Different Tee Boxes in Golf for Different Level Players

All right so just we were just talking about the different tea boxes I was mentioning that the ladies have their own tea so the black tea all the way back here is for the expert Pros like me and there’s they have black markers like this then blue is usually for the the

You would say advanced level players like shooting in the 70s and low 80s then the white te is the men’s that are shooting in the you know 90s and hundreds usually and then they have the ladies tea which is the red tea and so

The red tea is quite a bit in front of the black tea right it looks like this see how there’s different tea markers and so the ladies T’s are always the red ones that you go to and a t box in golf so if you look at the T box in golf it’s

It’s it’s the shape of a box let’s see if there’s an image that I can find for you there you go it’s the shape of a box it’s two Club lengths back so it’s two Club lengths back and it’s the shape of of a box do you understand okay and so

It’s literally an imaginary box that you’re going to be you know um teeing your ball in you can’t tee it in front of the tea box you have to be behind the imaginary line so for example in this case your ball would have to be over

Here somewhere two Club lengths in a box you see what I’m saying we’ll talk about it when we get out there but that way you at least know so the ladies tea is further is up closer than the the expert men’s play

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