smooth roundhouse cut back back into the Whitewater looks for a little bit more

On the inside lip Glide gets a little Airborne on the on the way down and goes complete great performance by EO fans like it for sure I mean straight away that’s that’s you know it’s one of the better waves in that heat so far Crosby’s locked in a 5.83 so we’ll see where the judges go on that one but yeah you could just see that I I think Ito was maybe you know

Safety surfing that one a little bit knowing that okay I need to at least get one score on the board here this could potentially be a backup um I I think you could really see it on that second turn that he went for just like it was very

Very controlled and he knew that hey I’ve got to make this count Here Comes Crosby carve to start make it two so just a series of cutbacks so far wants a little bit more on the inside is not going to get it Crosby kapino on the paddle back out 66

On the back of Crosby Kap Pinto’s Jersey and why because it is his brother’s number Griffin has 99 so probably we thought why not invert that and I’ll go with six to6 yeah that’s very very very cool um yeah I love that these two are on tour

Together and uh here we go have a look at this Ray and Ito just grabbing that rail actually on that first bottom turn which is really cool I absolutely love to see that especially gooter is doing it it’s really cool yeah I just feel like he just knew that this was potentially

Going to be his backup score no with only 14 and a half minutes left on this clock he knew he had to make like he he wasn’t going to risk anything too extreme you know because this is potentially going to be his backup judges still waiting to lock that score

In yeah judg is still brooding over a couple of scores both from as well as healo and sets continue to hit the refound here stack in this short period you can see the Surfers just get lost in the trough gone from Vision as they’re paddling back out score in last for ealo a

5.17 so not enough to put Ito into the lead over Crosby kapino Still waiting for score for Crosby comes in a three-point ride and Crosby does better his situation but it’s a tight tight heat between ealo Ferrera and Crosby Kinto a 3.67 will take icho to the lead Ian

Gentile snaps off the top and puts it down right there nice little setup turn really aiming for the Target on that second turn as we see Jake Marshall with a couple smooth carves and Marshall has to ditch the board there pushes it away wow uh Ian oh here we go more live

Action Italo Ferrera remember oh Ito just needed 3.67 and kind of got ahead of himself there and went down poking the nose yeah for sure I think um Ian was really interesting he actually took off wow there’s so many ways being caught right now here comes Crosby rail

Grab top turn another beautiful Arc swinging all the way around but gets engulfed in that inside section beating is going down yeah they are all getting Hamed I think this that last that if he would have H on to that last turn I think he was on his way definitely to a

Really good score I really love that he grabbed that Rail and that first caring maneuver so yeah he would be a bit spewing that he didn’t make that second one but uh where Ian took off on his wave back to that first wave that we saw he was actually right in underneath and

Actually quite far in that wave just stood up so beautifully for him and he really put it all on the line on that first turn that’s just out of all those WS that we just caught that one obviously stood out the most to me this is that wave you can just see he’s

Scratching into it he definitely saw that there was something down the line here big carving maneuver here but this is the one that really grabbed my attention came down with the lip there with that explosion that’s really not an easy thing to do and this was Crosby beautiful touch of the rail there

Straight back up into that second section and just could maybe if he went it was really really hard but if he could have got up there a little bit earlier come back down in front of that explosion maybe would have been on his way to sort of bettering his

Position well bearing his position in this event moving to around the 16 Fredrico Mor the pride of cash guys let’s hear from Fredrico he’s with AJ McCord yeah thanks kpo Fredo so much fun to watch you in that heat that eight in particular you told me before we started

It’s so tricky to know which is going to be a good wave which is going to be an average wave what did you see on that one I just I just saw a wall really it’s it’s really hard cuz there’s a lot of water moving and you kind of lost in the

Middle of the ocean so between the white wash and big walls it’s hard to find that one but yeah stoked I found it yesterday I was telling dog after the elimination round just like I just I just want to give myself a chance to serve a good life out there and I guess

That eighto ride was it I guess so and we it’s been a few years since we’ve seen you back on the championship tour what have you worked on in those last few years to be ready for the moments like that when they come uh the preparation is is key you

Know like after falling off um in 2022 um I had my doubts if I still wanted to grind it out on the challengers but at the at the end of the day surfing is my passion and competitive surfing is my passion as well so I was like yeah let’s let’s put

In the word um just you know just being grateful for what we have and and enjoy every moment that’s that’s what I what I learned and just Embrace um all the hard work and all the steps you got to take so yeah that’s about it all that hard work paying off today and

Now we’ll see you in the next round thank you Fredrico Marias making it uh three in a row for Richard dog Marsh the coach out on the water he saw his Surfer Connor liry win his round the 32 heat he saw his Surfer Ryan Kanan win his round

The 32 heat and now he’s just seen um Fredo moras win his round of 32 heat so give the dog a treat when he gets to the beach he’s been working really really hard meanwhile through that interview we finally got the number four Ian gentil

And there it is a 7.5 flick I think that’s well earned oh he it was it that was Sensational I I thought he surfed it so well and just he was sitting uh so much further in from these guys when he when he took off on that wave and he had

To scratch really hard to get into it he sort of could obviously see what Fred was talking about anything that has that wall you want to go with because these waves are you know stretching out to that channel then they break off the reef and before you know it it’s going

Really it’s getting fat really quickly so Ian identifying that scratching hard and uh yeah really converting and also in the non priority Heat yeah uh highest highest score in the water right now for this this a 7.5 this turn right there that was absolute money

Was so well done and I just I love the way he surfs and I think I’ve already said it before he’s got a really different style it’s a really vintage style and it’s really pleasing on the eye yeah it’s uh it’s pretty upright and at times it can be kind of swiv where

But he gets that accentuation through a lot of his turns when you when you really don’t expect expect that to happen so I think that’s really the the impact that Ian gen’s surfing makes upon yourself um we know the story about Ian gent 14-year-old phenomena all the eyes

On the surf uh industry on him big expectations stepped away from competitive surfing for a while before he kind of had that Renewed Energy within himself to get after it and get after it he did 2023 a rookie of the year and another year on the championship tour and looking pretty

Good in the non priority Heats so far for sure and you you got to probably think that he’s continuing with that momentum from pipe with the third place finish there which was really really good for him he obviously had that match up with uh imay another Maui boy uh in

That quarterfinal and said that that was a really really special moment for those two guys and yeah finishing it with a third and continuing clearly with that momentum here so the conversation now turns to to our priority heat where Crosby kapino has a slight lead over Italo Ferrera

Ferrera with priority so uh Etho he’s got a high heat IQ he’s a former World Champ um he’s looking to turn this heat right now for sure and you’ve got to be thinking that I mean if you’re a betting person you’re going to put your odds on

ILO right now with 6 and 1 half minutes on the clock and priority he needs a 3.87 it’s it’s totally achievable one thing knows Crosby actually improved on his situation even though he did fall on that second maneuver and didn’t ride out in front he actually ever so slightly by

Point 2 point improved on that so I thought that was pretty interesting um but right now nervous times because I mean we’re 6 minutes on the clock I’m thinking both guys are going to get another roll of the dice here just with this consistency of this

Well here we go Ian gen under everyone’s priority to able to find this one foamy face but just puts it up again makes some difficult situations look really easy and looks so steadfast and and solid on his feet yeah he does and once again he had to really really scratch

Into that so he’s sitting a lot further in underneath all these guys he’s obviously in this uh non priority heat and really identified that that one was going to allow that one big section where he could really get critical but yeah this is really really impressive and and strategy wise

Especially being in this non priority heat uh but yeah similar sort of tactic to that uh that 7.5 just really seeing that it was going to stand up down that line down the line of the white all right so Ian genel kind of finding them but the important conversation right now is

The five minute Mark for EO Ferrera there he is Ferrera um in a tense situation because he still needs a score to turn this heat it’s not like and it’s a small score but sometimes you know I mean a fall and you’re skunk you lose priority um yeah so we’ll see it’s going

To be decision time right now for Etho Ferrera score in for non priority Ian gen with a 4.67 so Ian pulling away right now from Jake Marshall in that non priority heat I think the interesting thing is you know if if if if a set’s coming through even though Ito has priority

Only needs a 3.87 he’s got to be thinking that Crosby might be taking off behind him so I don’t think he can be sitting out here thinking okay when I’m surfing I’m surfing for a 3.87 because potentially Crosby’s going be on the next wave behind and because they are

Quite similar in that score line there there’s only really a point separating them right now just over a point uh I think he’s got to be serving more than a three 3.87 yeah talk about grindy heat heat total of nine points total is uh in the driver’s seat right now for Crosby

Colinos but that also lowc scoring Heats are easy to turn here come some sets Ferrera moving about the lineup it’s about three PS it’s paddling into position performing and picking the right wave the second one could be a roll in where’s healo sees a seam on that one decides not to

Go this second one even I don’t even know about this second one too that whole set just looked a little bit funky so there’s a good view from above you can see how the wave tends to back off and double up he’s going to take a little push start into this one one

Rolling for Ferrera starts with a cut back just to get back into the pocket hooks it on the back hand if he gets another one float there and puts it down and there you go that’s going to be a a turn of the heat for Ito Ferrera and he rides right onto the

Ski that was a good driving by by uh hawaian water Patrol and also good surfing by S A learner has the right there one of the best in the business yeah you could really see that when Ito took off he he knew that he was like right I cannot afford to fall here

Um I’m really looking forward to Breaking this this wave down I think I think he’s got it in my opinion um here we go so first maneuver just cutting back to the source there you can really tell he’s on that bigger sort of board cracks

It in the lip there for this one but you could see here that he was like light right little bit tenative got to make this move he’s absolutely stomped so you can see the emotion coming from Ido and this was that driving slash this this Mo

This Mo turn here was money that was the best turn on that wave comes around this section here and and this moment you could really see sort of that intention of okay I’ve got to stick this this is something I’ve really got to P back on

Use my legs and and make sure that I ride out of this you could feel actually the tension in that in that last turn and then all of a sudden you know just the excitement knowing okay I rode out on my feet I’m likely to get the number

And then heyner just backing back it up there for a bonus and they pay on the skate uh so we are waiting with baited breath for the score to come in for Ferrera was it enough to turn the heat our feelings were it was here come the

Numbers and he did it easily a 7.17 icho goes to the lead under a minute remaining Crosby kapino now needs a seven-point ride to turn the heat kapino with just 40 seconds the crowd likes it got aot lot of EO Ferrera fans on the beach today look that’s really

Really cool I love I love it when people get involved I love it when people are participating I love it when I see the energy it’s good times and uh now Crosby on the ropes with 30 seconds he needs that 6. 52 and maybe another roll of the dice

Here looks like Ido is having a crack maybe all right 15 seconds so one more wave possible for Crosby you can see him uh there they on the top of your screen he’s pretty far out and there’s not going to be a wave that’s going to

Break and it is going to be EO Ferrera with a comeback in his round of 32 heat Ferrera with a clutch performance with that 7.17 EO Ferrera onto the round of 16 we’ll see him again this afternoon yeah that was super impressive very very clutch and I just love when Ito gets in

This mood where you can really feel the emotion and see the emotion well that was fun flick we’ll do some more of this a little bit later on because right now we’re going to go to break when we come back Joe Trel Jesse Mendes they’ll talk you through the

Jack Robinson Cole hman they’ll be out in the [Applause] Water about there’s no break there’s no break be careful easy none of my family surfed my dad was the first one really to start pushing me in the waves at do heini I mean I’m a power Surfer and that’s where my Edge is we’re at 225 here Cole is absolutely ripped shredded

In these 220 lb at an elite level no one’s ever seen anything like it 2 one Dy it’s too dark out to Dy my hair right now everyone calls me Rodman approaching the tour this year I get to Surf against the people that were kind of my Idols like Kelly Slater

Gabriel Medina how how how now I get to deal with my best friends which is a bonus on top of everything journaling has been like a huge thing for me I have so much stuff going in my head surf train hang with the boys my biggest goal this year World

Title and final five right next to each other my name is Cole hman and I’m a rookie on the championship tour so much great talk about Cole hman and it all makes sense the PowerHouse from s CL big part of the rookie class hits the lineup with Jack Robinson in the round of

32 as we come into the screen with Jake Marshall on a beautiful start on this wall nice big carve again this thing’s going all the way a third turn for Jake Marshall and he still has some room to go straight up and trills it wow what an incredible ride for Jake

Showing his connection not just with sunset but on a day where it’s almost impossible to find a gem like that he turns in probably one of the best performances of the day no doubt Joe that’s hands down B wave of the day so far the way he surfed the way um he

Approached every turn just very smooth and the wave was growing the whole time too as you see it right here just a beautiful carve very critical and the whole time he just had a great Pace in that wave just no downtime rail to rail no pumps down the line just straight

Into work that was beautiful wave ridden for him and best wave selection so far as well the of the day this wave started off with a beautiful cutting I know just one of those Growers like I just mention and right here that was money right there with um helping um using the

Backwash as an advantage for him and just right there a down carve and finish it off just straight vertical judges are going to eat that up Jake Marshall’s put in a lot of time at Sunset Beach really shows look how much of the open face he used there I know just great approach

Overall just this has to be on the excellent range that was beautiful W for him and to finish it off as you see right here this first bottom turn see that fade that just made him beat in the tight pocket right there with the backwash helping him out

Just perfect timing that was that was incredible from Jake Jake Marshall turns in a 9.17 crucial timing there cuz gential had the 75 Kelly even earlier said man if you can get three turns on a wave that’s going to be like a 10 Jake got four that’s a beautiful wall well

Overhead as we introduce some brand new heat Jack Robinson Cole hman have plenty of time in this format we’ll start working it out under priority of Jake and in Gentile Jack has always had a great relationship with this venue winning the sunset open but even a bigger rated

Event the World Cup a few years back in a pretty wild heated final with Ezekiel Lao yeah this is the heat that I was most looking forward to watching all day long like this is a stacked heat for Sunset you have two Amazing Power Surfers and you see ENT up and riding

Yal throwing down the arc needs a 513 for his lead back big section snap float and he can’t come down with it but he’s really good at timing the lip line well doesn’t mind a free fall he can make those one single maneuver sections look very exciting

Just a little misstep but it’s hard to even blame them on a day like today with all the water moving so gential requirement moves up to an 801 as Jake Marshall is building on his total out front as we catch up with Jack Robinson

Now and a nice flow over the top of that end section could see almost his front foot disconnect from his surfboard but able to stay calm and pressure situations that’s what Jack is famous for that was so critical that last turn um that’s basically 80% of the job done on on the

As far as points on that turn just critical hitting the lip which is not easy here at Sunset and even here he was kind of surprised he landed he like had a claim and you don’t see Jack like claiming so much he’s usually usually a very um calm State of Mind type of

Athlete and right there getting the excitement going and you see right here scratching first night setup carve and just eying it down this section right here kind of a hate lit but because he has usually those longer boards he was able to like um transfer the momentum throughout the lip and that was

Beautiful see right here nice carve just beautiful technique from Jack but this is this is money right here I ended down the section identifying the that was the most critical part of the wave and a little bit late but he was able to with that big board and a lot of um State

Ability on on under his foot just able to kind of cross sideways into the lip line and just coming out pretty clean that was very critical for him and pull up and right and hman sets up with a wrapping turn and that Whitewater is going to really slow him down wave was

Kind of flat to follow so he didn’t miss out on much and now his first score out of the way at 1.9 but Jack Robinson’s last to 6.0 so Jack out front Cole needing a 627 in the early stages here the round of 32 as they have a nice look here at the

Beach at Sunset shown us that the round of 16 is starting kenoa gashi taking on Griffin col of pinto it’s kind of a new rivalry that emerged a couple years back Jesse I know this is a great rivalry and I love watching the seats because they

Get fired up no matter the outcome like they’re they’re going to put their best on the line like there’s a lot involved for so many years and they put all their hearts into that one moment this is going to be a great he to watch we’re going to be able to get a

Lot done after the round of 16 it’s all about quarterfinals for the men remember it’s Sunday today tomorrow President’s Day our permit doesn’t allow us to run but Tuesday Wednesday like we still have some great conditions even the final day of the waiting period on Thursday as we check out this last

Replay here Jake Marshall on a 633 yeah we’ve missed that wave and that was just a one big turn wander um and it’s been scoring very high today because it’s it’s hard to find waves like he actually found that you can actually have a combination of major Maneuvers so if you

Go big on one um decent section the judges are going to reward you and that’s what happened on that sit situation so now we’ve got a rolled in there from Jack Robinson up and out remember Jack was in yellow at this event last year after winning pipeline

So a different start to this season but speaking of yellow I mean Baron mamia out of the contest because of a great performance from Fredrico Marias so we’ll see where the yellow ends up throughout this event I mean even looking at Gentile equal third from pipeline he’s in that conversation right

Now totally and he hasn’t been in that situation before so it’s a good opportunity for him um it’s not looking easy because um Jake really put on a good show to um in this heat so let’s see he’s um he’s been surfing very well this wave though very good timing he

Knows the lineup well he grew up in Maui which has a few waves that are very open-faced um right-handers like Sensi is so he’s no he’s no stranger to the conditions it’s just in a a tough moment of the heat so far yeah and then on the other side the celebratory moment for

Jake Marshall it’s uh a cool moment when you see an athlete feel the adrenaline and The Stoke from a 917 and then just things just keep rolling in your favor so after the 917 one big move and gets another keeper at a 6.33 yeah and um just that’s just very

Smart um from Jake to actually back it up pretty quick because if you didn’t have that wave Yan before was only needed around a 5 point right as we see something going on right here oh what happened right there so right there just live action right in front of

Us seeing just the jocking for position how critical it is when you’re trying to hold on to priority and your lead out front and looks like priority is staying the same 8:30 to go Gentile under priority with the red jersey on in the heat 15 there he put his hands up right

There he wants some priority change and he got it he does switch so now they do make a call Ian was waiting for that to happen automatically and they did switch it in his favor so it’s a matter of inches sometimes of playing defense Surfer with priority in the lead

Is usually trying to hang on to priority and not get called for a block and at that time Jake get called for it so they’ll just now send it to Ian now chasing an 801 yes and sometimes like you think about like oh to lose bar you have to paddle

For but it’s sometimes it’s not padding like depending on the position of the surface which that’s what happened right there it’s it’s more about the commitment like Jake um um Ian showed interest on that wave and Jay kind of blocked him from it even without paling

And you see um Cole here Cole now looking aggressive to start right back to the lip two big moves in a short space for H and this is where Cole’s going to be very dangerous just if he if he’s able to identify those waves that have critical sections with the 220 lbs that

He’s got he’s going to be favorable to do some big damage so much size the amount of points he can get for one maneuver is something that’s so impressive that we really got to witness last year on The Challengers series I asked MC Fanning about it and

He said yeah he can get kind of two for one in one maneuver what some people have to do in a combo he can create big scores on just one section how about this one yeah just so much power right there just toin with that wave and just

A huge cracku finish and he stoked as you see right here it was a nice carve and not many people can actually get that much power throughout a carve on your backand he’s capable of and just the way that he was able to move that huge board in such a powerful

Environment in such a small transition to get that second vertical turn was very impressive from him that was a nice very nice well surfed wave for Cole as we see more action now important ride for in after getting priority just battling for a wave with Jake Marshall he’s just going to throw it

Away so Jake back to Priority back with a big lead Gentile still chasing an 801 as we’ll catch up with ealo with AJ Italo Ving congratulations what a way to finish that that round of 32 you waited so long for that final wave how did you make sure that you were ready to

Take advantage of what it was offering for you and get the score you needed uh yeah that was a uh a tough one you know and um but I I had like couple like good moments and it’s so hard to like find a good wall you know because it’s a lot of

Like white water and it’s hard to find it’s hard to be on a good position you know and you need to like fight for the best waves and um but yeah like on on the last minute I had like seven points and I made the Heat and yeah that was a

Nice uh nice wave and when I saw the wave like growing on a bow I was like a something good coming and um yeah I just did my job and now it’s only your second Heat win here at sunset on while it’s been on the championship tour how much

Confidence does this give you going into the round of 16 uh yeah um I’m I’m really happy you know because I have been working so hard with rolds and I have been trying to serve with big what I don’t like it but I’m still like okay

We can do something with this and um yeah but it’s pretty fun you know um it’s kind of like different when you have like something that you like always like pushing you a little bit more and um yeah um just trying to like Surf and and having fun out there well it

Certainly has been fun to watch you for benge we’ll see in the next round yeah well Jesse I was going to ask you what EO was saying but before we get there what did AJ say as well her Portuguese is incredible I know it’s impressive they were just basically she

Asked how do you kept the C throughout the situations and he he spoke a lot so I’m just going to briefly say what he meant what he wanted to get out there um he said he surfed this morning and he thought maybe the waves were going to be

A little different a little cleaner but it was just as hard as it was this morning a lot of water moving a lot of duck Dives and a lot of water moving throughout the waves so just very tricky um to keep everything on Rail and clean

Um and that was basically it but he was stuck Bring Out valo 3 minutes on the clock here looking at the numbers it’s still Jake Marshall leading over inent in current world number three after the semifinal performance in pipeline still searching for an 801 Jack Robinson has been the magic man he had

Has kind of similar looks on his finishing move where it looks like his front foot is almost going to go off his Rail and he’s been surviving on the Finish six and now a 627 for Jack but then the big number for housei 733 for the two-turn combo for the goofy footer

Yeah just um difference in between those two two waves basically um combination of major Maneuvers they’re both pretty similar but Cole’s um last turn was more critical and and he rode Out cleaner um like You’ mentioned Jack had a very good finish like maybe first turn wasn’t as

Critical as kwall was um and he did have that kind of Hiccup after he was Landing that second turn which it’s nothing against him that was very hard to do it he actually I would have say 90% of the people would have probably bailed halfway through and he actually managed

To stick that one in and he got rewarded pretty nicely but I’m sure you would have liked to came out a little bit cleaner maybe Cole hman has a lot of nicknames you’re going to hear howy a lot but also Rodman just based on his hairstyle as well uh Dennis Rodman

Played in the NBA for many years is definitely one of the most flamboyant entertainers but aggressive radical wild and helped guys like Michael Jordan WI a lot of NBA titles played on the Pistons before that as well with Isaiah Thomas but I think Rodman actually lived next

Door to Cole’s dad for a while in Newport Beach so Cole’s pops got to go to some pump parties back in the day minute 15 to go and just a carve to incomplete for Marshall but man he’s turned into great story here at Sunset I asked Jake about

This that year he beat John out here at Sunset he’s like you know what pipe gets so crowded he loves piping back door but when everyone was battling out there to get good barrels he’ just look at Sunset and go you know what this wave is going

To be just as important for me and be a little less crowded a little less intense for the just the humans that were out there trying to get good waves and it really paid off he just feels really comfortable in all the different moons that uh Sunset provides yeah and

That that that’s translate into what he’s done here in the past actually he has um amazing performances here before and today just a stand out um picking Great Waves just surfing so clean which is very hard to do here we ought with all the circumstances that are happening

Um he’s just a Smooth Operator like doesn’t really do anything wrong like very Cal on top of the board no not really never like a sense of urgency you feel in his surfing it’s always very clean so Jake in a good position to move into the round of 16 which would mean he

Has another surf ahead of him today 917 on the wave of the day four big moves a stretched out wall and total composure from the California as he eliminates the in Gentile here in the round of 32 last champ at Sunset from California was Connor coffin a few years back so

Jake’s trying to Bing one back for Southern California specifically as well great work there for Jake as he’s moving forward and shown us that there are still plenty of gems out there for the rest of the day I mean our first question though is that

917 going to be the cup noodles wave of the day and feature on the 805 post show more to come right after this with the hurle pro Sunset Beach What a Beautiful Sunday and the traffic doesn’t look too bad speed limit right there 35 mph maybe just drive 30 just in case you know a little slower is always a great tip when you come here the NorthShore especially going through the neighborhoods and trying to find a place

To park might be tough now being the weekend and having the world’s best battling it out in the round is 16 now griffi kapino came very close to winning this event last year kenoa gashi came very close to winning this event two years ago so what a great heat to have nice

And early in the round of 16 Joe Trel with Jesse Mendes Jesse spent some time on the championship tour won the Triple Crown as we will get caught up during the break Jack Robinson did this yeah just That’s Just Jack magic finding waves that doesn’t really exist

On the lineup like mostly in this conditions just he’s very capable of doing that and that was a beautiful ride for for Jack just a very clean wave wasn’t the longest Barrel but still he com it up with a nice um finishing turn and that was a great ridden wave for him

Jack Rob Robinson always comfortable Under Pressure comfortable when the ocean really shows off its power and during the years where he wasn’t on tour yet people wondered if he could perform when the waves got bad or tough or less than one foot and really put his head

Down to focus on finding the enjoyment and riding you know surfing bad waves really and he found a really cool sense of Joy channeling uh all that hard work to perform in all types of conditions but this is definitely where he shines when he’s got a big wall

Doesn’t need to search for for power and his style is just so reminiscent for of Bruce irons and even the the irons Brothers his approach on just radical sections are super clean but there’s there’s a balance as well with Jack of finding consistency and heats where you can also

See him kind of turn in a lower gear when he needs it he he’s really understanding the game quite well yeah and this is what those guys are are best at like they’re good at identifying the situ situations they have and adapting to it like it doesn’t matter if they

Need to make a he with two5 like John did this morning and whenever they actually need to put on fifth gear and get two nines on the heat they’ll go out there and do it and they just understand the game very well and Jack is one of

Those guys so scores coming through for Jack Robinson on the last of 75 and Cole had the 733 earlier for the big two- turn combination so now Jack has the highest score of the Heat so far and sits out in front couple judges threw excellent numbers at it Jack’s used to that and

Comes out just under on the average lost early at pipe but this is another great event for him to end up on the podium and just dive right back into the world title race then you look at what’s ahead he finaled last year at Super tuos in panish Portugal you

Really love going home at event number five in margar River up and out there quickly and let’s catch up with the man of the moment Jake Marshall with AJ the man of the moment indeed Joey Jake what a wave on that one here at Sun was set

The 917 first nine of your CT career so obviously best wave you’ve had here at sunset walk me through how you saw that wave develop and what you were able to do with it um yeah feels really good I mean the start of the heat was a little

Tough with Ian getting that big score right off the bat I was kind of like a little bit frustrated and just like I don’t know like what a 75 or whatever he got is such a big score for today I was kind of just like well I’m going to need

At least like a high six or seven and uh I ended up just paddling out pretty far out the back like definitely a little bit farther than I think people have been sitting today and I kind of just wanted to really try to chip into one of

Those kind of bigger waves and sure enough like this perfect wedge started coming in I just started pouting so hard and um I when I caught it I knew it was my chance so I was stok that I was able to deliver and get a good score well and

Joey was talking with us before you came out of the water about just how much time you put in here at sunset on the NorthShore because it’s typically less crowded how much did that experience pay off today oh yeah I think it paid off a ton I mean today the waves are really

Really challenging and um yeah you need that experience out here to kind of recognize which wayes are good and if such like a feel wave I feel like you can have lineups and stuff like that but you really got to just trust your instincts and kind of feel your way

Around the lineup so yeah I’m sicked I have that experience and I feel like I have really good connection with this wave so excited for the rest of the event well we’ll see you in the round of 16 congratulations right on thank you well done Jake Marshall who’s spent a

Lot of time here his family’s had got a home kind of near the Rocky Point Zone and you just go back to the dedication of having great parents that support your dreams at a young age uh they’ve got a little pad down in El Salvador as well so they would go on

Strike missions that was before that event turned into a CT it’s almost like oh wait I’m prepared for that you know Jake’s going to familiar territory later on this season as well as we watch Griff and coino getting started against Canoa nice healthy wrapping cutback from last year’s World number

Three and now rolling into this one Jack Robinson in the priority Heat good use to that Rail and another Free Falling connection he had to eject on that one yeah that one did not give him one chance he was just Landing kind of sideways oh he lost his jersey his

Jersey came off that’s how brutal that wi power wow you see it right there yeah he just put it back on right now he had his jersey on his hand and that’s just showed just how awkward that Landing was just probably Landing kind of sideways and all the all the power of

The wave just ripped that off as you see it right there still trying to hang on to it yeah that that was brutal yeah these guys just manage these wipeouts so well it’s good to kind of take a moment to just remember how powerful this is watch this Jesse yeah

That was going to be a great score because that was the the best opening turn I’ve seen him do it and that second turn was so critical but just kind of Lounge him into the flats and in the side angle as you see right here his

Back foot like just stays in the air and like starts to move his body around shift his weight and he just lands it very awkwardly nothing he could have done really there it’s just the wave wasn’t cooperating so Jack Robinson putting himself in some great positions in the last couple of years on

The dream tour and even had to fight through some injuries when he was in yellow last season hurting himself against wild card at Bells named Xavier huxel ended up hurting his knee kind of limped in in had to take a break came back kind of hurt his ankle after that at the the

Surf Ranch in L more was just kind of recovering what was a dreamy start before that that injury yeah and it’s it’s it’s not about like it’s going to happen with those guys just how they bounce back from it like they’re pushing so hard the level

Of Surfing that it’s just a matter of time when those injuries are going to come doesn’t matter who you are but they’re so good bouncing back and just forgetting in a split second after the heal um how sketchy it actually is to push that hard and it’s exciting to

Watch for us because it’s fun to see them pushing the limits well you tell there’s so much that goes on to winning a world title obviously performance on your waves winning a lot of Heats winning events you know all have to come together but also taking care of your

Body is a huge part of being a world champion and you learn with these guys as they grow up when Griffin first qualified he had a lot of injuries to deal with I mean he had all the talent in the world he was already getting T At

Kira but then he’d have a knee injury that would keep him out an ankle that would you know hinder him from keeping momentum and one thing these guys do is they start getting so good at their injury prevention on how they train to avoid those injuries so they can finish

Out a season nice and strong here’s Cole hman just a short one there as he’s still chasing Jack Robinson yeah Joe um and it’s also I guess we’ll get back to that after this Griffin’s wave um just an in and out but it’s also how they approach surfing

Griffin has a a factor in his surfing that it’s just very not everyone has he goes for broke every section he has and once you’re younger and you’re not so mature you tend to always every option you have you’re going to go huge and that’s what he was

Doing so as the years came by he also learned on how to like is this is this a good time for me to actually push that hard or should I hold back you know like this might be just a training day might not be a heat maybe I’m not going to put

My body into that much of a risk so you ended up maturing and you get to learn those little things and it keeps you a little safer in the long run also with all the preparation outside of the water let’s now check in with AJ and the Red Bull athletes

Zone I’m here with Dr Spencer Chang of Hawaii Pacific Health they have been in charge of overseeing the medical needs of contestants here at Sunset as well as at pipe so doctor thank you so much for what you guys are doing Walk us through your roles here so you know in the North

Shore the waves get huge like today it’s like up to 15 ft it’s pretty gnarly not quite as bad as pipe you know at pipe is a 10 out of 10 in terms of dangerousness you know maybe it’s a 4 out of 10 over here um you don’t typically hit the reef

Like you do at pipeline um but you might get big concussions and you held under and you know you could get near drownings and all these kind of things and so we’re here just in case anything bad happens and so like you talked about a little bit pipe Sunset two very

Different ways walk me through the injuries that are typical for each of the breaks so fortunately at Sunset we don’t see too much because you know these athletes are tremendous athletes worldclass athletes who you know are in great shape um and we got the water Patrol out there who are taking care of

Business so fortunately we don’t see too much we’ll see a lot of chronic type of injuries where you know they’re getting beat up because the waves are smashing them and you know and they’re ping so much so um that’s what we’re here for we’re to make sure the athletes are um

Prepped and ready to go and so everyone’s safe and having a great time well we’re so grateful for what you do here during these competitions but we know you’re around you’re doing great work here in Hawai East so walk us through what you do with the community

So um I’m part of Hawaii Pacific Health we’re the biggest um healthare entity in Hawaii and we’re really the center of excellence for Orthopedics and Sports Medicine so come and see us if you have an injury um we got what you need thank you so much Dr changen for being here

And all you’re doing onite thank you so much AJ thanks a lot AJ doctor is actually great a great guitar player as well a multi-talented and a great human being any time any of us are limping around Sight we check in with Dr Spencer Chang and looking after everybody even

Beyond the athletes here on site always great to have him in our company as we have 6:25 on the clock we’ve got got some white waterer rolling in and out the back waiting for Jack Robinson to make a move with priority how she’s uh really put together a solid heat still in the

Seven range is back up a 533 chasing a 645 and remember at pipe when he lost early he got a 33rd we were talking about it Jesse going I mean when you try to pick apart mistakes or what he could have changed in those types of

Conditions he lost in it he had a a lot to be proud of even though he had an early round loss we’ll get back to that cuz Jack’s on the Move looks like he will stretch this one out keeping that higher line now down to the bottom and

Just a long way to kick out but it’s interesting Jesse for these young rookies to interpret an early round loss uh when there’s a lot of positives in their performance here’s Griff Big Slice with some power late hit on the section and he was really trying to visualize that one going his

Way Kate still here to enjoy it even though he lost out to his good buddy Griff in the round of 32 yeah Griffin was looking good on that wave um unfortunately right there just there’s no mercy on that insection it’s just all the energy Junctions into on

Top of you pretty much as you see here um nice opening turn for Griffin um good carve pushing um through the rails and through the fins very well and just very critical right there but see like all the energy kind of juned on top of him and just all that pressure and the

Weight on top of his board he just wasn’t able to handle it and ended up falling forward but great effort for him first turn was beautiful and he’s looking good that board looks great too like very loose um very responsive and that’s what he kind of want here at

Sense that you want control but also you want to have the maneuverability Griffin colapinto trying to find a space to duck under that one always going to feel turbulence trying to duck dive Sunset really at any size even on smaller days you can feel the power of this place on Tiny days it

Kind of turns into a super fun point but a lot of De depth to this playing field and Griffin always want to enjoy the challenge of the NorthShore won a Triple Crown title at a very young age and you know how hard it is Jesse to win one of those

Yourself and also to do it from a guy from California Griff the first to get that title from great performances at haliva Sunset and pipeline in the same winter season out sudden Griffin kind of first got on his role in the pro surfing Spotlight was actually shadowing Koh it

Was koh’s goal to win the Triple Crown invited Griff to come with him to see how he prepped and Griffin just kept on winning then he that flowed into a cover shot of Surfing Magazine it flowed into his 10-point ride in his rookie debut At Kira and I think he really wanted to

Dive into that head space on what it takes to just kind of find a rhythm in life and also a win you know when you’re just successful things are just happening and he’s really got gone deep into his visualization and did a really cool retreat with Dr Joe dispenza in

Orlando Florida where his brother Crosby went jet Schilling Seth monice Troy eard as we now look at Jack Robinson knifing it there and hopping out just good for one move uh nothing’s going to change in his top two with 230 remaining yeah just trying to find an opportunity right there like sometimes

Those waves how many waves we’ve seen read him today that it looked like he was going to be good and he wasn’t and the other way around so smart of Jack just to kind of keep himself busy and probably saw something on that wave and

Gave it a go like had a first great turn if that wave would have given him another opportunity he would have probably been looking at into a very good score he didn’t plan out that way but he he gave it a shot and yeah just keep it rolling cuz at some point like

With the level that he has Surfing at Sunset if he gets the opportunity he’s going to deliver 2 minutes on the clock we’re going to move through the round to 16 quickly Jacob Wilcox will be back out there to take on Seth monice we’ll see where this yellow

Jersey ends up as well Gentile just lost to Jake Marshall we still have Conor o going and he got the third at pipeline also led by Jon who’s now the highest seed remaining with Baron’s loss if Florence makes the semifinals he’ll he’ll take the yellow but we’ll see what happens till

We get there hman girlfriend and his dad looking on as they’re trying to will an opportunity to show up with a minute 15 yeah sometimes it’s so nerve-wracking man like if you look back at this heat there’s nothing much you can say to Cole like he’s has has he’s doing a great

Heat so far I didn’t see any mistakes any waves that he took that was like crucio and um Jack ended up capitalizing is just I guess sometimes their rotation favors one or the other and obviously Jack finding that wave way underneath and finding the barrel and getting to

7.5 and yeah tough one for for Cole but in his Advantage right now he got priority not much time left but if something comes he might have a chance and he’s spling for her let’s see if Cole could turn in a heroic effort against one of the best at Sunset Just Jack

Robinson he already knows he’s going to be keeping a 30 or throwing away a 33rd so if he loses here he’s then keeping a around a 32 exit and he’ll have a bit of a hill to climb for the midseason cut yeah and yeah man as a surfer they

All know what’s going on behind the scenes with the rankings so it’s every heat counts so much mostly if you’re trying to make the cut and then you’re seeding also for the next event so this is a huge heat for him running out of time for the rookie Cole hman but showed

What he’s capable of with that big 733 but Jack’s ability at sunet to find barrels and create exciting moments was able to get the win over Cole to move on into the next round which is the round of 16 Jack surfing again today and Cole will start preparing for super tubos in Portugal

For stop number three of the Season Griffin kapino and Keno gashi will be the priority heat when we return and we’ll bring in Jacob Wilcox and Seth monice for heat two of the round of 16 I check out this day absolute Paradise as you can check out the scene at Sunset Beach there’s a parking lot in the distance there Kamehameha Highway you can see those cars moving by and trying to also get up updates on their favorite Surfers Heats and as they progress

Little VIP Zone set up here for the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach but a beautiful day of challenging conditions these guys are making look very easy and rippable but we know there’s a lot going on in the lineup beautiful Hills in the background where Gary eleron Kong used to go up and

Actually study this lineup and just watch it timing sets identifying what each swell direction did at this wave it’s it’s really cool when you dive into the head space of the best at certain venues where it’s not just they’re paddling out and Performing there’s a lot more that goes into it

Even outside of the water just watching waves and Kong did that quite a bit so when it happened in a heat he knew exactly what to expect yeah and um to mention about the swell like we kind of have a decreasing swell like not so much

But I can notice or already that the waves are actually heating a nicer part of the shelf and we saw the last few um the last few Heats we had bigger scores so there’s more opportunity out there and I just looked back um on the break

And I I’ve noticed that the Surfers are seating at least um 30 to 40 ft deeper than they were this morning just that’s a good sign for us because that means we’re getting we’re getting the waves hdden in the in the proper shelf of Sunset Beach as we check out a nice

Angle from the sky and backing with Keno igarashi bites that nice turn quickly hits it high off the lip just looks like he’s in total control even with all the turbulence out there when Canó is on a roll he rarely Falls Griffin hops out some you kind of

Surf into Rhythm and heats you can see them kind of fall but it’s kind of the way they kind of get switched on when kenoa is really engaged with his surfing it’s kind of hard to find a wipe out from his turns look so calculated so well practiced it’s great to see yeah

It’s one of the most consistent surfers we have on tour definitely Canoa is just Precision um to every detail like and like you mentioned those guys are already consistent itself and when they’re on it like they’re hard to beat because they don’t commit many mistakes great opportunity to jump on

The VIP headset with one of the greats Richard D do Marsh one of our favorite coaches longtime competitor thanks for being with us dog and hey just tell us how you got that nickname in the first place it’s a long story Joe probably need we probably need to be a bar with a

Case of beer or something ah looking forward to it uh well we love your nickname we uh we enjoy using it uh when you’re doing your great coaching responsibilities hey you had a great day let’s hear from you though what what are you most proud of looking at your crew

Performing today oh yeah it’s an awesome day you know what what I I you know Sunset when it’s like this size is just a fantastic venue I think it’s complicated when it’s smaller I you know it’s big and messy and it’s sort of how

It’s meant to be for me anyway so so far so good yeah awesome as uh you reflect on your career and off competing it this way was this one that you looked forward to uh I can’t lie I I I didn’t look forward to it it’s a really hard

Backside wave I don’t think I’ve ever had a tube here I actually did um a major knee like got a surgery after like falling off in the inside bow one year um yeah look got up like a sensitive topic here I think most goofy Footers would have a story with the inside Bowl

Um but I surf this event quite often and but look as a coach it’s had some really fond memories for me uh freder Rico qualified here uh what was that eight odd years ago um so yeah today’s heat um against Baron was really satisfying to

Watch Fred um hit his Pace again it felt good ah man that post that you guys shared together when Fredrico got his spot back on the top 34 it brought me to tears I mean for you and knowing him as long as you have and all the stuff that

We don’t see behind the scenes of what he had to go through I mean speak to that moment for for fredrico’s comeback how special that was yeah it’s been a really cool Journey with Fred um like I said he qualified here it was probably 8

Years ago now and it was a clutch moment he needed a result and he podiumed here at Sunset and pretty much from that point on though there’s been some massive highlights and some really low points too he’s fallen off a couple of times made a final at Jeff Bay and but

He keeps turning up Fred he’s a real fighter he’s a warrior and uh it’s really cool he gets to represent Portugal day in and day out on the CT tour I think we’re lucky to have him so his his kind of reputation was sort of built on upsetting the the current world

Number one I mean we saw saw that when he got wild cards you know in Portugal in those early days is there something about him where he really looks forward to being an underdog in matchups and they kind of proven the story lines wrong I I don’t know if he looks forward

To it to be honest but he steps up I think some people are like that you know you put them in a corner and they’ll find another gear and Fred seems to do that a lot he he really digs deep and it takes him you know maybe in my opinion a

Little too long to get into those moments but when he in that head space he’s he’s really dangerous to draw um yeah he can beat the best I always love diving into the surfer coach relationship sometimes it seems like you guys are screaming at each other are you

And Fred Rico do you guys you guys kind of Let each other have it sometimes or am I kind of see in that run yeah no yeah you’re right I’m not much of a nurturer no that’s not my coaching style at all I’m I’m try to keep my communication very straight and truthful

Which uh does lead us into into some some uncomfortable moments for sure oh gosh I love it let’s uh let’s go to arcal Ryan C and I looked at his results last couple years he’s been stuck in the round of 32 so a lot to be proud of

Today what did you see out of Ryan cin yeah look Ryan’s had a real um I want to say LoveHate relationship with sunset but it’s actually just hate um you know he was going to qualify the same year as Fred and he had such a bad heat he ended

Up going left and so I think that sums up Ryan’s relationship with sunset so far so this has been a bit of a breakthrough event for him and I’m you know he’s always surfed really well here it’s strange he just hasn’t clicked and he hasn’t worked out the lineup um he’s

Put a lot of time in this year and hopefully you know he’s clicked with it and he’s going to put himself in position to at least get some good open faces and and do some surfing uh do who’s who’s everyone you’re working with both men and women who do we got this

Year so I’ve got the four pack which is probably more than I expected but Fred requalifying um look I’m a bit like the um Marines you know don’t leave anyone behind when Fred fell back into the challenges I went back there with him to

Try to bring him back to the CT so to answer your question it’s Conor o ly freder Rico and um Ryan kaladan and then gab Gabriella Ron the girl side is uh my soul girl which is yeah it’s a good crew I think I’m really lucky in that way

I’ve got the best team in surfing ah well done dog and I remember one year you won Reunion Island right and then at the time the tour would actually have the entire airplane going to the next event what happened on that airplane flight are we going to save that for

Another time yeah look that’s another time another story for beer but let’s just say we were pirates and there’s um yeah well you know there some of those stories probably should never be retold actually far out maybe another platform hey well hey dog we always appreciate

Your time and love catching up with you my friend thanks for having me guys cheers a what a legend Richard dog Marsh I believe the story with the plane flight I think there was a food fight um flight attendence might have been locked into the I can’t remember I’m going to

Let dog tell that one later it’s for another day but gosh he’s uh just such a pillar a part of pro surfing a part of a lot of amazing moments in history including a Bell’s final when he was just 17 and wins around the world uh everyone’s pretty lucky to work with a

Guy like him with now 920 on the clock Kinto out in front Keno aashi in the second position holding down priority and Seth monise uh just getting started with with Jacob Wilcox Jesse Yeah Seth um looked very good and that actually one of the best Sur I’ve seen him do was

The last few days here at um Sunset he’s usually very good here on getting those um drainers down on the inside bat but his his turns have been looking on point like earlier today he looked very good and just now he had that great layback

While we were talking to to dog and yeah it’s it’s looking good for seph he’s in a good Rhythm T’s been hoping to really find a way to win big events this year maybe it’ll be this one it’s Sunset there’s the car from Griff as he hops out still looking for a

Giant score he’s found a lot of comfort and you know maxing out the time on the clock and still believing that he can turn in big numbers he’s been able to find that mental space kind of early in his career where he enjoys the feeling of having a minute left with priority

And trusting that he can do it he actually would have mock heat or practice that mindset of belief and we saw him do it today with that radical nine-point ride against Cade mson yeah and that’s what it takes for you to be in a top five and to be a word champ all

Those guys have that same mentality that they like like to be they like to overcome challenges and this is what you need to have like actually everyone through needs a a lot of that some of them are just able to perform and bring those moments um more consistent than

Others and Griffin is one of them and that’s actually translates into his surfing like he’s a hail hail Mar type of guy like always always a highlight on on of the day you know like always like throwing stuff that you don’t expect and it’s a just an exciting surf for overall to watch

Cloh definitely led the way for this generation coming out of s Clen and I think he’s pretty proud of the younger crew now just climbing onto the championship tour from Sawyer lindblad who got that crazy barrel of back door rookie season just getting started Griffin in the water Crosby

Seeing Cole Kade Matson just find such a amazing momentous run on the Challenger Series Jets shilling almost qualified he was right there after a great start of the Season at Snapper rocks but then just flowed into momentum into a world junior championship title for jet over Jackson

Bunch and then Tajin bad won a regional event up in the Central Coast of California which kind of Blends into our Brazilian storm story where one Surfer does it from the same place and then the causes belief for a good friend of theirs saying well if they do it I can

Do it and it was really cool to see how infectious that winning feeling can be yeah definitely because um when you’re talking about someone that is distance from you like you see Andy ir and Skelly Slater they almost seem Untouchable and when you see a friend of yours they grew

Up training with you grew up eating the same food as you like ride just down the road um it makes um more approachable like you can only not just desire but actually be like oh he did it I can also do it and it’s good that they’re

Actually farming that pack and it’s it’s it’s healthy it’s healthy for everyone as we break down a really fun rivalry that we have Griffin and Cano have battled against each other since they’re little kids you know when you grow up in Southern California for Canoa Huntington Beach for Griffin San Clen you’re

Competing against each other almost every weekend throughout the NSSA and when we focus on the championship tour Griffin leads 2 to one over Canoa and it’s been the last two wins recently for Griffin Cano’s win was back in 2018 18 so for igarashi he’s ready to kind of

Turn that story around and get a jump into the quarterfinals yeah like you mention Joe this is so much more than just this heat and this jerseys right here they’ve been battling forever and all of those moments that they had throughout their ears um they bring it

Into this like it’s it’s it’s one of the greatest things in sports to actually see those matches just becoming a rivalry and yeah if if they they usually take take advantage of that if you see the numbers right there they have huge average scores um Griffin obviously

Taking the um the notch on every single one of them but right behind him is just is Canoa so it’s it’s always great matches very balanced and a lot of good performances Canoa had basically the life of a pro Surfer at about 10 11 12 had some great contracts and started

Really leaving home early as we see Griff CER the water Patrol assist so Griffin going to be repositioned in a moment great job once again to the Hawaiian water Patrol led by Terry yoi as we go back to action here in the lineup Seth finding a section to

Carve and he’ll get tangled up and goes down he does have the 61 seven and when he got that score I’m pretty sure I heard his older sister screaming for him Kaya here on the bike bath she said it’s just called passion when she uh is cheering on her younger brother she’s

Also won some longboard World titles in the past really well-rounded Surfer Kia on any type of craft Isaiah’s been showing up in the Jersey again another one of Seth’s older siblings and now he’s a dad as well so Tammy and Tony are happy to have a lot of

Grandkids and I think majority of them are all watching this heat yeah um I think all of them are probably watching and they might be all of the beach as well it’s a great pack great family so welcoming always when we’re here and um this is seph’s Sixpoint ride that’s the

Turn that I was talking about see how much flare and how much poop he got out of there it’s just um backwash can be your best friend or your worst enemy so here out at sense that pretty much every steep section you get you’re going to encounter a backwash so

It’s just about you timing it right and that’s exactly what he did right there he just gave probably 20% more of what he got on any turn because of that backwashing that was beautiful approach for him just one single turn but getting rewarded a 6.17 that was yeah good good

One for um Seth Seth monise has a great relationship with Mick Fanning and actually had a cool way of requesting number seven for his jersey number knowing that Mick was moving on and Mick was happy to pass it on to Seth as we roll in with this one a lot of

Turbulence for Canoa but he’s still able to throw down a forand slice he’s down to 206 on the clock as he’s just chasing a 1.67 Incredibly Close heat and a big opport opportunity to move to the quarterfinals yeah as much as that was a smart move for him to um get that wave

Better to 0.5 because that’s such a low score he can do that in his sleep um now he’s leaving the door open um for Griffin with priority one minute and 40 left and I don’t think um Canoa is not going to get the greatest score he’s going to better his situation and he’s

Going to leave the door open for Griffin let’s see if Griffin is capable of capitalizing this moment down to 90 seconds last score for Canoa comes through as enough 3.10 takes the lead Griffin’s turn to answer back chasing a 4.27 lot of chatter on the bottom turnning on the

Wp last year’s World number three and runner up in the final still left searching little over a minute to go and he’s going to need more yeah man as soon as I mentioned that the waves kind of slowed down and they were sitting way deeper all the last few sets were just

Running into the Chann and not really much opportunity as that last one from Griffin um is not going to change anything just a kind of a Burgery wave just a big wonky just not much an offer for him so Griffin COA Pinto trying to put himself back into

Position for maybe one single maneuver option we’ve seen a lot of those get well above the score required chasing a 427 and now just eyes on this active ocean one of the most challenging days we’ve had in a while out here and Canoa happy to be out front priority neutral at the moment

With now 10 seconds to go and you see him just paddling for anything to try to create a buzzer beater moment but Griffin Co linto is going to run out of time last year’s runner up in the event exits out this time in the round of

16 by his rival named Keno gashi who now evens things up two to two back to action with Jacob will Cox on a very tall wave hacks it at the top but has to eject quickly judges always want to see if he have control after a big move like that Jesse

Are we calling that complet incomplete um that’s a 50/50 like he had control for like for quite a good time but as soon as he was going to actually make sure that he was on top of the board he kind of got bounced off and yeah I’ll

Live that to the judges um I think it might be an incomplete it’s it’s a tricky one very 50/50 I’m sure there’s going to be they’re going to be rewatching that it would be nice to rewatch and actually um have a slower perspective expecting what happened you know cuz sometimes he catches catches

You off guard like it happened right there it seems like he had it and all of a sudden he just fell off we’ll dive into that story in a moment because Jacob and Seth will have the priority heat John John Florence and Miguel poopo will be starting off their matchup in

The round of 16 Jacob ver Seth continues right after this bonsoy Brew break we’ll bring in kpo and flick for the call e I first got hired on the Triple Crown as a production assistant at the beginning of the show they needed someone to run

The the roving camera and I just put my hand up and was like put me in coach I want to do this it’s been such a joy to be able to be a camera operator for my favorite sport and not only be present for some of surfing’s greatest moments

In the last 15 years but to also be be a part of them to have the world like see through what I see the ocean is always moving and is so Dynamic and it really requires us to come into the present moment surfing always brings me like right There pretty much everyone surfs Leah Dawson camera 2 keeping an eye and bringing you the vision here from palalo Sunset Beach this is the hurle pro Sunset Beach check this out John John Florence coming up against Miguel Hoop round the 16 the winner going on to the quarterfinals k for girl along with Felicity flick pump tier on the call and this is when things get exciting we saw Baron mamia out of competition in the round of 32 now John John Florence he started off

With a runner-up finish at pipeline uh he’s got a chance if he goes a a chance to take that yellow leaders jersey over to Portugal yeah he does and uh things are already looking really good cuz he’s dropped to 7.83 on his Opening way how

Does he do that it’s just John John this is it here we go takes off here and one big hack in the lid there massive layback straight into another swooping carving maneuver there so 783 just for those two turns and majority of that score coming from that first big

Hack yeah taking a look at all of the numbers for the score for that 783 three judges actually went excellent with those two eights and the 8.5 those two 75s kind of pulled pulled the average down but I’m sure John John will take that 7.83 as a great start to his

Matchup against Miguel poo for sure I mean it it’s it’s crazy you know I we talk about this all the time but certain surface hit the water and all of a sudden these waves start coming through or they manufacture these scores you look at the heat totals of that last of

That last Heat you know and Canoa getting the whim with a with a total of 8.43 and John’s already dropped to 7.83 well earlier AJ caught up with Jack had talked to him about his heat wi Jack Robinson coming in from the round of 32 looking a little different

Than the way you paddled out your jerseys on backwards walk us through it happen oh it just total just got absolutely annihilated under water just I just kept going for it I was trying to just just go for it cuz um you know I was under priority and hitting sections

And I know it happened twice it just went down leash got blown off first wave and I was like okay I might change the board so I change the board after then rashley gets blown blown off after that and I was like oh well it’s just part of

It and in the midst of that you found some waves that helped you get on to the round of 16 how did you manage all of that out there yeah just just trying to stay busy at Sunset because there’s so many waves on the head and um I don’t

Know I wish yeah I wish you could see what happens under water it’s just like getting raged old like I was watching the UFC yesterday it’s probably like that a little bit I was just um but yeah just trying to keep calm and um try and control the

Breathing cuz there’s so many sets on your head well whatever you did worked onto the round of 16 what do you take from this round that you want to apply in the next one I just I just keep on doing my thing um yeah not not thinking

Really too much right now just uh trying to get the job done and um yeah stay in the moment there you go we’ll see you in the next round thanks yeah Jack Robinson he’ll be faced up against Jake Marshall for the last Heat of day heat eight of the round of

16 talking about some you FC comparisons but bad bad wipe out you’re not going to have a ref stop that so um maybe even worse sometimes on the ocean oh I I think uh here we go we’ll just break this one down see see the super slowmo beautiful first turn there for uh

Seth but the the bottom just drops out from underneath him his legs get fully extended and he’s just going through that Rin cycle that Jack was just talking about about all that power and pressure from that wave Just Landing straight on his head but yeah I guess

The best thing to sort of liken it to is if you put a 5cent coin or a 1-cent coin in a washing machine with and just watched it tumble around I mean that’s sort of what it’s like underneath the water yeah and there’s this other thing called air that’s pretty valuable as

Well not just the beating but this uh we got to breathe it’s essential it’s essential yeah Oxygen’s good for you uh so we see Seth Mon and he is still in the lead another low scoring Affair though between Seth Mon and Jacob will Cox we saw Jacob nearly pull off a big

Number but judges deemed it in incomplete uh so cess still in the driver’s seat Jacob Willcox with an opportunity however he he does have priority and he doesn’t need much because it’s such a low scoring Affair no only needs a four-point ride for sure I I think if Jak would have pulled off

That turn that was the biggest turn on the biggest section that we’d seen all day and he’s going to watch this back and and you know depending on what happens and how this how the you know how this heat ends up uh that was a that

Was a pretty critical moment in my eyes I think that would have been a really really high score as we have a look here this is that moment just such a big turn and just when on that heel side rail you see he goes up he eyes up this section

Really well timed looks like he’s controll WR it so the explanation for that and and it is a fine line is that you need to show control and ride out in front of the Whitewater to complete a maneuver to be deemed as a complete maneuver it looked like Jacob was

Straightening out but I think it was the lack of control he was still kind of rolling up the windows he was on his heels and then he fell so that was probably the fine line that the judges had to pay attention to Here Comes John on non priority heat let’s see what he

Has here casual really casual so John John he’s out there uh saw his shape here John pisel on the bike path he’s riding a a 64 ghost out in his heat Jacob Willcox trying to mount a comeback remember Jacob just needs a four-point ride to take the lead off of Seth Mon

And I think he just did that yeah here we go Seth Seth coming back here wants to answer back little bit of slip of the grip there for mon but he reather himself to get up to the lip but then the mistiming of that of that whole

Routine uh makes him go incomplete yeah both those waves were really really difficult waves to Surf just look back to Jacob’s one I mean he managed to get two turns on that but just timing it with that wobble and sort of that little bit of backwash and wonk that was

Hitting his wave he did well to get those two Maneuvers in but yes Seth just looked like he was riding a bucket ball just especially going up for that last turn there right on off um but still pretty low scores obviously Seth’s got that 617 that’s the highest score in

That heat and Jacob’s chasing a 4.8 got to be thinking that that last wave you know right on the line there it would be interesting to see a different angle we were sort of looking at it from behind so it’s always a little bit hard to tell

So will Cox still waiting for that that last exchange and the number to come through Miguel poopo in his challenge against John John Florence get a nice backhand turn and Miggy will get a number up on the board yeah M Miguel really impressed me

In that last round I mean he he was the guy obviously on his backand that he got that one big score for that one big turn much what could have been Jacob 6.33 for his one turn but Jacob scores for that last wave came in at a a

5.33 so Jacob Wilcox did turn the heat we still do need the score from Seth Mon Mon just needs a tiny score of 2.33 to take that lead back remember Seth did get a turn in but did not complete his wave so we’ll see what the

Judges come up with as far as a score and we’re still waiting also for a score for Miguel poopo in his challenge against John John Florence yeah M Miguel’s one I think it was just the one turn on his way from memory but that turn was really well

Timed it was really clean so you’re going to be thinking of obviously as a score on the board but when you’re coming up against Jon and he’s already dropped to 7.83 and already in that non priority heat I mean that’s a really good score to be dropping and obviously knowing

That John has just he’s he’s incredible out here and he’s just been out to manufactur scores as he has sort of a little look at this one will Cox patient off the bottom smooth off the top there nice start down this wave really sticking tight in the pocket gets

A second turn so Jacob Wilcox looking to ditch that 3.17 that he has in his score line and further extend his lead over Seth mon Seth mon just took the lead back with a 2.87 Willcox however only needs a 3.72 on that wave to take the lead back

From Seth Mon it’s been a seaa battle in the last few minutes of this heat two of the round of 16 let’s take a look at some replays here’s Jacob yeah in my eyes this was this was quite similar to his 533 he did get a bit hung up here on

The bottom and maybe not just getting to the top there as quick as what he wanted but it was two nice turns they pretty crisp in my opinion maybe similar a little maybe a little bit less than his last score I’m not quite sure where this is going to

Go let’s look back at valo Challenger Series stop number three Jacob Wilcox on the backand 10-point ride let’s look at this one more time with Willcox yeah I mean Willcox no stranger to sort of barreling heaving waves obviously on his backand there you can see sh of that backand

Turn today out at Sunset he’s just got that technique perfectly dialed quarterfinal finish in Belo helped him secure a number three spot on the Challenger Series and earn his spot onto this Championship tour of course he had a runner up at Marine he started off the season with another quarterfinalist

Snapper and Jacob Wilcox was able to put it all together to qualify for the championship tour walking away with a number three on those CS ranking at the end of the year when we ended up over in Sakara and will Cox looking to take the lead back off of Seth on which

He just did a 3.93 just enough for Jacob to take the lead off for Seth mon a tight tight heat however mon with priority just needs a three-point ride to take that lead right on back yeah he only he only needs a three-point R and he’s also sitting out

There with the highest single wave score of these Heat so the odds right now are sort of and he’s also sitting out there with priority so you’ve got to be thinking that those odds are sort of in Seth’s favor right now and Jakob paddling back out I mean there’s just

Under 5 minutes on this clock looks like there’s lines out towards the horizon you got to think both these guys getting another roll rolling into this one it’s going to be Seth mon with the answer back oh frustration and a priority error for Seth mon Strider

Indeed uh you know it’s tough out here but it is getting better I feel like the size has dropped a little bit so this inside ball isn’t as overloaded I’ve seen a bunch of inside Corners opening up big barrels so I think that we’re going to be seeing that as the day

Continues there’ll be a lot more opportunity on the inside as you can watch Seth paddling back out these inside swingers looking pretty darn good right now so we’re going to see a lot of action in here on the on the inside Bowl thanks for the report Strider as we go

Back to live we saw an attempt to take off there uh we’ll ID that Surfer 3 minutes 55 seconds left in the priority heat between Jacob Wilcox and Seth mon Here Comes John John he’s going to yield to Seth Mon Mon up and out so just searching flick Seth’s just searching

For that small score right now to turn this heat yeah it’s it’s so achievable it’s really in his wheelhouse and I mean yeah I just wonder where Jacob is in the lineup right now as well because I think Seth did make that little bit of a mistake before he was holding priority

And took up on that wave it really didn’t eventuate into much but see maybe John on the inside there having a little sneaky look at that one but yeah it was a little bit of an error from Seth I guess he was just trying to roll the

Dice trying to improve them just try just trying to see if he could make something happened but yeah I just wonder where Jacob is in relation to Seth and if Seth’s going to get get this other opportunity of Jacob sort of going to hover very very closely with

Priority well there we go with our surface you can see Miguel poo uh number 14 on the back and then Seth mon is in the white dress with number seven on the back paddling back out Jacob Wilcox holding priority you can see him in pretty much in pole position right here

Really trying to control the lineup and control the heat through this last 2 and 1/2 minutes here come some sets so there’s going to be multiple choices for Willcox for sure I think I think Jacob right now is probably also knowing that you know this is still really wide open and even

If I take off in a wave you know it’s highly likely that Seth is going to get another roll of the dice too so whatever I’m doing you know I’m I’m going to obviously try and better at that 3.93 that I have but I probably want to go

For something a bit better as well you know if I can make it happen because knowing that Seth really only needs basically a three so that’s it’s a pretty low it’s a it’s low at the moment the scores the perfect play for Jacob Willcox at this moment with 2 minutes

Remaining would be to play some defense keep Seth off the wave and then some offense improve upon his score line Seth mon sneaks this one in here we go with sethy smooth carve there lining up needs a big finish okay on his way remember just a

3.09 wow that one’s going to be on the line you reckon it’s on the line yeah wow I know it was a smaller wave but maybe in my opinion I think he might have got it yeah yeah yeah it’ll be on the it he surfed enough he surfed for a

Four-point ride right there for sure for sure so I guess that’s the best way to put it he was he did not surf for a seven yeah or he you know but uh we’ll see what the judges come through I mean he did link two turns a smaller inside

Wave so we’ll see how much that factors into the number you could see Jacob was right next to him when he was paddling to that wave and Jacob was just that too far out Seth was right there looking over his shoulder like are you going to get this or not and Jacob

Couldn’t quite scratch into it so Jacob maybe just a little bit too leaving a little bit too much room uh between himself and uh Seth and when he was playing that defense so I wonder now if Jacob’s going to get one more roll of the dice because I think I think you’re

Right KES I think that that’s right on the line there that that last score of Seth so some good good quick reaction from Seth mon realizing that Jacob was not able with priority to get that wave spun it and then he’s like I said he’s

He surfed 4 four and he comes in at a 4.23 so got the job done Seth goes to the lead remember a w is a w any way you get it right here even a grindy heat like this so Seth mon looks like he’s 5 seconds away from doing it for sure that

That was great great performance from Seth and under pressure and I think Jacob is probably going to be I mean it’s so hard in in this sort of lineup where there’s so much water moving but he left too much space and Seth definitely capitalized on that looking over his shoulder and realized that

Jacob wasn’t going to get it he said thank you very much I will get that fourpoint ride here split decision making and then able to put in a solid wave did what he needed to do didn’t over surf it because last thing he wanted to do was fall that would have

Cost set on these to heat so we’re going to chalk up for the Hawaiian here as he moves on into the quarterfinals more action coming your way after this break John John Florence out there riing we’ll have Jordy Smith and Rio waa join the lineup when we Return Canoa we were just talking about how big this day was for you because of who you’ve been able to be right Matthew mcgil you got one off of him after he had three and then Griff you told me had gotten a few on you last year knocked

You out of your Rhythm how important was it for you to get this win today yeah I mean uh obviously that hate uh to get into finals day is always a super important one especially after a day like today where um there’s a lot you know physically but yeah we’re just

Battling it always inside our heads as well um that heat with Maddy was a big one for for me just to to kind of catch my rhythm again and then obviously that heat with Griffin uh we have a we have a fun little rivalry going on he uh he

Beat me in the Heat last year in uh at Bells that really stung that stung really bad so it was nice to to kind of pick up some Rhythm uh you know he’s someone that that’s had a lot of Rhythm the last couple years and um you know it

It definitely shoots me into um good momentum going into the finals day but uh I mean really I just you know uh not so much of who I’m competing against uh I feel like i’ I’m fighting a lot of just stuff in my own head that I’m just

Trying to get over especially after a year like last year so I’m just uh happy to kind of uh pick up some rhythm again what are some of those things that you’re fighting through that a day like today helps sort of turn the tide in

Those battles oh I mean just a lot of uh you know a lot of time thinking a lot of uh a lot of long plane rides home last year that really um you know it builds character and I had a lot of time to to

Really uh kind of dig deep here and and a day like today it’s all about digging deep uh you know I had some of the heaviest wave I’ve I’ve gotten a long time on my head in that last scene this morning so you know just digging deep

And and uh obviously this is what we train for so you know I’m just happy to to to make some Heats and to Surf more I mean I think the next time we surf will be a little bit more playful and a little bit more uh rippable so I’m just

Looking forward to to show some more surfing we’ll see you in the next round yeah thank you guys and I just want to say uh everyone watching thank you always for the support uh everyone in Huntington uh nice to see you guys again and I can’t wait to hopefully uh you

Know have some good rhythm going into finals day and uh try and bring this back to Huntington and and we’re on to a new heat in the water this time we have Jordy Smith up against Rio waa in the non priority heat and a quick up and out

There by Rio waa no surprise I mean we look at the analytics and we talk about here’s our heat right here Jord Smith R when we talk about the analytics with Cano gashi is he’s got good numbers out here at Sunset he’s got a 78% Heat winning

Percentage he was a runner up here one spot away from a title in 2022 so with Canoa making it to finals day that’s that’s you know that was a kind of a coming into this event that would have been a safe bet so good to see that good

To see congratulations Kano gashi uh he’ll be matched up against T EAS in that quarterfinal number one John John Florence up and out he’s leading his challenge against Miguel poopo remember John John opened up with that 7.83 found the 3.17 backup yeah John’s had a few up and outs

Now but that 317 that’s a nice little backup for him and he’s still holding on to that 783 which he got in that non priority heat so that was just serving him so well right now but yeah I think what Strider said before in his cross in

The water was that things are sort of starting to settle down a little bit uh I also got the chance to talk to uh uh dog Marsh uh when I was on my break and he was saying you know what it’s it looks really Wild and Woolly but

Actually when you’re out there and you’re sitting there as a caddy it’s not as bad as what it really looks so there’s definitely moments out there so hopefully it’s a sign of things to come maybe this is starting to settle down a little bit flick what’s do going to do

In Heat number eight he’s got two Surfers in the same heat Conor L and Ryan Kalan oh yeah he’s too good a coach he’s getting all these he I’d love to know what he’s going to do I mean he’s uh he’s going to have to play a pretty neutral role I would

Imagine he’s going to have two boards out there yeah yeah I mean that’s a really hard one obviously you know I think you’ve got to be telling them both the same game plan right and I don’t know where is it a different game plan for like I mean each

Probably have their own strengths you know I don’t know it’s like playing a game of chess against yourself yeah yes yeah this what it’s like there you go I like it here we go Miguel poo needs a big number to take the lead a 7.68 and he was on his way there that

Was a committed backhand re-entry nice hook but just got smashed by two converging pieces of the Pacific Ocean yeah back to that point before it’s he either he either plays a game uh chess against himself self and so every time someone does something he says okay

Now you got to go back out to do this to beat him or he just leaves it completely up to the guys Jordy Smith Fades this one and Jordy nice nice swooping hook there right up in the lip he’s been very very reliable here throughout this competition at Sunset and another

Surefooted Jordy Smith nice start for Jordy here yeah that was a beautiful aring turn it just just do Contin continuing with that momentum that’s the word that sort of just keeps coming to my mind uh for basically the start of this season really from hype to here and

Even with that injury on his foot he’s just looking like he’s really not going to fall now that I’ve said that I hope he doesn’t fall but he’s just looking so yeah shooted he looks like that last section he hit was really difficult and yeah just stuck it really easily yeah

He’s been able to he’s been putting down really good scores not to mention that 99 933 that that he had on the in the opening round but just overall like like the way I’m describing Jordy is a Dependable performer here at Sunset oh for sure and I and I think I mean

Obviously here we go live action John John skittering off the bottom and a little bit of a rail catch off the top so that was unusual it just shows you the challenge out there for sure I was just about to say that I think that was super unusual it’s not often that you

See JN get stuck at the top of a carving turn you feel like that’s his bread and butter that’s the kind of maneuver that he just knows how to do when he sleep basically he can do it with his eyes closed so um I mean he was even saying

It this morning after his first it he just goes wow it is really really hot out there and yeah just all about trying to make hay while you know those May ha while the sunshines when those big sets aren’t rolling through and um hope that when you do get that lull that moment

When it’s a bit quieter in the lineup that you’re getting one of those ones that really comes in and focuses in on the reef and really stands up nicely managed to find a couple in that in that earlier round heat but that was a quite lowc scoring heat uh in terms of John

Out here at Sunset yeah uh when we’re talking about just the favor it’s like a John John or a Jordy and and to to expand upon what what you observed that was Strider observed from the water is is as this cleans up or if it is cleaning up that’s going to take a

Lot of the the luck out of it and so then you’re going to go you’re going to have to look at these Heats it’s like okay who’s the the real favorite and then you I feel like you’re going to have less upsets less surprises if this continues to clean up

For sure I think throughout this afternoon I mean that’s what the forecast is saying that so it’s it’s saying that it is sort of supposed to be DEC ining in size and even when I just you know turn around I look to the Horizon it does look like it’s mellowing

Out a little bit uh but yeah even moving forward further on in the waiting period this Well’s dropping it’s going to be more organized the period increases which is really good as well we’ve got some trade wins coming in and you’ve got to think exactly what you said it’s

Going to come down to more performance there’s going to be less variables so more things to control and then I think it really does come down to those favorites and uh people who have performed well out here in the past for sure yeah Tuesday and Wednesday forecast

Looking really good let’s go down to uh AJ mcor she’s found someone in the Red Bull athlete Zone AJ we’ve been talking about it all day long but the caddies some of the MVPs here at Sunset Sophie mccullock you’ve been caddying for Liam O’Brien and for you it’s not just about being there

Supporting Liam in his Heats but you’re learning a lot in the channel as you prepare for your own CT debut this year what have you learned sitting in the channel for these Heats um I’ve learned how to cut more sets on the head so thanks Liam for that um but no it’s been

Really cool I I haven’t competed out at Sunset before so just even experiencing the lineup without the free surfing crowd has been yeah pretty beneficial and I guess every time I puddle out it’s been good to try mentally put myself in the position where I might be surfing a

Heat um and you know I’ve caded twice already so now I feel like you know when when it does come around to my heat I I will have feel like felt like I’ve paddled out for it three times already and I’ll be I’ll be ready for what’s to

Come so yeah it’s been good how much confidence does that give you going into your first CT event of the Year knowing everything you want to accomplish um yeah I’m feeling pretty confident I feel like I’ve I’ve spent a lot of time out at Sunset I don’t know if I’m surfing it

Any better because of it but I feel like you know I can take some confidence in the fact that I haven’t left a stone unturned and yeah I guess being able to watch Heats from the lineups it’s been pretty fun too and it’s I mean it’s tiring uh even though you’re just

Sitting there so I think if if I knew it were serving tomorrow i’ probably wouldn’t be doubling up on caddy judies but I know we’re we’re not on tomorrow so yeah the more time in the lineup the better well we cannot wait to see your own CT season get underway sophiea good

Luck out there thank you Sophie MCT she’ll get a shot at the championship tour as Chris amore bowed out uh Sophie mullik being the replacement there so so we’ll see her uh when the women get underway here at Sunset John John Florence on a ride back this is what

Happened yeah this was one turn Wonder just absolutely throwing everything at that maneuver through the kitchen sink everything just wasn’t leaving anything to chance that was so radical it was so late it was a layback underneath the lip was just everything that I like to see in serving just total commitment to the

Cause one huge just that’s what we wanted to see that’s what we wanted to see from John John Florence a 7.6 for that one turn that is what we came for so look at John John 7.83 open opener now he’s got 7.6 backup and he’s got Miguel hoos back up

Against the wall Miggy now needing a two-wave combination it’s a hard combo by the way of 15.43% number fck yeah that was incredible I love love love love to see like people especially like John just put it all on the line for that one turn see one judge even threw an eight for

That as well obviously that one drops away dropped the highest and the lowest average out it go to 7.6 for one maneuver best maneuver of today Miguel poopo solid on his feet there trying to mount a comeback and surf his way out of combination Here Comes John

John what a turn again and a Cascade of water and John John just solid on the ghost okay okay you should be it like look look at how calm his shaper is right now John pisel just another day at Sunset oh he’s just surfing so good and

I and I love to see John at his best like this I mean even just a ride out of that turn like like he did is so hard I think you know a lot of guys it’s just so difficult when you got that converging whitewash coming down in

Front of you but John just made that look easy just sort of emerged out of nowhere but out the back Rio waa long bottom turn nice looking wall there for the Indonesian Surfer stalling off the bottom one more time big hook pokes and those goes down hard right behind him

Jordy Smith finds this double up section here Glides on the rail of the Smith shape board one more time saying High he’s going to get the low row double up here oh a little Bobble but couple of nice swoops before that he will ditch the Half Point ride that he has in his

Heat total so Jord Smith got the job done right there yeah he did and it was really really good surfing from Jordy he really identified on that first section that he didn’t want to go too high there he could have easily gone a little bit higher but realizing that that wave was

Doubling up cut that turn a little bit short and then straight back up into the LP for that second one but I’ve got to think that Rio was maybe on his way to probably a a good looking score if he didn’t fall on that last turn just yeah

You know at the moment he’s got just that point2 and that 1 1.17 so possibly could have been on his way to a good school Strider walosi I think you got something to say oh yeah we’re going we’re going old school out here I love it just those just John

Is really laying into the power power thing and that’s just something it just brings up all those old school turns you saw from guys like Sunny Garcia and everybody out here just really putting in those old beautiful power lines and that’s what you know Sunset is it’s a

Big beautiful powerful wave you match that with beautiful power surfing and you’re going to come away with some solid scores Jordy has that same tempo going right now I really love it uh you know Rio trying to hold on but looking a little bit like uh he’s doesn’t have the

Power he needs at the moment yeah thank you for those observations uh yeah yeah layback Sunny Garcia used to Stomp the tail do turns very similar to that difference is sunny was doing on a 74 this is a 64 under the feet of John John Florence yeah I mean this this was that

Last wave that he just did I mean wow just to have that ability to just absolutely stomp it so hard lay back as well come down with the lip this is the angle I really wanted to see just how radical this was this is even just a

Different variation of that 76 that we saw just before to have the ability and the strength to hold on here you can see he came down with that explosion gets completely engulfed to have the strength to do that is a really really hard thing it’s just

Hard it’s so hard John John what he does is he bends fins on turns like that literally bending fiberglass fins because of the torque and the pressure that he’s able to put throughout the turn look at these numbers fck it’s going to go excellent it’s just this is

Insane and I absolutely love seeing surfing like this he’s literally throwing everything at it drops an 8.23 for one maneuver wow so John John now has gone excellent so we’re going to add that to his stats for Sunset is going to help his Heat winning percentage he came into this

Heat with a 71% Heat winning percentage he’s going to increase that stat uh because it’s near impossible other than if there were an interference to occur for Miguel poopo to make it out of this heat uh wow I mean that was just absolutely incredible and to go back to

Back like that with two crazy turns I mean we see it in edits that he puts out on social media but to see it in a heat back to back like that was just so impressive and today with the conditions being how they are for him to identify

That okay like I can just do this in two ways one turn think John John wants that yellow leaders jersey well and truly s s deliv he definitely wants that yellow leaders jersey especially knowing that now you know Baron’s out of that question he’s coming for it yeah so here we go the

Comeback uh this is going to be for a Feelgood moment migy poopo nice carve off the top there great backand style up in the lip oh no again bottom drops out trapo in the haunted house opens up and swallows up Miguel poopo oh we’ve seen so many of those workouts today where

You know the guys go up that turn they think they’ve got it in the bag and as they’re coming down from that turn that bottom just drops out from underneath them and they just just look like they’re having the worst wipe out kind of looks like he’s

Okay sometimes those wipe outs that look really bad sometimes don’t end up being bad it’s the ones that don’t look bad that get you two seconds to make it official and here comes John John surfing his way into finals day the NorthShore boy doing the hometown crowd proud and the Mastery of

A break that he clearly has great control over uh was evident in that last Heat where he went excellent with his heat total Jordy Smith nice lines here at Sunset fading bottom turns swooping top turns and real waa who’s up in the challenge against Jordy Smith here Rio

Able to put a nice finish there with a lip glide into the channel yeah once again I I just got to comment I mean both this is sort of taking shape this heat now especially with Rio’s last wave it’s really going to start he’s putting a dent in this

Heat you know and I think right now me j’s got that 4.33 but I mean really it’s it’s sort of an 88 minute heat from now on and that was a really great wave from both Jordy and Rio so this Heat starting to take shame there’s the numbers for John John 8.23 7.83

16.06 heat total that’s an excellent heat for John John and John John is going into finals day and the quarterfinal check out the surfing here of John John Florence when return Ethan Ying Liam O’Brien out in the Lineup e the hurle pro Sunset Beach is brought to you by Hurley official apparel partner of the Hurley Pro Sunset Beach by Lexus experience Amazing by chedo official sunscreen partner of the WSL and by 805 beer properly Chill well if you’re just joining us you going want to watch the replay John John Florence has put on a show out here and earn his spot we’re going to see him in quarterfinal number two on finals day new heat out in the water with this Surfer from Burley heads that’s Liam

O’Brien finishing off his wave Liam up against Ethan Ying in Heat number five of the round of 16 and there we go with our two Surfers coming out and their current rankings coming into the second stop on the championship tour what who do you like in this heat

Flick I mean I think this is a great heat and great heat for all the Aussies back home watching uh I think obviously if we’re just looking at seating and you know how people performed last year I mean obviously going to go with Ethan uh

But Liam Liam just I saw Liam come to life really really like in El Salvador last year I think it was uh I think we might have even been calling his he but he just looked so so good and I know that right-hander he was just linking

His turns together and he’s had definite Great Moments already in this contest so I mean right now I’m going with uh with Ethan but just because of his performance last year and I mean that that that ter we saw yesterday from Ethan that roundhouse cutback was just

So incredible and uh yeah for me right now it’s going to be hard to not think about Ethan well analytics are in your favor uh Heat winning percentage for Ethan youing 70% at Sunset Heat winning percentage for Liam O’Brien comes in at 25% so not that the analytics are

Everything but just uh when we look at Stats that’s some of the stats going into this matchup let’s hear see talk about stats I’m going to get the number a lot of excellent waves here uh John John Florence just went excellent again AJ well excellent all day long on almost

Every wave it seemed like you just were in the Rhythm John John how did you find that so early and what sections did you know you wanted to attack here at Sunset um yeah I got really lucky early with the on the non priority heat um I got

Like a kind of an open face wave which there’s not a lot of right now um I got two turns on that one and then it took me a while to find another wave it was just a lot of washs and you’re kind of like testing waves you take off and try

It and then eventually I was like okay I’m just going to try to get waves that I can do one turn on at least even if it has like a clean wall and a close out and so once I started looking for that I got two really good ones back to back um

So yeah I guess I just changed my perspective a little bit of what I was looking for well and the perspective changed work that 8.23 describe what it felt to Surf it it looks radical from the beach yeah I don’t know that wave was a good wave on the it’s like well I

Thought it was going to Barrel but and then it wasn’t so I was like I’m going to go do a turn and then I don’t know it was just spray and stuff water everything and then I was like in the white water and coming out and uh yeah

It felt good understandably so has to feel good as well second straight finals day to start 2024 how does just really emulate all the work that you put in this offseason to be prepared for this yeah it just feels really good um just just be chipping away at Heats and just

Uh yeah I don’t know I’m really enjoying it and uh just kind of enjoying the challenges that every heat brings and every Heat’s so different and it’s like grindy Heats and then you have good Heats and uh just trying to like be okay with all that you know and not get hard

On myself cuz I I get I’m hard on myself a lot of the time when I don’t have good Heats well not many bad Heats so far to start 2024 congratulations see you in the quarters thank you all right well John John Florence that was his um

37 second excellent wave score of his career and that was his 55th excellent heat total of his career my good I don’t even know what to make of those stats it’s just mindboggling but it makes sense when you’re talking about John John I that those last two ways in his heat desend

Being able to go back to back I mean I sort of touched it up before but you see that on an Instagram edit you see it on social media but to see it in real life and and for it to come together in a heat that is a whole another thing you

Know the usually Instagram and social media is this highlight re but we just got to see one in real life yeah your eyes don’t lie Instagram can all right so Jordy Smith uh his last wave a 7.17 and Jordy goes into lead over Rio waa we i’ talked about Jordi Smith and

How solid his surfing has been out here at Sunset he’s a former champ out here and he is commanding heat four of the round the 16 with heat control he’s got the lead and he’s got priority and we got a bunch of jet skis from Hawaiian water Patrol just circling

Around the lineup and Strider got over that one no problem couple of duck dives by the caddies lot going on in the channel yeah there’s a lot going on I just saw um sopie pic who we just heard from before with AJ so she’s out there again

Obviously cing for Liam thought that was pretty cool how she was saying you know obviously it kind of feels like she hasn’t served to CT out here yet but it just felt like going through the motions she’s done it three times now so can you believe there was actually a time where

Caddy did not have jet skis and you had to swim in after you gave your board away true story here we go with Jordy Smith here and Jordy up and down so we’ll see what that score comes in as we’re waiting for that score let’s go to Strider walosi there seems like there

Was a board change out there Strider yeah Lobby had the switch up uh definitely switching boards he’s going to they’re going to run in and get a new one looks like he might have buckled that one I didn’t get a look at it but they’re taking her in right now so we’re

Going to do a switch Sophie McCulla taking the board in right now and Lobby just switched it out back out to the lineup and yeah the Channel’s uh kind of hectic but it’s where we want to be best seat in the house case in point so this

Is the drill right here Sophie gives her board away and though now she gets a ride in with um so the good board to Liam now she gets a ride in to the Shore by Hawaiian water Patrol will she’ll get another board and hop back out and for

That replacement when I was talking about the ‘ 80s and the ’90s when that happened before these guys had all these machines you’d have to swim in usually you just paddle out there with swim fins on and then that’s how you would do the board change it’s a lot more efficient

These days for sure and a lot of lot less energy exerted uh for the caddies that’s for sure I mean it’s not not an easy swim especially on a day like today when there’s so much water moving in the channel real AA 5.84 or may have got the

Score just on that last Dynamic finish to take the lead off of Jordy Smith that would be an upset yeah wow 5.84 I think was I didn’t quite see was there anything don’t know if that was something before that yeah so uh we’ll get caught up on that

As he’s gets uh the jet ski assistant back out to the channel yeah but uh interesting some ah here we go let’s see the hall wve yeah here we go big drop out the back from Rio and just that one big turn I thought maybe there could have been something

Before that and if there was something before yeah okay maybe that 5.84 I’m not sure I don’t think that in my opinion I don’t think that’s going to be the score yeah I I I agree with you we’ll we’ll see what it comes in it but um it was

Just one turn but and it was it was good for him to hang on but we’ll see if if the number gets there there’s a um we got still scores owed to us by the judges for both Jordy Smith as well as Rio waa to set the heat 5.5 for

Jordy and still waiting for Rio wa’s score Rio now needs a seven-point ride on that last wave ridden so we’re waiting for that score but the requirement now for real much higher needing a Point ride so it is safeer to say that real will not get that will not get that get

That score on his last wave that he needs to take the lead for sure as we just see in the bottom of the screen there so she’s going and grabb that other board the other the second backup board she’s put the fins in there and

She’s going to head back out so but uh yeah that board of Liam’s just getting a big old crease through it so that one is uh no good tus yeah Seth he’s made finals day let’s hear from Seth he’s with AJ Seth waiting until the final moment’s

There to make sure you wrapped it up punched your ticket to finals day what did it take to survive that heat get the scores you needed oh man that was that was pretty grindy um I’m sure online it looks a lot easier than it is but yeah

It’s freaking as hard as it gets um felt like I needed to do a few more squats before I paddled out just kept falling on a few waves that could have been the score already and um yeah I just stoked I got gifted with that last wave and

This is the first time that you have made a finals day since here in 2022 on the championship tour what does it mean to you to hit that Milestone again yeah I’m super stoked to make the you know Quarters at Sunset um yeah I did it in

2022 obviously um so just happy to be here finally I had out had a shocker pipe that’s like the number one event I looked forward to the most throughout the year and it’s a real bummer but you know looking forward now is all meant to

Be now I’m in the um final day and yeah just take a heat by heat you know what do you rely on going into finals day knowing you had the Shakra pipe you’re putting together a great comp here at Sunset and all the time you spent in the

Water what do you rely on to give you the confidence moving forward I just momentum and heat WIS you know just like that um really haven’t surfed the heat since last year you know had a long off season um so you know it’s always you always feel Rusty getting back into the

Groove of things but you know now I’m feeling confident about my heat strategy and you know now I just want to put on a good performance now hopefully we get better waves in the final day the rust has been knocked off we’ll see you on finals day yeah thank you all right

Making Summer Street proud Seth mon he will be in quarterfinal number one up against Kano igarashi when we look forward to finals today yeah well it’s so crazy to me that I mean obviously we’ve got so much through the men and we’re going to be down to qu

There’s only going to be eight guys left by the end of today so look at all these waves remember I was talking about having to swim in as a caddy I just want to Lo that that whole that whole story together go ahead I was cading for for

Cth Dad Tony in that circumstance where I had to give tony the board that I did not want to relinquish and then and then swim in so at least it it was it it felt big at the time I don’t know you know how it is fish stories are always bigger

When you tell 20 years later um but yeah Seth mon second generation professional surf Surfer dad Tony an absolute Legend and a mentor for many many Hawaiian Surfers coming up when uh he had his career as a professional Surfer Jordy Smith in the priority heat up and riding Smith with the lead over

Rio waa look at how easy he makes it it’s just smooth rail surfing just the connectivity except for that part uh was right on the way but he just eases through all of those turns uh he was looking like he was on his way to to improve his heat total but without a

Finish he’s not going to top that 5.5 back up no but that the way he was surfing that way I think just got to Echo what you said he is he was well and truly on his way to improving on that 5.5 just his body mechanics and the way

He reads a wave and I think maybe that he is this bigger sort of guy that allows him to have a bit more coil a bit more spring and he just loads through those sections just with such ease that second turn was just massive um but yeah those first couple of moovers really

Nice really well lit together I think possibly on his way to a really good score if fall there at the end so now now you see the ride back out of the Red Bull jesi he’ll be uh placed back out on the channel here we go R

AA all the way around that first carve loads up off the bottom hits the lip with just a vicious late basically late to that you know had a lot of intent I saw just like the fangs out from Rio waa want to make it happen needs a

6.75 but he’s not going to get the number without a finish no that’s happening so much today you know on that last section I mean we just saw it happen to Jordy it just then happened to Rio but throughout the whole day it’s mean sort of that constant narrative you

Get to that end section and you go up to hit it as we have a look here this is Jordy first beautiful carving maneuver hits that on the rebound this turn here was absolute money just a big arcing maneuver you got to be thinking if he have made this just that bottom dropped

Out from underneath him and similar sort of story here for Rio as he goes up big carving maneuver swivels on that board and yeah those PS in and under and just getting bubbled on up there yeah Jordy I mean that last wave Jordy just came in a 5.27 you got to

Think if he made that last turn he definitely would have improved we’ll see how the priority plays out in the final three minutes and always a place to pull over and check out the surf competition up and down the NorthShore definitely a a tourist spot where just people taking pictures of

Just the beautiful scenery here at Sunset Beach Le O’Brien with a nice hack and a nice float there for O’Brien on his way to a great score great performance by the Burly head local Liam O’Brien already has a six-point ride to his credit and he was really able to

Connect on that wave Strider that was insane you know what these are these are the heat you come for this was definitely in the brochure for the day watching these guys compete out here at the moment is is just Next Level everybody in the channel blowing up everybody screaming Jordy watching Rio

On that last one knew the requirement saw him fall was like almost but no cigar and just P back out laughing I mean the vibe is high out here in the channel at the moment with the competitors with all the caddies we loving it front row thanks Strider down

To a minute 45 for Jordy Smith Jordy now regains heat control with the lead and now has priority as well so Jordy a smart competitor a long time on the championship tour he’s got the heat IQ he will close this out right now cuz uh he’s

Got he can control everything in this SE oh for sure I mean I’m INE 20 on the clock and Rio’s still need that 6.75 and I mean I think it’s pretty funny just to comment on what strer was saying you know just the uh the back and forth in

The Channel with Jordi being like ha close for no cigar like laughing getting back on out there it seems like Jordi has sort of a renewed sort of mindset coming into this year a bit cheeky a bit more playful he’s he’s he’s like lately he’s so cool I mean 17 years on the

Championship tour but he there was a number of years where Jordy was a really Steely competitor but as of lately like he just seems like he’s having a good time cracking jokes not taking himself too seriously and here he is this is going to be his ride to the beach and into finals

Stay Jordan Michael Smith number 23 W well he’s just continuing on with this momentum and maybe this new sort of uh attitude and this like Carefree cheekiness is uh serving him well I’ve also noticed it sort of in his posted interviews with AJ he’s just been a bit

More like bit more joyful bit more cheeky and he’s he’s got a sharp sense of humor too it’s ah JY Smith conversations are golden and he’s got the golden ticket into finals day here we go with Ethan Ying Ying needs to come back against Liam O’Brien he was tube seeking on that

Wave did not find the barrel so Ethan euwing still trailing Liam O’Brien and they have just turned into the priority heat as the clock has ticked down to 19 minutes and 35 seconds going to be uh when Ethan took off on that wave it kind of looked like

W it had a really beautiful wall to it and I was almost wondering uhoh like if he gets some open face here this is he’s going to do some damage so this ride’s not going to count that’s a Jordy after the Heat and this is Jordy Smith’s numbers 7.17 5.5

Was enough to earn his way into finals day real waa leaving Sunset with an equal ninth we’ll be back with more action from the hurly pro sunset at beach we’re bringing Joe Jesse and a special Guest e hi everybody you’re watching the Hurley Crow Sunset Beach it’s stop number two of the world surf League Championship tour we’re enjoying the round of 16 for the men and anticipating a big start for the best women Surfers on the planet coming soon probably as early as

Tuesday maybe a finals day Wednesday we’ll see and one Surfer that’s planning on being on the podium is Gabrielle o Bren and joining us in the booth our hurly team Rider as well thanks so much for being with us thank you I’m so excited to be here with you guys and

This is Jesse Mendes of course you guys have been enjoying him last couple of events uh Gabby Brian we love watching you at sunset uh you’ve had some great success here obviously in the main event also regionally as well and you know how much you have to adapt I think your last

Region win here wasn’t it pretty small and kind of grindy in there at valves is that right we were surfing like twoot valves but I made it happen made it happen a lot of different moods today it seems like the big theme is just trying

To luck into a good one on a day like today you know what that’s like uh being in the water at Sunset when you don’t know which direction the current’s going to take you yeah it’s lot of water moving out there it’s like it’s crazy it’s much bigger in person I think than

It looks on TV so these guys have their work cut out for them so thanks for joining us for the call and this is kind of a cool moment as well for your whole Camp Conor versus Ryan Kalin and you’re also getting coached by Richard dog

Marsh uh any insight on what it would be like for them to have a heat together today uh yeah I think it’ll be a really good battle we’re going to see some amazing backhand surfing and um I can’t pick one I that’s too hard but I think

They’ll put on a good show I’ll have Jesse do that you got to pick one can you I mean yeah they’ve got a lot of SAR strengths and they’re both friends of mine it’s such a hard one I just want I just want them to rip um I think it’s a

Great match um they they suit surfing Sunset very well even though um dog mentioned to us a little earlier that Ryan doesn’t have a LoveHate relationship more of a hate relationship out here but still he he’s been the stand out like this morning and yesterday I saw waves from him that were

As good as anyone and he looks amazing it’s kind of an interesting concept isn’t it Gabby when you you know you’re Ryan or Connor and they kind of have to chuckle a little bit about a wave that they might not be looking forward to on tour you know and then turning into a

Head space of learning how to compete and win you know you know you think about the championship tour you’re thinking about dreamy locations where you can’t wait to get your jersey on and this is kind of a different scenario for for these two yeah for sure there’s

Definitely stops um along the tour that you like a lot more than others and sunset I feel like is one that a lot of people it’s hard it’s harder for them so um but once you’re out there and you’re in the Jersey it all shifts you’re out

There doing your best and you’re going to make it happen where do you stand with all that is this one of your favorite stops on tour yeah sunset’s my favorite stop on tour it’s very controversial but I love it I grew up surfing it and just such an easy way for

Me to just do my power carve so that’s why I love it and yeah I can’t wait to for the girls to start well let’s go to the Pacifico fan piics cuz they’ll help us work this one out hey there we go Connor o 56% saying the big man’s going to be

Moving on Connor growing up in konala and representing Japan fully on tour this year but loves to have a shout out back to where he grew up and was uh raised in a amazing Coastline famous for Richard dog Marsh uh Mar a calupo some talented goofies to look up to when you

See Ryan C in the water we’re talking about Goofy’s winning out here in a segment earlier today we got to a recent one with CJ hopka but I guess Australia if you go way back um a guy named Cole Smith ended up winning the proclass trials a guy who introduced the channel

Bottom kind of globally to the world at the time and actually from Newcastle and Ryan kalet growing up in Newcastle is always proud of the Heritage a lot of big names coming out of that region Merryweather Beach and including a four-time World Champ a winner at Sunset named Mark

Richards yeah there’s a lot of good Surfers um from there I think I think it’s all because there’s so much Variety in that town like you have all types of conditions you have good beach breaks good slabs and you see Connor up and right in here Connor just up and

Out yeah a lot of depth and uh world class waves to have in your backyard lot Little Beach breaks you can work out a great air game like Ryan has you can get really heavy water waves as well kind of makes sense a lot of talents coming out

Of that region yeah and you see um they’re most of them are all rounded like they’re all rounded Surfers all the guys that you mentioned there they’re just good at everything so let’s just show what a good training ground they have right there strider’s real middle

Name is raspberry it’s true it’s on his passport he’s standing by with a hurly board breakdown with Connor oi well Conor O’s out here he’s got uh um Conor’s bored uh oh I think we’re gonna uh we have to ditch out on this one sorry you’re always forgiven W whoa they

Just went sideways did you see that that’s crazy look at that wave that they’re getting that midd it’s right on his head oh no he saw his eyes light up and go yep we’re going to do this later he’s somewhere right there between those guys let’s just give

It up to the was you guys I saw him you know moments ago and he’s been dealing with a lot of water on the head I mean you think about the caddies laughing off a few sets and strider’s been out there all day what a tough reporting job yeah

It’s like a washing machine on a spin cycle but he loves it yeah exactly so we’ll catch up with that hurly board breakdown at a moment Conor oi doing a good job with DHD and also mixing it up in pipe as well they got him to the semifinals going to a

Toro as we’ll catch up with Jordy Smith with HJ yeah Joe Jordy coming in here all smiles after making your second straight finals day to start 2024 just how much do you feel like you are surfing within your power right now within what you are sort of have been

Working all offseason to do yeah I’m surfing the best uh I can with the kind of my opportunities that I get it’s really difficult in the overlapping Heats cuz you’re trying to position yourself but at the same time being mindful of where the other competitors are and the other heat um that have

Priority so it is a very difficult thing everyone’s basically been sitting on the balll just outside of the bowl so it is kind of that one takeoff spot um but look I’m just trying my best with the the kind of cards that I get dealt well

You’re doing a pretty good job so far and I know that John was in that overlapping heat for a while with you he had some of those radical turns you guys have all been looking for how did seeing what he did sort of set up what you

Wanted to do yeah he took like three of my waves that I wanted but um look he’s definitely the best on the rail um and if something you know to to get inspiration from it’s definitely that and um yeah I just try to find the waves that I could get some

Open face turns I fell on one that might have been a little higher score but um yeah like I said just trying my best trying your best and you’re going to have an opportunity to go against John in the quarterfinals how do you get ready for that probably take a lday

Tomorrow um take my son surfing and then yeah just kind of wait to see what finals days brings and yeah I surf my best uh I can against him uh he’s the best so uh if anyone’s got something to lose it’s him there you go Jordy we’ll

See you on finals day thanks ah jordy’s in a good mood look out look out you guys remember when he uh won in Brazil that one year over Adriano and he’s doing all these different claims and laughing and when he’s laughing and being a little cheeky he tends to go all

The way to the podium and like with how much experience he has he’s looking at the draw and seen so many names falling off early again like it’s just another opportunity obviously um he’s been there before he’s been a runner up before in the world and um it’s just a big gap for

Him right there to take that advantage that a lot of guys fell off and he maybe being on the top five what a big opportunity for Jordy Smith into the quart quarterfinals prior to heat is Liam O’Brien and Ethan Ying at the moment to Aussie going head-to-head uh

For Liam he’s been looking really smooth smoo and comfortable and Gabby probably one of the best styles that we’ve seen come on tour in a long time 783 leading over Ethan who would be the favorite as far as momentum in the last couple of years um I don’t know I guess I would

Probably have to say Ethan would be probably the favorite because he’s done so well out here before but Liam just charges and I feel like he has no fear and he also has an amazing style so um yeah he’s going to be hard to beat this

Is the six Gabby what you think yeah that car was sick and I just know how choppy and windy it is and yeah his style is is beautiful just the way that he the sections that he chose to do his Maneuvers was really really good so um yeah that was that was

Amazing and kind of cool for your options yourself to a regular footer on how you can mix up your turns from those kind of lean back type kind of carves or even extreme layback do you think about that a lot at sunset yeah for sure like you said being a

Regular flitter out here I think is a big Advantage because you can change it up so much I I just love a big down carve but oh yeah um it’s fun to change it up here’s Ethan you and Jesse Yeah Ethan um looks like just not the best wave

Selection right there for him obviously lean finding um identifying better waves with more quality um they gave him more opportunity and it’s reflecting on the scores um Ethan is actually not having quite a shocker for him out there at sense that you expect him to do very

Well here and just not having it 7 minutes left he still got time it’s getting tricky um the already has a solid score two solid scores let’s look into the head-to-head matchups with these two Australians Ethan still up against the ropes and Lobby might be going 3-1 if he keeps this lead the

Moment Liam still leads over Ethan Ying in their career and sometimes the rankings don’t speak enough for somebody you know having another’s number you know even a higher seed typically so Liam at the moment kind of shown that once again 783 and a 6.0 and 7even minutes to try to shut

This one down Kalin and O just getting started really the two goofy foots that all work with Richard dog Marsh just like Gabrielle O’Brien what’s it like getting coached by the dog yeah it’s good um I started working with him middle of last year and it was probably

One of the best things I’ve done for my career just just to be around a different crew and just see their approach and the way he coaches is I think really helped me he’s um very uh what’s the right word very good at communicating and letting you know what

He likes and um it works good for me so I’m really happy to be working with him and getting to know Connor and Ryan a little more as we continue on with action with Liam O’Brien just looks so effortless and transition position and like Gabby’s mentioning absolutely charges that’s kind of been

This underlying theme especially this year on the NorthShore just seeing him run down cam Highway with giant big wave guns and signing up for wild sessions at big pipe big yeha that’s kind of building to his whole reputation I mean he might have had that for a long time

But everyone definitely knows about it this year yeah and I like that he me mentioned that because he he actually had that for a long time but just now last few years him being aour it’s more of a spotlight and more attention on top of you but he’s been underground

Charging this waves mostly offthe wall I just I think of Liam in Hawaii I think of off the wall just big massive thick barrels a lot of them not coming out because it’s a very tricky wave usually like closes out a lot and he’s just a lot of times putting himself out there

By him like no one out just him so it’s nice to see all all of that effort paying off right here is in the results and taking a page out of Karen perau book where he used to just sit it off the wall and get Crazy Ones Matt

Archbold used to do that all day where the pack would be at pipe in back door and sometimes Archie would just almost have it to himself as we look at 453 to go fading on the takeoff is Connor o and not finding anything there priority will go back to Ryan

Kalin Ryan start 483 as he leads uh for oi you know he’d be trying to think about the yellow Jersey for his start to the season for Ryan Kalan he’s equal 17th so this is really important for him to get up the rankings before heading to

Portugal and so far for Ryan this is his best result in the past couple of years just being in the round of 16 so that’s definitely a positive heading the right direction Gabby a lot to catch up on for this season anticipating your start to this event but we’re coming off one of

The most special moments in women’s surfing history watching that finals day with Katie simmers and Molly picklum how was your reaction to that day yeah that that was super cool to watch it honestly stung a little bit cuz I had lost the day before so I didn’t get to go out

There and give it a crack but it was so cool to see them charging um yeah packing barrels I Betty Lou was I loved her big pipe Barrel that was super cool to see and um yeah I just think it was a great day for women surfing when we talk

About charging like Liam here and also that day at Pipeline and everything how do you handle that and push yourself with that element of fear but also wanting a piece of the action as well yeah you know it it would have been awesome to be out there with just one

Other girl because it’s hard to do it when there’s your battley against a bunch of guys in the free surf so um I just think that you’re it’s obviously scary don’t get me wrong pipe’s one of the scariest waves but when you have that opportunity I would just just gone

For it and given it my best crack um yeah I love it and speaking of a big powerful moves the algorithms shifted on Instagram when dog posted that power gouch that you let go of the other day if you guys haven’t seen it yet look up Richard do Marsh on Instagram that turn

Was Sensational and I you you’ve always been powerful but that seems even more powerful than what we’ve seen have you been really focusing on that type of turn you know in the off seon and obviously ready to unleash it at Sunset Beach yeah um hopefully I get a few

Sections to unleash at Sunset that would be super cool but I remember before that session he’s like gab you just got to open up and finish your cares and they’ll just be another notch I went out there and oh Ethan on a wave right on Ethan with some nice Rhythm already and

Then just gaps it off the bottom again and he will go down so only credit for one move and he’s comboed by Liam O’Brien really needed that combination to come through for him Jesse definitely um obviously he needs two waves right now but that was going

To help him a lot I still think this is going to help him a lot he’s going to be looking at a very solid score most likely but great first turn great effort for him right there the problem that he’s going right now is just against the

Clock he has a minute and 50 left out at Sunset and you see right here this is a very nice um wave selection and huge turn right there just un leing you can you can tell that he knows this is almost one of his last chances so he’s

Going to put in everything in line and that’s what he did right there in that first turn just beautiful style as always like just the body positioning the way he the way the way he’s able to release the the fins right there and engage back again and everything synchronized always upper body always

Synchronized with the board and um the bottom part of the body so yeah it’s impressive to always watch him when you see him pass by in the athlet zone just walking he walks with style too I think some people are just gifted with looking cool you know when you’re you’re just

Cruising down the street or on a wave like that just just like a cool beat that you listen to in your head it’s like you think of good songs when you watch Ethan surf is tempo it’s just magic uh but yeah fell on the second move so Ethan Ying will get credit for

That one Big Fin Fang in the guts of that wave 467 on that one maneuver his best the combination is broken and now needs a 916 with 35 seconds to go quickly up and down from Conor o who’s still searching but he’ll have a

Ton of time in the water there and oh my goodness I just realized your coach gab’s really busy Fred Rico’s coming up next against eelo and Lobby setting up the bottom turn quick little whip lot of foam on the face this is his last wave of the

Match up just tagging all of his points just in stride well two of the most stylish Aussies will wrap up their round of 16 match together and Liam O’Brian will continue his domination over Ethan Ying moves it to 3-1 now in overall CT matchups and Ethan one of the favorites

To win at Sunset now out in the round of 16 as we check out the numbers Liam 783 and a 6.0 Ethan Ying had the fifth at pipe and now an equal Ninth at Sunset so last year’s runner up in the world will try to build his momentum at stop

Number three of the Season as we’ll bring in Fredrico Marias and Ito Ferrera next Gabby Bryan’s going to hang out and join us for the call once again as the hurle pro Sunset Beach Continues Time to check in with the pulse focusing on the major highlights of the day round of 16 Heat number two we saw a seesaw battle between will Cox and Seth monice and the Hawaiian fighting back in the final minutes to turn the heat with a

4.23 will Cox was the last rookie to get knocked out of the event monice into the quarterfinals then we saw Florence open up with a solid 7.83 after the 10-minute Mark got got his back up with one turn the 76 and the combination to finish things sof Miguel

Poopo continues to struggle against JN as Jon’s been undefeated against Miguel his entire career Jon into the quarterfinals and then how about the battle with Jordy Smith and Rio waa experience paying it off for Jordy two- turn combination for his 717 backed it up with a 5.5 and re real W just

Couldn’t fight back to turn the heat Jordy is into the quarterfinals and Rio waa will leave with an equal ninth Jordy Smith’s always looked incredible at Sunset long powerful arcs experience a lot of time out here and even a win in the World Cup Edition years back is all

Helping out the veteran on tour who just turned 36 a few days too and now back to live it’s like we’re in an airplane right now just going over all the spectators heads how about this final bracket Canoa is taking on Seth in quarter one John vers Jordy I love that

Quarter two quarter three Liam O’Brien will take on the winner of oural and Connor O So finals day bracket starting to really get heavy there Jordy vers John Gabby who’s going to be the favorite in that heat uh I don’t know John’s pretty pretty lethal out here but

Jord is one of my favorite Surfers to watch his style is amazing and sunset is a place that I think really levels the play field it’s you against the ocean pretty much especially when it’s like this so I could see it going either way looking forward to that as we have a new

Heat just getting started Fredo maras taking on Italo Ferrera Brazil vers Portugal both starting with a equal 17th after losing in the round of 32 at pipeline uh Fredo with a great reputation at Sunset EO still working it out a little bit he’s had some good highlight moments you know he’s going to

Absolutely go for it Jesse yeah Ker’s definitely the favor out there as far as statistics and also um time span in the water he’s done so well so many times here back on the Qs and actually had great um performances on tour as well and as we see here Italo in the break

Wow that was one big turn right there big section actually um just perfectly timed on that one and fredero on the other wave maybe the wave behind nice carve right there comboing it up with a nice round house and finish it off so like it it’s nice to see the contrast one turn

Getting a 6.17 and kika’s on the other hand with three turns but on a smaller wave less critical getting a 567 we’ve seen that all day like the judges are really eating um and wanted to see just that one big section and you really um committing to it spending time with

Fredo maras Gabby Bryan as you know he’s part of your little sparring crew uh what’s he like to to chat with and what do you think his strengths are as a competitor on tour uh yeah I definitely think his strengths are big uh rights he’s done good at haliva and sunset he’s

Doing great and he’s just a really nice guy and being able to spend time and get to know the guys a little more is super cool and just they keep it really light which I like they are always having fun and having a good time so it’s been

Really fun to hang out with them go yeah you brought up a great one there with Holly Eva gosh was that year he actually I think lost in a tie break to JN John when Jon returned home after that first world title in 2016 remember that

Jesse I do I think he got two scores that were tied it was pretty crazy and he kind of moved on from that quickly I think oh would have been devastated to kind of almost win but kind of fell off with a tiebreak decision but he was just

Happy on the result came back the next year and went one better as we have a wild roll in so much white water nowhere to go just falling off there on a short ride was Ryan Kal Aral 483 early and the struggle has been continuing in that priority heat

Just to get decent numbers on the flip side Gabby we’ve got eelo and Frederico with better numbers than what Connor and Ryan have had it interesting when an overlapping format kind of flows like that cuz we saw it at pipe as well yeah it’s it’s ALS I think when you

Don’t have priority it’s easier to ride and uh give yourself more opportunity but Connor found it really looks like hopefully it’ll double up for him just fading essing patience paying off for oi for that last carve so we’ll see if that’s going to be worth it his best

Wave so far against his good friend Ryan just like Ryan coming close to a CT win Connor came very close in his rookie debut when he F finaled at Cloud break with Matt Wilkinson Wilco ended up winning I think wilco’s been trying to start a movement like getting Wilco in

The event he’s like I want to defend my title from all those years back we’ll keep the message running you never know you never know it’s worth a shot so Connor will get the 317 there and now needs a 2.57 to take the lead Ryan still holding the the lead out

In front as Gabby we know you’ve had a series of lays we’ve had kind of some wild surf to where hasn’t been really looking too inviting in this lineup how have you been kind of pacing your way through all the lay to stay really fresh for the opening round yeah we I’ve

Actually had a lot of fun these latay um I’ve been pretty busy we me and India actually took our mom surfing out at chocolates you guys yeah it was fun they did great so we did that um went and had a Wy key day with r she gave me a tour

Of her hometown so it’s my first time to the Duke statue wow what really yeah kind of crazy no way your first time I Haven been there before a few times I’m really Blown Away by that what’ you think it was amazing she actually took

Me out got a surf out at I think it was Queens oh that’s awesome you have been busy and and having a lot of fun arcal little Speed Line he’s great a big backside hacks I think think margar River big nines on one turn let’s see if he can do it

Here creating some space on the shoulder memory doesn’t have a backup yet so that’ll help his lead just getting this wave and now over to the Hawaiian water Patrol and got great crew on hand obviously all led by Terry aoi guys like Andrew lagreco and payo aely so many great Waterman keeping an

Eye on everybody Gabby are you pretty used to jumping on the back of skis and getting picked up because sometimes we have rookies come on tour and their first time doing it is actually in a heat but did you have kind of early experience getting used to that yeah I

Think growing up in Hawaii I definitely had some experience uh and so it wasn’t anything super new to me which I’m thankful for and then the backand of Ryan any positives of this way of Jesse I guess the positive is just um better in his low score it’s not going to be um

That big of a score but he’s going to put something on the board and Connor right now he only sits on a 3.17 so anything’s going to help Brian I don’t think this is going to be sealing the heat for him but it’s something for him to improve

On so Ryan just building he’s gone through a lot in his lifetime and his career and doing his best surfing now absolute charger in big waves kind of was famous as a a great aerialist as a junior got a lot of cover shots when he

Was still a teenager as we see a snap off the top and getting clipped is Conor o as he comes back up we’ll catch up with Liam O’Brien with AJ Liam you told me before we started this interview that it just felt like you were in sync with

The ocean out there how did you lean into that as the heat continued to find your waves yeah it was a pretty another wild heat where it was just like heaps of wash throughs and a lot of weird waves so yeah kind of I was just saying

The ocean felt like it was working with me a bit and like when I had PRI there was a bit of a l and then yeah unfortunately for E it just sort of went like turbo when he had priority at the end there so yeah it was it was lucky

For me that’s just Sunset sometimes it’s I don’t know I’ve had so many Heats where I’ve just been lost at sea so it’s nice to get one where actually get a couple waves and one of those waves a 783 your best score here at sunset walk

Us through that one yeah it was actually s just an inside wave and um I don’t know just stood up nice on the inside ball and managed to get into the lip a couple times and uh yeah that was it on to the quarterfinals and a finals

Appearance in 2024 and only the second event of the year just how much does this set you up for the rest of the year and your big goals this year yeah it’s it’s great I mean you’re not going to complain with the quarter so yeah it’s

Nice to move on and um obviously that was always going to be a really hard heat Ethan’s just so good out here so yeah really happy to get past that one and um yeah see how we go on the next we’ll see how you go congratulations

Liam thank you cool C and collected Liam O’Brien getting another win over Ethan ying and into the quarterfinals always so impressive and we’re wishing everybody by cleaner and more rippable conditions as this waiting period continues just for you guys having an update on your fantasy surf teams 58% of

Teams had Ethan Ying in their tier a 9% at Liam O’Brien in their tier B everyone taking notes resetting their plans for next year great opportunity to put Gabrielle O’Brien on your fantasy team you’ll have have a chance to watch the opening round unfold so you got a little bit of time

But great pick here for the hurly pro Sunset Beach do you play Fantasy are you allowed to I me um I definitely when I first got on tour I was so excited cuz I could pick myself so I but I haven’t played in a little while but it is

Always fun my friends are always talking about it yes do they put pressure on you um I actually have had people say I’m putting you on my fantasy team which is something you don’t really think about until someone tells it to you and is

That awkward or do you go okay I got you oh hopefully I can get you some good points I don’t want to let you down oh it’s awesome you can check out set your team and get prepared for the opening round for the women the men’s already set once we

Get into the round of 32 which we did this morning as we now paddle in with Connor oi belting that first section nice coil up and he’ll just try to knife that inside corner quickly as the struggle continues for a real true wall in our priority hereat yeah

Just Conor is not really finding much um both of them actually not finding much very small scores mostly for um the type of surfers we have in the water you expect so much more than them but sometimes it’s just how nature rolls like not much comes their way and they

Can’t really perform I didn’t see any really big mistakes from any of them just nothing really came their way and they yeah that was about it well we always like checking out our hurle board breakdowns uh we had Strider Get Smoked by a set when we wanted to get more out

Of this equipment from Conor but there it is live looking really nice under his feet Jesse what do you think yeah that looks great on his foot I actually had a look at it um it and out um I spoke to a friend of him and also I saw one of his

Backup boards and he’s right in a 66 and his backup’s a 66 bang and it’s looking great 34 lit and that’s a huge turn for Ryan and well deserved after a serious hunt and he’s going to pull in down the line not quite Barrel but with the spit

Behind him he crushes it again all that hard work pays off and this is why you guys train so hard for moments like this Ryan Kalin just really flip things in the water with Conor o Gabby that was impressive that was super impressive Ryan’s back hand is lethal and um when

The when the boys can connect it’s it’s amazing they both have very I think different styles but they’re both super strong and they train super hard so it’s super cool when they get the opportunity to do some amazing surfing let’s break down Connor’s turn first Jesse that was

A great turn from Connor just um smart of him to actually try and um get that one big crack and trying to make the most of it without priority but here’s this is like seing the deal right there that’s just when you see spray going upwards that means the time it was just

Perfect and for him to be able to actually like get under that lip and find that extra little bit of section after that Barrel in on the inside it’s very hard for him to do it you see that air drop right there that shows how

Critical he was um how on edge he was in that wave and this is a one of the my favorite waves reading all day that was just perfectly reading away from him Ryan kalanad two previous starts out here and never got past the 17th he’s done that this is at least equal ninth

When you’re in the round of 16 as his best wave out here before was a 6.17 as we wait for what the number might be and to see if he’ll break his own personal best record but now 3:45 on the clock Conor catching a lot of waves

Eight waves ridden for Ryan that was his sixth in this matchup has both hoping for a a jump into the quarterfinals and still enjoying our time with Jesse Mendes and Gabby Bryan do you guys see each other in the in the water a lot when you’re home um not so

Much not so much it’s funny how like just with travel schedules right and yeah you might just miss each other and I only go left basically oh that’s true I like right yeah so it doesn’t we’re in different spots always I feel like yeah and the waves aren’t really that that

Fun so I know yeah pretty pretty average and moving on 3 minutes on the clock in this one standing by for a big moment for Ryan Kalin it’s uh 7.67 his best to date in a CT Jersey at Sunset as he is way out in front now and

Connor chases an eight-point ride yeah as soon as you think that momentum was shifting a little bit to Connor getting like his two best waves back to back under priority and then you see ran just getting such a nice wave and um that first turn was impressive and the way he

Read the whole wave was just very hard and he put it together a great score right there solid surfing from Ryan Kalen representing Merryweather beach in Newcastle Connor now needs an eight-point ride and gosh he’s surrounded by a lot of great Surfers Conor L’s wife absolutely shreds Stephanie was a talented Junior

Growing up and continues to just enjoy life in the water and now really just supporting her husband on the dream tour but I remember she competed in a Grom search event at Bells and had crazy finish right on the beach he was such a contender Conor’s mom rips who has the

Best celebrations when you’re next to her in the Red Bull athlete Zone critical time now 90 seconds Conor choosing this wave to try to hunt down an eight he’s forced to step off and things starting to look more promising for Ryan kalinin one of those days where you’re

Probably going to sleep pretty well after multiple Heats and sunset Gabby it’s a different type of energy that’s spent on a day like today so much energy just like every time you take off on a wave just having to do the oh yes they have jet ski assist today but each time

You go around it’s like one session out at one hour out at Sunset it’s like 5 hours anywhere else it’s crazy so much energy hats off to the professionals making it look fairly easy today you can see how difficult it has been but then Ryan just putting his head down

Mastering this wild lineup to get a 767 in a really exciting battle with one of his best friends on tour he’ll throw away that finish that’s the LoveHate relationship Ryan has that was the example right there yeah like amazing wave two turns a cover up and into that after and that’s just how

Sunet is it’s puts you in your in your toes all the time good job for Ryan as we focus on rankings definitely a bit more critical for arcal to get the jump at this stage of the year uh remember Connor’s equal third after pipe he’s out now and

Gentile’s out so looking promising for John John Florence to potentially take the yellow off Baron mamama we’ll keep you posted on the yellow Jersey as this event continues and the two good friends two great goofy foots will panle in together and Connor will probably be

Happy that his job’s done and he gets to move on to a more favorable event for him and Ryan’s going to enjoy a boost in the rankings into the quarterfinals and Gabby Bryan will stay busy stay active stoked you got to get to Wy key great job taking your mom

Surfing and now tell your friends you got their back for a fantasy Surfer what looking forward to it y I’m going to hopefully put on a good show for you guys and give you guys some good points make sure if I’m your power Surfer yeah exactly power server is worth double

Points and and she’s going to really provide some Brilliance for you guys thanks again for joining us come in anytime we’re going to take a break more from the round of 16 cuz Jack Robinson Jake Marshall are paneling out right Now The hurle pro Sunset Beach is brought to you by Hurley official apparel partner of the hurly pro Sunset Beach by Eventbrite on or off your board you’ve got plans with Eventbrite and by Yeti built for the wild welcome back to the Big Show the top stage was going to try to requote Jesse

Mendes on that part you had in maker break remember when you look back on the camera we used it on a lot of trailers the last couple years and how did it go can you say it um I get that phrase every every day from mig’s fumor every

Time he sees me he says that go ahead please if you want to perform a big stage this is the biggest stage you can have yes was it was such a keeper it was a great line and it was true that’s exactly what I was looking

For I actually think it was here yeah it was yeah you turned around looked at the camera and you’re like hey a big stage out there Jake Marshall’s taking on Jack Robinson and gosh Jake got a bomb earlier remember that thing yeah that was great um probably the most inform

Surfer of the day like that 917 was impressive just yeah in sync looking good looking Cal how cool is that when you get a great wave like that when you’re this talented like Jake it’s it was definitely it looked easy for him you know he knew

That was the wave he needed and he surfed it so well but for him it was such a treat cuz it so much easier to Surf than all the other waves we’ve had today I know like that’s what you’re hoping for out there but he was the only

One that actually managed to get that clean of a wave today and he was just a lucky guy certainly was and when you kind of talk about out well we’ve got some catching up to do nice late takeoff fromo let’s see what’s happening right here looks like he’s about to set up for

A big turn and there he go that was huge he looks like he’s riding a very long board and I think he mentioned on his um previous heat interview that he’s not used to riding that long of a boards but he’s looking pretty comfortable out there with that yeah that look cool and

How about Jack here in the heat with Jake Marshall little um slow start for Jack right there and nice layback just always looking very comfortable out there putting applying the right pressure at the right time just just um surf this wave like is nothing you know

Like takes it down and just so used to heavy Waters like main breaking my great B you ready to put someone directly into the W C final five like I did with Leo at pipe I mean I jumped into that early saying he’s going to make that final

Fight you want to join me with somebody or uh I could join anyone yeah you could pick anyone that you’re like we’re going to see this Surfer there I mean I already probably had him before but now with the results as he’s having and everyone going down pretty early in the first two

Events I think JN is looking pretty solid solid choice and he hasn’t been in this new format yet for a world title uh because of some injuries that have happened to him over the years last year he had a complete season and and just missed out like that choice Jesse

As he is already into the quarterfinals and a really promising chance for him to be wearing that number one in the world yellow Jersey heading into Portugal where he was able to clinch his first world title in that part of Europe now just kind of playing with this one and

Repositioning up and out Jack Robinson let’s catch up with Ryan K and on the glass with AJ Joey listening to our Cal and even Conor oir coming in just to download what happened in that heat Ryan triy to walk us through just how heavy it was how challenging you had

To just be on your game the entire heat yeah I mean I felt like it got like couple foot bigger from when we went out earlier um it just seemed to be like heaps of wash throughs I kind of got washed in once with priority and then

Got like nearly taken out of the lineup a few times I felt like we’re in the channel a lot so it was just super hard um kind of frustrating it probably got the better of me first majority of the Heat and then was able to kind of

Compose myself and just you know um I could hear I was in the lead so I knew Conor was struggling as much as me which kind of puts me at ease and just needed to know needed know I needed a back up um and yeah one came to me a really nice

One so start to make the quarters and it’s such a tricky location yeah I want to talk about the one that came to you what did you see and how were you able to do what you wanted with it um I guess it just had like I could see W and green

Face I kind of took off just going if I I can just get one turn and just back up my other score um and then it actually looked really long but it it kind of held off for me and yeah it kind of just all came together it was awesome I would

Say it was awesome going against Connor I know it’s always hard to go against a really good friend how do you put that aside uh yeah it was all fun in games before the heat I was trying to stay focused but I mean just competing against good friends and he got an

Amazing result at uh pipe so yeah it’s nice to get one up on you well congratulations we’ll see you on finals day thank you very much well done well played thanks AJ R count and in his first quarter final since Rio last year so he’s happy to feel that energy that

Comes with making the final series knowing that you’re helping your points stack up for the mid-season cut but it’s the main thing when you’re being president in an event you got a chance to win and for Ryan it would be his first chance to win a or his I mean his

It would be his first CT win he’s had two close calls two finals in the past so he wants to keep his head in the game even if this wave challenges him gosh coming off a 12.5 combined total that was great yeah that was great from Ryan just very technical smooth um

Surfer and just operated that heat pretty well um it was kind of a wave start in the beginning and then he put it together in the end Fredo maras throwing down the wrapping turn goes up into a wild looking lip there’s about four lips there it’s backwash I don’t think there’s any place

For a surfboard good effort though Fred rco as we now see Jack on the fade what a cool looking stance then throws the r and how about that just a bulldozzer behind him to knock him down so much turbulence it was interesting I remember a interview with Danny Way amazing skateboarder and he

Was just watching what Surfers were doing he’s like hey if I fall in a halfpipe the whole thing’s not going to land on me afterwards that’s kind of a good example of that totally and like and it’s like you can’t even put that as a a Miss opportunity for those both

Surface because just the wave didn’t allow them to land those turns it was they they did as much as they could on that and that’s how just how he rolled out so Jack going down with that explosion behind he’s in the heat with Jake Marshall Marshall meanwhile has

Been very quiet to start off this heat knows what a good wave looks like out there and all those days he’s put into Sunset have really paid off I stopped by Jake’s childhood home when I don’t know a long time ago now he’s got really talented Brothers his

House was a little bit like Disneyland Big ramp in the backyard close to Seaside reef and all the waves in North County San Diego as we’ve got he to Loa kind of essing his way back and forth and he’ll step off so ealo trying to keep his lead over Fredo with now 10

Minutes to go yeah he has actually a pretty healthy lead right now um as much as heas doesn’t need the biggest score ever I see um Jacob and right in here now hitting the lip off the top Solid nice crouched approach off the bottom for Jake Marshall tags it air

Drop look at that timing yeah there’s it it’s literally it’s straight business for him right now like he’s not committing any mistakes for the last two Heats he had and starting it off that well and I think that’s exactly what he needs he needs to

Be in the best waves on this heat you’re going against Jack Robinson which he’s a favor um he’s one of the best ever on a jersey out here at Sensei so he knows what he needs to get how how what he needs to do to get the job done and that

First um way wave right there for him it took him a while to get it but he definitely paid off so yeah Jake’s home there’s a Tepe in the backyard at the time not sure if it’s still there but his younger brother Nick was actually living in it for a

Little bit as we have Jack Robinson up again snapping it off the lip nice control on the critical part of the wave attacking again he goes down sometimes when he just paddles into a wave you you think you’re watching the Bruce movie did you ever watch that oh

100 yeah that was a silly question no that growing up is such a great movie and I’m pretty sure Jack was always had Bruce as an inspiration you can see a lot of similarities on them um on their tube riding technique and yeah everything pretty much great job for the wine water Patrol

And the Red Bull ski one more look on last of Jack yeah nice first turn here from him coming from behind very critical um and just as he was about about to capitalize and get a good score that wave just didn’t help him out but this is this is important and special

Here for Jake nice Fade to start good setup turn and this is where all the points are going to come from huge layback air droping it just perfect timing clean executed perfectly and you’re going to see it right here right now he’s going to air drop it that’s

What the judges um see as commitment when you’re finishing off the turn and you’re um losing disengaging your board from the water that means you’re just in the pock maret you’re in a very critical position and the judges love that the air jop with control doing it in the

Most critical sections is something the world’s best do all the time pretty rare to see your average Surfer doing that at your home break especially on demand it just shows how gnarly these guys are on one of the most challenging waves in the world as we see this one starting to cup

Out and setting up with some speed is a World Champ name too and EO hops out it’s always nice when you’re far away from home and you earn a lot of respect from some big names especially that are locals to these lineups when ETO took on the big stage uh he got in

Contact with Johnny Boy gums and Johnny boy was just so impressed with ito’s performance the type of athlete and competitor that he is and since then ito’s like met Johnny Boy’s son in Australia they keep in touch all the time e a little rides for Timmy Patterson I know Johnny was getting a

Couple timmies as well but I think for itto it meant a lot you know that the people that came before him were really admiring what he was doing especially a guy like Johnny boy who had his name all over these waves throughout his his amazing career totally someone to look

Up um as we grew up and I think ITA is coming up right now here we go Ito Ferrera now starting to S back into the pocket Johnny boy would paddle out and say do something that’s what icho just did right there hammering that section on the back end with control and

Power and I’m really loving that longer board looks like buesa buesa is frothing right there that’s his filmer from biosa have you ever been to that part of Brazil I’ve I’ve been to that part close by but I haven’t been to specifically by a was it before a cool little the videos

I see is that kind of fun running right kind of brown Water nil does about 85 turns on it yes usually people are doing two or three back to this one yeah nice set up R um he’s just Z it down this wave on the inside bat right here and just a

Huge turn right there and like I mentioned um another air drop that just show how critical he is that one he kind of dramatized a little bit he might have not needed to do that big of an air drop but they’re smart um they’re making the most of every opportunity they get I

Think it was pretty similar to the other waves he had before but this one a little less critical um we’ll see what the judges think EO shaper Tim is’s actually a really incredible surfer surfs like waves that actually aren’t really waves you know in Southern California there’s rocks and tide pools

Everywhere and he’ll take off over the Rocks he’s got a few nicknames for that approach but it’s always cool we see a great Surfer make boards cuz he can actually be his own test pilot uh really respected Surfer shaper globally as well with some Hawaii ties in his family on

Top of it but for E get a 72 from him the other day I think e looked at it was like all right better put this to use he got barreled a pipeline on it it’s cool to see him just trying some board like big boards like he hadn’t ridden before

And I think that also comes from your coach your coach dictates a lot of what you doing and he’s with Ros um Ros is an amazing Surfer that came out of Hawaii just across the street from Sunset actually he lives in vland but um pretty close from here and I know that he

Really likes to ride bigger boards here in Hawaii and he’s right because you have more sustainability under your foot you have more paddle power and it’s payt off for Etho cuz he’s looking good on those boards like a little bit extra volume under his um under his foot it’s

Looking great he looks more stable he hasn’t pretty much followed this old event and yeah it’s pay off Ros right there super CAD super coach H super human and now a super dad his Baby’s got eyes that shine and make you just feel good inside as we look at some numbers

Here Jack 4.4 on his last Jake Marshall had the 7.0 start so in a great position in the non prior to heat yeah he is um I mean I think um the first half of the heat just trying to catch everything that it’s left over um Jake really got gifted there when that

Wave came that no one with the priority from the previous heat was out the back you see Jack up in right in here Jack Robinson on the wind up tracking through that first Arc now late under the lip and upside down already lost his jersey in the

Previous feed and now we got a nice entry point for eelo to put his head down and pull in and come out of the barrel right into a backside Arc I mean maybe he didn’t start liking riding longer BS but I think he does now buesa can’t even contain himself right

Now he might miss the next clip if he doesn’t stop dancing I don’t think he cares about the clip right now he’s just that stoked and that’s very impressive when you see someone getting actually pitted at sunet beach in the bow with all that back wash and how much control

He had that just shows that board is very stable in his foot and he drove through that very nicely that was impressive from ITA um The Wave before just going a little bit under um what he his requirement was to better his second lowest or second best score a

597 but Joe I think this one is going to look good for him just a very tall wave very calm on the bottom right here setting up very nicely getting deep going through that Chandelier and actually um backing it up with a nice Strong finish right there well Red Wave

One more look here from the channel check this chandelier out like he completely disappears as so hard for you to handle all that water coming down on you and basically you’re not seeing your exit it’s just everything is feeling right there and for him to actually be

Able to adapt um move his foot backwards again after the barrel and put that extra combination and put a turn down that was very impressive from it gosh that must have felt amazing for there haven’t been a lot of those big wide open pits today and just due to his

Positioning and such a great read he now turns in a seven on that last wave Fred Rico now needs a 756 to avoid elimination yeah and that was under priority too like I don’t know where um federo was sitting but that’s definitely a good front side wave even more because

A barrel here usually easier to identify um because you’re not with your back um against a back like you’re facing the back of the wave so Ito was kind of a um taking advantage of that moment and capitalized seven-point right it’s looking tricky now for kers with 25 seconds left Fredo

Maras doesn’t want to go home just yet the next stop of the tour is in Portugal but he’s hoping that he can really capitalize on what would be a marked event for him have a ton of success throws Down The Arc in the foamy face and punches out the lip

Line Kish going for one more chips it down the stretch and he will fade on the final turn a valiant effort for Fredo to try to turn things on EO on his last chance we’re watching for Aon now right away and we’ve run out of time in heat seven

This one after the horn for icho so his scores are already in it’s just coming down to fredrico’s last wave yeah man I know he um he put a lot of effort into that wave um with his back against the wall as well a lot of pressure he knows

Are important that heat is um a lot of points should be gained mostly cuz he had a slow start at pipeline so this is a wave that suits his surfing very well that was a very good way for for for kikas I’m I’m not sure where it’s going

I think it’s going to be under um he needed maybe a little bit to be a little bit more critical and it wasn’t anything against what he did is just what the wave um gave him as an opportunity we’ll see how the judges react anytime they

Take their time then you know it’s going to be close now look at the replays they’ve already had their their first initial reaction they never want to lose that first reaction upstairs so they’ll always write down a score immediately and then then start going to the replays and making their

Comparisons currently they have the seven that EO got the barrel to wrap as the high single score Fredo would have to be better than that so they’ll start there with a comparison yeah I think they’re just going to look over at the whole heat see

Those best um two waves of each of them and as much as it’s a hard job for them to do it right now cuz it might be a close call it’s simple in their head like who won that heat you know know he came down to the L wave and they just

Got to decide that pretty much and you’d think if Kish isn’t making at least the quarters here it’s a it’s a serious missed opportunity for his campaign on tour this year this is the part of pro surfing where Fredo’s just waiting in anticipation for his Destiny P too getting the seven you see

How important that wave was now big Power hooks maybe more of a traditional type of looking wave that Fredo turned in compared to the the backend Barrel work from EO but the barrels are insane numbers are in now for maras and just like he thought they’re just under 6.4 not enough and

He’ll take an equal ninth as he heads back home to Europe yeah I think it just needed a little bit more of an opportunity of a critical section for him to really put the exclamation point and um have to judg us but they he got

The judges sing he had a great heat so far and he should be stoked heading into Portugal heat alone now takes a moment to himself in the Red Bull athlete Zone fired off with so much passion flowing through his veins heat Al low into the quarterfinals we’ll be right back with

The conclusion of heat 16 number eight right after This for coming up very soon on the 805 post show we’re going to break down some big quarterfinal matchups especially a huge one with Jordy versus John but plenty more in the finals day bracket also go over to today’s best Heats and also lead up to the cup noodles wave of the day

Who is it going to be as we still have some time on the clock to finish up the round of 16 so many Sensational moments and a wild challenging wlly lineup and you know Kelly loves making an 805 po show see if he ends up there because we

Had some fireworks from Jake Marshall as well picking off one of the most special Sunset waves today with four big Maneuvers as we just focus in on a quiet lineup now just number-wise it’s just Jack and Jake taking us home to wrap up the last he of the round of

16 as we see Jack calling for the water Patrol Jesse Mendes is taking a quick break inviting in Felicity pal Mater we got some wa Vibes in the water and now here on set as well flick how’s your day oh my day is been great it’s been so

Much action I’ve had a couple of emergency naps as we look at Jack just free falling out of the lip there but yeah it’s been a big day I’ve had to have a couple of emergency naps gosh how cool is that just slowing down that move from Jack jumping over at

Waterfall ends up St confident riding out in front so well done for Jack I’ve seen him take emergency naps in the Red Bull athlete Zone before and I thought his coach and probably of his best friends matd benrose was just kind of throwing me off a little bit and he’s

Like no watch Jack can fall asleep anywhere who’s crowded there’s conversations around him and he can just go into this really quiet place and actually catch up on some sleep look I I can relate I can relate I think you’ve just got to take the Naps where you can

Get them sometimes and we’ve had a couple of big days in a row I don’t think ELO’s ever taken a nap I’m not sure we’ll find out here’s AJ certainly not sleeping right now the emotion coming from EO Ferrera after having to wait to find out what that

Last score was going to be what was going through your head after that heat I don’t know that was like a lot of things going on you know and um The Wave is still like big and so hard to find like a good wall and stay on a peak you

Know and yeah and when I saw like Fred on the last one I was like please no and um and then he missed like one of the first one that I gave like seven like I think seven points my last one and I was like turn the hit a little bit

More and I was like and I saw him on the next one I was like oh my God it’s going to be kind of like a good one but I saw like the white water like on a channel I was like okay I don’t know let’s see and

U yeah but a lot of emotions you know and like had like the scores and you’re waiting like for someone you know and um but yeah I’m so happy to U make uh one more heat and um yeah I’m so glad as you should be already locked in your best

Result here at Sunset just by making it to the quarterfinals to finals day how does that just resonate with you after everything you went through at the end of last season uh yeah um it’s a for sure it’s a good result but I’m still in the game you know and that is something

A lot of on on a game you know and um I’m super confident and start to Ser a little a little better and make um good calls on a on a waves you know and um yeah so so St as you should be got a Ben congratulations see you in the

Quarters yeah thank you see you guys well done Ito Ferrera he is now the only Brazilian left in the draw as he’s into the quarterfinals and we saw the Brazilians not make the quarterfinals at pipe and that’s been the theme for now a very long time you know even before Gabe

One in 2014 the whole topic of that storm things just changing at the start of this season and we’ll we’ll see how it ends up as we continue through 2024 sure I think it’s it’s definitely been an interesting start of the year I mean obviously Baron getting that win up pipe

And it was super emotional he’s in the final with JN John’s John’s come back I feel like he’s re re uh he’s just got a different sort of mindset he’s energized he’s not injured at the moment and as we look out the back iing that takeoff and

Getting a little Giddy Up is Jack Robinson that layback Finn Fang right off the lip looked radical it could have been a rad cover shot just stylish some water going off the tail great great maneuver oh that was wonderful love to see it and it was super critical it was

On a really tall wave and Jack just really putting it all in the line going to that Lake a back hack probably saw John do it and do it really well to the point of uh single two single wave um Maneuvers and getting through with yeah just that one turn scor scoring

Excellent for one turn which is just Bonkers oh Bonkers John does that turn a lot for the good call it’s and it’s so scorable the way they do it as we take a look from this angle yeah this is this moment right here big wave drops that wallet reaches back and absolutely nails

That turn here here as we get to see it from this other angle it’s just so beautiful to watch and so critical and just how much whip he gets off the top there I mean he came sort of a bit slower into this maneuver here through

The bottom turn but right as he pivots up in the lip there he jams it so hard lays that back arm back in the water sends so much spray flying shades of John John I love that and they’ve got a great relationship lot of respect for each other Jack and John

Have filmed some movie Parts together and they want to meet up at some point in this event as we go to the Pacifico fan picks Jack Robinson heavily favored 86% of you saying the Jack will end up moving on to the quarterfinals I think 14% saw Jake’s performance in the

Previous round for sure I mean dropping a ninepoint ride it it was beautiful to watch those big four maneuvers uh on just such a clean-faced wave and yeah got to take my hat off to Jake I mean obviously highest wave score of the day and yeah beautiful surfing and he’s

Already got dropped a seven-point ride in this heat so at the moment just chasing a six-point ride to uh get the lead here over Jack so Jake being very patient at the start of this heat he’s been managing his energy so well he hasn’t taken any unnecessary rides so his efficiency has

Been really solid only three looks in this match up but still has the highest single score where Jack had to hustle a little bit he’s had some wipeouts as well he’s kind of leaned back went over the falls almost lost his jersey again so he’s really had to work for his

Numbers as Jake’s just chasing a 6.0 for sure I mean jck really sort of manufactured these scores I mean sort of just listening to what John was saying uh in his post interview he sort of realized that okay maybe I have to adapt here and instead of looking for waves

Where I can get those two turns I can just look for waves where I can get that one big money moment and I can get those scores and I guess Jack sort of doing got this similar sort of approach right now he is really going to work and uh

You know he’s had a few wipeouts and a few you know smaller scores whereas I mean good thing for Jake though right now other side of the coin is knowing okay well there’s been John do it he got you know he got an amazing couple of scores for just the one maneuver Jack’s

Just done it so there’s no reason why Jake can’t sit out there right now and with 7 minutes on the clock get that priority and just drop the wallet and get a big score exactly flick seven on the clock Robinson still leads jack’s first CT event he was just

13 years of age and got called up as a wild card that’s how talented he was as a just a prodigy from wa he got kind of smoked in that heat with Kelly back in that era he was just a little kid you know competing and Kelly was at

The top of his powers at the time but he got to mix it up in the the big locker room and people were just counting the days after that and it didn’t happen overnight you know it wasn’t like he was getting on tour and huge results at 16117 it came a little bit

Later but it just I think all that time was worth it everything he’s learned along the way to really be more prepared than ever for that rookie debut where he turned in a championship tour victory in Mexico for sure I think Jack’s one of those kids when he was growing up that exactly

Took the words out of my mouth he’s he was a prodigy and there was a lot of hype around Jack for for years you know and he’s just traveled all over the world from such a young age and you know his dad just filming him and constantly

Just being so involved and you know Jack Jack was talked about for such a long time and then he sort of got onto the qualifying series there and sort of had a few slower years and was finding it hard to find the flow and then and you

Know something just clicked and all of a sudden Jack made the tour and yeah like you said in that rookie year turning in that win uh in Mexico which was super exciting to see cuz at that point it kind of was like oh he’s not he might

Not make the tour of it next year if he doesn’t get that win so it was super important as we see locking into this one is Jack trying to keep his lead over Jake Marshall nice S turn back into the pocket now layback finishing move once again it’s

Been a reliable maneuver for him in Sunset Beach history when he won the World Cup used that type of turn quite a bit and also W a sunset open before that now 5 minutes to go wow he’s going to roll right onto the sled well

Done oh that was that was money I think John did a good one today but I think that was better so you know he’s done this a lot a lot of time on skis and the Hawaiian water Patrol doing a great job it’s kind of a part of Jack’s program

Yeah jumping off skis and stepping off into Great Waves what did you see here I saw shades of when Jack won at Margaret River I am feeling like he’s finding the flow these big layback hacks that he’s just so easily riding out of and he’s to me it looks like he’s finding this

Momentum at pipe obviously he didn’t get the start he wanted but right now he looks fired up and it was in the final I think it was with John right in the final at Margaret River and I’m just seeing shades of that now just in that last those last couple of waves that

Jack put together who I mean yeah shades of Margaret river that right-hander and just Jack going to town kind of went punk rock in that final too remember just doing big old punts kind of went you least expected he kind of Switched gears better than JN did in that finals

Day that was huge for for all of Margaret River Region all in the bluff there just cheering on the hometown hero to Victory and Jack kind of showed us that he didn’t have to have his seats at the Box you know he could get it done at

Main brick as well for sure and I think it was really cool to see him go to that sort of progressive style and just be like right I know this wave I know this endsection I’m going to go to the air here and winning at home is a hard thing

To do especially when there’s obviously Jack’s grown up there there’s so many people in westos obviously on that clear for watching him supporting him have known him since he was literally you know 5 years old and been watching his career over all those years so lot of

Pressure and expectation and to get the job done uh was really special so cool those Hometown stories Jack’s got one of them on the positive side like you said it could also add more pressure than you ever like certain personalities love it like her good friend Laura aner if she

Had like eight or 10 events at home she definitely would have a ton of world titles you know from how social she is and how much she loves her local crew she won ra Junior title there she won the Australian Open down the stretch in

Manley as we look at 2:30 to go on the clock and last of Jack Robinson 783 wave previous 683 so he keeps just adding new Keepers as he’s growing in this heat total opposite approach from Jake just drop an anchor basically after that seven uh but now he needs more 767 as

Jack continues to improve yeah Jack is improving with with every score out here and yeah it’s really good to see I I just I just can’t keep think I can’t stop thinking about I just feel like he’s finding his rhythm and he’s looking really really shooted and kind of been

Wondering I mean what happens when he takes off on his next wave I I just think if he gets another opportunity I think we’re just going to see him go even harder and but in saying that Jake sitting at the back he’s got priority he has dropped that highest wave score of

The day we know he’s definitely capable and really it’s just going to come down to what this ocean provides and if there is going to be another R of the dice for Jake he currently needs that 7.67 yeah such a great Point flick it’s like you got priority you’ve had a great start

You’re sticking to your game plan but for a guy like Jack Robinson who’s a world title threat the last thing you want to do is let him just have the whole lineup to really warm up and turn in better and better numbers and it’s it’s exactly what he’s

Been doing it’s h going to be decision time though for Jake as every time you look out to see it’s just big white water balls coming in every single Direction but Marshall’s been Stellar at picking the right ones today for sure I think I just keep you know the the ocean

Go quiet for I don’t know 20 minutes I’m like oh maybe that swell is easing a and then all of a sudden I think that or I say that and then there’s just been this gigantic set and the guys have been getting cleaned up through that lineup and just on that treadmill getting

Pushed around it’s been the biggest game of cat and mouse today all about positioning and just really I guess sort of watermanship skills but also just having a roll of the dice because I mean sometimes you take off and just having a look and you know is this going to eventuate into

Something good as we see out the back now chiping into this wave Jake Marshall spent a long time waiting this one starting off real flat but will it start to double up looks like it will chick chipping off a couple of carves nice clean one in the pocket

Another midface W he needs a 767 and this one is just going into full water and didn’t quite get the lip he was hoping for so it looked promising when it started to grow a bit but didn’t quite give him those critical sections that that he was hoping for no that one

Just didn’t really hit the raef ride it it just ran out to the channel kind of looked like for a second there we’re going to see that w stand up as we see a bit of a Victory lap for back but yeah that that one just didn’t quite hit that

Reef right and yeah Jack just went from strength to strength from that he yeah just the game plan of staying active and maybe it was because Jake parked it Robinson adapted and just kept building on his numbers throwing away a 617 high score 783 and Jake just shown a little bit of

Frustration there after what was a brilliant start to the heat with a seven and just waiting till the end didn’t pay off this time yeah he sort of just dropped anchor there there a bit obviously got that seven straight up great score and yeah seen those scores sort of come through

Now tough one for Jake but he put his mark on this wave once again he’s had some big moments out here earlier today he got that crazy one into the nines it’ll be Jack Robinson recovering well from an early loss at Pipeline and now moving on to the quarterfinals to take

On Ito Ferrer and they’ve had some wild ones in the past looking forward to see how that one plays out Jake will take an equal ninth here and now prepare for the third stop of the season in Portugal a country that’s given him a lot of Great

Moments in his career let’s stay tuned for all the great highlights of a big Sunday here on the 805 post show with kpo Jesse and Felicity paler For [Applause] [Applause] W welcome to the 805 post show here at the hurle pro Sunset Beach day number two of competition our men’s finals day are all set we got through 24 Heats today the round of 32 the round of 16 Jack Robinson we’re going to see him on

Finals day we got a lot to unwrap for you here on the 805 post show thank you for joining us KY Guerrero along with luy paler Jesse Mendes and I’m to start with you Jesse um we had some highlights today we had some difficult big Sunset but we end up having some great

Highlights definitely um it was excited to watch actually my favorite of the day was um Jake Marshall even though he lost on that last um heat he was just in very good um sink with the ocean he identified good waves and he was surfing so solid and smooth I was excited to

Watch him surf today your thoughts for it oh there was so many amazing moments from wipe outs to just those single maneuver waves that I saw put together and Jack in that last Heat just yeah that they were W moments for me and yeah there was plenty of them today we’re

Going to see Jack Robinson on finals day he’ll be in quarterfinal number four but let’s hear from Jack he’s with AJ McCord on the glass thanks so much kypo a massive Heat win here for you jack to punch your ticket to the quarterfinals and that heat it seemed like you just

Built momentum every single wave that you caught what did you learn on each wave to help build of those final two scores oh man I just had to keep trying and just keep trying it was like actually maybe one of the hardest Heats of surfed in a long time I just felt

Like I was going to spew the whole heat um because I just took so many wipe outs in the one before and then I ate a bunch of not didn’t eat a bunch of food but I had a bunch of snacks and bunched them all together and it was like I was like

Like spewing up a little bit every time I’ve ped out and then uh and I just kept telling myself like oh you’re going to get a rest tomorrow but now I just this is what I live for you got to do it and did it you you did do it Jack especially

That 783 there to wrap things up walk us through just how you were able to get that score yeah well uh sunset’s crazy because Jake actually got pushed in by the set and then I didn’t have priority and I got back out and uh the wave came

To me when it cleaned up so uh yeah it’s just Sunset kind of dishes out unpredictable sets and you never know what’s coming but you did a good job today navigating that onto finals day at quarterfinals coming up next for you how do you regroup get ready for that um

Just take a couple days off maybe yeah sleep a lot and yeah chill with the baby huh chill with the family so yeah I’m chilling I’m happy happy to get through that one as you should be congratulations Jack thank you thanks there you go Jack Robinson onto finals

Day Jack’s going to meet up with Italo Ferrera in quarterfinal number four as we look forward to finals day Italo Ferrera gang came through his heat he had a challenge in the way of Fredo maras who’s been on point let’s take a look at EO and Fred Rico in their match

Up Ito taking out a win there Fred with the start Jesse yeah that was actually a very tight heat all the way through the end um Fred was surfing very solid he’s usually pretty good here but um the difference on the heat was actually this wave right here oh maybe not this one

This is the one that eel actually did a big cck right um about now an air droing falling off the sky but the difference point on this heat in my opinion was just EO finding that Barrel the two bride and finish it up this is what I’m talking about nice

Barrel right there for him coming out a lot of chandelier musle through it and finish it off strong Italo Ferrer with a seven-point rod a 6.23 that was enough to defeat Fredo moras but this 6.4 great effort click yeah I mean he definitely had throw everything he haded

It at the end here and uh sort of was left in the channel wondering have I got the score or have I not got the score here but he had Great Moments throughout the day but you could really see how much this meant to Italo and especially

How how how much it meant to him in that posted video was fired up a relieved Italo Ferrera taking a look at the numbers there that earned him a spot on finals day Fredrico maras leaving Sunset with a equal Ninth Place and he’s going to be on home grounds stop number three

When the tour continues on in Portugal at Super tuos that was a great heat my favorite heat of the day though was just watching John John Florence like do his thing oh that heat was spectacular it was my favorite heat of the day as well we were

Recalling it together and he just kept going from strength to strength I mean usually you see this just on a social media clip but we got to see it in real life in this hate just him absolutely going to town he spoke about having to adjust his strategy here when he was

Just trying to look for these single maneuver waves and knowing that he could get those scores as high as he did I mean one of those scores coming through at a 7.83 and then backed it up on the very next wave with an 8.23 that turn right there just for one maneuver 8.23

Fin bending layback hack from John John Florence poopo did try to fight back in this heat but just couldn’t come things weren’t going as way Jesse yeah definitely not as you can see right there he was looking at a very good score if he had landed probably the most

Critical turn of the day but just air dropping out of the sky and yeah not going his way let’s look at the numbers here for John John Florence notice that 8.23 the 8.23 when we talk about the career of John John Florence that is his 373rd excellent score in his career on

The championship tour that’s going to make for an exciting finals day as we look at our finals day bracket flick any of these quarterfinals stand out to you as a mustat w i mean they’re all absolute great Heats but for me the John John Jordy one I just feel

Like those two guys have been have got momentum carrying it from pipe John obviously coming off the back of a second he’s looking on fire here but coming up really in coming up against a really inform Jordi Smith let’s see as a setup for that quarterfinal number two

John John Florence at his surfing he’s a past champ over here John John and so is Jesse Jordy Smith so it’s going to be the battle of the past Champs in quarterfinal number two that’s exactly what I was going to mention both of them have won beer before um they’re surfing

Very critical and clean and identifying good waves is going to be a good battle love that take a look at this quarterfinal heat three flick Australian Friendly Fire is going to happen here Liam O’Brien coming up against Ryan cam for sure and uh yeah the regular footer

Vers Ryan being the goofy so there’s going to be that point of difference there which I really like I was so impressed with Liam surfing today though he just just I spoke to him before and he said Oh no I got lucky and I was like

I don’t think so mate I think you were making your own luck out there you just look like you just found these waves where you just surfing was just silky smooth but he’s got his work cut out for him because he’s coming up against a really informed Ryan Khan and on his

Backand he’s got that point of difference and he’s able to get so tight and vertical in the pocket yeah that’s what going to be one to watch I mean all the quarterfinals are going to be great we it’s been a great competition so far and in great competitions come Great Waves Jesse a

Cup noodle wave of the day talk us through this wave right here and that’s my pick of the day this guy was just in so much sink and identifying the best wave that came all day long beautiful wave I love that fade that he did right

There just able to get very vertical on that second turn and carve through it can down carve so much driveth through def F and he’s not going to finish he just finished it up right there with a huge turn and a 9.17 that is our cup noodle wave of the

Day uh Jake Marsh that was around the 32 unfortunately for Jake uh he was eliminated in round the 16 by Jack Robinson he’ll walk away from Sunset with an equal ninth well flick I think we should take a look at um at what the future has for us our surf line forecast

And how’s the rest of the event when they’re going to play out got some action up in the Pacific yeah we do I mean this is a beautiful satellite image right here that’s that big swirl that we just saw that very large northwell peaked early and then today we just saw

The brunt of that but it did drop off ever so slightly throughout the day uh but yeah it was just so hard for the guys out there but that they still there was still amazing moments and they made the best of that wild woly Sunset looking towards the future Jesse looks

Like we got some cleaner longer period SW definitely looks more favorite throughout um the end of the window right there we have some days with a Northwest swell which is more favorable and good conditions notice we’re looking Tuesday through Thursday the comp is off on Monday due to Northshore permit rules

It’s a US President’s Day so but we’re going to bring you some Raw Holiday free surf sessions right here from Sunset they going to be kind of raw and unut it’s going to be really fun 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Hawaii Standard Time and uh you can catch that on world surf

League YouTube as well as we’ll see you tomorrow morning with that just to give you a treat of the free surf session here at sunset on that President’s holiday time for our top five moments of the day flick as much as uh top five it’s going

To be the wife outs right I mean as much as they suck if you’re a surfer but we love to watch them and it definitely makes for entertaining viewing and there was a lot of them today that bottom of that wave just really dropping out just

Some people copping the lip to the Head we just these guys are going to need a chiropractic adjustment that’s what a lot I have to say no doubt about it that was a hack of the day and we saw a lot of drummer go down and this is what we

Kind of expect here at Sunset big turns and big wipeouts number four Kelly Slater Jesse check out this carving 360 yeah that’s just so impressive it’s such a hard wave to hit the lip and actually do a 360 off that that was amazing from Kelly he was stoked on that he didn’t

Get the score but still got to make the top five of the day this later always amazing number three Griffin Cola Pinto Friendly Fire against Cade man that was behind his whole heat and then this nine-point ride happened yeah it was sort of big mistake by Kade he basically gave this wave to

Griff and Griff really converted with this big nine-point ride came shooting out of the B went straight up into that heavy section hit the lip and he knew it big claim and yeah Cade I mean it was big mistake that Griff just capitalized on it and he said it was hard obviously

Coming up against his good mate there um yeah really difficult number two Jesse we’re going to see it again the 9.17 from Jake Marshall yeah we can’t get I can’t get over that fade that he had after the first turn just positioning himself in the perfect spot for the huge

Carve he had and just comboing it up no downtime just rail to rail the whole time just solid surfing for Jake and getting rewarded the best wave of the day as you see right here look at this face boom just I’m identifying that critical section but he was a little bit ahead so

Just wiping off some speed and putting himself in the perfect spot to just finish off the wave strong beautiful surfing for J proving he is a great Sunset Surfer number one the only excellent heat so far in competition John John Florence goes 16.06 two-wave total his 155th excellent heat in his career rear

Flick look at this wham bam thank you ma’am I will take that two single turn maneuver waves drops an excellent score seven uh seven point r on one and then drops excellent score on the second one just showing so much variation so much power so much control as well and he

Going into finals day is going to be definitely the pick to beat good stuff thank you flick thank you Jesse remember tomorrow morning we’re going to have the holiday free surf session the Raw uncut free surf Session 8 to 11:00 a.m. Hawaii time YouTube channel for World surf league

And and check into Tuesday the 20th for the call for next day’s competition enjoy the day and highlights and Aoha 3620 remaining On W Four This copyrighted event broadcast is produced by the world surf league for broadcast around the world and may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the written consent of the world surf League


  1. Get rid of this rubbish wave and put gland back on the tour They are unlucky last year but if they get some good swell there it will be the best waves all year

  2. I gave 7.0 for KS. Had any other of these competitors did the same…..these wsl judges would have handed out 7s and 8s.

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