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Quiz Night Round 28, General Knowledge, Sport, Film Tv, Music. Come and have a go everybody welcome.

Quiz Night Round 28, General Knowledge, Sport, Film and TV. Come and have a go everybody welcome. A fun night with some great fellow Leeds United supporters and friends of the channel. Please Like, Share and Subscribe.

Hi everybody oh hope you’re all well hope you’re all healthy hope you can all hear me first off I’ll get it in early doors testicles testicles one two can you all hear me please give me a Thumbs Up Normally I always forget to to do all

That first so if you can let me know now I’d really appreciate it before I carry on waffling a load of verbal diarrhea as per the normal so chat stop moving I don’t even know if anybody’s in here thanks thanks for everybody audio is all good oh

Cheers Mat B that’s just come through lovely jubly cheers Liam pal I appreciate you uh thanks for everybody being in here I can’t thank you all enough you know what um spending Friday night with us because I understand that people are busy and and guess what you

Want Adam and Eve this right I’m just going to get this off me chest we ordered um a Chinese s pepper box over an hour ago like easy probably about an hour and a half ago um and guess what his on just turned up so I’m absolutely ank Marvin can you

Adam and Eve it so anyway I’ve got my old uh brother here with me tonight old berti berti Badger feel like um you know Blockbusters when they used to bring in little mascots well Bob I’ve brought in so and so tonight so anyway guys I hope you’ve had

A good week and um it’s been weather’s been okay anyway it’s been a lot milder this week so obviously I can speak for people are in UK uh Mark I know obviously in UK but um so what we got here quiz oh yeah quiz level I’m gonna

Quiz level I’d say easy I’m doing an easy one again because Justin missed out on a proper easy one last week because he went out on lash and um I thought I’ll do another easy one there is one or two dodgy ones in there as well but I suppose it’s easy if you

Know answers it’s simple as that and uh bear in mind I wrote quiz so I’m going to I’m bound to say it’s easy out uh after obviously oh I tell you what I’m going to say as well is um tonight question 20 is a little bit iier like a

Bit harder so I’m going to do five points for that one and because we’ve broke them all down into these lead tables now um so to make it a bit more interesting I’m going to do five points for um number 20 question 20 and then we’ve

Got three piter ones as well so two of them two of them are actors and one of them’s a Sportsman so just to let you know uh after quiz obviously we’ll have a little chat and uh get together it won’t be proper late one this week

Because as we all know um it’s an early kickoff so half1 12 kickoff hopefully another massive gigantic three points for Mighty whes hopefully fingers crossed I can’t see why not I really can’t I mean my prediction were 4-1 so I might be getting carried away who knows

Um but we have little things could talk about I’m not going to talk I’m not going to mention them now because I might as well save them for after um but there is one thing what we’re going to do uh for quiz after this quiz um our

Stripper he knows more than I do to be honest with something to do with um prediction like a prediction league and um basically he’ll probably explain it better than I can but what I’m going to start doing is um like obviously it’s going to be just on leads basically so

If you predict a result um if you put to the correct score and the and the proper and the correct result it’s five points if you um if you don’t get the correct score but it’s the right result you get two points Mickey knows it um ass Ripper sorry knows it a

Lot more than I do so he probably talk a lot more sense so which is not surprising really because um I talk a load of shite anyway so I’ll go through uh oh I tell you what I want to do later on as well though is like the

Comparisons with farer and be Elsa I don’t know I’m I’m not going to go there now because obviously we’ve got this quiz to do but and like I say I appreciate you all being in here guys I really do I’ll go quickly through your comments so we’ve got like uh oh I can

Hear me belly rumbling bye uh five minutes we’ll do five minutes and then we’ll fire it with quiz so I’ll put Justin’s up CU he what first and there oh Badgers loves it pal help Justin mate I appreciate you being here buddy I really do

Um Smash It sub it like you love it cheers ass Ripper Legend cheers buddy appreciate it mate hope you’re all well Dave cheers Lee appreciate you being in here pal look at Mark smack it up flip it rub it down quiz Master DAV is back

In town you know that M lad cheers for that bro I appreciate it Penny Lane Dave Penny Lane how you doing nice to see you in here mate Dick Dastardly good evening all and you pal nice to see you in here pal as well uh like I say I think it would a

Good idea from souie to split it up into League tables I’m probably going to struggle tonight like knowing which table you’re in and everything else but I’ll do all I can it’s been last minute as per usual and I AR really that organized so I’ll do my best though guys

That’s all I can do I’m afraid Li B Liam B pal look at that you doing there H the like for yeah cheers Justin appreciate that if you can guys you can smash thumbs up I’d really appreciate it on um I really would evening Dave evening Liam hey

Pal uh fishy pie evening all I’m here for a quiz and a banner on my birthday 58 today what a legend what an absolute ledge 58 today top man well on fishy pie mate um do you know what other times people have got 10 points I can’t do 10 points from now on

Him because I’ve done these lead tables pal so I’ll uh I’ll M you down for I’ll definitely give you a give you a couple of points so pal for that how’s that I can’t do 10 anymore I think 10’s a bit um I don’t know it would all right

Before when it were a big long list because people were trying to catch up but now I’ve like broke it up into Lees but I appreciate you being in here for fishy pie I really do brother absolutely I do Steven low out do you know what I’m an absolute fo I am

Not even putting them up on screen sorry guys I am an absolute toou evening Dave stepen low cheers pal I appreciate you mate there you go look evening Dave m m here too Freddy Mack and miss m thanks for being in here I appreciate you both I really do smash

The likes W piglet hey pal nice to see you in here budy cheers for that pal I appreciate it uh so we’ll keep going down keep do down oh look at that lovely apples do like a few apples here and there I must admit I like them throwing in B ghost

Evening all hey buddy nice to see you in here pal it really is as always uh Happy Birthday fishy pie absolutely mate congratulations on your birthday 58 you don’t look a day over mate you don’t look a day over shamad out Craig nice to see you in here Craig All

Leads that way absolutely shamad that’s me lad don’t know where you are oh you being in Chester probably in Chester Peter out evening out Peter out how you doing buddy nice to see you in here pal Dave go and have a bite while the

Quiz is on Dave go and have a bite while the quiz is on good idea mate I’ll run in I’ll run into kitchen Li every time I ask a question and get a couple of chips or some at pal I’m defin I feel like I could have

Some afterwards I really do I might just bring box in happy birthday fishy look at that all this love 21 again fishy plenty of loving in here pal happy birthday fishy pie che’s Dave no worries pal no worries at all Roger m jamy Roger Moore again no

Not this time pal strawberries very nice very romantic old jamm’s uh still all Valentine up loves it jamy laroo absolutely right look at that just in time for first just in time look at that just in time there right here we go we’re going to fire up

9 and a half minutes in the Ripper is mag magnifi right we’re going to fire straight up anyway with quiz guys like I said some of them are iffy some of them are easy some of them are whatever depends uh oh and I’ve not checked it back either so if there’s any spelling

Mistakes I apologize now just so you know uh right here we go first question guys here we go I’m going to change 5 Seconds countdown I’m going to go bang on 10 minutes how’s that here we go in which European city was the first organized malfant L there that little start up for

10 I’ll get ready all my league tables that I’ve got I’m all over at shop absolutely all over the shop how many’s in three we’re only going top three and all guys so I’m going to be I’m going to be tight tonight strict as ever stallion right I’ve got three guys and

Again I know I say it every week but if it’s different and I’m sure it probably is do you know what’s weird I’ve seen YouTube um even other YouTube um videos and stuff like where it’s different even on YouTube so who knows I can only go by

What’s on my screen so I apologize now first one in with the correct answer is Mark B well done pal aens now I’ve got to find out which which League you’re in and everything now I know Mark’s top at Premier League so that was easy peasy lemon squeezy

One two Nick dastardly well done pal Dick Dastardly is in league one well done pal and the third one in with the correct answer is Justin well done Justin Thomas what a ledge Justin we are Premier League say we are Premier League Justin they were the three guys they were the top three

So Steven low bre’s ghost ass Ripper Liam B Pete uh Le Oxley shamama DEA Penny lanee everybody knew it majority of people knew it the correct answer was aens pop me music everybody talk about pop music no chance of getting nothing free only no you just got one

Pal you just contradicted your own your own point there pal cheers lad you have made my evening hey fishy pie there’s been loads of love in here mate absolutely loads of love in here for you for your birthday absolutely plenty of loving uh oh that’s right look at Justin

Stuck his tongue out he knows that he’s just taking pit saying it on purpose I’ve just read that right so top three again guys it’s up to you though I know you probably might agree but um it’s up to you if you go top five if you

Want but it’s pretty much everybody then is it that’s that’s how I see it I’ll tell you what this threo Badger be is getting a bit uh getting a little bit out hand to be honest with you so there’s no comments coming through so streamyards either gone on strike or

Everybody’s fell asleep I’ll probably go for L and everybody’s fell asleep hopefully you haven’t hopefully you’re still awake there’s only one question gone this is this don’t bow very well top five mate just in like Bam Bam’s elbow br’s ghost has fell asleep cheers Brer pal I appreciate that buddy adverts well

That’s aing cracking start that a it one question in oh wait Justin why comes it unless in just you mate it might be other people as well I’ll wait though pal for you dick dly says top five look so but if we do top five though like I

Said there’s only 16 in so it’s pretty uh it’s pretty pointless I think top five at the moment unless we do top 20 Liam Beast say top three only right yeah I think at moment if if it does go over it probably won’t but if it

Does then uh we’ll do top five but at the moment I reckon top three because I think five’s too many to be honest Dave arag do you want to borrow my Edge Cutters absolutely mate get them shears get some shears on them pal it’s hard for some of us it’s hard

For some of us to get in top three yeah I appreciate that mate hey do bad on last question though you actually got in top three mate so your quiz your rules C out Steph L he says it how it is mate Man Of Me

Own Heart Right Le Oxley top three but I understand that though Dick Dastardly I really do I understand that pal was third on my screen but yeah I know mate and ni I don’t get it pal I really do not get get it it drives me around a twist

It really does so anyway question you’re brilliant Dave I leave you’re [ __ ] ledge mate Pat the badger Pat the badger Pat the badger leads are in the top two [ __ ] boom mate you know that pal absolutely we’re going to fire Lester down and all wa it’s going no problem

It’s only a bit of fun cheers Steven low I appreciate it P right let’s get Qui two gone here we go it’s you only know it if you know it it’s one of them questions KY Island provides a setting for which TV sitcom sorry m

B I don’t know if you get that over there P you probably don’t but oh yeah I forgot about that actually West Brom how can I forget that DL West Brom game I need to actually I could do it putting that up on here um so I’ve got my own update I

Appreciate you guys though if you can like keep me up to date but I’m going to put this up here as well though for for my own uh benefit uh let me just uh scores on the doors Miss Ford sorry guys I’ll come back to quiz

In a minute nil nil much just Gass penis come on West Brom uh buying buying buying baggage absolutely many right let’s have a look one two i’ definitely got three in here while I’ve been waffling on oh we got more than three there [ __ ] loads uh first an in with correct answer

On my screen that is as Ripper five Ted well done pal Premier League one point Peter o well done mate well done Peter o one AAA in League one and Steven low well done buddy Steven low what league are you in pal there you are League one one point they’re the three guys

They are the three that there 20 in so if I get this question in we’ll do five for now Dick Dastardly you are fourth well not it’s not that I hav said that before I’ve said that loads of times faed fa br’s ghost Le Oxley W pigler fishy pie Freddy Mack Penny

Lane oh you joking when did that happen well it’s not on my screen right I’m been updated sake [ __ ] Adam and E that talk about fcking ruing your night no clue now neither would I Craig neither would I pal calling you pal sorry son excuse me Liam

B you got fa Ted I think I’ve done I’ve done the three anyway guys so Postman Pat s sausage what a legend silly mate nice to see you in here buddy absolutely it is gwi go on going of here in room good old GW working again tomorrow got to be up

Early unbelievable does more shifts than I do silly there you go load of loving for silly silly sausage hey bro hope well friends absolutely hi quinnn hi Quinn have fun cheers Gwen right uh hope you’re all well hope you’re all Healy you know that well piglet right question number three guys

Let’s crack on question number three top five top five we’re going now this one I’m just having a quick look now this one this is definitely fatest fingers first are you ready get ready with your fingers guys or whatever you’re on because this is an absolute piss ball

What street does the British prime minister live on what heal you mean what Elfie mean Elfie La good afternoon even from Kentucky he Lawrence how you doing buddy what Elfie mean Elfie Elfie with a h e a l t h where good evening to all right there’s some proper dodgy uh

Predictive text going on here and all I must say well first one in with correct answer on my screen I’m doing top five as well guys so down in might be well done pal number one Numero Uno 10 I don’t know what that’s for Justin I’m going to give B’s go out though

Because we know what he means well done pal number two dining Street oh there’s a dilemma because I know what you mean no pal but it ain’t right I’m sorry as Ripper you know that I would love to give you a point but I can’t give you dining street I’m sorry I know

It’s predictive text on that but sorry pal I’ve got to be stric is I mean that one you can kind of tell that it’s just there’s a queue in middle of it but Dick Dastardly 3 well done pal Dick Dastardly where are you there you are toer League

One D uh jamy Downing well done pal jamy I think that four on it I’ve lost count let me go one two three four and Steven low well done pal Steven low where are you there you are buddy rock on there the first five Peter o w pigler Freddy Mack Emmy Oliver hey

Emmy how you doing pal nice to see you in herebody Elfie silly pardon me drowning drowning Street absolutely 10 Downing Street there you go look leox l specific hold on M I don’t know why I’ve got e CED must be me mty belly did I tell anybody I’ve not had enough nothing

To e yet oh dear oh [ __ ] straight some good in there ass Ripper good evening Gwyn good evening Gwyn ass Ripper I don’t know if she’s watching telly or not P I don’t know but she didn’t answer to Quinn I late to this there’ll be more on point

For next seasons hey emit no worries pal I’ve still got you down here bro that you’ve got um I have got you on here you know all right everybody’s down there you go you got three points so if you get enough to get into into League mate then you can crack on

But evening all hey Top Banana how you doing pal always gets me that name mate honestly top Banana’s got it right top baby on right I’m going to scroll through these now guys sorry can I ask a question C you campal fire it away buddy unless you’ve already asked

It G Dragon have you been helping Dave with packing she has mate she’s done a little bit here and there cat T quick enough I know mate that’s a problem absolutely is a problem prime minister has his dinner there mate yeah true he does not what I don’t

I don’t get nothing well it is it’s in there I can sniff it but I can’t eat it you’re on top Farm tonight you know the crack Mat B does know the crack Dave what you lying for there’s it at that gwinn’s getting it absolutely what are you lying for yeah true gwin

Does it all I’ll be honest uh okay who cross the ball for your B to smash that winner vers oh man you’ve got me there pal absolutely you’ve got me I can’t I I don’t know mate unless I looked it up you well got me I would too be obviously concentrating on goal

And you got me emit 100% pal look Line and Sinker they always tell liuin how do you know sly oh yeah there go Peter o says I Google it Tony well his head down who are it emit right here we go we’re going to do question four ads

Right everybody’s ads have gone now yeah question four this this is a bit trickier top five though this is this might get a few you might have to uh Alexa it or Google it or whatever what was Frank Sinatra’s middle name I did all out Wiggly pal how you doing

Buddy Frank son’s middle name I’m not going to do a song I’ll end up getting freaking chicken bone ramm down me throat G I believe you you always sitck like YouTube comment I see and I believe you you always sit like YouTu right you surprise me well you don’t

Surprise me because you’re all clever it’s me what’s FICO but I mean like how fast you all are when you answering so we’re going to do top five guys ask Ripper Albert is the correct answer Albert Uncle Albert one Freddy ma too well done Freddy Mack and Mrs M Mrs Mr Mrs hem

Two shamad Al on cray three he’s in League two three leox answer dgo emit might be four hold on might be four and Shady ARA David dick dly five there’re the five Dick Dastardly where are you mate there you are there the five Justin you are sixth can’t believe it Albert Steven low

Seventh Le Oxley eighth let me Oliver Paddy let me just refresh that a minute good old blue eyes absolutely thereo cross the ball there you go had me stump meate totally forgot it with Tony dgo I don’t think I ever knew to be honest when I actually think about it Tu

Is obviously watching goal and not even thinking about who who passed it to him number one emit Siri or Alexa Siri or Alexa well there’s a dilemma sir or Alexa having a shocker so far not as bad as me Bremner I have a shocker every sing single time I do quiz

Mate need a geography question BG absolutely that’s what he’s after the old geography questions rem’s ghost Mr geography well this is kind of a geography question coming up I guess Fly Me to the Moon did he fly me to the Chinese did he go cross a ball but he

Didn’t have the assist who assisted he like chested it oh he chested it down and followed it in they’re all saying Wallace Rod Wallace I’ll go along with that Rod Wallace oh leox put Rod Wallace as well look that’s what I’ll go Rod Wallace as well I’ll join in

Pal didn’t know what to top tap him what did he fishy P you B what bloody player he was until he played in the final against Villa that Villa that final were an Absolut shocker absolute Crocker [ __ ] that final was it 3-0 yeah Wallace there you go

Emit Oliver confirms it Rod Wallace we got there look thereo to Wallace to yoa Tony yo leads Tony Tony right question five here we go are we ready top five we’re going the Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed in what country M come on West

Brom hell can’t [ __ ] Adam and Eve I would I tell you what I were well hoping I just hope West Bram will for again I thought they’d be like good enough to beat him may I really did a good showing against it switch Town away from home should have won that

Game really and had a pissing one down but we can only do what we do we can just keep winning that’s all we can do don’t worry about anybody else all right here we go top five top five first winning correct answer is New Zealand might B well done mate might

B cool as a cucumber a sripper well done pal number two Mr sripper Le Oxley well done pal Le Oxley three no BR goes for well done br’s ghost and War piglet five monsu War piglet fighting relegation mate in Premier League but don’t like Phil willings in so you

Might be able to close a bit of ground irand New Zealand New Zealand can’t wait for tomorrow’s kick off at 12:30 I feel confident I just can’t see us even being wooded at oh we are on fire we the fireos will put us out absolutely Wiggly you know that

Pal New Zealand really absolutely mate it was New Zealand it was indeed but they know speak with new New Zealand accent no they don’t wigler they don’t pal I Ted it bonus points no bonus points what piglet for that sorry mate that was very very strict of

Me right question number that’s do you know what it is though it’s because I ain’t have me Chinese that’s what it is I God know I would have give you it normally it’s CU me I’m starving so right here we go this this is an absolute piss ball as well so top five

Again guys but get ready because this is easy and I’m not joking either how often is the football World Cup held oh lovely look at that fires up with three you can try and bribe me with your apples warpig GL it might work mate absolutely might work fishy Pi is

Getting two points in fact I’m going to give you n sh oh fishy pie where are you how do you do there you go two I’ve give you two points mate like I say I give other people 10 but um I can’t really do that this time I’m

Sorry can’t believe that there still I know probably most of you are watching game and to be honest with you but right when I asked question there were there were 20 oding so I’m going to carry on with five even though we’re down to 19 again guys so War piglet for

Well done PR War piglet living the dream in the Premier League W Piglet a ripper for two well pal Matt B3 well in Matt B just Justin for good old Justin and Peter 05 Peter o five well done mate stepen low if you you might have been different on your screen you might

Even have been in top five mate but I apologize you six for mine Dick Dastardly emit Oliver fishy pie br’s GH shamad Freddy Mack Le Ox you all you all new for years Penny Lane Wiggly Andrew of club before before country every time well that’s correct I must

Admit I’m more of a more of a club guy myself I’m being honest Often by the English national Captain you’re going to be disappointed the food is rubbish oh dear it don’t matter I’m sure I can still manage it Gwen I’ll still manage it I think I think I will

Anyway uh the go SC I’ve got two screens on two screens on got Southampton on got Southampton on one screen and you on the other LW what do rest of the viewers think reference a rainbow ball and so much donated to lgbtq Plus for every goal scored mot Dave tanra Tommy tane Tommy

Well in pal nice to see you in here buddy uh need scrp it’s all fault I think Christmas should be more like the world CT once every four years just in one country right question number seven question seven here we go this is a a bit iffish one what country formerly ruled Iceland

It’s more of a I think that’s more of a br’s ghost question that to be honest with you I reckon top three oh we’re going top three I think it five I think they were 20 when when I started question so we’ll do two three four right here we go guys the

Correct answer wow would you believe it I said that this is probably more of a br’s ghost question any he were first the correct answer is De Mark well done pal re’s ghost he’s are proper on fire with all that stuff AR you mate St low two well done pal Steven low ST

Low two I would have said no way now FR M two shamad Craig well done pal three as Ripper for well on mate oops I put it on wrong person got a Bonus point there four and matk B5 well done Mark B is it just me or is the championship

More exciting than the Prem or is it just because leads are in it probably just because leads are in it forish sheie I bet I bet League one probably feel more more exciting just because wearing it that’s just my opinion like I don’t know haven’t saying mate I think

Champion ship’s great this season but like I say I think it is C wearing it 100% I just can’t believe that they’re getting beat though not right history history and geography are my favorite subjects have I have noticed I have noticed mate I must say I must

Admit the nearest I to abedine is in Norway Le are on Sky versus mil they are mate yeah I’ve read that Lee somewhere I think I read it earlier on character Monto no V making it better that’s a good point and all last Ripper is it no

V I was thinking Finland good question uh good answer mate but I thought no way me when it first uh when I first saw it I must admit no need for black pack in the Granite City Freddy you know that right question question number eight number eight oh here we

Go right top five now and it’s an easy question as well okay so here we go hang on what is the surname of the characters es me John arur and Tommy in the BBC TV series [ __ ] pey Blinders I’m Leaving on a Jet Plane I don’t know what why that come to me Ed I don’t know who sings it who sings that anybody know there’s a lot of predictive text thingies going on here and you know what I’m I’m going to be I’m going to start being stricter I’m

Not going to give you them guys unless it’s correct unless it’s the correct answer how’s that there’s me being strict shocking absolutely shocking supposed to be a bit of fun quiz Masters taking it way too serious he really is but that’s what I’ve decided for this

One I’m going to stick to I want the correct answer I’m joking Le Oxley mate I know what you mean it’s Shelby pal Le Oxley well done pal I’m joking mate uh where we at where are you on yeah here you are buddy one I’m going to

Give you that because I know I know what you know what it is I can’t give warp iglet Smith though I can give bner that look too hold on pal I’m going to give you that I can’t do Smith there’s another one Justin I’m pretty sure everybody knows

It’s Shelby you do know you do know that don’t he is asala see look at one two three it’s getting worse four everybody’s do you know what five and I’m going to do you know what I’m going to go down and I’m going to put Steven low Shelby I’m going to

Give you an extra point because You’ got it right spell it properly Wiggly Andrew spell it properly look and any more further down though I’m only going to go so far so you can’t just start writing Shelby again two br’s G de corrected himself he got a point so did

Stripper John Denver though John Denver sung that Leaving on a Jet Plane did he nice one mate so we’ll call it a day where we’ve where said don’t know when I’ll be back again oh hopefully you’ll be back for next Quiz MK or even better you’ll be on stream after me and fingers

Crossed anyway that’s what I’m hoping fingers crossed actually West Brown foring get an equalizer that’ be even better as well not saying that it’s not good that you’re coming on mat I’m not saying that at all pal I’m digging it all right I’m going to go last

One Freddy Mack I’m GNA give Freddy Mack a point because he got Shelby look right that’s it I’ve stopped gifting points that’s it next time I’ll tell you what I’ll say it now before before I do question it’s got got to be it’s got to

Be the correct answer it’s got to be the correct spelling not well it don’t have to be correct spelling but it has to be like in fact no yes s it how’s that it has to be correct spelling as well Jay leads I all hey pal how are you

Doing buddy nice to see you in here mate we keeping them Coast uh it is you isn’t it goes out in boat bamb gas going absolutely mate did you know peab bans was filming key oh parts of it I think parts of it will be filmed in Bolton as well mate I

Believe I think Keith Le and Bolton then sel’s right then your name is dive absolutely mate that’s why I give you points after I’m going to stick to you’ve got to get you’ve got to get name right now in future that’s it I’m taking me

Bow I tell you what I do want to take home I don’t want to fcking I want to take um what to take me [ __ ] Chinese home I know that so close I can whiff it don’t watch PC can my last years Good Old Tommy well on

Pal evening all evening all must be first time I’ve been back here since quiz 11 hey Daniel pal do you know what mate as much as you say that I bet I’ve still got you on here buddy I’ve got everybody’s on here who’s got a point so

Let me have a look Daniel Wilson yes you’re on AAL and you’ve got seven points can you believe it that is how much I squared everything away pal seven points I’ve not forgotten that’s not fair on silly oh yeah true mate I never thought of that

Well if silly answers um then I’ll make an exception tight ass L sorry Wiggly they’s coming down hard tonight absolutely mate absolutely ohly yeah true now within reason then I’ll change my mind a little bit within reason cor you don’t have to do it you don’t have to have it correct used to

Live two minutes away from from the studio nice one Wiggly pal nice one um Daniel Wilson get in mate absolutely get it get a few more points and you can get into League two pal and ammer Daft I can’t spell Justin you’re not dff at all mate not at all

Come on West Brom right yeah as long as I can understand it then that’s what we’re going with so question nine here we go myology is a study of what top five theyve need is [ __ ] absolutely fishy pie absolutely mate welcome back Daniel you know that Liam B shaky

Coconuts shaky coconuts right I’ve definitely got five in here so here we go first one in with the correct answer is bu guy War piglet well done pal War piglet you got a fight for you red Justin too good old Justin what a legend a stripper three Legend stripper three leox Ley

Legend four get all these Legends coming in right answer Legend five Craig well in Craig you are five flying flag for British Army what a legend they’re the Five Guys Steven low you a six pal mushrooms absolutely mushrooms Penny Lane fishy pie dick dly Peter o everybody knew it Dave’s a fun

Guy fun guy hey saw what you did there pal bmsh Happy Days nice one mate not when I’m hungry I’m not fun guy my my colle is personal don’t want to discuss it here my col is Freddy M up D you’re a fun guy

Absolutely fun guy get it I get it pal I appreciate it mate and all there you go no extra points though I’ve already given all them out I’m all extra pointed out question number 10 here we go oh top three guys 19 we’re back down to top

Three again are you ready here we go what was the first top 10 eight for tanita tium and I’m not going to hum it or anything I’m dying to but I’m not going to and it’s not stroke the badger oops stroke the badger it’s got to be what I understand or

Not don’t BR ghost that’s not fair pal that’s proper out of order that bang out of hard see people are copying each other though because oh w w piglet put slave just input slave straight after now then just did slav is not the correct answer guys and

Twisting my subri isn’t either God knows Wiggly want that one either hey Michael Brown how you doing buddy you want twist twisting my sobriety I bet the song sucks see them copying absolutely W piglet sust it absolutely nail them mate nail them lovely jubly three apples or three badges more than enjoy them

Well unless you want me to it I’m not going to though oh hang on I think I’ve got three I’ve definitely got three correct answer is Dick Dastardly got it good tradition it’s a good tradition of love and hate stand by the fire side it’s a good tradition loveing heat well done Dick

Dastardly I won’t sing anymore because G’s going to strangle me uh dick dly gets a point well done pal good tradition hey up Michael Brown buddy nice to see you in here pal good tradition Justin two well done Justin cing flag fot Premier League twisty my melons man a rer

Three twisty melons man Sean Ryder I think or have I just totally made myself look a absolute tit that’s per usual I’d have had no idea down by the fire side Steven low got it you were fourth pal unbelievable good tradition what’s the correct answer where all rock and

Roll except then with Google God gave rock and roll to you I’ve got a sh singing come on West Brom uh question number 11 guys there we go it’s a sport one just so you know and if you know you know 20 in top five again which British nuker player was

Known by the nickname Hurricane stroke to Bader Happy Mondays absolutely top top group then Happy Mondays remember that I don’t know if you remember when Sean Ryder went in Jungle and he that snake bit his finger that was funny that can drew blood as well uh I’ve definitely got five Dro

Down to 19 but I said five when we first started asking questions so we’re going to go first one on my screen with the correct answer is M Higgins well done pal Alex Higgins is a correct answer one Dick Dastardly two dick DED Lee one two three four

Strike well done pal Alex Higgins look at that Peter o full name well done buddy three fishy pie I’m going to give you that pal Iggy Wiggy three no one two three four War piglet five on my screen one five War piglet well in pal what piglet climbing up that Premier League

Table Freddy Mt I can’t believe it mate you were sixth Justin were seventh Steven low re’s ghost Lee Oxley Daniel Wilson wiggley Andrew Justin sapy hey up pal how you doing buddy Penny Lane Penny Lane Le Oley I remember Dave oh remember that where that with that snake pal absolutely so I

Getting away with murder here andall not given oh well there I tell you what I’ve actually got on my phone mate I can’t remember which game it was oh it was a Plymouth one actually it a Plymouth one Plymouth went in front um and he were well on side and

King leading Lines been flagged said it were offside heing M on that could have been a totally different result that I mean I’m not saying they might you know they might not have Kel on but still the would have gone in front so dodgy going

On as per usual AFL corupt is out best new players of his time I loved him absolutely I agree mate he was brilliant there with fagging go and K drinking and all sorts w’t they Legend iggins are born in Belfast does that make him British absolutely mate absolutely just don’t want an

Injury does it make does it make his a half hi Penny Ken curtain hey Ken how you doing pal halime still one nil no way it does in my eyes anyway Freddy M let’s get that off right question number 12 here we go this is well easy we’re

Going to do a top three as well because 17 in he ready it honestly I are joking when I say that this is an absolute piece of urine see didn’t swear what does KFC stand for and the actual food look at that I’m absolutely an Marvin and then I ask a food

Question torturing myself top three though guys that’s all we’re going top three oh well got things lot loads fired through depends what device you’re on I think whether you come first second or whatever yeah cheers for that pal I appreciate it one nil half time giv us

An update you appreciate that mate I’ve got it up here on my screen but I think it’s a bit slower than for some reason it’s not updating anyway first correct answer in might be Kentucky fr hi chicken well done Marky B Peter o to all spell present and

Correct Matt bewa I’m checking checking for everything now I’ve gone proper strict Peter oh well done pal and Dick dly three well in mate dick dly Freddy mck you a four gotta believe it mate look at that he’s just changed to 20 and all and BR would have got a

Point as well uh sorry guys everybody knew it uh what can you say not a great deal can Kentucky Fried Chicken you know that silly pal I just leave that up just for a few seconds that disas Dave this is this Alex is on my screen this five minutes five

Minutes KFC one’s on now mate you might need to refresh your uh do you need to refresh your stream Tommy you are so bloody fast absolutely they are lightning like lightning Thunderbolt and frightening whatever it [ __ ] is whatever it is Thunderbolt and lightning [ __ ] hell absolutely

Derek you know that buddy 23 in da yeah top five third sorry sorry pal I don’t know why it does it you know what last casc I had was 1982 yeah well done to you mate I think last one I had were about 16 hours ago I’m joking I’m

Not uh right here we go top five question 13 here we go in what ocean is the Bermuda Triangle located can of Fant a 250 absolute joke and half I know everything’s gone up but ridiculous is it mate absolutely ridiculous first me but I’m not saying nothing you’re a good lad Justin you’re

A good mate all badges out we Colin big thumbs up to you all support lead United and support each other leads all over hope everyone’s good and well hey Colin buddy nice to see you in here as always mate nice to see you to see you nice uh oops right here we

Go top five we’re went top five guys so the first one in with the correct answer let me just double check let me just double check what I’ve got here yeah I thought it with that Atlantic is the correct answer or North Atlantic Ocean whatever you want to say

I’m more than happy with as long as it is like Atlantic obviously one Steven low too well done Mark well done Stephen Steven low two Bremner three well in br’s ghost br’s ghost three as rer four well in monio sripper Freddy M five well done a sripper well done

Freddy Mack there the Five Guys W piglet you were just out out Justin if it were different on your screen I apologize you were just out as well Le Oxley Justin sap dick dly Peter L Ken curtain I want to know what B Q stands for B and Q what

Barbecue what does B andq stand for anyway does anybody know shaky C bonus Point what se’s are also part of the Bera triangle now Rems going deep proper mat be do you like KFC calian and S gaso SE I’ve never even heard of that second one I’ll be honest

With you never even heard of it well clever you br honestly do you like KFC silly says look at that to know what you can’t get any better than that Justin Apple Badger Apple Badger Apple Badger what a ledge Third on mine sorry W piglet pal I don’t know honestly it drives me

Mad Mr M went to channel and bloody came back barbecue that’s what I thought it were bargain in quality there you go I don’t think it is that is it but or is it doet and quilt barbecue I do an all silly I love a good KFC me mate too expensive

Though block and quail 70s cops s go SE where heels my great from Wow cheers for that Steven pal I didn’t have a CL Scooby Do no idea just Googled it block and quail wow I’ve never hearding it I’ll be honest with you block and quail leads all over there

Callen leads all over pal stroke the badger right question 14 guys on in how we done well here here we go here’s one for you you’ll enjoy this one if you’ve got kids especially how many are does Mike wasowski have in the film Monsters Inc Kentucky Fried squirrel is much more reasonbly chist

Oops here we go first five and he corrected himself further down anyway but Mat B is correct well in mate one is the correct answer that that little green man that little green man with one eye at front ass Ripper to as Ripper two w piglet three W piglet three

Peter4 peter4 and fishy Pie Five fishy Pie Five well done everybody all correct with’ won everybody majority of people knew it uh no clue da fro have Dave fro didn’t know I had Frozen I don’t know can I I know what you did there Freddy pal you’re on fire absolutely on fire tonight

Mate absolutely sing the DJ Sing The DJ no it’s over one mate you know it is that’s why I’ve got badger on Colin stroke the badger stroke the badger it’s not sing the DJ you know it is catch the pigeon a stripper see I rle up see stroke the DJ broke the

DJ Sing The DJ it’s the Smiths correct the eyes have it the eyes do have it that’s how the vote that’s one in Parliament is it the eyes have it the Smiths Panic on the streets of Lon he had two he had two but kept the

Other one in his pants and we all know what that’s called song about J I’m not putting him on not putting him on I getting bull whipped not a chance he ain’t getting mentioned getting booted off pic on the Streets of London right question 15 we’re going to

Do 15 guys we’re going to uh we’ll get there eventually can’t speak again I have to put me other tee in so here we go question 15 guys right in with answer here in what year did the Berlin Wall fall Berlin Wall fall West I wish West

Brom I know it’s half time in it but messes ra Rover’s a draw in munde United if anybody’s interested one all R Rovers W done the United One was it a two star that W piglet the hell didn’t realize it were about him most St it I didn’t realize it were in mate that’s what it were about absolutely pal uh one two three four I’m pretty I’ve got five I’m pretty sure I’ve got five guys so we’re going

Five correct answer the first one in with the correct answer is remar’s Ghost 1989 is the correct answer well in brm Nepal one ass Ripper two well in mate Freddy Mack 3 well done Freddy Mack three 333 Steven L far well in Steven low for and last last but not

Least Ken curtain well on pal now I don’t know if you’re on here or not cuz I don’t think I don’t think you are so what I’m going to do is mate I’m going to put you down with rest of them on here and then when you

Eventually if you get enough to get into a league I’ll add you mate I can’t say fair than that how’s that pal but you got a point and in fact you should get another two cuz I start in fact I give other people more than that I’ve give other people 10 before when

They like first in so but I can’t do that anymore because all Everything’s changed with all these leagues and stuff so I’ve gone all strict all of a sudden it’s still there it’s called 0 yeah true I know not now was not there I not know was not

There tell you now Li broki I tell you no lies broki what year was it Bill absolutely no idea Freddy absolutely no idea mate tear down that Wall lead well done k absolutely right guys how’s the Chinese doing Fredy don’t ask pal shocking absolutely shocking sing the DJ Sing The DJ no it’s not that mate it’s definitely not that it don’t sound right absolutely don’t sound right uh how’s your Chinese doing Dave very cold I would imagine

Freddy absolutely Stone Cold P FL I want Chinese tastes good but I already eat it I’m back lost Wi-Fi oh de about lost Wi-Fi connection oh couldn’t have be breath much longer sorry guys dve head’s moving that’s a bit of a giveaway then man it were our position though I must

Have M trying to trying to hold me head there you know radio got Vader with his Happy Meal you know that pal right question 16 here we go this this is an absolute Dole as well so are we ready top three 19 in so we’re only

Doing top three here we go which sport features line out scrums and conversions absolute doal Top three we’re going guys because when I ask question sorry Wiggly here we go top three might be rugby well pal rugby Peter o rugby to well imp pal Peter o and Ruby Ruby I know what you I know what you meant pal R uh sure R everybody knew it rugby looking

At that Ruger rugby Rugby Union Rugby Union Rugby Union rugby I will check rugby though guys uh know Li l I know that there is scrums though and conversion so I know I know what he’s saying but spot United and spot each other you know that Callin mate like say kick ball

Absolutely they don’t in rby League you can’t take rugby there two different sports Dave well I’m taking rugby Justin absolutely taking rugby I’m iing be MTH for two minutes so that should B of beuning is that what you’re saying I know what you say like line

Outs I get that but in turn players are they the same you try telling the players they the same oh yeah I know mate I understand that I’ll tell you what then then what got rugby I’ve done first three next three then whoever said Union how’s that can’t say fair than that can

You I get what you saying though stepen low well done pal I’m going to give you a point then I get what you’re saying the take it on board Daniel Wilson well in buddy one two and Justin three there you go mate you got your point pal then you got your point

Across no I agree though it’s true I must admit um where we at I was just being kind now count that too there different spot saying NFL football I know you do mate I know you do pal don’t mind think I like JT absolutely to Brilliant Minds there pal if you ask

Me right question 17 right there won’t be any arguing over this one top three again guys who sang that she was born in the wagon of a travel show it’s hard to say that without singing it absolutely Daniel pal you know that buddy see I kept I kept your score

Though mate I kept it absolutely kept it mate I don’t get rid of any of them hang on born in the wagon of a traveling Show I can’t sing it I’m not going to sing it either Steven low well imp correct answer is sure Steven low or share however you want to say it share share whatever what’s a share and a share between friends Freddy Mack well in P Freddy Mack

So I think next week you should do a quiz on fishing I’ll put you know what I’ll throw some fishing questions in there fishy pie how’s that pal Karen curon well done pal there the three I believe it were three yeah Ken curtain there you go mate there’s another

Point try and throw a bit a little bit of all see if I can that’s why I’ve got two actors as pitcher ones for 10 points so and a sparked man as well just saying sh I’m pretty sure every probably got we we got to week 46 as well L absolutely

Mate be proper drained by then toer League Al then J JS his tramps and thieves Sher was sitting at the table next to me once in a restaurant in London and I never recognized that even with four bounces wow mate top star lovely star that mate real Name sh sakis real it makes her Armenian did you made old Mark or is that true pal no I don’t believe you though that’s if I got that a bit South plastic head come on westbr Jesus they have just been trying to move Mouse then for that over here I’ve just remembered I

Can’t well no it’s true Dave cheers a m for that buddy they appreciate that Moon share outside the men after one of her Giggs in scum chest as she slapped my mate Tony’s ass getting some belting chair stories here she she never asked for my autograph oh fancy that come inside my

Um salt and pepper box it’s in the it’s in kitchen mate come on West Brown absolutely mate plastic head that car’s Over All the face lifts plastic head come on West Brown absolutely Lee you know that mate oh yeah forgot rugby were on leads rhinos 14 each did you see

All game what all game on last night ol and KR and LFC w’t it we both had our books hanging out of car windows just in gone the game got it on early nice one yeah as one more facelift she will have a badger for a beard absolutely

Mate all Badgers out we oh [ __ ] that’s all she wants to be she just wants to be a badger pal that’s all she wants to be probably having a good go I wish they scored aing goal mate having a good goal DS on Dave how’s your

DS no comment I’ve sold them Justin I got 6K for them sold them all badges AR we absolutely brema all badges aren’t we oh badges aren’t we oh badges AR we oh badges AR we Dave sold me the DS just in I told you I saw 4K I got for him

I don’t want it to go two nil mate not a chance that would be an absolute disaster not having that we can’t do two nil I’m turning quiz off if if if the scar again here we go question 18 guys you ready top three who founded Amazon straightforward yeah swinging arm old

Player got sent off two of them I think Le I think two of them got sent off pal blue yellow and white top three top three guys correct answer is oh Max I did a Jeff bit and all afterwards Jeff Bezos or Bezos or however you want to

Say it I don’t know how you say it but one well in pal W piglet two good old W piglet have to get a badger in yellow and blue and call it honey badger good idea mate hello you so responsible for it mascot Jeff see Chang it ass Ripper well

It mate ass Ripper there’re the three guys Jeff Bezos is the correct answer Peter ow just out Freddy mwell um rem’s ghost Dick Dastardly Jeff bezo Bezos everybody knew Daniel Wilson Caren ciron Steven law everybody knew it everybody knew it silly sausage bald man was originally called Kadabra absolutely

Mate that is true yeah I’ve seen that yeah it used to be called Kadabra yeah y I have seen that pal stro the DJ right can’t believe that honestly come on just make our ey would it just make our ey even if they’ get an equalizer it’d be lovely jubly wouldn’t it

Believable did he call it Amazon because because he’s a tit then I wonder where I don’t know where Amazon come from where did it come from does anybody actually know I know that he used to be called that though Kadabra I must admit unless it’s so blatantly obvious

And because I’m thick as pig [ __ ] I don’t know the jungle Amazon I asked for that really didn’t I come on give me a break guys I’m hungry all right here we go question 19 there’s 20 in are we going to do top five are we

Ready although born in the US where was Mel Gibson brought bright eyes burning like fire still no Wells Flags coming up Wells Flags what emojis Colin you mean is that what you mean pal Amazon warrior women in cut off their right boot to make them better archers Amazon w women in mythology cut

Off their right Boo to make them better archers I believe that mate 100% uncle bul called Amazon because it’s place that’s exotic nice nice one Mark nice burning Lake Fire Justin there you go black it’s in the wells flag all it’s coming up is like a black one Black

Flag anyone got a Wells flag up oh anyone get a Wells flag up Justin tried but it just says it’s just a black I wonder why that is that’s YouTube for you pal right top five we going first one in with the correct answer is ass Ripper Australia well done

Buddy that’s Ripper one Matt B2 well in pal bellw Washington us what’s that one for is that where Amazon is pal Lee is that where Amazon is mate one two oh the main headquarters or whatever is that oh oh what one one two three W piglet W piglet three Bremers go

Four and Steven low five well done guys all correct uh Australia obviously what correct answer frdy Mack you’re fifth mate dick dly sixth Liam B Kellen C Mal Mal van Daniel Wilson Lee Oxley Penny Lane and warehous is in Milton Kings is exotic I tell you

That no Wales flag that’s Wales on mine it don’t come up as a wal’s flag though does it on my screen it’s just a black flag I don’t know how it looks on on everybody else’s but their warehouse in miltton Kings is exotic I’ll tell you that see there you

Go oh the flag J inut up is not black on my screen wow it’s just a black it’s just a black flag on mine that just shows you everybody’s different don’t it red dragon I don’t get well can you not see Justin’s mate bellw W Wayfield West Yorkshire Amazon could it be

Worse it could be part of bellow evening Lads bit late fell asleep hey Phil pal don’t worry yourself mate don’t worry yourself buddy nice to see you in here though bud I’ll stroke Badger fire you oops I don’t want to knock him off bless him oh B

I probably have done now can fall off B view Speedway on on World of spot Jesus yeah remember that back in day World of Sport Dicky Davis top man what a legend sleepy Phil up the well see there you go but he’s still on it looks like a black

Flag on my screen mate Daniel Wilson’s done it oh dear me be that about just have to make a brew I’m going to go make me Chinese in a minute mate I’m joking I can manage wake you B we offs Wells flag on mine see I don’t understand why it’s

Black in chat Black Flag on your screen is Welles Wales flag proper see it comes up as a black flag on screen and off Livingston if I had a point for every time I was four when it’s third or sixth then when it’s fifth i’ be top of the European

Super League sorry mate sorry dick D that’s what comes up no no no no no no no Black Flag in chat but whales flag on Dave’s screen hey man long time S lus no worries pal no worries buy don’t worry yourself mate nice to see you in here little

Buddy it really is evening K looking forward to the game tomorrow on Max’s Channel leads to two nil 2 nil come on the mighty white right great channel was World of Sport brilliant mate look about you where you get that where did I get that Gwyn made it mate Gwyn made it

[ __ ] supposed to been for me much but I uh I was struggling to get it on me fat heed we are robots absolutely you are PAL we’re all Badgers are we hey up pal how you doing nice to see you in here mate I Liam B can’t wait for a game

Tomorrow make me one Wiggly Phil loves a bro don’t you Phil absolutely right shall we uh get on with we can’t be British my flag Dicky Davis what a legend CB out Dave sorry I’m sun came around unexpectedly quiz finished no wor is CB pal I appreciate it pal I

Appreciate you buddy don’t worry yourself mate honestly your family is Miles more important silly kickoff time tomorrow absolutely it is as always half 12 kickoff uh Badger a JY Dave he’s not a ji he’s a badger pal he’s just like my beard that’s what he is he’s a badger all badges that

We after all fishy pie absolutely right I can’t believe that they still un scored come on West Brom do us a favor for God’s sake 7:30 kickoff here there it’s even worse look fishy pip for Mark half seven kickoff what a nightmare right oh yeah what I’m going to say is

Question 20 it’s a bit of a trickier one so I’m going to do five points for it uh CB you probably com just the right time we’ve got three pitcher ones two actors and one Sportsman so if you got them anyway it won’t really make a grand scheme of difference whatever it saying

Is uh so I’m going to do five points on this one on question 20 We Ready five pointer guys which football team had the nickname the biscuit men they haven’t now they used to be called it used to be the nickname it’s changed now since I give you five points first

Person I’m only taking one correct answer for Five Points wow how’ you do that what there it do you know what genuinely it genuinely it genuinely looks like you right quizar genuinely does because the correct answer is reading how the hell how the hell did you get that

Seriously I thought that was going to stump a lot of people I really did well impal you’ve got five points to start with there see if you can get all three picture ones unbelievable that reading were the correct answer and if nobody would have got it within a

Certain amount of time cuz I honestly thought it would have might have dragged on a little bit I was going to say the new nickname obviously is the Royals which you probably would have got them but reading is the correct answer if I go down Lee Oxley got it right further

Down Dick Dastardly did CB did where’s the Wales where’s the Wales flag North Wales white and yellows Le up absolutely mate absolutely Jamar not quite pal not quite Daniel Wilson got it Penny Lane got it Karen curtain did uh might be got that if MK B got that he don’t know that

If Matt B got that he don’t know that how did reading go from biscuits to Royals well I know how they ended up with biscuit men the because the massive biscuit Factory right next to some lon’s or some like that that’s how they got the biscuit men nickname I know that I

Don’t know about the Royals though and like you say how they’ve gone from being a biscuit team to to that how long ago was they known as that probably a long time ago Matt must have had his own server to be that fast think he has I think M has got his own

Server that was slow answering as I was reading as I was reading thought he did there C you good them pal what you lying for Justin can anyone get a Well’s flag to appear on screen come on somebody not not having you know that Mark not having you know that he did

Slam a couple of badges on then though they crumbled good and Phil pal comedy answer history and Palmer apparently there you go history and Parmer was a biscuit name 1976 cheers for that Freddy pal next to a biscuit Factory absolutely brown envelope with an apple STS inquiry brown envelope of an

Apple Matt might be able to show a Welsh flag what’s that one I don’t know what that comes up there Colin on my screen it’s just a load of letters dark BR sometimes package in a Royal Titans that’s why biscuits there you go seeb started trust it come on West

Brom well flag I did oh you’re joking [ __ ] talk about ruining you [ __ ] n shocking cheers o power for letting is now at least Gwyn made me a badger mask shocking that absolutely oh just you can’t get it any worse I’m not eaten and they go and get I can’t speak

Honestly I want to do these uh picture ones now guys absolutely gutted here we go what should I put up first uh I do what they’re coming I’m going to put them in order what they’re coming guys okay so first have a look there we still go above them when

We win tomorrow absolutely there you go that’s not like to put a bit of positivity on it Southampton go they’ll come right down again where’s the wels one we still go above them when we win tomorrow bit of positivity CB that’s what we like I had a feeling Brooks would come on

Would score when he came on well we just got a win tomorrow aren’t we like I said before though we’ve just got to do what we’ve got to do and everything else will take care of itself ain’t it uh Penny Lane there you go Colin Penny

Lane’s put one on is that a a Wells flag for you pal don’t I don’t rely on other team teams we can sort it absolutely that’s what it’s all about fishy pie that’s all we can do mate that’s all we can do adverts sorry time for Sheamus to bed he

Says good night sweet dreams all night Sheamus pal night night mate sweet dreams sweet dreams there we go much love not Sheamus lad just did night Sheamus can you hold off two minutes with a pck question please Dave absolutely mate you put Sheamus to bed I’ll wait five minutes I’m sure we can

Uh people will understand me at end of the day Southampton Southampton still have us leester and it s away lovely J just concentrate on ourselves which is all we can do absolutely I agree totally Daniel mate that’s all we can do if we keep winning if we keep winning um like I said

Everything else will take care of itself ain’t it easy 4-0 tomorrow Top Banana well in pal good night Sheamus so we just on fire we’ll wait for uh we’ll wait for Bremner to come back good night Sheamus good old Leo live up West Brom at home haven’t been very good seems

They play better away yeah beat us didn’t Liam but what can you do n’s got the best run commentate there hardest away she’s got best run in yeah true sod’s L is it sod’s l better Legion no yeah forgot about Evin Mass so-called massive fan in

Southampton I bet he didn’t buy a ticket when he was setting stands show showed him on telly one time didn’t it set up in stands [ __ ] you know way he’s all that [ __ ] million he’s got [ __ ] multi-billionaire and I bet he didn’t even pay for his ticket [ __ ] TOS

Spot how do he say That West BR haven’t lost in the last five own games back Dave thank you for waiting no worries mate absolutely no problem at all right here we go three 10p point picture ones them toss pots are losing so let’s cheer our up with 10 juicy points we know what we like the old

Juicy points here we go I’m going to go I’m going to do them in order so first one up on my screen I are doing the old Russian bloke he’s not going to make an appearance tonight so here we go it’s an actor guys and it’s straight forward as

Well so first correct answer 10 points can’t say fair than that here we go who’s that with a badger beard you got a badger beard that’s why I bued him up there what have we got yeah I’m going to check that everybody’s coming with correct answer because the thing

Is it’s all about being fast in it and it’s all about whatever device you use or whatever and thingy this that and everything else but the correct answer on my screen is hang on what’s up to B West Brom I’ve only lost two times at

Home Mel we know we know that he knows it’s Mel Gibson and all by the way guys so War piglet well done pal 10 juicy points War piglet first in K 10 juicy points I’m GNA leave his face on it’s [ __ ] a lot better than mine um as Ripper might B Freddy Mack

Bremer’s ghost Lee Oxley Daniel Wilson Justin we are robots well Waring got it Ken K everybody knew it everybody knew it Penny Lane fishy pie Dave’s Dave’s brother conspiracy up the wells All Leads are we Absolut the wells calling mate Dave’s dad Mal you know that pal Mel Badger full name full name Now guys here we go let me just take that one off so w pigler got that one and ass Ripper was second I’m sorry pal ass Ripper I saw you a second mate but I can only apologize leam B we keep winning we definitely going to be second first

Place is a long way off I can’t see the three teams in he not a slip up come on leads absolutely Liam absolutely we can set three points off Lester anything can still happen I know they’re they’re probably not going to lose that many games but end of the day

We can’t give in we’ve got to keep fighting 14 Cup finals right to end right to death [ __ ] lead United Scrap out every single point we can get [ __ ] get into that Promised Land get in RH know no Wells Flags no well flags have been loads on

Colin absolutely loads on it’s all fun and gay cheers every last one of you cheers wpig look pal it makes it a lot better when you’ve won 10 juicy pints mate Newton I love them put Mel St almost put meland you got you got five for a comedy

Answer there pal no PRS look at that pass Ripper bless him see him M and give him a right foot to the testicles more right here we go the voice is going I’ve I told you I’ve not had uh I’ve not have me Chinese I don’t know if I mentioned it or

Not all right here we go let’s get another one on we’re going to do it in right we’re going to do it in hardit on so next one up is a sportsman and you’ll all know him you’ll all know him honestly so get ready get ready here we go who’s this for 10

Points who’s That right thing is I got people have spell it out correctly and then Mal put willco but we all know same as like we did with uh War piglet about Mel sorry Justin spelled it out perfectly well afterwards so I can only apologize Justin that’s why I’ve left picture on

So you can’t see me cuz I know that you want to beat me up but Mal Van Well Done pal I don’t know if you on my list I don’t think you are but you only need one more point and you’ll get into League one buddy I don’t think you’re on

Here anyway I can’t see you’re on on the further ones down there’s loads of people have got like one point two points but uh Mount van 10 10 points buddy so you need one more and you’ll be in League one one more point and you’ll be in League

One p the 10 juicy points I’m sorry I I didn’t scroll down to be honest we you because uh Justin look second spell it everything out correctly uh and you know what everybody got was first but I ain’t going to get it but I ain’t going to get

It you were first sorry pal I I I don’t get it mate chip shop no not been off raes no worries pal I’ve not got um like I say I’ve looked down all list like all people what’s do you might you might be on you might have

Made enough points here and there but there’s loads what I’ve got like ones and twos so I’d have to look back but even so mate you’ve just got 10 so you only need one more and you’ll be in there I’m leaving him on for a little

Bit I’m leaving him on no you’re not rated Phil not at all Paul you’re still fighting you they still fighting look at that what what a kind gentleman Give Them Justin what a legend Give Them Justin only if you’re sure mate and do you know what only if

You’re sure North Wales white and yours out you’re all good good old colins down shops El s it well well stick it stick it Justin you got out with a full name oh can winding him up well soon got away yeah nice [ __ ] he’s got on right

I’m going to turn take this Banner off Justin sorry pal we’re all good you might get this one you never know you never know pal you might get this next one sorry I get my super laptop absolutely Phil stick them 10 points up the bad’s ass names don’t count Justin sorry Justin sorry

Pal yeah right here we go can’t see you I can’t see you Dave there you go Phil you know that pal Badgers buy when they get a 10 pointos the 10 points are positive don’t want one of them pal absolutely right here we go last one justtin I’m sorry mate I

Apologize here we go it’s another actor guys for 10 juicy points who’s this fell in fact uh no I want his name I don’t want his character name that might be a clue but I don’t want his character name I want his real name okay his real name not his

Character I won you won’t get it if you put his character you’ll see what I mean in a minute here we go who’s that St B he want a badger ass Ripper i’ not put a badger up he has got some beard on him though it’s not a it’s not a badger beard

Though Callin F no a rer I can’t give you Robbie pal because it could be Robbie out Robbie Fowler Robbie whatever Robin Williams I can’t give you it mate I’m sorry and I know you’ve just been taking piss out of Justin but I can’t give you

That one either so Justin Justin will be able to get his own back on you because I’m gonna give the 10 points to Freddy Mack well in pal Freddy Mack Nails the 10 pointer 10 points Freddy Ma or should I say Mr and Mrs M have just nailed 10 points Robbie

Col train look at that all spell present and correct W piglet was second Dick Dastardly third Steven low Liam B Ken curtain Brenner’s ghost everybody knew just or Justin didn’t know uh da Dave at the end of the season living in Oakville hopefully pal um everybody knew it don’t watch that [ __ ] EAS

So didn’t you not know it who it was awarts they by the end of May oh well done Mrs M Mrs M well done Robbie col train 10 points Dave by the end of May absolutely disgusting all night disgusting how someone will but not Robbie because it’s different it’s

Different is It wil wil Johnny Wilkinson it’s different mate you know it is could have been Robbie B in the 30s so I’ll uh reveal me face and uh both robbed of 10 Pounds [ __ ] hell that’s even that’s well worse mate you don’t be the 10 pounds 10 PS fair enough

Because it’s just a bit of laugh but if somebody Nicks 10 pounds off you then You’ definitely got issues mate absolutely yeah no I get what you mean only one willco yeah absolutely mate but the picture were on screen and we knew it were Johnny Wilkinson so did everybody

Else so when he put Wilco everybody knows what Wilco is if if you’d have put Wilco in our Wilkinson were on the screen then yeah he would have got it so Johnny Wilkinson were on screen so he put willco so everybody knows so that’s a bit uh that other will is a Pon

Public it’s a Palin l p on in leads absolutely mate willos have gone bust they have aren’t they they have actually so as everybody else as well loads of them tell you what I’m absolutely starving me did I mention that t great quiz cheers Penny Lane I

Appreciate you mate I really do thanks for being in here uh thanks for everybody who’s joined us for quiz if you want to hang around and do this prediction thing it’s entirely up to you if you want to be entered in it as Ripper is going to be sorting that out

Though he’s going to be scaring nothing to do with me um I’m all on trying to keep this quiz together to be honest with so some else on top of that I think I just fought a bit so um crumble like one of them biscuit men so thanks for everybody who’s joined

Us but quiz I appreciate every single one of you I know you’re all busy like I’ve said before on a Friday um I can’t thank you all for for being in here I really can’t I use that and I’ve put putting me thumb up there behind badges

Freaking Mass like an idiot but um Chinese Badger but I appreciate every single one you I really do what you do now Body Shop is closed absolutely that’s a shocker absolute shocker body shot thanks Dave fun as always cheers Stephen pal look at that again cheers

Buddy like I say uh smash a like on your way out for Dave cheers W pigler if you can I’d really appreciate if you could smash a uh thumbs up on video I really would appreciate that and um when I delivered to man Johnson’s house we spoke about will Co

And he said willco so there there you go summed it up in one comment Mal cheers mate coming that up pal thanks Dave great last tonight cheers Li B cheers mate thanks Dave enjoyed it cheers Ken thanks for joining us I appreciate you mate I really do All Leads out we

Absolutely Colin so if you want to H around and do this uh prediction thing I’m going to hopefully it’ll all get explained properly cheers Dave much obliged much obliged Freddy Mack uh get 10 points take me two places take me two places much that reminded me of some of that much obliged

That were off um Rango much obliged [ __ ] short it is cheers Mr and Mrs M anyway thanks for joining us I predict to Riot absolutely Daniel that is going to happen just after quiz as soon as I get added onto the stream mate I’m going to get me head kicked in so Cheers

Davot Cheers Daniel pal I appreciate you buddy don’t know him can I can I be entry into it ass Ripper absolutely if you want to join it you know it’s like it’s like aser said it’s just like super SI so what I’m going to do is I’m going

To put link on anyway and hopefully if this game’s finished it looks like it’s already done and dusted anyway the skin Oh I tell you what it is Remnant I don’t do you know what pal I honestly don’t care even if it’s freezing I’m just gonna [ __ ] grab it and just

Shovel out of me go love and peace absolutely Colin so like I say if you want be in it I’m going to hopefully about 10:30 is for WEA is hanging about 10:30ish oh 10:30ish there you go as rer 10:30ish for whoever is hanging about there you go he’s cleared it all up for

Us hope you get shits with it that’s bang out of order that Paul absolutely bang out of order no need for that I’m going to get off Dave and all the best for tomorrow I’m going frees peace out absolutely cheers Wiggly I appreciate you buddy uh I I’ve stop sweating now take

Care Dave cheers Mal cheers pal 10 juicy points what you nicked off Justus in mate hope you get shits through that there that is shocking mate honestly absolutely shocking I thought me and you were friends I really did I thought we were uh I thought we were friends mate

Robbed so yeah our Ripper he’s uh he’s in charge of the prediction carry on and I’m sure he’ll do an absolute belting job what about um oh I can’t believe honestly can’t believe it anyway uh it’s CL nearly 2 hours in I’m going to put stream up guys if

Anybody wants to join or if it’s too early just let me know I know Justin I don’t know if Justin wants to join us or not I’m pretty sure he wants to beat me skull in to be honest we but this hasn’t got the points to the game

Start predictions thing a stripper a stripper he’s he’s going to start it buddy don’t really mate he’s on top of it absolutely they’re on top of it so Saints what’s that sa stats will be gloating again oh he has tone down recently copy copied link past Bish bash

BOS there we go I’ll put it on I put it on screen so if you want to join us and you want to freaking have a good at me then uh you’re more than welcome to been a pleasure of being here take care Dave and everyone love you all

Cheers Wiggly pal cheers mate absolute Legend I can um oh not swear now mate now you’ve gone canel can sag J full have to empty that out now that’s because you were around pal absolutely 100% so when we look at press conference today what about all [ __ ] that was a disappointment when

It all Sam Byron’s out bamford’s out for 10 to 12 days what about Pascal Stout will he uh will he get his place back I personally don’t think he he should but he probably got injured just at wrong time so Che fishy pie I appreciate that pal I

Can’t wait to get this down me Gregory PE I’ll be honest with you mate I really can’t do you just GNA make a bre back soon cheers Phil you got yourself a Brew Pal need to get some exited with them Pike mate Che Wiggly hopefully leads will win hopefully mate fingers crossed

Hopefully so what we’re going to talk about anything you like ask me a question whatever you want whatever you want to talk about guys what about nonto or Dan James what does everybody think about that who would you play Willie nonto has he done enough to keep his plays or

Would you throw Dan James back in anyone had trouble with sky with game on Tuesday Le it was absolutely shocking pal absolutely shocking mate the pictures the picture were awful and then they told you to go on to sky Arena afterwards like I think they were about

What were it five minutes left or some it could still make it out though it could still make game out but the pictures were absolutely unbelievable and it took him all night to put sorry about the poor picture quality didn’t it but poor picture quality what they

Should have put is sorry about the [ __ ] unwatchable picture quality that’s what they should have put give DJ and Big Willie 45 minutes each what Willie nonto first first half and Dan James second half what you say what you reck Bremner is that what you re to

That so and TI them out get old Dan James on in second half tired limbs last person you want last person you want running at here is Dan James isn’t it which speed he’s unbelievable I’ve got will he plays plays no reason not to play four goals

In three games I have to admit I said that in um I think I’ve said that in the past video Liam I think I have anyway I’m not sure I can’t remember if I have or not but uh oh I might have put it in a comment actually I agree I think he’s

Done enough to keep his place to be honest with you but but Dan James is on fire though as well and I’m sure as soon as he gets back into it do box save shed fall absolutely mate that works for me mate that works for me mate

Will it first half throw down James on in second half perfect though hopefully hopefully we can rest some legs again hopefully we’ll be that far in front really matters so we’ll see see how it goes oh Willie plays keeps his plays he should do though shouldn’t he let’s be honest with

You he should do oh I didn’t you just I know you’re going to go mad with me I’ll do Dave all right mate all right mate how you yeah not too bad Paul hey you do get that Wilkinson one everybody knew every you knew it was Johnny Wilkinson though

Didn’t you that’s why I said Johnny Wilkinson and not Wilco yeah exactly but I’m on about but even though he put even though he put Wilco only wi I know yeah but it coincides with p screen I’m not but it coincides with P what on the screen

Having it name Johnny Wilkinson if Wilco come up and there were a picture of Mr Ben or somewh on the screen then count it wouldn’t count you know what I mean not not having it well how come uh stripping didn’t get Robb then well that’s true because everybody

Knew Robie no I tell you what nobody Robie no no but the difference there Justin is willco is like in it it’s his surname in it Rob is his first name so he call Everybody by his first name you but call train what his second name so because he said

Robbie his surname could have be you know it’s totally different is it I think s well you want mind anyway because he having a go at you about you losing your 10 points I’m not bothered I can quite easily solve it though mate I’ll just give you 10 points

Anyway no you’re all right because uh I could have just put I just SP my phone all right oh did you yeah for now I can’t spell Johnny Wilkinson that [Laughter] quick here we go what what your thoughts on Joe Perell I thought he play play

Well over there yeah I did yeah he played really well he just needs to chase that ball down a bit more the well the yeah I think he needs to put a bit more work in yeah that’s uh that’s always been my problem with Joel pero

Yes saying he he don’t do a good job when he’s on there he does because he links up play well and he does let runs off ball and stuff like but for me you still don’t do enough work like shifting enough for me yeah whereas don’t he

Don’t chase ball down like P does no he don’t I must admit he don’t he don’t put nowhere near as much [ __ ] effort in running about if you didn’t notice that’s why nonto and some of them were more [ __ ] at end at game because them two were doing same that left and right

Where where pero was supposed to be still chasing yeah absolutely mate I agree I agree 100% because uh but he don’t he don’t it’s like he just trots about to be honest with you though yeah you don’t even unless oh yeah exactly M I agree 100%

That’s what I want K see him scoring yeah I want actually to go face would light up absolutely be nice you know what I think if we get a penalty and we’ve gone up and there’s a couple of games left I think AR it yeah let him take it

Yeah you just seen fre Badger Master cheer him up fre Bader mask he’s got one he’s already got one he just he ain’t got no gray in it you need to die some gr that uh oh uh oh problem number two shocking stripper GT I a get

It get it how can you put Wilco and then you put Robbie and still not get it did I unbelievable Jeff rules for one not you robbed you know forp it’s either you been robbed because you put Robbie yeah did I got robbed was there full name thing is it’s

Like I’ve just explained though you’ve got to agree with you said his first name go back a more I lost few more as well she says oh no that I put an I missed a know I put D ding Street I [ __ ] missed to know that and he Tes that off me get

Out lost let me just read let me just read this comment GNA change subject bad news about injuries would you Joseph are going in the front of attack because he’s quite quick not having it Joseph I do like Joseph I don’t think he gets in before pero

Though especially with with the with the Run we’ve got we need experience I know always I know he looks good in that in 21s they won 3-2 today they beat b 3-2 the 21s so that’s them back on track as well yeah well uh yeah that can’t Joseph

Needs half an hour here in there I won’t play him full night not yet I like I like look of him though when he when he does when he has obvious everybody else has [ __ ] though out there when he comes on so it were like when we used to

Bring G out on and he used to look like he were best thing since slice bread and look what’s happened to him yeah I think slowly beding Joseph in in he yeah well he liked him didn’t he preseason and if he didn’t get that injury it’d have been in front of banford

Me I tell you what G out what I’m lucky with that FA Cup bny yeah yeah post we could have won it in full time first 90 minutes could we but do we play uh Chelsea midweek in that cup yeah I think we do Wednesday Wednesday mate my birthday next

Wednesday your birthday my birthday pal 28 points 28 for give yourself 10 points pal absolutely in fact what I’ll do is I’ll take five that be the 10 mate that have my 10 have another 10 you want Justin’s got a spare 10 as well i’ got spare 10 yeah i’ got

Spare te 20 don’t matter fck it I hope that c run straight through you Chinese mate you having a chonga tonight Dave yeah I am should have been I should have been shocking honestly disgusting it was AB unbelievable unbelievable that unbelievable je say now Talent of kush show got

Fings still got no fingernails from that car drive home last week me really were it that bad you just dis you just disappeared mate absolutely nuts mate and then you never turned up again under brid and then didn’t get home until God knows what time did get

Lost I don’t know what what you did mate it my brother’s uh friend that picked us up like no oh so you knew all I thought it would I didn’t I didn’t know it were but like I say it were nuts she couldn’t drive she nearly crossed twice and they like

What the f hell’s Happening Here let me get this seat belt on it’s worse when you’re sober as well is it oh you look sober like J you didn’t you didn’t look like you’d had a beer to me chuffing eight pound a pound and chuffing didn’t need any cost me a

Chuffing f Che in that place it’s crazy that isn’t it that’s London at that jamm’s worked it out 52 pal you know it next week Dave Mond Monday is Le is it I’ll tell you what I’ll do pal I’ll give you 10 points no no give him Justin

He lost just I’ve just took him off Jus to give you 10 ass no I don’t want give to man J yeah give tomorrow hey what I would to know is the chuffing did Mark now reading with C biscuits he’s good he’s good I must admit I thought wow how the

Hell’s he I thought that would have gone on for a while that reading W me to be honest with you I really did but having said that LE Oxley got it not long after but Le Oxley just Le Oxley followed what might be said I think that’s what I know

I saw a few of them tonight yeah I was just GNA say Justin I saw a few of them tonight dick dedly put it I’ve copied him yeah I’ve copied someone on that whatever yeah everybody kept putting Shelby that was for that no it was sh it should had

An H in it yeah should have had an H Shelby not [ __ ] Selby never watched it and everybody were putting Selby in well I’ve started giving everybody a so I’ve got to carry on and then I tried to be I to all right then didn’t you yeah

Yeah yeah what’s fishy pie saying here sorry guys got kidnapped by Gary Glitter last Friday yeah fishy pie were in you were in so what’s uh what’s kaking then ask Ripper with this are you going to explain with to these whoever’s left who wants to do it want yeah whoever’s in

The chat we can do like a super six just for leads for the run in you know like super six works yeah yeah I know what you were on about yeah yeah five points for correct score two points just for like wrong score but correct result so if you put

Two nil and it was one nil you get you get two points obviously you get the team that wins yeah yeah so and it’s whoever wants to whoever’s in the chat now wants to do it hold on hold on hold on wait wait wait because there’ll be a lot of the

Same scores to get a bonus Point first goal minute minute for your first goal minute goal score 12 minutes minute 12 so what are you doing then Dave 41 4-1 [ __ ] Mighty wh 12 minutes P 41 again 4-1 41 lead one um 12 minutes 12 minutes pal I’m going for I re will

Bre I re we get early goal Justin what you having lad so anyway I said two n me two n leads I said two nil lead lad one minute mate I’m gonna say six minute we get first goal six minutes six minutes on justtin six minutes pal all right here we go then

I’m gonna Go’s got but they have to put minutes don’t they so I’ll tell you what guys put score in as well and Girls hang on then where we at here fish hold on fishy Pie’s got s uh 17th minute two lead two nil lead 17th minute okay P that okay who’s next minut uh Liam Liam B two- nil lead eighth minute all agreed on the nearly goal though okay that’s the extra point that

Is the eighth minute all them are extra points BR ghost wants to know what what we’re predicting I’m confused the all this Jammy jamy got 31 Here We Go There You Go 31 15 minutes oh he’s even put goal score on do you get another point for

The goal score we’re not doing that what’s what was jammies what was 31 lead 15 minutes 15 he keep shooting up I’m missing him oh it’s gone again hang on I’ll tell you this one I’ll tell you one more yeah Top Banana 4 nil top 32 minutes 4 nil 32

Minutes Jess you need to put your time at score for score and you got salie to nil 11th minute I’m missing loads as well so we’ll have to go back over them again who’s that who’s having a sing you having a sing song Mark did you tell you that Justin

Oh sorry mate rugby just no no sound like singing yeah yes it’s an advert mate all right okay what else we got check in the weather for tomorrow check we for tomorrow the man from that’s Jam yeah probably is he changes his name he’s got about 15 names has he have you

Got mat I’m expecting who else we got who’s missing col well J justess put two nil but she didn’t put a time no two nil Colin Nichols what’s he put he’s only just he’s put 2-1 but he’s not lead two lead go said it’s going to be

Foggy interesting 41 leads but you need to put a Time br’s ghost first goal scorer what time Lee Oxley 3-0 15 minutes yeah keep if keep putting them up if we’ve not if we’ve not called them out guys on what you just just put keep putting them up until we until we sh

Need score Le but yeah there’s a couple saying some of vist so if we if we hav read you out just put it put it up again Colin Colin Nichols Yeah Colin put two1 BR 15 minutes 15 minutes grev to score PR yeah who’s that mate two’s

Ghost 30 mins yeah that’s Phil willing two- nil 30 mins I think that’s about it just need you just need Collin’s minutes and you need Jess’s minutes Jess put her minutes on either would you put two and0 leads Jess two nil but she Haven put no minutes yet okay Jess need you need

Minute Jess did you put dick D down no not seeing him yet mate it’s on the screen though 111 yeah 49 49 minutes one1 yeah if it’s 22 you only get two points obviously but Desmond yeah or if it’s a draw nil nil two points but one one gets him five

Points uh scrolling down here I think that did you get colen Nichols has he done his chest needs to put time need Colin’s minutes and Jess’s minutes how come on once you’ve done the super Badger six Super badg the scores Colin get your get your score and your timing mate in

Mate put more pressure on ass Ripper the more the better yeah you SM it’s brilliant oh God NE have I told you I have not had nothing to eat yet all right Colin did I mention that you had not to eat yet yeah Colin says 15 minutes georgo what

Score Colin already said it on the up top two 2 15 minutes 21 15 minutes okay you should have some you should have some Chinese absolutely pul I think you’re right might go even if I grab a bit of cold 39 30 no 39 pero brace I ain’t done mine

Yet I don’t forget yours Paul have you done yours da yeah I’ve done mine mate 41 Anna 41 12 minutes so 3 n when when when when do we get paid then out out of your bank as Ripper I thought you doing that

Bit it is it is 126k in it what do you get you said you were doing the Dos or something DK I got 6K for uh you know what this must be he always what’s that 2 hours 21 minutes that is the long finest is mate the longest time

Ever what far that you’ve not shown the darts on a live stream true I still haven’t need Jess’s minutes and then we’re all in I think did oh you got Collins a you 15 we got I’m sure she’ll Bob back in peace are they playing in raincoats tomorrow it’s not raining

Tomorrow is it not what anyway we getting doing this oh wait Mark has done his yet m b yeah got you got Mark yeah yeah you got Mark oh what did he say he’s got 3 14 minut a show it down until top bananas here no will get top trumps if top

Bananas here gets live B in the cas absolutely the Top Banana were in a minute ago Top Banana I’m gonna get me doubts out pal if you want if you want to get your doubts out mate read all you show me mine yeah I hav it all about played all sorts of stop

Banana played all top players in that at D unbelievable honestly get the Bristo out D Bast DK bastos get your B out yeah it’s like it’s like Robbie you don’t get out for Robbie either this stripper ni it good that top trumps was it back in day can you believe that do

You believe that no shock him shocking that I actually give you some that’s the funny thing in though I’ve actually included them Johnny Johnny Wilkinson no let’s put wico who’s Will thing is though no but thing is my argument does stand up because surname surname Wilkinson Wilco first name if he’d have

Put if you’d mind you having said that now if you’d have put Johnny still would have got it really yeah yeah exactly there you go I don’t know B do you know Johnny kicker his name is Johnny the kicker Johnny kicker I need to be more stricter with quiz I

Think I think I need to like just start being proper strict and thing is you can’t do spelling well you can do spelling but when silly puts you might as well just gain point but then that makes it impossible because what about what about whenever we put Selby that’s not that’s

Not proper that’s not right well mean get Point yeah but then everybody’s going to say like you can’t you can’t do everything point point per every time can youbody thing is somebody spells it right they’ll copy it right if you say copy it right is that what you do

That’s best way to do it is it I don’t know how to spell some stuff Johnny you Johnny play the rby I know seeby the that was another dodgy question was it yeah when you said want to DOD a question I should have said Rugby Union what answer not rugby I shouldn’t have

Been like so easy in it’s fine mate it’s fine it all right what I was saying was if you said that to the rugby players that play professionally the Rugby Union Lads would be laughing their heads off because they get paid 20 times more than what the rugby league players play it’s

Nuts I can’t believe how the salary gap between the two two different codes for what it is I know you Rugby Union it’s massive compared to rugby league like yeah yeah definitely but up here rugby league’s bigger than Rugby Union I played rugby union at school and that’s all we played we

Didn’t play No football it was just Rugby Union I finished school I played football and I played rugby league didn’t play rugby union it’s all right it’s all right Justin you’d be fine [Laughter] mate out to Le Market but I W get one for the never Phil not a chance pal I’m not

Having that grids baring yeah like like BJ said I used to go to all uh barding schools and that and playing all them at school went down Wales to play in the semi-final They Crucified Ching hell yeah they they crucified us we were good were a really

Good side and we went down there and they they absolutely crucified us they’ve been playing into a sixy old and we obviously we only went did it at high school is rugby rugby Union’s harder than league in it uh you try and say that to a rby league

Player oh yeah I get that but you know what I mean it’s what I’m on about it swings around about do you not think unions I’m on about players you got to be F you got to be fitted to play rugby league then you have to play rugby union

Right it’s more territory kicking in it with rugby Rugby Union rugby league’s six tackles you’re defending six tackles and it’s brutal tackling yeah they just rby Union they just lay on Florida just pass ball back don’t they you might you might have one or two good good HS it’s every it and Super

League tackling it’s a it’s a hit and you get know it so that’s what they’re trying to drop it now with tackling like above shoulders you get SIM bind and this and other the spoiling the spoiling the game but the what’s happening with Rob bers

Yeah it’s a tough game both both both of them are ain’t they yeah so they trying to keep the tackling like down and the bigots lower down and mess of it like but like I said when you’re teaching them a young age group anyway you tackle

Legs you don’t go above don’t go above way out if you’ve got the legs somebody else covers ball so but I must admit any what union I watched all um six nations and that and but I could I could I couldn’t sit and watch Baff and wasps and all that

I’ll be honest with I can watch Six Nations I could watch England and Wales like I said with Baff and Sison and all that yeah I couldn’t watch that now don’t bother me but I can watch Super League all day yeah the difference is yeah I could watch I could sit and watch

Super all time but I couldn’t sit through like I say I couldn’t sit through the in freame whatever it is still last time I heard anyway that’s that’s how much I pay attention to it yeah I’m not it don’t bother me all you don’t realize they get paid a lot more

Money than what the rugby league players do and it’s it’s NS do they yeah I thought way down I thought League got more than Union no no no no this is what I’m trying to say to you there if you said that to a rugby union player that

The it’s with that answer that they gave they left their heads off cuz they get paid a lot lot like about four times as much maybe maybe more yeah what league the union players get paid more than the league yeah it it’s well like I say in around

Obviously the world Rugby Union is a biggest spot yeah some teams are going down a’t they yeah folding s coming on P what women s oh there you go buny shap B it won’t catch on Peanut you know football Lo of fair yeah I must admit they’re not they’re not made it same

Out at the same um how can you put what’s right way of wording it you know what really GES you know like they’re getting tack tackled in the in the in the football and that you hear him screaming and rolling about for 10 minutes yeah then they keep rolling if

You hurt you just go down and hold whatever’s hurting don’t you and you know what theyve brought out in rugby league now I’ve seen it today if you fake an injury you get a green card and you go off for two minutes play come back on good but trying to slow play

Down what’s that yeah got given today one one of that one Sol for plays went down pretending they were injured just to try because right know were’re on top yeah and obviously they’ve looked at uh video evidence to see if he got injured to sim Rhino’s player and he’ gone down without

Out happening pretending he’d been hurt so he got a green card get us enough for two minutes for trying to SL game yeah that’s in football yeah can can you remember that story with that blood capsule that time with that rugby player oh when he

Had it in his mouth yeah he had it in his mouth didn’t he and then he popped it field like made it look like yeah alter R keep clock down W it yeah yeah a long time ago that one it yeah it what a while ago yeah it just shows you though

You won’t think they good to that length would you you know to mind you like them two [ __ ] cricketers that time who were them who were crying on remember them the AUST cricketers oh they’re not a tampering with ball yeah sandp paper was it yeah rules of League rather than

Bringing yeah that’s right as well bloody V should get a blowing the game down B’s out for 10 to 12 days and he BS out for two games in it so yeah s junior junior is doing a fantastic job at left back now a he he

Is yeah he is brilliant I’m just a bits for him me he’s load of [ __ ] at end of the day thing is this is how fickle football fans are everybody wanted him out at Club he’s played five good games and now he’s got a brand new song I know it’s NS is it

Know I was one of them who said he he [ __ ] I mean he yeah he’s still he’s still not a Defender is he no he’s an attacking getting so much out of him now yeah we’re getting so much out of him now the way fa’s using him and he’s got

The cover now behind him where before just about to say you got either gr or Kamar sitting in that left back roll yeah exactly to let him go which it works then don’t it yeah yeah yeah I was I was one of the ones said he was

[ __ ] one good game all his contract and black yeah I [ __ ] I said many a time he should book his ideas up like CU [ __ ] and but play play to him he put his head down and got on with it and just shows you he fcking I think he’s a

Strong character at the end of the day has he has he ever been injured what it all mentally with what Le was saying to him yeah possible is it it’s possible tell what you about fck skin the end of the day bamford’s pi SK and

All you know [ __ ] what he’s had to put up with oh yeah you know he’s probably one of most talked about player out of everybody at Club yeah whether he’s whether that’s good bad or [ __ ] whatever well South Gate were there on it other day whe whether he were there

To watch banford or not with another question but he were looking at he were looking at banford in league in Championship last time he got his first appearance on with looking at who were he coming to look at I ain’t got a clue he might have been just he only

Lives can only be Archie gray surely only be Arie gray for me yeah but it can’t be anybody P didn’t even play really because obviously he got injured in warm up yeah unless who did we play um uhy yeah is it there’s no one on that side is there no no no no

Man been AR great for me yeah yeah just to have a little tickle him yeah him and Jude in middle of Park yourself gate I’ll be glad when he’s G substition mate you’re right think you be GL you’ll be GL what sorry I’d be glad when South Gate’s gone

Oh can’t see I was talking to a couple of lads on uh WhatsApp chat but I mean and uh obviously they were all saying he shy his football’s rubbish this out over but you look at his last two tournaments you’ve come should have won him we should have

Won both you got semis and then obviously got beat in final should have won him and he’s and he’s saying his [ __ ] [ __ ] his football might be [ __ ] but you get into final and semi-finals of competitions yes but mate you you think if you any Norm say if we had Bobby

Robson he would have won that with that team SM than he lost I don’t know I don’t know how to I think that’s that’s Che mate a compliment backed one right dick is Dick dusted is goinging is it going oh dick is going night dick D night pal thanks for joining us

Mate I should catch up actually I’m sorry if I’ve missed loads of comments out but how you doing selfie you’re all right all right buddy yeah you all good very good all good in the hood all good in the hood how you Dad well H is he

Back home yet no no no week four fourth week in M Jesus yeah is it getting any better or um similar similar um it is not taking his meds now up minute and uh he’s not being eating so he uh giving up yeah a little bit I don’t know it’s a

Bit crap at it it’s moved it’s now got flu so it’s gone up back of I’ve been covid to having pneumonia to double blood clots to uh blood in his stomach to now having flu um so yeah no fingers crossed for you mate yeah well as to say it were

Picking up last week but he uh git Downer today it was all right other day but yeah it’s a bit crap really but I’m I’m battling on and so he so that’s how we’ve got to do it so yeah it’s just it’s just a bit [ __ ]

Minute so I I don’t want to put a down on stream anyway sorry guys got was going to ask me was going to ask yeah no no I appreciate Justus yeah yeah did somebody say something about not eating AR you eating again I’m not eating I’m just wasting

Away you missed them two 10 pointers me and stripper got robbed no well thing is I actually I actually were going to reply but I thought well there’s no point of me doing it when you two are twice as quick as me anyway I mean I saw I saw Johnny

Wilkinson I thought well I was going to put a let a double you you’d have got it if you’d have put a double you I know that’s what me I give you 100% yeah yeah s chenko be a better manag see this say Rec side out I

Wouldn’t i’ fing put team out me I don’t know it’s just me greedy or what but I I want a cup run and promotion get anyway this is what would you take the cup over going up now no no out at go we’re going up anyway Justin but

This is this is the thing if you had to concentrate on one obviously going all day long really going up all day long yeah when’s the next game just to just say it this way we give up the league and we were definitely going to win the

Cup we were bringing a cup home would you rather have the league than the cup the thing is I I don’t want to lose our players that we’ve got and if we could be staying down for another two year can you imagine winning cup and then then next season we’ve lost half of

Players yeah what happens what happens if you win the cup what happens if you win the cup you going to Europe Europe yes so they want European football so would you stay do European football and get leads up the next season and have a FA Cup in your cabinet I think they’d be

Gone mate I would even if You’ got European football yeah yeah yeah because they are they are in the it’s full of games at the end of the day handful of games yeah but you you give you’ll set a some now you’re playing European football next year in the championship

In the championship yeah it that’s what made I don’t Liverpool already sniffing aren’t they a few I think even Archie might go if that yeah we need to we need to stay up but I’d love a cup a Cup’s a bonus we’re going up anyway this is our I see it

Anyway before we play Southampton I think we’re already there well I think I think we should win FA Cup and then have a trip to Wembley and win freaking playoff fin at Wembley yeah playoff man do it no I mean no I don’t mean I don’t

Mean we don’t know scenario man about we know definitely what happens that’s what I mean oh right yeah do you know do you get what I mean we we cing in playoffs if we do playoffs though just concent on C we still won’t finish out the top so we still be in

Playoffs playoffs no matter what what if if if first second or playoffs third we’re going up that’s what what would West Brom SC anyway I missed it feel it two on it you don’t want to know mate oh not even seen it I’ve not even seen result

Them out to cheer everybody up later yeah just imagine winning the cup though [ __ ] brilliant it would be nice wouldn’t it got FA Cup Final going down to play Man City brilliant it was just brilliant was it he SW that minute imagine that though could you imagine though just winning could you imagine

Winning when are you ever going to win another cup again I know we won Championship the class as a trophy but when are you ever going to win a cup again against scum final it’s one of them in it I just I just hope we don’t lose our players that’s

All I don’t I don’t think we would I think yeah you don’t you’ll think they I don’t think you might lose one or two but I don’t think you’d lose yeah that’s the one or two is g to be the one two Somerville and r r do you think I don’t think nobody

Comes Happy Days dreaming out know I reckon you know what I reck we should do against Chelsea I reckon we should go to Stanford bridge and they should throw a [ __ ] rugby ball on instead of a football just to even it out a bit let’s see how good they with a [ __ ] rugby

Ball he no good with a round [ __ ] ball at minute [Laughter] they sorry Chelsea fans if you’re uh you know watching this yeah is probably not much [Laughter] respect you know that’s spell in it 31 imagine that you never know you never know I put a t on

That just to bring a down on everything else nose on there and they’re all ranting and raving about what’s happening at man united now G Five Seasons they’re going to be back up there aren they do you think I seen something like I hope not no yeah because otherwise look at

Newcastle the richest Club in world and look what’s happening with them yeah true [ __ ] all yeah I’m sorry they’ve had they’ve had a season already started and doing booger all but they’re they’re going to lose uh what’s his name now to manest United out there him that’s up in

Upstairs yeah now he knows everything that’s going on at Newcastle he’ll just take straight yeah not coaching stuff now is uh what’s it called Ash not Ash recruitment knows everything straight over to man united now with money they’ve got for that rck cliff and say this is that’s it Dan ashw Dan

Yeah so he’s he’s got everything in his head for what’s happening at Newcastle next five year he’ll take it over to man united plus they’re building a new [ __ ] wemble North Stadium it’s going to be fantastic off it’s [ __ ] falling down set a c i mean I suppose we we got the

Tottenham guy didn’t we so we’re doing all right we got gr we call him Greta don’t we well behind behind scenes you know I think they’ve done a celling job totally the first the first month and a half we were [ __ ] absolute shite this season and look what we’re

Looking at all of a sudden it’s not surprising though was it because like be wor it you’ve only got to look were we 13 points behind ipswitch or we’re in second yeah yeah miles away miles away but thing is what I’m what I’m liking a minute is the unit of the

Players it is a unit they’re coming together we we saw it early on with Somerville and gour and now bit by bit they’re all linking up and and pad’s enjoying playing again and I know he’s out a little bit a minute but they’re they’re all looking a

Connection and I like I’m liking seeing them celebrating together they look like they want to play football that’s what it’s good into it I just want R to score more goals I think he’s gonna get there I just got a feel once it clicks it clicks

It’s like any of them it it’s only a kid isn’t it still he only what is it 21 still he still young well is it has he got now he got 12 assists for season and scored four goals still good in it assist yeah but he needs to be

Scoring a lot more goals than where especially with where where he get he missed two sitters didn’t he on uh Tuesday night P’s got 11 yeah it’s good I mean I mean I mean p Piro did a sterling job other day because at end of

The day he were in at last minute and banged him on obviously Paddy got injured whatever he did I don’t know if he it slipped over a blade of grass or something but um then all of a sudden it in and you imagine being a player and it’s like

Right you’re on [ __ ] it and it’s like oh I’m not even ready and it SC Not warmed up not warmed up nothing nothing but as I say he played great didn’t it and and I know he Ain the fastest to players his movement sometimes compared to pad the best

But is is there for a reason and he was playing against his old Club different players ain’t they it’s totally different tactics it but playing against his old club and to score against your old Club must be a bit of a a weird thing anyway he didn’t celebrate did he

He didn’t celebrate he was getting boed as well W he some sort of guitar in here some yeah going steady we’re going steady he steady W he but I I do I do like him I think I think there’s something about him and I do feel a

Little bit sorry for him because Paddy came not not it’s not Paddy’s fault but it came back at the right time for us but yeah it’s like he’s being superseded a little bit by um yeah had coming back but that’s a bonus anyway I’m not bothered yeah got keep playing him if

He’s banging in the goals I just now goes on a five goal five game scoring record keeps Pat out at team because that keeps us winning P comes back and he do same again the only trouble I see because Patty got was getting goals because of service and most of the

Service was Dan James yeah now with Dan it was though was it and he sort of missed he missed Dan J being in there yeah because he would get balls in because because I like to Somerville and nonto are too greedy on the ball yeah

But they do get goals but they do get goals yeah that’s why the both the both up there with goals but with Dan James he’s I watched theing he were talking to somebody I can’t remember who it was on the YouTube on the YouTube thing and he was saying he

Says I need to get more goals I know I’m getting me assist but I need to start shooting like sumerville and nonto do yeah yeah so I mean we we with Dan now maybe coming back it’s going to be hard because obviously him and Willie sort of

Contesting the place but it’s an option isn’t it this is what you want yeah that’s the best thing about it I mean for me it’s like oh great and Will’s coming back a little bit Dan’s obviously done it I just hope Dan’s getting back to match Fitness which he will be yeah

And then and then you’ve got Pirro and banford so you got two again you know and Ido and gray so you’re fighting and and Kamar you you fighting around Midfield and now we’ve obviously got uh Connor at right back and then Archie again so it’s like and then Pascal back

Bulgarian brute sure no no can’t all good no but you know what I mean but we’ve got position there’s two up everywhere yeah apart from furo that’s right and you got B but B’s injured at the moment yeah that’s what I mean so at minute in time but there’s twos

Everywhere is there that’s why you could even class Conor Roberts as a left back as well could you he can swap over yeah yeah yeah he can go right across actually I just hope he’s up to expectations to come into a team already are a unit to uh well he’s not into no

That’s what I mean yeah yeah I reckon it’ll be a couple of games yet I think I’ll start Chelsea game me yeah yeah that’s what I was thinking game what is that a week on Tuesday is it a week on Wednesday something Wednesday week or wed they will know it’s his

Birthday to see want to see it’s 28th February then is it 28th of February your birthdayday earlier 28 28 28 yeah yeah you you’re looking well for 42 anyway miss that he kick him off absolute [ __ ] shanka he did he [ __ ] kicked me off yeah he is [ __ ]

Hble to me as well that yeah I called him 42 and if it kicked me off I could have said you 62 you absolutely see next Tuesday I heard you wrong actually yeah I know you did I thought you did say older no I said 42 ABS do you a favor with squirrel

Beard squirrel beard might well put [ __ ] Badger back down there m wants link da put put M want Link in now mate it’s an early start for is it start yeah um he been cheating as well s if you didn’t [Laughter] see and Dav been emailing each your

Answers one said it didn’t I though in quiz I said that I it looks like he actually does when he got in what what question sorry because I didn’t I didn’t get quiz because I at hospital with my dad so give question see if I get it

Sorry question yeah I didn’t get it so get we get it go on there you go oh R know that you didn’t know that you’re full of [ __ ] [ __ ] even [ __ ] [Laughter] evenk and then and then ask I put Quinn yeah I got really lucky with that reading answer you sound like you’re

Drowned in you mark reading I love how you called it Mark I love how we called it reading and we pronounced it reading I did that for your benefit oh I apologize I’ll disappear to a cave disappearing from yeah we ofly inform How We Do how are you doing M

Yeah yeah I’m good D tired I’m Friday how are you guys yeah good mate good all good Mark yeah I’m nice and safe after being seat belted in my car I did I did the quiz in my car Justin you did quiz in your car last week this week no tonight oh tonight

What a gy it’s taking the Royal piss out of you now is it points M do you typ with your nose to get the get the answers how how are you doing that quick while you’re driving that’s okay I wasn’t driving I was parked all right there you go uh oh hey

Colin how the Chinese D what’s up how the Chinese well I’ve only had a little bit of it I’ve just had a piece of prawn toast and um a bit of chicken I think it’s chicken what they put in it a bit of rat yeah squirrel or biscuit if you’re eating pad you’re

[ __ ] up oh it juicy bit of me with that tin bit all all shriveled up does anybody like the golf got a little bit Tiger Wood just pulled out again a he that’s I think he’ll be TI now he’ll be tired for good now that’s that’s him

Dumb hey Justin that’s what his last girlfriend said knew it yeah there one for you m there’s something J’s never done pull out oh like that is it Mark I thought me and you were [ __ ] mates we are man I’m impressed he want he want this in

You that was actually it was applauding you skill set Miss skill set of ejacul 20 seconds wow that’s quick that’s clean that’s cleaning up as well [ __ ] Andre’s puppies are going to be retired [Laughter] soon black screen to death oh goess press button get more Chinese

Like what’s up M I said I like the B yeah mate yeah it’s a Oscar [ __ ] Badger Oscar a yeah yeah do you know funny thing is bit mate I could I couldn’t put it I know we’re going to put it on but I could fing couldn’t work out I to do

Nose bit so I end up why like a cow it’s over half mask the thing is when you put when you put it on it pushes away don’t it so what what I decided was if I take off you get D for that you know they’re

Protected but I’ve got over half of you that’s what I meant is that like a strap on or something oh she’s gonna go next go take that bloody thing off again sick of it sick of it yeah I had some I had some at fire day but it had turned up so oh

De you you you want B bloody stuffed Bader have you on the wall it it’s gonna be behind him it’s like some sort it’s gonna be the I’ve got one for the and one for the it’s got It’s got LED whispering in my ears it’s got LED

Lights in it he could turn in and off on and off with his [Laughter] phone every time he gets a question right just lights up yeah just it’s like Ellen Road when it lights up and bad’s eyes come [Laughter] on does it play a theme TBE right the theme T sing the

Theme that fast show that June no it were um oh since the te June it would uh it uh Remer um it were Little Britain was’t it oh Little Britain that’s the one that’s the one te it were um what was them minder guy uh help me out help me out so safie

Might be fixing something up with that a you mate that’s quite a good idea what’s that blue gold and white Bader masks where did you hear that ass Ripper no I bet saie could fix something up blue white could do Dennis wman oh Dennis wman of course

It was yeah yeah yeah theme tune really little guy didn’t he yeah that will Le Ox that yeah yeah he knows his fny but he actually do it himself good for you you know what it’s nice to see s smiling that could be so good for you That’s just text everything away selfie no I’m trying buddy I’m trying yeah just be be yourself for hour well as I say I I didn’t come on other week did I so I was just trying to it’s been it’s been on going dad been in hospital

For week so yeah try say it’s gonna be hard is it like see [ __ ] M but anyway I don’t I don’t want to talk too much about so I’m do do me do me own thing what the hell is that how many of them you got dadie I have a question fishy Pie’s

Birthday right fish for you that Den wman song as well so fishy pie you were born in 1964 he would have been eight the last time lead W FA Cup um does he remember it h that was my first FA Cup well 1970 was my first FA Cup I hav not

Even seen that that up there that’s a question I could be so good for you oh no yeah Fe mind that could be so good say no wonder M quiz yeah he gets comments up before I’ve even got on did I do I see the com before

You I don’t know I’ve not seen that one what you just what you were saying is I reckon it misses some out that did you sure um your kids are yours and the at Max cuz it’s always there before [Laughter] you bges called Clan Clan is it a clan Phil says it’s a

Herd no a clan of badgers yeah but if if you put Clan a bit too near it it looks like a Dan of badges Clan clan of badges Dan He ma Dan clintsman jur CL that brers didn’t he get sacked other day who got Saed Dayman sorry I heard some radio other

Day got sacked who’s that I just said it is a set in it no that’s where they live that’s where they live yeah where they live that’s where they live yeah yeah there you go leoy yeah to no set is where they live but if you got a bunch of badges in

Garden they’re a clan all right the clan of badgers and they living a set basically putting it down to you yeah they all Scot s Badgers well they got kils fling looking ketas in Back Garden yeah you you keep that to yourself there for you filthy

Animal they W bad you tossing in your neck at [Laughter] Woods you know what what what you reckon what what Justin doing he doing some sort of mine back badges on bagpack imagine that that’ be great would it w or they tried digging freaking at the bottom of our garden did they

Yeah shovel immigrants just immigrants all right that’s what happens when you around Woods yeah badges mate i’ got camera actually have you is there loads of them like yes clans of them can’t believe you’ve gotal yeah can’t you get on your [ __ ] Sun lounger out in Garden when it’s summer ohg

Tow there just jumped in swimming pool and just hiss out bad just smoking a a cigar with a cocktail they hibernate yeah they do it strippers house yeah there he is there he is look he is smoking it out I’ll B You by over there that a bey with that

All babies soon we’ll have a load of them in there soon Jesus Christ they don’t think to like proper check over though Mickey you know like no they they’re they’re all right mate they’ve been coming for years can you imagine next if got babies again imagine next week There’s a load

Of badges on camera and strippers not there getting mold chewing on his face or some I put the mask [Laughter] On I I hope they all got beards in that yeah yeah Mark are you all right there yeah good you’re getting closer and closer to the camera I thought you were gonna you’ve got Ro Justin bloody h fire I can see you’re in [ __ ]

N I’ve got no n me it’s on you w aren you too small for my n them [ __ ] sorry it’s yours [Laughter] [ __ ] PS PS we’ve got to go PC I can’t be swearing on D stream he’s exhausting JY oh [Laughter] jamy I think he’s taking a pie he’s

Proper still got his romances in the air is it Valentine’s Day it’s proper it it’s Jammy I think is comes across that he’s really romantic honestly e hearts love hearts crab fingers [ __ ] hell [ __ ] crab fingers de oh dear oh dear it’s got pie I wonder why he wants some uh quiz questions

Don’t he Dave about fishing oh yeah I’m gonna start looking internet yeah find Phil willing all he’ll be all right with fishing fish any anybody fish on here do you yeah what marel know every question he will anyway it don’t matter it could be deep SE diving he still [ __ ] get it

Who was the first man to sink in a [ __ ] boat ah Jeff so sink a lot yeah SP a lot changed his bit to [ __ ] strawberry did you guys ever get do you ever get American uh old American um game shows over there wait it depends how old you call old

80s 80s go then love connection no never heard of it no thing is we we we don’t have really we didn’t get any American TV at all unless you got a doy stick right yeah but we had our own version of prices right not your version

Okay okay what what’s that a lot of Rish Sunday not only pecking p piking piking p oh not not you going Phil piking Justin What I Know It with Valentine’s with pecking I’m just about my nose my nose is [ __ ] you look like a [ __ ] Heron then

Taking piss out me long nose no no I’m taking a piss out your [ __ ] beard I’m only jealous it must be nice when you don’t have to shave you’re right when it goes gray I don’t get a bit JT Ponte car marching on together power

That be just past Town Hall then W it CER navigation Canal yeah that’s just down from town hall I don’t know where about you get down like because see uh you the pon not only BFFs used to be but it’s been knocked down now there’s a big little there and the Morrison’s

So not B down little not mate not we used to go there every weekend not only B it were it used to have a good big deep end and then a shallow end it were like a big ramp that went down to deep end then you had a

Little kids pool other side here were a one best B round because Ponty bass was shy and that’s been closed as well where I where I where supposed to go then uh we got it’s uh it’s called is Aspire Aspire yeah the Aspire now is uh Ponty race course as you’re driving

Into pony race course it’s on your left hand side where M there’s McDonald’s and then Wicks and that they like so well I’ve never been there m a took kids they like but I’ve never been to say it’s not it’s not deep enough I’m

Tripping I’m 6 foot three AR I so I me trying to dive in there jummy ask question what uh what were you just referring to are you talking about fishing or swimming or or something different swimming swimming got it swim well it were fishing first about the

Late uh noly but the swimming bass they’re not the swimming B down where we used to walk through to get down to River caler where Phil’s on about fishing at weekend so like I said we used to be able to go fishing play football and then have a walk down

River Light nice whatever you want to call them Canal boats can Thing Justin I don’t know if you know that what he’s put a thingy on there look is on screen Wesson Road right but his bucket again Justin’s gone to jump in Jesus Christ to make another baby be back in a Minute oh he’s got has actually gone yeah actually gone I to leave that I wanted to ask him that if he knew where it it’s cleaning up CH DJ there you go it isn’t though not knows knows it he knows it he knows that’s the joke is it he knows stroke the

DJ honestly you need you need to do that next home game Dave bounce it around let ground especially if Dan plays jamy jamy come on jamy get your s on here you’ve had little smokey peace pip or something it peace pip it’s like Paul mcart in L MC is in

His room you know come on PPS of Peace Jam Jam’s the Broken Arrow lario where did you go mate knows did you clean I’m asking you the thingy but I can’t find it is Internet connect ction is absolutely again toss yeah maybe his baby’s uh hijacked him some on Tik Tok or

Something starting young yeah um so I have a fishing story I was in Florida you start I start C looking out but laugh me as soon [Laughter] as I can just see it I can just see Cony I you just carry on talking that’s how you do it so I PA oh

You guys please yeah well I saw Dave do it because he didn’t blink for a second so thought right I’m gonna crack on with this as well oh is is Jess Jess yes you we need your minutes Chu need your minutes minutes needs Jess’s minutes oh yeah minutes J

Minutes but I need your minutes Jess score score the game tomorrow and uh first goal time how many people have you got on there Mickey our wher one two three four five six seven eight n 10 have you got have you got me down on there yeah yeah 15 yeah I

Said yeah you two still got 24 and 64 24 and 64 just the first goal Jess 24 and I’ve been with Dave’s Chanel content in general cheers jamy pal I appreciate that buddy jamy cheers mate I put them back in all of them I put them back

In she’s gone for 24s Jess 24 24 it is 24 that that would a series that was it that was a series 24 has anybody watched it yeah I watched it for about a day seen have not seen it it only SE longer yeah is that his [ __ ] um what’s it called is

It police BL what is it souland yeah ke suland yeah yes I appreciate that mate I really do keithy Southland um where’s where is where Justin gone he still got a he’s still cleaning up is he still back on your screen yeah he’s been extra messy tonight that that that’s his polishing

Face that’s a Stargate that’s what he does when he’s Happ that’s that’s how that’s how the world were created Jam yor R he can’t say that he can’t say that he can’t he can’t say that he’s dead or so I’m not got that you not got down that [Laughter] b actually listen to a pod oh he’s about to a biscuit again strawberries have gone strawberry feels forever absolutely how how long do you reck it’ll be before farers um clusters beares it’s already geted already begun promotion that’s all it comes down do it first first attempt now are you on

Yet hello just did am I on where just did ster stop being gay what you mean stop being happy being happy stop being happy stripper stop being happy he’s always it’s always smiling what you lying for you miss me last to ask you didn’t I did you know that road

Sorry sorry in the side note that were absolutely amazing last week when you were coming back from that gig that was so funny that was so funny God knows what them Chinese people were doing cutting chopping amazing they were just chucking him up and chopping him it were [ __ ] nuts whoes I’m telling

You who were you yelling at what were I yelling at yeah who were you yelling at on the way to the taxi them Chinese people with swords there some some violence going on M violence I’m telling you swords were massive they must have been about three foot long right and they were chuffing

Oranges an handful they were [ __ ] chucking up in we doing like three or four behind you n they just they’re like full gear or something yeah like dressed up doing something mustve been practicing to go inside oh I didn’t know where the [ __ ] H was it were weird

That’s how that’s how Jaffer cakes are made you’ve been [Laughter] smoking and I have interest just in it would you get a taxi home with because it look like you been smuggled in to some sort bana jungle all right look like you been kidnapped and you disappeared getting a bit

It were it were it were pretty funny to be fair I’ve uh I’ve got no Nails left on my fingers anyway oh dear do you I put seat belt on as quick as possible straight in back what’s what’s if we get promoted do you think

He will do as well you think no F yeah hey justtin before we answer that what how what One Direction were they all right though last week should be you idiot I thought it was justtin Beaver W it yeah it was Beaver but then he went

Into watch one way never take that take that Robbie Williams what what is it just just take I will tell you that years back I did take my daughter to see n horn n is it is it take this take fist oh [Laughter] nice just he’s one of the Beaver arts or

Whatever they are beaver I get mistaken for justing timate me you look like him off last of us have you seen that say just in trouser [Laughter] snake that’s pretty good F Ferg shy Justin terrible mate you’ll get your 10 points me strip it in D has just two

Buet I [ __ ] need a te bucket what amount of times I’ve been robbed on this [ __ ] Channel every week I must I must have eight or nine points took off me every week I lost about 30 this evening honestly guys I I didn’t Jo in tonight

So I got even every time I put an answer down don’t have it on purpose based on the last 10 minutes it’s obviously not your internet connection oh jum’s gone back again to his sexy bomb yeah strawberries strawberries is on again the crab that strawberries yeah I do

Actually prefer the strawberries and the little osicon that it shows on the chat looks better as well I quite like that everybody CRA worst thing is about that i’ I’ve got smell Vision on my phone I could smell it weird [Laughter] that wait lying for what are you lying for all old salmon fingers down bottom corner not you mark sorry other side oh cheers selfie I’ve been right nice you to but you can

Get if I could reach you stroke you smells like grinby dog yeah yeah fishy fishy Pie’s birthday there you go you mentioned fishy pie after Grimsby that’s [Laughter] amazing I tell that’s actually quite a good film ironically Grimsby I quite enjoyed that film it what grimby yeah you’ve never

Watched it where inside that Cow’s Ass yeah honestly b b is a [ __ ] idiot yeah s and it’s a eight laugh it’s thing is it’s it’s that five fet you just think what the [ __ ] stupid as s but it’s I really enjoyed it but I like I like it

Anyway from all up to I’ve watched him for years quality yeah some stuff he got away surpris put up his with oh honestly it’s great I’ve not watched that I’ll have to watch yeah honestly yeah it’s just it’s so slapstick and stupid but it is and as I

Say is an England fan but then his his brother’s a you know like a secet it’s stupid honestly it’s so stupid but it’s funny at the same time I think Michael get it you know it’s English humor by the way it says in nutshell heartwarming outlandish and

Campy yeah that is that exactly yeah honestly Mark it’s worth watch you’ll think what the hell am I watching well I watched uh I watched um Bor multiple times and Bruno is it in that b yeah yeah yeah yeah same same same genre yeah you you you will like it it is

Funny though but I I really enjoy that film it good I like a bit of silly banter so yeah ask Ripper you’ve not tipped in box mate it’s below you today par in you’ve not tipped mate cheers [Laughter] mate [ __ ] you put you put how much you put in there Jesus Christ

Did that super SI honestly David [ __ ] in [Laughter] it well well D Dave w’t be needing this [ __ ] anytime soon he’s had up to eat as he told you exactly pie of toast and a [ __ ] banana 4 your intestines you’ll be you’ll be good to go have you had a drink tonight

Dve no you have a drink no no going to kind of stri yeah I’ve got no it’s an energy drink Monster no Al again the kickoff I I know it is you gonna do sit camera on your head watching tell what are you doing come on you boys I’m driving around somebody’s house

Driving he’s driving around someone’s house so he got bought himself a DOD what you doing a what a DOD you got yourself a little go cat it’s like a pedal cat what you doing [ __ ] dear Flintstone going around in your Badger Mas da yeah you Mas yeah can you imagine that newspapers

Man decides to fly around town wandering around Flintstone Style with Bader mask On where did you get your car from badges [Laughter] arrows can’t do it I can’t do it I can’t do it I had weird I had weird visions of there flying up bloody M1 going towards other the road in his little Badger car now with C go look at [Laughter]

This the W car and the bad all the bad could do wasu [Laughter] the wayver mark what are you idiots about now no I don’t think that about you guys I just let you go on yeah you go on let I’m doing sa I’m playing it safe Tonight keeping you Justin would M Justin we doing a Milky Way advert from the probably the 90s to do with the a red car and a blue car had a race and it were an advert Milky Way that’s what that was it be on YouTube yeah that was

A definition of what are we doing I’ve never I’ve never been a Milky Way fan yeah well cheesy one that Mick again is that a Cheesy one that that Vape you’ve got again I agree agree Bri Bri I agree I agree to disagree everybody’s looking at Sun

Wesley Dale again is it are you back on that are you on wedley Dale tonight yeah look can’t get enough of it strong yeah I can’t believe the BR I can’t believe the Brock cheese baby out that’s mental isn’t it is mental that baby bells they do baby Bell ones

Really is that is that so kids don’t smoke them that sound so wrong I didn’t mean to think kids are smoke I meant I thought that I thought sorry I didn’t mean I me it’s because children don’t smoke sweet ve sound weird um they stop they’re actually Banning the baby

Bell and they yeah bringing out Adam it like the big ones you guys have that do you guys have the little cardboard circular packages with the cheese wedges in them uh maybe eight of them yeah D Dairy Le yeah those are delicious D yeah yeah individually individually wrapped in

Foil soft cheeses those are a bit messy you squish yeah they’re yeah Google der Mark der you see yeah der der not Z how would you spell der La in it da is it yeah see still every time fishy pies on stil I must admit like that blue that

Blue rotten cheese you any that yeah BL feet cheese proper strong that a it I like me cheese I I do like the cheese but I don’t like I don’t like moldy cheese I don’t like cheese I’ll cut off some cheese in a two bags of Cris and just

Have a lump of cheese and two bags of crispy yeah English cheese catw are you familiar with catwall no oh that’s so good see I like I like the smoke cheese SM the Austrian one smoking cheese yeah yeah yeah like like a little sausage smart

One that’s what I like you have to smoke the saage sa yeah yeah just just to tell know you know them Bells I could just eat them [ __ ] baby bells like sweets mate wow grocery store there there you go nice piece of cheese yes grmy and it auto corrected it to diarrhea

Ston oh I like a bit still bramston pickle yeah that’s just rather brown sauce I can’t stand bramston pickle that’s from in Bron here in Burton I like Bron pickle pickle Yeah Yeah from here it’s where it was invented is it yeah nothing that they haven’t done there room for

There Jesus started started Brewing be in about 1100 and some inton in the Abby yeah par side I can’t hear you mate he said just in with sideways oh oh yeah I thought you were having a shave then justtin you you have GM don’t you tonight I’ve just noticed that no last week

Me beard G oh yeah well looks like the game’s on Sky tomorrow is that what it guys yeah yes 12 on SK yeah I know it’s on ESPN plus here so that’s usually mean things on Sky yeah kind believe it’s half seven for you mark that’s that’s an early do it is

Especially for a Saturday but I’ll be honest I like it so you you’ve got about roughly eight hours well in my time but not your time no 13 my time yeah yeah you know mean if I had to say i7 now it’s eight hours for

Me but it is for you it’s like Back to the Future is what kits are we wearing tomorrow I think it’ll be uh I think it’ll be the fruit salad kit again you think oh yeah they’ll be green right we don’t have to worry about that anymore we can

[ __ ] win in any strip now what play against him other other time we played him other week that’s I look at it the C playing White and The W playing BL you know someone was saying um we we’re on sky like seven times in a row yeah it’s really good it’s Sky Sports

Lead down championship was an extra one the last St DS are out darts are out mate where’ you get dast dere dere Bast give me how long you had them Dave uh I’ve had him a while oh yeah him a while I tell you it Story one day mate yeah

Got from uh got from JD Sports last week [Laughter] J last week it’s it’s taken Dave three hours 30 28 minutes to get the DS out that’s impressive he showed the packet at 2 hours 24 minutes oh did he oh but he didn’t get the darts out all right no I

Didn’t did you show your packet there show his package twice page I don’t get them I don’t get them at all do you I wonder if CH banana be able to explain them they’re practice ones you Chang flights for so you can see where throw me to going to wall or

Something working in the morning just making me cheers Phil see you later buddy hey don’t forget get some pictures pal down one day surprise you next can that’ll be a big [ __ ] surprise for what you doing he he’s going pecking peing your mother I’m snap bite snack B

On they’re still going out there then yeah well read it wrong it wrong I’m pretty sure still going then smack B what’s up I’m I’m gon Google it yeah this put word really that we don’t know about weird yeah snap what happened to snap bite like mon are some bizar snap bite

Oh God de ENT the world of Matrix oh the [ __ ] that’s that’s what said don’t be looking at that de [ __ ] D put it down put it down no wonder he’s got his masth [Laughter] out it’s about snake B let me close this for [ __ ] sake absolute [ __ ] B you know snap bites actually they’re just like a they’re like around we to B [Laughter] Bar can you imagine their sales go up tonight because of this stream snack anyone anyone remember snack B and then next viral viral but you imagine if he calls himself that you imagine being

Snap Peter snap B snap by right you changed your name have you changed your name yeah mate I saw a stream on YouTube what his walk on tuned be that’s his only Fan’s name I’m a badger badger badger be heard and you know what he probably paint his head [ __ ] black and white

As well would [Laughter] he Peter B snake B right question what country can you think of ends in different letter it began with what different letter it began with nearly all of a minut England England Wales England Wales United St does he mean does he mean worded it

Wrongin I think he means one that starts with a letter and start end and starts in the same letter Austria Australia yeah Alaska is it yeah Alasia both Twigs remember them pal I’m trying to think of some twiglets other countries what other countries is there how many there’s

Quite a few a there what wait N I think 327 Andor doand it’s true though it’s it wow Al Afghan Afghanistan Alia col spell Afghanistan [Laughter] don’t Afghanistan pissed up understand is one of my friends is this C just facts yeah field that’s what that means strippy didn’t get that Jammy understand field

Ina putting random sh that did he get yeah you got another go around go around then whoever don’t think of one gets knocked out so I’ll start you said about [ __ ] five hang on oh what can we say already said don’t you be points first and just okay we have to go around

We have to go around way then which way you going what we doing got a name you’ve got to name as many countries as you can what like you’ve just said like Austria they’re starting in with the same level yeah I’ll go first Australia bang on no

That whoa St go Australia so we can’t have the [ __ ] we’ve already done all that out is it your turn Dave uh I know not a chance to [ __ ] type it in Google yet oh no Che [ __ ] next no I haven’t look I haven’t touched anything put another one in VI Mark stop

It stop it Mark V via hang on hands [Laughter] up put hands up [ __ ] burgering me for me [ __ ] Chinese have you not got your take away yet I’ve got me d three hour 45 minutes I had P it’s [ __ ] chips double double so what we supposed to be doing I don’t

Know who [ __ ] is to put your hands up I never that that would ask who turn is it go on then who’s going first you me yeah uh a Austria no B who’s next Who’s Next which we going you’ve already used that one we but Justin go ahead me Algeria it’s me mate

Armenia yeah you’re last ass Ripper okay Alie I’m out why no that’s that’s not one mate well that begins with I and ends in t there you go then I’m out I’m out I good any thank you br yeah the Amica what jamy put and can you have

That that’s a good one that is what I had that one ready but I’ve got another one have you my my brain working this way guys so that’s why I didn’t do it work you out you out again yeah yeah I can’t do it I can’t do it can’t think sh it’s

Max blow your minds boys ready yeah yeah Central African Republic how the hell did you get that yeah but how are you doing that wow freaking nature that sh you’re at I can’t I can’t I can’t do it my brain don’t work like that honestly i’ a lot

I’ve a lot of beer tonight kep me BR it working so Angola that’s a good one damn it you kep m Angola you know way that’s that’s what we fing tip of my tongue sorry about I’m going to say uh come on get Zimbabwe you’re around [Laughter]

Zimbabwe how many how many Zs that day alberia what people [ __ ] live there don’t they Al alberia alberia alberia that where’s alberia then Albania Albania [ __ ] me why I say that alberia oh well I’ve said it absolutely wrong you say Alia [ __ ] zimb is alberia where you

Get absolutely blasted for a day out Al yeahia don’t count that’s messed messed it up then why can’t you say then M why I’m really bled I told you this is why playing it my head they gone head’s gone ending an A and begins with an a don’t count why see that

That too hard see it’s [ __ ] mind up it BR stop putting them in chat oh is that is that wico no no it’s m wil to say wico but you can’t say Robbie I GNA say that it yeah is to say him yeah that’s just his

Wall put it back up back up there he is just did get it up there you put his little face on that when passed away when passed away last year he got his face there he is little face on there got he got I’m gonna call that

Robb wall behind you now Justin we’re gonna call it Robb’s World there you go look at Robb’s world behind you HRA wall funny is there he is there he is look it [ __ ] [Laughter] H oh selfie doing [Laughter] on it’s always nice to get salenko onen I saw your comrade Putin just had

An interview com very good American friend is very good to know is a a quiz Bing got two tonight I’ve got my secondhand command in just in and one 15 wives what you lying for I I I’m sorry my friend but you’ve got 35 children I [ __ ] have no idea how you [Laughter]

Sterm jenko Justin jenko very good friend of mine he smells like liver it’s all the M very very good very good it’s good good good he’s good boy good boy anyway I better go now because I feel sick it’s to very warm in here and I cannot breathe so

Yeah he got caught last week and my wife oh sorry face popped that was funny that W what happened did I miss some yes I got told off by wife keep the [ __ ] KN down was got in trouble yes I I keep [ __ ] no down she [ __ ] beat

Me with a [ __ ] she beat me with stick and uh was mate yes oh [ __ ] she beat me with stick and uh por loocks and uh it wasn’t a good night and uh I don’t like that game oh de that was funny yes I turned around she

Was cry here mate you need a catchphrase now mate is it c i I’m I’m Roy Wonka [ __ ] Roy wanker I do want to show my C to you Justin it is very indecent I’m going to go now because I feel po not polish but po yes I I slope I slope of

[Laughter] oh funny John oh [ __ ] funny you got to come in sideways again so you’re on my soul’s [Laughter] body just reflection off his [ __ ] glasses it’s [ __ ] not I I I am I am invisible [ __ ] man you’re taking piss out of me I am elusive I think Sal’s losing it a little

Bit Yeah is [ __ ] losing it songs okay then songs with love in the title because it’s Valentine’s oh look at that oh wow today who songs the T that’s up to date ones that’s you have picture selfie that should be our profile picture now mate yeah the best thing about is that’s

Me at work and then a night out you it you got the you’ve got when like [ __ ] 20 year old on your profile picture I know I’ve got to make myself look handsome right what what are we on me now songs we love in the title you start

It Dave songs we loving the Tainted Love that’s a good one by we I need his love yeah what’s that oh you need his love is all you is it me is it me Thing Called Love yeah oh you bastard what called love you can’t have that one selfie you bastard there’s not

That in the can’t believe you stole two songs out Lo there load there is though is there yeah not when someone not when someone else has said it and you wanted to say it yeah but there there loads of other ones we all L we all L just just think badges that’s a

Chant love is in yeah yeah yeah love love me do know it me I’m gonna go with the Darkness I Believe in a Thing Called Love you can have hang on that’s a good one it next it and I [ __ ] don’t know anymore now

Is it is it me y yeah love I’ve said that what did you say I’ve already said it yeah I’ve already said it nice ah googie you got it no I’m not Googling I don’t cheat um no I’m out you must have one no I say I got one try to think Love

Love Me Do by you said that again this that’s two now you said what I said don’t know thinking Love Is in the Air [ __ ] hell again again [ __ ] obsessed with [ __ ] pubes and hairs it’s only because a can’t grow big [Laughter] there I don’t know how I’m out come oh

Finer you got that’s what it sounded like that’s what that sounded like fin are you Sure oh yeah is that thing somebody you [ __ ] hell um there you go see [ __ ] up now no Endless Love My Endless Love good one nicely done get in there got anything Justin the power of no good one mate oh wow by who that’s a good one it were

Actually done by two different people go on Ain got a clue that’s not good is it yeah I just know so Bonnie Tyler Bon Ty no they do the dance remix didn’t there b ty didn’t you uh Frankie ghostwood jennif Frankie Goes to Hollywood with the one that got remixed

By dance Jennifer Jennifer Rush Oh I I have a different one okay no Jennifer Rush yep might be another one as well how about I love rock and roll yeah nice one um You Give Love a Bad Name oh nice B yeah it’s not called that though is

It you give little bad name yeah you’re right it it is what you Ling for you for that all don’t talk wet come on go on then you just you just give me one now go on then on D your turn um can it be loves can you say

Loves what no I’m no I’m about can it be entitled like loves cuz I going to say When a Man Loves a Woman man there you go that’s good mine mine just called loves by wet wet wet wow that’s yeah that’s why I stripper when he said wet so come straight to me

Head I’m I am I’m struggling now me I strug one oh you’ll know this one Justin if you got one um Mark love Peter Wolf Love Stinks Love Stinks yeah yeah Love Stinks ever heard love gun that you know that one that you Justin love g kiss Come On Dave um

Oh that’s a good one top top banana good one in there yeah yeah I’m not I’m not going to go I don’t want to I don’t want to thing it it’s right not right is it treated yeah so I’m not gonna I’m not gonna but I’m I’m gonna go with love

Shack2 where’s justy going it’s his turn oh he’s gone to go cheat he’s good go in Justin where’s he gone is that love TR is that love train that people all over the world yeah love train love train isn’t that is sorry looked it he’s Lo question he’s

Lo answers now I’m out I a got one you must have no I’m trying to thinkal there you Go’s got a good must be love love love that’s been said a it has it [ __ ] how have I been there I’m like I’m like going through me

ADM songs and all that we loving it but to Banana no I that one ready Shin happy people you got say who sang it though Justin if you pinching that one no no I’m out me mate I’m done who’s up Mark Mark Mark BS good oh yeah course that’s a good one

Mate that’s the other one is it yeah love my last queen I’m sure Coldplay s we’re loving it but I can’t oh to a total eclipse of the art [Laughter] love I’m not having that one you just got bit s col Red X mate see top B is a queen fan good

Man Crazy Little Thing Called cool relax it hey did you go yeah total clips of my art love is what I had but to clips of me out me [Laughter] do [ __ ] M do M do go on Mark power of the badger we’ve had that one Colin yeah it I keep putting it Up worked well in keyos [ __ ] El that some years that Kiko was a nightclub in Ponte oh is it yeah what Route 66 is that just up just up front race course that to on it ver ver ver do ver didn’t they have [ __ ] pigeons yeah love where’s safie Cheno guys get [ __ ]

Bollocked love it by Who well we’ll give even though it sounded like something Graingers thought the were somebody getting shot outside let’s go for a little walk that that Moon of love Yeah Moon of love [ __ ] hell good mate what’s that ni One under the moon of love under the

Moon it sh Wy yeah something like that yeah it was nailed it back to you mat oh my is it just me and S now yeah you are Dave yeah I couldn’t you won’t give me it would you to the clips of me out love you won’t give me [Laughter]

It funny I love a man in a uniform well love but have you got a song for that’s the song I love a man in un that’s the song is it it’s not called that though is it I don’t know look at this coming outs of there you go it’s a song What

You cheating for Mk I confing my answer was correct [ __ ] too much love will kill you you can’t take his ANW I know more I know more I could sing that to you it was well yeah if he gives you the answer you can sing that okay that’s fair enough

But he’s pinching all my um is he putting all your anwers up yeah I’m a queen fan look he’s done another one getting I’m getting stripped off here oh [ __ ] out I’m stuck now back [ __ ] Love Kills it’s still a love thing might it love K Queen Mark I’ve been driving in

My lovely car madness madness I’ve been driving in my lovely car I’ve been driving in my L Car Driving in My Lovely car should you call it a day Mark yes look at this on tell getting all the queen ones look get down M love I just banana bring your DS into

Equation let’s see them DS me like Makinging on then what’s what’s next on the agenda strawberry food fruit fruit beginning with fruit any fruit get some [ __ ] apples out good food fruit fruit no you pick one fruit yeah da what fruit yeah I’ve just said one strawberries I think chew tomato Tomato’s not fruits a vegetable no [Laughter]

That’s like saying [ __ ] potatoes or [ __ ] fruit potatoes no that’s like strawberry strawberry fi forever there you go I’ll set you off strawberry field forever oh song Fruit song no no just fruit I’m doing I’m doing a combo be here all night think of some else [ __ ] animals animals Bader

Be animal song Animal Song not actually the band animals but animal songs with animal names it oh sort of animal in it bet that’s I’ll start then CRA office crazy office oh so it can be a band as well yeah I have a game name a band whatever

Letter the band name ends with the next the next lad has to start that name of their band with that letter van Hal I have to come back with Nirvana because Nirvana last letter right I get you I you budget Patrol I know what what’s the score gonna be tomorrow mate and what

Minute they’re gonna score in Jesus Christ you be a good salesman you Micky hey get your M out R just come on for a quiz and he now getting hassle selling [ __ ] snow to Eskimos luckyy yeah [ __ ] lucky lucky man of is he you know chases after you one left there’s only one

Left no okay is that there pal where was we cheese cheese my God and we thought Dave’s quiz was OD I know exactly mate this isid this is well hard this what youy that’s what she said I just said beat what what was mindblowing I got I

Got confused with with last bit what we were doing what were we do M were explaining some before right Mark says you got to name a band yeah so if it’s ACDC yeah you need to name a band beginning with c c right whatever you need to do another band

Beginning with that letter but you right get you go clockwise cho cho thas ch ch at that Choo Cho CH that hey um who’s starting me yeah go ahead what any band any band yeah oh you go hang on I just put your thingy on 31 31 17th minute 17th

H know 17 pal nice one mate so I’m going to go I’ll start us off with I’m trying to think of an hour letter to end clockwise or or anticlockwise in fact no I’ll make it easy for M dex’s Midnight Runners there you go so ends in

Nice and easy for you so what s s flip um oh oh Temple of the God for Temple of the God I thought he was gonna say T-Rex for poor I have no idea what you said I can’t hear Temple of the Dog Temple of the what dog dog got G

Band with a G uh band with a G oh got one well that that Ain an easy one is it um green deer yeah nice one oh God one we why oh it’s easy actually there’s a few yeah there is what why keep I keep muting you sorry I’m Mak

Crisps so don’t camera my m y NT yeah they’re a metal band could make up you can just [ __ ] for any band really I can I can get you no no no I know but you know what I mean there’s loads of band just letters in there yeah YT that’s what they called

Can you start the yeah that’s what I went me tight fit mate tight fit see again T [Laughter] again’s G oh no that’s not that’s that’s not right it’s not fair that Tenacious D that’s that’s a good one Deo oh um oh no easy easyest 80s 90s band Oasis H

Yeah stereo phonics oh s another s is it specials are the specials the specials in it yeah specials can I have that yeah well that’s what do I finish with s again s again yeah System of a Down and yep Nirvana Nirvana you should come on a and you can

Answer him pal jump in Middle jump in jump in can squeeze in there mate little bit Anastasia Anastasia another a Ab nice another a another a um come in come in I want I want concentrating then we’ve got three we got three too busy trying to get [ __ ] IR in and

Then totally lost plot here can we go through all yours again I need a bit of time to think so you want beginning with a animals yeah another s again it’s just in well what you say s Savage Gardens yeah I think it’s just Garden Savage Garden then another n that

Doesn’t make it easier for me I’m just telling you um oh you’re you’re one that’s no right good at quiz I’m trying to give all St no is it is it a band yeah he’s got a band no Birds that’s it’s called Birds it’s called no gager though yeah that that’s

His name I know that’s his name but he’s also good man no no not having it it’s High fighting bird another one no G Jeff Gallagher Jeff G want he owner of Amazon yeah yeah it called [Laughter] amason it made a load of money but and su’s beating to it I’m a SC

[ __ ] rot in it trouble is you see you can’t you can’t think any can you cuz you don’t know what you’re going to get no that’s what she said can it be a solo artist or or yeah night mate a good weekend pal yeah sing um okay Sol arst no gallager that’s M

Gun no how about Nancy Sinatra yeah so it’s a a [ __ ] another a god do do that’s a song yeah it is actually oh is it a band I do yeah oh [Laughter] sorry alphabet yeah is it never heard of them yeah they dance Big in Japan is

That alphab alab bill won it Al alphab alphabe I know what you’re on about selfie I’d like to send that to V please so what what what have I got to get is it a t beat alphab beat theft no be be alha be b a

T-Rex nice oh you already had T-Rex no n we haven’t that’s why I didn’t say it last time said I kept Tenacious D because somebody’s had T-Rex yeah who said T-Rex I don’t think anybody I heard T-Rex no no might been in chat Bex stripper said T-Rex last time

As example of how to screw somebody over but he didn’t use nobody used it put the X but as use T-Rex because that’s that’s just ridiculous is it Mark you can’t say threw someone over and said J Rex at same conversation I’ll do another one and and

That as well yeah yeah I I and that one as well yeah yeah uh tremolos what letter is that end s s s s starit were they banned yes yeah mannequin the film they started nothing G to stop us now go on then what letter have I got p p p p

Please yeah that’s what I would have said yellow oh Yello uh I can’t say Wes again so I’m gonna have to go uh oh [ __ ] um oh [ __ ] there you go uh why the hell are you doing this to me Together what OMD OMD yeah OMD yeah I’m saing on the S SE so BL they did that didn’t they D so is it D or is it dark with a K I’ve got a nice D I’ve got no I won’t say David Essex D Dave it’s [ __ ] X is it

It’s all right mate stripper stripper the name of the game is to get him out yeah get me out mate you’re supposed to be First supposed to get out you never get another [ __ ] 10 points ever again all right yeah [ __ ] my temple yeah David [ __ ] you

Wow here we go 10 part there is one in the Dave there is one in the chat you can actually get you out of this I know I don’t want to I don’t want to use it I don’t want to cheat so I’m going to say I’m outch [ __ ] dragon’s

Done so what do I start with then XTC Dave there in the chat I saw it mate I saw it but oh I wouldn’t have got that I didn’t want to I didn’t want to use it cuz I didn’t want to cheat there you go that’s wins 10 points

For not cheating CU I want to know it anyway I I don’t even know who they are so 10 points for not cheating Justin’s gone is ashamed again did this last time yeah he did it last time and he were [Laughter] Googling you filthy animal everybody knows that he is though

So when he comes back look say put link up there look at that oh he wants a link up yeah but that’s cuz he’s had have you had enough time to Google now just I’ll put it on now mate for you now it’s Googled songs from the

Alphabet he gets an x on now what what what letter are you on thing is didn’t get the X did he so what to waste that’s what I mean that’s what I mean I leave him I left you the X didn’t I you got one didn’t you Justin I

Thought you’d already got come up with an answer no I wait you were if you’re out what does it start with next goes to you now Justin what with X [Laughter] yeah that’s that means everybody will be out because nobody the idea like you said yeah was saying thought you got to

Google it oh no no I press wrong button I’m [ __ ] back on look at chat and then you press [ __ ] leave outside yeah I’ve done it a couple of times there is one in the chat though you could use xct but I’m not using that no

Point that or cxt or no it’s going to be xct XTC Legend going I’m going to go for are they called x-rays from 8s yeah is it called xrays no they’re called x-ray there’s about to be a band called x-rays regardless is there I know is a bank X from

18 x to me xrated I could what what about s Express is spec is it an x-ray specs is it or something xray specs never seen him are all made up never seen never [Laughter] seen I’ll be kind to Sal and not give him another x uh Steve

Winwood Steve ww Winwood St Winwood wow that’s a good [ __ ] see fishy P pal you had a good birthday mate you don’t look a day over 58 pal what what did you say have a good weekend M said dur dur M I said dur oh and

Uh Neil Diamond wow There You Go Justin d d y Disturbed oh NY again but have you got have you got a group though Justin yeah that’s all [Laughter] Disturbed and the very disturbing as well um Death Leopard a d again Jesus Christ I’ve got another D he

D you might as well use the the like the guys in the chat because they’re sort of playing along then aren’t you it’s a good idea what is it die straight yeah s me sax that’s not what have I got now I know you sp with quiz by way yeah I

Got now now I know how you all feel [ __ ] bang out of a why don’t we let the guys in the chat play too go Mickey lad there’s go is it [ __ ] scratch the chat why don’t you say yes or no if you want to play [ __ ]

Mask you don’t have to come on you can just answer in the chat come on M get your [ __ ] K done K all right fine k oh I’ve got a good one nickel back um cor con what a band it’s a good one that is mate how can you take him serious with

Ironically I’m gonna say y’s in the block and brem just put it straight on screen same what are the chances of that fell that weird so I’m GNA have to say something else uh no you can don’t need’s played then he’s playing into so that’s all right no I’m literally going

To say it but he put it up on screen so I’m G say something else I bet won’t block what you were gonna say though n is on your [Laughter] ear have it have it because Brendan’s that’s all right he’s playing is he all right there you go new K on the Block

Yeah yeah unbelievable it fair enough eight points King what’ you say what you saying yeah love and they did love and pride didn’t they yeah yeah yeah so I’ve got G yeah God Smack who God Smack God Smack is that is that a guy down your road or put it in

There’s a band in America called gobsmack don’t worry about it here yes not making out of the bands that I listen to Bar Bar crack put in might be a band yeah it probably is is there yeah probably there’s probably a name for everything that’s what I mean Gob sh yeah

That’s my band that’s my band just sorry all right so that’s to you salty oh what we on s s s s what did you say Mark kiss kiss oh right that’s what I missed in the everywhere I look around uh my bra’s now come and join me selfie

Seric said seric I would have been said that one mate said it yeah go pay attention mate fire him out yeah there’s one in there look Jam’s put one in too late he’s out he said he’s out passed him out all s again yeah yeah go on there’s something in

Chat pal go on IA I saw it on the TV but I’m not cheating can’t people’s answers a fair is it sir yeah they’re playing as well that’s all right I’m just I’m just trying to go through me uh heavy metal bands first you never said that when it was my turn

No what yeah I did no didn’t you can change rules as you go along don’t you yeah yeah know when we uh like get 10 points for coming first then we get not given 10 points you either do or you don’t Dave you want to come back

Look no I’ll I’ll back track I’ll go I’ll go I’ll go Simply Red what you mean backtrack yeah give [ __ ] you [ __ ] idiot yeah but everyone else will put Sex Pistols andpress go Simply Red there you go okay that’s fair enough we’re gonna go Savage Gardens like but nailed it rules

We answers so D take it on board guys then D this week’s quiz br’s doing it uh oh you’ve said that one aren’t you um you have David Soul who he didn’t they yeah David to confusing you just by putting these F so what have I got now then you gonna go

Dave what M me no I out ages ago sure sure yeah but you back in there [ __ ] shove your 10 points pal then your [ __ ] apples you have what what have I got then you’ve done that one already you I done he you’re GNA get me CED off here just he yeah lies

Um most confusing [ __ ] quiz this is this who said bands and then people are just say names said of bands I know yeah it’s all G tits up do [ __ ] Noah Gallagher [ __ ] Mark should have been out [ __ ] six grounds ago come on now yeah that’s

Fineing if he’s singing on his own David to’s right is it yeah yeah it’s not a band though is it is it you just say [ __ ] names Albert Albert thanks and’s middle name Albert see every day is a school day it isas I think be fair level although I do

Like level 42 it’s hard Li [ __ ] no idea but I’m that’s s mate s s how about um oh lemon heads s thought s s s s sugar s okay six kidding I won’t do that you say six six but I won’t do that scorpion I say they a metal band

AR Daniel far’s favorite heavy metal band scorpions it’s good one good than that s again s again yeah [ __ ] SS pleas sh Shakespeare sister that’s a [ __ ] one W you remember that song the song though selfie uh stay with me that’s me yes originally she was the singer of

Banana Rama was she really yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s right yeah the Tripper so what did he say sister oh um Ramon nice what have I got n s again s s it’s hard when you get back to Tim let all the time again Dave you got to join in mate you

You you’ve sat out for you you had your blue card get back in this round you booted me out Channel get on I’m to see out and you Sal it’s you no I said sound garden again I thought we’ had that but yeah s garden then yes we’ve done Nana

So nickel back have we done for the Jesus Christ I am struggling now I’ve got I’m struggling now with end you just fell asleep night crawlers what are them light spiders in your bed night you just looked up at the sea Le saw spider and said night night crawlers

It it dance band night night honestly night crawlers get them looked up honestly Google night crawlers yeah I have actually heard of them I’ll be honest I have I’ve heard of them are we’re on S again yeah I’ve heard them I’m go I don’t sty Stylistics I do believe you

Mate is that s again s Again Come On Dave Dave come on what Come On Dave you’ve had your blue card night cers what’s the feeling there you go come on Dave you got to join in mate you can’t da Dave da judicator that’s what doing project from Glasgow there you go yeah

There’s one in the there’s one in the chat I’ve got Shane one what’s the last that’s my factor is that my goal Justin sh me Justin Ward oh D again go getting worse now it who death tones death tones right B I’m trying to make you happy Justin I’ve still got another D

Though that’s what she said to you s yeah is it what letter what letter s [ __ ] again uh Smashing Pumpkin you [ __ ] [ __ ] s you just looked at your [ __ ] tell you cheating [ __ ] I promise you I didn’t promise you what you got s s again again what me

Yeah but you said you said Shane W now justtin Shan W say Shane Juan cricketer no Shan is it yes yes um super Trum nice job I’ve got a good P Prodigy nailed it why did because he did what are you lying for why what are you lying for why why why why

About y good is that oh no that has one it hey there’s another one yes plastic population yeah want to take with the with the Z oh got I’ve got one I got an O how the hell am we going to get oh again Oasis I um orbital orbital

Wasting orbital you follow me you know who that is hello orbital okay Lenny kravit I’m Gonna Go My Way I’m going orbital yeah orbital biscuit Lenny krait Limp Biscuit no Z no you’re not on an L ends with the Z oh how you doing Z sorry about that I didn’t

Think that doing over there oh easy one that one Justin Zeppelin z z easier than that mate Ze that quiz of wa Zed it ZZ Top y yeah good job so it’s a p then P good answer panta py a yeah look at him looking up at scen He is we gonna get timed out in a minute is have we done AB yeah what did you say Mark panta panta so it’s a

P avatar on it I give you the the prize for the most obscure band names that I’ve never heard of aloss it rate’s band that’s it [ __ ] let me Google that no no that that will fle ma but there a ban called albatross in 80s it’s on

Grand well if I go gooss I get a [ __ ] family of large seabirds [Laughter] uh what we on s s s yes that’s uh Slaughter nice oh my [ __ ] god so ah radio Ed nice nice one it now I mean come on Dave you got

You got to get in on this Dave I’m going to go I’m going to go get a a piece of chicken have you eating tonight there no mate I got a piece of P toast so yeah it’s not good is it I’m wasting away not eating since I tell I’m not eating since

11 i’ got some eat these that’s one I think he’s that’s why that’s why I keep cutting mic off because I’m eating I don’t want it crunching so who is it now then is it Mark yeah D dock he eats quiet the souie blessing got some docking up here and you

S is it me what is it n again fun cuz she got some r Walkers Ro come around um [ __ ] have a good weekend mate come on I’ve done Nana earlier so yeah nickel back we’ve done n snails nice job yes what’s that we on s them

Again I’m muting you while I chew sorry hey call they’re probably already be with all these but at South is picnicking up there look have you getting [ __ ] Stilton out next I need dinner come on stripper stop cheating chle Bassie I’m not getting me stil out death is that an e

Moldy blue cheese it’s a y is it e or Y I think I think it’s i e at the end e yeah it’s an E Yeah evanesence another E Eagles another rest have we done Slayer yeah yeah [ __ ] um I’m going to get a piece of jet

Russell should be really easy why why am I not getting it um Bad Manners yeah that that’s a big absolute Shyer Meister sad maners yeah he’s gonna say it in a second Super grass was good yeah’s got worst thing is I keep seeing [ __ ] on my

TV and I can’t do it so super sniffer super grass you can’t do it can’t do it is that another ass another s yes sir is it my go yes sir yeah um simple mind nice lovely wig Chill on here pal come and chill on stream mate Justin’s back again now he’s Google

Some bettering pressing that button did you Google any good on you I don’t know what letter I’m on so what does it matter about Googling what am I on Refresh on on S again mate s yeah just had simple mind sweet and sour Smiths oh that’s a good one

Mate it is a good one good answer that pal actually yeah I’m going to get something to eat I’m going to get right nice ice cold piece of [Laughter] chicken haar oh it’s cold who’s next you are oh what I’m what I said I said Sammy Hagar what R

Rabbit a that’s a good one I’m I’m going to go for the redneck another s the cotton yeah yeah [ __ ] Nora have we had specials yeah sure yeah uh uh we had Super [ __ ] haven’t we yeah yeah sepur wow can so what have I got now hey

He oh Google G for Google again Artic Monkeys you best UK band ever iuck I keep I keep the a for a lot you know so when everybody were saying they have any so we got y oh oh s uh wait what was the Arctic Monkeys s um

Can we say Simple Minds it yeah just said it actually oh okay um that’s a good e to you selfie I can’t cut enough camera because I’m chewing so that’s why keep disappearing sorry P what you say Wiggly what was yours Mark Sheila E Sheila E you know who that is

No I think I’ve heard of Sher come on Wiggly tempting you extrem pal drop it in just uh no good one that in Mickey hold on I just have a nibble don’t see nibble right what we on now is it gone this game gone we could we could B

It B it sck it off absolutely Abol been waiting the worst thing is about this game that we’ve just done what is the prize there were no prize were there it was just like Relentless answers for no [ __ ] reason and Dave G to hand out any juicy points it was just mocking

Us mocking us he just sat there some good answers there actually got actually got [ __ ] Albatross up Fleetwood M no Albatross Birds you got an albatross in your [ __ ] kitchen snow Albatross all right an albatross is a oh hang on an albatross is a noise rock band based in Philadelphia

Pennsylvania formed in the fall of 1999 there you go see Albert sa is correct well yes there you go see not to be confused with flock of seagull yeah honestly M there [ __ ] on you yeah I know happen happen of us so where are we where are we you’re bur I think we

Are we are at the end of the game yeah self end game didn’t know what the [ __ ] you were on and everybody just ditched me about an hour ago po Paul Dave is I was just one of them Billy no mates just sat on my own while you all carried on Dave was

Thinking I like this YouTube [Laughter] Channel Justin something doing that on your phone it freaks me out some sort it’s like some sort of I don’t know I I don’t want to say it on live on stream but it’s like some sort of weird clam thing what are you doing I don’t know what you’re doing it’s weird I’m

Pressing X on here Not so go me comments GH and then B oh there another one stiff little fingers have a good weekend take care mate come on M anyway back back to back to football guys I G to say it how are we looking forward to tomorrow very much so I forgot a football

Channel thought I thought we better do some football before you know no one’s going to have watched on now surely watch far on it’s mental but I’m just hoping that that our front boys are going to get lots of service so I think we we all we all

Agree he doesn’t make any changes tomorrow no I I don’t think he will I don’t think he will at all he doesn’t need to right so don’t change a winning team in it just get our big guns on from the start we’re back on the back on the ball back

Into business give a good thrashing um three points and we got second again bearing in mind bearing in mind the cup game we uh well once it got to 70 minutes we’re spanking them anyway and it want our full team out so if they actually do Go full ball admittedly bamper in there

Which is a bit of a let down um yeah we knew that was I do I do think we’ll do it I’m still going two n I’m not going massive I’m not going massive on it at all no I’m not not I’ve kept it easy three

3 in a bit one I’m gonna jump off boys she’s just standing for a b I’m gonna all Justin cheers Bud app have a good weekend yeah yeah you too see you yeah yeah there you have it that’s why even we we like I said before about with

Pascal Stout I don’t think even he get back into no he can’t yet can he yeah he ain’t he ain’t done that wrong has he he got [ __ ] he gotur and is now think we miss his goal well really he gets the odd goal don’t he where probably won’t yeah ID

Won’t I feel I feel sorry for strike because at the end of the day he were Captain he were he were doing really well yeah he got A Hern operation he came back within a week and he shouldn’t have done and then now he’s [ __ ] out and ain’t getting back

In and it I don’t know but now can he get back in now you’ve got to feel for him it do great anyway it’s [ __ ] isn’t it yeah it’s a shame long time he just got to fight for his place again a he or just wait wait his time just the

Business football and when he’s fit in that and say say we’re when he’s fully fit and say we’re like winning 3-0 again we can rest amps or Road on or just jumping yeah don’t forget we still got cops as well well yeah yeah yeah a Backup backup that’s what I’m calling

It yeah but he he can wi uh stri back in it can wean him in a bit can’t he because yeah if we’re going up when he’s fit like it can drop him in for like 20 minutes here and there until he’s fully fit and then we still we

Still haven’t got back up left back I know we’ve got um Conor Robert he oute Conor Roberts can play left but Robert Roberts at the minute B yeah but he a he covering right back get what I mean he can’t do both yeah he can’t do both but it can not at

The same time he can’t no but it’d be good if could yeah I to say we’re getting options AR we all over at Park um I don’t I don’t like low knes for the next season that’s my worry either side of it so we’ve got a lot going out and a

Lot coming in yeah and say we get promoted right and it’s like right who’s staying who’s going there’s a lot of [ __ ] changes going on yeah there’s going to be a lot of yeah and am going to say we we’ll go up but I’m going to say that because I’m

A lead fan but if we didn’t go up then it’s the other way and we’re in the [ __ ] do Drums of we ain’t going to go up for a long time that’s what I’m think I’m gonna put I’m gonna put it out there massively but I think I honestly think

We we will go up and I think we will won’t need to beat Southampton I just well I’m praying but I actually think that will happen I don’t think we will need that last game I’m and I’m still not worried even if we finish third I’m not worried because

Play stripper honestly I’m I’m a warrier so every game I watch every game and I enjoy a game if we W all at half time it’s like I still would it you gotta think you know the start of the Season would you take where we are now yes most

Def massively mely without doubt got think far has worked miracles well not Miracles he’s done a fantastic job and I honestly there’s like Le sorry sopper I think I think de something you got chicken already what is it what what he found is is outside Street

Russell what what what w he a left back for Bristol you’re a wicked keeper I think for again England I can smell that from here d That’s can you delicious yeah yeah I don’t know wow honestly I’ve got a good sense of smell oh yeah yeah you must have I can’t smell it

Oh you’re eating it is it I don’t know I’ve got no idea if I’m not tomorrow then you know oh anyway thanks for coming uh [Laughter] this is it’s just a Bader mask tomorrow Badger serious fish for some I’m watching Dave I’m watching Dave eat here and I’m very

Hungry I’m going to go make you know haveing cam yeah I thought you’d be doing a bit of a jery Oliver tonight Mark you know be cooking up some sort of uh lovely meal for us quite yeah I quite enjoyed that little uh I did actually yeah cooking demonstration yeah yeah you’re

Doing all right yeah it good get your Le United Penny on and uh back on no it were quite good think I’m going to do a still alive bades eat anything mate is he is even sat eating his own fcking [Laughter] fingers look at him yeah [ __ ] make sure you’re eating

Chicken now honestly he’s up to his [ __ ] elbow look at him you absolute Ru calm down you look at him double pause put a plaster on your finger in a minute what what you think is I’ve never seen gwin spinning it seen I’ve never seen I’m I’m really worried about [Laughter]

Health keep yourself healthy see enjoyed it jamy enjoyed Mark’s cooking class look oh thanks Jammy yeah it was good wasn’t it it was yeah quite enjoyed that have you got anything more I have some and yeah I I saw pwns and and sausage

And and rice so I might do a little uh C St H yeah nice did you did you have um like I know we have stove Tuesday on uh over here I don’t know if you do it no pancake there we call Pancake Day do you

Have a pancake day no we don’t have a day called pancake day but um you know we have rest we have restaurants that serve breakfast all day long yeah same yeah and you can you know once in a while when I take my kids out they’ll say hey can we do breakfast

For dinner and uh yeah let’s go you’re quite big on pancakes in America aren’t you about breakfast yeah popular we we do have we do have a restaurant called the International House of Pancakes the thing thing is the Pancake Day over here is not International the

Pancake is in America no so so it’s like we do it as show Tuesday don’t we it’s a it’s a point of making pancakes in America is just literally having a pancake every day for breakfast but we have a point of making it um sh Tuesday is a difference I remember on

Tuesdays I think Taco Tuesday is more popular than pancakes so it’s a different pan Google Mark what Tuesday pancakes Google again oh I know I know it’s a day there I know it’s a I know no but I in how the pancakes are made because it isn’t like your traditional American pancake are

Like flat the sort of flat it it’s like a yours are more yours AR do you possibly just Google UK pancakes day I to I toss am I what you toss yours I toss my pancakes yeah you’ve got to toss your pancak I I tossed a few on Tuesday a man

Has needs Dave a man has needs how what about your pancake I do some Bing every once in a while give it a good flip and toss it up plenty of batter there m yeah your L ibe made batter is always the best yeah it’s really easy mate it’s really easy that’s she

Said comes natural don’t it said as well there you go why is it called a pancake it’s not even a cake kind of is yeah bigly is it kind of a cake because end of day called pan and it’s called a pan and then the Cake part

Of it is you just want to eat it because you love a cake sort of cake ingredients is it eggs and FL it’s a cake cake cake cake Pake it’s a cake true because you put in you put whatever thingy fill in you want can’t you really in a

Way blue and syrup or yeah lemon juice I like the old fresh lemon juice me and I like the old school sugar sugar a bit lemon juice that’s all I like like and all that [ __ ] we had we had lemon juice and Tre um golden syrup golden syrup yeah I like that

Well sugar and lemon juice JF J not not you used to clean your [ __ ] out little lemon juice remember little little lemon juice bottle you used to have oh like a little lemon yeah yeah you put l toilet [ __ ] cleaner that’s what you said you no said

No I didn’t you did did I I’m rewind this you said I G [ __ ] put toil clean onck packet [Laughter] teachie yeah definitely clean your insides out yeah I should be Channel um Gin and Juice tonic yeah Sno Doggy Dog juice on juice laid Sno fits perfect on this channel Wiggly

No random at all about that Paul not Wily welcome to the reality that’s it I thought he’d going to bed anywhere no he come back is he falling off his couch or something come [Laughter] back when are you ready Dave because it’s getting late mate don’t you be late for your football tomorrow work have to get up early you got a hell of a drive down to pouth don’t was that about six hours it’s a long way down there is it is it’s

Already there guys it’s already there took his flag yeah I’m I’m Prem now already travel yeah this way to put mask on so disguise himself are you staying at the Plymouth Four Seasons d That’s it mate F skins F skins [Laughter] you’re looking a bit green tonight anyway green yeah I know probably

Fre things I’ve just had probably the probably probably our class is out of date now they’re that fing cold and oh God yeah shouldn’t at them really to be honest with you can feel me guts jing a bit that going to be good last stream Dev and you had your chonga [Laughter] Dave I have just had a little bit of it last Ripper just a little bit of it that that’s why that’s why he’s called AR Tripper anyway he ate a few [Laughter] earlier he same place had them mate what are you lying for youy we got one what you lying for

You got um one of them salt and pepper boxes what’s in one of them salt and pepper is that it salt pepper yeah just a [ __ ] of salt and pepper that’s it what [ __ ] RI off could have had something you covered yeah yeah what did you have

In there then mate in one of them he [ __ ] stops start laughing I it’s onion rings ribs you know the the old ribs and all that chicken pieces you get a Lo sh loads of chips thrown in sounds like an autopsy this fing to post ites anyway

Nik lot gonna get bed anyway [ __ ] Jeff out no one on here is going to the game what that m not me colen no I’m going to have a drive down there just to watch it on there too far for me see love Mark’s answer a bit yeah I’m off

Tomorrow I’m just I’m just nipping down there I I’ll I’ll just dip down to Plymouth it’s it’s only a 12h hour flight I’m flying in cut cut down some time there actually is you know every every town there has a has a sister city here there’s a Plymouth about 30 minutes from me

W way bur about 10 minutes five minutes not even five minutes yeah no way what’s uh 20 passw are we going to should we end it or what guys I’m go make food so thanks for everybody being in chat thanks for you all joining us on stream can’t thank you all enough you

Know that anyway have a lovely weekend everybody soon have a good week guys all the best guys cheers everybody Legend [ __ ] Legend a lot of you

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