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[ASMR] History Lesson On Pearl Harbor

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Hello welcome to the Spell’s classroom today class we will be learning about history and specifically something that happened in US history so I hope that you enjoy we’re going to be talking about Pearl Harbor which happened on December 7th 1941 and so I’m just going to kind of go through the timeline of

Pearl Harbor today so and then at the end there will be a quiz so I hope that you are ready so on December 7th 1941 at 3:42 a.m. the Mind sweeper Condor is on patrol less than 2 miles off the entrance to Pearl Harbor the officer up

The deck sees something about 50 yards ahead of the port bow he asks the Sailor what he makes up the object that’s a periscope sir the Sailer replies and there aren’t supposed to be any subs in the area the cond sends a blinker light message to the Destroyer

Ward cited submerge sub submarine un Westerly course speed at nine knots at 6:10 a.m. already in flight commander mitua fua who will lead the Japanese Air Attack on PE Harbor sees the Japanese aircraft carriers rocking on a choppy sea crewman cling to the aircraft to keep the planes from going over the

Side the carriers turn into the wind and the first wave of planes 183 Fighters bombers and torpedo planes Roars into the Sky Pilots reconfirm their navigation by using a Honolulu radio station music as a guiding Beam at 6:45 a.m. the US Destroyer Ward having found the submarine reported by

The Condor Moves In For the Kill the wards Captain Lieutenant William W Outer Bridge has been in command for only two days he orders to open fire the second shot strikes the submarine at the waterline the submarine heals over and appears to slow and sink at 6:53 a.m. on December 7th

1941 a message is sent from the Ward to the 14th Naval headquarters at Pearl Harbor Naval Station we have dropped charges upon sub operating in defensive sea area we have attacked fired upon and Dro depth charges upon submarine operating in defense of sea area Outer Bridge believes that the message will show

Superiors the Destroyer the Destroyer had not just seen a submarine but actually had shot at something at 7:02 a.m. the Army’s Opana Mobile radar station is one of six radar stations on aahu Raider is a new defense tool in Hawaii one of the two privates on duty

Looks at the radar and can’t believe his eyes he asks the other private to take a look and confirms the sighting 50 or more aircraft on a bearing for aahoo the privates call the fort chapter information center The Hub of the radar Network about 12 minutes later at 7:15

A.m. the ward had sent out its message about attacking the sbin code at headquarters code clerks decode the message the message gradually makes its way to the top Kimmel commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet because there had been so many false reports of submarines recently Kimmel decides to wait for verification of the

Report 5 minutes later at 7:20 a.m. an Army lieutenant who was training at the radio network operations center at Fort chapter gets the Opana radar station report the biggest sightings the radar operator had ever seen by now the planes are about 70 miles away the lieutenant

Believes that the radar had picked up a flight of us B17 bombers heading from California to Hawaii for security reasons he cannot tell this to the radar operators all he says is well don’t worry about it 7:33 a.m. us code Breakers have cracked the Japanese diplomatic codes from a Tokyo to Washington

Message president Franklin Roosevelt and General George Marshall Army Chief of Staff learned that Japanese negotiators in Washington have been told to break off talks believing that this may mean War Marshall sends a warning to Lieutenant General Walter short commander of army forces in Hawaii Marshall’s message goes via

Commercial Telegraph it will reach schz headquarters at 11:45 a.m. he will not see it until about 300 pm. so that was at 7:30 and he didn’t see it until 3 at 7:40 a.m. Japanese Pilots see a long white line of Coast Wahoo’s Kuku point about 9 minutes later at 7:49 a.m.

Fua looking down on Pearl Harbor sees no aircraft carriers which the Japanese hope to destroy and thus thwart United States retaliation the carriers were on missions that’s why they didn’t see them he orders his Telegraph operator to tap out an attack then other TOS attack surprise achieved at 7:55 a.m. at the Command

Center on Ford Island Commander Logan Ramsey looks out of window to see a low flying plane a reckless United States pilot he thinks that he sees something black fall out of that plane and realizes it’s a bomb ramsy runs to a radio room and orders the telegraph operators to send

Out an uncoded message to every ship and Base air raid on Pearl Harbor this is not a drill the coordinated attack begins as dive bombers strike the Army Air Forces Wheeler Field North of Pearl Harbor and Hickman field near Ford islands Battleship Row the Japanese wanting control of the air hope to destroy

American war planes on the ground most United States planes have been parked wing tip to wing tip in neat ropes to make it easy to guard them against sabotage most are destroyed at 8:00 a.m. so 5 minutes later as part of a United States plan to bolster the Pacific forces 12 b7s had

Been ordered to the Philippines the first stop is aahu unaware that Japan is attacking aahu they prepare to land because they are unarmed to save weight the b7s can only Dodge Japanese fighters in the United States anti-aircraft gunfire most manag to land intact one touches down on a golf course at 8:10

A.m. an armor-piercing bomb dropped by a high altitude bomber pierces the forward deck of the USS Arizona Battleship setting off more than 1 million pounds of gunpowder creating a huge Fireball and killing 1,177 men a sailor on the torpedo Battleship Nevada sees the Arizona jump

At least 15 or 20 ft upward in the water and sort of break into two in 9 minutes the Arizona is on the bottom at 8:45 a.m. so about 50 minutes since the um bomb was dropped on the USS Arizona Battleship the second wave of 35 Fighters 78 dive bombers and 54 high

Altitude bombers meets heavy anti-aircraft fire bombers attack the Navy Yard Dry Dock and hit the battleship Pennsylvania another bomber hits oil tanks between the destroyer’s Casten and downs on board ammunition explodes and the Caston rolls off its blocks and into the downs bombs hit the light Cruiser ra which had

Been torpedoed in the first wave Kwan jutson gear to keep it from capsizing bombs hit the light Cruiser ra which had been torpedoed in the first wave crewman Jetson gear in to keep from capsizing keep it from capsizing at 9:30 a.m. a bomb blows off the bow of the

Destroyer Shaw pieces of the ship rain down half a mile away a photo of the spectacular explosion becomes one of the best known images of the day except for the Arizona Utah and Oklahoma every ship sunk or damaged December 7th will sail again 10:00 a.m. Japanese Fighters

R rendes with bombers off aahu and follow them back to the carriers of the 29 Japanese planes lost anti-aircraft guns probably shut down 15 Japanese Pilots urge a third strike if the gasoline tanks at Pearl Harbor are hit they reason the Pacific Fleet will be out of action for weeks but superiors saying

The attack has been successful rule out a third strike one reason the whereabouts of the u United States carriers is still unknown at 10:30 a.m. from the ships and airfields come the wounded some horribly burned others riddled by bullets and and shrap Nowell at some hospitals casualties are laid out on lawn Medics

Convert baracks dining halls and schools into temporary hospitals for many severely wounded and dying men all nurses can do is give them morphine then they put a lipstick M on their foreheads to indicate the pain killing drug the death toll eventually reaches 2,390 at 100 p.m. the Japanese Strike

Force turns for home in the 44 months of war that will follow the US Navy will sink every one of the Japanese aircraft carriers battleships and Cruisers in the strike force and when Japan signs the surrender document on September 2nd 1945 the US War worships in Tokyo bay

Will be a victim of the attack the USS West Virginia okay so we’re going to go ahead and do a quiz now so I have 11 questions for you today and I’m going to redo the questions and then give you some time to think about it and then we’ll go ahead

And answer those questions okay so number one how many days was the Ward’s captain Lieutenant William W Outerbridge in command before the attack happened how many days was the Ward’s Captain Lieutenant William W Outerbridge in command before the attack happened good yes two days he was in

Command for very good okay number two at 7:02 a.m. how many aircraft did the private sea heading towards aahu at 7:02 a.m. how many aircraft to the private sea heading towards aahu about 50 yeah so 50 or more the private saw good job okay number three when did George Marshall send a

Warning to Lieutenant General Walter short commander of army forces in Hawaii when did George Marshall send a warning to Lieutenant General Walter short commander of army forces in Hawaii you think about that one yes so it was around 7:00 but it reached shorts headquarters at 11:45 and he didn’t see the message

Until 300 p.m. yeah go go good listening all right at 7:55 a.m. what was seen I can rep it at 7:55 a.m. what was seen good something black falling out of the sky which was a bom very good okay what battleship was bombed with more than 1 million pounds of

Gunpowder that created a huge Fireball and killed 1,177 men close not the Nevada it’s the US Arizona Battleship the US Arizona Battleship was bombed with more than 1 million pounds gunpowder and that created a huge Fireball and killed 1,177 men very good how many minutes did it take us Arizona Battleship to

Sink how many minutes did it take us Arizona Battleship to sink nine minutes excellent very good we have good listeners what battleship was the only ship to get underway the US Nevada correct how far did pieces of the bow of the Sha blow how far did the pieces of the bow of sha

Blow yes yeah half a mile very good what did the nurses Mark the men’s heads to indicate the men had taken a pain killing drug okay so we know they use red lipstick what else did they put on them they put an m and what was the M for morphine good okay last

Question how many months of War followed the Japanese attack close you’re close uhhuh okay yeah so good 44 months so after the Japanese attack War lasted for another 44 months very nice job listening today um I think you did a really nice job on the quiz and I enjoyed learning with you

Today I hope that you have a great day goodbye


  1. There’s a movie called Tora, Tora, Tora (1970) that got a lot of these details right. Other movies about this supposedly aren’t as accurate.

  2. Can you do a lesson on who the Bolsheviks really were and why they “cuddled” with 60 million Slavs/Whites/Christians? Why did they disappear after cuddle time? Weird…

  3. My great-uncle was at Pearl and was stationed on the USS Arizona. He was lucky, he had shore leave on the 7th. He survived the day but most of his shipmates never made it. He was killed in a car wreck years later.

  4. The lovely Miss Bell. She could read the phone book and still hypnotize me! Does she know how pleasant she is to listen to? ❤

  5. Your voice in this video was incredibly beautiful and relaxing considering the subject matter. Pearl harbour ended with the nuclear bombs being dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A truly horrifying pair of events.

  6. Hello miss Bell your looking Absolutely beautiful miss Bell I'd love to see you do more videos of you wearing your pantyhose if you don't mind please love seeing beautiful ladies wearing pantyhose..

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