Golf Players

Chasing The Open Dream πŸ† | At Home With Christiaan Maas


Christiaan Maas is setting his sights on becoming the next South African golfer to make waves in the amateur game by winning the inaugural Africa Amateur Championship being played at Leopard Creek from 21-24 February.

The winner will earn exemptions into The 152nd Open at Royal Troon, The Amateur Championship, the Alfred Dunhill Championship and the Waterfall City Tournament of Champions powered by Attacq, providing life-changing opportunities for the eventual champion.

We followed him at home in Pretoria during a winter break from college to see what makes one of the top amateur golfers in the world tick.

The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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Hello juy girl this my mom hello and then this is my girlfriend M good working very hard yeah this is his favorite breakfast I don’t normally eat a lot of Breakfast in America the toast and Boll stuff well I love it and why do you look

Forward to eating the most when you get back to oh no d d did you make your bed this morning can you show us your roomies and well I didn’t make my bed M my mom made my bed I think I probably should make my own bed it’s should be okay normally pretty

Neat with my room and stuff no it’s pretty neat it’s normally more golf clubs but my friends are normally the ones that get the donations can you tell us a bit about the early painting yeah one of my oh my best friend Lan his dad bought me

This I guess kind of cool memorability I’ve only at a else for autism golf day and then gave it to me so it’s been in my room Episod there was a wave of very good golfers I think that came through when I was 15 to 18 with Christo Casey jayen there was a very high level of competitiveness when we play tournaments and then golfers they started coming through with the UK tours and all the

Events that that’s probably the one thing that keeps you competitive you play an event basically every week hello Jans I used to walk around the house doing this the whole day when I was about 5 years old my dad and uncle were very big rugby players so I used

To in primary school or when I was about 7 to 10 years old I think back then I wanted to play because my uncle was also the Bulls coach at that point when they were very successful um so but since then I’ve realized that practicing rugby wasn’t

That that much fun when I was younger I definitely broke almost every window with some sort of ball he’s a baller he’s got a lot of Ball s and he likes to play with balls R the Crick at anything to do with a ball but I can still pause now and

Then and I love golf so he went with me to the driving range initially and then I saw he’s got a natural ability and gave him my clubs to play or start to play and cut them shorter and basically from 8 9 and then 10 we joined Petoria

Country Club and that’s 10 years ago but he just laugh Off What kind of music do you generally listen to some sort of Pop I’m not a very big rap or rap I never liked it I know CH CHR is a big fan of rap that’s only one of the stuff where we differ I really don’t understand how he likes it

So all throughout will probably be here every day almost stuff like my Instagram or stuff like that I mean everybody you social media but I’m only looking at Coffee there and swing videos of tiger and whoever puts up the best videos of people and jumping videos and yeah everything’s just golf on my

Phone so yeah walking into the golf course now um probably going to play a couple of holes see if I can still play golf after this December break and then yeah get back into things and then we’ll see for get back or prepared for African

Am um it’s great being back at the place where spend so many hours just practicing and stuff a lot of people say that is a lot of hard work but I mean if you like golf as much as I do it’s it’s not that much work it’s a lot of fun and

You want to be here every day and not leave the golf course the golf card what isage this is a hand luggage it up back at home again it’s a lot of fun I mean it’s I guess it’s one way to measure if you’ve gotten better

Or not playing the golf course 3 or 4 months apart from each other I mean coming back playing the golf course in America this golf course is pretty short compared to well it’s very short compared to all the golf courses we play in America but still still bites You last year was full on the ride with Chris to I mean I’ve played with him a lot of golf in college and we pretty much have the same game well he hits a little bit further but we both look pretty crooked off the tea sometimes so

We pretty good at Escape shots and getting out of this trouble and that trouble and yeah so our minds work very much the same in the golf course and that was a lot of fun it would be a very weird type of three peat if I can

Somehow get to the final I mean cing cing and then winning itself but yeah still a long way to there that must be a title you got your eye on yeah probably be the biggest one TN being with the open invite and especially being at leid Creek and that

Iconic finishing hle that’s the big one this year that I’m looking forward To

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