Improve Your Golf Swing with the Split Grip Drill!

In this video, I’ll be sharing a valuable drill called the Split Grip Drill, designed specifically to help golfers who tend to shallow the club too much in the downswing or swing their hands and arms away from them, potentially leading to dreaded shanks. By incorporating this drill into your practice routine, you’ll develop a more consistent and efficient swing path, leading to better ball striking and lower scores on the course.

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Okay so welcome back to the channel and thank you for uh watching my video um so what I want to talk to you about today is is a drill that is out there called the split grip drill and and what’s it for and why do we do it so it’s a really

Great way it’s it’s multifaceted drill to be honest with you but the main area that I like to get it to feel for me to do is we see a lot of golfers one of the big things we see good golfers do is they have a tendency they’re told to

Shallow the shaft okay to get it back on the right plane so this means that they drop the clubbed behind them and they also get out ahead of it as well so this gets everything out in front of them but when you drop the shaft down like so

This then forces the hands out a little bit from here on the way down so hands move closer to the ball sometimes as well we hear golfers say they got to pull the hands towards the the ball itself as well to pull it down and and

And hit into the ball this way but your hands are always moving away from you and this can all this can end up with all sorts of things the dreaded shank if anything your hands actually start in a position which is you know say hands width away from your thighs or whatever

They’ve actually want to the main task on the goal here is to bring your hands back down to the same Point again okay you don’t want them working out I mean yeah okay gravity and laws and momentum and so on makes their hands rise a bit

But we want to get the feel of bring the hands back down to the same point as which they started okay now the split grip drel does that so what I’m going to do is I’m just basically going to take my grip but then move my right hand down

On the handle so I’ve got a good couple of inches or so between my left hand and my right hand and what this is going to do is as I swing back helps with leverage as well I’m just going to get a feeling of bringing my hand down my left

Hand downward towards my right thigh and then bring it back into here because there’s no way if I’m going to try and hit a ball doing this this is going to pull my hand in naturally closer to me so that my right hand can get back into

The into the ball to hit it there’s no way that I’m going to do this and push out this way cuz I’m going to miss the ball so the split grip drill teaches you to pull the left hand down to bring it back in and bring your hands in closer

To your body all right it’s a great drill I love it this is one that I need to work on a lot myself to be honest with you so it’s going to help me to tip the momentum back out in front of me and get the club head working around in a

Circle and it’s just going to help me to get the club back on plane rather than this uh tipping out moving forward and tipping the club behind me I’m never going to recover because I’m then having to do something to try and rectify that so just practice swinging back and get a

Feeling of how the Left Hand Works down my left arm rolls down my chest and it pulls down here and to get back on the ball you wouldn’t hit shots like this but it just teaches you just to how close the left hand has to work back in

And get the hands back into the ball towards your body as opposed to always swinging out and away okay it’s the same thing if I was going to throw my hands this way coming outside it in as well okay it’s just going to teach me to pull

Everything down on the right path to get contact on the ball that’s what you’re going to do you’re just going to sort of get that feeling okay so I’m going to once I’ve done that a few times I’m then just going to practice that feeling back

And then through this is going to help me just to get the club back on the right track and and just get that feel of the hands moving in towards my body as opposed to um throwing them out towards the the the the ball itself so practice that rehearse that and then

Just keep doing it until you get that feeling of the club you’re going to feel like the club is probably coming out this way it’s not we don’t want it to do that but it’s going to fall back in line so that the club head then matches up

With my hands really to then pull it in here so the split grip drills a great drill to do and I suggest that you try to rehearse that especially if you’re somebody that’s been teaching or been learning to shallow the shaft quite a lot and also you have a tendency to get

Out ahead of it this is a great drill to really help you feel that anyway thank you for watching and uh please remember to like subscribe uh and share with your friends and um I’ll catch you next week

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