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Chip Kelly Ditches UCLA For Ohio State Football OC Job After Bill O’Brien takes BC Football Job

Joe DeLeone and Blake Ruffino discuss on today’s show:

– UCLA Football coach Chip Kelly leaves for Ohio State football offensive coordinator job
– Bill O’Brien to take over at Boston College Football
– Ryan Grubb leaving Alabama football for Seattle Seahawks

0:00 Introduction
13:30 Chip Kelly to Ohio State
43:20 Bill O’Brien
54:30 Grubb

#collegefootball #football #cfb

And we are live welcome back ladies and gentlemen I am one your co-host Blake rafino alongside me is my counterpart Joe Deon good evening good sir Blake I’m like shocked by how much news that we had in the college football World to react to on the Sunday of the Super Bowl

What what are the odds that we’ve got three of the biggest coaching changes that could have happened throughout the not the entire cycle obviously but for most of this cycle for the past two years all of the stuff that happened this weekend we get to talk about today

Yeah you know I I called Roger Goodell and asking him if he would you know because we go live at six I asked him if he’d push the Super Bowl back in hour and half and um obviously he said no we’re having to go live a little bit

Earlier um but it’s GNA be fun Jo I got to admit I I I’ve been I’m pretty fired up okay and and excited about this um about this episode and this show mainly because I think the take that I will have here especially about Chip

Kelly is I think two things can be true at once okay um but as my my four about to be five-year-old would say nanab boo boo Told You So told you so are you saying that to me or just to just in general to all the UCLA fans some of the

National media that push back on what I was saying about Chip Kelly what do we come on man uh chip uses Bruce Feldman and others which is fine a lot of head coaches do this and coaches with his Prestige do this he they try to been out a narrative about

Chip Kelly none of it’s true he wanted to leave because he is who he is he is a runner when adversity hits in the past he has run but another thing can be true too he could go to Ohio State and be a damn good strong play caller which I

Think he’s going to be now you get to a place where for Ohio State it is a national championship appearance this year or bust that is where you are but it doesn’t stop the absolute CRA craziness of what Chip Kelly has done and I told you Joe we followed this

Sh we have followed this more than I think some people wanted us to and with Chip Kelly and I told you he you should fire him if you’re UCLA had so many people in the comments saying Blake’s an idiot well Blake’s not an idiot right

Now is he well that’s the the crazy part about this conversation is that there’s a w a lot of different indirect impacts that happen with this a lot of indirect conversations that we now can have national championship odds what it means for Ryan day if he doesn’t get there

Like you just talked about what this means for UCLA and are they a completely dead program and depending on who they can actually go and hire at this point the current coaching staff the current roster getting completely screwed by Chip Kelly and then the other part of this is just the overarching discussion

Of how the hell in 2024 are we in this position where a head coach in the same conference can get up and leave and go and take an offensive coordinator job that has never happened and I don’t think actually that could happen a lot more going forward which is why I want

To dive into it well obviously this comes because Bill O’Brien who was the OC at Ohio State is leaving and staying in the in the New England area obviously going to be the next h coach of Boston College which we’ll also talk about uh as well we will dive into chip but Joel

Is not the only coaching news that we have um you were really excited about this news but Ryan grub the Alabama offensive coordinator who a week ago today came out uh to Tuscaloosa boosters and said he would be the offensive coordinator for Alabama which the day after the portal window closed

For players at Alabama by the way uh he is heading to Seattle or staying in Seattle and gonna be the offensive coordinator for the Seahawks yeah I’m not excited dirty it was dirty was that I want to talk about because of how misleading it is to try and keep

These kids thinking that they’re going to play for Ryan grub now Ryan grub is not the creator of the offense he is the orchestrator he’s the one who was leading the direction but dor is the one who it’s his scheme all that stuff we’ll discuss later but I’m not

Like excited because I I I don’t mean to seem like I’m constantly anti- Alabama it’s just hilarious how much they’ve been constantly knocked down a peg throughout this whole process it’s been a very humbling experience as humbling as it possibly could have been for Alabama fans and I don’t want to say

That they needed this but they got what they that’s what they got throughout this whole process not the sexest head coach name and you lose your offensive coordinator and then the defensive coordinator higher again not a super sexy name it’s just it’s been a weird

Month and a half for them well let let me say this because like I I think that the title of the show could be two things can be true at once I I see Alabama fans on Twitter or ex okay constantly talking about Bill O’Brien yeah get ready because welcome to

Reality because you’re about to Face Reality um we’ll talk about Ryan grub okay as well heading to Seattle where do they go you know what do they do I do think that there’s some potential candidates on staff that could just be uh promoted from within yeah our buddy

David con from the daily wire craning company played quarterback with a guy in Michigan who is currently on the Alabama staff he’s the tight ends coach he could obviously uh uh be promoted we’ll talk about that uh but a lot of coaching news and that we need uh to discuss not the

Only thing uh as well um Joe we talked about Tennessee and their issue um we’ll continue to follow that but you know what is funny in all this with all of this news Colorado finally makes a move with their DC and nobody really even talks about it because all of this other

Stuff has been happening but we’ll mention Dion get making his higher with Livingston uh as their next defensive coordinator yeah no one no one’s talking about it because it’s it’s not like a it’s a good hire which is why no one’s talking about it it’s it’s not like a super sexy Glitz and

Glamour Warren Sap too our buddy Warren Sap I’m I’m refrain from adding any anything for that but my point is it’s Warren no it’s fun it’s just I I’m I he’s never coached before so I don’t know what his impact is going to be uh as a coach it’s a little optimistic to

Assume that he’s going to be good but with the Colorado thing this is a really well Co you know really experienced guy that you’re pulling from the NFL which I’m liking this trend by college teams doing this and bringing in NFL guys who know how to manage a lot of

Personalities especially a team with as much nil money as the top guys are getting with Colorado but it’s not getting talked about because it’s you know it’s it’s not like all of their other offseason moves this isn’t like a Dion get excited rally the troops type

Of a move it’s a really simple hire which is why it’s a good hire that’s kind of where I stand on this um sure if that makes sense like I don’t even know how to like truly make sense it’s good but it’s not like oh my God

This is GNA get them over the hump like it’s not I’m starting to be at a place where I think that if this if any other coach were allowing things like what Dion’s allowing we would be very vocal on the direction of their program I agree you allow you having your son come

Out and say I’m the best quarterback in the country okay I I love the confidence uh but I do think your watches that he wears are is blinding him to the fact like look man okay you’re a really good player you’re a really good quarterback

But at the same time it it’s time to start buckling down all this nil stuff all this Media stuff you’re doing it’s time to get to work and and I think that they will but it’s time for Colorado and Dion to get some get to work because I’m

Tired of of here hearing all of the hey look at what we’re doing look at all the Social Media stuff and they just had to self-impose some stuff that I I’ll mention as well when we get that segment all right so Joe we got lots to discuss

Let’s waste no time in doing it let’s talk about our good friends over at bet uh before we get into Today’s show everybody do us a favor you’re on Facebook hit the like and share share to all of those social media groups share to all of those social media Pages

You’re watching us listening to us on YouTube like subscribe and notification wherever you listen to podcast rate review And subscribe and follow us if you are watching us on caffeine TV Joe I had some people ask us if we would if we would start streaming on Rumble and I’m

Like I I actually did start looking into that so I think that that might happen sooner rather than later okay I don’t know what a rumble is but okay I know that you know Dana White’s you you know a power slap comes on it but that I have

No idea what Rumble is we might be getting a rumble p page we’ll see all right let’s get rolling let’s talk about our good friends at Ben Chip Kelly to Ohio State we talk about that next Ben online is the fastest and easiest way for you to wager on all of

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Joe I can’t believe we didn’t bring this up in the opening I guess we need to have a small little conversation about the Super Bowl today do you want to have it now or you want to have it at the end of the show let’s do it at the end of

The show okay um Iowa State’s own Brock party might win a Super Bowl I don’t you know what I don’t care who wins as long as Brock Pie plays bad that’s all I care about why Brock py so bad because he sucks because he’s not good and we’ve painted him into being he

The general Public’s love for this guy despite him being mediocre pisses me off this is what I I get mad over okay so you’re not really mad at him you’re mad at the media I’m mad at just casual fans that’s what I don’t like don’t be mad at Brock

Party no I’m taking it out on I’m taking it out Campbell might have a Super Bowl winning quarterback before Lincoln Riley does how about that and I hope that doesn’t come true all right Joe over the week or actually on Friday uh Bill O’Brien um is heading or staying put really I guess

You could say in the Boston area he is going to be the next head coach of Boston College we’ll talk about the move for Bill O’Brien uh and and I thought you touched on it pretty perfectly um the other day when this being a big time

Family decision as well uh so we’ll talk about Bill O’Brien who was going to be the offensive coordinator for Ohio State before he took the next head coaching job at Boston College but Joe I am going and you we could even title this segment okay as this at least

For me I think multiple things as the old saying goes multiple things can be true at once okay let me start off with Chip Kelly who is obviously the head coach at UCLA before now taking the offensive coordinator role at Ohio State we’ll talk about him being the play

Caller at Ohio State and I think he’s going to do a fantastic job him and Ryan day go way back I think that this is going to be a great connection for them we’ll talk about the the impact that it that it has and it means for Ohio

State but Joe I gotta come back to what we talked about a month ago when we started talking about Chip Kelly is he going to be fired should he be fired is he going to move on what’s going to happen I’m old enough to remember and

I’m fired up about this segment by the way but I’m old enough to remember when I said you need to fire Chip Kelly you know Joe my reasoning then is still the reasoning now and because now it’s played out the way that chip Kelly’s career has always played out in in a

Sense when the going gets tough he doesn’t bite down on his mouthpiece and continue to try to move hard or move forward okay what he does is is he moves and he leaves and he gets out of Dodge before okay shite hits the fan now he

Couldn’t do that in the NFL because look he was having not a lot of success when he was with the 49ers and they obviously moved on from him this is who Chip Kelly is and he leaves UCLA in a very dire situation a very bad situation I don’t think that Chip Kelly

I’m GNA be real with you okay I think he’s a really good coach okay I think he’s a great is and O guy he’s not built for today’s game he hates to recruit he he he doesn’t want to put in the work when it comes down to going out there

And recruiting kids if you don’t like recruiting you’re gonna get beat and I think he’s running away a little bit because UCLA is going into the Big 10 and they’re gonna get their teeth kicked in now Joe you brought up a thought during this whole Chip Kelly thing and

Asked well the boosters aren’t really getting behind in him and helping him and the question that I always ask was well they sure as hell were helping him when it came to nil things when you go and get a kid like Dante Moore no I I

Think that Chip Kelly to be honest with you is a lazy recruiter and he is the Kelly listen to me closely he is the Kelly that we should talk about being a lazy recruiter than what we like Brian I’m just gonna throw that out there knew

Was is a very lazy recruiter and and I’m going to be real with you other than being a play caller in college I don’t think today’s game is built for him should have guessed that you were gonna find a way to bring up Brian Kelly in this conversation even though he has

No relation to any thr I’m just throwing it out there because look here’s the truth Brian Kelly does get put labeled as a lazy recruiter by a lot of people all right that that’s not the Kelly that they need to talk about Joe he has a

Situation at UCLA where he can he could have been sustainable he could have bought that he could have won eight nine games every year they wouldn’t have said a word yeah but UCLA UCLA is such a non-factor as a good foot consistently good football program that funds it

Effectively that it doesn’t even matter what he’s doing really as a recruiter like I I think that this whole discussion has been mean by that UCLA stinks UCLA is not putting the money in necessary for them to be a good good athletic progr not pay more for me

Please they put in money to sign one kid signing one kid does not fix think you think that they only did that for one player the perfect example is the fact that their basketball program which has a good coach that has made it far in the tournament has been dog and their

Coach has complained about the lack of booster support in nil publicly and they’re terrible this year they are not good as an athletic program there isn’t a single sport that they are good and competitive in because their boosters despite having a ton of money do not put

Money into it so what I’m trying to say is that yeah he’s a lazy recruiter I don’t disagree with that but it almost doesn’t even matter because UCLA was never going to be a good football program Brian Kelly’s under a much I’m not trying to continue this conversation

Too far with Brian Kelly stuff he’s under a much he’s on under a much larger microscope because he’s at one of the biggest and best football programs in my I every I got to stop hitting the table because when I hit the table it dislodges my microphone Brian Kelly is

Under a bigger M microscope because he’s at one of the biggest football program I was just taking a jab at you behind that okay okay how does that what you just said though how does that stop what he just did because it doesn’t because what he just did was a little

Sleazy yeah it was petty he was very Petty he was clearly pissy about the way that things were being handled and he just screwed over the whole entire coaching staff and the roster like all those kids just got screwed over all of those coaches just got completely screwed over because it’s

Too late for them really to go find somewhere else to play and then to coach well look I don’t necessarily disagree with you in the direction and what okay UCLA is but what I would say and counteract to that is I don’t think anybody’s expecting UCLA to be that and

And let me tell you this too when chip Kell got to UCLA Florida was open the Florida job was open and they wanted him he wanted to go to the West Coast him going to UC UCLA is his issue and his issue alone you can’t be you can’t go to a place like

UCLA okay and know the the the hurdles that you have and when you hit the hurdles be mad that those hurdles exist okay when you’re there but that was pre nil that was pre all of the current landscape that we have yeah that’s fine that’s fine okay are we going to

Literally sit here and act like though that not everybody’s going to the same situations because yeah and certain teams have stepped up to the plate certain ones have not but he could have predicted that was gonna happen oh sure but everybody’s going through the same issues he couldn’t win a National Title

At Oregon he fled okay things got hard in Philadelphia he left no he got fired yeah sure he got fired but you he could have in my opinion saved some of the things that were going on in Philadelphia I disagree with that and I don’t think we need to go down that

Rabbit hole because he built a shitty roster and completely ruined that team oh he had another place where he built a shitty roster and he blamed it on other people there was a reason Joe because of let me ask you this question anywhere Chip Kelly has gone for long periods of

Time has there not been a little pettiness and Chaos around it yes there has been and a lot of his former players I think it was lesea McCoy has been one of the more outspoken very vocal about who he is as a person I think what you’re trying to get at which I

Completely agree with no matter what happens at Ohio State and say they go on to win a National Title this upcoming year they should not or sorry not they nobody should hire Chip Kelly ever again as a head coach I agree coming up on the end of his coaching timeline I would

Argue relatively soon he is a offensive coordinator in the NFL and in the college level for the rest of his time I think there is enough evidence to prove that Chip Kelly cannot be a successful head coach at either level especially the college level because of his lack of

Willingness to recruit and effectively build rosters I he’s just horrible at it and and this is the worst case scenario of how he could have handled things is proof that he is not the right man to lead a football program to lead a group of young men he is a whiteboard genius

Which lead well which leads me to my second point two things can be true at once he goes to a place at Ohio State where joke to be honest with you he would have to really really try not to recruit at all okay he would really

Really really have to try to be bad at Ohio State because Ryan day and that staff is going to put together I mean look he’s got Julian S that’s coming in Aon Nolan he’s got will Howard the the the there are two things true that I

Still think it’s a great move by Chip Kelly regardless of how sleazy it is him leaving UCLA it’s a great move for him now I think getting to what Chip Kelly will be at Ohio State I think it’s a great hire for Ryan day they have a lot

Of connections they know each other I think both of them know EX exactly how the other likes to do things and really all Chip Kelly has to do is go exit and O’s on a whiteboard okay that’s all he’s got to do it’s Taylor Made for him now

You make a hire like Chip Kelly it leads me to this Ryan day now I I would give him a little bit more of an excuse with Bill O’Brien because he he doesn’t really know Bill and you’re trying to bring in a bigname offensive coordinator now now that you go and pay

Out a head coaching buyout to bring in Chip Kelly as your OC Ryan day has no excuses now they have gone all in with him to try to get him over that hump Joe I I will tell you from an ex’s and0 standpoint offensively I I look I’m expecting them to be at

Minimum a top five offensive team if not a top three offensive team they should be there I know that you’re not as big on will Howard as I am I think will Howard because of everything around him now that he’s got two Dynamic play callers and Ryan day and Chip Kelly

Along with the backfield that he has the receivers that he has Joe I think will Howard is gonna make a very massive leap I disagree I actually disagree with that and that was kind of like a later point I wanted to get to all right well can I

Can I finish just on here all right my thought now with Chip Kelly coming in as as their offensive coordinator Ed National Championship Game appearance or bust they are there you’ve brought in way too much talent you have way too much coaching Talent especially offensively and defensively really Joe

They got to get there it would be it would be a um I don’t want to say travesty it would be they would miss okay on everything that they’ve brought in if they don’t get there so this situation we really liked Bill O’Brien as the offensive coordinator more than

Most people did we we acknowledg that he was unfairly criticized for some things that he couldn’t control and still produced some really talented football players some very talented offenses that made all of us optimistic of what Ohio state was going to be in 2024 them losing Bill O’Brien is like your Lexus

Getting stolen out of of your driveway and your insurance company replac it with a Ferrari yeah it’s it’s like having your Lexus stolen out of your driveway and getting it replaced by a Lamborghini that is how insane of a jump this is that no one I think would have expected that

Interaction like this could have happened Kell be honest with you Ohio State as a as a whole should be praised on okay oh Bill O’Brien’s leaving Joe it was a within within 12 hours yeah Bill O’Brien leaves boom Chip Kelly’s in that is what you call a hell of a front

Office move Ohio state is functioning at a higher level it might be at the highest level than anybody in the country when it comes to Personnel moves and coaching moves now my biggest takeaway from this the Run game which we already were high on trayon Henderson quinon Judkins are about to have a

Prolif iic season the rushing attacks that Chip Kelly has put together the seasons that even with the eagles with Oregon even at UCLA he took Zack shanet who is a fine running back and turned him into one of the better running backs in the country two years ago the running

Game is going to take a massive step forward it’s going to be unbelievable the production that they’re going to have running the football I just I think that the only not loser this situation but the one I’m a little I’m wary of to determine see if if it’s a fit is Will

Howard playing in an offense that historically has featured more mobile quarterbacks okay I know that Sam Bradford not probably a little bit more similar to to will Howard in terms of like physical profile but for the most part all of these guys that have played in chip Kelly’s offense have been very

Mobile quarterbacks I’m not saying he can’t succeed I’m just saying I I need to see how he’s going to fit because it feels a little weird and another piece to this I think it’s a lock that Aaron Nolan ends up being the quarterback who wins that later battle

Between Julian sa and him I I think that that a Nolan is the perfect player to play Within this this Oregon Chip Kelly scheme that we’re going to get in not this upcoming season but next year and I also just final quarterback thought I wouldn’t be surprised if Devin Brown

Doesn’t find his way into the offensive mix as a wildcat guy as a sub package guy way more than he was supposed to be getting on of the field last year that’s another thing I would pay attention to I would agree with you if Chip Kelly would

Have the full reign of the offense it was his former head coach I think he’s gonna give him a lot of control but Ryan day is gonna still be more Pro Lean more Pro style stuff I agree with you with the running game okay but from a passing attack this is where I

Think it makes them dangerous I think Ryan Day from a passing attack standpoint is is actually above Chip Kelly when it comes to throwing the football around yeah chip is a mastermind in the running game which what which is look you bring him in I I

Gotta be real with you I think that them as a Duo makes this more dangerous because I think Ryan day gets to a place where hey man when it come chip when it comes down to to it in the passing game I’m going to have a lot of say so which

This is where I disagree with you on the only thing I disagree is I think that Ryan day is gonna want to be a little bit more Pro style when it comes to getting back in the pocket drop back throwing the football round Joe we just

Saw it all right I think there’s a reason that you bring in a guy like will Howard and I think there’s a reason you bring in a guy like Chip Kelly because they’re gonna be dynamic in the running game but don’t act don’t forget what kind of quarterback was Ryan Day

Ryan day was not a runaround type of guy they yeah like we saw him play he was a UNH well I I saw him play I saw a clip just a moment ago yeah I Shar the one that you shared yeah all I’m saying is I

Think it is a great hire okay I would even go to as far as to say clearly this is as big of a home run hires that you can have now that Bill O’Brien is out of the door I just want to make it well known though when going back to the original

Point when I took a lot of criticism about telling UCLA to fire Chip Kelly they should have done it I just don’t think he wants to be a head coach in the day in today’s world and that’s fine now let me ask you this question where does

UCLA go from here uh by the way just randomly thinking to myself that like we could probably have done the whole show just on this thing because of how many different linear or not lers verticals that we could have taken with this um because that was the

Next thing that I wanted to bring up is like where does UCLA said David Shaw has been brought up his son is a wide receiver on the team that one can make sense just to bring in a guy who’s been around who understands the circumstance of trying to run a program that’s got

Academic issu or not issues but restrictions and they’re one of those schools that’s on like the quarter system that makes it a little tricky with with trying to get guys in for admission sake he makes sense PJ Fleck denied it um which Brent Brent Brennan Deni it yeah Tom Herman is somebody who

Has a connection to the athletic director from when they were both at Ohio State I believe but the one for me that I’m going to go do that has two impacts here is D Lynn who was just hired away as the USC offensive coord or defensive coordinator you go and get

Lynn roster continuity coaching staff continuity you’re not having to reshuffle much you’ve got the team figured out they’re ready to rock most of those guys are not going to leave and you also get to give a nice middle finger to USC who stole the guy who is

An upand cominging coach in the industry so I think you need to call deanon ly the guy doesn’t even need to move or look for a new house unless he wants to get a bigger one offer him as much money as he needs double his coordinator

Salary and I think he takes the gig I understand David Shaw because of his experience being a successful head coach I would is the guy I would not go David Shaw I think I think that be can I be real with you I like David Shaw I never understood the

Hype ever because Stanford was good but they were never Elite he was good because of Harbaugh the way that har ball left that place yeah he wasn’t good because of himself he ran that place into the ground a little like let’s not well okay but Troy Taylor’s another guy

That whose name has constantly come up in this I think that that would be a good um another really probably uh guy that not a lot of people talk about that I think that could could get that job but Lynn being the guy I look he’s recruited there he knows the ramifications

I think that you got to go make him your head coach because I do think Joe that there was a reason that UCLA was a top defensive team this year okay in a conference that had a lot of really good offenses I think that it would be the

Can of be because of where you’re at at the current moment I don’t want to say it’s your only move it’s your smartest move because you you would keep a lot of the guys that are on that roster to M to stay there maintain there and we’ve seen

Him recruit defensively at a really good level there and I got to be real with you Joe if he had success at UCLA from a recruiting standpoint and brought in the Personnel at UCLA what is he gonna do as a head coach and and I gotta tell you something I

Wouldn’t be surprised to be real with you what if Joe what if he goes into UCLA or if somebody goes into UCLA and recruits at a higher level and starts getting them back a little bit on track how bad is that look on Chip Kelly

Because I I do think that you get to a place where you have to ask yourself the question was this a Chip Kelly laziness and recruiting thing on why they didn’t have success and I think I do think that Lynn could be the guy that goes in there and

Really brings in some really good talent I I fully believe that I think that at the very least deanan Lynn is somebody who has proven creativity in roster construction and utilization with the guys that he turned into highly productive football players I mean the Murphy twins this past year I

Don’t think they were crazy highly recruited but they were two of the best defensive linemen in the country and that was why this defense was so good this year Leu is phenomenal player only reason that they won football games was was because of Lynn it was because of

Dean Lynn their offense was a cluster F yeah absolutely I think that wait Chip Kelly offense was a cluster F huh okay all right I’m not I’m just not a fan of being that shady I don’t think it’s shadiness I think it’s just like him it’s like

Skittishness you know it’s it’s him not having the nuts to step up to the table and say you know what I didn’t get this thing right I’m stepping out and he should have stepped out at the end of the season I will say though this

Actually in a way they don’t have to pay his buyout and then they get money from Ohio State I mean that’s a big little bit of a big yeah but they’re gonna have to go use that money for their own buyout like if they gotta if they go get

Troy Taylor it’s it’s all going to be a wash the money’s not I’m mostly joking I know I’m mostly joking I will I will say this to your point and I I think that this is something that we need to un like this is the biggest storyline for

Me in all of this Ryan day you have been on the clock at Ohio State because Ohio state is who they are they will always be who they are because Ohio State’s one of the one of the best programs in college football top five however you want to order it I

I’m not here to argue with you Ohio state is the top five program in college in college football Joe this puts him more on the clock than he’s ever been because they went and got a head coach and spent the money to make Chip Kelly their next offensive coordinator

That is the number one storyline it you can make it the storyline of yeah Chip Lee it’s it’s unprecedented we’ve never really seen this before no the the real story here is Ryan Day there is no excuse zero excuses because Joe how they made an unprecedented move that you just

Don’t see so if Ryan if Ryan dayve felt the pressure before he’s sure as hell is gonna feel the pressure now he’s got to win the Big 10 he’s got to get to a national title it’s it’s it it’s a uh a let down if he doesn’t I absolutely

Agree with you on this I mean I’m gonna just say it I’m not even GNA dance around it if they don’t win a National Title or at least get to the game Ryan Day needs to be fired you have supplied him every single goddamn resource to succeed and I don’t

Mean to take the negative angle here we for anyone who’s watching just this segment go watch the other segment where we talked about how great the offense is g to be right but the negative side of this is that if you do not win and at least get to the national championship

This upcoming season without having to face harball with all of the roster pieces that were just brought in this is a top two transfer portal class that you just brought in it might yeah you know it’s the best transfer portal class out of anybody and they return some of the

Best defensive starters in the country and theys and you add one of the most brilliant I completely forgot about Caleb DS one of the most brilliant offensive Minds in the 2000s and 2010s in Chip Kelly if you can’t get there with all of this you’re not gonna

Get there at any point and you know what Ross bjor the athletic director deserves a lot of credit no but he’s brought in a lot to fire people he is the guy that is brought in to fire well he was brought he he was fired he

Fired um he fired Jimbo and then am I am I incorrect in saying that when he was at Old Miss from from 2012 to 2019 that he did he not fire was that Hugh that he fired yeah but that that’s a completely different situation okay completely different situation but he’s fired

People is my whole point and he’s he’s had a propensity I don’t I I I can’t I’m not going to go there with Ross because Ro can I be real with you okay Ross doesn’t make this move this early in his ad in his ad decision making you don’t think you don’t think

That if he can’t get there that they don’t can him no no I no I’m talking own guy hold on I’m talking about going and getting Chip Kelly right like this oh oh this is okay Ross borc is going to Ryan day is not his guy you’re right on that it is not

His guy but what I will say is this is Ohio State as a foundation and a and a place that’s going on go going all in with Ryan Day Joe last thing here you have Kirby Smart arguably the biggest face of college football head coaches right now

Okay twitting out a link to their Collective when Ohio State goes and gets Caleb Downs so this all happened before Ross bork now I will concede one thing that you just said start losing Ross buor will fire your ass that’s what I’m trying I I I

Misworded that my whole point is that I actually just pulled up his Wikipedia he’s fired a lot of people like not just head coaches like he’s fired basketball coaches he is not he’s not gonna be afraid of doing it if he feels NE necessary the clock is on now this is

This is the whole point for anyone who wants to get upset over bringing up this conversation is that with the results of producing the best off season for a guy like Ryan Day who we were starting to doubt because of his inability to get as

Far as they needed to to win a National Championship the pressure increases and the question that we will now see can Ryan Day succeed under that pressure it’s a good question now you know a lot of people will talk about their basketball coach too and Chris uh

Haltman we we’ll we’ll see about that but Ross buor has not look Ross has not necessarily made great hires after the firing though I mean look he had Mark stops on the two on the one yard line and then you know I still think Elco is

A better hire than Mark stops but that’s I don’t dis I don’t disagree with that I don’t disagree but what’s going to happen if he doesn’t have success did by the way did you see I had a video this week on ays get 100,000 views on Twitter

Which one was it I went after Tex A&M fans and again okay because their midnight yell um let me just say this because a lot of A&M fans came at me Ross buor had more money than anybody to play with at Texas A&M Joe did you

Know that none of his head coaches none of them other than one got to a a postseason more than their baseball team like really Ross yeah Ross buor has kind of failed as an ad with the money that he’s had Joe did you know that A&M’s only had two 10- win Seasons since

1998 he was the one that extended Jimbo Fisher now right right all right so which was a bad decision bad decision uh before we get to a break here you want to talk let’s touch on Bill O’Brien really quickly yeah I think that we’ve really let’s set this up let’s set this

Up go ahead sorry sorry all right so Joe now that we talked about Chip Kelly and Ryan day okay and obviously Chip Kelly being the new offensive coordinator Ohio State obviously now we need to talk about Bill O’Brien who will now be the next head coach of Boston

College your thoughts on Bill O’Brien going to be the next head coach in in at BC yeah we were extremely predictive in talking about this because it really sounded likely that he was going to take the job and I don’t want to rehash the discussion that we had with talking

About the off the- field family dynamics that probably led to this decision but my biggest thing I don’t fault him for taking this job as one clearly could argue after Chip Kelly just left a head coaching gig at a better program than Boston College to take the offensive

Coordinator job yes Ohio state is a better job to have as an OC than it is as a head coach but I don’t fault him for taking this opportunity to be a head coach again at a program where the expectations aren’t ridiculously high and that he’s good enough of a

Quarterback developer an offensive mind a head coach that he could get them to a consistent bowl-winning spot I think that the goal for him is do what patard do he’s doing at pit can you get them to that level where them winning the ACC when they did was purely timing and

Circumstance can you just get them in a consistent seven eight win cycle that to me is a success at Boston College because you’re realistically not going to be able to do more than that I do think though Joe we do have let me just mention you brought up an

Interesting point the last time we talked about Bill O’Brien obviously a lot of family situations with him do lead to this he’s been in the New England area for a long time okay I do think for him okay he gets to be a head coach again and it

Obviously helps him with his family situation and dynamic it’s the only reason you make the move literally the only reason okay Joe it is so hard to win there so hard to win at Boston College so I don’t think that there is any take

I I think it’s hard to I think Joe if he gets them on a consistent basis of eight wins per season he’s gonna start getting pH and filling phone calls from other places because when you start winning like that at Boston College it’s a completely different scenario and

Situation it’s like let me give an example it’s like LeBron winning at Cleveland okay I know it’s a different sport I know all that stuff but when you win at certain places it’s different versus like hey if you win with the Pittsburgh Steelers or the LA Lakers or you win at

These franchises that historically are run very well you they have a winning culture Boston College doesn’t have that he doesn’t have the talent around that area to recruit at a high level okay now how much commitment does he have how much buyin does he have in from the

Administration can he get them to a seven eight win a year T place maybe I think I think he can he can I I still think Bill O’Brien’s a really good coach it’s not a great football decision it’s a great personal decision it’s a horrible football decision because he

Has never and I mean ever gonna have the talent okay at Boston College clearly that he’ll have it at Ohio State Joe he could take the second string in Ohio State I guarantee you all of them would play at Boston College and start at Boston College yeah yeah yeah so I I

Mean it’s it’s just a personal thing and good on him I’m H you know you do things for your family a lot okay as someone who has two small children at home I would do what is beneficial for them but it’s just not a good football

Move I don’t I don’t disagree but and I I brought this up on the last show and I I see that there’s people in the comments that have even actually brought this up I also think that it is important to remember that he has been burned three

Times in a row at his last three jobs Alabama he was rushed not rushed out the door but his his head was called for by the fan base he has been completely clowned on for the way that he handled things with the Texans so much so that it has negatively

Impacted our perception on him as a college coach and then he gets fired and let go as the OC and not retained with the new coaching staff that was the same coaching staff that Mayo is taking over with with the New England Patriots so I do think that that

Has to also come into play here if we remove the family stuff that he might be looking for a okay here is a low pressure head coaching opportunity from where I’m from and even if I get I really don’t think he leaves if he get gets phone

Calls to go elsewhere I I really think that he just sticks because of how badly he’s been burned I would agree with that if he didn’t take the Ohio State head coaching job I think that was all he had to offer you mean the OC I think it was on his

Plate if if he was just saying hey I the pressure is off he wouldn’t have taken the Ohio state job he’s got enough money to do whatever he wants okay but I don’t think he would have I don’t think he had any very many like true good options

What I’m saying is coaches don’t think like normal human beings guys like Bill O’Brien think that they can go into Ohio State or wherever and be really good I think Bill o’ is cut from that cloth okay you do bring up one scenario that any Boston College fan needs to

Understand Joe I I I I think that Bill O’Brien okay is unfairly criticized mainly due to what happened at Alabama I don’t think anybody looks at him at what happened in New England and says themselves yeah that’s on Bill O’Brien yeah okay nobody timing okay Houston Joe so what you he didn’t really

Fail at Houston he got to a lot of playoff games he he won that division a lot now it ended bad but normally when coaches get fired that’s what happens he’s not a bad coach I will tell you this don’t let Alabama fans fool you okay in reference to who Bill O’Brien is

Joe he averaged 40 points a game did you see Bryce young this year I’m not gonna I’m not gonna hold on now hold on I want because my team’s in Bryce young made a lot of bad decisions the Carolina Panthers are bad yeah fine Joe I saw him four times against

The Saints try to complete a pass in triple coverage I’m not making that up okay like I I visibly saw it with my eyes don’t act as if Bryce young was hman Trophy winning quarterback he was okay he had to work with in Carolina that’s why I don’t want to like

Compare the two BR has always been a bad decision maker it’s why they lost the SEC West in 2022 it’s 1,00% the reason it was because their defense Joe did you no it wasn’t yes it was their defense was wait they didn’t win the West because of the Tennessee

And okay but defensively the way that they played in both of those we’re I don’t want to rehash this I don’t disagree with you that defensively we we all everybody acts like Bryce Bill O’Brien was my point is everybody acts like Bill O’Brien was the problem he

Wasn’t always a problem yes yes all I’m saying is is that Bryce young made a lot a lot of shitty decisions y’all thought a 59 quarterback was gonna be able to make great decisions sitting in the pocket height does height has nothing to do with intelligence the reason he’s making bad

Decisions because he can’t see nothing Joe he’s 57 okay now you’re just making him shorter as you as you’re talking he’s 51 all right what H is he now I mean okay can I can I be real with you can I be real with you I’m I’m a worried okay you

Know that I’m 6’2 okay I’ve been and stood next to Bryce Young on a Sidelines at an SEC football game if he is 5’11 I have a six-pack of abs okay I bench over 500 pounds and I’m a multi-millionaire you’re acting like it’s some like unaccomplished feat for

Him to happen to be so I guarantee he’s 5’9 all right I need to stand next to him so then we can find because if I’m taller than him then you’re right because I’m 5’11 who’s taller Kyler Murray Kyler Murray or Bryce young Bryce young is taller okay all right before we

Wrap this up you want to talk about our good friends over at HomeField apparel y let’s do it rafino and Joe show is brought to you by HomeField apparel which is the best without a doubt premium Collegiate apparel brand that is out there they have over 150 different

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When you check out make sure you use promo code rafino Joe to get 15% off your order that is R ufff IO rafino Joe head on over to HomeField and get your college gear today speaking of speaking of the University of Alabama uh Joe this is was one of the funnier

Things because Ryan grub their offensive coordinator their new offensive coordinator is heading or staying technically I guess uh in Seattle is he’s going to be the next offensive coordinator of the Seattle Seahawks it’s funny because a lot of fans that are not Alabama fans are trying to they they’re excited because they

Feel like they’re seeing a downfall at Alabama and I do think it’s funny that Ryan I mean Ryan grub last week told the Tuscaloosa boosters that he wasn’t leaving he was gonna be the xoc and then he goes to Seattle but did you see this article that came

Out before we start talking about Ryan grub and where Alabama could go with their next offensive coordinator did you see this article about Ryan grub potentially already telling the Seahawks that he was going to be their next OC but wanted out kayin dor because of the portal window at Alabama and didn’t want

Players to hit the portal and like kind of really sleazy type of stuff it seems like maybe what going on with Ryan grub number one do you buy into that I guess obviously the overarching question what do you think about Ryan grub up heading back to Seattle yeah I think what you’re

Talking about here from like a coaching standpoint he has to do this where he has this decision to take on the offensive coordinator job and he plans to leave for Seattle to help out a guy that he’s got a really good relationship with to not jump ship immediately because all of these guys

Were already leaving when they brought in the new coaching staff and I’m sure some were excited about the opportunity to play for Ryan grub but that does not mean that this is not a sleazy decision and a sleazy move by grub to mislead these kids I I would

Hope I would hope that there was some direct communication and some honesty but I would probably doubt that that didn’t happen I don’t think that this negatively really hurts Alabama that much because the brains behind the whole operation is kayin debor you don’t hire kayin dor because you want Ryan grub you

Hire kayin debor because you want him you want the roster building uh offensive prowess that he brings to the table Ryan grub was just a nice piece to all this and as you said in the open there are options on the current coaching staff that could take over for

This for this gig that nothing nothing you know really is going to lose any team I I it’s just like a really really weird circumstance with everything what do you think about the move though for for Seattle with him going there I think it’s great I think

That to grab an upand Comer like grub the way that he’s been as he has really rapidly Rose in terms of the respect that he has uh gained throughout the industry is amazing my biggest thought on though is I think that Seattle I’m watching what they’re doing with that

Second pick that they have and if they trade back into the end of the first round and if they don’t try and go and get Michael penck I I think that there is a really strong likelihood now as a team that has been rumored to take a quarterback early that the Seattle

Seahawks do not get aggressive in try and go get Michael penck at number two no no no no no not second overall I’m saying their second round pick they take him in the second round or they trade back into the end of the first round and they take him I wouldn’t

I wouldn’t hate that and he could sit behind Gino Smith and learn uh it would be um I I wouldn’t hate that I think that Nick Sheridan is somebody that is a name to watch out for he was the he’s been the tight end coach at Washington

He played quarterback at Michigan I know that a lot of people who know Nick Sheridan our good buddy David con who knows him really well is a guy that um I would not I would keep my eye on but I don’t think it’s as a big of a of a of a

Move or or or or a departure because I do think kayin deor to your point Joe could settle in and he could he’s could be the playall caller I don’t look Ryan grub having good coaches on your staff is always a bad thing when they go somewhere else yeah

But I know a lot lot of people are over I I say overreacting but reacting this because it’s Alabama and you know this kind of stuff probably wouldn’t happen under Nick you know right like things like this would normally just be pretty even kill but I I got to admit it’s not

As big of a of a departure from an offensive standpoint I don’t know though if you don’t look around and bring in an OC who fits your type of personality and fits your type of system that doesn’t have Southern ties because I do think you got to start

Bringing in some Southern coaches in here for recruiting Pur well he did that with the DC which is true true I’m talking about offensively though you’re gonna have to start bringing you’re gonna have to bring in some guys here that have Southern ties now you can’t just keep bringing in West Coast guys

Northern guys to Alabama it’s not going to bode well for you I’m tell Joe I’m telling you I’ve lived in the South my whole life it ain’t going to work I think another name to pay attention to here that’s on the current staff I I really actually don’t think

That they go outside the current staff I’d actually be really shocked if I would be shocked too Jamarcus Shepard who was the receivers coach that was brought over that was the receivers coach with Washington and that was the best unit on the field that I I don’t think enough people recognized and gave

Credit for what we saw with romad dun Jaylen pulk and Jaylen McMillan that all three of those guys are going to be top 100 picks in the upcoming draft it is going to be amazing to see those guys play in the NFL because of the coaching that they received and the rapid

Development that they had under Shepard he also was a cooc for Purdue from 2018 to 2021 I believe that was under Braum when Braum was there at Purdue so you’re getting a guy who has been an offensive coordinator before philosophy type fit to who right I really think that

Shephard makes a lot of sense and then um you know the blanking on who the guy you just said though that would make a lot of sense as well uh you’re talking about um Nick Sheridan yes Sheridan um Scott Huff their offensive line coach could also be leaving Alabama to go to

Seattle too Joe you you know what the crazy thing in all of these coaching hires for me is and and and even talking about this one about with Alabama I I do think that there is one thing that goes UNT or does not get talked about enough

Joe we’re about a month away from a lot of these teams entering spring practices and they do not have one Central voice that they have listened that they have heard since J you know since Nick left I do think that there is and can be some

Worry of hey man we’ve had a lot of turnover not only on the staff but in in in that locker room I I do think Alabama right now Joe has more question marks around them than they’ve had in the last two decades and clearly they do but I I

Do start questioning how Kaylin dbor is going to respond to all this I don’t think it’s a big of a issue from a play calling standpoint I do however do believe it can be a big issue if you continue to have a rotating door a rotating

A coaching staff coming in and out of there when you don’t have one Central voice because if Scott Huff leaves he’s had a month to get to know these guys okay restructure a lot of what’s going on along that offensive line with guys like Proctor

Leaving I I do think it’s a i i where I where I don’t where I wouldn’t worry for Alabama is play calling where I do worry is continuity and I don’t I do think that that’s a one thing that we never discuss because Joe they’re going to hit

Spring in about what a month 30 days from now Joe they don’t have a central voice and that that can be a massive problem I mean that’s the checks and balances of having a really good coaching staff and being a good coach and having all these guys that want to

Come be a part of it not this lat to the year though or something they can’t really control though the timing of of Sabin leaving and him getting hired happens to correspond with right when everybody in the NFL was looking for their coordinators and all this stuff with all

These guys moving around I I don’t think he could really control it but I understand what you’re saying that Nick Savin had a much more talented coaching staff and those guys rarely left unless they got a home run job offer and he was not able to keep

His guys the Bor was not able to keep any of the you know a lot of these guys I I hope this is not telling of the future that there’s going to be a lot of coaching and roster turnover every single year because that is where Alabama ultimately is going to get

Killed I know a lot of I know one thing that is 100% true though everybody outside of Tuscaloosa is loving every single second of this downfall and I do think that Alabama fans really Joe I’m gonna continue to say it they better temper expectations they better because Joe I’m

Gonna I think kayin dor is a good coach don’t again don’t get twisted what I’m trying to say he has never been in a conference week in week out where he’s going to have to face this it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a massive learning curve for Alabama fan

Joe they’ve never ever in the last 20 years only one year where they didn’t have a regular season of double digit wins in the regular season there’s a long the very strong likelihood that does not happen this year they’re gonna they’re going to win only nine games I I’m I’m willing to

Commit to that maximum the ceiling’s nine it’s gonna be hard to get over that it’s gonna be very hard to get over that very hard because they got they got Georgia brother they gotta go to Baton Rouge they got Texas and Texas I do they or do they go to

Oklahoma because they had Texas in back toback years that’s the only reason why I’m asking uh I think they got Oklahoma yeah they don’t have Texas they got Oklahoma no they don’t have oh they they do at Oklahoma which still they got they gotta play Mercer they gotta play Mercer

That’s a tough oh God so they got Georgia at Baton Rouge at Norman yeah yep and at at Tennessee ah Tennessee could be good this year wait we saw the look if you’re having a I think I think more than Nico I think they might have like six kids suspended I’m hearing some

Things I don’t want to unpack that just yet but okay if this is a down year which the early start of the season for them is easy except for potentially getting their where that Auburn game Auburn is at home but I’m saying middle of the Year October 19th having to go to Tennessee

While you’re trying to get your feet underneath you that’s a trap that’s a that’s a trap game okay we’ll see before we get out of here you want to talk about um very quickly Robert Livingston being the new DC at Colorado uh we can or do we want to save that for tomorrow

Because we won’t have as much to talk we we can save that for tomorrow you want to make a Super Bowl pick here Chiefs 31 49ers 17 oh God stop okay wait wait wait two different two different outcomes in the AFC Championship Games the 49ers had to rely on shitty coaching decision-making

By Dan Campbell in order to get back in that football game and the Chiefs played a defense the only defense to ever I think it’s Baltimore didn’t make any coaching and shitty decisions wait they that defense is one of the only defenses or I think the only defense to lead in

The NFL in sacks points allow and turnovers that’s one of the best defenses in the history of the NFL and they kicked the out of them that was a lopsided game they kicked the out of them you pick the team that showed that they belonged to be in the game not

The one that had to make the late comeback I also final thought a lot of the pressures against Baltimore came up the middle from Chris Jones in the interior defensive line the 49ers have a terrible interior offensive line and I think that Brock p a guy who can move

Will not be able to escape pressure up the middle the off the edges is where he’s going to be able to escape you’re picking the 49ers it sounds like let’s go let’s go Shanahan let’s get this done 272 24 49ers Brock P’s Gonna Get Smoked six sacks he’s gonna get sacked

Six times no he’s not he’s a mobile oh that’s also not true all I care about him throwing two picks and Christian mcaffrey wins do you want an entire listening about Taylor Swift I don’t I don’t think that we’re gonna talk about it all I think Travis

Kelce if they win retires and then we’re not going to talk about it at all I doubt it I I bet if they win he retires because he could I mean he’s he played well this year but like you could kind of see he’s not moving that well as he

Used to like it’s starting to catch up to him yeah he he he could be singing that Toby Keith song rest in peace I ain’t as good as I once was but I was good once as I ever was you a how old were you in 2001 three okay so you don’t remember

When Toby K I know song we’ll put a boot in your ass it’s the American way you don’t remember any of that uhuh God you’re so young uh I do think I do think that the 49ers pass rush could get to M homeboy more than people are expecting I do think defensively San

Francisco’s front seven is a lot better than people are realizing and I don’t think that the Chiefs o line is as good as people make him out to be well the reason why people are kind of poo pooing the 49ers defensive line is because it’s really

Talented and and it has not been as productive as it should be we put a boot in your ass it’s the American way hey Uncle Sam put his name on the top of his list Statue of Liberty started shaking her fist you don’t like Toby

Keith I mean I don’t mind him it’s not not a big country guys rest in peace Toby Keith all right we’ll see you guys again Monday let’s go 49ers we’ll see y’all soon peace oh


  1. I agree with your guy's assignment on the coaching hires but Will Howard will take a big leap due to the coaching and offensive schemes and he's never had the coaching like he's gonna have plus the talent

  2. Ryan Grubb will turn this Seahawks offense in the right direction hopefully Scott Huff joins Grubbs quest to win Seattle their second Lombardy Trophy 🏆

  3. Az journalist Jason scheer is claiming Jedd fish interviewed for the ucla job, which sounds ridiculous and makes no sense to me but do you guys have any intel on that?

  4. Why is that decision on Grubb? I think that’s on deboer. I also believe KDB was the one that asked Grubb to go out to the boosters and say he was bamas next OC.

  5. Read the 247 article on the finances at the UCLA football program. Your take on Chip Kelly does not accurately reflect what Chip had to deal with. When USC takes staff & players because of finances. Chip didn’t have a shot to succeed.

  6. I feel like deion sanders is more worried about making his kids rich than actual coaching. If you watch hes barley on the field during workouts and if he is hes on a golf cart.

  7. Hate to disagree with you about something because i do like you guys, but the bama fans are absolutely right to critisize O'Brien. He badly underutilized one of the best QB's not only for Alabama, but anywhere, in Bryce Young. How Bryce didn't win a national title when Tua & Mac did is sad, because he was better. Uncreative play calling from O'Brien (along with a poor O-line compared to previous years) and a mediocre defense all contributed. I bet you if Lane Kiffin was OC when Bryce was there, Bryce would've won a national title.

  8. Im going to make a bold and crazy prediction about something. I know bama fans are a bit sore at Ryan Grubb, and justifiably so, he snubbed them 2 years in a row and flat lied to the bama donors. But I (perhaps foolishly) predict he will fall flat on his face at Seattle (which will be more Mike MacDonald's fault than Grubbs) and Grubb will go back to what he knows best, Kalen Deboer, and Grubb will be bama's OC maybe as soon as 2026, but more realisticly 2027. THEN beyond that…I think he will ultimately be the guy to replace Deboer at bama as HC maybe around 2028 or 29'…and he will end up being the 3rd greatest HC in bama history. I know, call me an idiot, but just wait.

  9. Chip Kelly is a football mind but isn’t innovate enough for the NFL and to lazy at the other things to be a college coach, so he’s running to go work for one of his protege at Ohio State and run away from the hard work.

  10. To say that if Ryan Day should be fired if he doesn't win the natty is i-d-i-o-t-i-c punditry at its finest. Ohio State is not getting rid of the coach with the highest current win percentage and risk losing all their players and recruits loyal to Day unless there is a total meltdown, which if that happens then of course Day should go. In this current coaching climate, losing a coach can set a program back years, even with a succession plan in place. Ohio State once thought the grass would be greener in bball without Thad Matta, and we saw how well that turned out. Now some are even contemplating bring Matta back. Day's situation also isn't close to the disaster that was Jimbo Fisher's, so boosters arent going to take pissing away a $40M buyout lightly. Finally, Ryan Day doesn't have to be Bjork's guy. There are still a few powerful influential people in Day's corner.

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