Golf Players

The Good Good Desert Open: Hole 12 Coverage & Other Highlights

Gavin Parker’s tee off- 00:50
Mr Short Game- 02:22
Divot Dudes long putt- 04:38
Hailey Ostrom & Sara Winter- 08:27
Mei Brennan & Hannah Leiner- 08:34
Ben Kruper’s tee off- 14:12
Meeting Bubbie Golf- 15:56
Eric Sim’s putt with a baseball bat- 17:34
Martin Borgmeier fan pic- 19:49
DOD King fan pic- 21:46
Meeting AJ Pujols- 22:45
Ben Hadden’s long putt- 26:53
Daltoosh’s tee off- 33:06
Bustajack picture- 36:12
Frankie Borelli’s tee off- 37:20
Bryan Bros’ tee off- 48:10
Mr Short Game again- 50:22
Grant’s long putt- 52:24
Grant signs a fan’s hat- 54:37
Meeting Grant Horvat- 58:41

Yeah 11 or something oh sorry And there’s a hole there there’s a ball there that there before it over there someone hit it oh my god oh oh my Gosh come back keep going keep Going let’s go Nice Shot honestly have okay [Applause] wow what did C say to the Golf Galaxy you guys we got the lawn seating what are you talking about top rope yeah I don’t know what I was thinking yeah the one out there what’s up man hey let’s go

Yeah guys nice shot thank you thank that was gorgeous boys nice shot gav yeah what is this an ultra C someone’s try to make a hole in one of their own put it in the Track oh that’s his son it’s his this cameraman is his son That’s know his shot yeah it really been that long do it do it do it [Applause] Oh that one’s good he’s going to mark It give me come on now no let’s see it why are we marking what the f He used his putter oh my gosh [Applause] Nice the B oh not even my bad nice nice punt that bot cap up yes sir baby he said that even close right there hey how are we doing so far we’re having a great time yeah minus one fact do these golfs have lights wa they got headlights on there

Yes oh very nice how far is this one I just it’s a short one boys it’s a short one it’s a short one for sure little shorty yeah it’s a shorty it looks super good actually to zoom I got you brother got P the rer too1 that’s a short one it’s definitely

A short one all right see what happens holy Mama nice I’m tracking It but that was short got it’s not bad I’m not on but I’m here Oh I thought that was you that’s con one of these they’re already Done I they switch it the for the tournament just because they wanted can I take you [Applause] din I’m take that as dang God that really rolled out nice spot nice [Applause] Punt there’s the the Din next one next Oney get up There that really left that was not really left whoa oh nice good Shots maybe I told look got Theo H like collabor or whatever yeah actually get it over Nice got to clean that I’m going sh oh really oh oh it’s rolling towards me oh my gosh let’s go meet them where they going perfect heads up oh no oh jeez uhoh oh come on man what the [ __ ] yeah let’s go Ben it right [Applause] I thought I heard try to spend just come On thanks oh he has one of those Putters oh my god get the Hole went it’s fine a lot too many what’s up guys hey bubby everybody this is hey Bubby really good night [Laughter] yeah such a good guy good Guy yeah I think so yeah no dude I know I like I said second win for sure come on oh my [Applause] [Laughter] gosh no dingers today Eric the bat the bat is so good you play baseball shut the [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] yeah third show them how baseball does nice nice say too bad you should ask Dad if he wants Trevor bers oh yeah if you had a a baseball card for

Him hey y’ are up top be tell him that we just it’s coming no too much I was like I know I’m kind of looking for one up in the air cuz I think I hit an eight IR oh my God I’m tracking it oh my God that was so perfect he was a VI he was part of that boys it was a great shot just off YouTube how about that let’s make a hey dra baby drain It secure mascul I used to try I tried to C her cloes Tce I Knew oh dude that when you hit that got that Bottle have it C you have to market for some reason give me those hit it a driver they’re not wrong let’s go make a hole in one Martin that’s really we got a three only driver boss that was our first in a one out to the Skyline for might might have

To you good back there all right let’s go some more liquid I think I remember I made yeah I made like in there too I think it was no it was it was a Danny oh was it Danny yeah that’s right oh another oh my

Gosh what’s I was only like I was only like 135 in and I hit a pitching wedge and I left it short those are probably the two worst Fairways right now is home seven and n and I made like I made like a 75t oh my god oh it’s coming

Back look at that roll back five five I drove the green five at Longville thank you thanks thanks how you guys doing good a what’s up how are you Val I’m like Elliot and I think like my age that’s so funny like is in your age we’re the same I’m just Like dang oh I keep forgetting you’re up 3 I’m yeah I’m the same as you yeah those are definitely their cars D AJ you better make this go AJ jeez dude holy Lord teasing him oh I love this he looked over just in time they were talking about like 22 million a

Year something you got to give he’s going to get something I’ll take Ste he’s one of those players you like solid right man it’s interesting girlfriend here in the future just like oh look at this oh yeah that’s good oh get down more oh damn going to roll into the green

This a hard hole that’s still really nice honest this actually SE Josh Kelly guy with the colorful sweater jacket yeah yeah hoodie yeah oh nice [Applause] chip oh mama out Yeah get in [Applause] no need one took all day we still suck wow what are you shooting so I wa to see the scores is it on the Stream oh oh wow look going straight up y yeah these are all o Ni Wow good roll TD F that call up killer oh no bounce no bounce that was wow were good looks like it’s going out the P wow they like that left side oh the hole in one I’m going to miss it the hole one everybody Daniel R Daniel or out cute s Down there not too shabby dude she just came amazing nice go in the hook nice which way is it this way I think I’m not sure I’ve run behind I’m rolling it okay mess up hell Sh oh nice side was me left well that looked yeah straight out it it [Applause] Happen what a shot TCH thanks man that was incredible touchi that was yours yeah somehow new sponsor just film whatever got to get the spray you know what I’m saying I’m work you get one of me and Scott yes sir Scott and then me and Sarah as well CU she wants text she

Won’t say it cuz she’s too drunk she wants oh no no he wants him too he’s too drunk he won’t say it the truth comes out exactly exactly thank you thank you guys yeah all right I’ll try oh my gosh Oh yeah oh yeah you’re the one I hear it okay you oh he’s vaping blue big old [Applause] cloud go nice moves alarm oh sleep on those he’s going to try again they go down this and they go back there that’s your gu WECT we’re trying to go top five we’re

Trying to get a little top five make it happen guys yeah looking good is fine Nice we know we know we’re better than this me I look in the mirror every morning part three are the hardest holes to score in golf Yeah all right nice nice that looks good holy [ __ ] oh man dang oh my god wow that was so close holy [ __ ] that was my that oh my holy crap that was insanely closer than it ended up right like it land almost right next to it then it spun a little bit away

Me are you kidding me it wasn’t me go in your home do that dud that’s what the [ __ ] oh my god dude yeah awesome shot man are you kidding me paig is this what hole is this Paige good shot man I said it that was insanely close like we’re not going crazy enough for have no dude yeah beautiful birdie that’s an inch ranking please be on that one it’s on your wife dog 3 in looks like I know 3 in looks like Frank oh my God you me stress

There say 10 13 come on whatever whatever [Applause] the adrenaline on that one huh oh right Here uh we are one over okay we’re just grinding you know Boyd let’s get under got a couple holes to get under get that hole in one you’re already teasing it oh they had the whole thing dance good job yeah honestly you guys will be in the top probably like top

Three top five or something I hope so gled for it good [ __ ] right great congr yeah all right good come on P pretty [Applause] all The for the I watch for the gol go going to be even after this hole either way they’re suck oh I think I I’m tracking it I see it I see it oh oh that oh I’m tracking it I’m doing it again all right nice nice oh oh no oh No I think it’s uhoh we going to get hit short short and one arm who shot first did they really they SPM back off so uh is that I thought it was more left than thaty what I was like I was like why does this look to familiar like the hoodie threw

Me off then I was like I heard the voice I was like dang it Sean oh hit the F oh my gosh my goodness damn another Close o Embarrassing chip Nice Shot nice shot me oh I think we have two left I’m not sure it’s all right more I know see much everyone trying to least the good good guy yeah 300 right now got to make a couple yeah no problem thanks for coming out hope you’re having fun sir little warmer there’s a hole behind I’ll tell

Them Mar [Laughter] really a little onew finish Bud onew finish go I think it’s a guy I got you Ashton g b Cooper what’s the number0 this is what the card says I don’t know that’s what it is I’m going to go like a five how about a one how about a

One that’s right we Are didn’t leave the and then you didn’t it like I three times sheeps Right yeah oh my gosh oh that long oh no Wow nice yeah yeah I was tracking that too so that was the one time I saw him come left here and I got a little scared I was like oh was that coming at us know short yeah’s mat prob m where you guys at uh we need to birdie

To the house not not not good enough [Laughter] but Mr a short game hey you still here man how you doing doing really Well leg rub it out I didn’t trying to find come on get in do it Jeez come on let’s see it baby let’s go Matt give the people what they want I’m trying H come on got to get past the hole oh get in he did it no way that’s [Applause] amazing hey let’s go got bir here he missed hey W short pter wedge come on get good poor George [Applause] we need This really all right got we got it we got oh Uh we are nice War out here I don’t know far bring all my hey if you need to put your order in it’s right there gr oh shoot you can order right now fourth meal oh hey you are dial dude I like all those markers 111 okay what’s what’s 10 Max that short by like 100 yards are you out of your mind an abute chunk monster God I love [Laughter] that I mean you could have put it further than that really hey you got a great one to look at here great look 40 yard I’ve already missed the great lach from this Distance why is it cutting so much stop the wind said hello I think the it kind of ched it chumped it a little bit I’m going be honest wa that’s another mystery wait we have I we’ got another mystery no way we’ve got there’s something I swear I don’t know what it is this what I do all the time play I play gun are actually scar me there’s something on The that’s another am I that’s impressive you hit the ball so good we’re sticking everything 600 in the clubhouse come on Grant come on Grant not eliminated what’s everyone else we made it to the last hole and we still chance that far Wesley Wesley Hey Wesley how far is it

68 hey Grant’s it going man it’s going really really really well good to see you o sorry brother T careful Co nice holy crap it’s close that’s really nice holy [ __ ] sounded really good oh way back There I mean this would be the sick this would be the sickest oh my goodness that is that is so long wow sound good though doy do you just like he’s got like layers Wow Oh wow oh my gosh oh my go yeah we were like nobody into it like everyone we were and then it started running out of H like well you guys were I thought you guys were to make no dude I’m like I Said I’ve seen and done everything I need Oh

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