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FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 2-16-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

FSU Football News | Jeff Cameron Show 2-16-24 | FSU Recruiting & Transfer Portal | Warchant TV #FSU

The Jeff Cameron Show for February 16th, 2024 includes FSU football 2024, transfer portal signings, conference realignment, FSU football news, transfer portal update, and recruiting news

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Edition Libations Friday edition opening day edition of the Jeff Cameron show yay baseball indeed it is back Florida State today dick Hower Stadium Mike Martin field 5:00 pm should be a lot of fun make my way over there I’m gonna Tommy I’m gonna get there first of all happy

Florida State Baseball opening day hello happy Baseball opening day to you it’s a little somber from here it’s a little somber but go hold it down for both of us please yeah I didn’t want to rub it in too much but uh I’m going I’m really

I’m G to be pressed against it here I’ve gotta run and pick up my son and then drop him off and then race back over to Hower but it’s gonna happen because it’s at five o’clock so if it were the old ways and we were doing three or four

O’clock I’d be missing something but not today buddy it’ll be there it’ll be be nice to hear the sound of the ball hit the mitt it’s glorious I’m looking forward to it it’s uh it’s a nice Refuge again weather’s not so bad up here but

It’s a whole lot nicer back at home in Tallahassee and so looking forward to this weekend series and again you look at the opponents that Florida state has through this month all getable games it’s not a TCU series there’s not a series against Wake Forest or some big

Big time team in the first you know 10 or so games just get some momentum rolling let’s see what cams Got Tonight on the hill let’s see some more discipline at the plate and then of course defensively let’s see how much work they’ve done to specialize what can

Do in the field it’s not going to be perfect this year but come on now link let’s get a little bit better I think he believes they are he said as much he talked about they have depth they have more athleticism more experience in the middle of the infield that will help out

A lot he thinks they have a lot of options there um you know you have transfer portal editions Lise and Faro and of course we already know about kamaka as a player and what what some of these guys offer up Cal Fischer uh kind of matched in the middle as he said

Earlier today so so options and um you know I I I think first of all think that they’re going to hit uh pretty well and it’s a matter of do we see consistency in the rotation and uh really do you pick up the baseball they didn’t very

Well last year there were so many things wrong with uh with that team last year it’s hard to know what this team is with so many new faces it’s impossible you know I mean it’s crazy to think about they they had so many guys uh come into

This program that are expected to make an impact I can’t really know what they’re going to be I don’t look at the early part of the season this is weird this is just when you become a baseball person you really kind of get over the idea of a singular

Game meaning much you know the the idea of a win or a loss uh or even a weekend series I I I used to just view these things as life and death way back in the day and now I really look toward what are you working at becoming what are you

Going to be when we get 20 games in what are you what are the telltale signs that you can be this in 30 games in 25 games what can you be because you can get easily fooled last year is a great example right off the bat Florida State

Got significant wins to play against TCU a team that later went on to the college world and to beat them there you thought and they really should have won all three frankly uh you’re kind of you I don’t know you walked away from that thinging here we go and of course

Nothing could have been further from the truth here we go is right into the dumpster uh he had no idea and just like this weekend they could sweep and it doesn’t necessarily portend of great things but individuals doing certain things add up to something much bigger

In baseball and so you begin to try to put these pieces together over the course of three four five six seven game stretches where you can begin to definitively say oh okay so they do this well they’re not doing this as well let’s see if that becomes a problem or

Is that too small a sample size yeah that’s kind of where you’re at early in really with all baseball that includes Major League Baseball well and and it’s between that right now and what’s going on in Clear Water and Kudos a softball yesterday for getting a four to nothing

Win over Stanford a lot of unearned runs a lot of chaos on the base pass not a whole lot of uh rallies with thunderous doubles down the line or in the power alleys anything like that but a win over a top 10 team in Stanford is good I just

Like this there there’s an interplay going on now and this is the new Rhythm you know with basketball faltering and let’s hope that they can rise up and make it interesting tomorrow when Duke comes to town for the two o’clock tip but this is I think what the next month

Is going to be about there are a lot of years where basketball would take over February into March I think right now it’s about the back and forth between a young group a young recruiting class that’s emerging for the softball team and then a complete roster overhaul for

The baseball program and to see what exactly they look like uh in terms of we know that lighter starting tonight but you get a sense after about two weekends about who guys are how comfortable they are starting at Florida stayed in a Saturday Spot or a Sunday spot we’ll see

There have been years where it could have been 11 it could have been meat we’ll see with link where they couldn’t figure out who they wanted on Sundays and they would play Hot Potato as early as the first month of the year I wonder if they’re trying to stick with guys and

We’ll see what he does there’s something that happened last night that I don’t have to talk about I don’t talk a lot of basketball because I don’t care much about it uh and I don’t find it interesting uh typically and that doesn’t make me you know a hater of women or misogynistic I

Just I’ve often brought up before that uh when you grow up playing a sport and then you watch it uh that with for many years men’s and women’s basketball were like two different worlds one’s played Above the Rim the other’s played below the rim so there’s a very big difference

In terms of overall athleticism that’s not news to anybody who’s ever uh with a pair of eyes surveyed the landscape and understands the difference between men and women but I would I would tell you this it occurred to me last night uh after the record was broken and uh Clark

Sets that scoring record Caitlyn Clark sets that scoring record uh that something has changed appreciably Tom in in probably your lifetime too I know in mine I know in mine and I was trying to think of another sport where it’s happened to this degree and here’s what

I’ll say uh when I was 16 years old and playing sports year round as many of my listeners uh did the same and and and many of the viewers did the same there were Sports where you’d say the difference between men and women wasn’t you know the the the chasm between the

Two athletically didn’t play as big a role as it did say in basketball so if you watched El Elite women’s tennis for example you can watch that as a as an event and say this is good you know this is good it’s relative because men are bigger stronger faster but the strategy

And the overall entertainment value of the sport doesn’t take a precipitous drop the way that it did in certain other sports where it looks like they’re not even playing the same game tennis still looked like tennis when you saw Martina naat toova play or later on Stephie graph and others right but it

Didn’t in basketball it didn’t for years it didn’t it didn’t look like the same sport at all if you watched Men play or if you played a lot of basketball yourself and then you were to play a pickup game say with women the drop off was was Steep and then moreover when you

Watch the women’s game you remember the early shows and for years I would talk about you know you can’t shame me into thinking that I’m a bad guy because I don’t like watching this I just don’t believe that’s true it doesn’t make me a hater of women at all I just don’t like

Watching women’s basketball and the reason I would site most of the time was the lack of athleticism the inability to play Above the Rim the inability to shoot consistently well from Deep those kinds of things you didn’t see handles the way you saw Handles in the men’s

Game many factors played into you go on and on and on and on I could I could go on for days and it was so evident it was so abundantly clear and one of the things uh was that it would play out in a horrible way for women’s basketball

When they got to the NCAA tournament when when the when the featured when people who are casual fans would tune in to March Madness you know you would be like okay well I don’t watch a lot of women’s basketball let’s tune in to March Madness at least and see what happens

And then you’d realize that there were two good teams and everybody else couldn’t play because there was a dir of talent so there was only maybe three programs in total that were able to pick off the best of the best in women’s basketball and so they

Had loaded rosters it was like Yukon and Tennessee for a while it was Louisiana Tech and there was like there were these little moments in time where a program or two would rise up but the tournament would play out and you’d see like a two

Seed get housed by 57 and I would always come on the air and talk about the lack of competitive balance that that’s not good for the sport and it’s proof of what I’m talking about so watching Caitlyn Clark bomb away it occurred to me that that is a sport and an area in

Which in my lifetime going from being say a 14 15 16 year old boy playing sports to being a 52-year-old man having observed all of this time gone by where the game has been radically altered there are now I used to tell uh my audience and I used to tell my

Friends there wasn’t a woman playing college basketball that I would have played when I was 16 17 that I thought could beat me and I’m pretty sure I’m right about that oh there are a ton that would beat the 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 year old

Me now there there there’s a bevy of them you look around there are there are women with handles there are women who are athletic Twitchy can really shoot are consistently good from outside it’s still not and Above the Rim game probably won’t be in my lifetime although there are more examples where

You see women dunk now but it doesn’t happen a lot but watching her shoot and I’ve said before I’m not a fan of her personality overall but watching her shoot and watch the consistency with which it’s done two things came to mind a how far the women’s game has come and

How good some of the best women player uh women’s players are and the Steph Curry effect on all people who play basketball all people boys girls men women it’s crazy to watch it play out in that manner you’re seeing everybody grows up striving to be able to shoot

With a degree of consistency from well outside the three-point line and they do well this is also the legacy of the WNBA you can you know laugh at the ratings and say you’re not going to watch look I I didn’t either but the legacy of but but having the legacy of a subsidized

League when which you know young women young girls who are interested in playing the sport can go see and see for themselves what they could be what they could do has an impact it has a generational impact I mean that’s almost 30 years ago maybe it is 30 years

Now that the WNBA was launched I remember it in the mid 90s and I W I remember watching a couple of games early on because NBC was pushing it so hard as a kid and this is what happens when you allow access to sports now that is in direct contrast to the argument

That maybe football fans would make in terms of Title 9 and how college sports and Revenue should be divvied up that that is a dicey topic when you bring it into the college Arena but there is no doubt there’s no doubt that with the Advent of cable television where

Everything is on all the time and leagues that are helped out in order to make it professional leagues allow for this to happen this is the legacy of that so I’m glad to see it uh and it’s happening more and more where you’re seeing women’s sports ratings Go Up Up

And Away Now relative to men’s sports is it still menis schule in most cases yeah it is but I you know you can project here with again we talk about softball beating baseballs ratings in the college ranks you can see a time here not too long from now 10 15 years if you’re

Projecting long term if you’re one of the power two conferences continued investment in those Sports is going to be good for everybody you know the athleticism gets better it’s almost like the Chicken and the Egg in a good way if you allow for this access and you allow

For these television rights then the Sport’s going to get better and only more watchable for everybody and that it grows on itself yeah no it’s true that that’s all true Tom but beyond that beyond the big picture conversation of fairness and all those things I’m specifically talking about an Amazing Leap Forward and

Overall prowess playing the game specific to basketball specific to basketball I’m not talking about ratings I’m not talking about enjoyability I’m talking about it’s amazing to watch that there is no other sport that I can think of that women play in which that is true I

Mean none tennis has more of a power element than it did in the 90s in a big no equipment plays a huge role in that in both the men and women’s game of course they can hit the ball harder than ever before and yearr round fitness programs have been Advanced as well so

That kind of exercise physiology program has changed for all parties and we see an elevation in many things that involve power and strength and endurance across both men and women sports I’m specifically talking going from the ability to dribble a basketball competently quickly and athletically as well as shoot the basketball from much

Greater range with a degree of consistency it is specifically a a Marvel to watch go back and just just for the exercise just to do this go watch women play basketball find a video clip in the 80s and early I played with a girl named Nicole tunel

Who went on to play and be an All-American in Iowa is current went on to play professionally overseas she was 6’4 she went on she’s coaching Lakewood High School’s Women’s Basketball team now she’s she was awesome we all thought of her as a a Phenom because we couldn’t

Believe what she was and I say this as no insult to her because I loved her and she is and I still do she couldn’t play today’s game it’s crazy the level of athleticism and consistently across the board growth in in one sport than than in women’s basketball you you you won’t

See it almost any other sport I agree with you there’s a diminishing returns at some point but you know like in the men’s game for example you’re seeing 611 dudes on the regular act like point guards you know like that that came out of nowhere in the last 20 30 years there

Is an evolution element to it some of it is strategic but again like I agree with you uh you know I’m having a big picture conversation but I’m also saying I think this is why I think that is why you are seeing what you’re seeing access like

For example AK says in the chat uh that Lonnie Alam had said that you know kids her age grew up hearing only dad stories about sports now you hear mom and dad like when you think something is possible then magically a lot ofely yeah like Tiger Fitness and golf when you

Think something’s possible that an athlete could play the sport now look at fields in the PGA Tour versus fields in 1992 a lot of beer bellies in 1992 Nar a be a beer belly if John dal’s not playing or um happy Barn rat I mean like I can name

Them off the top of my head the dudes that look like 19 92 golfers once you think something is possible you can do it uh Magic Johnson in a way has a legacy that leads to what Dirk was able to do and then Durk has a big-time

Legacy of a lot of dudes who are look like stick figures who play like point guards I just I think that’s why you’re seeing what you’re seeing is you know this is the effect of of having those question and everybody’s for that I just can’t believe everybody’s everybody any

Right fair-minded persons for that I’m just talking about it it exists that opportunity and uh the ability uh to to access and play uh a lot of other sports uh that’s come a long way across the board none have seen the athletic growth in my opinion that women’s basketball has it’s

Remarkable I I continue to Marvel like there you know I I I don’t know how much of a how many swim meets any of us watch right but I don’t know that that’s changed that much within the field I mean yes again if you’re going to site exercise physiy ology and nutrition then

Today’s swimmers are better than 30 years ago of course they are but I I man it’s just weird to even be able to sit down and watch a women’s basketball game for a prolonged period of time and note that across the board EV all every player at every position let alone the

Emergence of a Caitlyn Clark and the ability to shoot like that because that was a even women who played the game would lament that I remember having a conversation about this with Sue simra who would say that I’d rather watch men’s basketball than women’s basketball

She would say that all the time and I’d say why and she’d say well because they shoot it much better that’s not always true anymore I yeah range yeah I got you that anything that involves strength the only thing I’d say about that particular game is if you could lower the rim by

Like a half a foot I’m not meaning it in a demeaning way I’m just saying bring power to the game people watch power this is why you like softball this is why you like softball more this is why you like a period I should say why like

A period is because it it has a power element to it you got power pitching power hitting man if you had more people able to cram and those highlights make it about somebody who got posterized and you got three of those on a given Tuesday on Sports Center instead of

Reaching for some obscure like skiing highlight me that would also engender a hell of a lot more support in the ratings but there’s no doubt that the product is way way way oh it’s just something to Marvel at I I really I and you know listen it wasn’t just last

Night it happened to be a record setting night but you’re just watching the consistency with with those shots with which they fall and the form and the quickness and the release and the step back and all those were not things that were possessed by 99.9% of the women

Playing the sport just 15 years ago it is amazing to watch and uh for that off of the cap just something to note when you do something long enough it is rare that you see something shift to this degree at least in my opinion I haven’t seen too many things things that have

Shifted to this degree uh men or women where I go oh my goodness and some of the things that have shifted in my lifetime I would say you know led to a poorer product so like men’s tennis I think is a poorer product now than it

Used to be yes it’s played uh at with much more power but it’s taken away from the rallies so part of the strategy of angles and a lot of the things that were utilized by the best groundstroke players in the world and return of service players in the world have been

Removed from the game well we often say this too that the uh the women’s game uh in golf is a lot more fun because you have the field announcers the en course announcers saying 167 she’s got a seven iron like like that’s what I hit I hit

Okay let’s see what she could do for 167 with a seven iron it’s 100% that it’s right it’s like oh I can relate to that she’s gonna hit an eight iron it’s far as I hit an ad AR all right let’s see she’ll hit it a lot better than I do

Let’s see how close it is yeah we go to Sam burns on the seventh Ian Baker Finch is there Ian okay guys welcome this this holdes 235 today Sam’s got a seven here we go yeah yeah it’s the dumbest thing in the world 235 okay well it’s only 210 carry

Like it’s still 210 carry my man Jason day’s first shot today with a three-wood went 298 and he played it right to left nice little feathery draw there it was well he’s getting soft he’s getting soft if that’s all he’s hitting it well no he carried 29 around a bend and then ended

Him coming down to the the rough like he was trying not to out hit what remained of that Fairway because a driver would have it have been off the lot and I just thought man shaping shots at 298 with a three-wood okay that’s cool Jeff c33 real talk radio warch

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Check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics F A because we used to always run the sound bite for mock drafts and fake trades and all that stuff but Tom I saw one today that had the Bucks been in line uh to do something that I would

Agree with with the 26th pick overall Michael pennick Jr you agree with this huh oh I’d take penck sure if he’s there at 26 yeah I would take him you let him sit you let him sit behind Baker for a full year and uh yeah I’d do it I’d do it uh

His pinpoint accuracy on the tougher throws that he frequently displayed when healthy was something that I thought was next level and I thought you certainly I mean to me for example any draft I see where JJ McCarthy is ranked ahead of him get the out of here with that that’s

Nuts no chance that I would swap out that like I I saw somebody had JJ McCarthy going 12th or 13th get come on man no chance was that uh Mazin Blu drafting. comom like what what website was that CBS Sports had that um there there are a

Lot of people that have them at have him in the top 15 that’s crazy person talk that’s uh Brett Hunley territory right there my friend we’re in total agreement here I don’t see it in any way shape or form none which is why walk down that path I

Think that defense would have done okay against Michigan it would have been a race to 17 I think in that particular fo yeah it have been a low scoring game we wouldn’t have moved the ball on them either yeah I’m willing to say that yep I think you’re right I think it would

Have been a war yeah um a defensive War but uh yeah bottom line is I I if if pennick Falls to 26 I’d do it I’ll give you one if pennick is there at 26 and so is Keon Coleman who do you want uh I have to choose between those

Two it’s tough right because you know I mean yeah best available tackle um I mean really I think offensive line is is they they left something to be desired last year they got a couple of good pieces um between those two I mean I think you take Keon I think you

Take Keon and that’s not just because I’m a null I think they have a different quarter back plan I think they’re they’re going to try and and swing for the Downs with Baker and I so if they’re going to go that direction then bring Keon in see what you do with Mike Evans

See if he signs somewhere else and then Keon is your replacement the moment that you can get out of one of the two deals with Evans and Godwin that would be my plan you know it’s so it’s I feel bad about this I what Baker did this year

Was kind of make me much more of a Believer than I was he had his best season he was tough he was likable put his head down and went to work and had a good season I’m not signing him to a multi-year deal I’m not doing it I’m

Just not I I’m not there I can’t get there well I I can understand why I just I think if you’re GNA go with him then you better go offensive line and then just resign the veteran receiver in Mike I think if you’re going to stick with if

You’re going to stick with Baker if you’re not and you’re going to let him walk because he wants you know 30 million or something along those lines you’re not willing to go there then you do grab pennic and then you blow it up a little bit you you try and fortify the

Offensive line but then set expectations for five and six wins and try and grow this thing I just I feel like Todd B’s seat is still a little warm where they’re going to be trying for the instant results rather than the long-term projection results there’s a there’s a scenario where I would bring

Baker back uh it’s it’s an interesting one I I don’t know that him and his people would want what I would suggest at this point but yeah I’m merely speaking on whether or not if pinnick is there at that spot I like him he’s 63 he’s got a good arm

He’s very accurate uh I I think I would go that route um although left-handed quarterbacks never aesthetically look fun to see throw a football it’s the opposite of hitting a baseball they don’t but if you show the mirroring like if you do an inverted camera it looks

Fine it it’s funny how that works it looks just fine and I see oldz asking would you go go 330 or 3 for 36 with Baker well the the salary cap has gone way higher so that number isn’t as alarming like I’m just saying that if

You did not want to go that route and Baker was asking for too much money in your mind I think you’ve got a decent quarterback and it’s really hard to find decent quarterbacks and I I I would I would double down on Baker if you could make sure that Mike comes back because

If Mike leaves I I think you you basically might as well just start with a new quarterback and a whole new break it down to build it backup approach on offense the funny thing is is we all say this with a you know grain of salt with the statistical evidence before us we

Understand that no matter how sure we are on any number of these quarterbacks that are coming out in the draft it’s akin to the same in the NFL where the GMS think they know and certainly have more information at their fingertips and yet hit at a 50% rate so

We we all know that as sure as we think we are about any number number of these guys you know 50% you know it’s not working out for too many guys guys that live in the world of daytoday assessment of a player and their Scouts and all of the statistical

Breakdowns and measurables possible you know not like you and me you’re gonna trade up for trabis we’re gonna trade up for Bryce young we’re gonna trade up for moms trade up we’re gonna trade up for Josh Freeman yeah no nobody thought that was a good idea not me not you not anybody

Who was paying attention nobody thought that was a good idea I believe on the desk they said this is the next Ben rothberger just look at the size he’s Byron left Ben rothberger look at the size of this young man got a can arm I’m still angry about it he was never

Accurate in college and I told you even then I’m like man he’s not even accurate in college we’re not doing this if you’re completing 52% in college I’m not taking my risk on you in the NFL guys run wide the hell open in college partly because the the talent differential in a

Lot of the games and also because especially if you play at a big college and they don’t but then also because of the rules it’s crazy what you’re allowed to do H defenses don’t stand a chance for the most part in college if you’re completing 54 get the hell up out of

Here I’m not doing all this for the bucks it’s just you know this I think this one’s simple the defensive line looks good you’ve got a future there linebacker is a question linebacker is a big time question you were old there last year you wanted to kick White to

The curb Deon white by the end of the season that you weren’t starting him against Detroit in the playoffs there was another game where you didn’t play him and it was strange because oh yeah we’re moving on from him yeah as Todd B said he was available but you didn’t

Play him like it was just really weird Levante David is ancient and he’s still doing it but it’s gonna end at some point here soon still doing at a high level it’s crazy defensively you need a rush end and a linebacker and then offensively you want to run the ball you

Can’t run the ball I think you got a pretty good running back so what gives it’s the offensive line line yeah you got a good left tackle and you’re okay you got a young burgeoning guard it gets a little dicey it gets a little dicey little thin it’s a little

It’s a little thin indeed uh AAR Thomas I mentioned him yesterday we had a sound bite from him we’ll play the entirety of the Q&A that we did yesterday yesterday morning with him some uh solid answers from that young man something to wet your whistle for spring it’s Jeff K 93 3

Real talk radio warchant TV local news now Florida 700 bed student housing project is continuing to move forward the university announced on Tuesday they signed a 97.5 million 30-year Federal Loan to assist with financing the housing project the new housing is expected to increase the University’s oncampus housing capacity

To more than 3,000 beds construction of the project is scheduled to begin in March and the estimated completion date is July of 2025 it’ll be located along Oola Street north of the fam Towers it will hold 93 parking spaces as well more than 1300 neighbors living in rural

Northeast Leon County will be getting access to broadband internet it’s one area of many getting the service in rural areas of the Capitol County the state is awarding $6 million to add Comcast broadband internet in areas of rural Leon County Comcast has yet to announce which neighborhood specifically

Will receive it the Broadband is expected to start going in as early as this summer this is Rachel and with real talk 93.3 local news update brought to you by mcore systems call Hass go to Mac store check them out online at macore this is meteorologist Paul try with your

Real talk 93.3 weather update slight chance for isolated rain showers this afternoon otherwise Cloudy Skies expected daytime highs approaching 66 southwesterly winds around 5 mph overcast Skies again tonight chance for isolated showers 55 cloudy tomorrow chance for isolated rain showers highs level off around 64 this report is

Brought to you by the lawn jum for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn right now it’s 67° so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on the

Menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bungal chungle as I call it the bangal Chung Jeff is that a what is the pork the B Chong je okay the B CH it’s delicious all these things all the items everything you do a master cook but sir

I would ask you what is a that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair you’re Gordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since 1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of

The multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that’s talking to aier Thomas he’ll be a junior this year for four State Q&A from the listeners on Gold members in the Renegade room this was me and iser Thomas yesterday morning welcome in

Good to have you on board a special treat today to talk to Florida State defensive back Asar Thomas are you on the boards at warchant your gold member as you’re in the Renegade room and you ask the questions and this young man is here to answer said questions I look

Forward to it obviously aari has been a star since she got here and we’re expecting big things this year of course but uh this brought to you by our friends at the battles end I’ll ask you about the battles end right off the top what have they meant to you and your

Family uh it’s it’s important this series that we do we get to talk to players who are affected uh by the battles in in a good way and I know certainly you’re a player who has been as well yes sir um so far it’s been it’s

Been um great for me and my um family just allow my mom to come up here and uh see my gamees and not really have to stress about for me finding where is she going to oh get this or that um but taking that burden off her shoulders and

My family has been a great help uh and it’s been nothing short of a blessing so pretty cool just to be able to go play football and let the other stuff be taken care of right just you go do your thing and you know your parents can come

And go because of it uh it’s cool watching what a collective like the battles Z has done here at Florida State the first question that we have off the board say arier is from uh Roy for for FSU he writes what has your experience at FSU been like since you stepped foot

On campus and how has your time with the coaching staff been in particular what is it uh that you what’s it like to get coached up by Mike norell Josh storms Pat ctin Adam Fuller those guys it’s been it’s been uh nothing short of a growth experience uh coming straight out

Of high school I was so used to my mom doing everything for me uh and I was just used to that because it’s always been me and my mom uh so I mean coming to college I gotta do my own laundry I gotta wake up on my own you feel I

Can’t my mom make come into my room trying to wake me up stuff like that so I mean it’s been nothing short of a growing experience and I mean it’s it’s overall been a blessing for me um coming in it was it was tough um coming in

Doing tour tour um Tour of Duty I was 17 years old so I’m coming straight straight straight out of high school um and but I feel like that that that helped me grow as a as a young man as well um coming in getting thrown in the

Fire uh and really just trying to tr trying to lean on God in those in those in those moments uh because it was tough honestly without God I I probably wouldn’t have made here I know I wouldn’t have made it here at this at this set time right here with the

Mindset and the knowledge and the wisdom and the experience I have um but being being coached by coach noville he’s he’s never going to have a off day like he’s going to come in had the same attitude on a day-to-day basis like like when he

See you he would not take to speak and um coach Fuller same same way him and Coach Fuller Fe feed off each other um and coach serain has been nothing short of a uh blessing as well he’s he’s he’s taught me a whole lot about tech technique and uh just certain uh points

That you can look at to get to give you an advantage against your opponent so I mean overall getting clach by those guys has been a blessing for me next question comes from alect on the boards he writes based on your social media AAR it appears that your faith is

Very important to you has FCA been helpful and how has your faith kept you grounded during the ups and downs experienced by every player um yes sir was de and about my faith I mean really just knowing that my identity isn’t found in this game you know mean like

Like my performance just because I have a bad performance doesn’t mean I got a bad life so I feel like coming in like going back to the first question about my Growing Experience like coming in I thought football was who I was like coming in like now I know that my

Identity is in Christ like no no performance no Accolade No Award can can can can Triumph my identity in Christ so just knowing that like of course no one wants to have a bad game no one no one wants to uh give up this or give up a first down or allow

Somebody to make this catch or Stu like that but just knowing that me being grounded in my faith knowing that my identity comes from Christ just gives me that freedom to go out there and play Fast play smart play physical and to finish uh just free uh just having that

Um freedom in in Christ has really helped me and and helped me grow as a player as well so uh yes sir Northern null wants to know what was your determining factor for coming out of high school and going and choosing Florida State he also wants to know

Which receiver you’re most looking for with to scening matching up against in Spring my determining factor I would say coach Norville uh he came on my home visit um and the per the same person he is right now was the same person he was

On my home visit so I just felt like God L led me to coach no because I feel like and I’m not knock any other head coach or any of that I’m G put that out there uh but I just for real what he says is true he’s

Not going to sell you a dream you anything he says you’re going to have to earn spot like simple as that he didn’t promise me anything uh and he was like we’re going to put you in uncomfortable situations to help you grow like we’re going to do that so him letting me know

That I looked at my mom like okay I feel like this is the place that I want to be because him he he he reminds me of my mom in in uh in a way uh just pushing me uh always trying to just get the best

Out of me on a day-to-day basis so that was really my uh factor in coming to Florida State and I’ll say either Malik Malik Malik Benson um Tron but I mean I’ve been going against Tron since I’ve been there but um I’ll say Malik Tron and I’m G do one

More um probably hakee I’m want to see me I’ll say hakee I uh went against hakee in the season a good bit um but I’m just looking forward to see how his growth has been you feel me so is say them I’ll say them threee right now

We’re lucky to go to Every practice because of Mike norvell’s policy with the media and so as a media member I’m really I always love it I saw your matchups against Hakeem and he was really On The Rise before he got hurt this year I felt like he was on the come

So that that’s going to be a heck of a matchup yeah um yes sir it will be yeah it be good match him you guys will have a good time with that uh golf 4 e a writes AZ who of the offal receivers are do you

Find to be the toughest to cover as a as a DB and just as me like saying this in the most humblest way like I don’t really find anybody like tough or give me a problem um but I would say one that has that’s smart and experienc and one

That’s gonna probably get me I’m and when I get up on that line okay I gotta probably Tron because Tron is really sneaky fast like on film he probably don’t have the burst that you might would want to see but Tron is a smart receiver and he is is fast um and he

Will like get up to you and he’ll make a decision and he’s and we and we uh call and we call him the back shoulder King because them back shoulders is almost 100% so when I when I step up to that line like I know I’m gon have to be on

My stuff so I I’ll say Trump for right now because I think he’s the one that I that I’ve had the most battles with since I’ve been here and that I really know uh so I’ll say Trump that’s fun stuff uh North Carolina NL wrote who fin second in your recruitment seemed like

FSU he writes was on the outside looking in about a month before Signing Day how did that change for you and who finished uh who finished second were you close to going somewhere else um to be honest I really didn’t have no second um I really

Didn’t have I really didn’t have a first until Florida State came in picture um because my recruitment process kind of was weird um Florida State really wasn’t Florida State wasn’t in my top uh schools at first my my like my final top schools um but then everything happened

With the coaches like with the ones that was recruiting me and the ones that was in my top school getting fired or a new D staff coming in I didn’t really trust that so um uh I think Florida state had hit me up for a home visit and my mom’s

Like yes let’s do it felt led in my spirit to do it so I’m like okay I’m uh I’m G give every school a chance uh right now and Florida came in the picture um well back into the picture and um just coachville brought me back

Home so and then just and then just thinking about like okay I could I could I could be close to my mom um and like not have her worry and I could be uh and and I could be clo like closer to home just in case something happens with my

Little sister my little nephew stuff like that so I feel like everything played into the picture so going back to your question didn’t have a second um but my first was FL the state as soon as they came back to the picture and coille brought me back nice NOAB 30 writes

Who’s your favorite play player to be on the field with at the same time this past season who was it and then he also wanted to know of the incoming players either high school or transfers who are you most looking to to play with this upcoming season my favorite player to

Take the field with I say all the guys on defense I can’t I can’t really s single nobody out I had feel but uh I really I don’t really say all guys on defense I I can’t really single nobody out because I feel like everybody on

Defense like gave me life you mean I saw everybody’s energy and like our defense was was crazy like I like most people really don’t know the work that that really went in to like us displaying that um and showing off our gifts and the challenge that God has blessed us

With but it just taking the FI with those guys really just gave me that that that that extra motivation um and then I got k k Bates Charles and track them three number three just just seeing them work I’m just like them boys got it like you

Like you could tell when like freshman come in like they just do the workouts and they just get through it and they just trying to survive they actually attack the workouts and they actually listen to DET and apply and want to get extra work and text in the

Group chat like yeah I’m coming like I’ll be there you don’t really see that from freshman a lot of times because they and and I’m not knocking any freshman that want to get acclimated and stuff like that but usually you see with freshman they try to come in and try to

Like just learn the like learn the steps to everything and just trying to ease their way in which is fine um everybody got their own way and their own process of doing stuff so if you do that then that’s fine with you but just seeing them boys just do that and just seeing

How they come in come in work and they and they actually want to learn they actually want to apply what they learn as well it’s it’s very rare you see that nowadays uh with freshman so I I would say them um three so I gotta tell you that’s going to excite the fan

Base people love hearing about kids coming in ready to play and get excited about attacking workouts and things like that that that people are gonna be pumped to hear that one uh Island Chief asks this question AAR he says having brothers who played college football one

Of whom is in the NFL how did that affect expectations for you as a player in high school and now in college I would say at first it kind of affected me um but now it really doesn’t affect me because somebody else’s opinion or standard of me

Doesn’t I push myself and I’m hard on myself so when I’m hard on myself like I feel like nobody else can really shake me or their opinion or can really like affect me but I would say at first because just seeing what my brothers did because I actually have two two um other

Brothers but of course one he he’s in a league but really all of us was great at Sports and I was always the youngest brother so people used to always say yeah zind this one this are you want to be like that so when out like and also

In high school so really just hearing that like I used to always to go on the F like okay I don’t want to I don’t want to disappoint anybody but but like I said going back to my walk with Christ just knowing that my identity is in him

And knowing that like when I when I step on that feel like he gonna be with me each and every step of the way whether it’s a good play a bad play I know that there’s a lesson to learn that later down the road like I can like the lesson

That I learned like I can apply in that moment sometimes we don’t understand and sometimes and it’s really not meant for us to understand just for us to trust um so but of course I I always felt like I can always do better and stuff like that do you model your game after

Anybody in the league um it’s crazy you say that because my coach Patrick Cain um I actually moded my game after Pat Cain and Jaylen RAM and um Jaylen Ramsey so just watching those two you see like how effortlessly it looked I’m just trying to get to that level so um really

Just after them but I’ve always been big on jayen RAM since I was a kid since I was in seventh grade so uh Jaylen Ram has always been my favorite DB and it’s crazy because I’m here at Florida State as well and I’m wearing number eight

This year so but I mean it’s just overall it’s just like I just feel like God always had a plan because when I was little him just seeing him wear number eight at flot state I’m just like I want to be like that one day uh so and it’s

Crazy how I’m we eight this year so everything everything came full circle but yes sir I I would say um them two as well so well you’re both you’re both big long Corners right you got both of you are 62 or above both of you are long

Both of you are fluid so that makes sense right yes there yes sir do uh fire last two fire in the NL rights uh in the let’s see in high school you were a great player on both sides of the ball appeared to be even more dominant with the ball in your

Hands do you ever ask the coaches or hint to them that you’d like to play offense uh I mean coming in like like coming in I knew it was gonna be different you like playing playing playing both ways is is is is is different uh and of course I feel like I

Could do anything but I mean just like I just feel like they didn’t need me on offense for real like I just feel like they didn’t really need me on offense like I feel like if I was gonna pick a position I was gon have to stay

With that one because if I say say I picked offense I just feel like they wouldn’t need me on defense I just like that’s how the standard that’s how the culture is over here um maybe other schools you can do that um but I just feel like here like I feel

Like if I would have picked a certain position I just feel like it I don’t know I just feel like I would have just had to stay at that position because it would just been too much just to go back and forth but I mean I always talk to

Coachville and I always hint like hey I play high school now so just like that stuff like that but I mean of course I like hearing it sometimes but I mean I’m I’m I’m I’m good where I’m at right now so yes that’s funny all right isar last

One here for you buddy we appreciate you making time for us uh the question comes from Calli null he’s eager to know from your perspective which part of the daily routine during The Fall season brings you the most amount of Joy also he wants to know what aspect of the game day

Excites you the most a routine throughout the day that I mean the one that the routine that really make bring me the most Joy is really when I really when I get in the word real um I mean just to have that time by myself we so

Caught up in the season like with football football football we never have time to really know who we are and who we are um so I feel like that and then aspect of game day yeah I would say I would say the Legacy walk just seeing everybody’s family out there and

Just seeing like how happy they look like and just the Joy on their faces it really something that I like like I always try to cherish and not really take for granted um because it’s not a lot of times where you can see like just true genuine happiness and um so I I’ll

Say that aspect and then you there and then I’m sorry you had a third one yeah F yeah did anything surprise you when you first arrived here and and you got to play in do for the first time any of that kind of stuff surprised me um I

Would say really just when you get on that field my my first game was due um first play I ever got in it was crazy like it felt like I was in a video game I’m looking up like the lights we I’m like man I’m like man got real so really just

Seeing that it just now where I’m at it’s just like I really grew like it’s crazy like how you really don’t see it in a moment and then but later on down the road you really see how much you grow but I mean I’ll say that aspect

Just like the fans like the whole environment like it it was crazy it was crazy and we was just playing Duane I ain’t trying to knock Duane but we was just playing Duane and it was like that so it yeah it was wild so this has been

Good stuff man we really appreciate you taking the time I hope you have a great rest of your day I’ll see you out there in Spring man I’ll be covering those practices so uh be well uh stay healthy and we’ll talk to you real soon okay yes

Sir take care that’s a zar Thomas guys know coming into the season as a junior uh set to do some damage for Florida State I really think his game has emerged as uh on the cusp of elite this is a young man as we described in the conversation here is long he’s athletic

He’s got his head on straight he’s focused on the right things he works very hard um there’s no reason to believe that he won’t have really kind of a breakout year if you want to call it that um this is a this is an outstanding young man it’s been fun to

Ask get these questions asked uh if you’re a gold member you can do this we’ll be doing this with other student athletes uh we thank the battles in uh for sponsoring ing this and getting these young men on here to answer your questions uh if you’re a gold member

You’ll do it it’s in the Renegade room so get set next we’ll have more players for you and we’ll talk next time be well everybody coming up next more the Jeff Cameron show live and local on Real Talk 93.3 W vft Kasse gee honey I’m not going to lie our front yard is looking sad don’t you think it’s time for some tlj I’m pretty sure you mean TLC and I don’t have time for all that work no I’m talking about some tlj like in the radio commercials

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Today with Orange Theory Fitness to find out more go to [Applause] broadcasting live from Florida’s capital city this is the Jeff Cameron show brought to you by Orange Theory Fitness on Real Talk 93.3 now stop what you’re doing and listen closely it’s time for the Jeff Cameron show in five four three of the maturity level that you see a lot

Of Flor State starters possess right now it’s been I’m remind it again I know I probably shouldn’t say it because as soon as you do it’s a curse but you know you go look at college football news items bullet points throughout the uh day and look at various sites and I saw

Where uh Trey Holly the the running back at LSU’s been arrested on three felony charges that’s a that’s a toughy um that’s a kid that broke the the the state of Louisiana’s record for rushing yards uh high hopes for him but uh Grand Opening Grand closing as my man uh

Attempted murder second degree attempted murder in there that’s not good gonna be a problem shooting up the play doesn’t work out does buddy uh point would be we seem to have a lot of maturity around here a lot of guys who just get it a lot

Of guys not getting in trouble a lot of guys working hard a lot of guys believing in each other a lot of guys sacrificing doing all those kinds of things that’s just one example but AAR man fun to fun to to listen to his insights and talk about what he sees

With these freshmen I I knew you guys would like that I especially enjoyed it um I think he’s gonna have a huge year Tom I think you agree with me I think there he’s one of several guys I said it yesterday I’ll say it again here he’s

One of several guys that I think is on the cusp of Doing Great Things uh being all ACC caliber players maybe more yeah again you think about it a couple years ago he said it himself you’re at the Tour of Duty and you’re 17 years old so

That puts him at 19 right now but he’s speaking like a fourth or a fifth year player uh you could tell that the game had slowed down for him last year to a place where he played free and explosive throughout the season really but you know there was a concentrated area

Towards the end when the entire defense had that extra level of intensity and passion and and he played with that just like Jared verse did just like Braden Fisk did I me you could just see that Edge that everybody had and he’s going to be leaned upon to be one of those

Types of guys this year to lead the way you know I don’t know that they’re going to designate him as the top corner on the team he’s going to be a starting corner on the team barring some unforeseen development with a freshman but he’s you could tell he’s got the the

Mechanics between the ears to be a leader type yes to be somebody that can that can pull somebody aside if they make a mistake you know and they’re on the bench after a bad drive or or a blown coverage or something like he can be the one to settle guys down he just

Seems very very dialed in and and he seems very aware of who he is which is what he talked about he spends time away from you know fall training trying to figure out who he is like he’s got good balance that’s that’s what I’m saying like you know sometimes we think of

Players that play you know with their heart on their sleeve as they run hot or they’re imbalanced man that guy is as balanced as any 19-year-old as I’ve seen I mean that’s still a really young man who is going to be leaned upon a lot this season I think with football it’s

Cool to get a perspective from a kid who’s immersed in it now and you hear the wisdom um the idea that somebody is self-aware to the point where they want to step away from the game just so they can think a little bit and thus have it

Be somewhat revelatory as to who they are where they are in their lives and what they want to be right like admitting that football is all consuming all the time and that you have to do so much that is football related whether that is when you’re sitting to eat are

You eating the right things when you’re working out are you doing the right things when you’re you know when you’re going to bed at night are you getting enough sleep are you you know all it everything is related back to football and your place in football that you

Might lose sight of the fact that uh you know you’re not just a football player it’s not too many 19y olds would stop to think about that I like that it was cool to have that conversation with him in that way good for him I do think he’ll

Be a leader this year I think spot on with that he strikes me as one of many leaders they have on this team Mike speaks glowingly of a lot of guys I think he knows they’re in a good place IRA and I were talking on headlines the

Other day you know he he seemingly had some concerns that the snub would lead to difficulty in messaging you know how does Mike go about messaging to this team because last year it was easy it was very easy to implore uh and to uh and to push uh and you didn’t really

Have to convince anybody of what was at hand here they all knew they were working to this point and they were building to this place where this was going to be their opportunity and they did all the things that you begged for them to do and asked them to do and

Fought for them to do and then they didn’t get rewarded and then you think well how do you come back from that and Inspire how do you what do you what do you say to somebody after something like that happens and the answer is you really can’t you just have to hope that

Fire is in them and that you have enough leaders that they can you know that’s that’s where players owning the locker room is a big deal and there’s one of them there’s one of the guys that can own the locker room and Inspire players I think they have several guys like that

I do think dju will be like that this is a good time to bring it’s a good time to bring somebody in from the outside at a position like quarterback in that sense if you’re just talking about healing resetting whatever it is is that you need like that that’s a good

Thing that he has all the experience in the world that he does he’s dealt with a lot of personal adversity when you’re talking about his career I mean this is somebody who also sat DJ you did last year for Oregon State routinely because they had a young freshman that they

Really liked and it was like I think it was the third Drive of most games including Pack 12 games that it was just understood that dju the starter would wait for a series and let this kid grow he ends up following Jonathan Smith to michig state so I think leaves yeah they

Thought very highly the coaching staff did that player but think about that that’s two times in the last two seasons that your current starting quarterback has been benched for significant periods of time I’m going to call it a third Drive of the game when it’s not garbage

Time a significant event and he’s got no ego in the sense that it’s causing major issues in a rift in the locker room a rift in the program that is the exact presence you can use in this situation I don’t know that it’s going to going to

Be perfect I think there might be some lingering effects from the snub this year where maybe there’s a moment or two you see on the field where composure is lost because you know the hard part is you can’t tell them just win all your games and you’ll be okay like even

Though it’s a 12 team playoff and that’s literally true this time around like the spirit of that message was broken last year in this and it’s gonna stay with them forever so it’s it’s a tough deal but you’re right guys like AZ guys like dju they’ve got others look I’m I’m

Really impressed with royell Williams in his interview um he seems like somebody who always brings Joy to the workplace if you will and that’ll be something that settles guys down they’ve got a few people to lean on here more than a few really yeah and and we’ll find out when

Practice starts how many of those guys that we don’t know a lot about because they were elsewhere fill that role I think you’re right your hunch about Williams but I think there are others too so that will be fascinating Florida State last gasp effort this is it that’s

It that’s all tomorrow at 2 o’clock uh that that’s it what will will we have the opportunity will that ever happen again this year right there right there there it is that I don’t know I may end up I hope not but this is it if they’re

GNA win a game that gives them any chance whatsoever of making the NIT this is this is the one and I hate that that we’re describing it that way but Duke is coming to town and fla State could win the game and go to and six in the ACC

And 14- 11 Duke is in the top 10 19- 5 10 and three in the ACC 2:00 TLC Double C should I go old school you don’t you don’t just stroll on in to the TLC douc and expect to walk out with a victory although that’s certainly changed uh you

Got to play a huge spoiler role here against the top 10 team and and just try to fight your ass off for something of relevance uh this is a guard oriented Duke team with scares the hell out of me uh three guard offense they got a big man Center at 7

Feet tall that’s the Kyle flowski kid uh six foot eight small forward their power forward I should say I I it’s obvious to some extent uh Tom but uh match Up’s all wrong for us baby it’s all wrong for us baby this is not a good matchup and they have better

Players yeah most top 10 matchups are not good matchups but there are some that are worse than others there are top 10 teams lose all the time in college basketball it’s a long North Carolina’s making a habit of losing in the last couple of weeks as well we’re seeing

That um I I just I don’t think and you’re the judge of this of course I can’t influence the decision you’re the panel and you’re the jury but I don’t think a win over Duke is enough to even start dinging the bell I think that’s the beginning of the conversation to

Think about hitting the Bell yeah I agree with you I will not tweet out dingding I will not come in here and ring that sucker just yet it just means that it’s on its last legs like this Bell will be broken it will just there’s nothing it we got

Nothing to it if they don’t get the win this is it like any shot we have to revive it and have it make a little sound would be a win in in this game tomorrow like God forbid maybe in a week and a half there’s a or something like

That but right now you’re right right now just like is it it looks like the lever arm is it’s working we can maybe that’s it you have to win this game tomorrow that’s the only way so otherwise I’ll just throw it I just throw it well no we go we want to keep

That thing for next year just in case bells are cheap how much can a bell cost I don’t know that that has sentimental value a cursed Bell if we don’t make it it’ be three years in a row I couldn’t even it’s got nothing to do with the

Bell has everything to do with the players it has everything to do with the talent and what you have and what you don’t have but I like how you I like how you have expressed Nuance with a bell which is usually in two states sounding and not sounding but you found way to

Make it different sounds there are ways Rick asks isn’t today the ACC lawyers have a meeting with FSU and Charlotte probably man I just wait on the re you know the the news to come out of these things I assume lawyers are meeting all the time I know of which you

Speak uh we referenced it uh I think it was last week with the events that are forthcoming but uh let’s see what becomes of it and we’ll have a chance to comment on it on Monday uh I I’m in the middle of reading several in the weeds articles on uh on

This this whole situation and you know vetting this and trying to find people with you know nuggets of information that you can trust that are worth bringing to the airwaves that provide Insight illuminate other aspects of the whole lawsuit uh is is hard to find you you you you can find information that

Sounds like it matters that sounds like it’s something to to bring to the table to discuss but then you have a harder time vetting like is this guy in the room does this guy have real insight he’s he’s an attorney there’s a lot there’s a lot of attorneys out there I

Figured that out Tom and they will reach out yeah yeah there’s a ton of attorneys just a couple just a couple so I don’t know I I’m waiting I’m waiting for another big nugget with which to work with uh I would like to believe we’re everything seems to be sped up

Man um right now you said it yesterday I mean I feel like everything is kind of sped up right now with all that’s going on in college football the least of which is obviously the SEC and the big 10s Commissioners getting together to make big decisions but they’re not going to try to

Overwrite the NCAA by any means no we had schedule talk yesterday all that stuff adds up to an awful lot UCLA leads Florida State four to2 at the end of three no the uh that inning went about a half an hour uh went about 25 minutes before

Florida State could record an out uh they had two pitchers try to record and out the second of which first comes out of the bullpen throws 11 balls two strikes so it was a was a long inning but Florida State found a way to get out

Of it with the damage limited to 4 to2 but I feel like just to go back to where what FSU is trying to do in this moment we’ll have greater perspective when it’s all done and when Florida state is in one of those power two conferences we

Can all kick back and laugh it’s almost like being on the set of one of the Ninja Warrior games because Florida state is on a moving treadmill trying to catch a beam that’s also waving up and down the beam waving up and down is the future of television and the power two

And then the the treadmill there on is the ACC lawsuit they’re just trying to balance it and wait for this thing to open up I mean it could even be like that the splash down show that they have on Sundays where it’s like impossible and we’re hoping it’s not impossible but

The feat that they’re trying to pull off right now is not in a standard time like what Maryland went through when they left the ACC that was a standard and stable time for College athletics and for television this moment that we’re trying to accomplish this goal and is anything but stable there’s chaos

Everywhere that’s the hardest part is that you’re right you’re citing the Maryland thing it was interesting to me than going back and looking at that they had a hard time even then just getting Maryland to pay I think it was $31 million because it was viewed to be too

Punitive and a lot of lawyers have pointed out that the punishment here would be and that those Gran of Rights numbers that we read about are not going to be enforcable fine whatever but we’re in the midst of a lawsuit and as of right now

Man uh it’s a sit and weight thing in nobody likes being in limbo nobody likes to be in limbo but we warned you at the start of all this once they pulled the trigger and once they said we’re going forward with this we’re going to go

Ahead and uh we’re not just rattling the cages we’ve decided to to action you know make some take some actionable steps here that it was going to be a hurry up and wait kind of thing that because there was going to be a counter suit and a suit and the counter suit and

You were going to end up bogged down and as our guest Michael told us and we we’ve had multiple people mention this people of the law say uh hey look it it does not move swiftly this does not this is not going to happen in a week or two

Or a month or three it’s going to be a minute but I think ultimately we’re gonna know we’re going to know what our fate is at minimum by the end of this calendar year this is me personally this is no inside knowledge because 2025 is a

Critical year in so many ways I just feel like if we’re not directly in the next destination in 2025 you’ll know of it and 2025 is most certainly The Curtain Call where it’s double Birds tour for one year and that would be kind of fun that be fun just waving your hat

Double Birds tour yeah like good to see you everybody this is it it’s last one I think double Birds tour shirts should be made now if we know before the season is done or before the season begins excuse me let’s say B kickoff or or fall Camp

Double Birds tour shirts should be made for this season I like it it’s gonna happen Doud shirt well they would sell but not only that I would proudly wear it I mean we would put them together and sell them but we would wear it it would be great walking

Into other people’s venues with the double bird action would be outstanding get you some everywhere you walk would be so much fun it didn’t really matter even the result because you’re going regardless Jeff G sh 33 real talk radio and warchant TV is now open on car Forest Parkway near

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Cypers KNE and I spilled my margarita oh my gosh you Margarita I blown my back completely out I had to ride the alligator home I don’t know what to D my back’s killing me you’re such a for man you should know you should go to fin Chiropractic really you can go to their

Website and book an appointment and get you in as soon as possible go to FN C you mean 24 hours a day I can make my appointment online and pay for it yep right on their website wow and it’s discounted yeah all right that’s what Florida man needs to do no

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The Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the latest news inside Florida State athletics that bets because it’s fun if you got Luke list right now you’re feeling pretty good he is tied with Jason day at top the leaderboard at

Minus 9 currently both men on the course in the back nine if some for some reason you put some money on McKenzie Hughes you’re feeling very good hey at a left field a little McKenzie Hughes action I saw something today Tom I was reading some numbers because this is what you got to

Do when you want to bet on golf last 36 round Strokes gained off the te the leader is Rory mroy at 32.6 Scotty Sheffer 31.4 and then it’s my man ludvig at number three on the tour 27.2 you know who’s for I know you don’t so I

Won’t let you sit there and answer I’ll tell you who who’s for Kevin Yu oh wow Kevin Yu what are we doing here now of course that’s just part of it uh but it’s it’s pretty amazing also I see you live spectator tiger shank yesterday got more coverage

Than the made putts by the leaders uh yeah the uh I’m telling you now the the shank was so I love tiger so I didn’t want it to happen but it was so nice to see it was a real shank like they a lot of times PGA Tour Shanks are not real

Shanks you know it’s somebody hitting a 265 and he just happens to pull it way left but it’s not like a shank every day weekend golfers like ourselves those Shanks are straight right straight left they’re not moving anywhere but sideways and tiger had one yesterday where I was

Like I I’ve hit that shot recently so as every week in golfer I know that ball came was like off the hos that was nuts so I see Ric Flair is celebrating I’m sure he’s celebrating the degenerate golf bets segment I will say yesterday I had a nice little value

Bet it didn’t pan out uh but tiger hit the green on the par three 14th he had about a 354 footer steep up the hill steep up the hill and the live odds on Tiger score so you’re doing math on the putts it was even money for par maybe

Min I think it was minus 115 for him to two putt make a par it was was three to one for him to make the putt from 40 feet which I thought three to one man that’s a lot of faith that’s it’s a long putt yeah yeah it was plus seven50 to

Make bogey or worse like you’re gonna give me nearly eight to one on a three putt I’m gonna take my chances and so yeah might as well tiger blew it five feet past and I thought well here we go it but then he made the five-footer

Coming down the hill still I have found now a nice little new game degenerate bets live Wagers man if you G me 40 feet and 8 to one almost on a three putt I’m GNA take my chances that you’re going to three putt at 8 to one especially on

Those greens at Riviera which balce all you know all kinds of crazy ways that’s where I was going to go you better know the course and the greens because there are some greens that guys in on that tour will never three putut I don’t care if they’re 75 feet out that’s correct

And also at the Open Championship because those things are rolling nine because the wind is up too high so you get on the green you’re gonna T putut from anywhere yeah granted but these greens undulate and the POA makes it bounce back and forth Yeah man so it was

Close it was a nice little little $ five was like five went 45 okay sure let’s give it a shot you know how we’ve had conversations in the past in baseball or football and and whatever sport it might be it’s certainly not true I don’t think

In golf but there have been times where we’ve just gotten fed up and said you know what I think everybody is on performance-enhancing drugs like if you make it to a professional sports League you’re on performance and an drugs we had a story today that convinces me that

That is true Jimmy garoo has been busted for performance an we go ahead that is totally unsurprising to me totally unsurprising because those those performance enhancing drugs as uh Florida State just took the lead five to four those performance those per performance enhanced drugs are for his

Appearance it has nothing to do with football that’s for him to do another another photo shoot that has nothing to do with football whatsoever would be my guess the story reads This Way Las Vegas Raiders quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo will miss the first two games of next season two games for violating the NFL’s

Performance-enhancing drug policy that according to CBS Jonathan Jones ESPN reports that garoppolo’s violation related to his using a prescribed medication without a valid therapeutic use garoo will be suspended no matter which team he is on but that he is not expected to be back with the Raiders they’re expected to release garoo for

The fifth day before the fifth day of the new league uh year in March shefer said that they can avoid paying 11.25 million dollar to do so he’s fully guaranteed 11.25 million salary for 2024 will most likely void due to the suspension so my man you just cost yourself 11.25 million

To look pretty you’re already pretty what are we doing it would mean that Garoppolo upon his release the Raiders would have dead salary cap hit of 17 million free up 10 million in cap space given the experience Graal could become a sought-after backup as we well know what do you think he

Took oh I I don’t know um I said Viagra as well that’s it doesn’t require a prescription anymore right I mean like you know every podcast in the mail apparently right I mean it’s every commercial is a Viagra commercial I say every podcast not named the JCS is like blue chw give yourself

Some of the blue Chu and then Johnny Bench comes on and talk about blue emu um now blue emu is very different than blue Chu and I’m glad that Johnny Bench isn’t talking about blue chew that is not what we want to hear out of Johnny it’s a Sidetrack answer because I can’t

Can’t give you a good one but remember when Aderall was the big thing that was a performance-enhancing drug because they there were anxiety concerns in players like major anxiety concerns and this is performance enhancing only in the way so they don’t go nuts you know it didn’t really like it was about

Pressures it was about handling pressure um I have no idea my guess is is it’s some sort of chemical enhancer something weird that only West coasters would know about it’s such a dicy subject because I think I have a suspicion he’s taking something to enhance all right but I

Don’t want to I don’t want to go down that road and we just no good way to talk about it and yeah once again Enit it was available over the counter I Believe Jimmy Johnson was speaking out for it at some point dude that was the

Best I forgot about that Jimmy did that was for uh enlargement I think was that right I couldn’t believe it Jimmy I’m like Jimmy damn man they must must have paid you well so uh lebatard asked him about that years ago and he’s like oh

Well when you see what the size of the check’s going to be you’ll do pretty wor about the other sizes Jeff C show 933 real talk radio or JTV news now Florida lawmakers move forward with restrictions on various cannabis products across the state proposals limiting the potency of recreational marijuana and hemp products

Advanced in the house in Senate Thursday the Senate unanimously approved limits on how potent hemp products can be last year State lawmakers put restrictions on the budding industry such as Banning packages targeting children and requiring buyers to be 21 Thursday the Senate approved more restrictions on packaging and even lower THC levels in

The federal definition Florida cannabis Action Network executive director Jody James said this will forc many hemp businesses to close a monel man has died after his SUV lost control and collided with a power Pool in Jefferson County the crash happened in the area of us990 in Old Lloyd Road the SUV was westbound

On us990 east of old Lloyd Road when the vehicle lost control in exited the roadway it then collided with a power pole and a fence and came to a rest in a field the monel man was pronounced deceased on the scene this is Rachel and with the real talk 93.3 local news

Update brought to you by mamore systems tell go to Mac store check them out online at mamore this is meteorologist Paul try with your real talk 93.3 weather update slight chance for isolated showers this afternoon otherwise cloudy high of 67 Southwest winds around 5 mph cloudy again tonight chance for isolated

Rain showers 55 chance for isolated rain showers tomorrow high level off around 64 overcast Skies this report is brought to you by the lawn Johns for all your Landscaping and Lawn Care needs visit the lawn currently 68 if you’ve been waiting and waiting for the perfect time to buy your

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Your case call us today to see if we can help find the proof to help you come back stronger call us now at 85777 7777 so everybody knows Eddie that you are a spectacular cook of course they know that if they go into bumpers the food is always good I mean everything on

The menu everything at gordos is delicious I always of course get the what the bangal chungle as I call it the bang Chung Jeff is that the what what is the pork B Chung je okay the bungal chocolate it’s delicious all these things all the items

Everything you do a master cook but sir I would ask you what is a skill that you possess that you’re particularly proud of that nobody would know and that uh that you could share with us here growing hair Jeff growing hair bordo bringing the flavor and flare of Cuban food to Tallahassee since

1996 the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the opening day to cower Stadium making your way over should have good weather today decent overcast weather today bad tomorrow cross your fingers we’re able to get it in that has nothing to do with

Nothing at least when it comes to our friends at Artisan Financial strategies time for the Red Zone Tom Let’s uh let’s do this thing I will know for all of you out there it’s important that you have your retirement Red Zone in order five years leading up to your retirement date

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All you do is go to n it’s all one word I would strongly suggest you do it a couple people have reached out to me said they did they’re glad they did it’s one word no queue it up Matthew welcome to the Majesty every

Freaking R the Elegance to win the game go it’s the upright it’s no good you have entered someone burned down the funeral home you burnt the funeral home lives will be changed Seline touch down unbelievable mothers will cry when you see your players give all that they have and uh and you lose

That way it’s tough legacies are etched into eternity I know who I am North South Dakota was his brother from West Virginia this is the red zone what’s good to know n and on the other side of that wonderful Sounder uh a dong has been hit in the

UCLA for State game it is now tied 55 we have a dong from UCLA that ties the game sir what do we have for Red Zone questions all right I got two today and they’re in the spirit of questions that I asked it was either last week the

Week before where we’re looking ahead predicting Florida State’s 2024 season one offensive question one defensive question so all right do you want to start with offense or defense start with defense okay all right last year Florida state had three Defenders register seven or more sacks for the season they had

Four actually register six or more but how many will register seven or more sacks this season for Florida State on seven or more wow that’s a lot of sacks brother I mean pton will Payton should y oh I don’t um wow so first of all for the purposes of kind of talking this

Through give me the players who did it a year ago okay I’ll take you through the top five on the team with nine Jared verse with seven I know that one seven Patrick Payton not a surprise yeah seven kin Delo kin Del big time from the

Second level rare to have a line okay all right with six Braden Fisk and then fifth place on the team was Josh farmer with five okay so I’ll say three uh because I was gonna go with farmer already and I was gonna go with Payton already and then some other player will

Do it I don’t you know there is no Jared verse on this team you brought in some weapons off the edge that I like one of them though is I think a uh you know Edge Setter against the run as opposed to rushing the passer I don’t think

You’re going to have a linebacker do this but maybe I’m wrong because you are bringing in an Alabama kid who’s pretty light Fleet of foot they may utilize that I I’ll go with three a total of three I think two and a half is the number there

Definitely one for sure but then could Marvin Jones Jr be on the field enough could could there be enough that’s what yeah it’s not it’s uh it’s difficult I think that’s difficult because I if Marvin Jones Jr takes a huge step and plays a lot then the

Answer I’m gonna miss on this and it’ll go over but I that’s tough It’s hard to know right now so yeah I I’ll just say three go for it it should all also be note a quick footnote that the second leading linebacker with Sachs was Lundy

It wasn’t Tatum bethon and and Lundy had two he had two but I mean you know you double that with with more one one of them was one of them was huge against LSU yep yeah that is correct uh now here’s the second question second and final question this is about receiving

Florida state had three receivers Eclipse 500 yards last year three receivers eclip F Eclipse 500 yards we’ve done this with the running backs but now with the receivers how many Florida State targets will amass over five 100 yards receiving next year that’s a good one man I really feel

Like uh I’m telling you I think Hakeem Williams is going to I think that Morlock will I think another receiver will so let’s see if if that’s a healthy give me one more you know three and a half’s the number there Tom don’t you think well judging by look at First

Impressions with Tour of Duty only but is arier Thomas in the interview that we ran last hour said he’s looking forward to going up against Malik Benson because he’s already seen what everybody else has so he’s looking forward you don’t say that if the kid doesn’t impress you

Athletically with what you’ve seen on in the Tour of Duty stuff so if that’s the case I think Malik Benson’s got a real chance and this is a oneandone year for that kid all the incentive in the world they didn’t have an offense that went through progression two or progression

Three last year it’s got to happen for Malik this year and everybody knows about his spee I think Malik Benson’s a really good candidate to say that he’s going to clear that threshold yeah that would make four and I yeah man that’s nice distribution right there too I’ll tell

You what I I do think it’s four and maybe more I that sounds crazy to say but yeah I I I think they’re going to be pretty balanced with their approach and their attack here um we haven’t talked about des and what he could be I mean he was hurt this year

He got a lot of time man he was gonna play a lot they loved him he he is I think he’s poised for great things too golly that is a toughy man we we may end up seeing this thing at four and a half that’s just fun little bet well that’s

Where I mean both of these you realize how balanced you were this year as it is and and defensively how balanced you were up front at that dline and by extension the front six with with kayin Delo but when you have five dudes tur in five or more sacks like that usually

That’s a footnote that you talk about in a pregame before every game it’s like look at how it really kind of snuck up on last year I think because we racked up a ton of them against Florida and and Louisville in the last two games yeah I

Think you’re right uh our thanks to Artisan Financial strategies always don’t forget to check them out see what they have to offer secure Your Peace of Mind by carefully planning for you and your family against Rising health care costs plan uh to utilize that world-class experience as well n shout out to my man Adam toer come back wrap it up momentarily Jeff cam 933 real talk radio warchant TV Excellence defines us so we’ll never let Orthopedic pain and injury Define you Toc is a physician Le team of Fellowship trained Specialists providing the highest level of Orthopedic care in the

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Miles for you call click or just stop by Granger for the ones who get it done There’s fun to be had every night at the corner pocket take home prizes on trivia Tuesdays and beer Bingo Thursdays and Kickstart your weekend with Martini Fridays plus happy hour runs every weekday and Game Day specials every time the NS take the field watch all the best

Games at the corner Pockets Vegas wall featuring 560 in of flat screen TV Heaven oh really the best food the best drinks and the best place to watch all the games talahasse loves the corner pocket the Jeff Cameron show is a production of the multimedia Network check out today for the

Late coordinator new defensive coordinate coordinator his name is Robert Livingston Deon hired him he’s 38 years old he’s never been a defensive coordinator at any level before hasn’t coached at the college level since 2011 when he worked at an entry-level job for Vanderbilt last week he signed a

Two-year contract that set to make him Colorado’s highest paid assistant coach ever next to next year at $995,000 did you see this Tom I had no idea about that story no he was a defensive backs coach in the NFL with the Bengals and uh he’ll make 800,000 this

Year under Dion Sanders in a deal that incentivizes him to stay in Boulder in the event he’s attempted to leave um he went on to say via video yesterday I can promise you we’re going to do great things that’s man 38 years old Livingston’s two-year deal is similar to that of the

Coach he’s replacing our guy Charles Kelly who left for a job with auburn um he had a three-year deal with Dion at Colorado he was averaging $900,000 a year he would have been making that through this next year and the year after but he decided that that

Year was enough I’m I’ve seen what I’ve needed to see him go ahead and take it on down over to Auburn uh so that Livingston’s deal will make him Colorado’s highest paid assistant coach for a single year ever ever I would look at that as a sign that

Things aren’t going well that’s just me that’s that’s just me I would say when guys are running for the hills and leaving jobs that made them the highest paid assistant ever at one point to go take another job that’s either a lateral job or a step below which has happened on that

Staff and then you’re hiring a 38y old hey I don’t know maybe the guy will do a good job he’s in the league he was a defensive backs coach for the bingles he might do a great job but man I know they’re desperate they gotta get stops nobody got stops last year in

Colorado and you’re gonna do whatever you can to shake up your staff but sweet Jesus what a good gig to be 38 years old Tom Lang and making 900 100,000 per well I’m 37 years old and I’m making something close to that right now so I can tell you

That uh it got aggressive in a hurry it’s 12 to five UCLA right now 12 game over yeah grand opening Grand closing this is uh you know I think when DJ Lundy’s available to the media in the spring it’s a simple question you know what about Colorado did you see in the

Photo shoot and the experience over in Boulder when you were officially there on campus and on their website you run for the hills yeah what did you see that made you say you know what sounded cool I think I’m going to go back to tally if they’ll take

Me it’s uh yeah it’s something uh it is something um by the way I I know that you know we’ll segue it’s a weird way to segue but can we not Pitch this year I mean what what’s what’s going on here with the softball program that that is a

Major concern is well you think yeah well I mean beyond the obvious results that was already a concern this is playing out yeah it’s kind of weird though it’s kind of weird because this is an elite program Lonnie has done an incredible job her and her staff have been nothing

Short of remarkable uh I mean second fiddle only to Oklahoma is this for State program I would not have suspected we’d enter a year where when you say pitching might be a problem it’s already reared its ugly head before it’s doing it again here today I don’t I can’t

Remember a time watching for State get beat 12 to anything well and pitching is lonni’s Department too so I I think you know the pound the desk thing is you had multiple years to know that cat was leaving and you know you need a replacement the the thing is that the

Class they brought in is quite good so it’s it’s a question of development maybe some of the veterans aren’t aren’t ready to take that ball so maybe the young players need to come up and and take some more important Innings like look Allison royalty was the pitcher yesterday who dominated for Florida

State and got the job done against Stanford she’s the one who came in in this situation with the bags loaded in the third inning they’re only still in the fourth inning this is a two-hour game and they’re in the fourth inning that’s how bad it is right now good

Thing aon’s there to cover it he is he’s he’s sitting right behind home plate he’s probably like what in the world is this okay I came down here to do this there we go yeah there he is look at him he’s right over the r in

Source in that photo right over the you can see him he stands out we know what Aon looks like it’s hilarious he strikes he looks like a guy in that situation who’s a scout who’s pissed that the game has gotten out of hand and the player he

Was there to see is off the field well the good news is that the drive home after it’s only about 101 15 minutes down McMullen Booth Road Because He Lives his mom uh lives right across from where my parents live oddly enough uh but yeah it’s uh it’s going to be a

Concern with pitching they’ve got a lot of young Talent so this might be one of those years where maybe I’m not trying to hedge already but maybe they’re like a top 15 program with some warts but they’ve they’ve got a lot of good a lot of good talent and this recruiting class

They brought in is quite good yeah I’m not worried about it it’s a just a it was an eyebrow razor went okay we got 12 runs let’s hope today when I make my way over to a Hower in a few minutes and have an opportunity to pick up the Tom I

Pick up your pass buddy but I you know what are you gonna do I can’t pick up your pass well I mean unfortunately most of the times I’m coming down over the next two months on the road you know and every year I look forward to the conversation with the woman who knows

That I’m picking up your past because I’ve picked it it up for each of the last like five years and I’ll walk up there like can you give me Tom’s pass too and then she always looks at me funny and then realizes oh yeah these are the two Knuckleheads yeah yeah sure

You pick up his pass is it an older lady yes it is yeah oh she’s been there forever she’s a sweetheart she’s a sweetheart but she looks at me and then she and then she’s like oh it’s you okay because they they kind of have a policy

Against that it it is legitimately it it’s a class of people with the way they interact like once you’re in you’re in with them you’re in but if you’re not everybody doesn’t like you because you’re you’re just way way way too stubborn about and rigid about things

But once you’re in like the strict teachers man I love strict teachers because it was like my own my first homework assignment was I’m gonna win you over I just gotta break you down and when I do we’re gonna be best Pals you and me we’re gonna be best Pals that’s

That’s this lady for you have a great weekend brother I’ll off the house I’ll take some pictures for you and get you some Zach on the way brother enjoy it well of course I already told everybody on their way to the ballpark to make sure they pick up their platters and do

The right thing fill it up with some Texas toast to boot and get out over to the Under The Oaks and have a cold one and enjoy your Zach be there are 92 to choose from good work out of you good work Matthew be well everybody have a

Great weekend we’ll talk to you on Monday Peace he


  1. I'm so impressed with the caliber of men that this staff is able to recruit. AZ seems to have a better head on his shoulders than most of the middle aged adults that I know.

  2. Watching this after today's baseball game. Ponder this: the first game after Mike Martin passes and his memorial service at the field, the final score was 11-0; the 11th run scored came on a home run by the Noles that hit Mike Martin's name on the scoreboard; and the runner left on base in the 9th at the end of the game was #11. The baseball gods were in charge.

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