Golf Players

Hardball Retro Replays – 1985-1989 “Originals”

Hardball Retro Replays – 1985-1989 “Originals”
Season Recaps (Standings, Leaders, Awards)

Simulation – Digital Diamond Baseball v11.2.9

Hi this is Hardball retro welcome to the retrome this video is companioned to a series of articles on my Hardball retro. comom website the main article is located under the Retro replays category and is titled Hardball retro replays Sim Seasons with original and actual half decade rosters the original rosters are based

On the research from my book hard retrospective where I assigned every Major League ball player to the first team that signed them to a professional MLB contract each player remains on their assigned original team for the duration of their careers I take the top 40 players for

Each roster based on wind shares using each player’s best season in a 5-year period I run the simulation for at least 10 seasons in each half decade the team with the highest Victory total during a given season season receives one point if two or more teams tie for the lead

Each receives a half point the team with the most points after 10 seasons is declared the winner however if no team led or tied for the lead in at least four out of 10 seasons the simulation continues until one team reaches that criteria the main article includes a

Full explanation of my methodology along with links for each replays recap and season byon and results so we’re using digital Diamond baseball version 11.29 for my replays um but by the time I’m through with all of the various half decades and Seasons um I’ll probably be

Running uh version 12 or or better um so what I’d like to do now is just run through um the box square search Tool uh season over overview and um go through some of the uh uh the various features of digital Diamond along with showing the results

From uh this particular year or half decade which is the 85 or 1985 through 1989 season um and again this is the originals so if you’re not completely familiar with the uh concept of Originals versus actuals um basically what I’m doing with the originals is I take every ball

Player um I used the uh retro Street uh transaction database uh the Layman database I’m using wind shares uh and basically putting all of these players back on the first team that they signed a professional Major League contract with with um and then once once I assign

Them to that uh Team or franchise they remain with that franchise for the duration of their career so uh just looking at the screen in front of us here Carney Lansford um is an angel in so this particular replay is 85 through 89 when he was a member of the Oakland A’s but

For the purposes of uh uh being assigned to his original team he is a member of the Angels here uh so you’re looking at some of the other players on the roster here Floyd Rayford um Tom brunansky obviously in this time frame was uh primarily on the Minnesota

Twins U most of these folks were actually on the Angels during this period let’s just scroll down a bit Mariners uh you know Dave Henderson uh dealt from the Mariners to Boston in 86 I think middle of 86 uh he was on Boston then he was on

Oakland um again majority of these folks actually played for the Mariners during this time frame but uh the idea is that uh they basically they get pinned to those uh teams um so the same here uh clay Parker I think he was probably a Yankee during that period

Don’t recall exactly but any at any rate so just looking at the box square tool here right you can you can search on any uh variety of criteria but I I just pulled this one up just because my Angels won and uh Wally Joiner had two homers you know B brunansky had one

Devon White had one Gary Pettis hit one and the angels ran away with this Victory uh which was their first game in the 1985 89 original uh replay versus the Mariners um I just wanted to point out here where it says 8501 so this is how I indicated the

Um the year uh the ation of the replay that we were going through so um I would run a complete season 851 the next season I would um you know I would back up the stats um dump the stats into the encyclopedia uh within the game so it’ll

Track the career numbers and then I would run the uh uh change the scheduled to read 8502 8503 and so forth so we’ll see that in a bit here um so you’ve got a a game summary which is pretty straightforward um then youve got the newspaper box

Score which is you know if you’re Fami familiar with the old school uh newspaper boxes uh I think a lot of them even didn’t carry the the walks and strikeouts uh back until uh probably the mid 80s these additional stats started appearing here then You’ got the ended box expand this

Here and we’ve got all of the additional numbers here uh same stats just uh you know listed in slightly different manner um but there are all the Fielding numbers listed we got chances put outs assist errors what position they played during the game and so forth uh what lineup profile was

Used where it was played this was in the Kingdom scorecard so this is a this is a neat feature so this will show you know let’s just look at Wally Joiner for a second here home run two rbi’s run scored uh ground out six to3 fly out

Nine to right field obviously strike out and then in the ninth Homer two rbi’s run scored um so this is this is a neat way of looking at uh what the players did in this particular game and you’ve got playby playay so this is how the actual

Play byplay read out uh or uh the the text based descriptions during the game so we’ve got here’s joiner’s home run in the first inning so that was the actual call and then if you want to just look at the scoring plays you can just see

That exact play when Joiner hit the home run all right so we could spend uh quite a bit of time on the box score tool but I just wanted to give an example of that we’re going to back out of this and again 1985 89 hard ball retro

Originals and I’m going to look at the season overview uh when I create these libraries I do import uh player photos um and team logos I try to take the logo from this time period so uh hopefully I haven’t made any any blatant uh errors with those uh so we’re

Looking at this is the um got over here in the right hand corner the 8501 um so we’re looking at the the first uh Replay that I did for the 85 through 89 Originals you’ve got the Indians ahead in the American League east by two and a half over the

Tigers seven over the Red Sox and in the AL West we have the twins over the Angels by eight games the Angels did finish up nine and one in their last 10 looks like that helped them finish second over Royals in the A’s um okay National League East got the Mets

And the Pirates both Wing 100 games the Mets coming out on top with 104 victories a 260 run differential I didn’t look at that up top here anybody with a good run diff uh white socks with a really horrible one negative 246 uh Boston plus

146 and see what we looking at here so we’ve got the Giants ahead in the west uh beating the Dodgers by three games so when I’m looking at the season by season results the Mets with 104 victories would get the point because they had the most wins in this given

Replay so let’s just take a look at the uh leaderboard individual stats here so what’s nice is it uh includes all the player photos and we have uh you know folks that you would expect to see here Wade bogs obviously Kirby Pucket gy rice

86 um I I do use the feature where it tags the um uh the last two digits of the year uh to the player last name and and that way I know what what year I’m using from their uh actual stats um so what this means is during

Uh during the time period from 1985 to 1989 that Wade boog’s highest win shares total came in 1986 so that’s why I used his 86 season the same would be you know Kirby puckets uh five years stretch his 1988 season was the best based on win shares uh and so

Forth we got Carney Lansford Don madingley uh what I’d like to see here though is sometimes there’s folks that you may not expect or uh you know okay Corey Snyder yes he was a home run hitter uh probably would not expect to see him in the you know in the lead with

51 dingers over Maguire with 48 um most folks probably recognize Howard Johnson uh for his time with the Mets but he did start out with Detroit so it’s 47 tied with uh Mike young Orioles 47 um you might see or You might notice some discrepancy es here well and think

Like well how you know how did Mike young hit 47 uh 85 was definitely his best year I think he had 28 homers so you know you may think 47 is probably out of the realm of possibility for him um you know maybe 30 to 35 at the

Most um but on the other hand it might be an issue with playing time where um when these rosters are constructed you know maybe Mike young is the best uh fit for an you know an everyday lineup spot and he just got enough playing time to uh to bump his totals up

I’m not saying that’s the case with young specifically just just throwing that out there if you’re if you see somebody on here and you’re like oh there’s no way he would have done that uh that is potentially why RB again Snider 50 if you’re going to

Hit 51 homers you’re going to knock in a bunch of runs um scroll down here a bit so we got National League Dave Parker over Steve Sachs Tony Gwyn I would expect Gwyn to be up here uh pretty much in most if not all of these replays uh Randy Milligan not

Expected but 313 in this particular Year Mike aldrey also probably not someone I would have expected to see there but uh that’s what makes these interesting to me at least uh you know you may may look at season two and maybe one of these guys drops down to a 240 batting average right

So um Okay Kevin Mitchell based on his 89 season would definitely expect these type of numbers uh Eric Davis that was his best year in ‘ 87 I believe that was 37 homers and 50 steals or something like that so okay Jack Clark Daryl strawberry Mike Marshall yep I would uh wouldn’t dispute

Most of those folks being in there now this is where it can get a little quirky and interesting is with the pitchers right and let me also mention here what is the plus sign well I’ll let you know what the plus sign means right so Dicky nlls with a plus

Sign we’re going to bring up Dicky nlls okay so Dicky NES was not an original member of the Minnesota Twins that’s not who he signed his first pro contract with back out of this but you can also see here his uh his numbers these are his actual

Numbers the 4 and two 45 games right and in this this particular replay he went 15 and three uh kind of working uh little bit in the rotation mostly out of the pen um but they really stretched him you know beyond what he would normally uh

Pitch that year and it was probably just because uh the way the Twins roster was constructed is that they needed Innings from him so uh his whip wasn’t great but his ER was was pretty stout so um but we could replay this 10 times and you know he could you

Know he could have an awful season we um so but to get back to the plus sign the plus sign is a player that I needed to fill in a roster spot um so it’s a player that didn’t make it onto the top 40 uh didn’t make it onto his roster for

His original team um however the twins had a gap in their probably in their relief staff uh and so I had to use players basically I looked at the Players whoever didn’t make it and that were the top remaining players that didn’t make a 40-man roster so if somebody was missing a

Backup catcher or uh relief pitcher so forth that’s where these fill-ins come in and I put the plus sign just to to differentiate them from the rest of the group um you’ll see that here Rick Anderson was a fill in um we’ll probably see a few of those sprinkled throughout

Here um and uh the other the other qualification there was that uh to be in the uh starting uh or the the opening day roster the the top 2 five players on the team um I had a cut off of a minimum of five win shares so if a player didn’t meet that

Criteria that meant there was an open slot that I had to fill with with a Fillin player so anyway enough on that uh so the leaders Ticky nolles Ed Lynch Rick Anderson none of these three you would expect to be here um but again that’s what what makes this kind of interesting

And fun is some of these guys guys that you know our plugins um will sometimes filter up into these uh into the leader boards here but you’ll also see folks that you recognize okay John Smoltz Brett saberhagen you know wi leaders Clemens probably would not expect Ken shrome um but again let’s

Say I think an 86 maybe he won 14 games uh but pitching for a different team different different offense a different defense behind him maybe that makes the difference in a few victories here and there um Danny Jackson 18 tukry 18 for the uh Yankees and Mike wit 18 for the

Angels uh Dave retti I would expect in the in the save leaders Doug Jones again you’ll see Brewers he was in or Brewer he was not uh he he wound up on the Indians uh maybe 1986 somewhere time frame um and again retti Rangers not Yankees right meffan was closing for the Yankees

In this particular League uh Andy mfan Dale mahori right Blue Jays 35 saves Dan quizenberry 35 I would expect so the Royals there okay here here’s a here’s a prime example Nolan Ryan Mets 184 er uh it’s pretty sweet um Eric King on the Giants Tim ly Mets doc Gooden Mets of

Course uh you would expect do Gooden I’m sure in some Seasons he’s he’s right up there either first or second in ra probably Mike Scott with his best year in 86 uh you’ve got Fernando Valenzuela 23 wins doc Gooden with 21 Walken and duar but again in 85 in real life on the

Cardinals 85 here he’s on the Reds uh Dennis Cook Steve far those would not I would not expect to be up there um but again given the right situation maybe they do come through with a you know 15 to 17 game uh win season uh are we looking at here save

Leaders Dwayne Bice for the Giants interesting uh he had a one one really good year for the Angels um which was 87 uh Jean Garber Pirates longtime Braves pitcher of course uh John Franco Dodgers 32 saves uh Donnie Moore with the Cubs Mark Davis with the Phillies

So uh digital Diamond will tabulate MVP votes um and sa young votes so not 100% sure how those are calculated but that’s the results here is that it awarded uh Howard Johnson the MVP in the American League and Kevin Mitchell in the National League there’s

The top five for each and then the saai young uh Bob tubry by 10 votes over uh Roger Clemens and Ken shrome and and Danny Jackson will receive 230 so that was really tight race there and Fernando Valenzuela with 295 over doc Good’s 275 and Nolan Ryan’s 230 there’s the little who’s

Hot Uh current hitting streaks we won’t get into these too much be some highlights games to watch and so on all right and so that’s the season overview I’m just going to briefly touch on reports and then we’ll look at the second season here so if you click in here you can see

The same you know the awards the standings uh what I really wanted to go into well there’s a couple things let’s just bring up uh encyclopedia reports real quick um so look at the franchise standings oh I didn’t associate the encyclopedia all right we’re not going to do this right now disregard anyway

Once you once you do um the encyclopedia you can uh look up the career numbers for uh uh the year byye um the iterations that I run for for each league so um but that’s not there right now so let’s see special events are in here might take a moment to generate all

These because it it looks up um goes through all the box scores and it’s looking for specific things like three plus home runs in a game um no hitters triple plays uh certain number of RBI in a game game here we go Innings game lasted 16 Innings game

Lasted 17 Innings so far I’m not going to go through that team runs Mariners had 21 runs Red Sox had 20 it looks like 20 runs is the uh the minimum for that special event uh team hits not really interested in team stuff at the moment team errors uh left on

Base keep going here double plays uh not that interesting triple plays so one two three four eight triple plays in the entire season and you can click into each individual one here and you can look at the box score and see what happened um I’m going to skip that for now home

Runs so Clark 87 of the Giants hits three home runs uh Kohl’s on the Mariners three homers Guerrero galaraga Brett Parish three Homer game just curious to see if there’s a four Homer game but so far I don’t see one Maldonado Cal Daniels Guerrero again uh uh o Brian and again that’s uh

Pedro Guerrero on the Indians so if you’re wondering like oh how do the Indians do that good well who did they you know they traded away Pedro Guerrero but in the hard B retro original League Guerrero is a member of the Indians Pete O’Brien Mark Maguire Kohl’s again Bob Garren that’s

Interesting uh Bell for the Philly that’s George Bell George Foster Giants strawberry that’ss M Griff Yankees so the Yankees in uh the hardore Retro you know 80s and uh early 90s you’re going to have McGriff and madingley at first base and in fact I think the

90 the 90 through 94 also uh you’ve got howar is contending for some playing time there so uh hits in a game Dion James gets six hits Clark of the Giants six hits wondering if that’s Jack or Will Clark oh it’s Clark 89 and what and what

Was the other Clark was it Clark 887 all right so Clark 87 is Jack Clark and Clark 89 is Will Clark and if I clicked in there it would have told me that too but Jerry Brown of the Rangers with six hits in a game I’ve got RBI here I’m not going to

Look at that run scored not interested steals uh yeah steals three bases in a game all right bunch of those uh errors not interested okay who hit for the cycle Tony Fernandez Tony Peña of the Pirates Kelly Gruber Indians and Rich Gman Red Sox hit for the cycle inside the park

Homers we got six of those uh k 13 Mike wit 133 K in one game Jack Mars 12 Nolan Ryan 14 so on unless I see something that’s you know 18 19 20 something up there I would click into it otherwise we’re just going to scroll through These there’s a 16 by doc Gooden 17 by Mike Scott lot of stuff happened in that 22 to nothing game okay no hitters here we go let’s click into these um this was Jack mors no hitter and this one was a Trevor Wilson no hitter so let’s just take a quick look

At the box here no no for Jack Mars 87 no hits no runs 11 strikeouts and two walks and nine innings player the game wers newspaper box there you go Oakland A 8589 A’s uh pretty pretty decent lineup there nothing nothing wrong with that uh there’s the Tigers lineup

Mike loga getting a game at DH there right there’s a filling guy George vukovic and uh nothing wrong with Mike Morgan’s line really but uh Jack moris there’s his n inning no no with 11ks all right so let’s get out of that and go to Trevor Wilson

All right what we got here so we got the let’s look at the game summary battle at veteran Stadium San Francisco defeated Philly six zip Trevor Wilson’s electric stuff pinpoint command results in an amazing no hit performance Night to Remember on the mound San Fran starter Allowed no hits no runs

Only three strikeouts and two walks and nine innings 97 pitches 28 batters fac San Francisco and is 76 and 52 there’s the Box we had a Giants home run from Matt Williams and Bob brenley you go the backtack Clarks in the batting order Johnny lamaster 131 I’m sure he appreciates me pointing that

Out and for the Phillies all right guess Mike Schmidt was getting a breather that game and he came in and pinch hit in the eighth and played first in the ninth uh there’s WI ‘s line there you go so I think there’s a few more things here special event wise complete games

That’s a lot of complete games we going to scroll through that that’s a lot of complete games all right so at any rate we back to the top here so that’s the first of uh the 8589 season so what I do here I want to

Open uh I want to restore the backup of the second season here restore backup I browse to it here’s my 851 through 8510 so just dip into O2 going to over write the files okay here we Go then I select 8589 harble retro originals and that brings us to the second season I’m going to go right into the overview okay wow the Red Sox crush the competition this year with 114 wins so they get a point here uh just by looking at the other nothing wrong with the other

Divisional winners but 114 they just ran away with the East here 283 run diff uh 29 and a half game lead over the Tigers 35 over the Jays and the rest were way out of it here okay in the west the Royals over the A’s 11 game cushion there

Uh and you can see here the Angels fell from uh 2 to six they were not a contender that year uh we’ve got the Mets 94 so again Mets taking the uh Eastern Division title uh three and a half games over the Cardinals and the Reds 95 wins 11 game

Cushion over the Dodgers so they were pretty comfortably in front there uh got to mention the Royals had a nice nice run differential there as did the Mets all right so yeah definitely a few different uh players in the uh in the leaderboard here so let’s just go

Through this Paul m with the uh batting Crown barely over Willie McGee 85 Moler 87 that was his best year in that time frame Mike Greenwell 88 uh I would expect to see up here from time to time definitely Kevin sitzer as well he had a definitely a a great rookie year there

In 87 uh home runs Jesse Barfield I would definitely expect him in the top five Jose Cano there’s Hojo again Maguire again and Wally Joiner with 40 bombs coming in fifth RBI leaders we’ve got HOA with 144 over Cano 142 Barfield Joiner and rice and then in the NL we’ve

Got Keith Hernandez taking the batting crown with a 325 average uh beating out will Clark Wally Bachman of the Mets mil Thompson of the Braves Dave Parker of the Pirates uh home run leaders George Bell with a comfortable lead 51 Jacks over Jack Clark uh Mike Marshall with

40 uh Mitchell drops down to 39 in this particular replay and Dale Murphy 38 we got Bell Mitchell Bobby benia makes an appearance on leaderboard as does Andy van slake uh but he’s member of the Cardinals here uh nickas saski with the Reds 113 RBIs

Um George Bell I believe was a rule five drafts draft pick so he was originally with the Phillies so it’s one of the things that I I enjoy looking at and and find fascinating you know when I was putting these teams together like wait he was on

What team you know sometimes you don’t realize how people uh got uh to the organization that you’re really familiar with them playing for uh ra here we go so these folks are a little more familiar here I don’t see it uh any of those Fillin guys this particular uh run uh Brett saberhagen

Uh 89 I mean probably 85 87 or 89 any of those seasons were were excellent but uh his 89 he he had his top win shares uh Mark in that campaign so 221 ER barely eeking out uh John Tudor’s 2.22 uh tutor again 85 in a real life

Pitch for the Cardinals here he’s uh pitching for the Red Sox so they’ve got a nice onew punch with uh Clemens and tutor so that definitely helps them uh you know the 114 wins you know along with a pretty stacked offense you can see that the Red Sox are going to be one

Of the top teams here uh David con uh with the Royals Jimmy key on the Jays and Eric plunk of the Yankees makes an appearance with 19 victories uh Don AI 38 saves takes the uh lead to the save category over Dale mahori ran Harvey Dan quizenberry Mike

Henman uh NL pitching leaders doc Gooden there he is 1.93 Rick rushell of the Cubs 2.26 uh we’ve got Mike Scott 2.32 Dave DKI 261 and Greg Maddox uh 88 Edition 2.73 uh doc Gooden 23 victories Don Robinson The Caveman with 19 uh Eric King Mike Scott Bob Welch 16 victories a

Piece and in saves you got Jeff Reen Jeff Russell on the Reds Bob James Expos Jean Garber Pirates Mark Davis Phillies MVP goes to Howard Johnson by two two votes over Ricky Henderson um NL MVP George Bell over Kevin Mitchell Sai Young we’ve got the two Red

Sox uh tutor and Clemens followed by saber haen wit and OA uh OHA also of the socks so actually those three guys I mean that’s that’s just not fair right um NL young Gooden Don Robinson Mike Scott Jose De Leon Bob Welch and we don’t really care about the

Who hot and the hitting streaks so we are going to take a quick look see if there’s any uh no hitters or uh home runs that type of thing so reports special events let’s see here what we got again this takes a little longer than loading some of the reports because

It is uh it is running through all of those box scores so understandably uh takes a few seconds to Crunch through all that data and by a few seconds I mean you know maybe closer to a 30 seconds to a minute I guess it it depends and probably also

Uh yeah I’ve got a lot of stuff running onto my machine here which probably doesn’t help things out so special events we’re looking at uh let’s yeah we don’t care about Innings runs team hits going to go down through here team errors left on base don’t

Care it’s not that I don’t care but I don’t really care double plays triple plays we’ve got seven turn this particular year uh home runs and anybody with four I don’t see anybody with four I see a number of guys with three and uh some different folks on the

List here some interesting Dave Valley on there uh Jack Hal for the Angels um nickas saski all right what do we got here hits RB keep going a bit steals errors cycle six Cycles coupled by Greenwell in the park homers got five of them this

Year um we got K we’ve got 12 13 14 um let’s see no hitters only one no hitter and that was Clemens let’s take a look here that’s my dog in the background I got to take care of her in a minute uh let’s just look here Clemens no hits 8

KS one walk 94 pitches quick look at the box and then I’m going to we’ll move on to season three after this uh only three hits for the socks in this game so Burks Homer it was a one- nothing three hitter uh but the no hitter for Clemens

Nine innings eight K nothing doing for the Tigers here uh uh and Jack moris only allowed three hits five walks gave up that one that one Homer and that was that was the difference in the ball game so uh all right we’re going to move on to season three here one

Second okay so we’re going to pull up the uh backup from season 3 8503 open double click on that guy overwrite existing files uh obviously you never want to overwrite existing files until you’re sure that you have a valid backup um we’re going to load that Library and let’s pull up the season

Overview so this is the third uh iteration of the 1985 89 Originals let’s see who came out on top here and just so you know I haven’t committed these to memory so some of these will be a surprise to me as well um I kind of just ran the Sims and you

Know saved off the statistics and then ran the next iteration I didn’t go too deep into uh the leaderboards and the standings and all that other than just to mark down who had the most wins in the season so uh all right well looks like uh

Boston is kind of emerging as the team to beat here with 107 wins they get another point in my point total system uh so uh they won uh the American League East pretty handily over the Brewers uh the Orioles had a good year as well but not good enough Red Sox

Again uh blowing out their opponents 263 run diff that looks to be the top in the uh simulation here uh in the west again we’ve got the royal 84 victories over the twins everybody else below 500 106 Lost season for the white socks uh let’s scroll down a bit here NL

East Mets again on top 103 uh just not quite enough to beat out the Red Sox uh for the overall wins in the in the majors this particular uh Sim season um but they did uh beat the expos in their division by 10 and a half games uh Pittsburgh also over 500 with

86 victories uh but finished 17 games back and in the National League West we’ve got the Giants and the Reds in a virtual tie Giants with 117 run diff Mets with 185 forgot to mention that uh Dodgers just two games back and everybody else sub 500 here AST 108 losses uh pretty

Miserable all right let’s take a look at the leaderboard got the let’s see Kirby Pucket with his 1988 season uh this particular Sim season he batted 362 to take the batting title in the American League now we’ve got Robin ya second with a 353 Mike Greenwell 34 46 Paul Moler Wade

Bogs uh nobody out of the ordinary there Gary guetti 44 dingers leading the American League there’s Cory Snyder again 41 uh Kent herbeck makes an appearance with 40 George Brett with 39 and Jesse Barfield 38 RBI Robin y with 100 34 just uh one ahead of Dave

Henderson um Kirby Pucket 131 guti 130 Ruben Sierra of the Rangers uh with 127 over in the National League we’ve got Greg Brock with a 326 average uh Brock never really panned out the way uh Dodger fans expect Ed uh but here he takes batting title by a single point over Tony Gwyn

Senior uh got Will Clark Brett Butler of the Braves Mark Grace of the Cubs with 319 uh rounding out the top five then in the uh there we go 63 home runs Kevin Mitchell for the Mets um Jack Clark 41 Dale Murphy Daryl strawberry also tied with 41 but clearly Mitchell swort

Above the others here Glen Davis with 39 and uh Mitchell also taking the RBI crown with 148 over Andre scalar Raga Jack Clark Joe Carter of the Cubs and Andy van slake pitching American League pitching rocket Roger Clemens 195 V a takes the ra title also takes the

Uh uh the win title with 22 uh ER Kirk mccal 211 nice to see one of my angels up on the board actually got two angels here Willie Frasier 259 uh Brett saberhagen 250 bab o ha to 259 and then with WIS we’ve got Clemens over tor

Hagera saber Hagen and Chuck Crim with 16 and I’m guessing the majority of those came in relief so that’s that’s an interesting Mark there uh save save leader is Greg the otter Olsen with 45 uh Dale mahori again making another appearance here for the Jays with 36

Saves Andy mfag again for the Yanks Doug Jones and Ernie Macho kamacho with 33 uh for the A’s uh NL Mike Scott 206 expected to be up there Shane Ry 210 probably not expected uh also expose uh doc Gooden 226 Scott galz he did have a couple uh Good Seasons uh one

Or two good years in relief a couple as a starter um he’s comes in with a 239 ER um oral Hyer makes his first appearance on the leaderboards I believe with a 264 ER so top five um and he finished tied for the the league lead with 20 victories along with Scott

Galz Mike Scott also 20 and we got Mario stto of the Reds with 19 and Doc Gooden with 17 save leaderboard Bob James takes it with 41 uh over Jeff Russell Jeff reardan John Franco Donnie Moore and MVP Paul Moler over his teammate Robin Ya by six votes Ricky Henderson George Brett Ruben

Sierra all uh right in the mix there rounding out the top five in the AL NL MVP vote Getters Uh Kevin Mitchell Daryl strawberry uh galaraga Eric Davis Joe harder but Mitchell obviously uh those 63 homers 148 RBI takes the MVP vote there Al sa young Roger Clemens over his

Teammate John tutor Brett saberhagen and then a couple of teammates here Teddy higera Chu Grim uh n elai we’ve got Mike Scott uh barely edging Hershiser and galz uh SoDo and do Gooden all right so that’s our uh season overview and we’ll take a quick look see if there were any uh interesting

Uh special event type games here no hitters cycles for Homer games that type of thing let’s see what we got and again this takes uh oh probably 30 seconds to a minute to to comb through all of the box scores so give this a moment so yeah definitely uh that Red Sox

Team uh you know obviously the the actual Red Sox uh were were uh you know made it to the World Series in ‘ 86 uh they were competitive in 88 um you know and those other years I think they were fairly competitive as well but

Um you know if you just look at their their lineup Alone um just off the top of my head you know Jim Rice uh Ellis Burks Mike Greenwell Dwight Evans Wade bogs Rich Gman uh I’m sure I’m forgetting some folks um but pretty stacked offense and then you throw in

Uh you know Clemens 86 John tutor 85 babo ha 86 just those three guys alone are going to uh give you a competitive team year in and year out in in uh this particular scenario that I’ve constructed here so all right special events uh and I would expect the Mets uh

The A’s there’s a few other teams that that I definitely see um you know bubbling up to the top here the Royals um the Giants the Dodgers I’m sure I’m I’m forgetting a few but let’s see let’s scroll down here a bit double plays triple plays one two three

Four looks like eight triple plays again looks like six to eight triple plays in a season seems to be the norm uh number of three Homer games oh here’s a four Homer game we’ll click into that Pucket Floyd raford three Homer game I would say the rest of these folks are

Not totally unexpected but uh Pucket four homers let’s just take a look at that box real quick Pucket five for five four homers nine RBI that is a sweet looking box score right there Jesse arasco in right field that is uh I guess they were running short on uh

Outfielders there that’s that’s cool uh and I think he did play a game or two in the Outfield when uh uh DAV Johnson would would would shuttle him and uh Roger mcdal between the the mound and and the Outfield I know they did that one or two game so that is funny

All and looks like uh yeah he he got the best of Atley hammock here so let’s look at the play by play let’s look at the scorecard so Pucket in the first Homer in the third Homer in the fifth singled in the sixth SA fly in the seventh and

Hit home run number four in the eth so all right five for five four homers nine RBI I’m sure the twins fans were uh loving that one hits in a game six hits Sandberg twice six hits Bobby B Griffey Jr six hits griffy junr making appearance obviously 1989 you know his

Rookie year not his best numbers um but good enough to get him onto the Mariners roster obviously and uh you know he’s going to put up some numbers here and there um but I would fully expect uh you know in the 90 through 94 replay and the

95 through 99 to see uh him in the top five of the leaderboard here I wouldn’t expect to see it because that 89 season just he just didn’t put up big numbers but let’s see Cycles we’ve got five Cycles hassie meore Barrett Doran Parish in the park homers we’ve got eight of

Them all righty okay see if we have any High numbers here twelves a lot of twelves and 13s 13 13 15 for Mike Scott looks like the high 14 oh we got 17 from Jim got well that’s unexpected game lasted 19 Innings wow no hitters we’ve got three of them

So let’s uh let’s plow through here uh young 86 for Oakland tutor 85 Swindell 88 let’s see what we got young 86 that Kurt Young I’m gonna guess Kurt Young uh shuts down the A’s game summary Kurt Young’s electric stuff no hits two walks nine innings and Denny Walling did the damage

There young Kurt Young and that improved his record to seven and one so he’s he’s having a heck of his season there um O’s lineup kind of cobbled together if I’m being honest here Cabell and Wright Jones Ripken Murray sheets I mean not awful but you know if you got like Worthington

Steve Lake John Shelby um yeah definitely uh not a not a stacked lineup by any means all right let’s look at this one John tutor uh no hits the Jays um and this I would say other than the top three in the lineup is not a good

Batting order at all uh Fernandez Mosby Barfield excellent and you see what the plus signs we’ve got some Fillin here Mickey Hatcher Jose Gonzalez I believe Andre Robertson Pat Borders Fred manrique Jeff King uh I mean not not awful but not you know you’re not going to compete with John tutor 85

Here with that lineup just not all right and we’ve got Greg Swindell let’s take a look give him his couple minutes of fame here and he uh no hits the white socks let’s see what it says here summary couple of walks um not a great batting orderorder either got a Downing Baines huet

Venturas thinking that was his rookie here Jerry Harriston senior Matt maruo cesie sorry guys it’s not I mean uh you know Downing and Baines couple other guys are decent here but not great not a great lineup for the Indians either other than Guerrero Snider Gruber I would say V Hayes okay

There uh let’s see here we’ve got uh yes s now nine innings six k okay well there you have it um so that’s season 3 let’s bring up season 4 8504 bam okay got a season over R so the idea here is I run 10 seasons

We go through you know uh team with the most wins in a given year gets a point uh and so on um whatever team has four or more points at the end of that is declared the winner now what I’m going to I’m planning to run uh playoffs uh just for fun

Uh you know the one Whatever team with the most uh points is going to be declared the winner so uh the playoffs aren’t going to uh it’s more for exhibition purposes right just to just to have fun playing the the top couple teams and seeing uh who would win like a

Seven game series um I am going to do the playoffs uh the playoffs are going to be structured to basically mirror whatever time frame I’m playing in so uh let’s say like pre-divisional play it will just be the top American versus the top National League team

Um and then uh you know divisional play it’ll be the the top two division winners uh in a championship championship series and then the World Series um and I’ll probably uh I won’t do videos of the championship series I’ll just announce the uh probably the you know quickly run through the box

Scores or something on those um and then as we get into the you know the Wild Card era and stuff it’ll it’ll expand a bit but again I’ll probably just post the videos of the World Series and uh do a quick recap of the playoffs up until

That point so we are on season 8504 um and we’re looking at the top win total which is the Red Sox again so that’s I believe they have three of the top four win totals already uh there’s that run differential again just blowing out their opponents um we’ve got the Brewers just

Barely over 500 the Tigers at 500 um you will notice the uh I use the actual schedule from one of the years in that 5-year period so this must have been the season where uh it looks like Toronto and Cleveland played 163 games uh it doesn’t seem to be having an

Effect here but uh it is what it is um I’m playing out an actual schedule so uh there are you know some teams might play 161 some might play 162 or 163 and then uh you know back uh pre uh pre-expansion it’ll be 154 game schedules and and so

Forth um I don’t do rain outs or or makeup games or anything so just it is what it is so the Red Sox only play 161 um that’s okay so let’s see the Royals in the west 94 five games over the Rangers uh Oakland Minnesota over 500

Um plus 91 rundi so not a great offense but excellent pitching staff looks to be keeping the Royals alive here uh and uh strong contenders in the west but um Mets with a one game uh uh margin over the Pirates in the NL East um good run differentials for both

Teams fairly evenly matched in this particular uh Sim season Phillies Expos Cardinals all over 500 which to me would mean that there are some teams in the west that got pummeled and that appears to be the case so the Padre’s take it this year with only a 31 run

Diff uh and despite losing their last three games they still claim the uh the title here three- game uh lead over the Reds and everybody else below 500 so let’s see how the leaderboard shakes out all right so here we have 1985 uh NL MVP Willie McGee taking the Al batting crown

For the Yankees that’s obviously one of their worst deals ever was the McGee for Bob Sykes trade and uh he said uh who’s Bob Sykes probably would you would probably be right uh unfortunately for Bob but um yeah I’m still that’s a head scratcher

Why they gave him up uh at any rate uh Kirby Pucket um a distant second with a 335 batting average Rich getman uh 334 Ruben Sierra 333 that’s probably a bit high for him but uh Allan traml 325 rans out the top five there Cano Jose Cano 62

Bombs uh using his 88 uh season as a baseline um which was his uh his 4040 season memory serves um Carlton Fisk 85 47 Jack and uh speaking of Jack here’s Bo Jackson uh 89 version of Bo Jackson with 44 bombs for the Royals um Jesse Barfield I think matches his out his

Actual output here with 40 and Floyd Rayford with 40 getting a getting a taste of full playing time for the uh the Angels here uh going yard 40 times so that’s uh that’s that’s fun to see though I like seeing guys like that pop in here on

Occasion um you know you like to see the realism but you also like to see a little bit of variation so there you go I believe in that year his 85 season I’m gonna I’m G to say that he had 18 uh so if you double his playing time

You get 36 uh 40 not out of the possibility uh him catching all of those games probably not uh good for the defense but um he played a little bit of third you know they kind of plugged him in a few different places so uh we get a Floyd raford uh shout out

Here uh Jose Cano 62 homers 153 RBIs I’m guessing he’s the MVP but we will see that in a moment uh Jesse Barfield 134 babes Jim Rice Dave Henderson Ruben Sierra over in the National League offense We’ve Got Big Dave Winfield with a 343 average um for the

Padres we’ve got Raphael palomero for the Cubs 335 Parker Tim Reigns makes an appearance 329 Mike Easler for the Astros at 326 home run leader George Bell RBI leader George Bell 50 and33 uh other home runs uh top five home run leaders we’ve got um Eric Davis Danny tardal Dave Winfield Kevin McReynolds

For the Padres so you know Padres is pretty stacked order there you got Gwyn Winfield MC Reynolds at least um I’d have to think about who else they have but uh then with ribbies besides bell bell only won over Andy van SL here Dave Winfield Danny tardal Eric Davis uh

Pitching Todd Burns for the A’s 235 um he might have had a handful of starts for them I’m guessing Lamar Hoy the 803 Al Sai Young winner here pitching for the Yankees with a 2.7 ER Jose rho and Bob OA Roger Clemens and we’ve got three tied with 19 wins including a uh

I believe that’s his first appearance on the board Bruce Hurst so not only know I mentioned Clemens tutor OA we also have Bruce Hurst so um that is a pretty stout uh pitching rotation I’ve got Chris basio here for the Brewers so uh what else Jack moris and then saves I

Would expect Dan qu gbury for those Royals uh don AI Rich gosage uh pops up here with 37 for the white socks Dave retti for the Rangers with 37 Dennis eesley 36 saves uh for the Indians so you know and again this is based on his 88 season you know pitching in

Release in relief with uh Oakland uh so if we go uh back in time uh the 8084 uh originals and then the 75 through 79 he is going to be in the rotation uh based on whatever season he’s I’m sure it’s probably the 78 season and I don’t know what season in

The 8084 off the top of my head but um you know this uh I do assign the lineups versus righties and lefties I assign the pitching rotation and the uh the bullpen usage you know who’s slotted in is the closer the setup man the top middle reliever the top long

Reliever um but that doesn’t mean that the comp the computer manager can override that uh as needed based on fatigue and and various factors so all right looking at the NL we’ve got Mike Scott Bob walk uh for the Phillies Eric sha moral Hyer again doc

Gooden uh so this would be a bit of a surprise Eric sha with 20 23 victories for the Padre’s and again the Padre’s did lead the NL West here this year so that you know that was that was part of it definitely uh part of the reasoning that they

Uh top the West in this particular uh replay uh Mike Scout with 20 Hershiser Neer for the Giants Steve far for the pirates with 16 wins interesting and over in the save category we’ve got Bob James Jeff Reen Donnie Moore Dave S Smith for the Astros Jeff

Russell we look at the MVP and sa young here Cano ran away with it here Moler Sierra Ricky Henderson Jesse Barfield NL MVP Eric Davis uh edges Winfield George Bell Andy Vance SL Tim Reigns and Sai Young Bruce Harris takes it over saberhagen Clemens basio

OA NL sa young Eric sha was 23 wins in the 2.2 something ER uh clear sa young winner over Mike Scott Bob Neer Tom Siver of the Mets and Steve far so that is the season overview for the 8504 replay I’m going to take a look

At our special events here see if we had any interesting uh games to take a peek at let that chunk through all the data here so hopefully you’re enjoying this uh review and and recap of the 8589 hard ball retro Originals um the uh Associated article uh will have uh

Additional info which will include the uh the encyclopedia reports the um season by season standings and and leaders and and so forth special events let’s scroll down a bit errors left on base no not interested double plays triple plays just how many 10 triple plays that year home runs three four homers by

Cano 3 three three three 3333 anybody interesting here Billy Hatcher okay Floyd raford Presley makes an appearance the hound dog uh let’s look at Cano’s four Homer game I guess against the Angels Bo with a complete game win can SEO five for five with a triple four homers and six

RBIs nothing wrong with that box score that was against who rich doson and Ken trro doson with the 9.6 ER that is not helping the Angels at all but that was pretty early in the year and scorecard so Cano Homer in the second Homer in the

Fourth triple in the fifth Homer in the seventh Homer in the eighth uh yeah pretty good game for him I would say six hit ball game for Gerald Perry and Willie McGee six hits all right RBIs scor steals not looking at errors three Cycles John Shelby ore going to say G ore there

There uh Ruben Sierra one two three looks like eight inside The Parkers K bunch of 13s twelves see a 14 from Ryan anything higher 12 12 12 13 13 12 14 no not going to click into any of them four no hitters let’s Breeze through these here

OHA Kurt Young again uh saber Hagen Bob Welch let’s see OHA versus the A’s go back to game summary no hits no runs 11 strikeouts and one walk so just missed out on the perfect game Greenwell homered for the socks it was only a two nothing game and the A’s you go

ERS so it looks like a couple players were injured for the A’s right I don’t see a Cano here I see the lineup uh modified a bit uh because Henderson would normally be their Le leadoff hitter so not not their top lineup but uh Hey it still counts still a no

Hitter all righty uh Kurt Young Kur young with another no no again only a two nothing game Tigers nothing doing for them gotta fill in here Reggie Williams uh but the rest of their lineup looks uh pretty pretty much like a tiger lineup there traml Gibson Parish Hojo

Jason Thompson Glen Wilson Lou Whitaker Tom brookens uh nothing wrong there yeah one one walk allow no hit her again might be wrong but I think he’s still a pitching coach uh in the majors uh okay Royals blew out the Red Sox here 10 nothing five RBI game for Al

Cows and uh saber hien pretty dominant oh is that a uh is that a Perfecto no hits no walks let’s see if it was 27 up 27 down here we go check the scorecard in a minute here uh I mean look at that lineup bogs Greenwell Cooper Gman rice Burks Fisk

Jod Reid Marty Barrett um strike out pop up fly out yeah it does not look like anybody got on base here at all I’m going to go with that was a Perfecto by saberhagen the looks of things excellent game and let’s look at Bob Welch is no

Hitter then we’ll move on to season five after we get through this let’s go to the game summary three walks three K versus the Mets uh two nothing Bill Buckner Homer for the Dodgers Mets lineup uh dyra Kendo mooki Wilson strawberry Milligan Davis maggot and bman young so they were missing Kevin

Mitchell off the top of my head uh maybe maybe one other guy I’m not sure not not the worst lineup but not their best decent game by agilera wasted and wel with the no no so cool all right let’s move on to season number five okay so we’re going to restore season number

Five I mean Boston looks like they want to run run away with this one but let’s see if the Mets can give them a a run for their money or if somebody else can uh come come up with a victory here let’s see season overview okay we’ve got two teams with 101 win

So uh as I stated earlier uh I’m not looking at win percentage here I’m just looking at total victories so uh Boston and Oakland each get a half point in my uh scoring system so Boston is at three and a half now Oakland gets a half Point um AL East Boston still

Consistently that high run differential that amazing pitching staff and the pretty stacked lineup I mean it’s it’s going to be tough to anybody uh to to Really um even contend with them in the east at this at this point at least from what I’ve seen in the first five seasons here

So uh hey nothing wrong with the how the Brewers finished here uh Tigers above 500 Yankees right at 500 uh the J’s well well behind here um over in the west the A’s uh out distance the Rangers by 12 games the Royals above 500 but 16

Back uh the A’s with a nice run differential and uh let’s look at the NL East Mets 98 victories four games ahead of three and a half ahead of the card uh the Phillies with 89 um everybody else below 500 there and then we’ve got the Reds over the Dodgers and

Padres by a 10 game margin so nice season for Cincinnati take a look at our leaderboard here got uh Donnie baseball with a 346 average over uh Kirby Pucket Dave Henderson 331 interesting uh Dan pasque with 325 I would not expect him here either and Wade bogs

322 uh Jesse Barfield home runs 46 tied with Maguire uh Dwight Dewey Evans with 43 Cory Snyder 43 Mike there’s a Mike young appearance again Mike D young um for the Orioles with 40 um then we’ve got Dwight Evans with the uh clear RBI leader with 146 there’s an Eddie Murray appearance 128

Ribbies Jose Cano Kirby Pucket Cory Snyder over in the National League we’ve got Lenny dyra 358 batting average takes the uh takes the batting Crown over Mel Hall with the Cubs that’s a bit of a surprise at 345 Jose okendo at 334 a bit of a shocker as

Well I mean I know he had a decent season in 89 but 334 is probably a bit above his pay grade Aussie Smith 330 Andre scalar Raga 325 NL batting leaders home runs um Kevin Mitchell 44 one better than Jack Clark Andre scharaga the big cat with 42 uh George Bell

41 and Daryl strawberry 35 and what we got rbi’s garaga over Mitchell by three and you got George Bell Johnny grub with the Padres GrubHub with 121 RBIs uh getting some full-time play out of his uh he was kind of a platoon DH for the Tigers in 86 but he had some nice

Numbers but if you extrap extrapolate that over a full season uh I guess 121 uh ribbies uh you know with Gwyn Winfield and uh MC Reynold sitting in front of you um probably not out of the realm of possibility right jack Clark with 117 for the Giants uh pitching leaders you’ve

Got uh Danny Jackson for the Royals coming in at 264 for the uh ER Crown uh over Bobby OA Bob tuesy John Smoltz and Dave J Schmidt with a 3.0 uh wins John tutor over Eric plunk Bert beven Dan Petri Roger Clemens so that’s Petri and July 11’s first appearance on

The leaderboard if I remember correctly uh saves oretti uh edges Don AI uh Andy mcgaffigan here’s a Mike schooler appearance of 36 Dale mahori 35 uh in the NL we’ve got Mike Scott with a 1.96 over Jose Delon piser Charlie liebrand for the Reds Pascal perezz for the

Pirates uh win leader doc Gooden Lee Brandt sha all with 19 over Mike Scott and Jerry Roy of the Cardinals uh saves you got Dwayne Bice and Jeff Russell and Todd warell all with 38 Donnie Moore with 36 and Mitch Williams for the Padres 32 so let’s look at the

MVP MVP races in both leagues Paul Moler takes it with 424 votes uh over Dwight Evans Ricky Henderson Maguire and Cano NL galaraga notches the MVP with 42 votes over Kevin Mitchell George AB Bell Lonnie Smith and Eric Davis uh John tutor grabs the AL Sai

Young over Bert BL and Petri Eric plunk and Bruce Hurst and the nlsa young goes to Charlie lebrand by five votes over Mike Scott uh with Doc Gooden Eric sha and Jerry Royce also in the running we’ll take a look at our spe special events uh here reports bam Crank That

Open so uh yeah a little bit of little bit of Randomness and variety uh makes things interesting here you know nothing wrong with like you know seeing a Charlie lebrand he had he had definitely some decent ears in the uh mid to late 80s right

Um some of the other folks up on those lists um I’m kind of surprised that that that was the first time I recall seeing Murray right Eddie Murray pop up on these leaderboards um not to say that he wasn’t in the top 10 maybe but since we’re just looking at

Top five uh there’s some guys that are floating in and out of the uh the list now and again right I would have expected some more uh maybe some more Tim Reigns at least in the batting leaders um you know you then we see guys like Mel Hall

And Dan Pasa in there so I don’t know I I enjoy seeing that uh I don’t want to see the same five 10 guys every single time that that’s not enough Randomness or variety for me so your mileage may vary uh let’s scroll down here a bit base double

Plays triple plays oh a good number of triple plays this year wow that’s here we go oh there’s Eddie Murray three homers Larry sheets nickas saski strawberry SE Parker Herer Bob Herer making an appearance here okay uh Barfield Sam ber Maguire Calderone Dunston Davis these were all

Three Homer games yes they were we’re not going to look at any of those boxes Dave Gallagher of the Indians six hits in a ball game scroll past the rbii and run scored steals errors four Cycles Carlton Fisk Billy Doran Wally Joiner Mickey tedeton in the park homers there were a

Number of them looks like more than 10 okay K’s K were there any decent K numbers here 14s 13s 12s there’s a 15 by agulara looks like the top one for that year and we’ll look at the no hitters here uh looks like Pascal Perez and Mark Langston let’s

See let’s dive on in see what we got here Untouchable Pascal Perez and no no Knight save your ticket St uh one walk 5Ks facing Pirates versus Padres so not again Aussie Smith Gwyn Kook Winfield grub MC reyolds Alamar Santiago laka uh pretty pretty good lineup there nothing wrong with

That um but they did not get a hit against Pascal Perez that night Dave Parker homered for the Pirates and there’s Perez’s line so uh interesting Mark Langston I guess Pascal found his way to the ballpark that night uh Langston nine innings nine strikeouts one

Walk and let’s look at this one so the Mariners got four runs Ivan Calderone Homer and the Brew Crew what do they have in their lineup Moler David Green ya surhoff Kevin bass D swam B spes Gorman Thomas Jim gantner I mean pretty pretty solid lineup there too I would

Say Langston just uh overpowered them looks like so uh cool all right that concludes season five review and let’s go to season six by the way when you make these backups they do not name them like this so you need to go in and rename them uh it’s in the

Backups uh folder for digital Diamond so uh I just rename them so it’s something that I recognize um and especially that it correlates with that particular season otherwise it would just I think it defaults to uh just the kind of the date and time um of the backup

So all right we should have uh go into season overview it should say 85 06 here 856 yes I do um win totals looks like a Mets 100 Victories takes the uh takes this particular season so the Mets get a point um Red Sox won their division they just

Didn’t blow everybody away this year and uh you can tell also by their run differential was down under 200 for the first time in a while uh the Brew Crew gave him a bit of a fight eight games back everybody else below 500 here uh a and Royals tied 96 victories

A’s with the better run def uh nine and one in their last 10 to to to tie it the Royals had it and they gave it up right at the end and uh what else do we got Rangers and the Mariners with uh 500 above 500 campaigns okay then let’s scroll down to

The NL here um I did want to mention you can see some of these teams are fairly consistently on top and in the same vein you know the white socks um I’m not sure about the Indians I think the Jays are are primarily uh you know are going to finish sixth or

Seventh here and it’s just because uh well in the case of the Jays um I’m actually kind of surprised by the Mariners but uh being an expansion team and just not having enough time to develop and you know sign and develop players um they’re going to

Lag behind and then some of these teams it’s just a combination of poor Drafting and signing and and so forth that there may be uh either um really inadequate at a couple positions or uh you know poor pitching staff overall are going to subject some of these teams to the the basement

Throughout you know the the Astros if we were click in and and really do a deep dive on the Astros you would see why they’re consistently bad in in this uh in this uh simulation so at least in this particular time frame so without further Ado let’s look

At the AL batting leaders for season six Kirby Pucket again bubbles to the top of the 360 just uh edging way bogs 3 58 uh we’ve got Carney lanceford of the Angels up there with a 343 uh Pedro Guerrero Willie McGee expected uh to to be uh amongst the leaders I would

Say um Homer and RBI leaders Cano 50 round Trippers here what do we got um Dwight Evans Mark Maguire 44 Carlton Fisk 43 Bo Jackson 39 RB’s behind Cano we’ve got Evans Maguire Dave Henderson Ruben Sierra nobody really unexpected there I would say NL batting we’ve got Dave Parker Raphael palero tied at

339 so I guess they uh each get half of a batting Crown which is you know good Tiara I guess I don’t know um Tony Gwyn 329 Bill Buckner and Dave Winfield I think I know I mentioned Buckner earlier but I think that’s his P first um appearance on the uh leaderboards

Here uh Kevin Mitchell 57 57 big flies Eric Davis gets over the the 50 Homer plateau and uh here’s a bob her appearance 43 Kevin Mack and uh Glenn Davis and then RBI leader Eric Davis by one over a Dave Winfield Kevin Mitchell up here again uh Dale Murphy Bob

Porner uh pitching leaders what do we got Brett saberhagen 2.27 um Clemens Allan Anderson now he did have a good year in 88 um so uh again not not totally unexpected there mark ubasa might be his first uh first mention here John tutor uh wins we’ve got Clemens over

Gubah clay Parker Eric plunk John Tor so guys like Parker and plunk I’m thinking are either they I just because of the dir of pitching on the Mariners for example he might be in their rotation I’d have to take a look and plunk with the Yankees again he’s either in their rotation or

He’s in Middle relief and getting some spot starts so um let’s see here quizenberry 44 the Gaff again AI Olsen here’s a r fingers appearance um for the AIDS okay 30 saves uh NL pitching Jose De Leon Mike Scott both sub two eras D Leon takes the

Crown Pascal Perez that is no hitter has it has an ER uh third in ER here with the 265 Lance mcculler senior for the Phillies and Scott Terry with the Reds so there’s a a couple names you may or may not have expected to show up here uh Dwight Gooden 21

Wins Mike Scott Scott Terry Pascal Perez Danny Cox with 16 save leaders Dwayne Bice and Bob James tied with 40 edging out Donnie Moore uh Mark Davis Mitch Williams uh MVP Ricky Henderson clear leader in the MVP vote uh voting this particular season uh his teammate Cana with

405 we’ve got Hojo Dwight Evans Paul Moler and then on the NL side Eric Davis with his uh 50 some homers RBI leader gets the uh the MVP in the National League with 439 votes over Kevin Mitchell Dave Winfield Dale Murphy Kevin McReynolds Al sa young Roger Clemens is

The clear winner over guaza tutor David con Klay Parker uh nlsa is Doc Gooden over Scott uh Terry de Leon and Pascal Perez that is season six leaders take a look at wrong this one there we go special events we’re past the halfway mark here if you’re hanging with me I

Appreciate it and uh appreciate the interest um uh like I said I did uh the the the whole concept with the original uh rosters here um uh I started this oh it was probably back in 200 10 I believe and uh my research eventually led to my book um Heart Ball

Retrospective so if you haven’t checked it out uh hey I’d appreciate if you you know take a look at it um let me know what you think in the comments um it’s well over 400 Pages worth of uh uh commentary on on basically uh not I didn’t do simulations

There it was just you know I was putting the the players on the teams you know here here’s how these teams might have performed if they had kept these players years for the durations of their careers um and it was more to show you know what organizations did well with

Drafting and signing players and you know prior to the amateur draft uh you know it was more of a you know building up your farm system through uh you know just through scouting and signing that type of thing so at any rate uh check that out uh we’re in our

Special special events for season six here let’s get down to let’s see p here let’s take a look at some home runs and triple plays and what not again we’ve got about 10 triple plays in the season um I’m just not going to drill down into each of these box scores

Because we’ll be here forever so unless something really stands out to me we just kind of skim through these uh yeah there’s a bunch of three Homer games here no four homers so uh Bruce bochi three Homer game for the Astros that one kind of stands out to me but I’m not

Gonna not going to look at the box for it uh couple of six6 games here two by Willie McGee one by Pucket skip past the RBIs and run the scor and Steals and errors only one cycle Mike Heath Mike Keith sighting here in the park homers we’ve got nine of those

K’s bunch of twelves and 13s 14s I think 12 is the cut off here and um you can adjust this you know what you want to see here 12 and above is interesting but I’m looking here to you know maybe like a 17 or an 18 strikeout game would be enough

For me to take a peek at no hitter is daily own we will look at this so the Pirates six Philly zero daily own let say daily own uh two walks 7ks 119 pitches uh the Pirates scored six that was off uh let’s see who had a well

Bonds had a three hit game there Bia three hit game no homers uh de Leon no hit the Phillies so we’ve got Lonnie Smith Julio Franco George Bell Mike Schmidt Ryan sanberg Jim Morrison Greg Walker Keith Morland Darren Dalton I’d say that’s a a pretty decent lineup

Here uh so that was that was a pretty good feat for d own to no hit that group uh I am noticing almost all right-handed bats except for Walker and Dalton so uh dó held the platoon Advantage probably helped a little bit but still all professional hitters there

Nothing nothing wrong with that one so uh good game by dily own all right that concludes our Peak at season six for the uh 85389 hard ball retro originals and let’s keep cranking here we move on to season 7 restore seven hope you’re enjoying this as much

As I am uh like I said I didn’t you know I ran these replays but I didn’t really do a deep dive into uh you know the individual season so uh I’m getting a peak as you are here as we’re going through this so let’s go to season overview should

Have an 8507 up here there we go 8507 so uh looks like the Red Sox um that’s going to be four and a half points for them I believe so uh I don’t think anybody would be able to overtake them but we still run our 10 seasons anyway

Um yeah kind of an arbitrary number but I thought 10 seasons is a is a pretty uh a pretty we uh a pretty fair way to approach uh you know and and determine um a winner here and like I said we go beyond 10 games if there isn’t a clear winner

Um but uh I don’t think anybody’s going to be able to overtake the Red Sox then um so 104 wins 220 run diff won nine of their last 10 games yeah they they’re pretty much the dominant team here um Tigers come through with a 93 win season Brewers 88 wins so they’ve been

Pretty consistent here these these two clubs I would say uh Indians lost their last 10 games not good uh over in the AL West we’ve got the Royals over the Twins and the Rangers uh have a 500 season Royals 118 run def nice um and after a good first season

For the Angels they’ve pretty much tanked on me here so fortunately not not much to say about my Halos there um and again if you look at the rosters from some of these teams you know you’ve got you’ve got some decent players here there’s nothing wrong with you know

Uh the uh maybe the top half of the Angels lineup and uh the top two or three in the rotation but when you when you start to dig deep and if if you have a couple injuries or something uh it kind of separates the some of these teams that where they have

Uh a really decent maybe you know even like tenth or 11th batter on the bench or somebody that they can uh pull up from their Reserves uh to fill in um in the in the rotation or in the pen and uh you know as opposed to some

Of these other clubs where they just they just don’t have the depth so that’s what you’re seeing here as well uh the Mets that was a tight race here Mets with 95 wins Cardinals 94 Pirates 93 the Cubbies finished fourth but still can’t get to 500 it looks like

Like all of these with 100 plus uh run differential here and then over in the west you’ve got the Reds over the Dodgers by eight games so a clear uh margin of victory for them 100 run diff on the nose um everybody else below 500 so let’s see who we got

Here uh there we go Wade bogs finally 374 uh Carney lanceford angels all right got to mention the Angels here 359 for Carney uh Willie McGee again he’s been consistently in the top five in average hitting 348 this season George Brett 340 Allan traml 339 yeah nobody nobody really unexpected

Here we got Maguire with 41 uh circuit Clouts for the A’s uh Daryl Evans for the A’s 40 Mike young another 40 um Barfield 39 Johnson 39 I think that’s the third season we’ve seen Mike young with exactly 40 homers so that’s that’s interesting uh Hojo 159 ribbies Tom

Brunansky 128 for the Angels so out of nowhere Tom bransky uh Ruben Sierra 124 Eddie Murray again gets on the RBI leaderboard with 123 and Lance Parish 121 for the Tigers over in the NL on offense we’ve got uh a batting title for Steve saaks just barely eeking

Out uh the victory over uh Tony Gwyn uh there’s Jose okendo again 325 Cal Daniels sighting and Max Keith Hernandez 321 all right here we go Daryl strawberry haven’t seen him on the leaderboard much but uh 45 bombs here takes the Home Run lead over uh his buddy Eric

Davis um Danny tardal sighting 38 homers for the Reds right there’s another guy like I remember him with the Royals and the Mariners and the Yankees and no well he started his career with the Reds but uh I don’t remember the details of the the trade there from I guess from the

Reds to the Mariners uh Jack Clark with the Giants and Dale Murphy 37 homers uh RBI lead Derk Davis over uh two over strawberry and three over van slake here Jack Clark tardal all right a al er saberhagen again over his teammate Danny Jackson got another Jimmy key sighting here for the

Jays uh Rick Anderson for the Jays as a fill in with a 310 uh Mark ubiza 312 uh wins Roger Clemens 20 Chuck GM Danny Jackson Brett saberhagen Dave Schmidt 18 okay a couple that you wouldn’t expect there uh quiz 49 saves Brian Harvey for the Angels 37 Doug Jones D

Mahori and Greg Olson NL leaders we’ve got Mike Scott with a one 90 uh Hershiser 2.29 doc Gooden Pascal Perez Trevor Wilson 269 um doc Gooden 22 wins Joe mcgrain Mike Scott with 20 there’s another Scott Terry sighting with 19 Mario sto with 18 and then in the saves category we’ve

Got Bob James over Jeff Russell Todd orl Dwayne B Mitch Williams and the MVP goes to Howard Johnson in the AL over traml Henderson Kirk Gibson Robin y NL MVP Eric Davis over darl strawberry Andy van slake Dale Murphy Andre scalar Raga Al Sai uh Clemens over Chris bosio Danny Jackson

Red saber and bab o haa and in the NL we’ve got Dwight Gooden and Mike Scott runnerup Joe mcgreen Scott Terry Mario SoDo all right that’s the seventh season as far as the overview is concerned let’s take a look at special events this crank through all the box

Scores yeah this is this is kind of my the sweets sweet spot for my uh getting involved with baseball uh I think the 84 season was the first year that I fully followed it uh so uh 8589 doing a lot of baseball card collecting at that in that period

Um fortunately a lot of those cards are not worth anything um but uh I remember uh you know just a lot of those I would sort the cards by teams and you know put them in the uh protective pages and all that all that fun stuff try to create complete sets so so

Uh when I play the uh Immaculate grid now it’s a lot of trying to uh recall what players were on what what teams and trying to visualize their uh the photos from the different cards and stuff so but I digress uh let’s see scrolling down a bit to

What are we looking for here keep going don’t care about left on base don’t care about double plays eight triple plays not a lot of three Homer Games Matt Williams Jose Cano Daryl Evans o Jackson Carlton Fisk Ruben Sierra okay multi-hit games well not multi-hit five plus hit games so Tim wck William G with six hits okay rbi’s we’re going to skip past UNS scored steals skipping errors skipping two cycles van slake and Joe

Carter uh in the park homers we got eight of them K games we got a 16k game by Mike Scott uh anybody else interest a couple 14s in there no we’re going to keep going no hitters Jim Dees of the Yankees throws a no hitter against the Red Sox and Roger

Clemens throws a no hitter let’s see the Jim desay no hitter here sorry game summary six walks 137 pitches let’s click in here so he walked Jim Rice three times that probably a wise move Lefty righty matchup there uh but he had to work around a pretty tough

Lineup here we we’ve discussed this lineup already so I won’t be labor the point but uh look here even benzinger I mean he was he was pretty decent i’ Ben singer um yeah for three game by Roberto Kelly and there’s des’s line nine innings only one strike out but uh no

Hitter nonetheless beat John tutor all right Roger Clemens what did Mr Clemens do here he beat up on the white socks uh I think we’ve discussed their lineup already but this is uh not not a great lineup either yeah oh there you go not not really a

Great lineup so uh but it’s still counts in the record books right nine innings two walks 11 KS no hits so Clemens with the no no let’s get out of that all right season seven in the books Let’s go to number eight too many double clicks I clicked out of it there we

Go overr right you might be wondering why I don’t just you know go to the overall standings and results well I want to look at each individual season look at the season overview you get to you get the player photos there so it tells a little bit more of a story and I

Can click into individual box scores if I do the encyclopedia I can see kind of the the total career tally for those guys and the overall team standings but uh I wanted to go kind of season by season doing a recap here so there we go all right season overview we should have

8508 here yes we do um Mets score the victory for That season with 101 wins and let’s see here got Red Sox again winning the East over the Brew Crew and the Tigers and the Yankees pull out a 500 season here plus 500 um so good job by the uh Bronx

Bombers but not enough obviously to do uh any significant damage in the standings uh the twins right we’ve been used to seeing the Royals and the A’s kind of battling here the twins uh take the West uh my angels uh all all the way to the bottom with but they avoid the 100

Loss Club so that’s that’s a positive we’ll take a positive there I forgot to mention the socks 260 rundi uh the A’s Mariners Royals and Rangers all uh above 500 here but the twins uh take the divisional Crown over in the NL we’ve got the Mets clear uh winners

Over the Phillies and the Cardinals Pirates getting a 500 uh 500 win percentage here uh Cubs oh just narrowly avoided the 100 loss mark and over here in the NL West we almost had 100 Victory season from the Reds uh 144 run differential uh outpacing the Dodgers by six

Games and the Padres is finishing at 500 everybody else well below and the Braves with4 losses and a minus 220 run def so that’s uh that’s not good uh we’ve got Pucket again batting title over McGee Donnie baseball uh traml and that’s a surprise there Randy vardi

I would have to double check their lineup whether he’s a full-time here just just based on you know lack of uh decent uh players for the the white socks we’ve got home run leaders uh Maguire and Cano A’s teammates Ruben Sierra with 41 Jesse Barfield Bo Jackson no real

Surprises there this is a bit of a surprise Ivan Calderone with 133 ribbies leading the league over Sierra Maguire Pucket and Cano uh NL batting we’ve got saaks with another batting Crown over Gwyn so I’m kind of surprised that Gwynn’s not hitting uh as you know not taking any batting titles

Here uh Tim Reigns John krook and Keith Hernandez that might be krook’s first appearance in the batting leaders um obviously Kevin Mitchell 54 and 160 uh contributing to those 101 met victories uh here’s Eric Davis George Bell strawberry Murphy again no real surprises here Mitchell Van slake Dave

Davis strawberry Bell I would expect most of them to be up there anyway uh Todd Burns 187 unexpected but I think he um he he fits in as a spot starter slong relief for for Oakland so he probably barely met the Innings requirement but there you go uh Tim Belcher making an appearance

For the Yankees 211 er uh Clemens tutor Ken Dixon also another one we haven’t heard from yet 262 uh wins we’ve got hagera tutor dreck Langston saberhagen uh mfan with the uh the save lead 41 over quizenberry Harvey henan schoer ER leaderboard we’ve got Scott Sanderson bit of a surprise there with a

Two erra on the nose over Jose De Leon Bob walk Pascal Perez and Kevin Bru um so a couple of newbies here uh Doyle Alexander first time we mentioned him for the Dodgers 18 wins uh teammate Bob Welch also 18 uh andar Deon herzer so the Dodgers with three of the top

Five uh but yet they didn’t win their division uh Dwayne Bice save leader again Mark Davis Russell Reen and James and then MVP we’ve got Hojo again over Ricky Moler Sierra and Maguire NL we’ve got Kevin Mitchell 414 over Davis strawberry Vance Lake and Tim Rock

Reigns uh Ali we’ve got young uh sorry we’ve got uh tutor over hagera dreck Ron Darling Mark Langston uh again darling with the Rangers dreck with the white socks so just keeping that in mind these guys are with their original teams um and nlsa young Doyle Alexander edges

Uh Jose Deon for the NL Sai Young Award with walking nandu har third or tied for third with Welch and Bob walk also in the mix all right let’s take a look at season 8 uh special events click all right we’re uh done with this one will be through eight of the 10

Seasons for the 1985 through 1989 hard ball retro Originals uh Boston Red Sox being the uh fairly clear leader here with the Mets uh I I would say a strong showing in second place and uh we got a couple other teams in the mix obviously and we’re going to have a as I

Mentioned the the point leader will be the you know that that will be the winner but we will have a playoff uh just more for fun um and with the 8589 that will be uh uh the top team in the uh AL East versus the top team in the AL

West the American League Championship Series and then the same with the national leag east National League West and then the the winner of that series will play the World Series but again it’s just for exhibition just for fun um those videos will be available on my channel uh let’s see scroll down a

Bit let’s get to the let’s see triple plays got about 10 11 of those home run number of three Homer games so we had Cano Ron SE there’s Floyd Rayford again Daryl strawberry Don mattingley with three Nas saski Pet o Bren it’s BJ surhoff Ernest ryles and Johnny Ray

Skip RBIs we’re going to skip steals we’re going to skip errors four inside the park homers Ron carice inside the Parker interesting um okay KS we got a 17K game from Mike Scott we got have any others 16 by agulara yeah I mean I’m probably not

Going to click in unless it’s 18 or better I would say but uh one no no Eric sha versus the Cubs three strikeouts two walks nine innings 108 pitches John krook three for four two rpis uh right let’s look at the Cubbies lineup Billy Hatcher Scott Fletcher Mark Grace Joe Carter melal rafhael

Palero Sean Dunston Fritz Connelly Joe gerardi I mean you know not the worst lineup no Fillin so uh Eric sha has has done well in several of these replays so uh good for him good year good game and uh oh Dennis lamp all right so that takes us up To season nine okay let’s go season nine all right season overview what do we got sure we’re looking at the right ear here should be soon as that pops up 8509 yep Red Sox 100 wins yep we got another Red Sox winner and let’s see so let’s just go through this here AL

East Red Sox over the Jays now look at that I’ve seen the Jays down here a number of times so that’s nice to see them with 94 victories only seven back the socks so they had a really strong season and everybody else below 500 so that’s uh that’s that’s good to see

Um Royals in the west six games over the A’s hey there’s my Halos all right 84 wins we got a 500 season above 500 um forgot to mention the socks with the 221 that looks like the best run differential um twins at 5 500 over here the socks 102

Losses uh let’s look at the Mets over the Cardinals here by three and a half both teams very good in the Run differential column the Pirates uh and the Phillies both over 500 and then in the NLS we have the Giants uh the Dodgers just playing 500 balls the Giants uh take the

Division and let’s look at the leaderboard all right Wade bogs wins the batting title easily 382 Paul Moler a distant second but nothing to be ashamed of at 348 Harold Reynolds I think that’s his first appearance on the list here 337 for the Mariners Willie McGee Kevin bass first appearance

Here I think as well 322 uh for the brw crew so let’s move over into the Home Run column we’ve got Maguire 55 Barfield 50 Guerrero 46 and Bo Jackson and Fred McGriff with 42 RBI lead we’ve got Maguire uh 157 well ahead of uh there’s Calderone again though

138 uh Dwight Evans Gary guetti Jesse Barfield so seen most of these guys up here in the in the leaderboards a few times at least oh look at Johnny grub 347 batting average wow uh well good for him I guess he made uh made the best of his playing time

There uh Will Clark Dan SL like Steve Sachs aie Smith uh home run leaders Jack Clark 55 uh Mitchell 45 Van SL 43 Bell Davis over here in the riby column we’ve got van slake with 163 uh that’s got to be if not the top Mark that’s that’s way up there I don’t

Remember seeing anybody that high but uh Jack Clark 147 Kevin Mitchell Andre scaga and George Bell then in the erra uh Al leaders we’ve got David con Rick Anderson again making another appearance helping out those jays um again plus sign so it’s not his

Original team but he uh he was a fill in for the Jays there uh Kevin tapy first appearance on the list the 2.69 for the A’s uh John tutor Dave Schmidt I’ve seen him a couple times here uh Clemens and Mike Whit tied with 19 wins uh there’s Bud Black first

Appearance for Bud black as a mariner 17 uh Chris basio bab OA and then in saves we got Don AI a couple saves better than quizenberry and then mahori mff again and henan filling out the top five there NL pitching we’ve got uh Mike Scott 2.29 ahead of uh Fernando Valenzuela Scott

Galz Bob Welch and Mike Dunn making an appearance here with a 2.82 ER uh here’s another uh first timer Mike blei with 19 wins tied with Jose De Leon blecky for the Pirates uh so teammates of D Leon here uh doc Gooden with 18 wins oral Hershiser Mike krukow with 17 krukow I

Think that’s his first appearance here uh saves we got reiran BCE Moore Orel Smith um MVP Maguire edges Jesse Barfield by two votes got Ricky Henderson Gibson and Moler and then in the NL MVP race uh those RB for Van slake 432 votes ahead of Jack Clark Andre scharaga Kevin Mitchell Will

Clark uh alai we’ve got bab o ha and Mike Whit sharing the uh award 230 votes a piece uh ahead of Clemens Bud Black and Chris basio nlsa goes to we also have a tie uh teammates D Leon and bki 245 ahead of krukow um Gooden and

Galz and then we’re going to look at special events for season N9 here go to our report tool that up so if you stayed with me this long I really appreciate it um you skipped ahead just to see the winner that’s also fine we’re almost there uh we’re looking at season N9

Special events here so we’re almost almost to the finish line here like I said this this 85 through 89 this was kind of the sweet spot for me you know getting into baseball and um I I really I guess jumped in with both feet you know I got into the the

Card collecting uh started going to uh primarily uh games at Yankee Stadium went to sha Stadium a couple of times veteran Stadium we did a couple road trips uh down to Phil um so being based in Central Jersey it was it was nice to have access to those three teams

Um uh the games were always on uh television and radio so that was also you know the these are you know before the days of uh MLB Network and and ESPN and all of those uh things having you know games on nightly uh I was able

To you know have my my my fill of uh of baseball at that time so let’s see let’s scroll down here all right we’ve got only seven triple plays this year that’s a little bit fewer than I’ve been seeing um Home Run games a lot of three Homer games in this particular uh

Replay won’t go through all of them just seeing if there’s any for Homer games anybody like really jumps out is like out of the ordinary here probably wouldn’t expect a three Homer game out of siter Johnny grub three Homer game but I don’t see any four Homer so

We’re going to keep keep moving here uh Wade bog six hits um Mitch Webster six hits interesting okay keep it moving bases errors don’t care Cycles one two three four Cycles in the park Homer bunch of them going to skip through that K games I got a 15 by

Agulara got um bunch of 12 13 and 14k games 15 by Scott twice 13 14 13 12 nope four no hitters well let’s just Dive In uh hilligus Sean helus Fernando Valenzuela I’m gonna say that’s probably Rick mailer and Mike Dunn maybe it’s Mickey mailer well I guess we’ll find out let’s

See it’s one of the mailor boys uh Sean hilligus uh oh no hits no walks good be a perfect game 27 batters faced uh let’s see here there’s those Cubbies again pretty much same lineup as before so I’m not going to go through that again uh hilligus nine innings nothing two k only

Scorecard ground out ground out ground out strike out ground out fly out pop up ground out oh there was an error there reached on error and then a double play so not a perfect game all right well there you go still a pretty uh pretty amazing effort by Mr

Hilligus and now we’ll look atando back here 10 strikeouts but eight walks wow against the Astros uh let’s see Bill Doran Daryl Thomas Cesar sedeno Glenn Davis Cliff Johnson Ken caminitti Mark Bailey Johnny Ray Greg bigio uh nothing wrong with that lineup uh let’s see Mitch Webster

Homer hilligus took the loss in that one and there’s Fernando yeah eight walks 10 KS all right mailer which mailer was it let’s go to the game summary Mickey mailer that yeah save your ticket St definitely uh five k four walks and nine innings let’s check out the box here so

This is against the Cardinals and he was pitching as a fill in for the Padres um Coleman Pendleton Hernandez Terry Kennedy Leon Durham Jose Cruz Tommy her Gary Templeton Andy V slake wow that’s pretty amazing that is incredible oh you just never know right times you go to a ballg game and

You show up and there’s two pitchers and it’s like uh who are these guys and then you know somebody can still throw a gem Mickey mailer look at that cool that’s why we do this right at least that’s why I do this this is this is fun to

Me uh would not have expected Mickey mailer and you know if I ran a hundred of these I would not have expected to throw a no no all right well it looks like the Cardinals were on the winning end here and this is the Mike D no hitter uh no hits no walks

5Ks 27 batters faced um Astros lineup we already discussed a little bit different here Carmen Castillo Terry pool Larry boa is a fill in okay see fill in as well I forgot to mention that uh so I don’t see any errors so let’s take a look at the scorecard looks clean so

Far that looks like a Perfecto by Mike Dunn and struck out boa for the final out that is cool all right that gets us through season nine so uh let’s uh get to season 10 and wrap this thing up Boston has enough points to win it and

Uh it’s just a formality at this point but I still want to see season 10 okay See’s an overview what do we got well we have another Red Sox Victory here 107 wins nobody else over 100 so they get another Point uh 21 rundi uh Mets topped them with 212

Though but the Mets did not win their division that that year all right um Brewers J above 500 AL West what do we got Royals over the A’s and the M’s and the Rangers and the twins even finished 500 and Royals pulled it out 126 run differential and 11 games over those a

And Mariners and at least we’ve got the Pirates taking the division by four games over the Mets four and a half over the Cardinals everybody else sub 500 Pirates pretty good run differential there too the Reds with a minus one run diff but they win the division by one game over the

Dodgers pretty cool everybody else sub 500 there nobody with 100 losses all right let’s look at the leaderboards for season 10 here bogs at 360 uh edging Don mattingley for the batting Crown uh Pucket up there again Carney Lansford Tony Fernandez uh home run leader is Maguire with

59 and Dewey Evans with 176 ribbies I think that’s going to be tops um but uh nothing wrong here Barfield Evans MCG grial with 44 dingers Mike young oh he does get 41 instead of 40 here uh Evans 176 ribbies that’s incredible uh Maguire McGriff Calderone

Pojo uh NL there we go Tony Gwyn batting batting Crown uh took him long enough this particular uh series of replays but he does come out on top finally uh Raphael palomero second with the 328 Azie Smith the wizard uh okendo again 317 bip Roberts makes a uh makes an appearance here with

A 316 batting average uh Kevin Mitchell 67 homers I’m pretty sure that’s tops uh for this uh for this round of replays uh 166 rubies pretty amazing um just going down the Homer list Jack Clark Strawberry Glen Davis stale Murphy and then ribbies we’ve got Mitchell Vance slake Jack Clark Bobby Bo Danny

Tardal Al pitching leaders we’ve got saberhagen over candiotti Mike Moore Mike Whit Bert Bev I don’t recall seen candiotti and Moore previously so that’s that’s nice uh 22 wins for Clemens followed by tutor Crim Agera and Mike Moore retti with 40 saves ahead of Doug Jones quizenberry mahori and Jesse Rosco of the

Twins and then we go to the NL pitching leaders ER Bob walk uh doc Gooden Scott galtz Floyd yans Rick agilera uh win leaders one two three guys tied with 17 Dan spilner sighting uh Tom Browning okay so some new guys up on the list here even though

We’re 10 seasons in so that’s cool uh saves we got BCE rean Davis Russell Franco MVP white Evans with all those ribbies over Maguire uh Hojo Ricky Henderson George Brett and L MVP goes to Kevin Mitchell um van slake Clark Bobby Bo strawberry and then in the AL for sa young we’ve got Clemens well ahead of tutor Crim candotti and more and El sa young

Is uh hi andar and galz and then we got Hershiser Gooden and Meen fur Tom Neen how did he get up there interesting all right um let’s look at our special events from season 10 and then maybe we’ll take a quick peek at the encyclopedia reports and then we’ll wrap this up

Um as I mentioned there’s additional uh uh I’ve exported the reports from the individual Seasons along with the encyclopedia reports they’re tied to the article on my website so if you go to Hardball retro. comom and um go to the Retro replay page uh you will find the article on Hardball

Retro replays uh the uh let me bring up the actual article name so I’m giving you the right information here it is called hardwall retro replays Sim Seasons with original and actual half decade rosters and then when you click into that you can click into the individual season so you’ll see like the

1985 through 89 hard ball retro original replay you click into that and then you’ll get the option to VI all the reports so it’ll be more comprehensive than what I’m showing going on the video here but I wanted to do the video as a you know just as a companion to show

Some of the features of digital Diamond along with you know the the player photos the logos the reports are just the reports right so um there’s no images tied to those it’s just text um so this is I felt this would be a little more interactive so scroll down

Here um and then also on that article they’re not there uh well it depends when you view the video but there will be the uh the links to the um the World Series uh videos that I’m going to that I’m going to play uh you know the the full games I’m not

Going to simulate those games I’m going to play do an actual uh game where I play against the computer um you’ll see the full play byplay as the game happens so see triple plays yeah so we’re about averaging between anywhere between eight and 10 triple plays a year uh home

Runs Andre Robertson with three homers that’s that’s unique that’s interesting let’s see hereo CTI Marshall Clark these are all three Homer names Glenn Davis Clark Anderson Donnie Don Balor for Homer game we’re gonna have to look at that okay Don Balor one of my favorite players former angel angel MVP and or Al

MVP in 79 for the Angels uh four for five four homers six ribbies so let’s see here newspaper box looking here yeah four dingers uh scorecard for Bor so second inning fourth inning fifth inning then he lined out to short and then he homered again in the

Ninth so nice four Homer day for Bor there uh oh I missed that one four homers for Henderson here click into that Homer Homer line out Homer Homer for Dave Henderson uh four homers nine ribbies wow all right uh uh let’s see Cycles we got six

Cycles we’ve got a number of in the park homers KS we’ve got see any interesting ones here other dog yapping in the background maybe lot of yapping going on all right uh complete games that’s not what I was interested in oh I guess there were no no hitters so just doesn’t show

Them okay so I just wanted to run through a couple of items real quick before we go into the encyclopedia reports um so if anyone was wondering how I got the uh last two digits of the year appended to the player names you go into um sorry

I clicked into it before I want before I said it there uh you click in uh Library options here you go to Advanced options click show miscellaneous options and you set this to True add year to last name uh that will append the last two digits of the uh year so if

You’re playing a um if you create a library in digital Diamond that has um you know a a single season uh this doesn’t really apply but if you have uh like like I created here with players from uh five different seasons um it is helpful to have uh in this particular

Case like the – 85-86 and so on on so you know what year uh statistics are used for for a given player I’m going to cancel out of this and the other thing I wanted to mention is if you’re not familiar with the encyclopedia option down here Under reporting click on

Encyclopedia uh so the first thing you do before you start your first season is you create a new encyclopedia you just type in a name here which is uh what I did was HB retro- 8589 and click new that creates this database here and then from the dropdown you

Select that database that the name that you just created um and then what you do uh after you simulate a season uh complete the schedule um what I normally do is I let me go back out of here for a second so normally I go here back up this Library

First thing I want to do is back it up just in case um and also so because I want to go um back and forth potentially restoring that library checking out the stats and then restoring a library from you know uh uh the first season the second season

And so forth um so I do backup then I come down to encyclopedia and I click update the encyclopedia with stats in this Library uh so if I’m on let’s say I was on season 3 and I clicked this that would add the stats from season 3 to the

Ones that I had previously saved from season one and season 2 close that so then when I go into reports and I go down here to encyclopedia reports I should have uh in this particular case I should have all 10 seasons worth so if I go uh let’s say

Awards by year and I like to filter it this way so I’m looking uh from season 1 down to season 10 um this is another reason why I number them the way I do uh so you can look here and you see the AL sa young for the first season

That I ran was Bob tuxbury and the AL MVP was Howard Johnson and the NL Sai Young was Fernando Valenzuela MVP was Kevin Mitchell when the NL and so forth so that’s a quick glance uh at the uh Awards uh um the uh article also has all

These reports so you can look through them there in a little more detail I’m just going to kind of Breeze through them here uh franchise standings so here you get the overall 10 seasons worth uh the other nice thing about doing 10 seasons um which uh most of my

Uh Sims should be resolved in 10 years um some of them may go a few more but if they if they resolve in 10 seasons then you can just divide these numbers by 10 easily so you can see you know that the Red Sox averaged um 100 or1 wins uh per

Replay with only you know 60 losses just divide these by 10 right um so you got the socks the Mets the Royals the Reds and since I’m going to be doing a uh Al and NL championship series and then a World Series so um the American League is going to

Feature the uh Royals and the Red Sox and the NL championship series will be the Mets and the Reds so and then you can look for your favorite team down and potentially down the list here uh hey my angels didn’t finish dead last but that’s um that’s a pretty poor finish there um

Vision winners by year again can go start to finish here so um pretty self-explanatory so now if I look at this from here I didn’t I don’t have to restore the 19 uh the uh 1985-1989 01 02 03 library in the visually I can just come here and look um at the division

Winners let’s see franchise batting this is the overall team totals so let’s sort um let’s just say let’s sort by Ops right top to bottom obviously Red Sox 8/19 Ops kind of uh outshines the rest of the clubs here scroll to the bottom White socks with the 701 pretty pretty

Awful uh pitching same deal you can sorted on ER you could sort by whip ra is the Mets whip is the Mets uh let’s go uh I don’t know saves got it backwards there there we go so Royals Dan quizenberry um who had the most strikeouts Mets bu a long shot right

Um a lot of different categories you can sort on not going to do all these uh actually let’s go back to field uh batting for a second had the most homers a can’t say go Maguire I know they had some other guys um and Cardinals last you would expect that have that

Steals Cardinals lead and steals um hop on base Red Sox all right top slug probably Red Sox also yep okay uh Fielding not a whole lot going on in Fielding it’s you know your standard uh buiilding percentage Orioles uh career leaders so let’s Do i’ like to change this to since we’re looking at 10 years worth right so let’s do 3,000 1,000 for the minimum blate appearances minimum Innings pitch right all right so top five on the leaderboard bogs McGee Pucket Moler Lansford uh on base not going to talk to all of these

But just scroll through um batting with the bases loaded so there’s some uh runners in scoring position here we go homers so again with the 10 seasons you just divide this by 10 so Mitchell averaged 45 46 homers per season Cano 42 Barfield 42 Clark 40

Let’s call it 41 if you want to round up and Eric Davis uh Ricky Henderson averaging 131 runs per year 132 RBI van slake Mitchell Hojo SEO Clark Steels Vince Coleman 98 almost 99 steals for season Tim Reigns Henderson uh Billy Hatcher and Paul mer with exactly 500 so 50 steals per year

Hits so Pucket 241 hits it’s pretty pretty amazing all of these guys well over the 200 Mark strikeouts beting cabila 212 um we run this nowadays this probably all five guys would be over 200 doubles triples weit bogs edging out uh Donnie madley and Paul Moler Willie Wilson the triples

Leader so uh anyhow uh that’s uh that’s the batting leaders uh pitching same deal uh we’re looking at a thousand Innings pitched here and pretty much who maybe some of these guys you wouldn’t expect up there but certainly Scott and Gooden my Innings winds leaders Clemens 19 wins per year Gooden practically 19

Saves Quisenberry 38 and half per year strikeouts couple guys over 200 on average home runs allowed Floyd banister 45 wow uh hits per nine strikeouts per nine walks per nine all right so that’s that and then if we go to all career batting and I’m going to drop this down now

To well there’s still plenty of guys here I’m just going to leave it for now but you can you know just go to options you can tweak the minimums here if you want to see more players um but same deal if you want to see guys over the the course of 10 Seasons

Um Jim sunberg with a 209 average um again these are all guys with at least 3,000 plate appearances so and then same deal with Pitching ra look at worst the mark Thurman Matt Young Jeff muselman Neil Heaton Juan neis all well above 5.4 worst whip muscleman young Thurman necro Bill Swift okay so I think I’m going to wrap it up here hope you enjoyed this uh this is uh

One of many that I’m going to be doing so uh appreciate you hanging with me this long uh or even skipping ahead to the end if that’s what we did um but until next time keep playing ball and we’ll see you soon thanks again

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