Golf Babe

A deep dive into the “Rubber Band Effect” in disc golf. Explained by simple physics. Part 2

Part two of this video series. In this clip, I discuss how the Rubber Band Effect is extremely similar to a bowstring in archery. Comments and thoughts welcome, thanks for watching!

So when I last left off I was talking about the Great Loop ghost the content producer who around I think mid to late 20 2000 started posting on his channel which he called heavy disc I guess was the official name of his channel and he was talking about this idea of inertial

Mass but I think that luk ghost for all of his hard work never really reached Elite speeds with his mechanics he felt it he felt a little bit of the magic but he didn’t get all of it to really get all of it to feel the rubber band effect

Completely you need to use the sequencing that the method teaches you this idea that everything is forward and off the back side as your biomechanics launch the this for you the thing that I just demonstrated right there lukose form doesn’t look like that so even though he’s talking about

Inertial Mass we can traffic in a more I guess Advanced version of it so talking about the idea of adding energy to the object what you’re essentially doing is imparting kinetic energy from your body into a very tiny little lightweight object that weighs 04 lbs and the way

That you do that of course is by using the muscles of your body to accelerate the object but the key here is how fast do you do it do you do it over the long term or do you do it over a protracted period of time if you do it over a long

Period of time if you are swinging as so many people do as I did for years you pick up the disc and You Yank on it with your arm from here as I did for so many years my God my brain immediately goes oh I remember this this horrible Abyss that I

Trafficked in for like 15 years you swing the disc and it begins to accelerate even before your foot touches down your whole brain is intentionally rotating your to throw it and so you start pulling on it and if you were to chart the acceleration of your object it

Would be almost linear like a straight line at an angle of course and then it have a little Spike at the end a little Spike at the end as it rips off your hand or actually more as like your brain lets it go that’s the way that most

People who throw and are capped in their distance and are capped in their ability to advance as a player that’s how they throw and if you were to look at their chart it would look like that but when you throw correctly the way that I’m sequencing there that acceleration is insanely

Quick I’m talking like I haven’t I haven’t been able to time it yet honestly but I suspect that the disc is going from nearly stationary up to ballistic speed in about 005 seconds a timing window of a 20th of a second is where most of the acceleration is

Happening there’s a big consequence to that a huge one actually and that is inertial mass increases tremendously because when an object accelerates we all exist in a 1G gravitational field right now at this moment the core of the Earth the mass the center of mass at the center of the earth is pulling

Everything on it downward at 9.8 m/s per second pulling you downward at 10 m/s squared which is why objects fall pulled down from Gravity well you’re being pulled into the ground too and because the force is 1g you weigh whatever your weight is I weigh like a little over 170 right now

That sort of principle applies to things that are accelerating sideways too so if an object is accelerating at 10 m/ second per second probably looks about like that light as a feather because gets into 1G field it’s no different to go down than sideways and in this case

The object accelerating at 1G feels weightless like a piece of paper it’s like a paper plate your brain can’t push a bunch of energy into a paper plate it wouldn’t even try if I told you to throw a paper plate as hard as you could your

Body wouldn’t even let you throw it very hard because you have neuroprotective mechanisms in your whole body to protect you from hurting yourself most of the time so when a disc is light there’s no power in it it’s anemic and you can’t even trick your brain into throwing it hard because it’s a

Lightweight object but if you accelerate the object fast where instead of the acceleration happen out to the release point it’s slow insane and it goes from zero to like I don’t know what my release speed is it’s certainly over 70 I think up from 0 to

70 mph in .05 seconds guess what happens the gForce is Skyrocket it’s like accelerating straight down into the ground when you accelerate fast you feel weight like if you’ve ever been on a roller coaster and a roller coaster Teeters off the top of a ramp woo and it

Picks up speed you go uh you get that like uh feeling right that’s every atom in your body gaining weight inertial mass as the kinetic as the potential gravitational energy turns into kinetic energy as you go over the ramp you begin to feel heavy and all the mass in your

Body presses against your internal organs and your lungs compressing them you feel that for a second same thing as accelerating in a car same thing as accelerating a disc it’s the same principle of course only the disc would if you’re were on the disc you would die

Because it probably hits about 30 G’s I think when I accelerate it at this way so guess what happens an object that is in a 30g field weighs 30 times as much 12 1 12 lb instead of 045 to say nothing for the mass of my entire throwing arm

Which is also very you know heavy it probably weighs I me I can’t weigh it but it probably weighs 15 pounds so it’s the 15 lbs of my arm plus the weight of the disc accelerating insanely fast my brain goes aha big heavy thing let’s push a ton of kinetic energy into that

From my legs from my core from my shoulders all of it going into this giant huge like meat Hammer with a disc attached to it that’s how you generate true power in the sport we’re trafficking in inertial Mass but there’s an extra component to it which I’m going to Loop all the way

Back down back to the Bose story why did that work why was I able to get that extra distance because when you pull the bow tight you create tension in the Arc of the bow vibrating matter energy that’s captive but the energy gets dissipated into the air the air has an

Interaction the air molecules are bouncing against the bow the bow is bouncing against the air molecules and they’re transferring energy back and forth and it’s getting lost through entropy which means the longer you pull the vow tight the more energy you lose that’s bound up in it and if you hold

The bow you know knock it here ready to fire If You Yank It at the last second you get a huge burst of energy that flows through the bow from that yank and before that energy can dissipate you’ve let it go and you get this extra power

The rubber band effect is the same it’s exactly the same thing when you let your arm be super loose you create this elasticity around the mass of the disc at the extension of your hand your arm comes back and you’ve seen it all before and you watch Eagle crab his way down

Thing and he holds his hand out and just mystically floats in the air it looks like he’s grab gripped onto a pole and he’s just walking away from it what’s actually happening is that eagle is just rotating his shoulders the mass of the disc is holding it in place so as soon

As Eagle his arm is completely loose except for just the extension so when he braces there’s this instantaneous moment where everything has begun to come forward but the disc’s Mass its inertial mass is holding it in in place anchoring for just an instant until his body pulls

On it but he gives a little thrust of energy right at that last second in anticipation of the disc reaching its apex of the Swing all the guys who bomb you see Bella doing this where he extends his arm like that same exact thing and you once you understand where

The disc is going to go fast and you’re able to keep your arm totally loose in the back swing you anticipate it too you know exactly when it’s going to happen so you do the same thing you do that little bow string thing where you just let the disc

Float away from you almost and suddenly you grip it tight because you know it’s about to get heavy it pulls your arm taut like a bow with that last little thrusting burst of energy and all that elasticity that’s added through that motion remains in your shoulder and in

The muscles of the obliques all of it is still there vibrating and before it can dissipate bang off it goes that is the rubber band effect and when you accelerate the disc fast correctly using method 2.0 stuff you’ll feel it too it will no longer be a mystery just get ready it’s coming



  1. I've never played a round of disc golf, however looking at the mechanics of your "old" swing, compared to this new swing, it appears you are keeping the disc closer to your abdomen through the initial 30-40 % of the swing. I imagine this positions your entire arm to "crack" more like a whip starting from your elbow then progressively extending down to your wrist just prior to the separation of the disk from your hand. Interesting video Brain.

  2. Trying to put your ideas together. I’ve been working with Owen Condit and he has discussed your work specifically with the brace leg and back leg. But the grip and upper arm really as loose as it gets. In a dry swing, we are swinging the hand it seems, then adding mass to the hand by holding the disc, but it has to remain loose like the dry swing to keep the mechanics the same (thus the cradling of the disc). It’s then late extension and a “popping” of the hand to crack the whip. Do you feel this is conscious thought or consequence of loose arm and grip?

    From there if you can do the above, you figure out how to add power to that. Some levels and athletic backgrounds will be able to figure that out pretty quick.

  3. @6:24 No. The bow has potential energy in a fully drawn position.
    You will not find an Archer that gives an extra little pull before they release the string.

    *If someone uses unnecessarily big words when trying to explain something they probably just have a personality disorder.

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