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What Is The Bears Next Move After Cutting Eddie Jackson & Cody Whitehair

In this episode the guys discuss what position the Bears should be looking to add in FA with the now 3rd most cap space in the NFL!

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Welcome to the Chicago Bears podcast a presentation of ESPN Chicago Chicago’s home for sports here’s your host Pat the Designer B on Bears fans the week comes to a conclusion but the news does not stop with the Chicago Bears and we got the good kid here John yist react to all of it how you feeling good today you’re good today little Friday action Friday Friday’s a great day Frid Friday night

Like for the good kid right now where’s the Vib I got the daughter’s coming back from school so I’ll be I’ll be cooking some vles and stuff so it’ll be a night at the house making sure that everything is set for the little dish that I’m

Going to have prepared so and it’s the first Friday and lent so this meal that I’m cooking tonight is actually for tomorrow so I’ll probably pick some fish up you know some Lake Perch and uh we’ll we’ll have some fun at the house tonight all right sounds like a good time can’t

Never go wrong with a little fun at the house I’m a homebody guy yeah I’m a home body guy I like to sit in the house Liquor’s cheaper I used to be a body guy forever yeah everything’s good you don’t spend no money at home there’s a couple

Of guys who the Bears let go uh there may be homebody guys coming up I don’t I don’t think that for real I think Bojack probably gets back in the league Cody might it might be his time though but the Bears making some moves yesterday to

Free up some cap space we got to start there what were your thoughts when you saw Eddie Jackson and Cody white hair cut yesterday I think Cody was expected more so than anybody but Bojack did not have a great showing last season football-wise well anytime your contract

Gets up there in the money and the play doesn’t signify or relate with where the money’s at at that point uh then you’ve got to make adjustments those two names that were released yesterday were not a shock to me they weren surprising at all matter of fact going into the end of the

Season you’re looking okay where you going to be able to find your funds uh 69 obviously we’re going to stay 33 you’ve got to pay so that money that you’ve got for um Eddie Jackson who had a pro bowl career ended up signing a contract extension deserve the money

That he got but at the end of the day he wasn’t playing to the level uh that he had played to earlier in his career and that’s just the way the cookie crumbles in the NFL yeah so that money is going to be utilized for number 33 and uh he

Hadn’t won hell of a years so congratulations to him yeah 21.6 Milli just just slide that right over just you could have direct deposited and straight into his bank you can do it any way you want but yeah Jaylen Johnson’s gonna is GNA be the guy that that money’s Z Mark

Too and Cody white here we all saw you know anytime you you you’re a skilled player it’s a law diminishing returns yeah you get up there you do the rise rise rise you plateau you plateau when when it starts to go bad it goes bad fast and for Cody whiteair that’s where

It ended up it ended up going bad fast for Miss year so that’s another what $14 million you get back there oh yeah so I I mean that it all makes sense there’s nothing shocking that happened yesterday uh you’ve got a young uh 29’s your other

Corner uh you know I said six and nine you got another uh rookie Corner that had to play this year because the injury yeah so I I think you’re still set at the defensive back position and you acquire young Talent you develop young talent and then eventually when you’ve

Got to make decisions on guys that are highly paid you make a decision on them you move on from them that’s just the way the NFL works yeah uh there should be other names in addition to this list that’s already been out there there should be other names or guys that are

Just going to I guess become free agents on March 13 that hopefully uh you get you know you get some some more cap relief that way you can do some stuff in free agency hopefully you’ve got a wealth of uh football history in that brain of yours how would you where would

You place the job that Ryan poles has done in two years to position the Bears draft wise and cap wise now in two back-to-back drafts he’s got them top five in draft Capital top 10 in draft capital and top five in money in backto back years I guess the commitment to

Blow it up and the willingness to accept the criticism from all the people that love roquan Smith after you had moved on from roquan Smith uh it’s funny you let you know you trade away Mac nobody gives a rat’s ass 16 and a half sack yeah yeah six of

Those in one game or six of in one game crazy you know you get that who was he oh Aiden okono wasn’t it Aiden okon back there just D dominated somebody and so nobody cared about K mle even but roquan Smith for one reason or another everybody cried about and I don’t think

Anybody complains about the linebacker play for the Chicago Bears do they no I’d like to get more out of Edmonds uh but between TJ J Edwards and Edmonds I think you’ve got everything solidified the area of concerned for the Bears is the defensive line the minute they got

Sweat here they got the pass rush all of a sudden everybody started playing better yeah and there’s nothing wrong with that now make some more improvements along your defensive line um you know get somebody in here that maybe can get to the quarterback from the three technique I still think Dexter

If he develops in the off season could be that guy that gives you long-term pressure from the three technique so you know we’ll see about that but somebody coming off that other end via the draft or via free agency you know whatever Direction you go that’s fine so that’s

One area so he committed to blowing the thing up yep and com committed to saying the hell with it all oh we’re gonna lose and then he made the trade that was the most important trade he made was the moving down and acquiring more that’s why he finds himself in the position

That he’s at he gets DJ Moore he moves down he gets the tackle that he wants um he gets a pick this year y so all that stuff ends up working out because you’re willing to blow it up then you want to make a move his only bad

Pitiful move was J Chase clayo and his drafting of wide receivers has kind of been terrible yes and maybe number 13 gives him a chance Tyler Scott maybe he gives him a chance next year to come back and be productive but he’s I i’ check his vision first thing I would do

I’d put him through an eye test and eye exam to make sure he’s tracking the football you can see uh the second thing I would do is teach him not to leave the ground you don’t have to leave the ground to make plays keep your feet on

The ground you don’t have to catch the ball in your bread basket yeah you can catch it with your hands above your head and secure the football get two feet down so those were the two things I do for him but you know besides his drafting of the wide receivers I I think

He’s he’s done a decent job but he had to be willing to blow it up he had to be willing to take the criticism he had to be willing to take the criticism from all the ran Smith fans that are out there and that’s fine if you’ve got a

Plan and you’ve got to do it you know what it takes to execute that plan he’s gone about the business of doing it so good for him it hasn’t been perfect but it’s been pretty darn good yeah I mean you I think the fact that you’ve opened

Up you’ve been top five in cap top five in the draft in two years and when you do decide to blow it up a lot of teams when they blow it up right they because of how quickly you can get back in the NFL they’ll say well we can get this

Player now Big Splash move here we go now we’re back in we’re back in the running it didn’t take us long two years we’re all in Ryan’s actually doing this very much like listen we got to start at the bottom we Bend the bottom now we’re building up year two this is working

Better now going into year three I can add more pieces through the draft and a free agency class that is loaded with talent in multiple positions where if you don’t address it in the draft you can’t address it in free agency I’d say this is this is one of

The better jobs I’ve seen a GM do from taking it from the studs back up well I you’ve got to be willing to go so you got to dig deep you got you got to get a foundation so you got to dig down before he can build back up you so that’s the

Process of what he’s doing so I’m glad he was able to do it and I’m glad he’s been able to pull it off but now he’s got to find the rest of the rest of the stuff then the most important decision is the decision on the quarterback yeah

And that goes with your pro Personnel people and it goes with your college Personnel people and it goes with the different scenarios that you can run through you still got areas on this team that need Improvement so yeah we talk about how great that trade was that

Trade down was to set him up does he do it again is that the way it works is that what you do do you trade your quarterback do you get something do you say tell people you love your quarterback and and your quarterback is possibility staying uh maybe you work it

Where you can get something decent with a first round something or another who knows time time will tell yeah it’s it’s a Time game will with this much cap space right we know we got to pay Eddie J or uh not Eddie Jackson uh Jaylen Johnson he’s he’s the the next man to

Get his contract where are you prioritizing the rest of this money uh receiver uh pass rusher either from the interior or the defensive end position so I I’d actually do pass rusher first and again it’s not necessar free agent money interior it’s draft picks also either one okay I’m either

Getting a guy from the outside or a guy from the inside but some of that can get to the quarterback did Neil Hunter link to the Bears possibly j a lot of teams a lot of teams that are after NE Hunter yeah a lot of teams are going to pay him

Yeah you got to convince him to come here and say I also don’t care what Chris Jones says about it he’s going to go for a threee next year he may not have a choice Kansas City might say hey that’s great you think they’re gonna tag him um

No 30 I was gonna say 33 million like oh you don’t you think they might not bring him back I don’t think they’re gonna bring him back not because they don’t like him the price yeah they’ll bring him back on a one-year deal if he wants

To come back on a one-year deal they’re fine then oh okay not not an issue um you know or you sign him to like a fiveyear deal with the big bonus where you can get out after three years yeah because odd are at the age of 32 33 with

Those knees and I seen the braces that he’s wearing that you probably at that point it won’t be as an effective player as he once was so you know you’ve got a you’ve got a game plan for that but I think Chris Jones if he came to the

Bears signed a three-year deal perfect I could live with that oh yeah I love that wouldn’t be a problem he also bring a little Championship quality to you knows what it takes to win uh leadership like when Julius Peppers came here you know Julius Peppers was a Bonafide pass

Frusher came in here and legitimize that defensive line and that’s exactly what this guy can do he can come in here and legitimize that defensive line dare I say he’s got more um brand Equity Andor like playoff Equity than uh Mont sweat has he becomes the leader of your

Defense the minute he gets here Chris Jones yeah I I don’t inst the playoff I’m trying to I can’t tell whether he has he’s only played for Washington I just know that when Chris Jones comes here yeah he comes here with you know some patches yeah little little ring

Action on the hand three up and three down with a couple medals on his chest so yeah but no that’d be a good thing so either one you spend money there uh I don’t think you need to do anything with your defensive back field except get some young depth there right which is

Nothing wrong with finding somebody that you love in the third fourth round maybe getting some more picks and uh solidifying those positions for yourself receiver I said you got upgrade receiver position um I think it would be an absolute bonus if you can find yourself left tackle I don’t know how you’re

Going to do that you’ve got a really finagle um you’re not going to get Joe Al no matter where you’re at so if you trade down you get Marvin Harrison you can get the kid from Penn State so you get your receiver you get that then you

Made the commitment to fields and Fields would be your quarterback then so Fields Marvin Harrison and the kid from Penn State the left tackle I mean I feel like that’s pretty good that’s pretty good that’s a good setup area to look at and then I I always say this about the

Quarterback and I said it all week I said you know it’s tough do you stick with the devil you know or the devil you don’t know yeah so what do you do I just I the one area I’d love to see them upgrade free agency or uh um through the

Draft or both right I think you might need to do both is that Center position to me trade down trade down nine maybe get Jackson Powers 20 somewhere in there oh no he there won’t be a a center at first round there will not be a center

Draft in the first round you think Jackson Powers falls out the first round they’re not good enough they’re not good enough you can go through years last 20 years I bet You’ find 10 years that a center didn’t go in the first round right yeah Marcus pouncy you can name

The centers that go in the first round that’s how few there are right right right um you know you can you can pick them out and say okay this guy green B found a guy that didn’t even get drafted in Lindsay you know they found a guy wasn’t

Drafted came in there played center so centers don’t go high unless they’re absolute studs I think that’s that’s where he’s slated right now you think he ends up falling by the time we actually gets to people can slate wherever they want it won’t be I promise you that’s

Why M cord gets a 6.0 a 7.0 black dve right that’s why they keep going over and over again I can promise you nobody’s taking a center in the first round this year all right well you looked at the overall grades on the guys too maybe the combine some guy runs a

4740 and it changes people’s minds but I think the kid out of Texas A&M is the only guy that’s got sub five speed out there and then so big deal so they can’t run 40 yards I never ask a center to run 40 yards anyway I want a mobile center

So I’ll see if a kid can get me a 20 you know what a 20 time is or a 20 shuttle time is let me see the guy move left and right let me see how quick his feet is just because he doesn’t have his third or fourth gear doesn’t mean that he

Can’t be a fantastic Center in the middle so yeah but there’s nobody usually what you get is you get a guy who comes out and he runs a 48 you know and he’s got 32 reps on the bench and the guy’s got a vert and he’s got a a a

Jum BR jump yeah well I never just give me a broad jump that’s all I need I can compare numbers comparable numbers I don’t need anybody jumping out jumping out of pools jump out of a pool of cast oil let me see do that oh hey now wait a

Minute well Castoro is a little thicker more viscous it’ll it’ll hold you so you can jump out of a pool of castor oil good luck to you that’s a tough day though a pool of castor oil W it’s tough to even get that made sorry I just GH

That was bad memories right there my grandfather gave us a a spoon of Castro and a spoon of cod Lio whenever we got sick yeah we weren’t sick the next day no we were good we were empty we oh we were empty you guys were empty the next

And then he’d be like all right we’re going to the store no we can’t leave we can’t leave now um when you talk about bringing a pass rusher in you just took dvon Dexter last year second overall or second round I should say um that’s a high pick that’s somebody you expect to

Have an impact is there a worry for you that if you bring in a Chris Jones or a Justin metab it stunts the growth that he’s able to have no his growth is independent of anybody that comes in here he’s got approv during the practices during the offseason during

The weight room work that’s where he proves himself and puts himself in a position uh to be able to claim a starting SP remember there’s two defensive tackle spots yes so if you bring someone in there’s another one that’s wide open and most of the times you’re nickel and dime anyway I’d say

60% of the time you’re nickel and dime so you’re going to be there with your ears pinned back going after the quarterback no matter what so I I don’t think bringing a veteran guy in uh would hurt the development of anybody because the development happens outside of games

Yeah that’s where the real development happens then you put yourself in a position where you go prove it on the field and as long as that you don’t get two tackles in here in the interior and you leave one spot open then somebody’s got to go claim that one spot I don’t

Think it’s going to be 93 I don’t think it’s going to be big 97 especially when it comes to second and third down yeah I think it’ll be your pass rushing guy in the 66 you know 310 pound uh big fow Dexter is going to have his chance in

This opportunity to claim whatever he wants to claim and then the other kid they got Zach Pickins Zack Pickins yep yeah and that’s Zach too hey you got to have a good off season I thought he was ahead of Dexter but by the end of the

Year I think Dexter had caught up and maybe even surpassed neck a little bit Yeah so no I don’t think it closes down anything if anything it’ll give him another somebody to look at and how they go about the business being a professional somebody who actually is in

There and has done this and can teach him maybe the one part that did crack me up was he was like when he was learning pass rush moves from unique and G and I was like how’s that help you in the middle well there is a little bit of

Room I mean things are a lot tighter and people get in the way a little bit more at the three technique but if you start out at a wide three and you get a little slide left you know you can have some areas in there that open up you know hardest part

To teach a young player is to work the edges right you know you’ve got to work edges when you’re rushing the pass you can’t work through the middle of a body and you know you make your commitment to one side and then work to the other side

And then keep things once you work the edge then you got to keep it tight that way you can get by them once you beat them because nothing worse than somebody beat a guy take an extra step that guy opens up comes back and has a hand on

The hip and ends up riding you by the quarterback quarterback sees you he Sid steps he climbs the pocket and now you’re past the quarterback not even affecting his vision so uh you know there just certain things that that need to be learned and you know hopefully uh

He will he’ll learn it is there an advantage and and is is life made easier when you have two Elite Edge rushers on each side we already have sweat who’s really really good if you were to bring in a denal hunter or somebody that could press that wouldn’t bother me either you

Know if you got if you’ve got faith in the kids yeah that you have in the interior and you think they’re going to be able to develop and you got a D line coach that’s going to be able to take them from the point they’re at to

Another point you want to bring denil Hunter in nothing wrong with that I like learning in the middle easier when you know you got that pressure outside or is it no it doesn’t mitigate no no what it what it do what it does is try to make

You more cognizant in the middle that you can’t go hellbent for election getting too far out of whack because there’s nothing worse than having guys coming off the corner and then all of a sudden there’s a big gap in the middle and the guy’s rushing for 25 yards right

Which is my nightmare if they let go of Justin Fields my nightmares that you play Justin fields and he rushes for like 110 yards and throws for 220 because he’s capable of a 220 250 day yeah you know Rush is for two touchdowns st’s for two touchdowns and the he comes

Back and he beats the Bears I never had that fear with Mitch trabis no me neither never had that fear that Mitch I was never afraid if Mitch trabis was the quarterback he had done it in a preseason game who cares I don’t you know I don’t care about uh winning or

Losing preseason games I just care about the effort and as long as you’re going to get some work in the result doesn’t matter to me the work get the work in get the repetitions in uh if you make mistakes let’s figure out the process that we correct the mistakes and that

Kind of thing yeah I mean that’s what preseason is there for it’s there to wear the body out and then you got to recover and wear the body out it’s to get the soreness in to get the legs sore to get legs back to get in there and get

Yourself hardened for the season that’s three games of the season now that’s it’s unfortunate some teams treat it that way Baltimore doesn’t treat it that way Baltimore the Chiefs didn’t yeah you treat the preseason like it’s important because it is important because even though the Chiefs lost their first game

They never Panic they they they they don’t panic they didn’t have the the year that they were supposed to have this year they went 11 and six yeah that’s not Kansas City Chiefs football first game Detroit right first game against Detroit they also didn’t have Chris Jones out there I believe Chris

Jones wasn’t there two two guys weren’t there uh Chris Jones and Kelsey was hurt I was gonna say Kelsey wasn’t there either Kelsey was hurt yeah so Detroit won and but I like the way the Bears play Detroit am I wrong or do do we watch the Detroit games the last couple

Years way and even though you know in Detroit they got their asses kicked they lost two games in a horrific fashion I still like the way the Bears play them yes and if they’re going to be the CR crem in the division they’re there we’re going to get better they’ve got to start

Making decisions here because they’re about a year or two ahead of us now they’re gonna have to start making decisions on who to pay well good for you you figure out how you’re going to pay everybody we’re behind you we’re coming up the team that concerns me

Though is Jordan love and the Green Bay Packers there were supposed to be a little bit of a comeback and there was no comeback whatsoever I’m I’m a little bit concerned yeah they they they came out and they they came out ready and and you had the system in place Jordan’s Ben

In the system I think I think there wasn’t enough credit given to Matt laflor because Aaron roggers was there and now you see with Jordan Love How He adjusted his game plan to Jordan love strengths and it’s like oh he’s a Shanahan type of guy he’s a guy that

Knows how to develop a quarterback and adjust at a quarterback and allow the quarterback to make mistakes and keep him confident all right that’s what we’re de like I’m I’m more scared of the coach in Green Bay than I am of Jordan love himself right well I mean but you

Look at their team they’re the youngest team in the NFL yes um you look at them and what what are they talking about they’re talking about Aaron Jones right now as a guy that might become a c casualty out there well guess what running backs become C casualties

Dobbins right isn’t that who’s up there is it Dobbins or who is it up there or is Dobbins in Baltimore Dobbins in Baltimore you guy Aaron Jones and Romeo no not Rome talking about the running back um why can’t I think TJ Dylan something AJ D AJ there it is right we

Got there so they have two high paay running what what the hell are you doing who’s paying their players up there keep paying your running backs pay him a lot of money that way you’re losing it but baari is going to be gone too but David bakar’s basically been gone for the last

Two years bakari yeah bakari is just I mean I remember we talked to Rob dski and I was is there a concern that bakari’s hurt coming into this game and he was like bakari hasn’t participated in a preseason activity in three years this is just who he is he will be there

On the first game he will play but he was there the first game he didn’t play the rest of the year yeah so you know they obviously have to say goodbye to bakari and they have to go about refueling that that tackle position or getting some more depth for that that

Offensive line Aaron Jones so I mean they’ve got some problems I think their cap relief comes next year yeah that’s when they get ton of cap relief so we’ll see when you when you hear the conversation on speaking cap wise right I would rather reset the quarterback clock than

Pay Justin Fields even if he does go somewhere else and be good what do you think about that conversation that make listen that makes sense yeah you can do that you could reset your quarterback clock but is this team ready to win three years from now or four years from

Now or they ready to win I think this defense is ready to win you’re coming up into your first year of where okay we’re gonna we’re going to try to find a way to win because believe it or not Jaylen you’re going to have to pay right yep you’re getting in your

Third year of brisker you’re getting in your third year right money’s coming it’s it’s the money’s coming and you can’t spend you can’t have a $80 million defense Back Field that don’t work that’s why you got to get young players in here to be able to replace guys that

Are going to get paid a lot of money but if you could replicate it with a younger player then you’ve got to let him go or you’ve got to best case scenario is rather than letting a guy go is trading a guy and getting something back for him

So yeah I I always put that out there you know uh I Jaylen Johnson’s a hell of a player but what do you have in number 32 he won’t finish his contract here yeah but I’m say think you paid him but I don’t think he finishes his contract

Right but what do you have at number 32 yeah you know that’s that’s what I start thinking and then you got to be cautious because of jayen Johnson’s not going to finish contract here and you plan on moving him for somebody then you’ve got to be careful on how much or what kind

Of a signing bonus you get them you know and then you you maybe you make bonuses in the future guaranteed that way the team has like a roster bonus the team that acquires them has to yeah yeah if you’re on the roster on this day you get

It but it’s that day it’s guaranteed that you’re going to get it on this day whatever team that you’re with yeah but I mean I’m I listen I like Jaylen Johnson there’s no part about it and I’d love to have them for at least the next

Two years but I want to be flexible enough to where um if I can got a young player that’s ready to go I can move off of all DB seems to be Ryan Pole’s strength I mean Kyler Gordon jaquin brisk yeah Tyreek Stevenson Smith in spot starts last year Ryan poles or he’s

Got somebody that he trusts he’s got somebody that he trusts can really recruit uh recruit defensive backs but yeah I’d say that’d be an area of strength yeah he’s he’s dominating out there it’s it’s funny because like I feel like in most Bears fans Minds we they we believe

That he’s got to get this year right and then that’s it no he’s got to make sure that the future right as well cuz then guys start making money that’s when it gets tough right the legion of boom was the legion of boom until you had to start paying everybody right on the

Legion of boom and then you started saying thank you for the effort I think the first guy was the safety then believe uh Richard Sherman right no Sherman was the first to leave no it was H it was the safety one of the safeties

Was the first guy to Le they had to say goodbye uh we know his name cam Chancellor cam Chancellor yes there you go yes uh Broncos right went to the Broncos I believe see I’m telling you they had to start break it once they paid the quarterback yeah once the

Quarterback gets paid you make sacrifices everywhere else when Joe flacko got paid what happened well they had to they had to sacrifice no oh Joe Flaco Joe FL I Joe bur no Joe FL what happened to Bal he had the go Ray Lewis retired right all of a sudden you were

Making sacrifices everywhere else and then what you didn’t have the same team why didn’t you have the same team because you didn’t have the same players and Joe flacko wasn’t Joe Flo well I mean Joe flacko was you know above average probably um Kirk hins likee but

Without the 5,000 season he didn’t have a 5,000 yard season so he kurk cousins without the 5,000 yard season that’s that’s Kurt Cousins though that’s the that’s the whole right I think her cousins had a 5,000 yard SE I believe you’re right yes but so did jamus Winston so what does that

Mean right 32 touchdowns 30 inter for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers so 30 for 30 and that’s when they got Brady they said listen all we need a guys that with that can’t turn theall over not 4917 is the most with the commanders and what did Joe flacko have what’s the most that Joe

Flaco ever had let’s look at old uh slinging Joe old Flo Joe Flo I remember my favorite thing uh he had a great playoff record Joe Flaco had a great playoff record you want you ready for this Joe Flaco has only had one season over 4,000 yards yeah yeah so there you

Go he’s not even Kurt Cousins we’d have to put him somewhere else 240 but when you’ve got to pay your quarterback that’s when you got problems J Cutler huh Jay Cutler never had a 4,000 yard season I’m just saying like most of this looks very you’re comparing him to

Cutler I got I’m saying comparing him to Cutler if you put him in Pro Football Focus Joe flacka it’ll go down to the bottom and it’ll give you names yeah yeah and then like if you’re Joe flacka who played in the 2000s and you go down you see Bob greasy

There that’s not who you want to be compared to because the Stats come up like or or Terry Bradshaw not because you’re a Hall of Famer with the asterik but because you’re not throwing for what you need to be throwing if Terry Bradshaw pops up I’m not gonna lie we

Just let’s let’s keep updating the standards because when people talk about Bradshaw I’m just like I didn’t get to see him and I only really see the highlights like but these numbers aren’t good we know that right like this is not a good quarterback but he won back in

The day he was a good quarterback because they didn’t throw the ball at all back then was imp and when they did the completion percentage was only 52 because they were running routes way down field what was impressive that he said that that really caught me by surprise he said we didn’t have

Offensive coordinators I called the game I was the quarterback yeah he’s like I I would have been offended if somebody walked in there and told me what to do in my own you got a philosophy is what they gave you they give you their philosophy what they like what they’re looking for and

Then you as a quarterback had the chance you know you didn’t see the play calling things he said I didn’t have a bracelet he said said you know how like at the Turkey Bowl you like draw it on the football that was real so I it’s it’s

Football’s an amazing game and and the evolutions that it’s gone through have been amazing especially at the passing uh position and a lot of what’s happening in the passing thing too is that the a little bit of kill anyone anymore the guys Crossing picking guys off the illegal picks I saw Travis

Kelsey throw two illegal picks in the game they didn’t care it’s Travis Kelce whatever he want he’s running his route but also he’s killing a guy they didn’t want Taylor Swift to get upset in the box so they didn’t want to call penalty on on uh on Kelsey kelse Travis Kelce so

Yeah listen tried to kill Andy Reid though that was crazy that was crazy 22 I had five and two in a square just the opposite way I saw those numbers and I said this is absolute crap when I saw my numbers I’m like oh my God not a chance

In hell it’s the only chance in hell I had yeah that was that was the only chance it was in seven PS no good no good appreciate you guys for tuning in and showing love to another episode of Chicago Bears podcast stay tuned in with Y he’ll be over on

Carmen and yo this week what’s going on down there with the m golf golf grip okay I got Nerf dog be careful J well the golf grip and the other grip are two different things me if you got it you got it those are two different styles of

Grips guys y’all stay safe out there Chago B time I didn’t know what was going on there no that’s your off grip ahck you an interlace or one of


  1. Save the cap space for next year. I’d sign Huff from NY Jets, a veteran WR and make a run at Winfield from TB. Re-sign JJ and Mooney. Mooney’s market value is only around 3 years $31 mil. That’s basically 3rd WR money which is what he is.

  2. WTF is this guy talking about? Linsley was drafted out of Ohio State in the 5th. The Packers also know how to draft Oline better than almost any team

  3. Who tf is this guy. He has a too cool for school type attitude, like be appreciative someone giving you the opportunity to share your opinion. Otherwise you’re another pedestrian and he seems like a smart ass.

  4. The Designer is on tape demanding Ryan poles to trade for Chase Poole. Remember that stupid. Quit talking out both sides of your mouth. Your expertise is electrical not nfL football

  5. Caleb will go #1 to the Bears, and whoever is still avaliable at #9 out of Nabers, Rome Odunze or Brock Bowers they will draft to give Caleb the best chance to be successful right away. SORRY Washington fans, keep dreaming and fantasizing about Caleb coming home to play. Don't worry we'll let him come home from time to time, hoisting the Lombardi trophy that says Chicago on it 🖕😂🖕

  6. Offensive line you guys. Who cares about what they can run and the speed they're at can they play football

  7. What??? This guy is on ESPN and thinks they're keeping Fields??? Must be podcasting from a deserted island. Somebody wake him up and give him a draft report on Caleb Williams.

  8. what? this guy doesn’t know if Montez Sweat has been to the playoffs despite only ever playing for WAS, doesn’t know when Linsley was drafted, and completely omitted Linderbaum. yeah imma head out lol.

  9. Wk 18 is a wash! Bears made the decision to stay in the top 10 with their own pick! Play calling on offense & defense made it completely obvious the white flag was raised

  10. Top 5 in the draft and top 5 in cap space means nothing if it doesn’t translate on the field. They need to make the playoffs next year even if Caleb or Maye is the QB

  11. This guy doesn’t know what he’s talking about. There’s been Centers drafted in the first round very recently. Tyler Lindbaum, Travis Fredrick, Cesar Ruiz (played center in college), Garrett Bradbury. Jurko talking out of his ass.

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