EVERYTHING you need to know about MIURA GOLF

Good friend Miura Golf COO Bill Holowaty chats candidly with Simon and this year’s PGA Merchandise Show.

Miura Golf is a company that specializes in crafting the world’s finest forged golf clubs. Founded in 1957 by master craftsman Katsuhiro Miura, the company is known for its unwavering pursuit of perfection in both design and manufacturing. Each Miura club is individually made in the Miura family’s factory in Himeji, Japan, where the entire family works hands-on to carry on the Miura legacy.

The forging process used by Miura Golf is patented and involves meticulous craftsmanship to ensure the highest quality clubs. Katsuhiro Miura’s sons, Shinei and Yoshitaka, also work in the factory and proudly contribute to the continuation of their father’s exceptional craftsmanship. This commitment to craftsmanship and attention to detail have made Miura Golf a renowned brand in the golf industry.

In recent years, Miura Golf has attracted significant investment and entered into partnerships to further expand their global presence. Miura Golf has also partnered with the Nicklaus Companies, further solidifying their reputation as a premium golf club manufacturer.

With their focus on precision, passion, and a rich family legacy, Miura Golf remains dedicated to producing top-of-the-line forged golf clubs that are favored by professionals and amateurs alike.

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So happy to be back here with Bill holti from Mira golf H going to have a quick chat about upcoming things this year and a bit of a loop round about Mira as a as a brand I mean say we’ve worked with you guys for 18 odd years now which has been

Well I I think that’s been a a big part of the success that Mira has enjoyed not just in the UK but in Europe uh and around the world uh um our relationship does go back you know a long time uh I’m very proud to uh to to have you guys

Representing uh our our brand but I’m also you know super proud of the fact that we’ve become good friends over the years uh I think it’s really been important to the growth of our brand in the UK that you know we’ve had someone who’s been to the mirror Factory who

Knows the family personally uh and because that’s such a big part of who we are the the mirror brand the family business the the philosophy of Kaizen which translates to the NeverEnding search of perfection and uh that’s that’s what drives a miror family and uh

It’s what you know allows me to tell the story and for you to tell the story to your customers so anyways one of the things that was so um fascinating so I guess it was it was lovely to have Shin when we went over there actually come to

Us and say this is what we’re looking at what do you think um you to get to get that from was really quite and I think that’s an under you know stated um you know quality or uh happening that that that doesn’t always get inp expressed

You know the fact that Mira has grown as a brand and and you know is synonymous with quality and forged irons but to to to know that um he values that input yeah you know from your side of the business from your customers from your you know the playing conditions that the

Golf courses that you play on um those things he he he Treasures that and and covets that that type of feedback and you know I I don’t think with other brands you’re you’re that connected to Mr Mira Shin Mira um where where you can you can ask that question or make that

Approach so um as as great as it’s been for you or for James to to be able to to say you know I’ve talked to Mr Mir about this or that it’s equally good for them and uh he asked me all the time and before I came to the show this year said

If you see our friends including Simon and James please say hello on our behalf so we’re happy to do that and you alluded to a couple of products coming this year yeah um as you know uh the mirror process doesn’t lend itself to mass production um but the other thing

We don’t do is we’re not bringing out uh a new model in a new category every year typically uh if you’re a TC 2011 player um that’s been in the in the lineup for three years now uh and it’ll be in the lineup for this year as well um the two

Exciting parts of of uh new models that are coming the IC 602 the IC 602 is a uh a club that I I think will will fit well within our line um has uh multimaterial uh um including a a cast back which is unusual for M obviously but the fact

That a cast um body and a and a forge face come together at this time you customers and dealers can be rest assured that that it didn’t happen in order to to just put a model in that category it had to meet the standards and expectations of the miror family to

Put their name on it mean that they’re happy and satisfied that it will deliver a feel a performance and a sound that you’re used to it will fit well within the line Little Bit Stronger Lofts uh it’ll be a three through gap wedge um uh

Uh set um but obviously you know can be broken up and fit um you know to to your customers’s uh specifications we feel that the the three and four iron will also fit well in in the bag of the the player who maybe now looking for a

Driving iron or a hybrid but likes the look of an iron um launch uh um launch angle um with offset or face progression has been has been optimized so you’re going to get um what you want in terms of a ball flight uh that matches and

Mirrors uh the rest of our lineup um a a so called the Mira versatile soul that will deliver Turf interaction and feel again and performance cuz that ball on face contact is is is the feedback that we we look for from our irons so really excited about the IC 602 we’ll have more

Information on that uh and looking at an April launch for that um also very excited about a a new wedge lineup and so many of our Mira dealers and and uh customers have been asking when when is this wedge coming when we will be able

To see a a mirror wedge that will line up with um Lofts and and soul grinds that are versatile enough to fit my game and um Yosh taka Mira uh one of the Mira Brothers um has been working tily on this lineup uh we expect it’ll be uh in

The in the second quarter of uh this year and it will have uh what we would like to call the the Y grind for Yosh taka grind um in 48 through 56 and then 54 through 62 we’ll have essentially a c grind more um heel and Tow relief um but but

Attention paid to the trailing Edge as well so um what I really look forward to is is sitting down on a a V video conference with you guys uh once we have the the details uh for you again the IC 602 uh will be uh April and then the uh

The wedge will follow shortly thereafter in May I think that’s going to be the wedges in particular we’ve talked about this over the past couple of years it’s going to be such a such an addition to the line to give the versatility for the different s of turf types and swing

Styles I think that that’s going to mean you know miror Iron players having so many more options to look at and to to feed the wedges into the um to be able to take take the miror players all the way through the bag yeah yeah and and

And you you’re right I mean it it there wasn’t a continuity that that existed there um you know obviously people love Mir and name and they’re going to they’re going to support us but I think now we’ll be able to to compete with the top names in The Wedge game uh based on

Based on design certainly the feel uh the the the the um trajectory and spin that that players want um that that’s going to be you know obviously in place but um that that that feel that that mirror feel the the sound um and and the consistency um that our irons deliver

Now finding in the wedges so yeah we’re really excited about that that’s one of the things that um that I found having played the miror wedges in the past I need a lot of Bounce because of poor technique so um that’s why haven’t currently been in them but as I noticed

With the um the way that the grooves are pressed in and the construction how the longevity of the grooves I think that’s something that’s always stood out to me about the miror wedges ARS but wedges in particular where you notice that wear pattern a little more yeah and and I you

Know I think one of the mirror philosophies is that clubs are designed and manufacturers to perform first and sell second and that’s sort of contrarian view to to how retail might be you know we’re we’re doing a manufacturing run we need to sell out and we hope they you know attain the the

Level of uh performance necessary the mirror family wants that to perform first so those things are all important the feel the sound the performance the the durability of the club and and you know not sacrificing the feel for durability you know the the the way the process of stamping you know groes into

An iron or even you know the process of Milling groes in it has to meet those high standards and uh you know we want we want to always be consistent and that when somebody picks up a miror club and purchases a mirror Club they know what they’re getting you right it oh this

Isn’t as as good as that one or it doesn’t feel the same as that did or doesn’t sound like my other wedge did that that just can’t happen and and that’s that’s what we can do and that’s you know again with the the process manufacturing process not lending itself

To mass production it means each head gets Hands-On uh attention throughout the 14-step process well Bill lovely to see you again thanks so much for your time can’t wait to get these products in hand and uh yeah of a great addition to the lineup looking forward to it thanks

James and thanks Simon no thanks James thanks Simon good to talk to you guys


  1. Played a set of one off satin black 501’s for a number of years. They even have their own YouTube story with SAS Golf!

  2. interesting history, but, as a follow up can you do a full bag fitting (with either yourself, or staff) so we can see what they offer, and performance, etc. as we don't see any of the clubs in this video, also if there could be a link to any other Miura content you have done, and maybe some affiliate links so we can find dealers where we play.

  3. This may not be the correct video but keen form a response and its the latest one! I am looking to come in for a fitting and have researched the fitting price. What I can’t find is how much a set of irons could be. My understanding from some of the articles I’ve read is that you mostly fit into non-stock shafts so I can’t just use the MRSP. I know this varies but it would be good to have a ballpark figure? 1000-1500, 1600-2000, 2000+ – many thanks

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