Ben Hogan – Moe Norman Learn “The Downswing Master Move” Of The Golf Swing

Learn the one “Master” move of the downswing for great solid ball striking and consistency.

All good players have this move and it’s what basically separates them from everyone else!

Great players all have different styles and preferred methods but all have this move and so can you!

It’s not hard once you understand it and do the practice drills to incorporate into your swing!

Develop your own best golf swing. Check out our program – “Golf Swing Basics – Fundamentals of The Swing Motion” . Follow the link to learn more:
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#golf #golfswing #benhogan #moenorman

00:00 Intro
00:09 Master Move
01:09 Ben Hogan – Moe Norman
03:20 The Master Move
06:00 Drill #1 – Transition Drill Pump The Club Down
09:05 Drill #2 – Retrain The Trail Arm Exercise
11:05 Drill #3 – Crosshand Sync Prevent Early Release
12:30 Drill #4 – Band Drill Sync The Arms and Trunk
13:42 Drill #5 – Retrain The Hands & Wrists
15:11 Wrap up

Today’s lesson we’re going to talk about that one fundamental Master move in golf that seems to separate the good players from The Not So this to move in golf mode my vertical drop and a horizontal tug but this is the first movement there look look you can drive a truck

Through look where’ the cup going fall not most people do it entirely opposite they wrot their shoulders first instead of their lower body as a result they come across the ball and hit the outside of the ball instead of the back F first foot com straight down the cover is behind my back

Pointing never this is that pure to watch is the is what starts first from from the top of the swing that pure today we’re going to talk to you about it in the context of two of the greatest ball Strikers That Ever Walked the planet you know the the Great

Canadian Mo Norman and the legendary Ben Hogan both were renowned as the best ball Strikers of all time and in fact Tiger Woods recently said they were the only two players in history that owned their own swings and could control the golf ball anytime here we have two

Players totally different in styles and preferences mon Norman big man big Burley built a little bit like an orangutang big strong arms upper body and back and then we had you know Bo Ben Hogan Slender Slender Man smaller totally different philosophy in terms of swung the golf club yet they both

Arrived at the same point and they agreed on a couple a couple basic things in the swing to allow good ball striking to talk to happen and that’s what we’re going to talk about today so in terms of the style Ben Hogan had you know we see

With his his swing pattern very classic very modern sort of the the master swing of the modern classic swing very good-look swing Hogan had a lot of rotary action in the golf swing he had a you know big big big big long back swing lots of upper body turn lots of pelvic

Rotation he used a lot of rotation on the downswing to bring the club through the golf ball and that’s how he generated speed and power and then we had Mo Norman again completely different body style Mo Norman didn’t believe in a lot of hip rotation I’ll talk about that a little

Bit more he was mostly upper body dominant and he had a very unique style and if you’ve ever watched him you you see his style in pattern for example Mo Norman very wide stance you know he stood a long way from the ball like this had the club head way way way behind the ball took the the club back didn’t necessarily have that long a golf swing you know he rotated back and then down and through to hit the golf ball

You know he drove the club down with his arms to get the club into POS into position you quite a bit different from the classic looking swing of Ben Hogan so why did these two swings work know why did they perform so well they both

Talk about the same thing but they do it in different ways Mo Norman talked about it what was the secret you know they asked him what was the secret in the golfing mod well he talked he talked about when he got back here vertical drop and then horizontal tug so he’s

Talking about that action of the trail Arm coming down and through and then the arms through the golf ball and then Hogan talked about the swing from the ground up using the legs using the lower body the rotation of the hips to bring the Golf Club down and he got the club

To the top here and it was the action of the lower body that brought that club down that brought that trail arm down into the hitting position and then rotate through they both did the same thing but they both did it differently and that’s the thing they understand about that fundamental

Pattern is the same in their golf swings and what we saw in both their swings and we see this in all good players once they get the club back regardless of how the back swing looks when they start down when they start down into that down swing what do we see

Trail arm stays folded for a long period of time it comes down in front of the body and the angle of the wrists the wrists don’t unload early that wrist hinge actually even will deepen with good players so they get the club back here they start down here Trail arm fold is

Maintained that wrist hinge is maintained and the club comes down in front of them into this delivery position and then they hit through the golf ball with good arm extension so they all possess that that move there and that essentially is that one magic move to golf where you maintain the the

The position of the trail Arm coming down and the wrists stay hinged that allows you to bring that club down into that delivery position allows you to control the path of the golf swing so now the club is perfectly on plane here you can see where that right arms folded

And hit through the golf ball if you get into that position in your golf swing you can’t help but hit good golf shots all good players get to that position that’s how they strike the golf ball yes their swings look a little bit different

In how they do it but they all get to that position so I’m going to give you a few drills that will help you with that that you can incorporate into your into your swing pattern and those will help change that pattern of motion for you

And yes it does take a little bit of work but not a huge amount of work you just have to kind of retrain the body and the mind a little bit about how you’re working to ingrain that into your golf SG so just going to get set up

Here I’m just going to rotate back to the top of the back swing and with this exercise I’m just going to work on pumping the club down and what I want to feel is that action where I’m taking the club down from top of back swing to the through

Swing but I’m trying to let the trail arm drop down in front of me and stay folded the lead arm stays extended here I am in that position the club is behind my hands like that what does the average golfer do what do most golfers do they get the

Club up here they want to rush the club into the golf ball they want to hit the ball from up here so we see this separation where the arms separate from the body we get this early unloading of the hands and wrists they throw the club from out to in and

Then we get all kinds of poor contact so again here up to the top I just work on pumping that club down so I’m trying I’m maintaining my wrist angle here and I’m letting that club drop in front of me the other thing to notice as I do this and this is

Something that all good players do just regardless of how they rotate to move through the golf ball more Norman liked to feel like his hips were pretty Square his hips did open up just not as much as some of the players on on the tour today

Do with their hips wide open and like Hogan did but when they’re coming down whe regardless of the length of the Swing you move from the back foot to the Lead Foot there’s an early pressure shift Where You sock yourself down into that left foot to start your down swing

That helps facilitate that move there up to the top here and I’m just working on pumping that club down and you can see I go from the back foot to the Lead Foot here here I’m in that impact delivery position now now and then I can rotate through and

The reason why you got you got to do some practice Swings with it well what happens when you put the ball in front of you you know maybe you do a couple drills or you go for a lesson and you and you incorporate a a movement and you

You start hitting the ball pretty good and then what happens rapidly after that you regress back to what you’re used to doing you know that Mind Body Connection you go back to what’s been ingrained for so long and you just you go back to the

Old pattern so that’s why you got to do some practice swings and drills without the ball to try to ingrain that new pattern of motion here like That and then through you’ll really feel that Dynamic action from top of back swing through to the impact position you can see I’m not trying to throw the club out like that right the club’s coming down you can see that position there where that arm is there’s

That hitting action and then through so regardless of how your swing looks we need that action in the golf swing another way to feel that some players have a little bit of trouble feeling that I’ve got a couple weights here there’s a light one here and a little bit heavier a 10 lb

One that helps give you some feel that will help give you some feel in that trail arm when you’re swinging I’ve got the 10 pounder here so if I’m setting up here I I try to throw this thing at the ball that’s pretty awkward and that that’s really really hard to

Do when I start down if I keep the arm close to me and I let it come back close to me oh this is a lot easier to do this elbow drops in front of me the shoulder comes down naturally like that and I can feel that action the arm

Coming back toward me the arm stays folded here like that and then rotate Through so that’s a good practice drill do to train to train that feel for that trail arm to stay folded use a weight that’s comfortable for you that might be just a can of beans for example it might be a 2 lb weight it might be a five or 8

Lb weight up to the top down the arm stays close and then through like that this way I’m ingraining that nice pattern right the trail arm stay stays folded and close to me through the Striking of the golf ball like that next couple couple simple drills you can do

Where you don’t have to incorporate swing in a golf club maybe you don’t have room where you are at home you don’t feel like swinging a club but you want to practice a little bit well you can work very effectively just doing practice swings without without the golf

Club just by incorporating a couple moves into the swing to help feel that pattern of motion first one I’m going to get set here I take my trail arm I put it behind my lead arm so I’m a right-handed golfer so my right hand goes right here underneath and get it in

Front of the lead arm there take my stance so that gets me naturally in a good setup position lead arm extend right arm underneath me there and I’m going to rotate to the top of my back swing and then coming down I want to keep the pressure on the hands I want to

Keep the those two hands together as I start down like that and look what happens I get into that great Trail arm position here where it folds and it drops in front of me impact and around so it’s a wonderful practice drill for training the arms and

Body to work together for the the arm swing to stay connected to what your upper body is doing your torso there and around and through just again here here boom wonderful wonderful drill help tra retrain the arms and hands and then another good one use the exercise

Bands guess I got one of these Fitness bands here extend my arms down put a little bit of live tension on it get myself set I want to keep the tension on the bands as I swing that helps to keep my arms comfortably extended and close to

Me so I go to the top of the Swing both arms are working with my trunk I start down both arms are working with the trunk as I come back down here down and through so it’s hard to do that business when you got the bands there because I’m

Trying to keep the tension on the bands so here down helps give me the feel for getting into that position impact and then threw it around just like that wonderful practice door and the last one going to set up I’m going put my arms up in front of me here to start

With hands together I want to press them together I want to feel a little bit of live tension there and then I’m going to my wrists I’m just going to hold that there and I’ll do couple swings from up here first of all like that so by cocking the wrists and

Putting some pressure in the hands I’m presetting the correct impact position and look what happens to that right arm I’m not even thinking about that look at that position there what does that remind you of that’s that impact position to strike the golf ball that we need here like

This back and through there’s no attempt to kind of do this and that and square the golf club up and that I I don’t need to do that if I move that club down properly into that correct position that’s going to happen all by itself you you’ll have wonderful Club face control

Here like that so I do a few of those arms and body are turning together and then I drop it down I’m into my setup position here get the wrist set into that impact position I go to the top and then when I start down I keep that pressure I keep

That pressure on the hands look at that fold there that happens naturally there impact and then through set up down and then through wow those are fantastic practice drills don’t need to swing a golf club they’ll retrain how your arms and body move so that you can learn these new positions

And work it into your swing as you go so you’re changing your swing but you’re not really changing you know some static positions where you go here like this this and this you’re changing overall motion and that motion is making these Dynamic changes these positive changes in your golf

Swim so give those drills a try they’ll they’ll really help you we want to you know we really want to understand that there’s there really isn’t no magic style or swing pattern you know there’s lots of different looking swings out there but it’s all the good players they

All move a certain way they all have that fundamental pattern of motion and that re real key move is that transition move move from back swing starting down into the down swing and maintaining the that fold and set and that trail arm that sets the club up in that great

Position to release the golf club and have that fantastic impact position to strike the golf ball that’s the real fundamental move that separates all really really good players if you have any questions or and comments put them into the comments below be happy to deal

With them as we go if there’s any swing tips in different areas of the game that you want deal with and want to have video lessons on throw them into the comments bued from over 50 golf let’s keep playing golf let’s keep practicing let’s keep having fun

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