Golf Babe

Full Club Fitting At The TaylorMade Kingdom – NEW Clubs

In this episode, Gabby flies all the way to California to get a vip club fitting at the Taylormade Kingdom. First she met up with Trottie who is one of the best club fitters ever! She got fit for irons driver, woods and wedges with Trottie and then got a full putter fitting in this really cool putting simulator. Gabby has never really had club fitting like this before, this is her first time and one of the coolest experiences to visit headquarters and get all new clubs!!


00:00 Meeting Trottie
05:12 Iron Fitting
33:00 Deciding On irons
33:43 Qi10 Driver
38:15 Building Qi10 Driver
44:19 Wedges
50:27 Woods
59:56 Putting Simulator
1:04:03 Choosing A Putter

Exclusive tailor made Club fitting here at the Kingdom we’re here with the one and only Troy he’s basically fit everybody he’s one of the world’s best Fitters ever he too kind nice to have you here but I have worked with some of the games best All Through The Years with Taylor Made

Justin Rose Sergio Garcia r goome for those of you who remember him bringing it all the way to Modern Times And The Stars you see on the PJ tour and team tailor made Scotty Sheffer Rory maroy marow you name it every now Gabby golf girl we’re going to see absolutely rip

It down this range we’re doing a full bag fitting let’s get into it here we go you’ve been grinding it out already I believe H balls you need a water oh thank you goodu good stuff how are you mate Chris I’m nice to meet you Ron

Grandfather oh jeez you had a good trip so far yeah great very you guys been in California a few days yeah yeah we’ve been here for a few days and home is Florida right yeah and how many balls have you hit I know they’ve had you working already this morning no no I

Only hit like eight balls good yeah don’t worry about it good the way this would work I’ll have you loosen up and I’ll get into the driver quickly because I want to get your best Swings with that club so we’ll do that we’ll get you in the driver first quickly and then I’m

Going to build the rest of the set off that does that work so if we maybe intro with Q do that get it banged out head down to the workshop I’ll show you that’s quite interesting to see and then we’ll go from there and then we’ll come

Back do the rest do the rest and you like these is the report that I’ve heard as well I yeah I like them I I haven’t I haven’t had them Team Store checked in really long time so you’re going to have to tell me I mean like I like the driver

Setup a lot better than I like mine like on a scale feel I like the driver shaft is this being gamed do you like this go uh the three hybrid yeah so I have not no not really the way my iron setup is it’s kind of confusing I only went up to

A seven iron last week I threw in the six iron mhm and so I got rid of my seven hybrid now I have nine wood I have um four hybrid I had a five wood but I replaced it with the three hybrid because I wanted to use the new clubes

Yeah and then the three- wooden driver so we’ve got a lot of woods going on no problem but that is a normal thing for college player lpj good player so we just had a conversation there about golf sh and I’m getting everything out like a yard sale here and I have started pretty

Much this fitting I’ve seen you hit golf shots before you hit it great so for me to dive in here and change a player of your qualities fingerprint footprint Straight Out The Gate that would be wrong so we just talked about driver sha you are connected to this you like the

Feel I I’ve said it before with thousands of people that come in here and it’s the same as the Tor truck I don’t want to take you into Pandora’s Box and have you hitting golf balls here for 3 hours andain it I’m looking at already angles oflf CLS and set make

Youve already said to me I love the driver shaft said to me I love the hybrid or nine wood you mentioned that these are all things that you connect with as a player so it’s not on me in a fitting scenario to dive into that now

If I look at strike marks on these irons you can see you practice a lot but they’re also centered very much so and that runs throughout the bag which the thing that strikes out for me is a okay look how flat these Li angles are and I haven’t measured anything yet but I’m

Putting them down shafts might be a hair shorter than standard maybe not but flat really flat these are your divots right yeah so if I look at those and I look at the depth of them now I don’t know your target no I was just hitting out there

But you can see slightly tow deep okay okay which means the tow of the golf club this part here is down into the turf opening up might be a little weak the other thing that is the only thing that concerns me about this I’ve seen you play I know you’re pretty strong you

Hit it well this is very light it’s light and it’s graphite okay then I’ve noticed that you go into the ventor sevens in the wedges I like what you’re doing there but if we look at your strike it’s still pretty consistent obviously wedges can be used out of all

Conditions my questions to you would be why are you using so light in the golf shaft do you even know why I really don’t cuz we could firmer um heavier heav means do you like the heads yeah I like the heads you’re going to you tell

Me what you think is best for me I’m not like attached to the irons in any way the only thing I’m attached to really is that driver because I’ve only missed like two Fairways in the past week of playing brilliant so look at the end of the day though you’re sitting here say

And I think this is one of the misconceptions with fitting I think a great fitter of a great player is going to you’re going to we’re going to go on a little road map here in a journey and we’re going to come up with some answers

Okay so this is 9 just hit it just tell me what you’re aiming at and let’s just H I’m going to go for the over okay get loose don’t read anything into anything let’s just hit some golf shots and let’s get comfortable with the situation and the

Environment lovely so that fall to the right and let’s be critical as well that Drift from left to right cuz that had a slight drift on it and there’s no Breeze whatsoever now is that consistent as to what you see um yeah I like to miss

Right because I don’t want to miss left for me I think that’s just not a good look for me I don’t I don’t like to miss left if I do then it’s not a good shot so length of the golf clubs looks fantastic in the setup doing that all

Off site and what I see now you’re saying you know you don’t like to miss left if that’s the case that you don’t like to miss left that probably indicates as to why these golf shafts are so Gul Li angles are so flat when our lies are this flat then it does give

Us the drift I think another way to do this would be potentially to go a little heavier and then you could maybe play the same Li angle but you’ll miss left less by going a hair heavier in the golf again we’ll look at that in a minute

That’s a good thing for me I don’t like to miss left love it and what golf ball are you playing um I play the X and sometimes I’ll play the pcks I really like the pcks and you’ve have you tried the five or not yes I have and why

No on the five the reason I don’t play the five and I played it for a long time but the X I think it just gives me some more distance off the tea okay and I try and get I really try and get as much distance as possible that’s my goal

Speed Club head speed and distance is what I want which is why your driver has no Loft on it yeah cuz you cuz so effectively to explain that if a driver has no Loft on it you can get more energy out the blade but you’re probably adding attack angle and dynamic Loft

Yourself which I like when I looked at that driver for want of a better phrase it just looks a little angry you know what I mean there’s no Loft on it you’ve got to be a player to use that great I could maybe make it a little easier to

Use but you might lose a bit of yardage yeah so I would want to stay away from using as uh as much yardage as possible but if we can like if we can do that at the same time as getting the yardage and height I’ll take it okay so that’s perfect and there’s

That little drift and you know this setup you’re going to be able to adapt to stuff don’t need you to hit anymore let’s go and look at some golf clubs all right the one thing that struck me from here as I look at the numbers

7,947 on the spin rate of a 9 ion that’s not a lot of spin no but you’ve got a launch angle as I go down and look at this let’s fine launch angle on here so we’ll go and measure this golf club on the Loft and Li machine let’s keep in

Mind that 22.3 what does that mean so that is the launch at which the golf Ball’s coming out I want to measure what the loft is on here cuz these irons generally come out strong Loft a good player you’re going to want to launch it

At half the Loft on the blade I would imagine so that’s going to indicate this is going to be 44 I think this is going to be less Loft than that so the launch with where it’s at is going to be slightly high for the Loft on the blade

Bear with me here that’s a good thing because your spin rate is at 7,900 okay stick with me let’s call it 8,000 I asked you the question about the golf ball I asked you the question about the shot shape yeah if you launch it a little high which I think you are for

The Loft on this golf club you aren’t going to need loads of Back Spin you as a player have figured out all the questions I’ve asked you how much do you practice how much do you play look at the we marks you’re putting some serious time into this which is brilliant and

You can see that you figured out okay I want to launch it at this window spin it a little less than where I want it to get yardage to get yardage right everything’s like compromising for yardage but it’s working you’re you’re through trial and error and good

Teaching you pretty much have got what you want out of these clubs to be fair and you’re a great player so all I’m looking to do in this fitting which is where it’s Unique is maybe tweak a couple of things and give you more options got it I want to look at the

Loft and lie let’s keep in mind that 22 degree number I’m going to guarantee you that this is stronger than 44 but you’re delivering the golf club degrees of Loft on the blade you’re delivering the golf club a certain way to give you a launch that’s a little higher the spin a little

A little lower and get that yardage that you’re talking about if you just sit here sat here and said to me look I want more control which you haven’t mentioned once you’ve already said you hit this down the eye of a needle which is brilliant then I would then look at that

Spin number and I would try and add it you’re saying no no no I hit it pretty damn straight yeah I hit it pretty straight I really want as much distance as possible um but I also don’t want to sacrifice not necessarily height on driver but I’m really important about

Hit having height on irons like I I think that that’s really important and I tend to hit it lower so so we could Bend Loft to give you a bit more height I’ve got many options here we could maybe that indicates maybe I don’t want to go

Lighter in the golf shafts let’s head down there take a look maybe grab a couple of clubs I’m going to measure the swing weight on this which is the balance point of this golf club if I can take it up in weight and you can handle the weight I think you’ll get more

Yardage so let’s head down into there and have a look so remember 22° and 7,900 let’s take these and let’s go make sense s any questions no no I I think I understand she’s brilliant it works but it’s not really the way you want to kind

Of do it basically I I like the way you’re doing it okay I think the way I think you figured it out by being a great player I like everything you’re doing I think I can maybe find a pinch more out of this yeah but I think with

These I think they’re going to be pretty damn close to where you’re at um we’re going to look at some options here but I think we’re going to be close I really do and you can tell all that when you’ve been doing this just off that conversation I don’t need to see a

Thousand golf boards right no I think that’s important because people will just sit there trying to like perfect everything but it’s like it’s working then you don’t need to it’s it’s not the way to go after you thanks okay just here’s where we’re going to go okay so let’s start with

This so this is our nine iron yep so we had 22 so we’d need to see 44 I think it’s a little stronger than that let’s assume that this Loft and Li is on the money so there you go so you’ve got 62 Li angle but we’re down at

40° 40° okay yeah which is fine by the way but you launched it at 22 so your launch is compensated for your spin to give you your total great so you would perfect what would be a perfect laun T 20 half of it but if you got half of it

Then I would want to see more spin to compensate so because you’re launching it a bit higher you get away with the less spin which ties into the golf ball you’re playing all stuff subconsciously you figured out as a player yeah all all great by the way great none of this is a

Negative it’s just information and for people watching this that are like okay what am I do and what do I need yeah good good idea but if you’re going to launch it a bit higher which you are and you don’t don’t want as much spin okay

So great job well done I think slower swing speeds which obviously female you’re going to get slightly slower they’re going to figure that out so these ions are working very well for you we can look at a larger iron but I probably wouldn’t do it golf shaft wise

And Iron Head wise so I might want to go I think you’ve already pretty much eliminate saying you like the graphite right well is that I was told that was steel graphite is it yeah graphite but I still class it as this graphite stuff up here yeah no I

I I I did play steel for a while and I liked it so I don’t I I could do both I could try both okay so you’re going to be in this kind of Steel fiber family which I like uh and I would probably look to go a fraction

Heavier into this end oh so these are the QI irons I’m going to just look at them just so you’re not going to end up in them to be honest with you three options based on conversations we’ve had obviously as you’ve alluded to it I mean we’re surrounded by golf

Shafts here and it can be a nightmare when you get into this you got to be careful um fitting tool straight on here standard standard again I’ll probably have to go a little bit flat for you which we can do but this is my standard

Loft this is the 7 IR that going to test swing weight balance point and everything will be taken into consideration you mentioned steel fine but I don’t want to go too heavy so this is in like tall light this is light light that would be where I go I’ve got

That steel fiber which is equivalent to what you’re playing and then I’ve got another graphite option my thinking is you’re going to end up somewhere here but we’re going to do it based off field off your feedback we’re going to hit the launch and spin numbers that you already

Have cuz I like them let’s check the swing weight talk about that a little bit on the driver so I know where we’re at I will say though um I always feel like with my the reason I didn’t I don’t have a five iron and the reason I wasn’t

Using a six iron for so long you weren hitting high enough I wasn’t hitting high enough it’s really bad after I get seven iron seven iron to five iron like nine iron eight iron pitching wedge I’m hitting High they’re compressed they’re perfect and then I don’t I don’t do well

With the long iron so I don’t know if that’s something we can work% Club delivery the way you deliver it that makes complete sense I mean I got there just before you OB that’s why you got a nine wood a five hybrid in there all

That is golden if you want a five iron that you want to hit higher remember I just measured your nine all the way down and it’s 39 and a half really so it’s strong so in order for you to get the numbers you having to play strong Loft

So your five is actually playing more like a four so we can easily a tweak it back which we’ll do B get a five hybrid or C get a 9wood again all clubs you’ve already got out there already things that you’re trying to Total test yourself now here this is where we’re

Going to this is low Ling fruit for us C5 have you ever seen one of these machines before and what it does and what I’ve seen it but I don’t know what it does so you got a fulcon point 14 in from the butt of the golf club there

That’s your pivot point all right this all translates for you into feel it’s going to give you a letter and a number it’s been going since Moses was a small boy I mean this is how we measure feeli on tour this is the biggest device that

We use in order to give us feel so you you’ve mentioned distance you’ve mentioned speed you just plug this head into this golf shaft it’s not matched up for this no this head is made to be on a slightly longer golf shaft okay if I

Fire this on which is your iron so the other one was at C5 C5 and then this is at C5 the reason you like this is because the balance point it’s actually at C4 four is so similar to your irons yeah so you instantly have as a player have gone

Like well I like that now Tate that yeah tour players would be up here at D2 D3 lpj players would be C6 so the difference between C5 and C6 is a $2 a dollar bill on the end of the down there it’s nothing so if you’re

Going to live at C5 I’m absolutely cool with that what I would like to do is push the head weight of this to C6 C7 C8 okay think about it this way you and me go and drive or there’s a car driving down the street and heaven forbid but it

Collides into something if one car weighs more than the second car the power of the Collision out of the heavier car is more the energy is more so again I wouldn’t normally get into this much detail with players but I am of if you have a heavier head now you

Got the heavier car heavier car bigger Collision more distance right so let’s not ruin the fields but if I can just take this up four or five little more distance a little bit more speed which I’m going to turn the Hot Melt gun on now we can probably even do it in here

And we haven’t even got to go down to PGA Department easy when you got good players yeah I hope yeah he’s right what he’s saying about like I must have just I’ve never had a fitting before so I just basically are doing this in my head I’m like I

Like this on my iron so let’s just kind of keep a similar shaft let’s go similar weight let’s just throw it on but tr’s really getting me down I really need to get every single Club Perfect all right o that is that six iron yeah this is done I wanted to hit

It it’s that a little bit thin but it still got height which is good okay keep going what’s the target oh that white sorry that white thing out there okay I totally was not even I forgot we were doing the yellow now stick with the white now it’s good okay

I like this a lot so all we’ve done there is move you one degree one degree yeah but I like you better just cuz I get the height right away it’s lovely I I hit that thin too I didn’t even hit that like that clean all right so that was warm-ups

These are all going to be on the monitor now so let’s get some exact numbers on that good that was better so both those launches were exactly the same really which is great were they good uh yeah 15 so that’s 2 degre more than what we’ve got on the

Blade which is okay cuz remember 30 yeah I’m now at 27 so you’re launching it a little high which we like you wanted that yes okay change it up hit this for me this is your 7even IR I think this is going to be good as the answer from that

One shot and the couple that I saw before we had the monitor on okay I want you to hit one of these think about where the window is and then I’m going to throw a complete curve ball at you to see your result okay that’s a good shot right

Yeah that’s a nice height yep that was perfect height so let’s just look at that golf shot that’s 19.9 we know on that s iron we’ve got 30° okay and it’s spun at 56 very consistent the um launch angle again 19 okay so that’s good and what is the CL what is

Was that like relative that’s good everything is launching two degrees higher than the numbers where they’re at but because it’s not spinning as much as I would love to see it you get away with it yeah okay and you haven’t mentioned once about stopping golf shots on a

Green no I’m I’m totally fine with that okay ooh I like that okay good I got some serious height reaction I loved that had more speed little bit of a pull but more speed so Gabby look at the golf head design study the head what’s going on right there I I don’t

Know you tell me oh this is a p 770s these are the ions you should be playing really have a look at what I’ve written on the back of that club what’s that Sharpie say 33 you said 30 3 what’s your Loft on your 79 do you remember

30 3° more Loft remember what I said each degree three Paces it should go nine yards shorter if anything all shots with the seven iron your carry normalized 136 was the first golf shot you hit 139 with the 7 so 136 is with the 790 139

With the 770 that is 3° we so it even actually went further then but that is that not supposed to happen or playing with launch and spin okay you gained if I look at launch your launch angle was 19 with the first shot you hit the second shot 21 that’s good your distance

Is going to come from your launch your launch is going to come from the model of the club you play you’re using clubs that are designed for players who aren’t at the level you’re at going into a 770 in enables you to play weaker Lofts they’re not weak by the way they’re if

There’s a standard then they’re a little bit stronger but because of the CG location you can now launch it higher if you launch it higher you can hit these shots you’re hitting here okay I deliberately didn’t tell you what that was cuz I didn’t want you freak out by

Seeing a 770 and be like oh I can’t play these yes you can play these how good is that yeah there’s so much more height with that so much more height but the height gives you the distance and the distance gives you the numbers that you want yeah but looking

At that golf club that’s what you should be playing now if you put them side by side a second here that’s the difference in the size oh yeah look at that you can’t see it until I do that that’s crazy actually I didn’t even realize that

That’s huge the 790 list you didn’t even realize I didn’t remember that remember don’t talk yourself out of it you didn’t even realize that no I did not someone who’s putting we marks in golf clubs like this and plits it as good as you needs to be in these irons not the other

Ones yeah I agree so here’s the next thing cuz I don’t want to wear you out and you’re hitting it great let’s cover the golf shaft that for what I can find in there is as like for like as what you have to what no this felt lighter than my my my

Shafts than I usually do I don’t know if it is but that’s what it felt feel versus real I also picked up the light head see how this testing head says light if got the other head it was swing at about C8 this is now at your swing it

Was cral for you because you figured out swing weight on the driver I didn’t want to mess around with that so all I’m going to do now because again and anyone watching I don’t want too many golf shots hit here I know that works and that feels close to what you like you

Just hit some great golf shots I would like to go all out steel put you in the lightweight steel Great Golf shaft I played it for a very long time I I like liked it I think the problem with that is that I had the stealth irons and they

Weren’t obviously fit yeah I bought them out it just was not for me I didn’t feel it like it was too strong it was too strong I bought the QI out here yeah I’ve written the numbers on same Club 28° yeah so you’re going to you’ve already said it’s too strong it’s too

Strong you’re already doing it you’re saying it yourself yeah so s iron in a this is a KBS tall light I could see that definitely the Mist with the steel shaft is going to be right obviously why just cuz it’s stronger but it’s so light it’s not just adjust

Lovely remember you said it dislike it like I I I don’t I I could see myself playing with the steel but I don’t I don’t dislike it you said earlier if my Miss is right I’m happy yeah right I rather like I that’s a fine that’s a

Miss and it’s 10 yards right I’ll take it because spin rate spin rate has jumped up now you gained about 4 500 spin rate what that means it’s going to land a bit softer but you’re still carrying the same okay I don’t know if this is where we’re going to end up I

Want to see you hit a couple more I want to kind read the situation it’s certainly playable if you hit them like that every time then I feel I feel like that’s I I like it I feel like in my own head though I’m hitting it shorter I don’t

Know if that’s true so your carry your normalized is 135 which is where your average on all these seven irons has been I don’t think you’re in love with it but I quite like it I don’t dislike it at all it’s definitely an option I just

Feel like I’m not swinging as hard as I can it’s a good golf swing 137 spin is up I like launch at 17 I like is that more it’s okay so if there’s higher spin rate it’s going to stop more higher land softer okay good for useful for you yeah

I want as much height and good players spin it quite a bit Yeah like and you’re I think I have enough compression for spin I just don’t have that well the compression on that last shot the launch was 17 so by getting you in the steel we

Bought your launch down now normally if your spin doesn’t move that’s tragic but by putting your launch down we’ve got up which is why it’s equation to carry 137 okay so it’s getting you what we’re seeing today I get it you’re saying to me on my own home range in Florida I’m

140 150 today you’re averaging out like 13 way lower but I mean that’s fine if we’ got to go with what we got today and then we just keep in touch you know what I mean okay so same Target this is now graphite 65 in the

KBS so going back to that like right after the Ste steel I like the steel a lot better I can even in my hand just holding it but remember you also like this steel fiber you said I like that too I like I I definitely feel like the

Two options are going to be the steel and the this gets us back to I said earlier like you’re the CEO of your own game this is where we’re kind of going with this now I see it too light now yeah I don’t know too light I think I I don’t know I

Drop it then the thing is that my my irons are like the same uh weight as as that right dead weight yeah and swing weight it’s hard cuz I’ve got the swing weight which is the feel I’ve got it perfect for you with everything um so this

Really like for me all of these are passing in terms of numbers um I know what I like but it’s not me hitting it right it’s you hitting it I like the the steel and this right here yeah that’s what I thought I thought you were gravitating a bit towards this I don’t

Yeah yeah I have to I think I have to hit the steel back to back with this again of course let’s do it and I might get you the one of these that’s a little bit lighter cuz this is the 70 I might get you the one that’s 10 G

Lighter good golf swing I have a feeling I’m now going towards the steel I do too at the moment but before we make that decision you’re going to hit one more with these I’m going to put you in the steel I’m going to walk down there get the lighter

One of these okay and then you can hit that yeah I think this is just a bit too heavy cuz the pull like that the spin dropped a lot yeah yeah yeah yeah I felt that lovely there let me throw this in you grab a water take a little break

Here don’t hit too many cuz we still got to do driver this head but with your actual these you think that that would be bad or okay so I love that play if you want to do it truth is I’ve got one more for you to try it’s not I wanted

That steel fiber 10 G lighter they don’t offer it here okay uh obviously they offer this cuz you’ve got it built so we can figure that out I have this for you to try before you make that decision if you give me honest feedback that’s not

The way to go I’m I’m all about people staying in the same golf shafts yeah and we change the heads we get 7 I like the heads better than my heads I’m all about that I like it these are great product I’m not going argue with that you know what I mean it’s

Great but I just want you to hit this before we make a call on this this feels good exactly this feels good I don’t just like this and I’ll tell you what it is after it’s nice there good ball flight the only thing I think is if I Mish hit

One I’m going to be like you don’t Mish hit any if I I just don’t want to be like if I Mish hit one it’s totally off good okay those are good shots I did miss it that last one and it turned out fine so and all I keep looking out here

Are you in your window yes you’re in your window launch down spin up good consistent carry ultimately I like that option I would probably suggest this one so this is this is 10 G lighter and it’s as an rlex in the tall light but the weight has come down by bringing the

Weight down I think you prefer the feel of that but this is about as light as I could go in steel and it is a great option to go along that and for me that’s irons done you go that Li angle you go 770 in the standard Loft which I

Hate to say but standard Loft which I’ll list out for you you get the five iron all the way to the pitching wedge we’ll look at the wedges but we’re going to do driver first yeah I’ll build your Fairway woods around that again again we’ll have a look I think you’re

Probably close to what you have that we can add to it um and then for tournament golf you just travel with a squad of players you you don’t go with I want to just hit one more with hit as many as you need and let’s get driver dial what

Is that six this is a six and that is your gamer six IR right yeah they not the same head obviously we’re not looking at the head but are you comfortable with where I’ve gone with the heads yeah I like I like you going there too yeah I mean

How do you argue with a go the golf shaft is like feel yeah I don’t want to convince you to go this way I want you to try and be open-minded but on the same note it’s almost like a layup for me to say to you play the same

Shafts yeah I I I don’t need to push you into anything else because there’s nothing wrong with them I do think you need to be in 770s I agree with that and I do think I’m G to increase the swing weight on your driver yeah and

Then not I think that I think we’re going to stay with these shafts I I just see I see better like better shots when I hit a good one with that but I I just don’t want to I have a fear of just like changing because it’s familiarity and

There’s nothing wrong with that it’s a very familiar but you need to know the options yeah for sure and if you want to change that’s where I would go I like yeah we’re tell the difference in the sound they’re not coming off as crisp in those heads you’re going to get

A much nicer feel at the 770 head yeah that’s that’s what we’re going to do keep the same shafts I it and go with the 770s on the head I love it let’s look at this driver so we know you got a C5 we know it’s down at 875 let’s go same Target

Line irons I like where you’re at different head same shafts I like that all right okay so that was little spitty 14 long little pulley so maybe the launch is down a bit but it’s still at 14 2600 pretty good what did you feel on

That little I I had a little bit of a spin on that I just kind of didn’t swing fast enough so you normally launch it a hair higher than that yeah okay that was a better swing that’s unreal it’s great bit spinny though yeah definitely I don’t know I always kind of

Hit it like that though 3100 you always hit it like that because swing wise today at least now that was good the one before was different okay one more so I need to get your spin ah hold that okay let’s uh pass in the head it works out yeah I’m going to

Go and put some hot melt in here and see if we can just take it up a bit via that okay let’s go back to the workshop let me see before we go see one change I think you could probably play LS if you wanted to I haven’t tried it I

Did really like the max though like I wouldn’t have a problem I actually want to hit one with it I wouldn’t have a problem hitting this head I loved the head the only thing was is that this shaft you look at the shaft you’re like

First you’re like what is that for me it can’t possibly be it’s too too long and too stiff I like that that was higher spinny though but it’s good yeah height is your friend yeah it wasn’t that spinny 2700 So if we have a look at all shots with

Driver that was up there with your others on the carry so that was good so and I haven’t really tweaked anything yet what did we change with this I added some Loft okay but you hit it higher in the blade I think swing weight is going to do so

Much for you just going a bit heavier go again I want you to start hitting it there basically the top third of the club okay so those ones are squeezy low launch so the the shot before was 14 that shot’s nine there you go good real good this is the setting if we

Play it at this weight that’s gone 2800 spin 13 and that went up to the carry distance you’ve been getting before the reason I think you like the max is cuz it just launches a bit higher for you would be my take for sure no when I saw

It it it was going way higher okay I’m going same setting remember I don’t know the actual Loft on this golf shaft’s shorter so to you it’s going to look golf shaft same but the head’s bigger so it might look a bit shorter don’t hate that it’s just if we

Get the same speed out of it I’ve gone one click higher as well here okay oh wow that felt so different yeah exactly that felt like totally different good launch though on a pull shot that was hit well higher isn’t it way higher okay good so you’re not

Losing any speed but the spin is still a hair up shook us the head let’s move this one back to standard so you don’t need to play the same Loft on this head as you do on the other one you need to play a little bit less Loft

Otherwise it just spins yeah that’s head design basically perfect now I’ve been hitting the qi1 the regular one really well like on the course mhm I haven’t missed like any Fairways it’s probably as good as this one’s going to do yeah that was a good shot good ball

Speed good height good spin so both these drivers are the same now yeah what I want to do like I’ve mentioned add some weight to the back of this check the swing weight of that let’s go back to the workshop see what we got so you’re getting the same speed out of

This even with six G light in the head this is lighter like way lighter yeah so I’m going to take this weight for sorry a little bit and I’m going to take this one up a lot okay and then we’re going to see okay I think you’ll hit

It’s not going to feel different though it’s not going to feel like super top heavy is it going feel heavier heavier but not like not distributed at all right we’re going to cuz the thing is my shaft is so light that I don’t know if it’s you

Don’t want it to be over yeah I don’t want it to feel like I’m swinging Sledgehammer not because it’s actually heavy but because the sh shaft is so light you know so maybe we won’t touch this one maybe I’ll only touch this one okay and I’ll make

Them exactly the same we’ll hit again cuz obviously once I go beyond once I go past it I can’t take it out um that’s what my concern is so look at this just to give you an idea that’s that’s wow that’s it it’s one swing weight it’s

Crazy it’s One S and that we is nothing one swing so we’re not going to kill you here you know what I mean yeah I’m going to take this one up to be a fraction heavy I’ll take it up one swing weight okay this Max heavier than this okay

Knowing that you hit this quite good yeah I do think you need to move this one click higher okay cuz there’s not enough Lo that’s that’s that’s fine let’s do that I’ll show you the process so you can see it the things you’re saying are all positive so I’m going to

Take baby steps I might come back into this room in a minute yeah but that one we’re talking about that one really I’m going to start working on this one yeah cuz I think there’s more in the tank in this one so that’s at 192 G so if I bang

That puppy on there this is at 188 so I’m going to take this up I’m going to go to 194 yeah I don’t yeah I don’t mind about that one since I’m not hitting it anyways it’s like you might as well yeah and I’ll put it all in the back so the

Launch goes up you’ll be able to play it with less Loft which means you get more speed yeah cool that find a blowtorch you pass this blow torch please there go I don’t know if I want to touch that you don’t want I don’t know what I’m

Doing so this is the Hot Belt we use it a lot on the tour you can tell here look half a squeeze on the gun on the trigger let’s see how much gives us six G it’s going to be it’s a full squeeze not even moved for some

Reason8 so into the back of the driver like that you said you didn’t like a Mis right yeah yeah yeah right is fine Mis right is fine or you want to draw it more no m m right is fine okay I’ll put it in the middle cuz that was crucial

Information I should have checked with you before M Ray is fine um yeah as long as it’s not duck hooks we don’t want Ducks oh yeah I feel it still moving see that it’s super hot then so it’s hot but it’s also moving so by me keeping the head

Tilted this way I make sure that that weight goes back here yeah I asked you about left and right misses because if I tilt it that way I can get it more in the heel if I tilt it that way I can get it more in

The to we want in the center yeah you basically want to know as a player that your Miss is you and not the clo yeah exactly so there’s a bit more 191 192 now I’m going that’s as that set it’s going to get a bit heavier so I’m not

Going to put any more in I’m going to pop this in the back I’m excited to do a Max cuz I really truly do want to play the max I like the the regular cuz I’ve just been more kind of like used to it just

Hitting more drives with it but I I feel like I could totally hit the max like I want to because I think it’s just going to get it higher for me I sense without trying I sense that without using distance I want the max I want the one

You turned up with I’m adding one more click of L cuz remember it came out 8. and then this one I’m putting it standard yeah because I think I can get just a bit more speed out okay so we got to yeah we got to make the the regular

One Higher because it way too low it’s coming out low on the on the Range too not usually that low even how good’s that yeah I like that a lot so 13.6 on the launch spin rate 2400 first shot back and your carry distances in your window which means it’s only

Going to go up the only thing I would do with this head cuz you like it for now I’ll probably see you down the track somewhere I think you play it one click higher than where you’ve had it and we add more weight in the back but next

Time I see you let’s get this one perfect good great job great golf game we’ll look at the rest of the clubs now but it’s all fantastic I’m happy with that I’m happy with it too I like this and then if I need to like go into the other

One then I just switch it off but that’s what we do we don’t touch this one cuz we know it’s good you play it one click higher we know they’re now married up and the same and all you do from here is just switch them when I need to and if

You need to do more literally as long as I get this back I know I’ve just going to take that off and put a bit more weight in it right which is if I was pushing pushing pushing I might do that right but I’m also conscious that you

Like what you have right and I’ve got a big Iron change coming so it’s like I don’t want to do too much mhm okay so let’s look at this area that you’re unsure of what were your words about this now what were you cuz you got a lot

Of stuff here um so I had a 60° um like three four weeks maybe even longer two months ago now why did it go um we just ordered the uh wrong one and because then I didn’t go back to the 60 I’m confused right now I’m like my my brain

Is confused when it comes to wedges right now but I’m hitting I’m hitting them great so I don’t know if there’s anything we need to change but you got to remember the pitching wedge is 44 so we’re going to go with this new pitching wedge in the 770 that we’ve done today

It’ll be a bit weaker so you could move 52 56 60 I would 100% recommend gapping this out a bit that one if you can use 60 use 60 so that’s step number one okay then I would say 4° works I like my 54 that’s the only thing so why don’t we

Bend the 54 to 55 okay and keep the 50 at 50 then you’ve got a five degree difference like I like that I see absolutely no reason to change the bounce on these and I’m basing that can I just have that one off of how these

Look look on how they’re worn out it looks like you’re using the front of the cber pretty well the bounce I know you play a bit in Florida you kind of want it in the Middle Ground you don’t want to go with nothing that’ll be more linky

Turf yeah no that’s not for us and if you go with loads I don’t like I think we’re in the Wheelhouse this is MIL Grime 4 again I’d go 60 54 B of 55 Le I like that what I would look at I would love to just try a couple of different

Shafts but it’s going to have to be feel whether you pitch them from here or whether you do what these guys are doing which is we just get down there and hit some different short game shots we can do that too yeah I think we got to

Change the shafts I don’t feel sha bend the L angles to where you’re at we’re going to stay on the same lies and we’ll put the L at and we’ll get this rocket Yep this is the difference between going to your regular fitter and I’ve actually

Never had a fitting before so this is my first time I’m super excited but Troy literally came over here I just had hit like maybe six or seven maybe eight shots and he could tell how I was hitting them the attack angle and basically what clubs to fit me in right

Away by just looking at the divots I mean right there he grabbed the wedges he saw based off the club just looking at where my we marks are what he wants to do I’m just going to let him do his thing right now like it’s all up to him

He knows what he’s talking about so here’s the situation on this uh down there they only have these wedge 115s probably going to be too heavy but the call out I’ve got Li angles for you 62 on a pitching wedge your wedges are a little bit upright do you hit these

Steep I hit them really steep so I don’t know if that’s a problem like really steep hit them left a bit though compared to the rest of the set so maybe a little bit I’d like you to try these that 54 was on 55 already oh I just

Think everything you said earlier like i’ hit some pit shots out there to the blue flag let’s not worry so much about the launch monitor this one yeah you said um look I like things to drop to the right I like it to feather a little

Bit these to me are a little bit upright in comparison to the rest of the set okay and if you want to start with yours for a bit of feel yeah you can cuz obviously this is really heavy for you not what we’re going to go with shaft

Wise uh they are Fuji we’ll be able to get them Fuji you’ll be able to get them yeah this is how this is how far I used to hit my like two weeks ago and I would just go like that saying wrists back you’re talking about forward

To left hip and back to right hip right yeah okay so a couple of things so think about this obviously the club moves in a semicircle around us it would make sense as to why when I looked at your wedges you’re only using the Leading Edge I can

Agree with what you’re saying so yeah taking out some of the shaftan is going to help for sure and you’ve corrected that the thing I would say is I just don’t think the divots are as clean hit just hit me a 4 one with that I know

It’s heavy but toe and heel depth on those divots is not as good as the rest of the set I think your wedges are too upright by one degree what does that mean like up it means that the toe of this golf club is closer to your nose one degree more than what

It needs to be okay so if you’re hitting me a little soft one and you did it on the second shot you hit it wasn’t clean no it it so just hit the same I know the shaft is heavy I know the swing weight’s

Heavy go the blue flag and just hit me a pitch and grip it down a bit there you go now hit me a pitch so that is a clean sound we don’t need to see the ball more SP the result great shot not really bothered about

That right now it’s the sound and the interaction nice good better lovely I hear the sound yeah that’s more of the sound that we want of a good pitch yeah good I like steel I almost half like these KBS lights I’m sure we can

Get that just to give you a bit yeah I don’t mind the SE on remember I talked all the way through this about swing weights I think it’s imperative for you that you’ve got like a d0 swing weight which as you know is 10 G heavier than

Everything else because then all you can do think about gravity you just let the swing weight of the head do what it wants to do the club shaft the The Head and the grip they’re always going to want to align right they always want to swing like a pendulum so the more you

Get rid of this inside it’s always going to try and go this way so if you can stand closer to it now you can just let drop on it guy I like the three-wood now these are all makeshift so I don’t like that’s not it’s very confusing the woods so that

That shaft is they like eight years old and it’s super light I like hitting it but it’s super light also I played a 3w at 16° and I feel like I feel that difference it’s just hidden lower so you rather have a 16° i launching that right

Yeah okay so this you think is coming out low yeah let’s start with the hybrids first okay good bad and different I never played a three hybrid before I I assume that changes for five wood right yeah what do you play Just so I like yeah five wood nine wood 3-wood

Driver and then I played a six hybrid but I’m getting rid of that so so hybrid all the Hybrids are going yeah oh sorry four hybrid too that one too I play I play a four hybrid I just don’t this and this don’t they go the same yardage

Don’t they M pretty much this goes higher flies higher this goes 170 this goes 185 190 like there’s that much difference I don’t know how but so then you go six iron normally and then this 160 yeah 160 165 sometimes but you’re not sure about this I like the shaft no

I’m okay with that one I’m not really okay with this one that one sounds like it might be derel anyway yeah there’s I don’t really like that guy but it also sounds like it’s not needed no it’s not it’s it’s like my fivewood it’s but it’s

Not my fivewood so like you sound like you’d be happier with your fivewood yeah so right now the setup is that hybrid that then the then this yeah I’m happy with yeah yeah this you think you need more Loft on if you’re happy with these to me it’s

Spelling it out for us like we stay in this stuff again you’re sensing where I’m at I don’t like too much change we keep in these golf shafts why you don’t have q10s that just match these and then we build the three-wood off that yeah that’s the

Obvious play yeah that’s what I’m saying these shafts as well as putting this shaft in the three uh three wood right and changing that to a 16° and then these are all good cuz this one’s fine yeah and we could even get this in a I mean is this just different graphics for

The DI cuz we can even yeah I don’t know what the difference is but but this would be a bit softer di is quite stiff but if you like it you like it but I mean for me I’ve seen so much good stuff here again like why would I yeah no I

Agree I was this is a top quality gol shaft yeah I love that thing I love the I love the shafts I want to see that go and get a number on it I want to see a fivewood just while you’re here so we can check so this is your four hybrid

Yep then wedge shafts we’re going to have to order something I’d like steel but we got to talk about that and you’ll have to just try them and keep in touch yeah F can’t hit that spinny but that’s the usual shot yeah yeah know it’s fine it’s fine lovely still hidden these cuts

Which I I that’s why I miss but I’m hitting a lot of cuts today wrong with that that was better still hit a little bit behind the ball lovely we got enough for them that’s good much good much better that was good so my point here

With what was the carry on that well the CL the shot before was 165 and that one was 160 my worry with this Golf Club is that and by the way well done on the path you’ve just moved it immediately in one shot that’s how well connected with

Your swing you are but my worry with this I I think you got two clubs that go very similar yardages yeah they do they do the only thing is that in tournament like that goes higher this goes higher and it just goes shorter yeah okay I mean I don’t know

Like I need something to to mix the like one this is like I need a five hour we’re going to build you the five iron so if we look in all shots here our six iron so our six iron let’s say it’s and then this on here this hybrid is 10

Yards further gapping are more important more worried about than numbers so your six ion is 10 your hybrid is 10 yards further so let’s assume your five iron also went the 10 yards further that would then mean that you could drop down into this one which you’re saying you

Don’t like yeah so that’s the three hybrid it this would replace a fivewood or something like that right you would play it as a four iron in my mind let’s see how far it goes if we can get 175 on this system out of

This I feel like I don’t hit it as well just cuz it’s really low like it’s just just so you can’t get the height on it yeah that’s good height that was hit great gripping it down a little bit I noticed yeah it’s a little I feel like

It’s a little long I feel like it’s just a little long and stiff compared to like the four hybrid shaft yeah I just don’t see any consistency with hybrids I I rather hit like a yeah I just rather that should I hit the fivewood to see

How far that actually goes do we make a seven wood it’s is not I’m not into hybrids feel like it’s just the head is small the shaft feels long cuz look at this basically the head small shaft feels long if you look at this now that’s longer you feel comfortable with it and

This is n wood five five wood the way to go is to go five iron seven wood five wood three three wood I like that I like that a lot get rid of the hybrids all together because the heads are too small and then it feels weird to

You that is night and day better you we know you need height yeah I need height and yeah no I don’t like golf shaft and we do the seven wood in that golf shaft and we get you in the core models if you’re comfortable with the head it will

Be this head yeah and then I even think we go for a 16° rather than 15° then you got your three-wood then you go into your driver even though I pulled that one there’s less room for erir you are more comfortable in woods we need to do what

I said we need to go 16° then five wood seven wood all in core model can you bend the LI angles for Gabby uh Li wood where are the woods coming from to Department get so we’ll bend the L angles on these Woods get them nice and flat so they’re where you

Need them get a 16 in there no hybrids golf shft on wedges we’ve got to agree on KBs in this tall light regular and then we’re doing the five Ln yeah we’re doing the five in the 770 that we’ll have more yeah and then you got to just keep in

Touch let me know yeah that’s perfect what we do that looks good and that’s pretty much a full bag if I had options here in these weights I’d grab you them to hit but I just don’t think we have them unfortunately yeah that’s fine I’m

Going and have a look so you can try and hit I’m going to see if I can find a 16 degree three wood for you to see it I’ll get it in something that’s close to this but if we don’t have it we don’t have it okay take the

Height yeah good yeah that’s good for me all right just measure the length of all these yeah and then you can take your yard sale with you and no no no just a uh just a angle just 16° you been golfing your whole life that you got to do a Potter fit

With one of the boys yeah Potter yeah that guy’s got to I don’t know if I’m even supposed to be a mallet or blade I don’t even know I’ll figure all that out now for you I’ll get your address make sure make sure he get my I won I won’t ship it to

Westpal I’ll ship it to Naples Naples that’s these are all yours back nothing new unfortunately no all good but we’re good I got all the specs I need um and you’re going to do a Potter fitting now with someone I believe yep you do did you speak about um wedge

Shafts going the KBS lights we’re going to go to the steel yeah yeah and then and we’re going to do two sets of irons one steel iron one regular iron whatever he wants to do because I think that’s going to be good no hybrids no hybrids thank God super excited because I really

Want to get this sty oh yeah I’ll fix you up I’m Perry nice to meet you came in yeah nice to meet you so yeah come on in let’s let’s uh let’s have a look at what we got so um how did you land on that I just said let’s get a blade

Okay really didn’t well I mean there wasn’t too much thought process as blades go that’s a nice one that’s kind of our old classic traditional um you know TP Reserve B b11 we call it um b stands for blade and then it’s the number one hozzle one positions that’s

How the convention but um yeah it’s it’s uh it’s classic it’s old school it’s it’s a popular shape so um we you want to hit a few just to get a feel carpet so it’s Gabby what R in actual I thought it was going to be like try to make it somewhat

Realistic so do you putt okay i’ I’ve always had I’ve always struggled with putting recently not as much but I just feel like that there’s just I’ve never been in anything that I actually like yeah so I really want to get that well so that’s where you’re at we’ll start

There give you some good information see where when to go there’s that one so what’s this so in here we use 3d motion cap you’ll see the cameras on top of the room got it yeah and they attracted reflective markers on the pter the poter has been calibrated

To the room oh so we know where zero is um and so we’ll see how you aim the poter how you square to the hole how you stroke the ball yeah so let’s just plug this in 146 there you are good stroke we go let’s take a look so the system was originally

Designed for the full swing so not all these data points are are that relevant like your Club speed is over here you we CL speed with putting uh even your path which is which is nice is not nearly as influential here as the face angle so we start analyzing face angle at address

How you aim it and face angle at impact right that’s the most consequential number on the page because that’s where the ball’s going to start right your start Direction so face angle in a dress 8 open represents the right edge of the hole closes left edge of the hole we

We’d love to get you inside the hole for this distance if possible that is pretty Square for us and then we see impact here the face is a bit more open right 3° open so when we see this pattern where the face is open relative to a

Dress yeah we we we we we steer you more into a um a face balance type of putter you know the traditional blade is it’s a great shape does have a bit of tow down which does make it hard to square the face it wants to resist closure so we

Would consider more of a face balance putter maybe one of our spider products if you’re open to it and see if uh we can improve your aim and also uh your face angle and impact these numbers though would suggest that left to right cluts would be a bit more challenging um

Because the face right yeah yeah it would be easy to miss low on the brake because it’s returning open relative to where you aim so you may be aiming it correctly on the brake but if the Putter’s open and impact ball will start low and like low on the break left to

Right so yeah so let’s try a face balance okay uh one of our spiders my face is always open here it’s two in a row must be doing something right that may found my new cter the first try so this is how these numbers can change uh it’s you know it’s no uh

Accent that you’ve made every is I only missed two out of 10 yeah so now we look at where you wore in a dress to where you just AED that one three remember I said8 represented the edge of the hole now you’re well within the edge of the

Hole almost dead center yeah and then look at your face angle and impact wow8 so that right edge of the hole right so you were well outside the the hole here with your old blade and now with a face balance Mallet much more square and impact much better alignment right yeah

That looks good no no no accident there that you’re uh you’re making all those putts pretty cool really matters right oh it matters like so much but I wanted to give you something dramatically different than your blade yeah cuz you you’re you were pretty far out zero on your from the

Line of perspective with the blade and I wanted to see if this Chang get closer so that was pretty cool to see you know that’s nice we got definitely a face balce an interesting um call out to your Technique um if if we look at the shaftline you have an interesting method

In terms of shling so at address uh your shling is basically neutral or zero and then at impact you have a lot more shaing than a dress so yeah so with your with your Technique where you don’t lean the shaft a lot at a dress but then as

You come through the handle sort of we call it drags or leans forward that can make it hard to square the face particularly on a part of it has all right so let me show you what that looks like visually okay which is really cool

Aspect of this so here we are to dress yeah and then we jump to so you kind of forward press as you take it back as a trigger right the handle hold for before the putter moves back and then you maintain that throughout and so it

Impact you have quite a bit more shaft do in a dress so there’s not a lot of face rotation so giving you something face balance will come that technique style more yeah because I I like to keep the the putter straight as possible that’s why like instead of arcing it I’m

Like basically dragging it like that which is fine I guess get you on a zero pot which is this with the straight pot try to get you aiming it as straight as possible returning it as as possible so now we’ve really shorted that up let’s show you how that plays in the break

Step off the plat just one second get this is really cool and I’ll fire this up put me on the Instagram me some likes which ones do you guys have there are so we have four different options in the in the new spider family uh I picked

This one because I guess it’s the the sort of cleanest coming from a blade um but we also have more of the Retro Styles more of the spider X spider Tour X and then the OG which would be the spider tour with the big fangs right

Yeah so I didn’t want to like hit you up with this right away yeah I didn’t do well with with these two yeah I had tried them I so we went to to like the spider tour V which is more of like a a rounded Mallet we also have the tour Z

Which is really cool it has you know the two small Wings on the outside yeah so anything in this family that’s face balance would be a really nice option but that’s why I went with the V I didn’t want I didn’t want to Spook you

Right away yeah this is I like this so that’s kind of why I went with that guy if you take the Putter and you hang on on your hand like this and the face hangs we call it face Balan right versus a blade which will will

Hang more toe down right the more toe down the more the putter resists closure so it wouldn’t make it as easy for you to squore the face as possible especially if I’m cting straight yeah oh yeah yeah that makes sense that feels different for me lot lot of forward roll though all that

Upward strike hopefully I did that’s perfect ho so it’s rare rare that we get any the triple digs that’s really really hard to do but again all that forward forward press and hitting up on it yeah that’s a lot of forward rotation and so now you know now

If you launch it properly with all that forward rotation he’s a good putt breaking putts will become easier left to right puts cuz the ball was a lot more likely to hold its line and to be less susceptible to the imperfections onree yeah okay so not as much not as

Much but just still going a little bit yeah got it I like this putter a lot I like it a lot actually so slightly 1.6 launch is perfect hits the ground there and then it starts to hug and roll so this zero skid after num after 17 in is

Very efficient it’s a very important number and when you’re that efficient with your launch conditions this this gets to be rolling through right away that was the end of my tailor made fitting day here we go we had this putting fitting which I did not know

Perry taught me a lot because I didn’t know that it was like I thought it was just feel no so many numbers it’s like trackman is this trackman it’s basically trackman for putting and yeah there’s a lot more to it than just field yeah I mean I and I feel really confident in

This putter now knowing the numbers like it was a great day it was great putting it was great getting the whole bag dialed in what’s in the bag coming soon thanks for watching see you guys next time


  1. I feel that Gabby will be one of the greatest golfers in modern era. She is well on her way. What a great video with fitting. Taylor Made are on their game.

  2. Golf has certainly come a long way, the game itself, clubs, materials, instruction and more. I am 71, I remember my father, uncles all played with clubs that were paper thin, it was their own ability on how well they played. They did not have club fitters back then. Great video

  3. So much info poured into a fitting. Huge compliments by TM reps on your skills. You just keeping rolling the rock G3. So fun to watch. Mark 🏌🏼‍♂️

  4. GREAT Video! The learning from Troy on what head angle and club lie and degree was excellent. Thank you Gabby for taking us along to your fitting. I learned a lot about how clubs do their thing when we swing them.

  5. The knowledge that Gabbie has on all her clubs, Angles and distances from each, It makes TaylorMades job soooooo much easier. I do hope Gabbie turns Pro, Gabbie would be easily top 10 of all the women just simple down to her own ability and knowledge of the game and what she gets from any club. Her ability is well known and is getting better with the way she plays different players in her videos, Very smart move there…

  6. Gaby will become a great champion and it's a joy because she is so enthusiastic, diligent, attentive, and pleasant to watch play. It's rare that such a talented young girl remains so likeable. Many would be distant and show an air of superiority, the complete opposite of Gaby

  7. Have him set you up a 4 and a 3 Iron for when you want to dominate the LPGA Tour. I will make a video any day now to show you how to become accurate from 180 yards and in with your Irons.

  8. Excellent video. This is what my son and I look forward to. We like to see the technical side of golf, and what it takes to be fitted properly for your game. The weekend duffer knows nothing about this. We love these kinds of videos, and we’re looking forward to seeing what’s going to be in your bag when this fitting process is finished. Excellent, Gabriella.

  9. I went for an iron fitting without any brand preference. Tried 3 different iron heads, Cobra, taylormade and titlest. Also Tried graphite and steel shafts. I ended up with titlest t300's amr red steel shaft, 1/2 inch short and 2 degrees upright. Best money I ever spent was on the fitting. Gained distance and accuracy. 5 iron to a 48 degree wedge. Next will be a wedge fitting and maybe hybrid fitting.

  10. What a great video. Thanks for sharing. I love the technology of golf and i love how he identified going 3*weaker and you gained 3 yards and higher launch. This is the benefit of a quality fitter. Great stuff

  11. Thanks for sharing Gabby. Awesome day. Once you practice with those new clubs, you might be shooting in the 60's.. Amazing.

  12. I wish I had access to Trottie, I bet he could help me once he stopped laughing at my swing. Gabby, keep up the good work… stay healthy and strong.

  13. I wish I could come and learn the art of club fitting from Trottie and take in his vast amounts of knowledge. Just to be able to pick his brain and get tips and tricks that he's learned over the many years of being a master fitter would be a dream come true. Gabby is gonna be one to watch in the future for sure!

  14. I like a midsized grip.
    Or a standard over 3 wraps. But that's just me. Thin grips feel surgical but jar my hands a bit if I duff the ball ( a lot)

  15. I guess you can only get fit like this if you’re very consistent. Every shot she hits is spot on. If only I could hit it like this. 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  16. Some people want to get famous for the money or fame. I want to get famous to get fitted. 😂

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