Callaway Chrome Soft , Chrome Tour golf ball Review

Testing the difference between the NEW Callaway Chrome Soft and the Callaway Chrome Tour golf balls. which one works for which golfer.

Another golf ball challenge two brand new golf balls which one’s going to win let’s talk about them and then let’s find Out welcome back to the MC Golf Shop Jim mcclear here and this is the MC fitting room where we talk about Golf Club repairs Golf Club reviews and golf club fittings also your scores can go low and where our customers become friends now we also have a live stream it’s Mondays

At 17:30 5:30 p.m. Eastern Time same stuff come talk to us it’s a bunch of fun okay so it’s that time of year right it is the beginning of the year everybody’s releasing all their stuff and the January to February time frame is when the oem’s just litter the golf

Industry with or the golfing public with all the new stuff we had the PGA show at the end of the January time frame and and now it’s time for all that stuff to be delivered now the part of this is that you know you get this they go ah

It’s the greatest thing since sliced bread second greatest thing since sliced bread well which one works right and all you get is you know they I’m not going to say that the companies do no testing because they do an extraordinary amount of testing not just these but all of

Them in order to figure out what golf ball what combinations work for certain golfers so that they can go and Market them okay and Market them so what we have today is is the chrom soft and the tour Chrome all right there a new kind of a new redone version of the chrom

Soft and the tour Chrome they are leaving Chrome soft they’re leaving the Chrome soft wording say for one uh because there was always this confusion about whether or not uh soft really was soft or was the the X ball I want to make one point of fact here before we

Get started any of this these reviews that you’re seeing me do are from a club fitter Club maker point of view not a swing professionals point of view right I am not out there hitting the ball 300 yards I am a a certified pretty decent Club fitter pretty decent pretty decent Club maker

Okay and these are what I’m getting from a technology I’m seeing how these would work for you as well as me so we’re having a good time together so let’s keep going really that soft right and so to kind of get out of the way with the

New golf ball itself so they went to tour Chrome and this is to replace the Chrome soft XLS and then they have the chro or Chrome tour X and that is the X ball from last year now I know I’m going to do this so bear with me the Chrome soft

Comes out and everybody understands that one they say Chrome tour and I’ve been wanting to say tour Chrome all year all day all right so Chrome tour okay now from a a marketing standpoint on the back of the on the back of the boxes they’re all pretty much the same print

They’ll look like this and I’ll read them to you here in a moment and the only difference is the color and the picture of the golf ball but they all say pretty much the same thing they have a new seamless tour arrow and that delivers consistently high ball flight

And low spin well don’t they all right they that’s going to be the mantra for almost every golf ball out there going to fly it high going to spin it less it’s all going to be on you brother have at it well there is now be why is that

Well it’s because that’s what we need to hit better drives now does that what we need to hit better iron shots no and that’s because that that’s where the other mantel within those golf balls come from in order to help that out okay including the skin the skin also helps

With the spin rate in certain clubs and to make these golf balls deliver on what they say that they’re going to do all right the new hyper elastic core produces exceptionally fast ball speed so hyper elastic core you’re going to hear that a lot too they all have it now

They’re probably a little different in their we call densities or their compressions or whatever you want to call it they seem to be a little different but I’m also going to say that the next mantle is probably going to be a little different too then the last

Part of it is high performance tour urethane covering consistently uh delivers outstanding green side control and feel okay now here’s where the delivery is for all these things for Callaway Precision technology provides the ultimate inconsistency every detail in the design manufacturing and testing of the chrom soft has been engineered to

Ensure maximized performance throughout your game all right so cway spent a lot of money on their ball Factory a lot of money you know and almost three-digit in the millions maybe and that is to ensure the consistency which means the quality of their golf ball if you

Remember a few years back they got banged for that okay they’ve been making changes they’ve taken the challenge in order to make the most consistent golf ball now I will say I’ve Not Seen tius and I’ve not seen all the other companies but if they come anywhere

Close to Callaway wow we should be getting some really good golf balls because the amount of X-rays and the differences and the checking of the the densities and the thicknesses and all these different things in order to make sure that you get the same golf ball of

The first one as the last one it this thing’s pretty impressive okay the the process is very very impressive all right so as we go through it the Chrome soft feel is soft the long game Spin is low imagine that short game Spin is high again imagine that and the workability

Is medium okay medium now in the tour Chrome Chrome tour see I caught myself the feel is medium and the spin is low on the driver we as it should be and the spin rate is high again and then the workability is high now if we get into

The Chrome X it is a medium firm it’s a medium spin off the driver and it is a maximum short gain spin with a high workability all right so what’s all that mean all right so you’re going to get in there we’re going to talk about swing

Speeds and what certain swing speeds are for and that can be true to be sure however and however and that’s what we do in our fittings is it’s not just swing speeds it’s how you connect with the golf ball those two things play into the golf ball selection I’ll give you

For instance so you were a person that when you were in your 20s and 30s you were a gamer you were a low handicapper maybe even zero maybe even just single it doesn’t really matter that’s a good good golf game right you go on through the years now you’re into your 60s or

Even 70s swing speed’s obviously gone down but you’re still a good ball Striker uh the the better golf ball probably still will work right uh you can get the feeling on the face you know what it’s delivering you just may need a little bit more oomph off of there so

Maybe it’s a shallower lofted club in order to keep your distance in there now the other side can be true you can have 125 mph swing speed and just barely find the face of the golf club now does that make sense that you’re going to get anything out of a tour level

Ball probably not right so select the ball that’s going to fit your game the best and it takes those two parameters those are at least two parameters now I know I’m going to get banged with oh it’s angle of descent how you come into the ball and all these other thing Ah Ah

That’s just an one type of Club we’re talking about going across the Gambit okay also talking about putting right is it going to be a putter now again if you go through and you have all of these parameters that are being checked it ought to be a true roll kind of a true

Roll kind of putt all right then you get in your wedges it should be grabbed by the cover then you get in your middle irons and that’s when the cores start coming in you’re getting your driver and that’s when the big core in the middle starts happening along with all of it

Working as a team to give you the best ball possible so when you’re talking about this and you’re talking with your fitter talk about a golf ball okay talk about a golf ball now we’re going to you know we we’ve talked all about this but it doesn’t do any good until the rubber

Meets the road and when we get done with this you want to come back because there’s still more stuff we got to talk about the golf ball in order that Callaway’s offering so that it might be something for you so let’s go hit all right so welcome to the chrom soft

Versus the Chrome tour test now in this one we had a pitch and wedge a seven iron a five iron a four hybrid and a driver and what I did in order to give both of them the equal fair shot was starting with the pitching wedge I

Started with the Chrome soft first then I went with a t soft second and then in the seven iron I started with the T T chrome first and then the chrom soft second and then the chrom soft first tour Chrome second so on and so forth

All the way through okay so if I was getting into a Groove then it would be carried on uh it would be moved around actually and that was kind of what I was looking for so let’s get to it so I have a total of six shots in here and we’re

Going to kind of manipulate them around a little bit but I wanted to show you what what they look like before because it’s kind of a It’s A Tail of Two golf balls in different golf clubs so if we look at the pitch and wedge the Chrome

Tour only carried 129 went 132 where the Chrome soft carried one yard longer but went one yard shorter and that was because it’s spun more now if we keep in mind this Chrome tour is supposed to be the low spin model and it’s holding true

To its form now I did hit it a little bit better and Swinging it a little bit less but it still carried out out there a little bit more so not a bad ball so the Chrome t one let’s put one for the Chrome tour and and zero for the Chrome

Soft now we get to the seven iron again it is a one yard difference here and a two yards difference here again hit them identically the same hit them as about as far and what’s the change spin by about 500 RPM and this time the Chrome

Soft spun a little bit less than the Chrome tour and hence that’s the reason why that one fell short and that was where they’re at I mean if we look at all the other parameters the uh the only difference is yards of roll which can be attributed to the spin everything else

Is within a click of each other all right so that’s one for the Chrome soft and one for the Chrome tour now we get to the five iron five iron is four four yards difference there and four yards difference there hit them exactly the same except for I hit the Chrome tour

1.2 mph faster which would attribute to about 2 and A4 yards so uh it so it would be a little bit longer so just a hair outside of that spin rates are starting to get a little closer this was about 300 and some change uh let’s see everything else

Angle attack everything is pretty pretty close right now in the next one so now we’re at tour Chrome gets two uh chrom soft gets one now we go to the next one and here we are again this is where we see starting a division happening now

It’s it’s all about quality of hit and that’s the reason why I’m telling you about finagling some numbers here in just a moment all right so I did not hit the Chrome soft ball as good as I hit the Tour ball now why is that we’ll have

To go check it out swinging almost the exact same swing speed but it results in literally a 12 yard difference here and a 10 yard difference there all right everything else again is pretty close and so now we’re three in one for the to

Uh T Chrome tour now I want to call it the tour Chrome so bad instead of soft Chrome tour Chrome I think that’s probably a little bit better all right so we get back into the driver and here we go again and this time it is a 36

Yard difference here and a four seven yard difference there hit them very very close to one another I spun the tour uh the tour Chrome a little bit less U by about what 150 RPM not too bad whatsoever and resulting in these little these numbers again everything is very

Very close roll is there the whole nine yards so 4 to one the tour Chrome wins as far as distance results go now we have to go back and take take a look at what they look like so again just we’ll go through this one really fast this is

The Chrome soft pitch and wedge most of them in the middle couple over to the side here is the Tour ball about the same thing a little bit more to the inside about the same thing though go back to the seven iron again and I really pulled this my seven

Iron was just terrible on this particular test and we got that looking there and we go back to the that’s the tour Chrome there’s the tour soft or yeah Chrome soft and then there’s the tour Chrome was a lot was a lot tighter right look at that getting through there all right

We like that part all right now we go to the five iron five iron was a ginormous pull with the Chrome soft they’re all going there save the one and then we get into the the Tour ball Tour ball all of a sudden I hit some off

To the right which is as you’ve seen uncharacteristic of me so that’s kind of a split decision there then we get into the hybrid there’s the soft ball with the hybrid there there’s I just you look at this thing I just pulled just one really monstrously one to the right and but the

Rest of them are pretty much in a pattern right there then we get to the Tour ball and T ball I’m starting to get some Fades again overall more towards the middle and that’s the thing with the average you got to watch that because I’ll have some over here have some over

There and it’ll say like oh you’re hitting down the middle that’s the reason why I have to change you know check these things particularly when you’re in a fitting all right to the driver all right to the driver this one faded the driver had a hard time bringing it

Around all right there was that one and the last last guy and we show them like this and talk about a spread Wahoo okay so we have all that right so now the grouping so if we go back and we just do there’s a whole lot of mess right here but to help you out all right so there was the pitch and wedge with the Chrome soft there’s the pitch and

Wedge with the tour with the Chrome tour now if you look that’s a much much better pattern than that all right we go to the next one here’s the seven iron versus the T so this is pretty close just two different patterns I think that one’s might a little bit tighter there’s

A five iron and we’re going to end up taking these guys out right here and we’re going to see them a lot of things just show up and then there’s that one and we’re going to end up taking those three out then the four hybrid you know that

Was that one this was the Chrome soft and that one I just pulled way right and then it it looked pretty bad but on overview doesn’t look too bad right here in comparison right that is the Chrome tour now for the driver here’s the Chrome soft everything

Getting off to the right a little bit hit a couple decent ones and then that one more in towards the middle all righty so that’s what it looks like so if we’re going to take out let’s just do ourselves a favor and we’ll just take

Out two a piece of work our way selves backwards and I’m going to do this in hyper time so you don’t you guys don’t get bored and then we’ll see what the numbers look Like all righty so now we have it a little bit better let’s see it Consolidated it’s a little bit better pitch and wedge and then there’s the seven iron there’s the five one of those two is the five then the hybrids and then the drivers all righty so uh looks like I’m bunching

Up in here and that’s if we had the different golf balls it might look a little bit neater now let’s go see what the results were all right remember it was four to one right so in this particular one now the two are Chrome or Chrome tour is in

The lead again only you know one yard three yards that’s not too bad Chrome soft evens it out still ahead one yard three yards it didn’t really change that much too much change that too much too much didn’t change that very much the uh five iron the tour Chrome gets out there

And now it’s a four yard span three yard span again these are all hit very very similarly and the speeds are very decent spins are are what the giveaways are for the roll out so not too bad all in all uh here we go back and again it really

Didn’t change too much as far as a number goes the tour Chrome wins again and this time it is a 12 yard and 10 yard which is very close to what it was apparently I just really like the tour Chrome with that particular ball and then the drivers were almost on top of

Each other and it becomes a six-yard and a six-yard deficit or you know in there so the Chrome tour wins again 4 to one all right let’s go back and talk about the ball a little bit more that’s a lot of hitting man it is a lot of hitting uh

It was a lot of fun to hit it though now I’m using the same irons that I’ve been using for all my testing so it’s a Apples to Apples kind of comparison okay and I was really surprised the iron you know as we can see in the irons that the

Irons the balls acted very very close to one another enough to that you wouldn’t even you wouldn’t even notice it right it’s a a yard or two could be the difference between two really good ball strikes and two not really good ball strikes but when it got into the the

Woods the hybrids in the woods all of a sudden the X ball just started flying way better and get that spring off of it and that’s just because of the way that I hit the ball all right you notice I’m not blowing anybody out in doors off I’m

Not killing it and I’m not throwing it 300 yards out there I am average golfer okay average golfer now I will say the Chrome soft in previous generations it felt terrific however it spun so much it spun so much I couldn’t hit it because it would literally lose 10 yards in

Flight it would go up and spinning so much and it would just drop out of the air now with these with these changes the spin rates that I had were within a wheel house that if I was only testing one either one of them from all the all

The numbers would have looked pretty good however the the uh Chrome tour I said it right the Chrome tour outperformed it in the long game and they’re V virtually uh identical in the short game so could I play them both yes what am I going to play I’m playing the

Chrome tour that’s what I would be playing if you know when I get a box of these that’s what I’m looking for all right one last thing I was telling you about from before hitting Callaway has done a lot of research in how to help you align the golf ball

You’ve heard of the triple track you’ve heard of the truis which is the soccer ball looking thing all right so they are now offering the triple track which is just a series of lines on one side or a 360 triple track and that’s just so you

Can see it while it’s rolling and maybe get that alignment line going a little bit more now they also o they also are offering true viz mostly the the chrom Soft Stuff uh but what they’ve had is is if truis and triple track got together and had a baby it’s now called true

Track and basically what it is it’s a it’s some cattywampus looking combination of colors inside the TR viz pent or Pentagon right the Pentagon that’s on the TR viz look to help you align it a little bit more that’s what they’re saying I’ve only seen the picture none have come through the shop

Uh that was just me paring their stuff so again a combination or a comparison from last year to this year all right I played the chrom soft Max LS all right which is now the Chrome tour and they are night and day different all right night and day different the feel on this

Chrome tour is far far better than the XLS by far right you hit it it comes off the club it feels softer and I’m still getting that same performance the other side on the other side is true where the Chrome soft from last year felt very

Very soft and of course like I told you I spun it this year it still feels very good but I’m not killing it I’m not hitting Ducks all right so there’s an upgrade that’s in these particular golf balls so it’s something to consider okay again remember go get fit talk about

Your golf ball make sure you get the one that you like maybe even buy you know you go to the stores and just buy the sleeves just so you can check them out it’s a little more costly but you’re not buying a whole dozen that’s one way of

Going about it all right so hopefully you liked all this thing it was a real quick comparison about hitting all these golf balls and how the two compared to one another and for an average swing speed keep in mind that these are comparisons from a club fitter maker

Point of view not a swing professionals point of view all right so that’s where we want to go with that one again like And subscribe join us on Mondays for what’s in my drawers golf talk and as always let’s see your scores go low


  1. Great info and video! I watched your review on the new and improved Mizuno tour golf ball, curious to see which of these 2 you prefer. I myself like a softer feeling ball but not to the point I over compress it or it spins too much and cost me distance, but those are the 2 I’m most interested in. Thanks Jim, have a great day!

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