The DRILL you need to keep your left arm straight in the golf swing.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on perfecting your golf swing! Are you struggling to keep your left arm straight during your swing? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this video, we’ll walk you through step-by-step instructions and valuable tips to ensure your left arm stays straight, leading to better accuracy and power in your shots! 🏌️‍♂️💪

✨ Key Tips for Keeping Your Left Arm Straight:
1️⃣ Maintain a relaxed grip on the club.
2️⃣ Focus on proper posture and alignment.
3️⃣ Keep your left arm extended throughout the backswing.
4️⃣ Avoid over-swinging, and maintain control.
5️⃣ Practice drills to reinforce muscle memory.

With our expert guidance and practice exercises, you’ll be on your way to a smoother, more consistent golf swing in no time! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned golfer looking to refine your technique, mastering this fundamental aspect of the swing is essential for improving your overall game. ⛳️🏌️‍♀️

🎥 In this video, our professional golf instructor demonstrates each technique with clarity and precision, making it easy for you to follow along and implement these strategies into your own game.

Don’t let a bent left arm hinder your golf performance any longer! Join us and unlock the secrets to a straighter, more powerful swing that will have you hitting the fairway with confidence. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more valuable golf tips and tutorials! #GolfTips #GolfSwing #LeftArmStraight #GolfTutorial 🏌️‍♂️✨

🔗 Related Videos:

Perfecting Your Golf Posture: Tips and Drills
Mastering the Backswing: Essential Techniques for Golfers
Improving Your Golf Swing Accuracy: Target Practice Drills
Thanks for watching, and happy golfing! 🏌️‍♂️⛳️

So we’re talking about one simple drill to fix your left arm position once and for All so making sure that your arms are working in the correct fashion in your golf swing is extremely important and obviously that’s a very obvious statement so making sure that your left arm in particular is the one that’s going to give you width um it’s going to

Give you power it’s going to increase that sort of range of motion that you can get in your golf swing quite often you’re going to see people getting it wrong when that left arm breaks down in their swing and that can have a catastrophic effect in shot consistency

Shot speed shot distance and people can often struggle to get to a point where they know how to fix that and how to get the best possible results from it so I’ve got very very very simple drill to help you improve and if you do this I

Guarantee that your back swing is going to improve and as a result the shots are going to get better so what does it look like when you do it wrong so quite often what I’m going to see is people particularly tends to start from a weak

Grip position um that their hands are in the wrong place on the club and then that leads to a bad back swing so if I put my left hand in a bad position as you take it away naturally this wrist is then in the wrong spot and it tends

To make an individual sort of fold their arm here now the problem with that is that then you’re not generating enough width you’re not going to generate enough power and you’re going to lose a lot of speed so as that left arm bends into this position he’s got to then

Unload before you can start swinging it and generating any power and you can see if I do that and an actual swing it’s casting it out and then I’m not really going to start hitting the ball until I’m about there as a result result massive drop off in speed and

Consistency and then you’re not going to hit the ball as far so if you’re a person that struggles with this try this very simple drill and it will make it better all you have to do is put your hands different places on the grip so on

There right hand if your right hand go for right hand at the bottom of the grip got a finger and a thumb on the shaft there left hand at the very top so split the grip then as you’re swinging that’s going to allow you to apply different

Forces to to the shaft okay different places so you want to feel then that as you’re taking it away that your left arm stays nice and straight and that’s going to allow your right arm to fold and get into a better position so is what it’s

Worth saying if you are a person that starts with a weak grip strengthen it up a little bit so you’re looking for those sort of two to two and a half Knuckles that you can see on the left hand so left hand at the top right hand at the

Bottom take it away allow the right arm to fold but get your left arm to extend and we want to feel like this hand is out and away from your head there now how far should you take it back is it’s up to you so set yourself there take it

Away as soon as you start to feel the muscle stretch across your back or across your upper shoulder stop that’s your back swing completed okay so there stand there swing stretch stop and that’s far enough if you’re looking for extra distance you can start to bring break down that left arm again looking

For a longer back swing and that’s not going to work cuz that’s not what we’re trying to achieve so then set yourself up put your hands separately on the grip there left hand at the top right hand at the bottom and make some actual swings and start hitting the

Ball there get used to what it feels like as you’re doing it then few practice swings few actual shots doing it put your hands together into your normal grip position or if you start with that weaker grip strengthen it up a little bit but put your hands into a

Normal position and then bring that feel into the actual swing so we’re looking for left arm to extend right arm to bend get into a good position there and then make some swings that are nicely on plane and you start will start hitting the ball better further

Straighter but if you like that video and you want to gain more speed in your swing make sure that you check that one out

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