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Win The Race CEO talks Dayton 500, NASCAR, Gambling, and 2024 Predictions

In this episode of the Success is a Choice podcast, our guest is Ryan Stevens, NASCAR expert and CEO of “Win The Race”. Ryan and his team at have some of the best statistics, research, and information in the world of NASCAR. This is a good episode for anyone who likes NASCAR. 

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Each week, the SUCCESS IS A CHOICE podcasting network brings you leadership expert Jamy Bechler and guest experts who provide valuable insights, tips, and guidance on how to maximize your potential, build a stronger culture, develop good leadership, create a healthy vision, optimize results, and inspire those around you.

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Please follow Jamy on Twitter @CoachBechler for positive insights and tips on leadership, success, culture, and teamwork.

Check out our virtual sessions for parents, coaches, students, and administrators at These sessions are free and cover a variety of topics.

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The Success is a Choice podcast network is made possible by Great teams have great teammates and everyone can be a person of influence. Whether you’re a coach, athletic director, or athlete, you can benefit from this program and now you can get 25% off the price when you use the coupon code CHOICE at checkout. Build a stronger culture today with better teammates and more positive leaders. 

If you like quotes, then you’ll want to check out Jamy Bechler’s new book “The Coach’s Bulletin Board”. It contains thousands of insights, thoughts, and quotes are contained in this book. Please visit to get your signed copy.

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Jamy Bechler is the author of five books including “The Captain” and “The Bus Trip”, host of the “Success is a Choice Podcast”, professional speaker, and trains organizations on creating championship cultures. He previously spent 20 years as a college basketball coach and administrator. is Bechler’s online program that helps athletes become better teammates and more positive leaders while strengthening a team’s culture. As a certified John Maxwell leadership coach, Bechler has worked with businesses and teams, including the NBA. Follow him on Twitter at @CoachBechler. To connect with him via email or find out about his services, please contact You can also subscribe to his insights on success and leadership by visiting

Providing insights to help you grow your business improve yourself and add value to those around you you’re listening to the success is a choice podcast where you get a peek into the lives of Industry leaders as they share their stories with You He hey everybody Welcome to the success is a choice podcasting Network I’m your host Jamie Beckler and today we have a a great guest as usual but before we get into our discussion today and our guest I want to remind you that today’s episode is made possible by free leadership free leadership culture leadership teamwork Captain stuff success You Name It We have webinars free virtual live sessions that you can learn more and more about being a leader about being successful check all of those out at free leadership today’s guest joining us is a NASCAR expert and if you

Are watching this live on on rumble on YouTube you’re listening to this on the success as a choice podcasting Network here before February 18th Daytona is coming up Daytona the big Super Bowl of NASCAR racing but it’s it’s kind of the Super Bowl it’s at the start of the

Season but we have a NASCAR expert Ryan Stevens from winther race win on the interet Ryan welcome to the show Jamie thanks for having me man I I really appreciate this I love everything you’re tweeting out and in the whole the whole Channel positivity the good

Messages I I love it teamwork is something you know I always say growing up like one of the most important things to me looking back was you pop winner football just I remember a lot of what my coaches said and I think it taught me a lot about

Discipline and I try to apply that in everyday life and teach my kids the same thing so it’s I don’t know I just I what you tweet out really strikes home with me so I I appreciate it I really appreciate those kind words and uh you know we typically don’t date these

Podcast episodes we T typically they’re they’re very Evergreen but we will be talking about the Daytona 500 which is coming up but also uh you know dating this further my condolences to you on the San Francisco 49ers coming up short in the Super Bowl I know you’re a huge

49ers fan as a lifetime lovable loser Lions fan that I am I would just love to get to the Super Bowl and lose a few times myself yeah no I appreciate it I actually tweeted out a poll too I was like what’s what’s worse never getting

To the Super Bowl or now continually you know losing Super Bowls and it was it was pretty dead even but I guess I have to be glad that the team is good enough to get there it was a cool group of guys to watch all year I am sorry they they

Beat your Lions to get there but that was a heck of a game too um yeah I don’t know hopefully we’re both back in the same position next year it’ll be a lot of fun it would be nice you know uh they used to have Jim Harbaugh there as as

Coach and he’s a he’s a Michigan guy so a lot of lions fans like Jim Harbaugh uh we kind of like the 49ers in a way because of all those years of hard ball coaching there but uh they also have Jake Moody the rookie kicker who was a a

University of Michigan standout as a kicker so you know if if if we’re gonna see the Lions lose to somebody I guess you know we’d like it to be to someone that that has some Michigan ties so Jake Moody and and for a for about a minute

There he had the all-time field goal record in the Super Bowl I feel bad for him sets the record uh that was very shortlived but great good good kick good for him had a decent year had a couple tough misses but uh overall I think it

It’s something he can improve on and and I’m I’m okay with him as our kicker you know a lot of lot of teams don’t have that their kicker goes out there and they’re like oh no but I I feel all right with Moody well and you mentioned Detroit Detroit had that situation you

Know I know there was a lot of controversy about you know they they went for it on fourth down three different times Well if you kick any of those field goals you know in theory you win the game but what people don’t realize is is that Detroit kicker was

Cut during the summer and he only came back you know toward the end of the season or the middle of the Season he was not a very reliable kicker for the Lions and so you know the kicking the kicking game in the NFL especially you know it’s one of those where you expect

It to to to to go in you know you expect you have one job to do which which I think it there’s more to it than that a lot of times you know but you know as a fan you know hey you got one job to do

Why can’t you kick field goal and so there’s a lot of pressure on those kickers but uh Jake Moody definitely you know it’s funny how the the uh you know for 30 years the record stood Steve Christie had the longest field goal in Super Bowl history for 30 years and then

It’s broken twice in the same game yeah that’s nuts well uh Super Bowl in the past once again you know at least your 49ers got there and uh but you know Nascar coming up you mentioned teamwork with our tweets you you love the teamwork aspect football is is one of

The greatest team sports there is out there but one of the one of the maybe uh underrated team sports is NASCAR and not everybody watching this or listening to this is a Nascar fan or understands NASCAR you know hey the driver makes the car go fast in story um but there’s a

Lot of teamwork to NASCAR uh clue us and take us behind the scenes a little bit behind the curtain to why teamwork is so important in NASCAR yeah I mean and especially leading into the Daytona 500 which is a race you know for your listeners that aren’t familiar with it

It’s a race where all the driver the cars are kind of limited as far as power and all the the cars race in a pack and they have to push each other and move together so you’ll find a lot of these teams uh work together push each other

Toward the front um beyond that you know in a NASCAR race you have a pit crew which is a major part of your team and if you’re making green flag pit stops you need them to be just as fast as you’ve been uh so you can get out there

And maintain your position or even gain a position if you’re faster than another team there’s you know going back to Daytona but but every race there’s a spotter you know sitting up high watching everything on the track um telling their drivers when to move up or

Down or if they’re clear you know in front of the car that’s behind them so they can you know not get wiped out by them when they make their move and that’s that’s a huge thing at Daytona so you just have to have this trust and relationship with your you know your

Spotter your team your pit Crews always grinding I mean the practice if anyone hasn’t watched it the new series on Netflix is a great quick series to buzz right through but it shows you a little bit you know more about the pit crew and how they practice and things like that

It’s it’s very interesting and I tell all my friends NASCAR isn’t just you know guys turning left you know that’s like that’s the main thing it’s super boring everyone thinks it’s nap time if you really watch it and you really learn it and and learn about the teamwork

Involved it’s much much more fun to watch much more involved and you’ll find that you don’t even need a favorite driver you might even want a favorite team and you root for that team which is kind of cool so a lot of the people watching this listening to this maybe

Their only NASCAR exposure is Ricky Bobby and talad knights so you know if you’re not first you’re last what what did that movie Get Right what did that movie get wrong maybe the only thing they got right is the the raw emotion involved when you

When you don’t win but um yeah I guess what whatever age group you’re in you know it could be tallal kns people could know you know cold trickle Days of Thunder was like when I was a kid that was the big one robbin’s racing that

That got a a lot wrong too uh but you know yeah I I like I like Days of Thunder more than tallad kns I’ll just say that I just I just enjoyed it more um um but TGA Knights is its own you know that’s a comedy so it’s different

But uh yeah I don’t know they they didn’t get much right in those I would watch the Netflix series you’ll learn a lot more about it well in NASCAR a lot of times you know we we talk about you know in Ricky Bobby Talla kns talk about

If you’re not first you’re last um is that a a very good strategy in today’s NASCAR or is it consistency what what are the drivers obviously you want to win as many races as you can but but is that a good strategy uh clue Us in on

That how does not necessarily get in the weeds of how the point system works but you know are are you better off finishing top five every week or winning a race wrecking winning a race wrecking what clue Us in on that how how that works in NASCAR consistency is key until

You get to the end of the regular season because the way the point system works is there’s only 16 drivers that are going to make the playoffs um if you win you’re in so it would depend on how many different you know a couple years ago we had a ton of

Different drivers win to get in um so when it got to the end of the year you know there was maybe one or two guys that could win and get in everyone else was fighting for points for those that last spot so consistency is key you know

Short answer just because you’d be high up in the points be hard for people to pass you in a typical year um there’s not enough winners to where you would need a win to get in um you know you can point yourself in there so if you’re consistent you’re not wrecking out of

Races or making mistakes you know in the pits like we talked about there’s penalties you can get things like that that’ll send you to the back you lose those points um so yeah I I would much prefer to be consistent I think he make the playoffs and then once you hit the

Playoffs now you’re looking to to be a little more aggressive so so how did you get into loving NASCAR my grandfather was super into it big dealer in Hart senior fan and when I used to go over to their house he would you know similar to how many people

Watch football and I just say that because it’s you know the obviously the biggest sport there is where you block out that you know three and a half hours on a Sunday to watch your favorite team that’s how he is with a race um or was

With a race so that you know kind of got me into it we went down to Charlotte watched a race that was awesome um you know and I was younger then but was into it we played a fantasy league had to write down your picks mail it to his

Friend in Florida he manually tracked all the stats and then would email back what the or mail back what the standings were and everything written on a piece of paper so it’s pretty old school but it was fun and when you’re watching a race and you know what drivers you

Picked which is kind of I play DFS and gamble on it now you’re you’re watching you know pretty intensely um and that was at I don’t know 10 years old you know we started doing that um when I got into my 20s I didn’t follow NASCAR as much I just had

Other stuff going on um but then when DFS and and betting came around DFS mainly that got me you know hooked again and I don’t have a a favorite driver right now I’m really just rooting for where the money is going so well DFS for for those people that

Aren’t familiar it’s daily fantasy sports so it’s like the fantasy sports you might have played with football where you have a season long fantasy sport but daily fantasy sports is each week you can have a different in football different team a different players in NASCARs different drivers each week and

You’re putting together the best team each week or each day but we will get into that in in just a few minutes and talk about Ryan’s uh business and his site that he started that’s that’s great uh for fantasy sports for betting and and just for NASCAR fans in general um

But you mentioned that you don’t have a a favorite driver mainly because you do so much betting and gambling and and daily fantasy sports on that but as people will watch a race let let’s take the Casual fan who maybe doesn’t have a favorite driver either they turn on this

Race let’s say Daytona coming up this weekend or any other race that they turn on it seems like it’s a long race it’s like three hours it seems like it’s the same thing over and over and over again like you mentioned they’re just turning left all the time are there some tips

Maybe you would give the Casual fan for watching and and sometimes we hear like the announcers say well the number 48 Car the number 27 car why don’t they use their actual names now that I don’t know that’s a a lot of NASCAR fans don’t like when uh

Media guys just tweet out numbers too like oh 47 in the wall only or they’ll do the starting lineup and it’s just 10 numbers in a row like I I don’t know it’s quicker to type it out I guess but um yeah I don’t know that one that one I

Can’t answer but to to help watch a race I think is like going back to that team aspect you know want it you can pick a team track how they’re doing um if you go L of people won’t but you can go to a

Race or you can go on the app and you can listen to different radios that I think makes it much more interesting because you’re getting into the strategy part of it so uh if you go to a track where there’s a lot of you

Know a lot of tire wear and the and the tires are going to wear down it slows your car way down there’s a lot more pit stops there and teams will use different strategies to try and you know make the stops at the right time in order to make

The passes at the right time so they can say hey if we pit here maybe we can catch him on lap you know such and such that’s that’s when it gets more interesting and you can track your guys and and see if their strategy is correct

If they’re going to be you know moving up as the race goes on things like that I I just think focusing on the team aspect of it makes it more interesting you mentioned at Daytona uh and there’s some other tracks like this where I believe you said the

Restrictor plates or most of the cars are are kind of running at the same speed why is that something that they’ve done uh I I grew up I grew up going to Michigan International Speedway you know the two mile oval and they just seemed to open it up and it was great Racing

For me but yeah I was a younger kid at that time why what is this uh what is this that they’re doing with making the car s go all the same speed why are they doing it um just to put more in cont more in

The driver’s hands I I think um and then to make it to give it a little more parody like like I said a couple years ago you had a lot of different winners um you know some people don’t like this at all others like it because now maybe your favorite driver has a

Chance to win more often um which that part of it pretty cool you know it was cool to see a guy like Chris busher win uh you know what three races last year or something he and he hadn’t in so long before that uh it’s just kind of

Incredible to see um and you see new teams emerging so this is a cool thing too is like I don’t know if you heard of you know track house is a team Pitbull uh is one of the co-owners of that team um so there’s some different money

Coming into it Denny Hamlin is a you know will be a Hall of Fame NASCAR driver he owns a team with Michael Jordan called 23xi that’s really cool so I don’t know if this is really kind of sanging away from the question that you asked but it’s just like that’s also

Making things more competitive as well is that you have uh some more money coming into it and teams that can compete with the with the bigger teams you know now 23xi has two really fast cars and they can compete with the you know hris and Pensky and all these big

Names that people have heard forever where you know Jeff Gordon and Jimmy Johnson raced with Hendrick and um you know Pensky had Joey Lono forever and Brad keslowski used to be there I mean there these are Big names now there’s newer teams and uh track house and 23xi

That that can compete with them so it’s really cool to have more competitive cars in the field in my opinion so well growing up long long time ago back in the day as my son would say uh my dad was a firefighter and he would go take a

Fire crew down to Michigan International Speedway and setup at a turn but but it was it was when racing wasn’t as big of a deal as it is now and so he got to even know the owner of the track which at the time was Roger Pinsky and he

Loved Roger Pinsky Roger Pinsky treated everybody he met like he was a friend and uh you know to this day even when I would move you know I was a college basketball coach I would move a lot as a college basketball coach we would always use Pinsky trucks just because Roger

Pinsky was was nice to my dad uh when when he would be on the fire crew at at at MIS but uh you know when you have these cars going all kind of at the same speed it bunches them up right there there’s pack racing and that that allows

For maybe more Carnage more chaos sometimes at the bigger Speedways like Daytona coming up yeah I think for the Casual fan it makes it more fun so they’re really only doing this for Daytona Talladega and Atlanta so it’ be six total races during the year and

Atlanta you know is a new one uh as a couple years ago they redid the track a little bit and now they’ve run it as a you know quote unquote drafting track so that added two more races onto the schedule where they’re going to be kind

Of jumbled up together um I know just from like talking to my dad even who’s not a big Nascar fan that he enjoys watching it more so I know the Casual fan enjoys you know that the fact that one guy can touch another guy up front

And it can wipe out 20 cars behind them just makes it a little more exciting you know you watch the race a little more on the edge of your seat Well you even my wife last year she came in to the living room and I wasn’t watching the race uh

You know all day long but she comes in the living room she’s like how are they driving so close to each other like they’re all right together and if you’ve ever driven on a freeway I mean just the Casual driver at 70 miles an hour it can

Be kind of nerve-wracking but but to be driving at 200 plus miles an hour with all those people together there’s there no doubt that once in a while you have some Carnage yeah on on NASCAR’s main account on X yesterday they tweeted out uh about a one minute long video but it

Shows onar cameras and it also has the audio from spotters telling guys where to go move up or down and if they’re clear or not from the cars in front or behind them and it’s pretty incredible for anyone that has you know Twitter X whatever you want to call it nowadays if

You go to NASCAR’s main account there’s about a minute long video yesterday and you watched that that it’s to me I mean I know I like NASCAR love it but if you watch that one minute video it’s hard not to get hooked on on just how crazy

It can be there how talented these guys are and as a reminder you can follow Ryan in his uh in his Nascar site at win the race P1 win the race P1 on X formerly known as Twitter at win the race P1 so we’ve got Daytona coming up

It’s kind of the Super Bowl it’s it’s the race that most people have heard of outside of Talladega because Talladega Nights they made a movie about it but the Daytona 500 kind of the Super Bowl at the start of the year it kicks the season off

Um are there some Racers that we should be watching for are there some things we should be watching for uh do you have uh you know we don’t want to take all your thunder away from your paid subscribers and the people that are getting all your

Expert advice but but if if we want to place a casual bet this weekend or you know is there is there a casual bet that’s going to win us all the money or or make us rich or is there a safe bet or a safe um uh thing that we can tell

All of our buddies so that we look smarter than they are not so that’s the beauty of this race is there are no safe bets this because one guy up front can make a wrong move and wipe out 20 cars behind them but that’s you know you don’t there

Is no safe bet but the good part about it is it makes it a fun race to bet because the odds are a little longer you know because it’s unpredictable uh you know I think no one’s under 10 to one to win so and then

It goes all the way up to 100 to one so you can sprinkle a little bit of money on some more drivers if you want to just crack a beer have fun watch the race and and hopefully your driver one of them survives and you can get to Victory Lane

Um so it’s definitely Ely you know even people who bet professionally um I know a couple of them they don’t NASCAR at least uh they don’t bet this race or if they do they do it just like I’m going to do it they’ll sprinkle a little bit crack open

Some beers and just hope that they survive and and you win and that’s that’s my best advice to people is take it easy these first two weeks and then once we hit Las Vegas in week three that’s when we get to business all right all right so uh but

But definitely not for for the Casual fans or someone like me that that just doesn’t know many drivers but I grew up liking race cars and and going to races probably don’t want to bet kale yarro or darl walr they’re probably not gonna win this week no no definitely

Not there’s a there’s duel on Thursday night which will be two races that decide the final six spots of the or four spots uh for the Daytona 500 lineup so um there’s six total open entries four of them will make it 36 are locked in 40 total drivers so Thursday night

We’ll learn a lot there’s new bodies on the Ford cars and the Toyota cars Chevys remain the same Fords last year absolutely dominated this type of race they could link up better than anybody push each other better than anyone always ran up front now they changed

Their body style a little bit to what they say would might give up a little bit on these races to gain more on the other races because there’s more of them Toyota switched their body a little bit and now it’s a little flatter on the front perhaps they can push each other

Better and work better as a team so we’ll learn a lot Thursday night and then you know probably place a few few crazy bets for for Sunday just to have some fun but Thursday night would be very important to watch so if somebody watched the Netflix series about F1 uh

Formula 1 racing saw so those drivers saw that racing obviously those cars are much different than a NASCAR but is the racing other than obviously you’re you’re going right you’re going left doing that kind of stuff is there is there much difference other than the rights and the lefts is

Is racing still the same team aspect the same you know you got to be focused on stuff you you’ve got to anticipate or is is there much of a difference between those cars or the there’ be a big difference one cool thing this year is Kyle Larson uh

Probably one of you know one of the biggest names in NASCAR might be the most talented the kids unreal he um he wins races in all different series across the country but he’s going to race an indie car this year in the Indie 500 so I’m real curious to see how he

Translates over into that car Jimmy Johnson tried it wasn’t great wasn’t terrible but Kyle Larson I think is just like he’s in his prime right now Jimmy Johnson did it when he was older um Kyle there’s and and Jimmy Johnson didn’t travel around and win these races like Kyle larsson’s doing everywhere like

This kid whether it’s on dirt on asphalt wherever he’s just a stud so I’m real curious to see if he can just hop behind that wheel and and and wheel it for uh the nd500 it’ll be it’ll be awesome if he does well uh but I don’t know I think

That it’s so different I also wouldn’t be surprised if he struggles well NASCAR began or a lot of it began you know almost with back in the day of the Moonshine Runners and and trying to outrun police and and uh it they grew up in the Backwoods or you know on on dirt

Tracks and that kind of stuff are a lot of these drivers coming up the dirt track route or are they coming up more um you know they have a lot more privilege or they have a lot more things handed to them or they have a lot more

Resources available to them or are you still seeing a lot of these drivers coming up through the ranks uh old school mentality uh you know the rubbin racing type typ stuff where where they’re coming up uh Taking Chances you know back roads dirt tracks that kind of

Stuff I think you still see a mix of both there’s still some guys in there that are in there I you know I think and well I know some of them are due because of their family um you know if it was solely based on on talent I don’t think

All of them would be in the position that they’re in um but you know like like many things in life it’s all about who you know and they’re in there right now but I think we we’ve seen a couple very talented drivers coming up through the system here I love the Xfinity and

Truck series which for people that aren’t um familiar with it it’s basically like the minor leagues like triaa doublea I guess to baseball you know these guys can work up through trucks and XFinity and earn a cup ride uh in you know which would be the major

Leagues um those two Series right now I think are loaded with Talent so when these opportunities arise uh I think we’re going to get some very talented drivers and some very fast cars um it’d be pretty cool and I and there a lot of them aren’t you know

Relatives or or things that are handed to them they’re going to they’re going to earn it and earn their ride in Cup Series and I think that’s a pretty exciting exciting time to be in right now well you founded the company win the race you have a great website you can

You can use it for gambling you you’ve won your members a lot of money they they’ve been able to win a lot of money with your information uh you give some picks but it’s more you know you’re teaching them you’re giving them information to make their own decisions

Uh almost the uh the old analogy you know you you give a man a fish you feed him for a meal you teach them how to fish you feed them for a lifetime that’s kind of what you’re doing with your site you mentioned tire wear earlier that’s

Just one of the things you have on your site you have all these things on your site so if you’re a if you’re a big you know NASCAR nerd and you want to know all the times of of the P crew cruise and tire wear all that stuff you can get

Into that if you just want a little overview you can get into that as well why did you start this site and and give us kind of a 30,000 foot view I I know I just kind of talked about it a little bit but why’ you start this site and and

Give us kind of an overview of maybe something I didn’t say uh to promote your site really when I started getting into DFS more for NASCAR more seriously um I would go to certain and pick something out here or there from each one and kind of compile my own

Spreadsheet with what I thought was most important everywhere then I learned more about the data that NASCAR you know spits out after a race and then kind of figured out what I thought was most important myself and then so when I built my site I wanted it to be a

Basically just one centralized location for all the stuff that I used to go around every we’re looking for so everyone can just log in have it immediately there might be four or five different tabs you need to click but it’s all on the same site most of the

Stuff you can download to a CSV and create your own thing with it or whatever you want to do um and that’s the thing and that’s the beauty of it is you can log in 20 minutes before a race and hopefully have everything you need

To make a lineup quick or to place a couple bets or you can start on Monday with me when I place you know I start doing out with the pre-practice and qualifying ranks every Monday you can start there and build your own model from there through the weekend with

Everything that comes out throughout the week we have Greg murn is our betting expert he does Front Runners which is you know how often a driver is running in the top 10 five or three that’s super important that comes out midweek and then we have Joe schroers uh Sim Center

Which is 10,000 plus race simulations and that’s placed against all of the you know betting books and it’s our own probability of things happening you know wins top 10 all that stuff everything a book’s going to offer and puts it against the book’s number and tells you

What the you know most plus EV or best bet is that you should make uh based on our simulations so it’s as extensive as you want to get you can log in 20 minutes before a race have what you need or you can just go to town on everything on

There well I am a I am a subscriber I’m a member I can I can vouch for it and I would be one of the casuals I would be one of the people that that sees all the great things that you have there and and

Just amazed at how smart you guys are uh I don’t I don’t get in the weeds too much I’m a pretty simple guy but if for the people that want to get in the weeds and and be very technical about stuff I think it gives you an edge when you are

Placing those bets now maybe not this week for the Daytona 500 a as you mentioned and even for you you’re going lighter on your bets you’re you’re going lighter on the amount of money maybe that you’re playing this week because it is kind of a crapshoot but as you think

About this year looking out for the year is there a driver that I I ask you two drivers one is a um I’ll ask you three drivers one is I want your disappointing driver of the year so someone that that probably is expected to be good but maybe you

Don’t think it’s going to be as good one is a surprise driver and then I want to know who should we bet on to win the Nascar championship at the end who’s going to be the the final one St standing so your disappointment your surprise and your

Champion okay um well I’ll start with my Champion my Champion would be Denny Hamlin I think he finally does it he hasn’t won a championship yet but he’s got over 50 wins he’s a Hall of Famer guy is just unreal talented and even if you you know if you know NASCAR like me

You already know it but if you watch the documentary on Netflix you just see how hard he works he’s always in a simulator trying to learn more things and and get better even at the age that he’s at right now um well you in his 40s racing

A NASCAR uh every weekend it’s it’s crazy so I think he can finally get it done this year this probably won’t be a popular choice but I think a disappointing year just because he won the championship last year be Ryan blay I think um I

Think he’ll have a fine year but I kind of like Joey Lano to bounce back in that on that Pensky team um and I just you know and I think if that’s going to happen then that’ll leave blay uh getting eliminated earlier in the playoffs than last year which I’m

Sure you know his team would say is obviously a disappointment after winning it all last year um a surprise driver I don’t know if it would really surprise people I’ll go with a Longshot surprise driver because I think there’s enough tracks where he could

Excel at and he took over you know for a great team uh Kevin Harvick’s ride but Josh Barry is a rookie um and I think there’s you know on some short tracks I wouldn’t be surprised if he was you know running top 10 a lot or top five but um if if they

Are smart this year they they’re gonna they’re going to score some points um so I think that’s a longer shot to do really well another one that I like but he’s more well known would be Tyler reck Tyler reck’s one that’s improved every single year he’s on that 23xi team I

Talked about earlier owned by Denny Hamlin and Michael Jordan he made it real far into the playoffs last year I think he will again this year uh his best races are road courses and there’s a few less this year but he’s also improved elsewhere especially on like

The shorter flat tracks I think I think he can uh if he can just get lucky on these drafting tracks I mean he just wrecks out all the time uh but a lot of times it’s sometimes it’s his fault sometimes it’s not but if he can score a

Few more points there I think he’ll be very comfortable this year and have a another really strong year and you get to the playoffs again anything can happen I think that car could be really strong and really fast uh especially with Denny as an owner you know what if

Something happens to Denny and he’s out of it or something I mean all their resources should go to to his team and and just any knowledge or tips he can give them to make that car a little faster uh I really like Tyler reic this

Year well we have a lot of uh basketball coaches that that watch this that listen to this show and so you know anytime you’re talking about Jordan Jordan brand that’s that’s a great that’s a great team to rout for so Denny Hamlin Tyler reick they’re the uh the the Michael

Jordan team so uh that’s I guess that’s who we’re gonna root for if we’re casual fans so and re always has the best looking cars too the Jordan wrapped cars always look the best yeah we got we got to go for that especially for basketball coaches but you know the Jordan brand

Just won the the national championship in football with the Michigan Wolverines so uh maybe this is year for the Jordan brand there we’ll get you out on this last question you know as sometimes as golfers you know us that bet on golf or love golf you know we’ll go out there

We’ll get out on the course and we hit it into the woods and then we we try to be like Tiger Woods or or try to be like uh you know Rory mroy or something and we’ve seen them hit this shot out of the woods and so we’re gonna try this as

Well because we’ve seen it so many times when you get behind the wheel and your wife is sitting next to you and you get out there on their freeway and she just shaking your head sometimes because you’re like oh I can I can make it between those two cars there or hey you

Know you might want to slow down a little bit because uh I I don’t think they’re going to uh not give you a speeding ticket because you are a NASCAR expert yeah I’ll say she she definitely prefers to drive anytime we go anywhere um and not just because I’m out there

Being a crazy person but uh definitely a little more aggressive and uh yeah maybe I’ve learned maybe maybe I think I’ve learned a little something from these guys even though if I stepped in their car I could couldn’t couldn’t make a lap around the track so well he’s Ryan Stevens win win go check their site out and and if you want to uh uh get into the world of gambling or fantasy sports when it comes to Nascar or if you’re just a huge Nascar fan or you know a Nascar fan and and and you want to give them a little

Bit of edge when they’re watching that on on Sunday afternoons you know that might be a great subscription to to get them because all that tire wear or or or how they do when they’re leading in front and all that gobbly g all that all that uh all that technical sciency type

Stuff you know you might have a Nascar fan that in your life that likes that kind of stuff go out and get it it’s very affordable win Ryan Stevens appreciate you joining us and for everybody else uh watching this live watching this uh you know on replay

Listening to this on your favorite platform as well we appreciate it share this show with a friend go ahead and smash like button or just tapy tap tap it if you don’t want to break your screen but until next time remember that success is a choice what choice will you make today

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