Our take on Tiger’s new apparel and gear changes from Riviera | Fully Equipped Ep. 228

On this week’s episode of Fully Equipped, GOLF’s Jonathan Wall and Ryan Barath are joined by Gene Parente of Golf Laboratories and True Spec Golf’s Kris McCormack to break down what gear changes are in the works at The Genesis Invitational, what it’s like getting an upclose look at Tiger’s Scotty Cameron gamer and the potential impact of Sun Day Red.

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And welcome back to another night edition of fully equipped hey well RV unle Jean and serial killer whole Cru here guys I’m liking this new nighttime routine it gets all of us on the podt again because it felt like for a while it was two it was three maybe once in a

While it was four but we’re back again baby we got some hot taste how we all doing night time edition’s fun man I I like it I get to I get to be at home I’m Unwound after work have uh people com to my office among all your swag head

Covers yeah I’m I’m I’m in my element here my hoard just showed us another cover that he bought you you are such a hoarder I I am fearful for you and everybody else that you’re enabling along the way we talked about that you’ve already gone on the rabbit hole

And maybe you’re at the bottom of the barrel I’m at the bottom enabling people now beckoning other people to come in that’s that’s my job now at this point I’m just come in it’s nice it’ll be fun it’s great see my kids are asleep which is

Why like I’m recording here where I am I don’t know if like obviously not a visual median when people are listening but like I brought a golf bag for nowb but if you look to the other side you’ll notice a giant chair full of Squish Mellows so anyone who’s aw who has

Children probably has some squish Mellows there’s an entire chair covered in squish Mellows behind me what is what is Squish mellow I I miss that my kids are all teenagers please please no we’re we’re not going we’re not going down we’re we’re gon to explain this real

Quick to Jean here that’s worse than swag a squish mellow is a hyper under stuffed stuffed animal so when you just compress it it’s an overpriced stuffed animal full stop it’s an overpriced under stuffed stuffy that’s all it is and unfortunately I have I have a father-in-law that loves loves to just

Drop them off every time he visits so yeah you know I’m going to tie this in it’s really wild you know having kids especially young kids you start to see fads and Trends and what sticks and what doesn’t like with toys and it’s kind of interesting because there’s there’s some

Po Pokemon and like bottle caps and all the other nons pogs and and but it’s kind of wild because it it it does draw well it draws some parallels to golf as to you know what’s hot what you know we’re we’re just all you know overgrown children at the end of the day

And we start chasing things just like our kids do and that’s my wife would confirm Bal Putters coming back exactly and you know and and now like Chris is at the Forefront of it it’s like you know what’s hot bads Trends and head covers and things like that it’s it’s

Kind of wild it’s it’s not much different than you know what what children are doing so yeah we all are normalize this Behavior develop do not do that what you’re doing is you’re you’re making Chris think that what he’s what he’s doing with his money is is just Dy

No it is not it’s his version of a it’s his version of a 401k let him run with it all right so yeah I don’t he’s asking for if somebody knows where a Jord Bel swag head cover is are we throwing an ISO on the Pod because I’m I’m still

Looking for the wol W stre head cover from the PGA show I don’t care help a brother out help I need one well I’ve got like if you have the head cover do it I went back and and saw an old video of like my shop when like we first moved

Into our house and there was like four staff bags and now there’s like 17 well there not 17 but there’s there’s a lot of golf packs I was like is there two many here and I’ve got one that one day I’ll probably tell a story about which I

Think is pretty funny um which is a new edition one is the best one yeah the last one is is the best one it’s got a pretty good little fun story which maybe I’ll share next week or something there you go there’s already our teaser but as

Far as like far as things that are popular I think the most popular thing this week was Mr Canadian Nick Taylor in uh in Scottdale big winner once again thank you very much yeah congratulation to uh really impressive run to to watch spider too shout out yeah shout out spider red

He had he had a couple of uh couple of oldies but goodies in the bag he was rocking the uh the atmos blue saw that yes I did his what’s in the back I like man that’s old I can’t even link that to anything that like you

Know because everyone know like look we link to things that people can if they’re curious what it was you can link to a shop we do that that’s it’s out in the open that’s not like some secret cryptic thing all right but like I was like atmus blue well I guess no one’s

Shopping for this thing anymore go good luck I mean that thing is that’s got to be going on at least a decade which is kind of crazy it is probably one of the older shaft models out there now that I think about it I mean it was I saw

Another old one today by the way talking old shafts really quick Brian Haron he still has spe speeder 66 one Evolution 2 okay Evolution 2 that’s that’s like they’re on like Evo 6 at now or something that’s kind of crazy yeah I think I think I think

Seven or maybe not so this I was an oldie buty goody anyway sorry not not to not to hijack it but yeah saw one today I bet rev by the way sorry not right now as we’re doing the podcast not at Riviera as we record but I I am in Santa Monica

What was uh Atmos was that 2015 16 17 in there I think it’s earlier than that cuz I was still like building clubs all the time that was like something that we offered like T true true tour spec was like a big thing like when they offered

That in the um Atmos red and then they did it in like the hyb then they had the hybrid shaft which was like the V8 something which I is not the vegetable drink um so yeah there was like there was a couple of of generations of that

And that was kind of one of the first times I know obviously like Mitsubishi had done it with the the white and the red and the blue and that but then Fuji Cura did it with the atmos blue red and I think they had a black but I don’t

Know if it did really did that well but I know the blue and the red were kind of like the ones that people were always after and there was the VC uh tour speec one which was again one of the first tour spec shafts and uh that I mean that

Sold pretty darn well that was like one of the first players hybrid shafts like that was really popular the atmos driver was the precursor to Ventus is it was essentially those profiles the red the blue the black were essentially the platform for separation and profiles to Ventus coming

Out and now we have the new one out on tour this week look at that what a transition love that I got to say man that that Venus 3.0 is no joke and that cobalt blue is sick yeah I saw it that it’s out on tour

For the first time this week and the Fuji car guy said that Gary Woodland had one built probably gonna test when he gets home um but it okay I I want to talk about Riv and some of the things that I’ve seen but are are we not GNA

Talk about Phoenix and what the hell happened it was a poop show yes no maybe so yeah it was a Gong Show guys I mean it was it was crazy uh I know coach was out there Chris did you go I was out there a couple days yep and even youur

Early no I avoided that place like the plague on Saturday but my phone was blowing up with the amount of friends that I had that were on property and it was just picture after video after video after picture and Snapchat was going crazy look at this look at this look at

This ass look at this guy I mean so many people wanted to just be a highlight reel and I I mean I was talking to a lot of my friends about it the I would say the majority of people that are on property specifically on Saturday it

Don’t care whatsoever about golf or the fact that there is a golf tournament being played I they have advertised this thing as the biggest party in golf and now people are coming just for the party I saw so it was it was Jeff Shackleford uh in his newsletter which I

Thought was really good he had someone he had taken like an Instagram story from somebody who was like asking what would happen and he was I guess he was the person whose story it was was like a bartender who was there and he was explaining it after the fact and

Basically um from the sounds of it again one account was that there were so many people getting in on Saturday because of the general admission tickets and all those things that at some point the people who are running the front Gates were like okay screw it like this is

Just like it’s too it’s too busy like whatever and they just started letting floods of people in and then these floods of people started getting into areas where there were like VIPs and free drinks and those kind of things and so as bartenders were trying their best

And then they basically just like you know screw it like we’re not paying for these beers or booze or whatever so they just started flowing everywhere the next thing you know it was pandemonium because you of people who are like not again I’ve worked in the AL I’ve worked

In the alcohol sales industry I’ve I’ve been to a lot of like large event parties and festivals on the like on the giving end not the receiving end of the the Libations but I’ve done that many times as well um but you have to keep track of these things because you’re

You’re liable which is why it’s I guess it was like noon it wasn’t even like it didn’t even get that deep but it was like no or or it was like no more sales like I guess the fire department or the police were just like you guys have to

Cut it off right now and they didn’t turn literally they didn’t turn the tap back on all day which is kind of crazy when you think of the fact that like they were probably only open for like two or three hours and let’s be fair people were probably as we used to say

In high school pregaming it pregaming it oh 100% they were I mean it was it was it was light beer on site and stuff like that Jean doesn’t even like he’s not even gonna have to give it any insights here because Jean goes to Coachella and

He’s seen sh shows far worse than than the Phoenix Open so that’s that’s why Jean’s staying quiet I I do have some insights it’s kind of interesting when uh when I did the um exhibition on 16 we arrived a couple days early and one of the Thunderbirds was our host he was

Taking me around on a golf cart and right at the entrance everywhere you see at the waste management they have this mesh over all of the chain link fence except for this one stretch and it was 50 yard and he goes do you see that stretch right there it doesn’t have mesh

That says waste management and I said yeah and he goes That’s because that’s where the buses show up at 6:00 a.m. and the ASU students get out and the cops sit there and the ones that are too drunk to walk they zip tie him to the

Fence and a Patty wagon comes and picks him up and sweeps him to the drunk take and they do this every day this was eight years ago he was telling me this so this isn’t anything new imagine how much more chain link fence they have now but they’ve been the the the point

Is th you know this has just been out of control for a long long time and you know when we got that hole in one I remember walking by people like on my way with the robot and I mean people just they honestly did not know that I

Was physically there I mean they didn’t see me they were like running into me a level of a iation that was just off the charts um Coachella is much more drug-based not necessarily alol if you want to like separate just as just as a just as a FR of reference

You know for for for our loyal listeners but um no it it it but yeah that that my one and only experience there it was uh yeah it was it was epic so that’s why I was kind of curious and we were talking before the recording and I was like

Asking Chris and coach was it really that bad and you guys were like oh yeah and that’s that’s coming from veterans so that’s that’s saying something this this last bit is gonna get cut from the pod which is a damn shame but oh oh man that was great um okay Zack Johnson

Everybody saw the video did I see the Zach Johnson video yes no yes yes of course yeah okay from my understanding he was getting chirped a lot about the Ryder Cup which I think as a as a non you know European or American fan I think kind of funny in

General um which by the way I mean he was I don’t think he was a very good Captain nonetheless um but I thought Billy hor show telling people to just like completely F off was pretty funny like and you know what Billy’s a guy’s gonna stand up and like he’s he’s more

Than willing to be to to speak his mind in many cases um so to hear that and be like guys we’re trying to hit gol shots here like it’s our job or it’s our blank job um so I think that was pretty interesting but again from a from a

Sporting events perspective golf is very unique because it’s not a reactionary sport like you can get yelled at in baseball or soccer or you know football whatever um but golf because people are standing there waiting it is one of those things where when there is gambling on site there can become issues

And I think that is what the the biggest concern with this is but the crazy thing is on Sunday and when guys coming down the strp the fans self- police and I think that is that’s probably the most it’s kind of like the shopping cart mentality right

Like no one has to return a shopping cart but as a society most good people return the shopping cart and I think that is it’s kind of The Telltale sign of you know coming down those last few holes and on the playoff people were quiet mostly quiet there’s probably a

Little bit of a buzz but the buzz is okay it’s when you get the random shouters and they kind of police themselves and that’s okay you realized there was a thing called the super bow going on and no one was around everybody had already bounced by that’s a valid point J very good

Point I was still watching the playoff holes I was I was loyal I wanted to see Charlie Hoffman win I was rooting for Charlie too but well that have been some good Synergy for the for the waste management folks yeah for sure’s been out there grinding for sure

Got a lot of uh he got a lot of air time for Waste Management that’s for sure oh yeah now to transition I said all that all that Synergy out the window one of the things one of the things that was interesting about the the Hoffman bit is

Apparently that’s like one of the longest running shirt sponsorships on the PJ tour it’s getting close to 20 years which makes sense the dude’s like 47 years old I didn’t realize how old he was which also reminds me like you know I’m actually older than I probably think that I am but

Know another guy that like this week unveiled some new clothing I think we got a few takes on that because you know it’s cool and people got pretty hyped about it and like I could not open up my phone without seeing like Sunday red and

Like look am I ever gonna get invited to one of these parties after I say this no but like do we need another Polo I don’t know it was cool like it’s cool it’s cool to see tiger and something different but like oh hold up

One more take on the on the Phoenix Open oh okay okay all right then we will then we’ll get to this cashmir hoodie thing in a second but I’m just I’m just I’m just joking but I do have some gear minutia because this is a gear podcast

And I’m sure by now I’m gonna get a whole lot of emails this week from people saying that they just hated the first segment of the pod on the Phoenix Open it’s okay I I I probably hate it too but we should leave the unedited in that

Is that was one of the best outtakes I think I’ve ever heard but I was laughing to the point where I was crying yeah that was pretty amazing so uh Charlie Hoffman and Nick Taylor actually share one thing in common when it comes to the gear and nobody knows what it is except

For me only because titles told me they both and I don’t remember the last time that you’d have to go back and figure that out these guys mark their golf ball the exact same way exact same way that’s interesting really they put yeah yeah so they both play title as golf balls they

Both both play uh prov1x and they both mark their golf balls with a CH so the C goes on one side of the play number the H goes on the other and CH for Charlie Hoffman is of course his initials hopefully you got that one and the CH for for Nick Taylor

Is the first initials of his two kids oh that’s interesting yeah so there you go that that should have been a Super Bowl prop bet the two guys in the playoff will have the same markings on their golf ball I mean they have prop bets for

Everything else so why not how many what is there 20 26 letters in the alphabet God I hope that’s right uh so like 26 time 26 yeah I don’t know don’t ask me 26 26 is it is I me Google Now um but if you

Take that number and times it by two and then you add like you think of like the combinations that are there I mean that’s a pretty big number yeah yeah right like I’m doing I’m thinking about like your statistics all the things you can mark on your golf ball yeah

Dots circles whatever anyway so that’s it no no more no more Phoenix Open Talk uh yes let’s get on the tiger and his new suay red Um anyway so tiger didn’t an event on Monday evening in Santa Monica to announce his new apparel line and man there were there were a lot of hot takes on social media a lot of hot takes and I I guess this is normal for the launch of

A new apparel line it feels like there is no middle ground everybody either loves it or they hate it and and that’s just the way that is and surprise people either loved Tiger’s new apparel or they hated it um it seems pretty it seems pretty safe to me I mean

Other than like a a shirt that looked like it kind of had a camo pattern on it or I don’t I don’t know what how else to describe it it it seems seemed pretty safe and I don’t know if they’re going to expand it or if it’s just going to

Kind of stay in in that like happy middle ground but I don’t know I mean it’s polos and hoodies although tiger did say that that they were the only ones doing cashmir hoodies I think people were like Grayson Peter Mal like do you want me to keep going Ralph luren

And so apparently Sunday red is not the first one but um yeah I mean tayor mid’s getting into the perel game they’ve got a whole bunch of I mean it makes you wonder though I mean how many how many Nike guys do they have on their

Staff Scotty all of well yeah Scotty and Fleetwood both and Rory actually we’re Rory now think about it holy smokes um yeah that’s well so do do more do more of those guys end up in in Sunday red because they’re tailor made guys I mean that’s that’s Lo logically that’s where

My mind goes to is not so much what’s the Appel going to look like um what’s the next shoe gonna look like got some takes on that one too but well if if do they any these other staffers to we if if Tigers is like Sund day red is like

Scotty’s line going to be like no putts made like what like what are we going to sorry wow guys honestly look think about it RB from the top rope I don’t expect that from Canadians good for you look he was like 50th in putting he 50th in putting

And he was like top five in everything else at the waist manag jean Jean’s video went out the man the man could have won that event by so many shots but it was just like man again kind of shocking but nonetheless um I’m mean as

Far as Tigers I I really I don’t know why I had to get that in I don’t I feel bad at picking on him I I don’t I mean why do I feel bad he’s there’s the Canadian yeah exactly hopefully he listens to the podcast anyway next time

He sees you on tour you guys can uh can uh meet meet up on the putting green but like the I I don’t know I just I feel indifferent about the whole thing like I mean it’s cool like I mean I think it’s neat that it’s not Nike um I think one

Of the funniest jokes that I saw was anti falo who is one of the best follows on golf Twitter was if you turn the logo sideways it the tiger just looks like a fused vertebrae spine which I thought was very funny which someone else like aggregated and then it didn’t get he

Didn’t get the credit for it which is fine um but yeah I mean it looks pretty cool and it looks comfy looks like cool gear if it’s good cut I’m sure they’ll sell a lot of it but as a as a you know he’s whatever I mean sure it’s G to be

Better than a lot of other clothing lines that you’ve seen from from like a lot of other players over the years but I mean I don’t know I’m 40 years old I’m kind of in the target market like if if if I have two different options like you

Know what I’ll probably buy the tiger shirt but I don’t know it’s cool yeah what about the the shoes though the shoes look like and then I’m not like dis like trying to hate on the designer but like it just looks like another shoe like I feel like there was there could

Have there could have gone so many different directions but I also feel like part of it is because they’re tiger shoes and they had to create some type of obvious very like a lot of stability there’s probably a lot of tech in that shoe that’s what I’m

Very I’m actually curious about the tech of the shoe more than anything else because you can see that there’s like carbon in the soulle they got to be a stable shoe but do they look great I don’t know do do you remember the prototypes that he wore at

Hero the all black ones I remember them yeah them like the practice round right those things like I kid you not out of all the shoes that I’ve seen tiger wear I mean the foot chys are nice those are nice shoes but those black prototypes were

Awesome all I mean it looked like all leather strong I mean just a strong looking shoe if you’re going to be if you’re going to be looking for something more traditional and you know I posted pictures um because as I mentioned I’m I’m out at Riviera this week for the

Genesis imitational and I took some pictures of tiger shoes and it’s like they replace the the piece on the heel with like a red like carbon plate with the Sunday red logo and like they changed up the the material on the sides and the designs

Different it just I was like oh man I got super excited because I thought maybe they were just going to release that shoe the Prototype and it’s like it’s looks kind of like it but not totally I I’m not a I’m not a huge fan it just seems like there’s way too much

Going on man I I took some close-ups and I’ll I’ll post a few more that I took later in the day when when tiger was wrapping up he played nine holes a day start on 10 finish on 18 but I just I don’t know it feels like there’s it’s

Kind of just too busy for me honestly what do we think of black golf shoes though I I I again I’ve never been someone who can wear white I wear all white golf shoes but yeah I just can’t do an all I can’t do an all black shoe it’s just not my

Thing but I know they look I mean they look fine with of blackl shoes and I wore them pretty much just in the winter yeah yeah like I never never got into the black shoe I was scrolling through the the comment section after the uh the launch went live for the Sunday red

Product and one that just made me like belly laugh was somebody had made the comment that it looked like the and your cat died just like oh God like that one that one just got me for some reason I’m going a yeah yep I

See that I had to go back and look at this logo and went oh yeah that’s just too close to Accurate Mr High fashion is very quiet over there in San Diego well you know I it’s interesting when it came out I was imagining myself in the pitch

Room like okay here we go ready get out Sun Day red and and and it it it’s just like everything the way it was hyped up it it just I I think unfortunately I think the I think the clothes look fine I think the shoes look fine I just everything

Kind of seemed to fall flat that that was it and it just but what was weird about it was the way that it was set up it was set up like you almost felt like you were missing something like Sund Day red is there some other meaning you know

And then then he goes in to explain you know the origins with his mom and everything like that I mean that was nice but just yeah it just it kind of fell flat that that was that was my sense yeah and I I feel like that’s

That’s what a lot of people were were saying is I think they were they were expecting a lot I’ll tell you the one thing I again I don’t mind the the apparel itself it’s it’s pretty basic but again I I don’t I think they’re just trying to to release something that a

Lot of people are going to like initially and then maybe they can Branch off and do some things are a bit out there the the biggest Miss for me is the logo like I get that the stripes on it and it’s funny because when I saw the

Initial um when I saw like the initial logo and I was counting the stripes and I was like it’s 15 I can see 15 Stripes assuming that they’re all supposed to be Stripes probably first major wins and that’s what it was but and a couple people pointed this

Out on social media too you think about like tiger old logo he owns that logo and think about the Frank head cover logo that Nike released could you imagine if tiger had had come out and his apparel line was based around the the Frank head cover

Or or his old his old logo when he was at at Nike agreed I just feel like it would have been a better look I don’t know yeah I think they I think that could have I think that could have made it loog logos are everything I I feel it

Could have made it I agree and I think what they probably did was they’re going to save it you know what I mean like because you want a different like if you’re going to launch a new brand just from like a branding and like a good point my mark my marketing brain goes

Off on this is like you have to differentiate like you have to immediately differentiate or else you don’t want you do not want to create any type of confusion with like is it old Nike is it whatever right um so I think that’s obviously like a very important

Thing even even down to like the logo placement like again like the whole like I’m just thinking of like every marketing check box of like what it would be like what they’re thinking is like you don’t want it on the on the shirt you don’t want it on the the chest

You want it in the middle you want like you want these different places and I think they’ve I think they achieved that I think they’ve differentiated themselves and if that if that was their like initial goal at launch then they’ve definitely succeeded really well because people are going to know very quickly

That Tiger’s not wearing Nike um and I think it allows them to your point Jonathan like the opportunity to build on what they’ve created is it does it fall completely flat no is it like a game changer not really right now but it’s it has immediately differentiated

Itself they had enough people in that room there’s enough I mean Buzz about it that like people know what know what’s going on um so it gives them the O again it gives them the opportunity to expand but I think people know that it’s not Nike and I think that’s probably the

Most important thing right now to be honest it’s kind of like when people were trying to learn to pronounce Unico when Roger fed switch from Nike and Adam Scott and people’s like you what like what is this and it’s like well it’s I mean it’s cool it’s a Japanese brand

It’s kind of like you know it’s kind of like Japan’s Gap it’s very cool like it is there’s you know but people like how do you pronounce it and I think people kind of know what it is now so I think they’ve done that job of differentiating

Him as an athlete which I think is probably the most important thing if I put my marketing hat on here yeah there we go all right uh I think that’s enough tiger apparel talk yeah last last point I will say when I saw him on the range today it just looks

Weird seeing tiger without a swoosh on his hat it it does and I think that’s going to take some getting used to anyway speaking of tiger yes he is in the field this week at Riviera and U I had a chance it’s always really it’s always really funny you know

Tiger doesn’t play a whole lot these days so like the opportunity unities to shoot his bag are few and far between so I had gone into this week knowing I was going to be at Riv I had been like I typically going in I don’t know if I’ve

Ever talked about this before but like people always wonder like how like how do I and I don’t RB you might be different than me but typically the way that I do it when I’m going to a Tour event is I try to I try to pick like

Four or five guys that I want to get their bags I want to shoot like full whats in the bags and then anything else said I can find that’s cool great but Tigers is always tough because you know he goes off really early typically he’ll show up on Tuesday go off super early

And then he’ll play in the pram but the pram is always sort of crapshoot and so I was trying to get out there today I was getting some work done this early this morning with uh you know the time change and I was thinking it was 7

O’clock got up at 5: amm working I just I totally whiffed on the time got stuck in total traffic getting over to the golf course and I missed my my opportunity this morning and I thought oh crap well Lo Bola got lucky after he finished nine holes I shot his

Bag and typically it’s like just rush and get it done like shoot everything I’m trying to get everything at a dress which I know a lot of people out there appreciate and trying to get every Club in the bag and I I decided to take a little bit extra time today with the

Putter and tigers Scotty Cameron putter is the only Club that I’ve ever held that scares the ever Living Daylights out of me because every time I pick it up I feel like I’m going to drop it and every time I put it back in the bag I

Feel like I’m GNA drop it on a club and it’s going to get another ding Mark now that probably is not that big of a deal because what I did differently with with this time when I shot Tiger’s putter in hand I I did some really like up close

Pictures of the putter because it’s tough to see sometimes when when I you know RB and I do our standard in-hand photos we we try and get the whole head in the shot we’re not zooming in on the face unless there’s something there that we’re trying to highlight but and I I

Noticed this from a lot of people I posted these pictures on on social media today a lot of people thought Tiger’s Scotty Cameron Newport 2 GSS was pristine that thing is not pristine it is beat to [ __ ] and there are gash marks in the face and the the Top Line looks

Like somebody just took a you know a little ballpen hammer and just like hammered right along the top line on either side um there’s still residue from the lead tape that he had in the in the back cavity and like the the red paint and the cherry bomb in the back

Cavity is completely gone from all the lead tapies used over the years um the red paint in the Cherry Bomb on the face on on the toe side or sorry heel side is is kind kind of missing there’s now rust spots on the on it it’s it is just the

Coolest putter to hold and the one thing that I couldn’t capture in the photos was the putter shaft that putter shaft is so old it feels like it’s going to snap at any second and and it’s just like you can feel the history it it some people probably are like yeah okay

That’s ridiculous it’s a golf club but I mean that Golf Club won 14 major championships he’s been using it since 1999 that is a cool ass club and um I think it was neat to be able to like highlight some of the the character around that putter so that was fun

Getting to shoot the putter tiger did have a new club in the bag today he is testing a tailor made qi1 two or 3-wood he still had the the original Sim tie three-wood in the bag that he’s used so legendary you know maybe he tests it yeah yeah yeah Legend legendary

Fairywood that well he’s also got a he’s also got the the M3 in the in the bag as well so fivewood M3 fivewood he again this kind of goes back to we’ve talked about before five like Fairy Woods are tough once guys find good ones they keep

Him in the bag so maybe maybe not if he switches out the three-wood but other than that Tiger’s setup is is the same he’s already switched into to the qi1 ls driver so that’s kind of where we’re at right now with tiger and and again game

Time decision on the three-w but he hit it I went and watched him te off on 10 and that was the first Club he hit of the day was that was that qi1 two or three wood and other than thatth I don’t know it’s it’s weird and

I don’t I don’t know RB you’ve been out you’ve been out to on tour a bunch to start the year has it felt like there’s been fewer gear changes to start this season than your than your past there’s definitely tinkerers but I think like in general like players have are either

Very very early to switch and kind of lock in or for a lot of uh the Reps like there are they know that there are players who are going to kind of as as one rep told me once they get to Florida is when they’re going to start changing

If there’s anyone who’s who’s held on because it’s like their ramp up to the Masters that the weather is going to be very similar all the way down into like Texas when they go and play so um but in general I don’t think there’s been as many but there are ones are very

Interesting and to your point it was the week after H Max hom won that I I like took pictures of his putter I can’t remember what week it was and uh I was like oh this thing like won last week and it I had the same experience at um in at

Pebble with uh the amateur Nick Dunlap and I was like oh this this putter like this thing like won last week on tour like I’m like the guy who was watching it on TV and now I’m standing here I’m like I kind of forget I’m like this is

Kind of cool like like I do appreciate the fact that the thing that I just watched happen now is like in front of me and I’m holding it yep and it’s it is this like weird experience because like again as a kid again I appreciate my job

I love what I get to do but to think 15 years ago you’d be like oh yeah like the guy who just won like that week like you’re gonna be like standing next to him like taking pictures of his clubs it’s kind of like wow this is neat it is

It is like this very appreciative experience so I can imagine holding Tiger’s putter you’re like oh [ __ ] I don’t want to mess with this thing it it’s a yeah it’s a crazy experience the first time that I did hold it year I mean years and years ago

I think this was like the maybe the 10th time ninth or 10th time that I’ve that I’ve shot it but it was it was uh it was over concrete that was terrifying I would not want to hold any any club over concrete just just just out of curiosity I’m I’m

Curious about something what do the how do the logistics work do you talk to his manager who do you talk to to get permission for that yeah it typically usually you talk to the caddy and the Caddy will give you the yay or the Nay but but yeah with tiger

Usually you talk to talk to to Rob Mack and Rob will rob will give you the the yes or the no so when I when asked and he’s like yep and he he kind of smiled and he’s like yeah he’s like here’s your window go do it and it was like okay

Well here we go so yeah it’s uh again it’s a cool experience Tiger’s again Tiger’s bag it’s he’s just he’s not out there as often as as he used to be and so anytime he shows up you want to know what he’s got but to be able to to shoot

The inhan stuff is always cool just because it’s it’s tigers’s golf clubs and I geek out for stuff like that I had that exper last year at waste management at Waste Management I like waited around to get Rory’s bag cuz he had just switched to the 760’s and the long irons

And like I I waited for his C to come by I was like hey man like I like you know I work for can I just snap some quick pictures I know he’s got the Vu wedges this is last year so Vu wedges in

The bag he had a new was kind of messed around with a different putter but it was the same one and then it was the 790s and I was like I want I need to get pictures of these I did not get them yesterday can I I waited I was there so

Early just like hang parked on the Range waiting for his caddy and the cool thing is when he came up I I introduced myself told him who I was and I said oh like you’re from uh I know you’re from you’re from Ireland and I said I know Roy’s

From Hollywood you’re from Hollywood like my like my family in Carrick Fergus which is like very close it’s in this Bas almost very basically in the same county or close to it which is you know like small area and you know we chatted for a couple minutes he’s like yeah yeah

Do do your thing whatever blah blah blah so it does like you know those it’s it pays to be on the good side of the caddi let’s just put it that way oh you have you have to be if you’re if you’re not if you’re not on the good

Side with the caddies you’re you’re toast so yeah you need you need to be on the good side with the caddies it is it’s imperative um all right other things that caught my eye this week again not a ton of changes we mentioned Venus mentioned tiger with the with the potential new

3-wood um I saw Ricky Fowler he was he of uh Odyssey versus jailbird Fame it was testing a AI one version of that Putter and I don’t know if it’s going to go in the bag but but from based on the interactions and it’s just cool to be

Able to like stand there and listen to these guys as the as they’re like testing and Rick tested the two Putters head to-head for like close to 30 minutes and was just rolling putt after putt after Putt and really like the consistency of of the ai1 face but again

It it all comes down to for him he loves the way that putter sits and and for people that have seen the photos he has that thick slab of lead tape on the bottom of the sole of that that Versa jailbird and so for the Odyssey guys

It’s not so much the performance of the face insert that’s keeping Rick back it’s like finding a way to make sure that that lead tape allows that that new putter he’s going to switch to it allows it to sole the same way because he just

Doesn’t want it to rock he wants it to like be basically be able to set it down his his putter is a little bit more like tow up when he putts and so he wants it when he kind of sets that that heelside down to really just soulle in place so

That you can just take it back and take it through so it’s kind of like there was a couple players that that was fun so say there’s a couple players that actually I’ve seen at one point there were somebody who like ground the bottom of their putter so like it would sit a

Certain way and I saw someone do with a fairywood one time and I thought it was the craziest thing because they like legit took a good couple I know it doesn’t sound like a lot but a couple millimeters off the heel so when they set it down the thing just kind of

Like rocked open which I thought was fast because like people don’t think like oh like you know I’m really worried that it’s going to do this it might have been Goen gusen used to get in there and grind everything it was like he would grind his own wedges in the van and then

The tour guys were like can you please not do this Sergio would too Sergio would as well like they’re like guys can you please not like satini sabatini I actually asked one of the Reps one time was like who was like the most finicky guy like we’d send goose and stuff and

Gusen would pull it apart and rebuild it and I’m like first of all that’s pretty sick second secondly it seems like it kind of defeats the purpose why would you not just you know what here G take the components and you build your own damn golf clubs but I’m sure like they

Probably don’t want that either could you imagine just build them Charles schwarzel did that remember he drilled out the ports in the back of the heads he bought those irons on eBay or something and then he yeah he drilled the yeah Mir M Madness pure Madness um speaking of of Madness RB mentioned

Scotty Sheffer he was working again with Logan Olen Logan had three new Putters I don’t think Scotty’s goingon to switch but they were just doing some more testing more feedback and uh and we’ll we’ll see where where Scotty goes with the putter speaking of of Scotties Adam

Scott had um last week he actually switched into the tailor made qi1 the core model the same core model that Rory maroy is using we’re seeing a lot more guys Chris is not in his head we’re seeing a lot more guys switching into the core model and if you’ve got Adam Scott and

Rory playing this version they’re not switching to the ls I mean Chris you’ve SE you’ve tested it uh we’ve seen it on the robot we’re going to get to that episode everybody wants to hear Jean’s robot episode I’m not even lying I hate saying that but everybody wants to hear

Jean talk for an hour hour and a half um have you been seeing similar things with with testing just lower lower spin numbers with that core model than kind of interesting actually because the the initial forecast for market share was heavily weighted towards the max for the

The mass market and I mean from what we’re seeing at truspec the the qi1 core head is just dominating and so the majority of qi1 product that we have being recommended in the fitting Bay is the the coree head it’s fast it’s stable it’s low enough spin the the High launch

High spin highp speed players can get away with it and then with the added stability that they were seeing over the stealth product I mean it’s it’s just a no-brainer yeah it it def I mean from what we saw during robotic that thing is really impressive it’s good man so um oh

Yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s a good product and again if you’ve got two big names playing it not not that you should base your purchasing purchasing decisions on what Adam Scott and Rory are using but it is pretty cool to see those guys switching into the core version instead

Of the ls um Adam Scott also had man he’s been making a lot of changes here recently guys I mean he’s the one he’s the one player that I will say has been been doing some serious tinkering he had the the Ping he had ping blueprints in

The bag and now he’s switched into the trixon he’s got the the ZX utility irons in the three and the four and then he goes into the the ZX7 in the five through the nine so um yeah Adam Scott is although I will say this would I mean

We love it I love it that Adam Scott’s changing gear because he’s a gear Head just like us but I love that on social media last week he was giving shout outs to uh to Panda who is who’s basically hadi’s Club guy for strickson out on tour and then Adrien Reed felt from

Taylor made he gave him shout outs for the the work they’ve been doing on his gear and those guys are so underappreciated when it comes to like building the clubs that the guys are using I mean they’re sounding boards they’re at some times they’re like equipment Psy you know psychologists

Trying to figure out like what’s going inside the brain of the player but to give those guys a shout out I thought was pretty cool from mam Scott other than that guys I mean some cool covers uh one of thing that I did want to point out tulon has brand new

Putters and they look really cool so go check it out on the fully equipped social feed if you want to see what they look like but but Ton’s done a done a like a full-on redesign of their Butters they’re uh super clean very very impressed and yeah other than that I I

Think again just fewer gear changes I I agree with RB I think as we get into to Bay Hill I think we’re going to start to see start to see some more gear changes but yeah for right now relatively quiet with the exception of uh the few that we

Mentioned and I think with that let’s get into this week’s fully equipped hotline coach well I I don’t even know if I want to do this anymore after how I was treated earlier in this podcast but um here here we go here’s the first one which is a followup from

Um our discussion on the max fly in Lexi Thompson hey guys this is Anthony from Kentucky I listened to your last pod on uh Lexi Thompson and the maxfly ball uh I personally did a test I’m a pro1 guy and love that ball but I did a test

Buddy of mine had some of the maxfly the new ones with the black dot and my testing at home on simulator uh showed that the Max Fly with the black dot actually spun a little less uh off the driver and was pretty equivalent to the pro1 on my

Irons uh and I love the feel I was hoping you guys could uh with your knowledge give me a little comparison on the prov1 versus the black dot maxfly thanks that’s a good I mean you know what the thing is if someone’s asking about comparing the maxfly to the

Titlist I think the the only thing we got to do here we got to get some of these golf balls over to Mr Robot himself to get the actual Lowdown because I haven’t tested anything so I have a very hard time like being able to say pretty sure he already

Has data on these golf balls oh look at him look at look at Jean over there just like digging cheser cat grin that’s that’s a yes so I was just testing those two golf balls this morning which is kind of funny but my God no you weren’t I swear

I was I swear I was and it and it was it was it was kind of interesting to be honest with you um uh you know we don’t see a lot of so if you want to test with me you send me your product and you send me your

Competitor’s products and I test them so and uh check cash or money order and check cash or money order or bit coin uh no and um Bitcoin um but what’s interesting is I I’m a little bit of this kind of bellweather in that I can see what’s popular because people send me what’s

Popular and they want to compare against and um this was the first time that someone sent me maxfly golf balls so they’re they’re getting on the radar so that was that was kind of uh that was kind of interesting to see um you know that they’re um that they’re starting to

Become included in the conversation and I I can’t go into specific details unless we do it for but I can say the caller is not that far off he’s pretty pretty spoton very interesting there we go all right very interesting okay I want to try these though I’m gonna I’m

Gonna try them I can’t get there’s no dicks in Canada though so all right we only got we’ll get you some we only got two this week this comes from a first time voicemail or long time listener and I would stay tuned to the end gentlemen this is Jeff in West de Mo

Long time listener first time voicemail two Moi questions and a comment for you today first you’ve had a lot of discussion lately about the 10K limit in driver Moi I don’t remember ever hearing a new numeric limit for Putters is there one uh secondi question you mentioned if

You were to add lead tape to a 10K conforming driver you could easily make it non-conforming could you make it conforming again if you counterbalanced it and put some weight back in the butt of the shaft and my comment if you’re still keeping Trap please uh put me down

For team RB on golf ball roll back I have zero interest in seeing eight irons go 195 yards plus so um put me down squarely in team RB and in related news get off my lawn thanks have a great day keep the pods coming well I feel I feel very

Justified in my roll back take so I will one person on my side um so two questions are I think that are are both very interesting one was was about Moi and adding um is there a limit fori of Putters and the answer is absolutely yes

The thei for limit for golf clubs is for every Club in the bag so that equally applies to Putters as well I have a ping doc 17 which if anyone has seen it um it is literally 17 centimeters across from heel to tow it is at the physical limit

By the usgaa and I’m pretty sure it’s very close to thei limit that is possible for how a golf club can perform secondly the the question about lead tape and if you counterbalance a golf club does that change thei of the golf club it physically changes the overall

Moi of the golf club it actually makes it higher it is a heavier system as like an engineer would call it but if you make that head really heavy you can put weight anywhere on the golf club but they’re testing the club head so the

Club is still illegal one way or the the other and I know I’m I don’t know what it’s like for the builders at truspec Chris but I know that the guys on tour the builders on tour they have limits for how much they can add to those Club

Heads because they will exceed the rules now does it really matter if like look your Builders could really pump a driver up for Mr Mrs Havoc Camp Chris but on tour they’re not allowed to do that you guys pump I mean I’m sure you can’t you don’t have to

Answer well I mean I’ll answer I we had quite a few conversations as the the Ping 10K and the tailor made Max were coming out about okay to achieve swing weights like what are we able to do in regards to adding Hot Melt or swapping weights from what Taylor Maiden ping

Include as the the stock weight so if we’re going shorter in length if we’re adding a a jumbo grip or an oversized grip or midsized grip grip whatever the case may be and a lighter weight shaft and essentially making something that is very light on the swing weight scale are

We able to make any modifications to the head and I mean simply put the answer is no but the work around is we’re able to use tip weights in the shaft as the shaft is a separate component and as far as the USGA is concerned I I can add tip

Weights in a in an adapter system and still have a conforming Golf Club so that’s that’s our work around with those but no we are not intentionally juicing drivers and and making things illegal or non-conforming but like RB said you could get creative with some lead tape or uh other discretionary

Weight applications and uh get a get a driver that’s Juiced if you need it the only thing is with that and this is like I think something that that people need to keep in mind and I’ve I’ve had a lot of conversations with uh some higher level players about Club

Fitting we’ve gone back and forth on this a lot recently and most people assume that faster players will always need heavy and you know first set of clubs I vote for this this player strong guy former baseball player realized it was actually too heavy and went back to

Something that was like a roughly like D2 kind of thing a swing weight we were you know leveling out around D5 just because that’s what felt to him comfortable at the time once he got to the golf course someone put a a lighter Club lighter shaft slightly shorter Club

In his hand and he said this thing is unbelievable I have way more control and when you’re trying to balance out the swing weight especially on these longer drivers at some point you’re fighting trying to swing something that weighs as heavy as a 3-wood on a on a driver shaft

And that becomes the issue of trying to create speed yes you’ve got a stable driver but in reality at some point you you probably have a slower driver and that’s not helping anybody the hard thing is to test is the hard thing again is to test that under human conditions

And then being able to put it on a robot because if if the robot’s going to swing at 100 miles an hour the robot’s goingon to swing 100 miles an hour so that to me not true it’s not true oh okay no no the robot Swings with a torque curve so we

Apply a certain amount of power so for example if you swing a driver at 100 miles an hour and you put a five iron in it swings it at 90 miles an hour because it’s shorter and it’s heavier so it it it does pick up differences in shaft

Weight it picks up differences in length as far as velocity so yeah we’re we are able we are able to test that absolutely well there we go that’s why I don’t design freaking robots it makes me think like I had and and to put to put the example it’s and

It’s kind of scary that I do but that’s another subject we we’ll address that another day but it’s kind of similar to the fact that like I had um my wife and my wife’s been like trying trying to like work on our golf game quite a bit

And we Jonathan and I I mean we both got them was photo samples of Zio’s like clubs and she hadn’t hit their three-wood before and the next thing you know she’s swinging her three-wood as fast as she was swinging the D the her driver just over 80 miles an hour and it

Was like holy smokes and I said well yeah because first of all it’s a it’s a stiff it’s not a it’s not really a stiff F it’s a Zio stiff Flex so let’s be very clear on that um but it’s a lighter overall Golf Club it’s got a little bit

Of counterbalance and the head’s a little lighter and the swing weight’s lighter and the whole thing is lighter and next thing you know she’s like this is unbelievable and I know this sounds I’m not saying it like an ad like it was just crazy to hear her impression of

Hitting this golf club she hadn’t really tried before just because it was lighter and it’s not like she was to your point she she’s not applying more power to it it’s just that the energy is easier to transfer and I think that’s really funny and now that I now that I know that

About the robot I’ll never question the robot again look at that see we learn something new every day that’s just what you want on this podcast is to learn something new even RB RB’s got two victories he’s got one in one in his team and he learned

Something tonight so I tell that to my kids I tell that to my oldest daughter she’s like six years old and I say that every day and I said like look some days you’re going to go out there and you’re going to fail and that’s okay because it

Was a learning experience and some days you’re going to go out there and you’re going to learn something it’s going to be a like you’re going to learn something brand new and it’s going to be really exciting but either way their their opportunity so don’t take like

Losing as like something that is a complete failure and I told her because you know what know Daddy hit golf balls last night and he couldn’t get his ball shoot over 162 so you know what it was a fail as a as a whole but you know what I

Put the effort in which means next time we’re GNA try and do better and just like on this podcast we put in the effort and we’re going to try and do better the next time that’s a good place to wrap it for episode damn episode 228 a fully

Equipped I still am amazed every time I I read off whatever episode it is that we’re we’re into the 200s U we were going to do an interview this week but we’re going to save those this has been an hour of Tom Foolery um whatever else you want to

Call it so let’s let’s cap it there as usual if you want that social media goodness check out our social feeds we are at full equip golf on Instagram and our new YouTube page I guess it’s still new it’s been out for a little bit now

And we are at F Cup golf on Twitter thanks all for Listening

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