How to SLINGSHOT Your Golf Swing Downswing

GRF Golf Head Coach Marcus shows us how to slingshot your golf downswing to improve your golf swing and take less shots on the course. This is the “4” part of last week’s drill which can be found here:

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#CoachYourself #GRFgolf #Golf
Marcus Bell is a registered exercise professional and sports bio-mechanist but any exercises recommended or suggested in this video are performed purely at the individual’s own risk.

This week we’re going to be looking at the number four which is the vertical number four is not going to mean anything to you if you haven’t watched last week’s video cuz you’re going to need the one two and three what we’re going to do guys now is we’re going to

Move on to number four and that is a fully loaded system pushing off the ground unloading and sequencing to swing that club with maximum speed now you might be saying maximum speed could mean minimum control but that’s where we’re going to look at how we are firing the orientation of the body when

We’re firing to influence your swing Direction so you can feel where the club’s going before it even goes there you can almost predetermine with your movement where it’s going to go just the same way that if you were throwing a ball you know your arm’s going to go

That way because you’re moving this way and you’re pushing off and you can feel you’re so familiar with it you can feel the sequence and you just know how the body is organizing itself to release the arm in that direction if I’m going to throw a ball to you I’m

Going to move this way I’m not going to move that way and then try and throw a ball in your direction it’s going to feel really strange I don’t know why I don’t know how it’s just not going to be that efficient so I don’t need to know

All the intrinsics and the detail don’t need to know all that don’t need to analyze this to the end degree I just need to know that this feels easier the closer I get into this place I don’t know the specifics of where I am I don’t know the exact

Sequence I don’t need to know fortunately our system possesses the perfect GPS awareness to know exactly where it is at any moment in time we’ve just got to put it in the right ballark and that’s what we’re going to do here hi guys the GF travel Club is revisiting

The glory resort we’re in Turkey from the 10th to the 15th of March fourar venue amazing courses five nights four days of coaching with myself and one of the JF staff Plus on the course with our JF Tour player Mark Foster we’ve got six places guys follow the link in

Description and we look forward to seeing you there so you start with the club Behind the ball and you use the number one use a forward motion let your Club go with you and then you can lead into a two and then a three and this three is loading the

System we’re still rotating using that transverse rotation of the up of torso we’re still rotating back as we shift into three ready to spring and it’s this spring the number four that vertical Force that’s accessed by pushing off the ground it’s going to fire this release

Pattern so how do we feel it well what I want you to do first is push the board to one side and I hope you’ve got a board I hope from last week you’ve made your own or you’ve got one of our systems but you don’t need to purchase a

Grf system I’m not selling systems what I’m doing is trying to give good information to help you explore your movement potential and action as much of it as possible so what I want you to do is put your lead leg forward split your stance like a lunge and I just want you

To just flex your lead leg and then just let it naturally as it flexes fall inside the big toe now be careful if you’ve had cartilage issues or you’ve got knee knee issues just be careful we don’t want to go too much we want to do it within comfortable easy Rangers and

As you do this let your left hip as a right hander lead hip here let it just shift outside the foot and that’s going to load the ball of the foot it’s going to Cork screw you into the ground and you’re going to want to move your upper body look how the

Upper body responds it rotates this way which is kind of where our number three takes us in fact it’s exactly where our number three takes us the body wants to rotate to enable us to load into the ground look how the upper body’s responding so now you can

Recognize the reaction of the upper body to the intention of loading it all starts to become familiar if we were looking down at the golf ball you’ll notice the lead shoulder goes underneath the chin so now we’ve got this left lateral flexion as a right hander it’s all helping to load

Into the ground ready for the spring so this is giving us a real sense of where we can be ready for the big push off so this is the three and the four will be a spring off the ball of the foot the ball and the toe and notice I’m not pulling

Not trying to rot he these rotations happen naturally they’re an active recoil soon as you push off because you’ve tightly wound up the body it’s a tightly wound up spring loaded into the floor soon as you trigger it from the ground that elastic response takes over and the body starts to rotate towards

The target of course when we’re stood in a golf stance and the club swing in everything’s going to start swinging fir in that way but it’s going to be sequence from the ground so we’ve got a feel for this load how do we get the

Push off what’s it like to feel the push off well we’re going to do a little step drill very simple feet together just swing the club in the air very comfortably just using the wrist what you going to do you’re going to take a little step with your lead foot as you

Swing the club back just about shoulder width and notice I’m turning the foot in now be careful with your knee and you hit this is something we’re going to be just mindful of as we do this we’ve got to be careful but we just want to load

The forefoot we’re going to load that big toe and we’re going to turn it in so for me as a right-hander with the Lead Foot I’m turning into to say 130 and the heel is going to be off the floor and that’s to load the hip that’s

To feel this active load heels off the floor so I’m creasing in the for foot of the shoe and I’m loading the hip over the ankle just side stepping and letting myself drop now what we’re also going to just explore is this rotation here let the body rotate so you can do this

Without the club first if you want to and just put your Trail hand on your sternum and just feel that rotation and then when you feel comfortable as you turn away instantaneously you drop so you’re getting a simultaneous load into the ground as you rotate away which stretches the body muscularly as you

Load into the floor so we’re just separating the upper body rotation with the movement of the lower body so with the club in your hands it’s going to feel a bit more restricted now that’s fine and you don’t have to force it trying to make a big

Turn big rotation big high hands high arc Big Arc just let yourself move naturally now when you’ve got come to with that we’re going to spring into a finish off both feet so both four feet are going to be involved just watch this one so everyone’s going to do it different you

Don’t have to jump off the floor I just want you to experience unweighting just letting your body weight push off the floor so you don’t feel any loading to the floor if you can just do a little jump that’s unloading we just want some of that some do it more than others not

Necessarily better to jump off the floor we just want to feel unweighting and then with that unweighting the body sequences and it contributes now to that snap you’ll hear the snap or the swish after the unload so it’s only a split second we’re talking hundreds per second but you’re

Going to sense it you’re going to sense how this movement contributes to that release once we’ve done that we can actually hit balls with this exercise just at kind of 70% 60 70% with a seven iron8 iron just to feel what it’s like to just load and

Unload and then strike the ball just after the unload a lot of people are still loading into the floor as they hit the ground so if we take that for example here with the ball I’m just going to take a stance to the ball ball in its normal

Place and then I’m going to bring the My Lead Foot back towards my trail foot so now the ball’s kind of opposite my lead for and feel that release now that was early but I’ve got some feedback I caught the mat before the ball and I could feel myself

Push off tilt back and released early so I’m just going to let myself drop a little bit more I’m going to go more into my lead side I was kind of hanging back a bit so I’m going to take my STS and go again a little bit early with the hit

But I’m getting feedback so I’m going to go again bit better still a bit of early release so I know where I am at this moment in time I’ve got a bit of an early release I’m feeling the unweighting of that push off but I’m just releasing it a bit early that’s

Okay better so I can still feel a bit early with my release that’s fine some people won’t some people are going to feel it really late some people are going to feel feel a much later snap at the minute mine’s a little bit early that’s fine that’s my tendency as is the

Case with most of us when we use the board and bring that back in we can start to feel this with our 1 two 3 4 starting on the trail leg in this starting position we’ve got a one the forward press we’ve got a two we’ve got

The three and we’ve got the push off four and then we’re going to feel hopefully the strike Nan seconds after the four one two three 4 and I felt that a little bit early bit clean not too bothered about that it’s the timing of it one two 3

4 so I’m just feeling a bit early I’m going to drop into my three a little bit more what I mean by that is the three is going to be be lengthened TimeWise I’m going to move into that three for a bit longer so it’s

A 1 2 three 4 think of it like that one two three 4 not one two three four it’s going to be one 2 three 4 totally different totally different in how that felt and I can do it better that’s not perfect by any stretch I am absolutely not the perfect model for

This but it’s helping me recognize where I can go because these are awareness exercises nobody’s perfect we’re not expecting to make perfect form it’s the function as long as we’re accessing more of our capability and applying it through the awareness that these exercises are creating they’re attuning

Us to our movements we can develop and improve we can get better that’s all it’s about I’m going to make a longer three I’m going to go deeper into three how do I go deeper into three I continue to rotate back look how how low this

Gets me I’m not trying to go down this is a big mistake people make they try and drop and go down the drop guys is the rotation back that’s the drop and the pop that’s the push off that’s the four so your three and four is the drop and pop to access that

Free flowing sequence so it’s one two three four that’s better bit late on my extension I can feel that this is what’s going to happen you’re going to start getting feedback from how you move and you’re going to start to recognize how you can organize this Yourself by just tweaking it a little

Bit I’m going to get a bit more responsive with my four one two three four very different immediately that felt a little bit more like my step so I can step back feel that get back on and I feel like I’m on something onto something here but we all have that

Feeling and we’re hoping it sticks I’m going to go again hopefully I get the same shot I get the same feeling but now I’m in a completely different state to how I achieved it with the previous swing I’m I’m applying a different process I’m trying to recall something

I’ve done and just recreate it instead of just going through the same process one two three 4 and then much more active for I’ve gone through the same process I got a decent result again so this is not just a tutorial guys on the exercise the number four the pushing off it’s also

Just a little insight into how you can apply yourself when you’re practicing to get the best out of your practice so you’re not constantly beating yourself up trying to get all your ducks in a row every single time hit the perfect shot and only giving yourself a handful of

Opportunities before you change your trainer thought and try and think of another tip or watch another video and you think I’m going to do something different cuz that’s not working we very quickly discard things and we’ve never given ourselves an opportunity to actually have time just to immerse ourselves develop some level of

Awareness so we can start to become a bit intuitive with it a bit exploratory challenge ourselves just like the golf course is going to do so think about how you’re not just performing on the Range but behaving and how that gets the best out of your exercises and remember one two 3 Four

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