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‘I’m going to LEAVE now!’ Anti-racism activist STORMS OUT after fiery clash on racism in Britain

‘What we like to do on this channel is listen to other people…’

‘I’m going to leave now!’

Anti-racism Activist Imarn Ayton storms out following fiery clash on whether the countryside is racist.

#race #racism #countryside #clash #uknews #gbnews

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Gareth what did I say that was racist you just said that people like me are the ones that are racist please make it clear what that racist I tell you what we like to do on this channel is is is listen to other people and then try and absorb

That okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to leave now cuz I’m not going to let you speak on behalf of the whole entire Channel I’ve been doing yeah I’m going to don’t worry about that here’s a question for you is the countryside racist well the wildlife and Countryside

Link a charity Group which includes the rspca WWF and National Trust says the British Countryside is a racist Colonial white space MPS in an allp party parliamentary group were told that the countryside has been influenced by racist Colonial legacies created environment some fear is dominated by

White people so think about it it sounds very woke just like that but the more you think about it maybe you’ve had experience of or something like that joining us now is anti-racism activist Iman Eton who thinks the countryside could be racist and farmer Gareth win

Jones who thinks it’s not so we ought to hear from you first I suppose um the the idea that it’s this colonial white space that’s not welcoming to anyone of a different Hue okay well firstly I don’t fully subscribe to that I think it’s safe to say this whole entire

Country is a colonial space so that’s not ful accurate let’s just be fair on that but I have to admit this comes down to the fact that this whole entire entire country has been proven to be racis or have issues with racial Prejudice so the countryside is not

Exempt from that and what people fail to realize is that in these particularly kind of uh these spaces that are particularly dominated by white people it can end up being kind of um it can feel quite exclusive the reason why is because these individuals share the same culture same values which includes food

Language music etiquette manners Hobbies Etc so when someone new comes along that’s different um they can end up standing out like a s fum they can end up not potentially fitting in and then they also have to contend with the racial Prejudice that kind of lies within that area so there’s that

Interesting Dynamic of not necessarily fitting in because you’re different and then also racial Prejudice that we have in this country but I wonder if that is that feeding too much into it in the sense as a northerner what do you mean well because as as a northerner yeah you

Know someone new moves into the village yes or whatever who’s who’s a southerner for example and it’s very odd right it exactly yeah but exactly but I but I don’t think that’s any different to the I I can’t imagine I can’t imagine anyone I know thinking having an an additional

Layer of prejudice or or you know oh it’s a Str well that’s where you’re wrong we all have Prejudice Prejudice comes in many forms Prejudice we can have Prejudice based off of doesn’t mean we have to have it though no no no it’s actually a part of our brains it’s

Actually called social categorizing it’s a part of our brain basically it just means that we simplify everything around us and so we put things into boxes which means that we assume things it’s actually a normal cognitive process of the brain so when you talk about you don’t know anyone that has extra layers

I do apologize an but we do have extra layers of prejudice we have our own Prejudice and we have Prejudice in other areas such as gender Etc is here is whether because this is what what came up at this old par party parliamentary committee the the issue is how lovely

Little Villages that we think of as beautiful English Villages or you know Welsh Irish Scottish anywhere um the quintessentially British sort of Village Life um is the the idea is that it is so white um and historically so as well that it’s not welcoming to anyone of a

Different skin color or whatever let’s let’s go to Gareth um I mean I where where you live for instance do you believe that you you are prejudiced towards white people or not welcoming to anyone else you know what I’ve lived my life in the countryside and I’ve never come across racism you

Know and I’ve got a lot of friends all ethnic backgrounds now I’ll give you an example so a few years ago in our beautiful little Welsh village called slaman and it’s a fantastic beautiful place um the local Nissa shop or Spar as it was then was taken over by Mr pasam

Okay an Indian guy and he came in and what a gentleman and let me tell you during covid and during lockdown that man was running around this village with packets for old people and you know at Christmas when I went in there he would give me a box of thatches just to thank

Me for giving him his customer he’s a lovely guy now one of the guys that works there had gone away for a couple of weeks he’s an Indian as well and he went away for a couple of weeks and he came back and this is what he told my

Wife the other day he said um he’d been to London and when he came back to work in the shop everybody came into the shop and asked him where he’d been that they’d missed him so it’s poppycock that these people are trying to call the countryside racism anybody that wants to

Come and work and fit in will fit in anybody that wants to come in and think that we’re racist or racism happens will have it in their mindset so it is a choice you know for the individual but the majority of people are welcoming that’s my my perception it why why laugh

Iman at that okay so I appreciate your your anecdote about your shopkeeper and Etc I appreciate that story but the reality is so with all due respect firstly you are not a black person so you can’t actually speak in terms of lived experiences let me finish please you can’t actually speak on lived

Experiences of black people so when you say there’s no racism well that’s from your perspective with your lived experiences as a white man what we can talk about is the many experiences of black and brown people that have actually moved into the countryside the BBC actually did a whole really good

Article about a lovely man his name was Jag Patel he spoke about the fact that he moved into the countryside and just was so shocked at the amount of prejudice that he had to contend with and this is why I speak about the lack of diversity because what happens when

You don’t have many black and brown people in a particular area is that you end up leading with prejudicial views because you don’t have a lived experience certain let me let me get this why I’m not I’m actually to this why families end up feeling as if they’re dealing

With abuse more abuse than probably in metropolitan areas and that is my point sir you don’t have that Li experience consider other experiences of black and brown people please go ahead stepen I do apologize I just wanted to finish my but you interrup forgive me but you’re not

Going to get very far if you don’t allow you interrupted me people yes but that interruped that is my job no my job is to make sure I say my we’ve both got a job today Ste yeah but but the point is what you did there is you

Brought up a case example of someone like this gentle but you dismiss his case example this person had a racist experience his racist experience what on Earth are you talking about R aort to this lovely gentleman story experience May well be in the minority actually of what is

Going on just like this exactly so exactly I’m I’m actually going to validate your point it could be in the minority just like this gentleman he’s actually talking as if he can speak on behalf of all of the countryside not yes he’s actually talking as he just said it categorically listen to the

Words yes he did he just said that there is no racism in the countryside let’s give a chance to speak yeah let’s Gare listen you need to listen Gareth go I I really cannot believe what you’ve just said you’ve got no idea am what I do and

Let me just let me just tell you yeah I have been under the C because you know what I’m first first language Welsh I’m first language Welsh but you’re not black but I appreciate you can I finish please can you give me we’re talking about racism in terms of racism for

Black people listen the Welsh language was oppressed for years and years and years the Welsh language when the children would go to school they would put the colonial colonialism we’ll do that it would put a Welsh knot around their necks to stop them from speaking the Welsh language we know what is we’re

Getting there’re getting there now no no no listen to me minded I think you are closed you are close-minded and you’re looking for the negatives and that’s you made it clear you were very close-minded sweeping statement that’s what causes the problem and racism is when people speak like you

And push that what did I say that was racist sir what did I say that was racist sir please please make it clear Gareth what did I say that was racist you just said that people like me are the ones that are racist please make it clear what what that was

Racist I didn’t say I said you’re pushing the narrative that no you didn’t say that though did you you’re correting yourself you didn’t say that originally you’re just picking okay never mind you didn’t say that originally though did you you said that I was racist and I

Gave you an opportunity to make that clear as to what it is that I said that was racist and you have failed so no problem we can move on I don’t want to linger on this particular Point well absolutely okay well we’ll leave it there language and towards the people

Sorry I can’t hear you there is no there is no racis can’t hear him you just heard me and I can’t hear him please speak a bit louder for me no we’re going to call this call a Hal to this cuz this is getting out of order thank you very

Much thank you very much our apologies if you felt you didn’t quite get enough of a say of another day hopefully day another time thanks an oh right no I did Hing and puffing in the background but it’s fun I tell you what we like to do on this channel is is

Is listen to other people and then try and absorb their okay so what I’m going to do is I’m going to leave now cuz I’m not going to let you speak on behalf of the whole entire Channel I’ve been doing yeah I’m going to don’t worry about that

It’s it’s a shame that it’s a shame that it couldn’t have finished a bit more Cal it it is but it’s clear where your alliances lie oh thank you very much an and stepen that was great yeah thanks for being here well pleasure you won’t

Be back I can tell you that no I definitely won’t be and thank you for making it dead clear as to how I was feeling unfortunately your mic is off right


  1. Tolerance is the portal to self oppression and the last virtue of a dying nation.
    This lady, whether she realises it or not, will end up creating a self fulfilling prophecy as people, who have been bending over backwards to level the field, will just give up when they're told it isn't enough.
    Scott Adams comes to mind.

  2. This women is racist against White people who she considers to be White Colonists.
    She has her mind set in 'victim mode' that she cannot be spoken to as she just overides anyone else.
    What a sad excuse of a human being
    I suggest to go to some third world country that has no 'colonial ' past so she can live happily ever after.

  3. Is she funded by Klauss Dr Evil, and Black Rock ?

    So any white enclave is inherently "rhayshist"

    But any black neighbourhood is "Diverse"

    This is white gZheno Side pure and simple.

  4. Gareth is very true. 👍🏿👏👏
    GB News, it's that the duchesse of Sussex has living in the monarchie. The jalousy and hatred raciste of the 🤴 Charles III, 👸 Camella, William 🐓🤕 and Copykate Middleton 💃.
    You, GB News are Hypocritical.
    It's GB News to Abus, LYING on the 💞 familly of Sussex Harry & Meghan, every time, every days, every years + 7.

  5. This lady being interviewed is so blatantly racist and shows her ignorance. This is typical of most people coming into the UK currently. All have racist views from their own countries….. White people are getting blamed for racism but they are not racist…..

  6. It's true…… As a white man I don't feel accepted in many of the London areas like Wembley, Brixton, Tower Hamlets etc.

  7. I'm sick to death of these black talking heads claiming the all us white people are racist. I'm not.
    My family is not, my neighbours are not I live in the country and yes, the majority of people here are white. That's not to say there are no black / ethnic people living here but all that I know have assimilated into the local population and are British and see themselves as British.
    The majority of my family live in London and are a minority in their area. While not racist the feel fairly excluded in the community and racism is evident against white population who are unfairly seen as racist because they are white by a community who have failed to integrate and adopt British values and outlook.

    It has been said that the more you propagate the negative message the more it becomes the accepted reality.

  8. If shes going to keep using the word 'prejudice' she needs at least to pronounce it properly 😂

  9. And how can the countryside be "colonial"? Does anyone even know what that word means anymore, rather than just chucking it about because it sounds bad?

  10. That woman shouldn't be on the show or any for that matter she's vile and she's makeing a living feeding on racism when's it all going to stop next thing thay be saying you can't breed a white dog because it's racist what the hell is it all coming to

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