Golf Players

The PRKD Clubhouse – Episode 3 – The Rumble in…north east suburbia

The boys are back in the clubhouse this week to talk developments in the world of Australian Disc Golf, and preview the next event on the Vic Tour – The Ruffey Rumble

We will have TD Allen Brunsting dialling in live, serve up some Lamb Shanks, and premiere a brand new segment, Matty’s Media Watch.

Tune in live for the only Disc Golf news you need.


Host – Ashley Weidner
On the couch – Jason Weidner, Matty Faz, Kyle Herbertson
Stats man – Dean Feeley


Matty’s Media Watch theme music
1 – Jotta – Every Breath You Take(The Police) by jottajunior is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (
/ jottajunior
Music promoted by Royalty Free Music Library:
• Royalty Free Music ♫ Every Breath You…

W La No I’m just messing with you we got the mics right this week how you doing everyone welcome back to the park Clubhouse in a week where Dylan Feldman prove to us that what you need to do to be over a th rated is go overseas or not

Play for a year in a week where Tim bow proved you never too old to be a prodigy and in a week where the Melbourne disc golf retail scene turned into three guys called Mike selling discs out of their garage we are here in the parked Clubhouse with Kyle herbertson on the

End of the couch hello hello everybody Matty forand finina in the middle of the couch Ash I’m not sure I can back up that kind of energy that was interstella man and that’s what happens when I prepare and almost as Jason wi in right next to me

Ash how mate ni to be here good mate how how have we been this week guys how have we been playing all right played some disc golf yeah look I had a round to forget last night at Stony but uh friend of the show Chris ronals shot another

Really solid 10 under and I listened to the throwers last week you boys clearly didn’t get the memo l in pants covering up the upper thighs it’s a little chillier tonight I’m not sure about the shorts I did get the memo and that’s why I’m wearing shorts yeah chis you Chris

Chris this is a warning shot um for every mention on throwers they only get shorter that’s it so we had a bit uh we had a bit happen in the disc golf world this week guys uh some pretty big news which we’ll just touch on real quick before we start

Uh we had some uh well some huge nudes out of New Zealand with the tour Down Under uh so first of all fantastic coverage to watch GK Pro smashed it out of the park basically next day coverage so we could all get into the Rhythm over

Our weekend to watching it so yeah I know you don’t need our support GK Pro I think you’re doing fine but fantastic work there the other thing as Australians that came out of it guys Dyan felin my goodness that was some pretty hot playing yeah and like to to

Get on lead card is a big deal to maintain it for as long as he did and back it up with round after round great work huge I think one of the things I enjoyed about the coverage was uh hearing what they had to say about Dylan Felman and hearing their comments

About that was great to hear that um you know the way they just say he was crushing it and and and throwing a long way that for me that was great to watch yeah well it’s kind of that parochialism isn’t it yeah very patriotic patriotic you’re like that’s our boy that’s the

Guy who I’ve thrown around bin Valley with you know that’s the that’s the guy who we welcome back just a few short months ago at Nationals after a really long layoff and like I said in the intro he’s uh we had David Perry who was over over a thousand rated uh over Christmas

And he barely played last year right we had Luke Bane who made it to over a thousand playing some really great disc golf overseas in the US and Europe uh and pushed his rating up over a thousand Dylan Felman has done both he’s gone overseas and he hasn’t played for a year

So he’s I think he’s cracked the code honestly like I would like to see the stats of anyone else rated 950 or above that has a 40 Point jump in one rating update that is insane it is obscene it is I think Dylan commented that he he probably had a few rounds

Dropping off that he’d had he played while he was injured uh but I mean that 40 40 is a lot I mean we’ve all played with the ratings calculator we’ve all uh seen you know played some great rounds and then turn off Jason shaking his head

But we the rest of us have played some great rounds and then waited on that second Tuesday of the month and gone and it comes up plus one you’re like oh great thanks thanks pdj Dylan Dylan must have been pretty excited about that the other thing uh speaking of the PDGA the

Other thing that happened during the week um PDGA or Pro Tour disc golf pro tour and you dis dunzo Splitsville look I think with that affiliation it was either they go down the route of stat Mando join up with the pro tour or dgpt just calls it a day and

Goes look what you’ve done is fantastic and groundbreaking but now it exists we can do it to I mean it’s the way it goes with tech isn’t it interesting uh MADD I don’t know what your thoughts are on but I have no idea what they talking my thoughts are pretty minimal

Yeah I’ll def the experts there yeah I mean it leads in pretty much pretty well to what what we talk about next naturally here um I mean if you don’t pay for a dgn subscription uh then you know your way of figuring out what’s happening in the Pro two events

Is to look at udisk and look at the udisk live scoring tells you where the players are and everything so my look my guess is the pro has got a better solution for that this year or they’re working towards a better solution for that we’ve all spoken about my sort of

Holistic dream for what the pro two is scoring in the pdj live app’s going to be which is an all-in-one single sign on you put your PDGA number in you you put a unique ID in and it knows it’s you it knows which tournament you’re playing

You know and it follows you around all that sort of stuff which I think is absolutely possible today and I hope they’re moving one step closer to that with this uh you know with you know bringing it all in house I assume they tried to buy udisk udisk said we want

You know a hell of a lot of money because you’re asking so you’ve probably got it uh and they said no we’ll just make your little stats spreadsheets ourselves yeah yeah and I think I think that really the acquisition of stat Mando just kind of enhanced DG PT’s hand

Of like you know they’re going in strong into these negotiations with like if you don’t play ball we’ve got these guys sitting on hand ready to do it for you so yeah well look it’s a tough situation but it we’ll see how they go and it

Leads into the next point or the the next thing that happened what yesterday or the day before dgn dis golf Network announcing their tiered uh subscription fees um for this year which ruffled a few fvs dis golfers especially in the US if you read the forums don’t like paying for

Things yeah I think that’s the case and I I particularly saw one image on Reddit of someone going through basically analyzing all of the tiers compared to I guess how they use dgn as it is and yeah it’s it’s a bit of a amusing implementation I’m not sure

Definitely amusing because once again I still don’t have any idea what they’re talking about my idea is minimal here are we are we there with this here are these is a te system do we have enough um built up in the sport or yeah or well they’re offering alternate your highest

TI is offering things like uh play so rewind live rewind um alternate commentary streams so you can I don’t know what they are have you you guys got an email yet I think that’s the last thing we need is alternate commentary we don’t like to give people

A choice when we do no no no no we like to [ __ ] hold people into making us listen to us yeah Stockholm syndrome uh yeah disc golf gold Au coming in in the comments there I think they are looking at a way to make more money I think you’re probably you’re

Probably fairly on it there um but look hey and I think it’s probably it’s obviously going to be be more profitable for them bringing it in house um as coverage providers here at Park media uh we obviously have no problem with uh you know paying for the coverage that we get

There’s a lot of money that goes into that we’ve done live coverage of Nationals one time last year um and it wasn’t it wasn’t cheap even for what it was so there’s a lot going in there um there’s uh yeah a lot going in there what we got there stream like uh whisper

Is an alternate commentary stream like the Manning cast I think it’ll be things like germs ston but it’s a guest from Doug Adams I like it um yeah well hopefully hopefully it is things like that and you know you can uh you know you can see something happen

And then go back and watch how all the other commentators took it but another comment that I saw on it before we wrap up and move on uh to our next segment um is that we saw one one commenter um commenting that for an NBA Live pass

Season Live pass he pays less than what djn are charging for their top tier yeah that’s the thing that got me I don’t mind paying for what I’m watching I’m I’m not looking for way to watch it for free and I don’t think it should be free

But if you’ve got the NBA that’s like 86 games per team with LeBron James in in some of them so that’s like every every day like free games that’s that’s nuts yep you’ve got LeBron James you’ve got Giannis and I shouldn’t have started try that one should yeah but you’ve got

You’ve got some genuine Superstars and and you know genuine worldwide Superstar Sports so that that’s something that I’m going to be interested to watch look to play Devil’s Advocate I won’t keep you long we’ve got plenty more segments to get on to but the NBA and other Stadium

Games really have the luxury of having nice stationary cameras in every stadium and not having to pay for bonded Wi-Fi to stream from out in a random park or the woods yes tell tell us more about bonded WiFi uh Matthew I’ll I’ll leave that one up to the interwebs and YouTube

So a lot going on up here it is a good point and it was a consideration we had to make we know that there’s problems at uh oh I’m going to get it wrong Beaver State fling I believe with you go into the woods for 12 to Hol 12 to 16

Northwoods black Northwoods black sorry yes I knew it was something to do with beavers be beavers like Woods oh yeah um I’m just trying to save it uh but yeah you know there’s problems there that they cannot they they’re they’ve been unable until the last uh the last

Few years or last year I think to actually broadcast from in there because it is a concern these guys are running around with backpacks on that have got little modems in them like it’s sitting at your front door and they’ve got a little area in the areal in them and the

Most expensive part of kit that they’re carrying is a little thing on top of the camera or in the backpack that sends it to uh to the encoder at the other end so it’s not a it’s not a cheap business and with the amount the amount of uh cameras

And Views and stuff that they’re expecting to have on this djn um coverage I’m thinking it’s going to be uh I think I’m thinking it’s going to be a real um uh you know it’s an expensive exercise but I hope I hope it’s great I’ll still

Be paying for dgn it’s up to you if you do too I guess but don’t complain that it’s not free if you don’t pay for it you’re still getting a half price discount with your PDGA membership and if you don’t have a PDGA membership I don’t know what you do disc golf gold.

Au before we move on pdj will need to develop an app that replaces udis currently no app will they have one my thought is that it’s going to take the form of an expanded PDGA live um and I think that given they already have that app background it will but in doing so

They will still leave the market open for udisk having all of the courses and all of the maps in there and all of the user contributed data that makes udisk so unique so I guess in doing so they will have an app but I think that it’ll

Be a lot of work to replicate youis directly so they’ll kind of still both exist will they be able to measure 80 M backend um just like you I need to know but I mean that was my thought wasn’t it Kyle my thought initially was you’ve got PDGA

Tournament manager which for anyone that um uh that have uh you know that that’s run a tournament you know how janky that side is it’s basically it’s it’s a very basic interface uh that that allows you to edit the tournaments and then feeds into the front end or the the the gooey

Which is pdj life so what I what I want to see is you got that functionality in PDG in tournament manager you can create a course yeah you can do all of that and that’s why Doug Adams saying in there Jeff spring claims they already have it

Been in development for months so that’s my thought is that PDGA tournament manager gets expanded uh merged with PDGA live and then you have that functionality that udisk has with a few little extra bolt on so if they can do it I’m all for it keep it in the one

Place don’t make me put in a complicated passcode that everyone else in my tea off group asks me about before we te in a tournament I don’t want I don’t want to Bor of it I want a single sign on and I want everything in the one place so go

For your life PDGA um yeah cool uh sorry that’s um that’s Jeff spring with a check right now um Al righty so we’ve got something big happening in Melbourne uh this weekend uh it’s our second leg of the Vic tour yeah frankly why we’re here you know

Like what’s that we’re not just here randomly at your house on a Thursday night for no reasoning app development in the p right uh but we’ve got the ruffy rumble happening this weekend at ruffy Lake uh so ruffy lake is a permanent nine hole or n sorry 18 basket

Nine teapad uh course which is used by the Melvin disc golf club but we’re doing something a bit special this weekend boys at the ruffy rumble we are it’s uh two days two days yes split across two days two shotgun starts and uh we’re using the would you say the parking it’s entirity

Pretty close to Jason us the current roughy layout uses about I’m going to say 30% 25 to 30% of the park and while we’re still using some of those permanent holes we’re moving all the way around said Lake and there’s some absolute rippers in there and for those of you who played the

Wga uh women’s Global event two years ago year and a half ago I wouldn’t have been playing two years so I’m going to say a year and a half ago year and a half yeah some of our favorites from that tournament will be back and uh yeah so that’s frer

Ambrose Oh you mean you mean holes that’s the basic format but um what are you looking forward to Maddie not the bloody hike I didn’t know roughy Lake a had the lake I’d never really seen the lake in its entirety and I didn’t I I didn’t I also didn’t

Realize that we were depriving ourselves of as you said about SE like 75 70 to 75% of the actual Park if the council gets on board it could be a dis golf Haven out there absolutely absolutely it’s got all the making does it’s got all the makings absolutely it’s a huge

Yeah it’s a huge Park it’s it’s very uh picturesque uh we’ve actually got um uh a photographer coming out with us this weekend for the first time uh Elizabeth or Megan from Elizabeth Macy photography so she’s looking to get into this gol photography and she’s going to be coming

Out and photographing the players uh and the a tournament and providing uh some excellent photos uh that players will be able to buy and download afterwards uh and uh so we’ll be providing more details about that uh but we’re going to see how that goes but she was attracted

To the park and uh the uh The Rustic nature of it they should call it rustic Lake um but what I wanted to talk about guys is have you had a look at the sign up list for the ruffy rumble any notables what do you

Got just refer to my notes here this go this golf gold Au has asked us any favorites for this weekend competition in Melbourne we will be getting there right now Jason uh yeah just fill for a couple of minutes while I get it ready just fill oh goodness so on the Saturday

The May 50 um we’ve got the usual suspects in there y um who you would always expect I’m not going to read them all out but there is one BL that I don’t often see at tournaments and that is Mike Vander Mike golf Mike so good to see him in a in a

Tournament um that’s one notable the other not notable I’ll get to in a second um but onto the ma2 division yeah ma2 division the one notable that I picked out when I first looked at it was Kyle herbertson good to see you back playing Kyle Kyle back on the course out

From behind the camera car and a jump up in division Aaron Pier centini from there Melton Aaron we love to see bles jumping up and he’s been playing some really really good disco play he has we should give Aaron sorry before we do that before I forget again this week we

Should give Aaron a shout out oh yeah definitely um the the theme music that you hear skip back to the start of the show the little Groove that you hear at the start Aaron came to us with that about a month back and said hey I made

This do you want to use it we went [ __ ] yeah we want to use it it’s uh fantastic go back listen to it check Aaron out I don’t know if he does music production as a thing or a hobby or whatever but say get day to him on the course he’s

Got a little homemade green lookss like a zuka cart made out of found objects uh really well done he’s very uh very passionate player from out there dad his dad well up that c his dad well does he take commissions or uh I don’t know look

I’ve seen the both of you and I’m really about preserving my back early so you only got another 18 years to catch up yeah just keep stretching so yeah other notables um in the ma2 division Sarah Lee hang on sorry what Sarah Lee from South Australia came

Appear yeah loving that she’s making the trip over and going to give those ma2 guys are run for their money I’m sure well I should I should say she already has made the trip over she’s staying in my spare room and I beat her at Stony this afternoon oh that can’t be good

For for but yeah’s ready so stacked M2 division but I told him last night when I played with him at uh that s Barnett is my tip for this one so don’t let me down Sam can I counter your Sam Barnett with uh look I don’t

Want to drop the s word here but we’re going to address him later on but Mikey hair uh obviously not able to play on the Sunday playing an ma2 yep y love I think I think s baret’s gonna have his work cut out for him Mikey hair rated pretty highly these

Days are we just talking up people that we’ve beaten at some point manbe I drew with him but the day we might pause the little preview there Jas because I’ve just seen someone drop in who might want to have a bit of a chat about the uh the

Ruffy rumble yeah should I bring him in who would it be who who would know anything about the ruffy rumble it could be uh I don’t know it could be big J it could be be Happ someone it could be GI I’ve tried again stay away let bring him in ladies and

Gentlemen Alan brunting tournament director of of the ruffy rumble how are you Alan I’m doing great guys thanks for having me on that’s awesome mate thanks for thanks for coming and making the time uh this close to the tournament you’re busy with tournament business tonight yeah just on the spreadsheets now sorting out

Uh yeah all the final bits sent out the final email update to everyone just before so hopefully has all the good bits information that we all need uh yeah just sorting out the last little bits and um yeah trying to make my weekend as stressfree as possible awesome mate um very good to

Hear now we we did get the email just before we went live to air we apologize we’ve got the flyovers ready we just all forgot to send them to you that’s all right get them out next couple of days mate um yeah so I think the boys have

Got some questions for you but before we go to that I did well you’ve got a good view of the cash now I wanted to ask you as one half of the frers podcast how are our short plint tonight going for you mate how are you what sorry how’s the

Length of their shorts going for you tonight oh good yeah I’m a fan I’m always a fan short better all right Jason’s gone for the Strategic leg cross to really yeah exactly trying to thiing up imagination throw it over to the boys on the so I uh

I hear often Alan when we talk about your tournament term no thrills and last time I probably heard that term was when Franklin’s went under in the early 90s sometime but what can you tell us about no thrills and why is that synonymous with your tournament it’s just uh my way of

Letting everyone know that uh don’t expect like high quality uh caddy books and uh like whole breakdowns and things like that there’s not going to be a lot of sponsor banners or well-marked OB um we try to use no so my my goal is to make the uh the most

Enjoyable course and the uh best player experience with the littlest amount of uh TD setup is sort of what I mean by uh no frills so people have reached out for um whole sponsorships for example but that means that I have to make a sign and put it

Up it’s unacceptable in this economy exactly so it’s just better for me to uh not worry about that but it it does not mean uh low quality prizes there’s plenty of beautiful trophies from B spoke desks we got a whole bunch of des’s prizes and then few other uh yeah

Few other goodies there’s going to be no shortage of prizes for uh for anyone um yeah the pros are playing for their cash minus some of the tournament fees so they’re doing fine um yeah no thrills doesn’t mean no good it just means um I’m not uh I’m not going to win the

Throwers uh TD of the year um that’s still looking pretty good for recircuit so we love that mate we love I think M’s got a question yeah obviously the uh two days showing signs of growth in the sport was that something was that an easy decision for you to make how do you

Uh like feel about that setup and is it more difficult to manage having to be across the two days as opposed to just one um I think I haven’t done it yet but I think it’s going to be uh more chill because it’s it’s sort of just two

Smaller events now um which is good the idea sort of came about because yeah obviously we’re fitting so many people into tournaments now this is actually the second uh tournament in Victoria this year that’s going to have over a 100 competitors we’ got 110 at the

Moment if your back holds out Maddie um or BR yeah so at the moment it’s mostly um sort of tea time events and that does uh restrict people a little bit but not always like there was 105 people showed up to Ballarat last month for one round

A day but uh I personally uh like to smash out two in a day uh so I just thought why not try to separate it into the two days get two rounds in in one day and then we can get we could have 140 people playing 144 if we wanted so

Um yeah plenty of scope for large capacity and uh yeah he doesn’t have to take it be weekend it’s just a bit of a bit of a slug but yeah that that’s that’s what I was thinking with it and um yeah so far it doesn’t seem to be too

Much extra work I don’t think um but yeah we’ll find out yeah no I’m all about the the two round days as well just more bang for your buck and obviously gives us another day to do something non dis golf on a weekend yeah exactly and I think if you guys have

Already talked about there’s definitely people playing outside their division so there’s people like you that couldn’t make one day so they’re playing Another Day day uh yeah we got Sarah leash is in the and Mikey Hera in the ma2 there’s plenty of ma50 is playing ma40 uh lots of stuff like that there’s

M1’s playing ma2 um hopefully people start to realize that uh unless you’re playing sort of in the Pro divisions that uh our our little divisions are just like little fancy madeup barriers that we for some reason stick pretty aggressively to so play again with you Alan I

Really to go I came last but the people were good yeah exactly it’s always good fun I got uh one of my good friends jonno he he he likes to play ma1 he says that um if you play ma1 it’s great because if you play really well you get

On League card and if you play really badly you get to play with Allen so that’s that’s why he does ity Point coming down for this one that could be a really good card if no cam let us down yeah absolutely what have you got I think yeah the last thing is

Like it’s awfully early in the year to see a Melbourne course being used for PGA event that isn’t a flex start or social series what’s your take on the importance of using these Melbourne courses in the Vic tour and making a big feature out of them uh yeah that’s really cool yeah

There’s not many of them that we can actually really use for these big events uh so it is good to see that happen I wasn’t really thinking too much larger picture with this I was just kind of excited when we were sorting out the um the Victor stuff last year and I thought

Yeah ruffy wouldd be a great place to have it and I was just like let me get something in early uh and I knew that b Ballarat had January so I said give me February and uh I just kind of tried to push it in not too close to

Um uh anything else that was around I think there was something on last week and then yeah we’ve got uh this is next weekend so um yeah just avoided that really and mostly just wanted to get it not out of the way but I just wanted to

To do it to run it otherwise I’ve been thinking about it for for way too long but yeah it is really cool to get the good Melbourne courses out but it’s just hard yeah there’s not a lot of scope for expansion on the ones that uh we do have

Sort of more permission to do stuff with so there’s only so much we can do but the roughy people have been fantastic and uh the course is shaping up really nice a lot of uh a lot of the old ruffy layout holes which is cool bit of nostalgia for people who’ve been the

Club for a little bit and then um yeah a lot of the classic holes uh from the old tournament layouts in the back um yeah should be good fun I’m really looking forward to it beautiful and just one final thing as we mentioned we were out doing the flyovers the other day alen

And um pole 13 which is is quite high on the hill and it’s coming down and it looks like if you jumped on a BMX bike you go really really far I’m just wondering at what time do you think you might attempt that what happen you Lun

Time at all yeah exactly no I’ve been banned I’ve been banned from bringing B tournaments unfortunately but uh you will notice on the course map there that there is a Ninja Warrior course up by the basket of whole 12 and the teapad of whole 13 so there’s still a chance that

I might not make it to round two I can find a exciting way to uh to myself out and then um have to handle responsibility on to to someone else you free in the Aro I’m sure we could be I mean mty’s back will only last for so long so

Exactly just imagine Ryan dear anytime he’s not on course just swinging around this this ninja course yeah for sure own record I’ll let him know he gets Strokes off your score if you can get through the course in under 45 seconds and then that’ll that just Tire him

Out fantastic I think well well we’ve got you Alan do we want to take a look through some key holes from the um from the course if Ash is ready for that or we do it yeah for sure what have you guys got any of mine I’m ninja

Worrying my way around these slides that we’ve got set up I think might be able to we’ll see who’s going first you want to start with Jay up we’ve all picked the whole which we want to we want to talk about yeah sweet all right so I’ve gone straight

For H 11 Alan yes please 226 M and I reckon it’s the flagship hole of the tournament tell us what your thoughts are behind this one so this one’s called the monster and there’s always some variation of the monster at a full roughy 18 and uh it is a bit of

Pressure not to stuff it up because it’s always a pretty iconic hole on the course and uh typically it is a h look at that guy it’s typically a par five played from played from further up on the hill but now that we got this beautiful teapad there uh you got the

Two trees you got to shoot through there’s a black Ace opportunity or a couple of them for those baskets it just looked like a really fun shot shape you can’t go straight too like too straight because uh the trees behind that um Yellow Basket will get in your way so

You kind of have to push it out and then turn it over or have a massive forehand what’s up Manda on the left yeah mana on the left to keep you uh yeah on your toes and just sort of keep you away from that uh cross-section of path but uh

It’s always a fun hole Yeah Yeah it’s always a fun hole and I think uh I think this is going to be just another another nice one added to the list so hopefully we can do it justice beautiful hopefully a few spicy boys go for the uh for the

Eagle try to get down there and one well what we tried to do was pick uh pick separators uh all of us pick the holes that might tell the actual story uh and so I’ve picked one it might not be one you’d expect but I think it’s

Going to play a bit differently to how people might remember it or might expect so we’ll go ahead with this one so tus through whole four uh whole four yeah so another uh classic tournament Hole uh I think it used to be normal hole 11 on our old

Layout but it was always part of the tournament the trees you see on the left you dis just finds a way down there so if you throw anything with stability it just will end up down there which makes it uh yeah very tricky you got to sort

Of it’s not even Flex something out he just the the flippy disc kind of just fights that hill and uh if you can get anywhere up near that big tree that’s um it’s not a Mando for the event it’s a Mando for the normal day but that’s not a mano for the

Event yeah yeah yeah yeah no cuz that’s it’s no that whole would be impossible if I trying to um no so path out of bounds on the right even that new path that they’ve got cutting into the Fairway a little bit that counts um but yeah no no man on

That one so you just want to try to get your disc as close as you can to that tree without getting anything in the left and then um it’s still a pretty tricky upshot from there so um one you’ll see a lot of Threes but you’re

Going to see a lot of fives and sixes I think that’ll for sure be a separator H like it absolutely yeah AB obviously I walked the course with you for the flyovers and you showed me a lot of the park that I didn’t even know existed uh

The one that I fell in love with instantly I’d never seen it before because I didn’t play WG it was uh whole 15 uh give us your rundown and the thought process behind the development of this one yeah so I didn’t play the WWE wge either but um Oscar felberg I

Think he might have designed this one for the wge and he showed to me and I absolutely love it so all that Mulch on the right the mulch in the middle and the path on your left are all play is out of bounds uh and it’s yeah you got

This nice Scenic tea off I think the best option to attack the pin is to get far left but the best way to get there is to attack that lower section of the opening so you’ve got an even more low ceiling than you would do normally and

Then you you can play right up the path that way you are FL without a bounds uh but it’s more of a clear shot but most people will sort of go straight to right with either a mid or a bit of a flippy Fairway driver and then um yeah just try

To shoot the shoot the Gap the second shot’s not very far but it is pretty treacherous with all that out of bounds there so uh yeah Oscar showed that one to me and instantly fell in love thought it’s a really cool hole and uh nice and challenging but not very long so quite

Getable another separate hole for sure yeah I reckon it’s got score SE written all over I love that it’s got options I love that the uh like the circle encroached by OB like there’s not one uh safe shot it seems on what’s a relatively short part for such a sick

Hole yeah and I really like it look forward to it and the toilet and waterers over there so that’s always a plus yeah I look forward to the backups there on both days Allan backups on theil I’ll let you that out the final one picked out Alan

Absolutely before we do it can you guess what it is H well the one I am most intrigued by is Hall s so I don’t know if that’s on your guys list but I’m very interested to see I like that one yeah we play Ry uh on Sunday after doing the

Flyovers with yourself and Jason ended up way down the back oh yeah playing the shot will uh will definitely encourage that the one very similar to what was old Hall 13 on the old layout very touchy downhill um I actually aced that one with a tomahawk but just that there

Don’t um but yeah you’re going to see a lot of people we’re going to see a lot of people show throw really really short and a lot of people throw really really long um so yeah just just sadness yeah you can go real real deep the safety of those um those

Three trees behind the way the basket used to be on that hole but now the basket’s a lot further left so you’ve got nothing behind it and it’s exactly yeah and yeah that’s what I’m very very excited to see people play uh because yeah it’s just if you haven’t played

That old layout there’s probably not too many people then that would have thrown that type of shot so that’s what I’m looking forward to but um I don’t know maybe the avenu is that what you guys got number 16 look as much as I’m Keen

To see it I am all about having the coverage be exciting and the best part of coverage being exciting is it going down to the wire hey that means whole 18 was what I chose aside from the Majestic fly through thanks to Jason um I think that it’s

Going to pose quite the challenge especially if the wind gets up because realistically if that wind gets up you are drastically at risk of getting down into that Creek and if you play the more stable safe shot you’re hitting that gum on the right hand side and having a very

Long putt straight towards OB for birdie and I feel like no for sure they’ll um it will seem as a muset for the npos for sure because if it’s you know it’s just basically a putter over the hill but yeah you got to get your height right uh

You can’t throw just a straight shot at it because that trees in the middle so you sort of do need to get your higher angle right to get it back you know down there but not too far so um it should just be getable but yeah if it’s uh if

The wind’s up it could definitely cause some issues and you’d hate you’d hate to lose your tournament on that hole yeah exactly when we talk about when we talk about a separator we’re not talking about a hole that’s going to have one person scoring five and one person scoring 10 are

We separator is no it’s going to be twos and threes sorry yeah it’s going to be twos and threes or twos and fours yeah that’s it yeah yeah um so that’s it it’s going to be twos and fours or you know it’s a must get and it’s a Miss putt

It’s it’s one of those clutch up holes which I really like about that 18 I think it was 16 at wge yeah and yeah it was a really it’s a really fun shot but uh I was saved by the backing boards that were there the sponsorship boards

One day and uh as this is a no for real tournament you’re not going to get those saving you this time no no backing boards there but the creek is the actual part that’s out of bounds so there’s plenty of rough you can get into that’ll

Give you no part that’ll not be out of bounds good to know I’m sure I’ll I’ll see you down there yeah exactly exactly all right well speaking to see you down there Alan we’ll see you down there on Saturday and Sunday we’re all playing Saturday except for Maddie

Uh who’s playing Sunday and we’ll be filming uh the no on Sunday we can’t wait we can’t wait to get this course on film and commit it to history we can’t wait to see what you pull out and Alan brunstein tournament is always the party so we’re looking forward to it sounds

Good now me too thanks for having us on guys no worries thank you back to it ca see that was fantastic what a man um yeah he’s uh he was telling me on Sunday he uh when he found out he wanted to have this tournament at B Centennial uh

To to Really push that along but the uh things transported by Centennial which meant they weren’t able to they weren’t able to use the space so he jumped on real quick got this roughy layout approved in about two weeks um from uh from Council and everything and just it

All fell into place for him so pretty happy with that and it all fell into place so that he can sit on the back of his Ute and sink cans at the bottom of the monster uh on the day that he’s not playing too so he’s pretty happy about

That so let’s get back into who’s actually playing in our recap Jay yeah so it was up to the fa2 which is still on the Saturday um and uh good news is Tanya be from is down from Parisian Waters in Queensland and even better new she didn’t bring Amy with her

Yeah did anyone check by the way very quickly on Tanya bean I don’t know if you’ve got to mention it but her Instagram today no I didn’t very sweet post 27 years of marriage I sawet Wasing photos of I worked the years I was like that would

Have been early 90s it was too late for the M check out that yeah thank you slowman letting me know that I’m I’m a little bit low on volume I’ve honestly never gotten that feedback in my life before uh but thank you very much that’s probably just a microphone uh between me

And Jason I’ll talk a bit matter Terra Massi slow man all right back to the uh back to so on to ma3 and uh we’ve got Max tats who’s probably uh gonna be Uber competitive you’d have to think goodness man you saw him on the Golden City Classic footage he means

Business um Mitch Evers haven’t seen him for a couple of tournaments Mitch ever so maybe he’s been around I just haven’t seen him Mitch so good to see him back but another guy who I played with uh who played he’s been playing really well and was really good at Golden City Classic

Was Dan froley so Spud’s been playing well and I’m tipping him to go one step further this tournament because he’s throwing a disc really nicely so good on your spot hate to see it I reckon MCH CH there I did see a post from him he’s already aced one of

The saw that he look excited about it too didn’t he got to do one is for the confidence I’m gonna back your Mitchie lone Stars own Mitch ever you’re my guy looking for a premium performance the only one he’s the only one that hasn’t he’s the only one that hasn’t left Lone

Star this season isn’t he St so the tagline there is the sheriff’s back in town onto the ma4 Division and everyone’s favorite TD recircuit thanks for making the trip down he’s coming to play the tournament on your re that’s my favorite for ma4 would have to be Benny Matthews

Jesus is M4 big trouble oh yeah I’m tipping him to win so the biggest don’t let me down Benny the biggest question around Benny Matthews winning ma4 I think is whether he turns up or not whether Benny actually remembers the tournament’s on look registrations were a while ago

So we’ll see how that goes and oh Maisy Mak an appearance in the mj1 15 it’s always good to have the Juniors yep in so that concludes the Saturday if I just get my uh Tech to work here now suay it’s as techy as I get but uh we’ll

Start with the ma 40 Division and this is what I wanted to mention before Jeff Bruning is backing it up on the Sunday in ma40 so he’s playing Saturday and Sunday do you reckon there’s any chance that that’s why ma40 is on the Sunday and ma50 is on the Saturday so Jeff

Could play both had any say in that but he’s uh he’s he’s he’s on the way to reaching his goal of playing at disc golf tournament every day in 2024 so Tim Bowen yeah he is the new Tim Bowen it’s it’s look at I I literally last year I

You know everyone it was the me go to Tim Bowen’s Instagram page and wow we’ve got 46 minutes into almost 47 minutes into his stream and I think that’s the first time we’ve mentioned Tim Bowen apart from gag at the start yeah the gag at the start was your inaugural that’s

Pretty good but um yeah this year it’s Jeff bruning’s PDGA page to find out what tournaments are on literally I’m doing it it is so stepping up to ma40 Chris Scott which one uh jalong Chris jalong Chris Scott Chris Scott so up into ma40 Lee Thompson’s been playing

Really well and beating Ash so once good to see that and what happened the other time I played him I don’t know we’ve got video evidence of that and I never want to see it again and my tip for that division is Taran Anderson oh yeah I re he’s T he has to

Be does the cosplay nice if for rollers Taran win L Allen or was that Tim we I think Tim we might have won I’m not sure anyway uh fa1 now fa1 is a category that’s for most of last year was a head-to-head was two entrance in fa1 they went head-to-head back and forth

All year then the Assassin Janet Ford Adams joined the party and made it interesting there are now five entrance in f look Alice reyle back from her she was on a longterm injury list I’m pretty sure yeah she was NE and Anita Weber stepped up again now to fa1 so the

Germans the Germans have turned up German so um yeah that’s fa1 watch out there’s plenty happening in that division that’s fantastic yeah good onita good to see Alice back and good to see Janet just love to see Janet at every tournament uh making her way around and just causing problems she’ll

Be causing problems on the course for everyone she’ll be already getting in the head those girls and working out how to pick them apart she’s an assassin I saw I saw bany at Nationals asking Janet for tips on getting in people’s head is he starting to throw forand up shots with a

Birg she doesn’t miss that shot J Janet’s a fantastic addition to any tournament um love having her around battling it out too ma1 ma1 now one notable I’ve noticed Tobias Weber and this could be a timeing sort of scenario is it I’m not sure but might drawn the short

Ma1 we go crates onto it up to1 I did already have it here mate and we love C was a contributor last week he did contributor he’s a sharp M thanks circuit but also another bloke it’s stepping up to ma1 as we mentioned before the BL next meet

Matthew F hello so I’ll be uh I’ll be Keen to see that but uh two guys I think be teing off very early in the second round M well I’ve got I’ve got a a fantasy draft on the Saturday so I might be coming in a little under the weather

But I’ll see how it go so um Matt Hill is also registered but we won’t yeah well Jinx him right we want to see Matt Hill playing well and the two guys I think will be jking it out Oscar felberg who is a ruffy machine and Sebastian Williams who is just the

Machine I think those two guys would be uh be juking it out in front right neither neither of them played Sebastian or Oscar neither of them played Golden City from my memory so I don’t think so yeah I think we had yeah so could be some points switches there Matt Hill

Didn’t play well at Golden City in ma1 Welcome Matt well look He he’ll be the first to admit he didn’t he didn’t have his best days at Golden City in Ballarat uh so um he’s talking his form down in the chat or his from down in the

Chat um but he’s uh look he’s going to bounce back Matt he looks rattled he can’t even spell yeah well he’s he’s done wonders with the big tour this year so um you knowbe maybe that took its toll but yeah it’d be good to see Matt

Hill up and about rashing bdj did me aore but on toit standard deviant there is he but I’ll tell you what this to me is by far and away the number one division to watch MP 40 oh MP 40 we’ve got just cranny ruinberg Chris Hart it’s already a great division throw Darren

SP G to be one to one that’s what I’m looking forward to it was very hard to keep the cameras off that division we were we were very tempted when uh when planning this tournament and what we’re going to film but very very tempting to take the

Cameras down onto MP 40 I tell you let let it be let it let it be known to the npos out there on our feature card in the morning uh show up or ship out that’s it cranny cranny’s another guy cranny’s another guy that’s gonna want

To bounce back oh yeah he’s gonna want to bounce back after the Golden City thrashed in his own backyard and we only say that cranny because we love you and we want to fire you up absolutely but Ruben Berg out there Sunday Ruben Berg you’ll see it in our fly was taking

Around his own homemade tone pole which was basically a plastic garden steak with a bit of PVC pipe like a pipe over the top of it and he just goes around Stakes it in the ground he’s been playing that course for a week in a bit

He told me so um yeah look there’s no BL in that Division I wouldn’t be stoked to see win so it’s going to be great to watch MP 40 definitely MP 40 so don’t miss that one but fpo uh three entrance in FP uh good to see you back Cassie

Sweeten oh let’s go loving that one so CLA hassy back up to fpo ma4 yeah and of course Tosh as well always good to see you um there as well so that’s another three in the fpo so some good numbers there that’s fantastic that’s what eight in fpo and fa1 combined

That’s compared to celebrates last year most tournaments last year yeah yeah insert name here but that’s just is healthy division is healthy and that’s good to see what I love too and I think it’s got credit’s got to go to Matt and I believe alen and Chris

Ronalds who had a lot to do with sort of structuring his big T this year it allows Someone Like H to play fb1 tournament play ma40 the next tournament play MP 40 the next tournament um you know and and do those sort of because it’s not based on what division you play

It’s it’s on your rating so your rating and and that sort of thing so I think that’s a really great inclusion and we’ve seeing the benefits of it already in the way that people are allowed to move around between divisions for convenience so ab and I think where

People previously might have been like oh even though my rating is so close to the cap of this division I’m going to stay there because if I jump up then I lose all my hard work going towards victory points and now it’s like no you just play as good as you possibly can

And you get rewarded for it like it’s a fantastic system and yeah I feel like adg Majors like feel like it’s really setting the standard for how you know leader boards and points Tes should be done and obvious the obvious upside of it of this point system if you haven’t

Looked into it please do uh because the obvious upside of it is it like exactly like you say it doesn’t encourages people to step up it encourages people to not say I’m trying to win the Tour so I’m staying in ma3 or I’m staying in ma4

So love it now we’ve got through all the divisions have we nothing oh so Usual Suspects uh in there but my two picks I’m tipping these guys to go head tohe Leo DK and Ryan dear about to pop off and they’re about to dominate a tournament one of them maybe both of

Them but they’re my tips um and Chris ronals is Du for a good one too but also one I did notice Jade Smith from Vancouver in Canada is rated 999 999 North American 999 well that’s the thing I uh so that that’s this guy can play I looked at that and thought maybe

You pulled out already that’s the default number yeah so yeah very interesting to see what he can do right well we really want the truth but yeah that is uh that’s all the division so shaping up to be absolute Beauty yeah well while we talk about no

Should we announce our feature card we should have done that with Alan on but our parked media feature card for the uh for the Sunday uh when we’re filming uh when we’re filming guys so the first card that you guys will see Kyle’s got it there in front of him absolutely I do

And as Jason LED off with Jade Smith Vancouver is going to make it on Le we’re got to see what this guy’s about so our first member there parthy b c honestly yeah um I’m hoping that it’ll be a nice addition to the NB field and make it a really competitive tournament

Well last time we had a Canadian on one of our cards what happened Ace he aced yeah Ace away um Allan’s other half will also be making appearance on our feature card Mr Chris ronals The Zone uh personally I really want to see Chris rocking some short

Shorts on the feature card all the thigh all the thigh I’ll be wearing mine Chris and then we’ve got you can’t talk about ruffy without talking about him it’s ryy Ryan de ran he’s had a prolific year in the social days dominating Melbourne disc golf and we got to see if he can

Back it up in a tournament yeah see if he enjoys all of ruffy lake and not just these nine Bas 18 baskets he bashes up on a regular basis and then rounding it out he looks great in teal and has a four-digit pdj number it is none other

Than Josh Smith there’s a wild card the king fisher king wild card written all over that oneing of the fishes I don’t think i’ be more excited to film someone I think we should I pick up plenty of vocal from Jos we’ve got to have the mic on you

Have a boom mik following him Li yeah no I think it’s going to be a fantastic way to I guess step off into a brand new ruffy tournament and second Victor event of the year and um yeah very happy to see those four guys on our feature card stoked with it well that’s

It so there’s the feature card Jade Smith Chris ronals uh Josh Smith and two Smiths two Jay Smiths yeah I’m Gonna Hate My Life That’s G to make the scorecard really difficult and uh of course Ryan dear you couldn’t have ruffy Lake without him uh so that’ll be our

Round one card our round two card well who knows that’ll be decided at Hall 18 um so anything else on on the ruffy rumble guys some final thoughts before we move on to our uh our standard uh segments that’s I’m just looking forward to it yeah forward to it yeah I think

After I’ve been sitting behind the desk working on Golden City Classic this last week also I’ve been really Keen to get some more footage and I’ve appreciated how you know we’ve stepped into the new year putting one foot in front of the other and getting out there ruffy Rumble

Will be a great chance to continue that so yep and showcase a bit of um you know a bit of extra roughy Lake too which I’m excited about yeah let’s do it yeah well that’s it ruffy Rumble uh this Saturday and Sunday if you’re not playing come

Down and support the players that are we’ll be there uh we’ll actually have our uh we’ll actually have our merch out uh so hang on we’ll actually have our merch out so find the park media merch table at the ruffy rumble between rounds we’ve got hoodies we’ve got these shirts their

First run merch they will run out uh we we do take cash we do take uh tap we do take uh well that’s pretty much it we take cash and we take uh tap payments um so uh please do find us now come and pay

Us money yeah come and pay us money come and pay us money so that we can keep getting to tournaments um we are still looking for sponsors if there’s any people uh if there’s any people out there looking to uh get behind our coverage get their ads on our coverage

Uh then you can uh hit us up email so media park or Kyle parkia Ash Park anything like that uh we will not we will get back to you or check our Instagram and Facebook we’ve got pinned posts that tell you how to get involved in support Park Med and get

Your ads on our Channel and get us uh promoting your store service business we don’t care what it is if you own a Subway put it on there give us some football doesn’t matter uh but that’s it ruffy Rumble sack day can’t wait get to get out there and Chuck some plastic uh

On the Saturday and then film some people chucking plastic on the Sunday now regular segments boys we’ve uh we’ve got a new one this week we’re premiering uh Maddie has been mat he’s been pretty excited about that one uh he tried he had a meltdown last

Week but and he’s very focused on the disc golf social media so ladies and Gentlemen please enjoy Break M’s Media Watch Ladies andina what have you noticed thank you super producer Ash for that fantastic fantastic graphic all right the first one and uh probably the uh the one closest to my heart the announcement surprise announcement Mikey hair from nowhere voltera discs another online retailer in

Australia what do we think Mikey hair he’s a shock not a huge shock for me because um he told me when I played with him at uh which what was it there b Hill the flex Hill yeah you broke that to us so you are on the inside I’ll have to

Keep an eye on you for an insid of trading just to specifically told me not to tell you so wow he said Mikey doesn’t want everyone to knows sorry you’re about to tell you’re trying to tell me that I’m the super spr here have you seen mty Shi all right all

Right no look um obviously we got to support uh Mikey here in his in his voler disc Venture um I’m just thinking it might be a retailer that might actually consider sponsoring what you think get in there before high a flight Mikey you know where you can get me Facebook Instagram

Conne M just on that though like I’ve been thinking about it um since he launched and I’m thinking Mikey’s probably been really busy just putting his store together and he told me he got his first shipment of discs in and everything like that and I’m thinking that eventually Mike’s going to go down

The path of having a a retail team a team under his belt with with player sponsorships and that sort of thing and it got me thinking yeah yeah it got me thinking a dangerous Prospect what could he call it and I thought well Mike is definitely busy enough so I’m going to

Have a crack at naming it for him now I I’ve been working on this all week I’ve come up with a few I need the uh the park media family to tell me if there are any good but um basically I’ve come up with four possible ones five this is the first

One and it’s the voltera discs Volas spook that is spooky so that’s the first one this is going great good next one I came up with was the high voltage disc golf team so that one sounds pretty electric I know oh mate so that’s one angle you could go with um the third one I started

To get a little bit Wayward really only terrorists which the only reason I came up with this one is because I thought they could go head-to-head with the flying Aces but this next one is my personal favorite the vctl I would wear that on a shirt

Fantastics to props to Ash for the logo here but the Voda I just want to chime in there and point out that that logo I did from scratch completely last night when Jason came up with this idea so I’m pretty proud of himself that that might

Be a t-shirt actually look Mike hit us up I think Ash is taking commissions so just just let us know if any of these are actually business suitable but you haven’t seen but a bit of hush because there has to be one winner and that winner has far beaten the rest of them

Could I have a drum roll players and a bit of Silence Mikey we’ve named your team here it is the Vol ter bow [Laughter] the dou teapot from Terry we’ve seen a lot you can thank me for that later Mikey but I have just saved you a whole

Lot of work because now you’ve got five but how can you go past the B Terry Bowen at you look great it it it’s just it writes itself almost and I’d be amazed if that’s not why Mikey called his disc shop volter to oh it was definitely because then he can lean into

The Terry B lure Cherry b anyway I’m sorry to to hijack your segment there m no I mean that was incredible stuff very very creative uh check out voltera discs at voltera discs uh go get some BD all right honestly I’m surprised we’ve made it this far through your segment and you

Haven’t mentioned anything of the likeness to an MVP Fairway driver given your I thought the joke was a little cheesy I said to the boys earlier said to the boys earlier in the Mikey might be a fan of MVP discs because he’s combined Vault and Terror it’s let’s

Just move on it’s giving let’s just move on next me the second thing that appeared in my feed that really really grabbed the attention this week is a good friend of us we’ve traveled with him a bit we he gets around to so many tournaments you guys probably know him Camille

Bransky car welcome back another dis gie time we’ve got an uh he reviews disc so we’ve I’ve seen this I’ve seen this we’ve got two reviews from cam let’s just see how informative Cam’s reviews are will you go and buy these discs after Cam’s reviewed them all right people welcome

Back another disc review time we’ve got an eagle this time I think it’s uh 74 – 13 let’s see how it plays out oh it’s a whole one by the way North beat all right welcome people back again disc review time this time we’ve got Compass

5501 uh we’re on H 50 North ride just like a downhill you can basically see it anyway let’s see how it Flies just great boy oh bit of tree love bit of tree love thanks everyone see you next time all right people welcome to my fan page um just finished the Borat tournament got some work to do uh but I’m going to do some disc reviews for

Everyone so uh let’s get started we got one shot everyone knows how to do it I’m going to throw a Firebird it’s 9403 see how it plays out it’s a 87 M Hole beans so a CLE a couple of things about those video cam just make sure the flight numbers the uncertainty in your voice there you’re reviewing a you’re reviewing a disc it says the numbers typically on the disc and uh the only feedback we really

Get after each throw is a one word beans what what do beans is beans good do you give it beans I don’t know what do you what do what do you think beans means like apart from hind I’m just waiting for the ketchup ad uh that’s cplay dis golf on Instagram

Obviously hilarious guy and a hilarious follow now these two blogs Kyle you’re a dis Golf Warehouse guy so you’re a bit more in tune with the the wa scene me not so much I get a follow request from an account big fella and the Beast and they’ve got this introduction video to

Uh to what they’re doing online let’s have a Look F The it’s another a bud and then someone called dog out of Nowhere so uh’s drain one another um the first thing I got to know which which one’s big Feller and which one’s Beast because I reckon it’s applicable to both them I re they both CED I reckon they’ve both CED a big fella in their lifetime and they both

Look kind of grizzly and beastly which one’s which look from my time over in wa I think it genuinely could be either of them it really depends on which one of them made the Instagram account and dubbed the other one first uh no those guys give them a

Follow they got some crude humor they got some bad putts U and then the mystery man the dog at the end I have no idea who that is but um yeah get around him big fella and the Beast on Instagram now obviously yesterday guys it was Valentine’s Day a day of love

Was it day of adoration you don’t pay attention to such sentiment doesn’t pay attention to forgot yeah yeah uh this video posted by Inova popped into my feed during the week and it sort of uh inspired those sort of Valentine’s Day feelings and me let’s check this one out [Applause] now get oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God genuine genuine excitement okay now that’s real isn’t it that’s some real emotion right there there’s three things you should have noticed in the video obviously the first one the little dog running around adorable MH the second is the owner of my heart the apple of my

Eye I’m like obsessed at the moment it’s it’s kind of un unhealthy it’s it’s unhealthy and the third thing is appear is what appears to be a young FBO player who also loves the make3 just as much as I do my one and only couldn’t leave the house without the mo

3 she’s not too bad herself um to my one and truly my Valentine in a three there uh that’s Elizabeth CAU known as Limitless Elizabeth on Instagram um she seems like a great player and obviously knows her discs give her a FR I already have and then

The last one the last one came through my uh MSN Messenger uh I believe it was a group chat so uh currently we are hosting one of the star players of Australia uh Ash that is at own house and he’s put up a sign to welcome Sarah

Lee obviously a much revered Foo player in this country let’s have a look at the sign at to 900 plus players only now the reason I’ve brought this to the show is because I’m moving in here in about two weeks I’m 883 rated do I have to uh let the

Rental company know that I’m not qualified to be in this house yeah mate no it just means it just means you can’t uh park in the driveway yeah that actually says 900 plus rated player parking oh I see so street parking the street so for context Sarah Kyle and I

Were lucky enough when we went over to play the B fresh prince in balair um tournament uh at the opening of that course Sarah hosted it at us at her house got us over there to film um Ro B footage can’t show it yeah but uh but

Sarah did up she came up with the iconic uh acronym for acronym for parked rather please remember Kyle’s discs uh and she put a sign out the front for us so I thought I’d welcome her with a bit of a sign but yeah look mate if you’re paying

Rent here I don’t give a [ __ ] what you’re I hope not look it sure as hell didn’t affect the um oncoming traffic so should have been about a week earlier mate yeah I should have unless it was unless it was a 900 plus rated player that drove through my

Fence you couldn’t see it in the photo but the front fence of my house got absolutely total on Australia Day by a uh well let’s just say over enthusiastic driver um Alan on a BMX BMX cool Matty’s Media Watch what do we think guys I’ll be watching you I’ll be

Watching what you post Guys oh absolutely fantastic so we’ve got we’ve got a couple other regular segments to get through now uh who am I going to hand it over yeah so it’s uh it’s that time of uh the episode again and which is everyone’s favorite part and this is what I’ve been hearing

Because the explosion around this segment has been absolutely enormous Kyle Maddie I hope you’re hungry cuz it’s time foring a lamb Ro serve lamb on Australia Day come to buter lamb shanks is back ladies and gentlemen and uh geez did this get I mean we’ve had Taylor Swift arriving this

Week we’ve had the Super Bowl the biggest sporting event on the national on the on the global calendar planet on the planet this week with a Blink 182 in town all of those events have been vastly overshadowed by lamb shanks in the last week would you all agree I have

To agree how can I disagree they who exactly right exactly so uh we’ve got oh now I’ve picked a couple this week um I will have my pick every week and uh there was a front runner for probably about 80% of the time and that was the Rudolph Riot this is an

Honorable mention by the way because the Rudolph rot coverage aired last week and uh we picked up this little gem from Aiden Howard on the whole come on so you don’t understand Aiden how close you were to making conditions this windy you don’t want to be leaving yourself with

Circle Edge Parts on the 66 oh M yeah it’s all you can do is smile about that one God [Laughter] he knows that’s bad but Aiden you’re on thin ice mate bear in mind he aced like two weeks ago with that disc with a forehand at lamb shanks we don’t care about

Aces we’re not we’re not here for Aces stop being so acist Jason so Aiden like I said you’re on thin ice buddy another one of them and you’ll find yourself in the tank but no for those of you who watched my pick for this week uh for those of you who

Watched the New Zealand tournament would have seen which what was the course was that b Baka so the back nine starts off with this um really really difficult little forehand throw over at car park to a basket that is so far away it’s in the thickest jungle you’ve ever seen the

North island is it is just about it is really hard but um d last week now our first into the tank for this EP last episode was Dylan Feld so you wouldn’t a lot of people have think thinking he’s not going to give it to Dylan again well unfortunately yes I

Am youve seen this throw there is absolutely no way in the world I could have ever left it out seems to set up nice get to moveing left right setting it up just watch and enjoy doesn’t know what happened and the roll away crazy the caught the T sign he apologized to

Simon he’s just not sure what to do with himself but that is Dylan that is the essence of what this segment is really about and he went up 40 points in the last rating we should uh before we go any fur we should give GK Pro credit for that

Footage and Paul oh man credit for the um for the uh commentary so yeah JK Pro uh don’t sue us uh we haven’t got any sponsors we any money oh we have got a couple but uh look like I’ve said the um the hype around this segment has been um

Has put basically tayor Swift in the corner that’s how big it’s become and people have been talking to me about it contacting me about it so we’ve decided to change the format a little bit I’m going to have my pick every week but we’re going to have a home viewer

Segment where inv sense makes invite the parked family to send in your Shanks now they can be of anyone but I if they’re staged in any way I’m telling you all that I will not and they will be not even spoken about because I want genuine

Shanks here I don’t want 30 m or or 80 meter misdirected throws by the way I want some genuine Shanks that will make people quiver at the thought of actually being on this segment look Jason’s all about that home cooking none of that store

[ __ ] so I will after now a couple of the park family have sent some videos in for me just to use examples here um so we’re going to show them as our home viewer lamb shanks this week but I will Flash the email address up at the end of the

Segment oh there it is at the bottom send your lamb shanks to me at lamb shanks parked medov so there it is on the the bottom of your screen get shanking and make sure you video you’re horrible the more horrible the shot the more I will enjoy it folks so don’t be

Ashamed to send it in but we have been sent by our first uh patreon member Dan Frost has lent into the segment as he does Dan he’s a legend he gets right around Park media and the first one he sent us is of Camille cam so here’s Camille whoops over to the

Left there’s a replay and yeah it was just that bad Camille that was bad it must have been a while ago we’ve got [Applause] uh Timmy as Dan Frost referred to him Timmy Banks just on 18 here at bat and no Tim that’s that’s not a prodigy D Tim let’s TCH it

Again oh it’s left it’s left it’s uh the four the wait let’s wait for the now this is an absolute gem that was sent in by Nathan Parish of Nathan Parish have a look at these is that the first time we’ ever throw in a discop

Andish Deary me so I think we’ve got just very quickly I think we’ve got is that frosty in the chat so we’ve got I think he’s talking about the cam one obviously has gone straight OB the first one we looked at but uh look if we were

Picking a winner this week uh there’s absolutely not a doubt in the world that it would go to Nathan Parish because that was an absolute shank from from way back so for anyone that knows H five at at Victoria Park that’s gone wrong side of the island has even made the water probably

Hit the boat that’s always fishing that little that little car park best segment ever he’s just taking a kayak out yeah so uh like I said uh this golf parked family fans out there send me your videos to lamb shanks at lamb shanks Park no V in park and I

Will comeb through them and at the end of the year these boys don’t know about it yet I haven’t told them but there is a prize up for grabs me try uh there will be a prize up for grabs we will have voting on our three uh pick

Videos every week and I tell you right Taylor Swift has got no idea what’s coming this segment is about to blow that world apart yeah so thank you very much that was another episode of lamb shanks well done J very nice St nice work who run the world Shanks um so

We’ve got uh that’s not even Taylor Swift is it but I think that that goat video is the one from the it yes it is you were trouble when you walked in anyway I’m digressing um we’re losing focus um so yeah send in your lamb shanks to lamb shanks Park

Email address is on the bottom of the screen we have one more segment left for the night um it’s the one that I worry about every week but we’re gonna let him we’re gonna let him loose he’s somehow got into the clubhouse here ladies and gentlemen it’s Professor Park where did go

Hell it’s so nice to see you here on a random Thursday night K sitting right here I was ption oh that idiot has left the building um well what hasn’t left the building though is the matchup of the century headed into ruffy Rumble and I simply could not sit at home and not

Do anything about it so tonight this trivia is going to be about three individuals and they are about to Stage a disc of warhouse we’ve got Leo dyes Aiden h Ryan dear all absolute fiends at ruffy Lake if anyone needed any convincing go have a look at

Metrics these three regularly tear up Ry so my thought is how can you pick one to win over the weekend so I’ve got four true or false questions boys and hopefully these will help you make a decision okay so first off the bat true or false Ryan deer averages below his

Rate in at ruffy Lake in PDGA rounds I’ll remind you he is rated 953 currently ah true all how many PDGA rounds can you played at ruffy Lake but also that that wouldn’t rate that highly I’ve heard that ruy is a tough R you

Have to be 15 down to that I re I re you would going to be what 860 with about an eight stroke so we’re agreeing as modifier I I’ll take individual votes or I’ll take you’re gonna say you’re saying your averages below his rating corre I’m gonna say that’s true Professor I’ve

Seen right through your question then you wouldn’t ask if it was true so I’m gonna say true I also think true interesting well you’re all great so to do better than that let’s hope that some of my other questions with a little bit more statistical background stump you what does he

Average what’s the answer so Ryan di averages a 9517 75 R rounds it’s not that far away not even a stroke but that is including a 1018 round in the ruffy Lake open so ruffy Lake open when was that that was mid last year I should have actually

Prefaced this segment this is looking at 2023 and the start of 2024 so since Ryan’s been playing basically yeah yeah good enough okay my next one is looking at Ryan deer and Aiden Howard Aiden Howard’s win to loss ratio against Leo dkes is better than Ryan de

In what metrics and pdj rounds so Aiden has a better win loss ratio to against Leo than Ryan does against Leo y who beats Leo more regularly I’d say Aiden I I in pdj rounds pdj and met and oh Jes I’m gonna say Ryan yeah Ryan smashed social days last year did didn’t

He Aiden did better at tournaments like PDGA rounds so Aiden I think plays better at Nationals than Ryan but Leo placed what fourth Leo placed better than both at yeah so Leo beat Leo tends to play really well in tournaments um but doesn’t give a [ __ ] about social days you know um typically

But Ryan freshes social days Aiden always thrashes Bald Hill say R I’m going to say Ryan is better so makes it false I think Aiden um you’re both wrong Ash is right for the wrong reasons they are tied exactly exactly that you pulled up there it is

But it’s not a true or false though it is it is I said Aid how trick question I said Aiden Howard is better it’s not it’s the Kyle was here he would have got that one 20 year long trivia night host there’s nothing more annoying than someone that argues with the trivia

Guy Jason does it on the regular sport questions but an interesting stat on that one is they are literally exactly tied with nine wins each way and a draw so there you go very interesting final question I’ll leave you with which should be all you need to make a decision for the weekend

Is Aiden Howard has been beaten by Ryan deer in more than one PDGA tournament we didn’t B MC Rudolph I feel like I second half of last G was was was huge I don’t thinken got Aiden only got beaten by like B he was second

In beat him at podium jum no he won it he won J out of his crease a long way was good last year so yeah I reckon what was the question Aiden Howard has been beaten by Ryan Deere more than once metric once so he’s got to be beaten once false

I’m I’ll go false too yeah I don’t think he’s he’s only it’s only metrix only pdj sorry oh only PJ yeah then I’m going to say f you are all spot on yes bonus Bon bonus question which tournament was it at Nationals incorrect knocked out of the standings Jason

No Ash you’re the final you’re the last hope for the couch was an in would where do we have him on Golden City your only clue here is standard deviation standard deviation oh so it’s got to be like um it’s the ruffy the ruffy open it was a tournament Aiden would

Love to forget Melbourne celebrates oh yeah of course goodness me yeah okay forgot I yeah I Mel celebrates was so long ago but I’ve forgot about it as well blanked that out yeah but the person who hasn’t blanked that out hopefully is Aiden Howard who will hopefully take some great confidence

Into this weekend he’s my hot tip for Mo if Jay Smith doesn’t bring his a game yeah um keep an eye out those three are going to be running rampant around Ry so and deer yeah yeah fantastic so yeah we’ve got Kyle’s tip uh is what you had Aiden

The dump truck Jason had D SL deer d yeah MD F I can’t remember who I said earlier I don’t want to contradict myself yeah I don’t have a tip because is Tim Bowen playing I don’t believe Timmy is playing you don’t believe he’s playing Che if Timmy’s if Timmy’s not

Playing then I don’t know who to uh who to uh tip but I’m gonna go and say Jade Smith because I do nothing if not back a favorite um but that’s about all we’ve got time for tonight in the park cbhouse ladies and gentlemen uh we uh are going

To be at the ruffy rumble as we’ve said after that uh next week we will be heading down to the cheese toast and salad bar classic in CRA otherwise known as The Sizzler we’ll have some great content coming out for you there and we can’t wait to catch up with the Cambra

Legends and frosty uh it’s going to be fantastic spending a couple of days in the Nations Capital um can’t wait so we’ll be taking the cameras there and we’ll be uh we’ll probably do some sort of a some sort of a quick stream next week uh previewing the uh the Sizzler

Because why not I’m going to do a bit of a special thing from the Airbnb one night of a tournament which we’ll plug uh and teach you all something uh it’s not even disc golf wrer but I’m going to go through a skill that I know is going

To make you very popular uh with your friends and family uh a skill that I’ve known since I was about 15 or 16 and I’m going to teach you all that live uh on the park media channel but until uh until then um hit us up online give us a

Follow does that mean you’re not a camber Legend now it means you’re so much more than that Frosty uh it means you’re a camra icon it means that uh you know they’re going to put a park up outside your house in 50 years time and go Frosty was here um yeah nothing

SS yeah I realized thinking back now something that I uh skill you learned When You’re 15 or 16 I reckon I know what it is are some for you coming down gold mate if you coming down to sizzly come and say it do we know dis golf gold

Has he got a YouTube channel is that what that is he does have a does have a YouTube channel he um recently entered in the banza challenge the selfie pup oh great well we won’t dox him here an out of name if you know it Kyle but um go go

To disc golf gold are you he’s been here all night and and interacting with us and so we love him for that him yep or him they I don’t know um so uh yeah go give him a follow check out his channel check out the channel check out disc

Golf gold Au I’m going to check it out when we finish um what you had a guess for what my secret skill is that what is it am I say yeah go on is it moon it’s not it’s not moonwalking but I I can do that it’s got something to do with uh

With the Sizzler or with oh yes I know yeah yeah yeah so I can uh I can definitely uh show people a special skill there nothing sus but uh something that uh you will all take into a Sunday morning breakfast at some point I hope uh so that’s it ladies and gentlemen and

Uh everybody on the couch any final thoughts uh not really just make sure you get it there and send me your Shanks Go full send on the shanks mat Faz you’re not playing The Sizzler I got a wedding I won’t even be able to film with you guys which I’m pretty

Disappointed about but weddings are fun yep are you crashing it or are you he just rolling up he’s hoping to catch the bouquet on the on the head night entertainment oh and entertaining you are sweet and Carl I’m not a celebrity but get me out of

Here all right well that’s it ladies and gentlemen this has been the park Clubhouse for another week thanks for tuning in those of you that are still there and thanks for watching this bar if you’ve watched it online check out our website buy some merch we’ll see you

At the ruffy rumble we’ll see you at the sizler uh like And subscribe to our Channel check out our patreon we’re going to start putting some content on there too and it’s a great way to support what we do uh but ladies and gentlemen everybody else watching that

Fits somewhere in between we love you thanks for watching and until next Time


  1. Another great show, keep up the good work. ps. look after Tan while she's down in Melbourne she tends to get herself in trouble without me.

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